HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-11-14, Page 17SPECIAL BONUS PACK 2 EXTRA FLAMINGO BRAND BUTTER TARTS OUR REG. 1.99 CTN. OF 10 + 2 129, \ 70. r SPECIAL; KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP OUR REG. 3.35 1 LITRE 2f SAVE l 86c SPECIAL VAN CAMP 3 VARIETIES OR STOKELYS NEW ORLEANS OR DARK RED KIDNEY BEANS 14 oz. TINS SwA�o 1 \40`J SPECIAL WHITE SWAN BEIGE, PEACH, WHITE OR YELLOW TOILET TISSUE OUR REG. 2.29 4 ROLL t4tv: ►� ' 80`J THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 14, 191: — A17 WHAT AM I BID?—Richard Lobb, Clinton auctioneer sold furniture and glassware at the Seaforth and District Community Centres on Wednesday. The furniture, 'owned by Lillian McKellar, was from one of the older homes In Seaforth. The auction brought high prices bid by a capacity crowd. (Wasslnk photo) AYPLE JUICE Rung , WPLL JUICE FROMAN ain'l:E JUICE ROM CONCCYTRAN Pallakk .IU�F Vim—•. JUICE 4455 CONCORRA HOSTESS ALL VARIETIES POTATO CHIPS OUR REG. 1.79 PKG. 200 g PKGS. 99 �A VE 180` MOUNTAIN DEW OR ALL VARIETIES OF PEPSI COLA 750 mL BOTTLES 310 is PLUS DEPOSIT SAVE IG HERE DELMONTE PACK OF 3's VARIETIES JUICES VARIETIES OUR REG. 1.69 .re .. 750 mL FOR 3 99 SAVE 70` Huron F of A wants to work with county The Huron County Federation of Agricul- ture wants to work with Huron County Council on the hydro line corridor issue. Federation president Doug Garniss of RR4, Wingham, along with other federation members, approached county council at its Nov. session. Warden Tom Cunningham assured the federation that council has not taken any stand regardingthe issue. But Ontario Hydro has contacted some individual municipalities to make presentations. . Feed analysis services pay Dairy production is an important means ot marketing homegrown feeds. For dairy cattle to make efficient utilization of theserough ages, the ration must be properly balanced 12 months a year. The key to maintaining good production and fat test is to maximize on growing and feeding quality roughages such as hay, haylage or corn silage, followed by balancing the cow's roughage diet with an adequate grain mix containing all essential nutrients. Roughages do tend to vary,?in nutrient value from year to year, so we encourage all dairy producers to make use of the feed analysis service, along with having ration formulations based on the results of home- grown feeds. Formei federittioii president Tony McQuail said the hydro line process has been going on for a number of years. Two years ago, the Consolidated Hearings Board, after months of hearings in Stratford, adopted a hydro line corridor alternative presented by a group of farmers. Mr. McQuail was the spokesman for that group. The proposal called for improving and installing transmission lines from the Bruce Nuclear Power Development to Essa, near Barrie, and a route along the 401.. Hydro's preferred route was Ml which would take transmission line right through Huron County. Mr. McQuail said if the route proppsed had no merit, the hearings board wouldn't have accepted it. However, another court has turned down the route saying residents in the areas weren't adequately notified of the hearings process. Mr. McQuail said Hydro will be holding an information meeting on Nov. 24 at the Western Lamplighter Inn on Wellington Road in London. SHORT SHOTS by Evelyn Kennedy Here are words ot advice given an an old Song: Gather ye rosebuds while ye may Old time is still a -flying And the same flower that smiles today Tomorrow will be dying. oaa*eMa* The PC government last week slashed federal spending by $3.5 billion in an attempt to control the huge federal deficit. That is a step in the right direction but most Canadians will feel the financial pinch. The cost of gas for cars and fuel oil to heat our homes has risen. The finance minister in his WHITE SWAN WHITE, YELLOW, BEIGE FACIAL TISSUE OUR REG. IC CTN. 1.29 200 SAVE SHEET 500 BEEF, TURKEY, CHICKEN SAVARIN PIES 8 oz. PIES FOR