HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-01-28, Page 1WIN(iHAM VOL XXXIIL—NO. 1668. WINGIIAN, ONTARIO. TUUi SDAY, JANUARY 28 1904. "TIMES. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE SIGN OF THE BIG BEAR We aim to satisfy every customer. Try us for or your next Suit Overcoat. sow omenr Romllth Bros. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by FRANK PATEusoN, No. 28 Victoria street, Wingham, Ont. No wituesses required. DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,00 0 ,00 0 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,474,000 Farmers' Notes dis&.xnted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT --Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager, H. Vanstone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINQNAM. Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00. Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00. Total Assets, $22,000,000. President HoN. Wn. Gr'as0x, Vice -President and General Manager—J.'PuaNnirLm.. RIREOTOItS George Beach, John Proctor, A. 13. Lee, John S. Hendrie, Geo. Rutherford. Assistant General Manager—H. S. SrzyaN. Inspector—IL M. WATsosr. Savings Bank—Hours 10 to 8; Saturday, 10 to 1. De osits of $1 and upwards received. In- terest allowed, and computed on the 30th No- vember and 81st May each year and added. to , rincipal, °not nearest sits also received at current Its on t*re..i Britain and the united ',Bought and sold. u are notified that the Bank of H 'Mere i'tS Branches isue Cirenlar Rates of el Provincial Bank of England, Limited, OM be cashed without charge or trots. any' part afthe world. iG. OGRAOtltiD, Agent Styli' & HUX MMES, Solicitors. We can meet your requirements in ... Teas Call and get samples. 25C, 30C, 40C, soc, Goc R1 A. Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROC1rERY Goods delivered promptly. Phone 59 Who Wants a Farm 7 I have over 9,000 acres of choice farm lands for sale, in 50, 75, 100 150 and 200 acres, lots in Kinloss, Greenock, `Bruce, Kincardine, Huron and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with good buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms. Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song. Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap. A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. Also a wagonshop. A general store with large trade, live village. Also a large amount of money to loan at 6 per cent. For further par- ticulars apply to 3. A. MacKENZIE, Insurance Agent, Holyrood. Real Estate Notice to the Manes Who is Hard to Satisfy. MEMIMMICIM Do you find it hard to get anything to suit you in house property in tewn? I invite you to call and have a look at my list of houses, ranging in price from $400 up to $3,000. I have some which arc exceptionally go .d bargains, and it would be to your advantage to see them before buying elsewhere. I guaran- tee to satisfy you, both in quality and price. My list of farm property is steadily increas- ing and I shall be pleased to show anything you may wish in that line. Call and be convinced. Yours for Business. O. J. 21AGUIRE, Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent OFFICE—Vanstone block, Wingham. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- I teed to cure headache. A Bu Last Saturday days that Wing time. The fine was the means people -to town a good day's bu Bros., of Bran day and purcha We understand $475,00 for a p y Saturday. as one of the busiest am has had for some Bather, for the one day, attracting a number of id the merchants report ness. Messrs McMichael In were in town on that ed a number of horses. hat one farmer realized r of horses. Slaughter Sale of Overcoats and French Flannels (25c) at GEO. E. KING'S. Junior Wo The annual in branch of the W the election of o School Room of Wednesday, Jo elected for the en lows : —President, Vice President, Vice President, Sec., Miss Laur Miss F. VanSt Smith; Board o Beattie and Mrs. an's Auxiliary. eting of the Junior an's Auxiliary, for cars, was held in the t. Paul's Church on 13th. The officers 1 ing year were as fol - Miss Corbould; 1st iss' VanStone; 2nd ss Fitzpatrick; Rec.