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The Huron Expositor, 1984-11-21, Page 9
Schaal board to review Qlicy Th'e Huron -Perth Roman Catholic Separate down in communication and asked about the School Board is •going to take a closer look at board losing $500,000 because it did not close its accommodation review policy, the two Stratford schools. The school board has conducted accomma,. Mr. Murray said that amount would have dation reviews'tin Stratford and Ecole Ste. come from the provincial government. As for Marie in St. Joseph in the last -two years, the communication break down, Mr, Murray At its Nov. nleeting, .the board celled for a placed that blame right back on Mr. joint meeting between its policy bylaw; o Groothuis, ft -dance committee and its board accommoda- "To say you didn't have enough informa- tion review committee to look at the policy. tion is not my fault, it's yours," he said. Areas ,to be looked at by these two He said a lot of work had been done on the committees include deciding to whom the issue of consolidation of Stratford schools. He community should speak to, timeliness, said about a year had -been devoted to that committee reprerantation and structure as . issue. well as making policy for reviewing schools Director of Education, Bill Eckert said the that have previously been reviewed. board could have spent two or three meetings Seaforth trustee Gerald Groothuis ques. , on the consolidation queetion. tioned the boards action in turning down a In other business, the board agreed to recommendation to close two Stratford request time to present a brief to the schools.. provincial planning and implementation "Why was, everything put into one commission • regarding full funding for motion?" asked Mr. Groothuis after board Catholic secondary schools, chairman RonMr, Murray said the Huron -Perth separate urray commended the atoard school board would like to present its position for standingupto theto the commission. He said if the board is to Stratford meeting. accept non-Catholic students in a high school I don't know.,if anyone was in favor of it may establish, the school board should closing one school," said Mr. Murray. He have access to their parents' property taxes.• said the commtipity accommodation review • • Now, if a non-Catholic student attends a committee favored closing one school. Catholic school. the parents pay an annual fee "In terms of closing one school, there was of $150 while their education taxes are very little or nothing to gain," said Mr, directed to the public school board. Murray. The commission will be holding hearings in Mr. Groothuis also questioneda break London on Jan• 17 and 18. ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ETET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET Er ET ET ET ET CT ET Er Et ET ET t'T •ET r1 11 tt ET ET ET ET fT Et' Et ET ET ET ET E.T. Travel Talk By Doug Ellison Holiday In Puerto Plata A NEW CANADIAN FAVORITE I have lust returned from a very pleasant one-week vacation to Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. Jamaica is to the west and Satr Juan, Puerto Rico is to the east of this friendly country. Eighty degree temperatures greeted us upon arnval, the average yea round temperature We stayed at the new resort of Playa Dorado which is spread out along the Atlantic Ocean 10 minutes from Puerto Plata and the airport. Four very fine hotel com- plexes are nos% open here with an additional five hotels in various stages of development Canadians are booking this destination in large numbers this winter and for, good reason The Dominican people are fnendly and helpful, the food exeptiunal and inexpensive and the sandy heat hes are clean, and you can walk for miles enjoying the sun and ocean breezes • Playa Dorada Resort offers an 18 hole golf t ourse, t • nis courts, horseback and bicycle riding and nightly, entertainment The hotels are within walking distance and offer fine dining. As well. Puerto Plata is a short 10 minute ode by bus (modern and only 2 S one way) and offers shopping and several small restaurants with dining at reasonable pnces Regent Holidays has the largest number of seats to Puerto Plata this winter and offers two hotels at the Playa Dorada and one hotel in Puerto Plata and one hotel at Sosua Beach (see ad below) Call us today and ask for our flyer on "Tips for Puerto Plata Visitors • As well. don't be disappointed BOOK THiS DESTINATION EARIY as space is limited Take ad- vantage of our early booking draw Book before Dec ember 1st and