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SEAFOR71-1, ONTAi 10, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMdiE ; 21, 1984
Second class mall registration Number 0696
Another murder
Once again, Ontarians were horrified at the' recent death of yet another
police officer. This was the sixth police murder in three months. What
has ensued is that many people are calling for the return of the death.
penal.ty. But others say capital punishment will not act as a deterrent —
people will continue to kill.
However, a study by two University of California sociologists, found
that four days after a person is sentenced to life Imprisonment or to death
or is executed for committing murder, there is a significant decrease of
3.32 per cent in homicides of white victims.
They added that'at present, they have no evidence that life sentences
have a significantly. weaker deterrent effect than death sentences or
executions. This tends to weaken the argumentfi favoring capital
punishment. -
In the same study, the sociologists looked at the media coverage of
prize fights. And they found that where violence against an Individual is
rewarded, this leads to an increase of 3.54 per cent in murder rates In the
following days.
"The prize fight is at the opposite end of a continuum from a
successfully prosecuted murder trial, which heavily punishes one person
for inflicting physical violence on another,'; they wrote.
Emotions are usually high when there's -a murder. And those emotions
are so Intense that people demand that "an eye for an eye" is the only
solution. ,
If the study is correct, It would appear that fife sentences are Just as
effective as the noose.
Perhaps we already have.the right solution --maybe It's time we looked
at the problem. If a televised prize fight causes the rate of homicides to
Increase, maybe we should be taking a closer look at violence, not only in
theatres, but on television.
We live In a society which-Nret+@s heavily on Information. If that
information is being misused and/or turning normal citizens from Mr.
Hydes Into Dr. Jekyls, then we have a serious problem.
Some say censorship is an Invasion of human rlOts and freedoms. But
If censorship saves fives, isn't it worth looking at? --R.W.
Starving to death
The famine persists and people continue to die In Ethiopia despite
efforts on the part of relief workers to feed the hungry thousands.
News articles of the famine are alarming.
"....the body of a boy whose life had Just left him was already covered
with sacking to keep off swarms ,of flies. On a litter next to him lay the
skeletal frame of a man, also plagued by files. An occasional twitch of his
arm was the only Indication he was alive,"
It's estimated that 50 people have been dying daily at one food camp.
And that figure Is multiplying with each passing day., By government
estimate, 6.4 million people out of a population of 42 million have been
seriously affected by a prolonged drought and famine in Ethiopia.
It's predicted that the famine could take 900,000 lives by the end of this
Death through starvation Is indeed horrible, Let's continue to. support
food relief efforts. - R.W.
Broken promises
by Larry Dillon
The people of Canada don't want an
honest government. That's the message we
give to our representatives when we elect
them, then complacently accept actions
which violate pledges made throughout the
election campaign.
We expected that the promises of the
present government were too wonderful to be
true when they made them, but by golly, they
sounded good. We -showed our approval of
their extensive list of promises by giving
them such an overwhelming balance of
Our new government has recently taken
office and already has started on its list of
broken promises. During the election cam-
paign they claimed that the deficit for this
year would be $36 billion. Now that they are
in office they claim that the actual deficit of
$34.5 billion is higher than they expected.
And it gives that as a reason for reneging on
commitments to the people.
The way 1 see it, either the first statement
or the second is a lie. They are incompatible.
Either government believed that the annual
deficit was at a lower figure than claimed
during the campaign or after the election it
was lower. Government cannot have it both
On Aug. 28, the Conservatives promised to
spend $190 million more on defence over and
above what the Liberals had planned. They
have just announced a.$154-nfillion cut from
the Liberal defence budget., That is quite a
discrepancy in their committtient - S344
million to be exact.
The government seems to be backing down
on its campaign promises of universality in
social service programs. If it, was a "sacred
trust" during the election campaign that
could not be compromised, why -did it now
announce an extensive review of universal-
The actions that the government is taking
may be in the best interest of the country.
However if that is so. politicians could have
stated their true intentions ,during the
Electing one of the other parties probably
would not have given us different results as
far as keeping promises is concerned. The
people of the country have not reacted
strongly to broken commitments regardless
of the party making them.
- The electoral system we have developed in
this country has become an elaborate ritual
which has no meaning. An election is an
expensive diversion which provides enter-
tainment for the population. but provides
little indication to the voter of how the
candidates will actually act when they are
elected. The population has become cynical
about political promises. Even at the time the
promise is made people openly discuss the
chances of such promises being kept:
i believe that when a man promises that he
will take some action if we elect him then he is
making a contract with the Canadian people.