- , Martin; Cor. -Sec., e; Treas., Miss M. Management, Mrs. . F. Vaprtone, NOTICE.—The question is: How can Robt. Mclndoo loan his money so cheap on notes and mortgages? Call and See, RonT. McINnoo. Wingham—E Wingham is ore tion of 2392; Seaf Of the inland tow goodly number ye Clinton may hay than Wingham, b remember that Cli, place for:people In Wingham Was nan years and we will sl If Lower 'Wingliam tion we:would haul than Clinton.li Man dents of Winghanr, residents of Clinton best town in Huron tare to sayithat the dyne in one .year there is in Bre. town of Clinton, if time. st In County. ited with a popula- rth 2245, Clinton 2542. s our own leads by a --Clinton Now Era, a few more people t Bro. Holmes must ton Was the trading - this vicinity before d. Give us a few ow yon a difference. Were in the corpora - a larger population people, not resi- lid some of them say we have the ounty, and we ven- ts more business in Wingliani than iolaies' prosperous the salvo length of Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers, Oyster The members Canadian Foreste supper at the clo e the regula Friday evening members of the be present, Mr. Court Organizer attend the meeti upper. I Court Maitland, will hold an oyster of the business of meeting on this week All are requested to G. Strong, High been invited to of art W. has Oysters served at W. J. Scott's t 100, 150, 20c and 25c, estaurant. Busi Mr. Alex. R' advertising co chased Mr. W. the general s Ritchie & Cam tinue the busin Ritchie has had nese experience him much succe W. A. Campbell West in the non best wishes for West. ess Change. chie announces in our mus that he has put.- . Campbell's interest in ro business of Messrs. ell, and that he will con- s in the old stand. Mr. number of years busi- and the Tiatcs wishes s and prosperity. Mr. 'ntends leaving for the future and, he has our s ccess in the growing Boy wanted at once as night telephone operator; could go to school in day time. C. A. Campbell, druggist. Temperance a Rev. S. D. Choi lectured in the Wednesday of la audience, cnnsid weather. His Conditions in Ca Their Cure; Au ation." The sp esting talk an t is the general ment of Temp in connection Moral Reform. n, D. D., of Toronto ethodist church on week to a fairly good ring the very rough bject was "Political ada; Their Cause and nettle View of the Situ- aker gave a very inter - is subject. Mr. Chown eretary of the depart - ranee and Moral Reform th the Methodist Church, Two good strong girls wanted at once. Apply at King Edward hotel. ORR BROS. It is The doctors s of grip or somet ughout the provi now since it was may come again. tacked should not The better way is a physician. It' he Grip. there is a good deal ug very like it thro- ce. It is some years pidemic here, but it Persons who are at - attempt to fight it off. to lay up and call in pleasanter, safer and speeder peede in the ear , and, all things con- sidered, cheaper. hamrtes have be grip during the p A number of Wing - n suffering with the st two weeks. Lost on Sunda where between P Minnie street, vi Presbyterian by pebble cover. book. Finder wi & Campbell's sto , January 17th, some- esbyterian church and Chishoinr's corner, a n book, rice leaf and wner's name not on I please leave at Ritchie e, A Bus ness Change. Messrs. A. oung & Son have this week sold their ardware, stove and tin- ware business o Mr. Thos. Armstong and the new pr prietor will take posses- sion as soon as . ock-taking is completed. Mr. A. Young i tends moving to Toron- to, we understar d, where he will engage in the cement • ock making business. He has been in business in Wingham for a number of years and has always enjoyed a good trade in his several lines. We wish : im success in his new business. Mr. mstrong has been a resident of Wing ram for some years and he has our • -st wishes for success in his new undert king. Notice t• Farmers. The Canada Furniture Manufacturers are now prepared to pay the highest price—much higher than ever before— for all kinds of Hardwood and Basswood Sawlogs, to be delivered at the Button & FessantOhairPactory,Wingham, Those intending to get out logs this season will I profit by calling on THOS. BELL, Man -1 ager. Wingham Lost Wingham Hockey at Palmerston on W last week by a score score at full time wa extra ten minutes pla the winning goal. hada longer stay i they were counting trains being blocked, to return home until league game at Mon evening Mount Pores ton by a score of 14 to of this town was the re The ganle advertised Monday evening with postponed, owing to blocked. It Palmerston. boys were defeated dnesclay evening of of 12 to 11. The a tie, but in the Palmerston scored' he Wingham boys Palmerston than n. Owing to the they were not able i'riday night. In a Forest on Friday won from Harris - i. Ir. D: Wilson eree at thib game. o take place on Palmerston was he trains being • OUR TOWN UBSCRIBERS Commenei g with the first issue in February, al subscribers who have been receivi the TIMI3S by carrier boy will, on ud after that date, re- ceive their p pers at the Post Office. In this way t ey will be nerved earlier and more re • larly than it is possible to serve then •y carrier boy. Those in the habit • receiving their papers at the Time office on Wednesday evening or rt . nrsday morning may continue to o so. In making this change the T DIES is only following the example of all the papers in the neighboring towns. The new sys- tem works ell in other towns and there is no •aeon why it should not work iu Wi gham, All copies of the TIDIES are • aced in the post office on Wednesday evening and subscriber's can get the papers early Thursday morning. • N' The West .' terian Church in the Lectur Thursday es tional proem r tations. eta. W. manta will be fee of 15 cant tional Social. nater Guild of the Presby - will hold a National Social Room of the church on ning, Feb. 4th. A Na - of speeches, songs, reci- 1 be rendered, and refresh - served. r An admission will be charged. Good house to rent ; all modern conveniences. Apply to J. A. McLean. County The Annual. Co Huron L. O. L. w next, Feb. 2nd, Wingham, comm full attendance o requested, as basin come up in regard July celebration at. eting L. O. L. my Meeting of North 1 be held on Tuerdax, n the Orange Hall, cing at 11 a. m. A. all the members is ss of importance will the corning 12th of 1 either matters. • WANTED—All kinds of trade. Dried apples 5c, turkeys 15c, fresh eggs 20c, etc. No. 1 prime fox, $5.00, cash. Geo. E. KING. The Debt !eared Off. Last Sunday bei g a very rough day the attendance at t e churches were very small, and as a res - It the $336 asked for by the Organ Com • ittee of the Metho- dist Church was n t on hand that day, but on Monday, .t ssrs. Jno. Kerr and W. J. Greer mad. a canes among the members and ad rants of the church and by evening th total was on hand. This will be very g atifying news to the Methodist congreg. tion. The Organ Committee and c irch workers have done excellent wor in clearing off this part of the churc debt in such short time. This(Thu (T iu sday) evening the committee will pr- sent the pipe organ, free of debt, to the Trustee Board of the church. The Rev R. Hobbs, of Strath- rop, will be prese and give his leeture, "The Manly u." An interesting progrgmme of m •.ic will be given, after which a Social w 1 be held in the lecture room of the chu h. Admission to en- tertainment and ial, 10c. and 15c. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East of St. Andrew's Church. Glasses supplied. At Queen's Hotel, Wingliam on Fri- day Jan. 20th and March 25th. Condition Powders. We have one that we make on the premises. It contains nothing in- jurious and is comprised of good, pure drugs, and will do the work. For stock and horses it can- not be beat. "Herbageum," lien- nedy's and others kept in stock. Walton McKliibou DRUGGIST Next door to post (Ace. Baptist Next Sunday R late pastor of th Church, Toronto sary sermons in Church, At bo will be taken in a fund. On Monde church Dr. Tho lecture, " Off Da Suitable music wi the services. The invited. Admissio and 20 cents. nniversary B. D. Thomas,D.D., Jarvis street Baptist will preach anniver- he Wingham Baptist services collections of the church debt evening in the same as will deliver his s in a Busy Life." be provided at all nblic are cordially to lecture, 10 cents With the Curlers. In the prelimina tr.ct for the Weste Lucknow curlers put in au appearau last, acid won fro shots. The score No 1—Holmes, W son, Lncknow, 13 man, Wingham, 24. Lucknow's the finals at St. the Wiugham ri petition for a bowls, and the Monday evenin rink winning f a score of 13 to ale's rink iu ti. ped by Messrs. Griffin are yet local rinks we terday to play Cup, but this meantime, ow accominodati games in this dia. Ontario Tankard, ra the only ones to e here on Thursday Wiugham by two as as follows:—Rink ugham. 