OLD SOUTH GRAPEFRUIT OR ORANGE SAVE 90' FROZEN JUICES OUR REG. 1.59 & 1.83 TIN ♦ 355 mL TINS • FROM FLORIDA REGULAR OR PULP FREE ORANGE SAVEo 8 WE PASS THE SAVINGS ON TO YOU DURING GREY CUP WEEK IN CANADA SPECIAL DELMONTE CUT GREEN OR WAX BEANS, PEAS, CREAM CORN. SEASONED BEANS VEGETABLES 14 oz. TINS WHOLE KERNEL CORN 12 oz 4111, SPECIAL CHRISTIES POPULAR RITZ CRACKERS OUR REG. 1.65 250 g PKG. SAVE/ 66` rum TUM, BABY DILLS, SWEET MIXED BICKS PICKLES LITRE 2.19 ONE 01.0 HILL WHUTE, QUICK OR LARGE FLAKE ROBIN HOOD OATS kg flf9 BAG CAVENDISH 1 MOLES PROTEA FRENCH FRIES 119 1 kg PKG LUCKS UARLWC, NO GARUc P0$SKI 0G0RKI DILL PICKLES ONE LITRE 1.99 GENERAL HILLS REG. OR HONEY NUT CHEERIOS CEREAL 2:59 525 g OR 575 9 DELUXE 370 g, CHEESE 330 g PEPPERONI 350 g TOTINO PIZZA YOUR 9 CHOICE • CLASSIC MAX -2 STEREO RADIO CASSETTE AM /FM/SW MRS LOW PRICE 3 WAY POWER SYSTEM AC DC 12V DETACHABLE SPEAKER SYSTEM 4 SPEAKERS 2=2 SOFT TOUCH TAPE DECK MECHANISM NORMAL/Cr02 METAL TAPE CAPACITY LED OPERATION INDICATOR BUILT IN CONDENSED MICROPHONES ONE-YEAR WARRANTY • SERVICE DEPOT WATERLOO ONT LIMITED SUPPLY NO RAMCHECKS ON THIS ITEM COMPLETE SET REGULAR OR GONDITEONIIIG E 3.19 REGULAR, SPICE OR MUSK MENNEN SPEEDSTICK 7 5g SPECIAL PRICES IN THIS AD IN EFFECT WED NOV 14 UNTIL CLOSING SAT NOv 17 1954 100% WHOLE WHEAT DIETRICHS BREAD 79' 675 g LOAF COLBY, BRICK, HAVARTI, M927ARE9LLA 00 MARBLE RANDOM CUT CHEESE 7.49. SOFT STYLE STACEY MARGARINE 99' 1 Ib TUB ONE L CLAM JUIC TO LIQUID STYLE PALMOLIVE DETERGENT LITRE 2.49 ORANGE FLAVOURED TANG CRYSTALS 13 oz 1.59 OREO OR CHIPS /AM( COOKIES `- 199 CALIFORNIA STYLE DIP -A -CHIP FRENCH ONION 227 g 890 450 g PK G PLAIN OR SALTED CNRISTIES TANGY TRISCUIT CHEESE WAFERS RITZ f.49.9 1.49 f.49 250 g PKG. CNRISTIES 250 g PKC. FRENCH ONION WAFERS CHRISTIES BISCUITS WHEAT THINS 300 9 PKG 1.29. SEALTEST FINE QUALITY SOUR CREAM 500 mL 1® 59 SONS Putty Olt1E1LFLAYD@ED FRUIT PLUS YOGURT sci.g APVIR. OUTS, C11PET11AT, 2tP1323 TANG 2•. VARIOUS 990 CRYSTALS MOM 4479 • 141 W 91119 1111/1170 1FCYU101 1901.1211 HOT 300 s f 79 CHOCOLATE PKG CATII=M 1917 RA= mjsu1 4R CAL 11311 C19A1R 113C11491 KRAFT 5 0 mL DRESSING f. or orn THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE 401 TOW LA 119 ,(? LQCTN. A.B.C. B. CR EJB DETERGENT WESTONS FRESH 84540 RAISIN BREAD«s 129 CLEANSER PO6 POWDER .00 e 790 HIGHWAY NO.8 COUNTRY OVEN BAKESHOP ONLY IN: GODERICH COUNTRY OVEN WHITE BREAD COUNTRY OVEN CHEESE -ROLLS COUNTRY OVEN APPLE PIES 675 g 79# Pkga.ol 159 565 g f. 79 INSTONS EWISS RASNdEitRY P s 990 ROLLS 4's 99.4 WRAF >o m 250PKG. CHRitSTIES SOCIABLES WESTOKs APOAL SNACK BUNS 6'e S Alois f.39 THINS 250 9E 1.39 MB RIMER CUPBOARD f. IT RAGS 30 f.79 MON., TUES. 9 TO 8 P.M. WED. TH ;,, F R I. • 9 T 9 P.M. SAT. 8:30 TO 6 P.M. JOSEPHINE ST. (HWY. NO. 4) WINGH'AM "1516161A76:1 75 WALLACE AVE. N. LISTOWEL INTERSECTION HWY. NO. 4 AND 83 EXETER MON., TUES., WED. • 9 TO 6 P.M. THURS., FRL 9 TO 9 P.M. SAT. 8:30 TO 8 P.M. Mar economic statement said there would be no tax increases at this time but is a possibility in the spring budget. What kind of CBC television programs we will get in the future are questionable for the Tories have chopped $85 million in grants to the CBC. Canadians will have to accept reductions in government programs and services. In an effort to convince the general public that they too are willing to take their share of cuts Prime Minister Brian Mulroney's• pay is being reduced by $6,885 to 5123,945. His cabinet ministers cut by $3,080 to 5107,820. Those cuts are but a drop in the bucket to men of their financial standing. What of the reported fact that we will be paying for yet another redecoration of the P.M.'s resi- dence, the salary of the nanny who cares for his children and other luxuries that they themselves could well afford. Don't forget about the two Bazaars and Bake Sales this week. The WI at the Library on Friday and the second at St. John's Anglican Church on Saturday. ***tw*eM Most folks, at