He has a moral and legal obligation to fulfull
his commitments to the people. Under the
present system we are encouraging politi-
cians to sacrifice their personal honor in order
to win elections. We are as much at fault as
they are for allowing them to lie to us.
The people make a commitment to the
politician when they vote .for him, but by
tradition, the election of that politician
releases him from the commitments he has
made to the people. The voters of Canada are
failing in their responsibility to themselves
and to their country when they allow their
leaders to deliberately mislead them.
takes over the duties of Dr. Brian Nuhn and
listens to the heartbeat of this homeless visited the Seaforth Veterinary Clinic Mon -
puppy. The Pre -School Learning Centre day.
(Mcl'wraith photo)
Best wishes only please
by Ron Wassink
1 was just sitting here looking over my
column idegas when 1 realized i've been doing
this for -lone year. Hcy guys, it's my-
It's been one year since Susan White and
her family left for a one year sabbatical in
New Zealand. And as 1 think back to the time
Susan said,she was leaving. 1 remember I
couldn't stop shaking for a week. U
"Why, you can't leave Susan.•What are we
going to do without you? There's council
meetings to cover. the landfill problem hasn't
been resolved. and you just finished writing
that birth control story." Who's eoine to
cover all these issues, and especially possible
flak about that birth control thing?"
1 can remember clearly that Suian pointed
her finger at , me. Right then and there,
paranoia set in. 1 could already see the work
piling up.
There would be features to write, people to
interview, photos to take, correspondence to
edit, and heaven forbid, a column. There 1
was, stuck between a rock and a hard place. I
had visions of irate readers raking me over
the coals for one reason or another.
My most vivid vision was of a circus barker
announcing, "Ladieees and gentlemen. And
now, for our next act, we have in centre ring,
Morgentaler will be seen as misguided
-- by Keith Roulston
The national media attention for the Dr.
Henry Morgentaler trial and recent acquittal
has once again focussed the nation on the
tragic controversy where there are two
"right" sides. each' accusing the other of
being evil.
It is easy to see how a jury can agree with
Dr. Morgentaler and his defenders of the
right of the woman to end a pregnancy' she
doesn't want to continue. The pro -choice side
secs the tragedy of a woman being scntepced
to 20 years supporting a child because of one
mistake. see Careers hindered, lives
Dozens of tearful stories can be told of the
effect of an unwanted pregnancy on a
woman's life, of the humiliating experience
of having to go before a hospital abortion
The pro-life side is made up of many
factions, from evangelical religious fantatics
to more thoughtful people who worry that
acceptance of widespread abortion, like
acceptance of capital punishment. cheapens
mankind's respect for life. Once you agree
that one human has the right to end another
life that it finds inconvenient, these people
argue, what is to stop the deterioration to the
point we arc willing to accept that other
inconvenient individuals such as retarded
and abnormal habies or senile and bedridden
old people ean also be declared on -persons
and disposed of as humanely a possible.
Even most pro-choicers will arse that
abortion is a tragic final solution. An
unwanted pregnaAcy is the result of a failure
of men and women to take adequate birth
control measures. Yet a faction of the pro-life
coalition undermines its public suppd t by
arguing against any form of birth contrail and
sometimes even against family education
classes in schools.
The pro -choice argument is the ultimate
extension of the liberal view that mankind can
build a perfect world where we can control
our own lives and bring ourselves complete
happiness. We should no more be slaves to
our biology than workers of 100 years ago
should have been slaves of greedy factory.
With the Morgcntaler victory. the pro•
choice side pow points to four different
acquittals of Morgentaler. They point to polls
that show a majority of the population is in
favor of abortion on demand. And they argue
that the government should get busy and
rewrite the law to allow free choice in
abortions to any woman without any
screening process. Yet the argument that
"because a majority is in favor makes it
right" ignores all the times the majority h.ts
supported wrong causes. Ninety percent of
the German population supported Hitler and
willingly turned the other way to pretend they
didn't see when he undertook his "final
solution" of ridding Germany of the incon-
venient Jewish population.
But the pro -choice side is right when it says
you can't enforce an unpopular law. Prohibi-
tion was a noble effort on the part of
reformers and politicians to rid society of the
evils they saw excessive use of alcohol
causing. Their efforts didn't solve the
problem they set out to. People drank anyway
and all they did was create a lot of other evils
as criminals stepped in to "fill the need".
Abortions were happening before the laws
ever allowed legal abortions. Dr, Morgen-
taler and others will continue to challenge the
law. and sympathetic juries hearing the sad
stories of women (with no one to represent
the destroyed lives of the babies) will
continue to acquit them.