24; Murchi- Rink No 2, Vaunor- 1; Allan, Lucknow, o rinks will play iu arys. A number of ks are having a corn - air of lawn bowling rst game was played on , Dr. J. R. Macdonald's m D. Dinsley's rink by RAILWATIED UP, Worst Storm ESeen in Wingham. On Tuesday of 1 st week the trains running into Wiug am were getting in very good running rder, but the storm of Wednesday nig t and Thursday put them completely o t of business again. The 0. P. R. man ged to keep their line open until Satur' y night. Conductor Quirk left Lend.n Thursday evening with his train an did not reach Wing - ham until after • ooh on Saturday. A long time to m: lee a run of 70 miles, but the train w . stuck several times en route. The Pal •. erston branch was in just as bad shap • up to Saturday night. Only one train n two days. Sunday's storm has agai . paralized the railway service. Nothi g moved on Monday, on either G. T. R. •r C. P. R. About 9 o'- clock Tuesday .. orning a snow plow with two engi es attached reached Wiugham via 0 '.R. None of the Tor- onto evening pap rs have reached Wing - ham since last 'T ursday and we have been practically without mails since Thursday. Many • f the oldest residents of the town say t of so severe and st have had for the pa and the past week i 0. This puss Maodon- uesa has been pia finals. The rinks skip- Knechtel, Holmes and to play. Two of the e billed to go to Gait yes - the finals for the District las been called off in the ng to the lack of train y cannot remember my weather es we I number of weeks, particular. Busi- tically "dead" in rm has inconven- lines of business. eeks ago are "on of town, a great , are running short have several cars Ines many weeks not reached with- gham. This win - most severe ex - Ontario. The doing everything ds opened. The h that it is difii- h the snow plows, ng to press, 4 30 storm had let up cl reached Wing- '. P. R. A snow attaohed preceed- o had two engines P. R. have done nter. Being with. pers for two days Wingliam. On the reached Wingham ing to press, though n would get through in the evening. A on early Wednesday to the very heavy very slow progress. ailroad men will hope e last blockade of the • Halsey Park guarantees to sell from 5% to 25% cheaper than the advertised prices of any departmental Store. See his advertisement. Presbyteria The annual b. congregation of t terian Church wa ing last. The mee fly attend as those } account of the ver was one of the mo ings ever held by t pastor, Rev. D. P chair and the inee the singing of a hy. financial report wa one, and showed thorough work is b iug performed by all branches of the c iurch. The report showed that the m. ies raised during the year for all purpose amounted to nearly $3,600. All curren . expenses had been paid during the ye ' and $200 of a debt was paid off and the end of the year found the church i''th a balance of $100. • 83 over and abov • all liabilities. The monies raised by t e different branches of the church was s follows:—Envelope and plate contrib tions, $2380.25; Sun- day School, $152.1' ; For Missions, $536.