you will he eligible for a S500.000 cash draw EGENT Winter`Sunshine Doug Ellison Affordable holidays this Fail/Winter to Puerto Plata 7 nights from only R • ertrGturdas ftghr rho tall and pante• �n rhe Caribbean c iP *n,r mem ro+••mrral amt most *carrset inter nark ,n5* m*nrt area • Rh,,,„ Plata in the Domm can RPfnrhhr a t7••'Urable PYChange rare 8g5531 chnppang turpa}ns and has ebb dining P9 AN plus tate. • Mie* „1 blue green paters, imdetrent bass and <rlime rho Canhbean * implied beaches • Hne cn*ua casual and informal. I nee( from $399 to 8579 • Hotel Mentemar near the beachlanced from only, $499 I week • 15114* Dnradas comfortable rooms and Gates from ono 8499 I peek • The incomparable Plasa Dorado Hohdas Inn Regents featured resort from only $549 • See Resents 1981 85 NSntet Sunshine brochure for details Regent '[heats you royaityi TAGENT HOLIDAYS 9 31 T1 IT TY rT r3 tT fT Local calla • 233-2000 toll fro® • 1.1)00 • 265.7022 Mon. . Fel. — $s30 fa 9:30 Now Open 8' turdays 9:30 a 4:30 1 53 tT 'rT 1T 15 lir '15 11 TT 7T 1T 'FT rT 'Cr rT •Et ET ET, ET ET r ET ET Er E1 ET TT ET Er ET ET ET tt Et 31 ti 6t' FT TT rY lr r1 KIDS THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 21, 1984 — A11 ,S WHY HaUli at the Seaforth library is a kids. Stories are read to the kids, and they story on Saturday was Diane Armes. The popular Saturday afternoon activity for area participate In games and crafts. Reading a photo was taken through a book shelf. Students remember wars in writing. Remembering the world wars by writing sentences was a project of grade six students of Huron Centennial School in Brucefield. The following was compiled by 21 students and is entitled, "Remember". REMEMBER Deadly powerful tanks shooting all day and night killing young people, Strong powerful tanks shelling everything in their way. 'Large Canadian Platoons training for battle. Red blood dripping from the army man's head. • Largelanes crashing on battle fields. Powerful, deadly time bombs exploding ip the camp.. Mighty soldiers fighting to keep their Sun Life Assilrance Company of Canada LIFE AND MORTGAGE INSURANCE PLANS, DEFERRED ANNUITIES INCOME TAX DEDUCTIBLE FLEXIBLE NO LOADR.R.B.P. NONSMOKERS RATES AVAILABLE REP Arnold Stinnissen 117 GODERmCH ST. EAST SEAFORTH Tel. 527-04.10 country free, Brave soldier working so hard to save us. Commanders shouting orders to send out more army tanks. Stern sergeants ordering their men into action. Courageous, fearless fighters having done all possible—retreat to waiting ships. Lone bomber flees from the battle field. Large fighting armies rushing to reach their objectives. Blood stained soldiers marching back from battle. Mighty guns firing at the fearless soldiers. Black murdering cannons firing at the soldiers, Thousands of young men suffering in orison camps. BACHERT MEATS Call us for your custom slaughtering needs SLAUGHTER DAY TUESDAY 'For your freezer, sides of Seel, Pork, Lamb or Veal We specialize In home cured meats and old fashioned country style pork sausage, no fillers added. - ,•„.._.. All meat Gov't. Inspected d Welton 1 mad creat 887-9328 Courageous, proud warriors screaming after victory. Sparkling gold medals pinned across soldiers sults. Beautiful red poppies growing in France. Bright shining Victoria Crosses presented by the King, White crosses blanketing Handers field. Remember. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Happy birthday to Bill Kenney Jr.. 18 years old on Nov. 21. laAwe Afastar Satellite Recepfon Equipment SPECIALISTS •DEMONSTRATIONS • INSTALLATIONS • SALES Ont. B&T ANTENNA SALES 482.7128 Brian McAah ne who shops Iter for evelyo and get an a the Co-op pre-�hn Choose any o item in our store nd get an at the S opo d scaun during our Pre-Christmas ristma Novem- ber 1� "a November 22, • 4 autorTtaDaYs Thursday. November 24, 195 aortitis Saturday. ber23.and �o.oP CHRISTMAS p�E BOtIOSONIS OfFF ThurdsaV, • November 22 "Friday, November 23 Saturday, November 24 EV �� lir tna7tirnlitn e no !0c8t!; this di c Co-op shoppers during rte is purchase �aptalt tions - t any regular p nti Selec e oat bawd item in buyttat10ettim do all s1TirOlat 3 day ore and retial arse home. ter the Rene .n for your now Al 8 sttbsta Pre - 10° something shopping this 3 day saving rt r are ourself during or treat y,., s event saving Bonus 'Day erchandise only 10° 0 Disc lies to store Merchandise :Ind sate -priced I erns are not included m tetter ,or. IIensol/ District Cooperative re HENSALL BRUCEFIEL© SEAFORTH ZURICH 262.002 482-9823 527-0770 236-4393 p