There will be no end to abortion until there
is a fundamental change in society, until
human beings are willing to take responsibil-
ity for their own actions, even if it means
changing their plans for the next 20 years.
Someday. if we really do progress toward the
better society as liberals believe, Dr.
Morgcntaler and his supporters will be seen
not as heros of progress but as well-meaning
but misguided representatives of a barbaric
time in history.
in the meantime, there is little those who
deplore abortion can do but make sure that
men and women have as few unwanted
pregnancies as possible so there will be fewer
abortions and work to bring about a change in
attitude in all of society.
Visit a hardact to follow
by Bill Smiley
Merchants and hucksters across the land
will glady sell you a souvenir of the Pope's
visit for 80 per cent off these days. They
overbought, misled by the media, whose
figures were on the high side. and scared
away a lot of people who don't like mobs-.
On the other hand, no visitor to this country
could command the huge 'crowds. Catholic
and otherwie, who trudged through mud
and were belted by cold rain and suffered
cruel winds, to see the Holy Father.
No other figure in the world could come to
this country and say the things he did and get
away with it, indeed, be cheered for it.
Some of the things that came through from
a week of Pope -watching were evident to all:
`he man's tremendous endurance; his
sometimes fierce insistence on spiritualism
over materialism; his love of children and
succour for the sick and crippled; his
insistence on a better deal for the poor of the
Even the most staunch Irish Orangeman
could scarce forbear to cheer.
It's going to be a h rd act for the Queen to
follow. She won't dare talk about native
rights and poverty and the questionable
politics of somerovinces.
Let's faee it. 1:1 Papa hits more clout that a
distant descendant of Good King Harry, who
broke with Rome, seized the Church's
wealth, found himself a tame Archbishop;
and married at will.
7vas not always so. The stayat-home
Popes, huddled in the Vatican, became
almost symbols, with the odd exception, of
everything reactional -y, timid. and non•sen-
sical, thereby creating a virtual revolution
within the church.
John Paul i1 has not exactly won over the
feminist movement, nor the priests who want
to get married (silly idiots). but at least he
goes out and lays it on the line, not hiding
behind the skirts of Rome. He has been shot,
threatened, and probably frost more in
security, services than anyone in the world.
i don't know whether he has created a great
resurgence in the R.C.'s. 1'11 count the cars
parked outside my house this Sunday, and for
several afterwards. it's only two blocks from
the church.
Personally. 1 didn't get to meet him,
though my arthritic foot should have got me
in the front row. I,didn't exactly expect him to
kiss my foot and make it better, though I'd
have kissed his hand if he had.
1 have an apology to make to His Holiness, 1
accused him of not saying a prayer for Team
Canada against the Russians. That column
was written just before the Canada -Russia
game. Apparently he got the message, and
sneaked off for a minute to have a word with
the Lord. Anyway, we won that night, 3-2.
Thanks Pope.
Despite the fact that he was only three
miles away, 1 didn't go to see or hear him. It
involved swimming a lake and wading
through a marsh. 1 don't think he missed me.
instead, i went to visit Mammon, my bank,
At 5:30 on a Friday, i was the only customer in
the bank. I proceeded to a vendor of potables,
which had hired extra staff for the day. 1 was
one of two customers there. A striking blow
for His Holiness, methinks.
Frankly. 1 don't care if 1 never see another
facsimile of John Paul. I have been
confronted by them in every store window,
newspaper, fast food shop and gift shop for
three or four months. He's a handsome chap,
for Pole, but enough is enough.
What i do wish is that I had a video of him
kissing children, blessing the afflicted, and
doggedly serving mass in a wind -whipped
arena without saying, "get me the hell out of
Something I don't understand is that the
hucksters didn't sell Pope headgear. There
was his tall hat, which he didn t wear too
often, but would be priceless for Hallowe'en
parties. Then there was his beanie, or
skull -cap, which he wore often, and must
have used Krazy-Glue to keep on, in some of
those winds.
A guid, canny Scotsman could have made a
fortune out of those two head -pieces.
But 1 hear stories, instead, ofppeople at the
Pope's site trying to sell hot dogs for $l.75
and hamburgers for 51.95 and having to give
them away at the end of the day, because
we're not a' that stupid. Pity.
Anyway, we won the Canada Cup, thanks
to the Pope's little duck off for a prayer, and
God's apparently in His Heaven, and all's
right with the world.
And 1 had an advocate, saying a prayer for
me, right up there with the Pope. 1 haven't
checked it out yet, but if she didn't say that
prayer, we're both in trouble. She with me, 1
with the Lord.