HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-11-14, Page 18A10 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 14, 1984 FARM Steers sell as high as $97 Thr market at Brussels Stockyards traded actively at strong prices on choice cattle. tows sold steady, pigs sold higher. There were 1383 cattle arid 848 pigs on offer. Choice Steers -8L00 to 88.00 with sales to 97.00. Good Steers -81.00 to 84.00. A steer consigned by Don.Alton of R.R. 7, Lucknow weighing 1100 lbs. sold for 97.00, Eighteen steers consigned by Lorne Forester of R.R. 1, Lucknow averaging 1162 lbs. sold for an overall price of 88.37 with hit son, Wayne's steer weighing 1110113s• selling for 89.50. Eight steers consigned by Skinner Farms of R.R. 3, Mitchell averaging 1120 lbs. sold for 88.70. with a sale to 92.511. Fifteen steers consigned by.George Adams of R.R. 2, Wroxeter averaging 1158 lbs, sold for -an overall price of 87.87 with sales to 90.25: Eighteen steers consigned by Lorne Eadie ;of R.R. 1, Holyrood averaging 1186 lbs. sold for an overall price of 87.43 with sales to 89.50. Fourteen steers consigned by Delton Bowman averaging 1112 lbs. sold for an overall price of 87.54 with sales to 90.25. Twenty steers consigned by L & B Farms of Wallenstein averaging 1255 lbs. ,sold for an overall price of 87.27 with sales to 89.25. Twenty-three steers consigned by Douglas.' TER ELLIGSEN PRYLUMBING Pu tapas ° Softeners ° Farm ° Residential PLUMBING and WIRING 24 Hour Emergency Service Ph. 345-2547 Ph. 345.2447 NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO AND OTHERS TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the direction of the Supreme Court of Ontario, United Co-operatives of Ontario (UCO) has called a series of meetings of various classes of Creditors for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, approving the Plan of Arrangement as more particularly described in the Information Circular dated November 5, 1984, prepared by UCO. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the said meetings of Creditors will be held on Thursday, November 29 and Friday, November 30, 1984, as follows: Class of Creditors Date Holders of Member Thursday, Debentures & Member Nov. 29, Capital Investment 1984 Certificates Windsor Grain Thursday, Terminal Nov. 29, Bondholders 1984 Residual Creditors Thursday, Nov. 29, 1984 Depositholders, Holders Friday, of Promissory Notes Nov. 30, and Trade Creditors 1984 Time Location 10:00 a.m. Skyline Hotel 655 Dixon Road Rexdale, Ontario Ballrooms A,B,C. 2:00 p.m. Skyline Hotel 655 Dixon Road Rexdale, Ontario Elgin Room 3:30 p.m. Skyline Hotel 655 Dixon Road Rexdale, Ontario Elgin Room 10:00 a.m. Skyline Hotel 655 Dixon Road Rexdale, Ontario Ballrooms A,B,C. Institutional Lendors Friday, 2:00 p.m. Skyline Hotel Nov. ' ' •'"6'5'5 Dixon Road 4984 Rexdale, Ontario Elgin Room DATED at Toronto, this 7th dal' of November, 1984• United Co-operatives of Ontario 151 City Centre Drive Mississauga, Ontario L5A 3A4 For further information 1-800-387-9332 please telephone... • 1-800-387-9336 90 PRICES ARE DOWN— IH BATTERIESPRICE TRADE IN Battftry Regular No>a Or Wagg of R.R. 5, Mitchell aver<agirllg 1.238 .lbs, solid' 86.81 with sales to 90.00. Twenty steers consigned by Ed Michaels of R.R. 1, Sebringville averaging 1281 lbs. sold for an, overall price 8f 85.84 with sales to 90.00.' Thirteen steers consigned by Bruce Bros. of R.R. 1, Belgrave averaging 1293 lbs. solo for an overall price of 86.31. ' One hundred and forty-seven steers consigned by Gerald Ball of Embro averaging 1067 lbs. sold for an overall rice of 84.52. Twelve heavy steers consigned by Karl Michaels of R.R. 1. 'Sebringville averaging, 1372 lbs. sold for an overall price of 86.52. Thirteen choice steers consigned by Melvin ,and Gordon Morrison of R.R. 1, Lucknow averaging 1123 lbs. sold for 86.45. Nine steers consigned by Jerome Zettler of R.R. 2, Walkerton averaging 1137 lbs. "sold for an overall price of 85'.65. Choice Exotic Heifers -83.00, to 87.00 with sales to 93.10. Choice Hereford Heifers -79.00 to 83.00. Two heifers consigned by Ralph Weishar of Teeswater averaging 1290 lbs. sold for 93.10 with his lot of 4 heifers averaging 1250 lbs. selling for 89.50. Seventeen heifers consigned by L & B Farms df Waller stein averaging 1070 lbs. sold for an'overail price of 86.98 with a sale to 89.50. Thirty-seven heifers consigned by Jack Flanagan of Dublin averaging 997 lbs. sold for an overall price of 85.86 with sales to 92.25. Five choice heifers consigned by Carl Dinsmore of R.R. 1, Gorrie averaging 1098 lbs. sold for an overall price of 86.38. Eighteen heifers consigned by Harold and Garry Bell of R.R. 1, Wroxeter averaging 996 lbs. sold for an overall price of 85.04 with sales to 90.00. Seventeen mixed heifers consigned by Glen Coultes of R.R. 5, Brussels averaging 863 lbs. sold for an overall price.of 83.21 with sales to 85.00. Fourteen heifers consigned by Graham Eydt of R.R. 1, Millbank averaging 1056 lbs. sold for an overall price of 85.28 with sales to 88.75. Choice Cows -47.00 to.51.00 with sales to 52.50. Good Cows -43.00 to 47.00. Canners & Cutters -38.00 to 43.00. 30 to 40 Ib. pigs traded to a high of 31.75. 