- 12; Ladies' Aid ' ociety, $85; Young People's Organ und, $479.97. The Board of Manag .rs for 1904 is as fol• lows:—R. A. Hut. bison, John Ritchie, J. D. Burns, Jas. - . Cline, W. P. Grid. son, Alex Campbe 1, J. J. Elliott, Wm. Holmes and 1t. M xwell. The first four were the new mas agers elected on Mon- day evening. TI Session reported to the meeting that r. Geo. W. Cline had been re-engaged as Choir Leader. Messrs. Alex Fos: and R. A. Graham were re -appointed uditors and Mr. Hugh Hamilton was r •-appointed caretaker with au increase of $20 in his salary. The Session re rt showed that the Church had a tot:1 membership of 435 at the end of last ye' r. During the year three members ad been removed by death, viz: --Mr•, Peter Deans, sr, George Watt an John McWilliam. This is a very low eath rate in the mem- bership, Two ver' important matters were settled by th congregation, and both are steps in he rigit direction, The managers Were instructed to have the interior of the c urch painted and otherwise improved a • d the young people decided to purchase t e new, pipe organ at as early a date as t . ssiblo. The work is to be proceeded w Is as early in the spring as possible. Iris is needed work and the members rf the congregation will liberally contr ute for the repairs. When the work is e • repleted a re -opening service will be hal . The young people of the congregation are to be congratu- lated on the very luceessful manner in- which they have Been raising funds for the pipe organ. They now have on hand nearly $1,000 and when the organ is in- stalled sufficient funds should bo on hand to pay for it. The Presbyterian Church is in a very prosperous condition and the end of this year should see the church properly repaired, the new organ install- ed and everything paid for at the eloso bf the year. This can be done with united work by the members of the congrega- tion. Annual Meeting. mess meeting of the e Wingham Presby- eld on Monday even- ing was not as large - of former years on cold weather, but it harmonious meet- • congregatiri. The rrie, occupied the ng was opened by in and prayer. The a very encouraging that faithful and Wingham. The st ienced people in all Goods ordered many the way." The peep many of them at leas of fuel. Coal dealers en route that left the ago and some of it ha in thirty miles of Wi ter will go down as th perienced in Waste railroad people are possible to have the ro snow is banked so hi cult to get through w At the time of g p. m. Wednesday, th and only one train h i ham and that via the plow with two engin ed the train which a `attached. The C. i splendid work this w out any of the city p is something new for G. T. R. no train h up to the hour of g it was expected a tt from London late snow plow left Lo morning, but owi snow drifts it ma Winghamites and that this may be t season. Wtngha Horse Fair. Mr. A. Orr, of t ie Hotel Brunswick, will hold his next to onthly fair on Wed- nesday. February 'rd. A number of buyers will be pre.ent, and farmers and others having horses to sell will do well to visit Wingham • n that day. EVERY BOX OF 1 Douglass' Dyspepsia Tablets are guaranteed to , i'.'P sat- isfaction in all foe ,is of stomach troubles—or money refunded. DOUG DHSS The Druggist. I have room for two students in the Telegraph Office. The Courses of Study IN THE ) CENTRAL S RAT, ORD. ONT. Ara1up to the HIGHEST STANDARD 0 EXCELLENCE and that is one reason why this popular school is now enjoying a "record-bre:Air'g" often- ance. You went the best training and we give it, therefore enter at once. Circulars free. W. J. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL, Horse In delivering new R. C. church Friday afternoon la Ball Bros., had an will not forget f Iroads were very h one of the horses impossible to get again and it was the neighborhoo far recovered as ham, and is no experience. Dow a boa in Snow. of furniture to the St. Augustine on t, Mr. John Ballot experience that he some time. The avy with snow and got down. It was e animal on its feet drawn to a stable in , and next clay had so to be driven to Wing - none the worse for its MONEY To Loax at 41e per cent. on easy terms of repayment. Apply to A Dnhnage, Kent Block, Winghanr, Great GlearinA Sale 1 THE EVENT OF CUE YEAR IN SHOE SELLING Having purchased the stock of Boots and Shoes from J. Button & Co., at a rate on the dollar which will mean bargains to all, we will On Saturday, Jan. 30th COMMENCE A GREAT CLEARING SALE We bought these Shoes at such a discount from wholesale prices that we can sell them at prices away below what you have been paying for Shoes. It is the opportunityof the year to get Boots and Shoes at little prices. Cottle early, as first choice is always best. J The Shoe Mon, . � R... �R.