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The Huron Expositor, 1984-11-07, Page 17
THE LATEST IN FACIALS—Judy Midde- gaal lent a helping hand when her brother David .dressed in his clown costume for Halloween. David's grade two class at James school held a Halloween party on Wednesday. (VVasslnk photo) St. Country PI yhouse announces line up Huron Country Playhouse has released the. names of the productions scheduled for their Main Stage in 1985. The season will open with the beloved hit musical, Anne of Green Gables by Don Harron and Norman Campbell, based on the novel by L.M. Montgomery and will run from June 28 to July 20. Move Over Mrs. Markham by Ray Cooney and John Chapman promises plenty of laughter from July 23 to August 3.0 Neil Simon's hilarious Star Spangled. Girl, Aug. 6 to Aug. 17, will delight the entire audience. The season will close with their most requested show and a second large-scale musical hit for the 1985 season. The Sound of Music by Rodgers and Hammerstein; Book by Lindsay and Crouse, Aug. 20 to Sept. 7. Subscriptions are on sale now and available by writing,Huron Country Playhouse. Grand Bend, Ontario NOM 1TO. appy Citizens p{ay euchre at meeting Seaforth Happy Citizens' Nov. 1 meeting was held at the Legion Hall with 8 tables of euchre in play. Ladies high: Ethel Heist, lone hands, Grace Broadfoot, low, Ann Steffen. Men's high, Elmer Townsend, lone hands, Gordan Papple, low, Harvey Do)mage. Presbyterian W has Thankoffering The Fall Thankoffering meeting of the Barbara Kirkman & WMS of First Presbyter- ianthurch, Seaforth was held on Tues. Oct. 30 at 2 p.m. President Mabel McMichael presided. Mrs. Stewart Crouch and Edith Vincent played for the hymns. Mrs. Margaret Sharpe read the scripture, followed by Brayer by Mrs. Nancy Turnbull. Mrs. Edith Vtncent played a musical number with Edythe Coleman singing the lyrics. Miss Janet Cluff and Mrs. Barbara Rivers received the offering. Mrs. Donnie Smith introduced the speaker Rev. Wm. Barber, who brought us a thought provoking message. Edythe Cole. man gave the courtesy remarks. Grace was offered by Rev. Barber followed by a social time, Don't be surprised by ASA prescription Most people with arthritis are surprised, perhaps even a little disappointed, when the doctor tells them for the first time that the drug they'll be taking to help control the inflammation of their disease is plain old ASA. Some even seem to think they're being "cheated" if the doctor doesn't hand them a prescription for the latest, most powerful, most publicized drug on the market. ASA, in a variety of forms, has been used as a mild pain -reliever since the earliest days of medicine, In small, off-the-shelf dosages, it's a drug that most people routinely take for such common ailments as a cold, headache, or hangover. What they forget. sometimes, is that it is a drug, and one that can be used in an almost infinite variety of circumstances. it can also have side effects, some of which can be quite serious, even dangerous, to those who use the drug unwisely. When used to combat the inflammation of arthritis, most physicians experienced with the disease will start their patients off on carefully chosen and regulated dosages of ASA that are much higher than are used for other, less serious, conditions. Normally, they will prescribe a coated, or enteric, ASA that is absorbed in the intestine, rather than the stomach, although the regular, off-the- shelf brands may also sometimes be indicated. , SIDE EFFECTS Some of the most common ASA side effects are nausea, stomach or abdominal pain, ringing in the ears, and reversible hearing impairment. Children, and patients who have a type of arthritis called systemic lupus 1 FRIED CHICKEN SEAFOOD WEEKEND BUCKET 15 PiECES OF TENDER GOLDEN CHICKEN Plenty for 5-7 people ONLY Reg. 11.69 FRI•, SAT SUN. 410. NOV. 9, 10 & 11 Sat., Nov. 10 Closing 7 p.m. Sun., Nov. 11 Opening 12 noon Thursday, Nov© 15 Only SNACK SALE Available at both locations SEAFORTH 65 Goderkh St. 527-0220 CLINTON 482-7337 1 erythematosus, may also develop sight abnormalities in liver function. Some of these side effects are related to the dosage of ASA the patient might be taking, and others may be a consequence of the disease process or the total course of therapy. If you experience a problem, your physician will be able to give you the best advice about how to counteract it. Always take your ASA as prescribed, and follow your doctor's advice regarding any precautions or warning signs to watch for very carefully. ASA may interact with other drugs and should not, for example, be taken if you are using anticoagulants (drugs that prevent blood clotting). As well, do not mix ASA with any other off-the-shelf medications without first checking with your doctor. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, NOVEMBER 7, 1984 A17 RECIPE OF THE WEEK Apples! They take their name from a goddess, heros, have fought for them, dragons have guarded them and poets have praised them. By an enormous margin they are the world's most popular fruit and some of the world's very best apples are grown in Ontario's orchards. Ontario apples' are best suited for their intended use. McIntosh are a pbpular eating, apple but they cook well too, especially in pies and baked items. The firm, tangy Spy excels as a baker while the,Red Delicious with its crisp texture and sweet flavour is the finest of all dessert apples. Choose and use whichever variety you like best and to get the most from our orchard harvest try these new, tested recipes. APPLE SALAD 6 Red Delicious Apples 3 Celery stalks 1 Lemon, juice of 250 mL Sour cream 500 mL Cold roast pork, diced Pinch ground ginger Boston lettuce Wash, core and chop apples, but do not peel. Slice celery, toss with apples and lemon Juice. Mix with sour cream and fold in diced pork. Sprinkle with ground ginger;, serve on lettuce. Makes 6 servings. TOWN OF SEAFORT OPTIMIST OUTH APPni ATIO November 11 - 17 WHEREAS, the vast majority of the youth are concerned, knowledgeable and responsible citizens, and WHEREAS, the accomplishments and achievements of these young citizens deserve recognition and praise of their elders, and WHEREAS, Optimist International has srnce 1954 developed and promoted a program entitled Youth Appreciation Week, and WHEREAS, the citizens of the Town of Seaforth have indicated a desire to Join with the Optimists in expressing appreciation and approval of the contributions of the youth, I Alf Ross, Mayor, therefore proclaim the second week' of November as Youth AppreciationiALeekln.the✓Tow.n.of,Seafgt;th,,By Zhig action, Jet .it pie„ known that we have faith in the ability of today's youth as they assume responsible roles in the future of mankind. r ALL LADIES' DRESS & CASUAL SHOES ALL COLOU RS Famous Brand Names By: Naturalizer • Contoura • White Cross Selby • Clark Wallabees • Clark Logrollers Romika • Rohde • Etc. • Etc. 2 0%0FF FITTINGS iN •AA •B'•C •D •EE • SIZES 5-10 our reg. low prices McHale carmen • Nunn Bush • Greb North Stare Clark Wallabees • Bee lads Wrangler • Florsheim, and many more Fittings in •3E 02E •E •D • SIZES 7-13 OFF OUR REG. LOW PRICES ALL LADIES', MEN'S & CHILDREN'S QUALiTV -� FITTING SNOW BOOTS DRASTICALLY REDUCED!!! } VISA'