40 to 50 ib. pigs to a high of 43.00; 50 to 60 Ib. pigs to a high of 51.00. 60 to 70 Ib. pigs to a high of 56.50. 70 to 80 ib. pigs to a high of 58.75. r Huron -. F xpositor CLASSIFIEDS! 527-0240 APPLIANCE REPAIRS • Largo or smaltStvtt'll 11* them oil.... , ,L,,,, Our repair exports will have your appliance IA tlp''top shape fast. '� ��•. Mesa Coll Us Today At PECK APPLIANCES 'IN THE HEART OP DOWNTOWN VARNA' VARNA 482-7103 111 FARTS VALUE OF THE MONTH. IH BATTERIES OSee how much you SAVE BUY NOW! 1/, Ton Truck IH 684 Tractor MF 1085 Tractor JD 2130 Tractor Case 970 Tractor IH 915 Combine (6 volt) dib) 4rs, 65 63 127 25 112 24 ea 81 31 ea 112 24 ea 178 50 ea 49.95 78.95 87.95 ea 64.95 ea. 87.95 ea. 115.95 ea. 1 M EQUIPMENT 'LIMITEC SE.FO4Ta A,v9 7_4MBR D'Gf k WOODSTOCK SEAFORTH ONTARIO 527;4120 FARMERS ARE PARTICIPATING In . the Huron County Federation of Agriculture Membership Drive. They include, back row, lett to right, Ken Scott, Kevin Kale, Doug Garnles. Front row: Florence Pullen, Norman Alexander. F of A looking for support If you're concerned about the farm credit situation, or interested in agricultural sub- jects eing taught in the schools, then the Huron County Federation of Agriculture is looking for your support. This Week (Nov.1-2to 16). the Federatim is holding a drive to increase their membership so they can lobby more effectively for the farming community. In recent years, the Ontario Federation of Agriculture has been instrumental in per- suading the government to require foreign landowners, to register. their holdings; they established the 60 per cent land tax rebate; adapted the small business development bond for agricultural use; passed a new and better trespass act, and line fences act; reduced' rates for farm truck licenses, and promoted several capital grant programs. "Several serykes are avaffahle to mem- bers," says Doug Garniss, t11wly elected president of the Huron Federation. "There's medical insurance, farm family group life insurance and personal ombudsman assist- ance available. With ' the help of new members, the Federation will be lobbying in the future for the abolition of capital gains tax, agribonds, improvement in the farm credit situation, freedom from harassment from non-farm groups, a policy for wetlands that will protect farm . interests, and promoting agricultural education in the.schools. FCC suspends foreclosures Agriculture Minister John Wise'said that Farm Credit Corporation (FCC) has suspended most recovery actions, includ- ing s those in progress, until Jan. 15, 1985. The suspension is being put in place to give us, as a new government, some time to study the problems farmers are facing. We also need time to determine what programs can be made avallable which would offer reasonable solutions," he said. "However, we must realize that some borrowers are still going to face foreclosure in spite of all efforts. This two -and -a -half month period will simply ensure that no farmer is forced off the farm while we are studying the issue." Recovery actions will continue in cases where the farm has been abandoned, where bankruptcy has been declared, where there has been a voluntary transfer of title or quit claim or where recovery action is initiated by another creditor fordng FCC to protect its security. "This action is not a reflection on the Corporation's administration practices. I'm aware ' that FCC. bas ' maintained a compassionate approach to its borrowers. In some cases the Corporation has carried arrears for several years. However, I believe the problem merits a period of Water Well DRILLING W. D. Hopper end Sona 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Noll Duri Jim 527-1737 527-0828 527-0775 intensive, study, so that we can be sure that every proposal fora solution has been given full consideration," aid Mr. Wise. This suspension will' affect some 300 borrowers where recovery actions are in progress and another 60, borrowers where recovery action was being considered prior to Jan..15. _ The Farm Credit Corporation has over 79,000 active accounts. Some 18 per cent of these are in arrears. Agency trims two cents off egg -=prices A decline in world, grain prices has prompted a two -cent cut in the price paid to egg producers for Grade A large effective Monday, the Canadian Egg Marketing Agency (CEMA) announced. Despite poor harvests in western Canada. the result ofa crippling drought this Summer. feed price.¢aid by livestock producers across the comp are down this fall. With the drop in feed prices, the biggest single expense in egg production, the savings have been passed on to wholesalers and retailers. II&N - DAIRY SYSTEMS LTD. Sales, Service & Installation of WPipelines & Q Milking Parlours 887`663 WALTON 0 Q 1169 2700 HEAT UNITS me® PIM fran Our New NUM 1169 produces consistently high yields across a wide range of maturities and soil conditions. 1983 PERFORMANCEDATA In 1169 PIONEER BAVERAGE OF ALL 3978 OTHER VARIETIES MA ., !ROM Pius , ', tl813TU5F SAM .. GI arraigt 111111...:11 •R 1W R111 I iia •••33 • anima 25,1 r 1 r I .32 ■•■ -40030 I 97 et ii. LOB t :: AN -'iii 1.7 .47i et gle OR "ii 24224.6-'' �49p 246• s vi �,ii OM AIM t 35950 35996 i st :�i