one time or another fail to use common sense and common courtesy. When we do, we're apt to find ourselves in a spot of trouble or out of favor with those around us. Common sense and common courtesy should be a habitual custom practiced in personal affairs and in contacts with others. Both can keep us out of difficult and unpleasant situations. Ronald Reagan won a second term as president of the United States with a landslide victory of 49 out of 50 states. White House and Canadian ,officials have raved about the "good chemistry" between Reagan and Mulroney. Now we wait and see if Canadian -U.S. relations improve as Mr. Mulroney said they would if he became Prime Minister. 45*5*5bt A student from a foreign country was staying with a Canadian family to improve his English. He had been reading the Christmas story and asked what was meant by "Mary was great with child". He understood the explanation but shortly after came looking perplexed, "What then does this mean "Mr. Brown is great with . children WI will have a toy display [Continued from page A151 45th wedding anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. Charles Speakman at the home of their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Mark Speakman of Pickering. Guests attended from Hamilton, Toronto, Downsview, Scar- boro and other points, Mrs. Procter was an overnight guest in Mfississauga with her daughter Marjorie, and on returning home by bus last Monday to Walkerton she was met by het daughter Maxine, Mrs. Howard Zettler, where she spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Zettler and family at their home in Chepstow, Wondering what to give a child for Christmas? You could get some ideas at the regular monthly meeting of the Belgrave Women's Institute. The meeting will be held Nov. 20 at the WI Hall, The theme is, "Toys for safety and education". There will be a display of homemade toys including Care Bears. Mary Hall, from the Howick Junior Women's Institute, will explain the Junior Women's Institute program. There will be lucky draws throughout the evening. Every- one is welcome. Mrs. Stanley Snell and Mrs, Bernard Guite of London spent a couple of days this week with the former's brother Harold Keating. EUCHRE WINNERS Nine tables were in play at the weekly euchre held in the W1 Hall Nov. 7, Winners were: high lady, Mrs. Frank Thom; novelty lady. Mrs. Lawrence Taylor; low lady, Mrs. Garner Nicholson; high man, Leslie Vincent; novelty man, Herb Clayton; low man, Frank Thom. Euchre will be Nov. 14 starting at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome. OBSERVE REMEMBRANCE DAY Remembrance Day was observed Sunday in Knox United Church. Belgrave. Rev, John G. Roberts conducted the service. Mrs. George Johnston presided at the organ and accompanied the choir. At an early age Rev. Roberts was bereft of his father by death. Only a few mementoes remained: a photo on a desk, a gold pocket watch and a medal with the inscription, "The great war for civilization 1914-18". "This was the first man 1 never knew." During the ensuing years there were several others. In 1939 there was the man on duty, old and grey bearing the letters L.D.V. (local defense volunteer) on his lapel. Again in 1939 there was the smartly uniformed young man, in training, who shouldered a new gun and responded to curt arrny commands. In June, 1940. this soldier returned from Dunkirk, by train, unrecognizable, wrapped in a grey blanket, wearing old shoes and without his gun. He too was a "Man 1 Never Knew". Another was a firefighter, who following an air raid, returned home torn, dirty and weary after many days on duty. Some lads are remembered only by posted photographs edged in black. After emigrating to Belgrave, Rev. Roberts surprisingly, met several local veterans who bore the imprint of war. Some have died, and others are residing here and have taken the form of the Unkno Today, because of the "Ma • Ne'ver Knew", we stand in gratitude.