HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-10-31, Page 22A6 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER 31, 1984 Ontario team competing at Agribition in Saskatchewan A four person team will be representing Ontario at the 4-H International Judging Competition at the Canadian Western Agribition in Regina. The four people were' selected as a result of having the highest overall score in their region Class "A' Fair Judging Competition. In addition to three others, Elizabeth Stewart of RR 1, Dublin will be representing Rural. Youth Connection in Stratford. The Ontario team will be competing with other 4-H teams from across Canada and the U.S. As well, the group will have a chance to visit the Agribition and other sights in the Regina area. This 4-1.1 travel opportunity will take place from November'22nd to November 26th, 1984. and is sponsored by Pioneer Hi -Bred Limited, Chatham. TAKING A BREAK -Kelly Clark and Patti Moran both' found a different means of resting at the pre-achool skate Wednesday at the Seaforth trea. and District Community Cen- (Mcllwralth photo) Hall.: een warning issued for motorists Motorists, if you drive on Hallowe'en night, the Ontario Association of Optome- trists reminds you to keep a sharp eye out for trick -or -treaters walking in the dark. Soon children across the 'country will undergo a mysterious and magical change to ghost, goblin or any number of other beings. immainsaminummnsmaiiii Young trick -or -treaters will be sharing the streets with motorists, wearing masks that may obscure their vision. Their safety depends, in part, on vision and visibility. Optometrists, as members of the vision care profession, urge you to help make Hallowe'en safe. Seaforth students find nes .3 spaper good y to improve skills The grade six s de is at the Seaforth Public School are s dying the weekly newspaper. Part of thei unit on the weekly newspaper includes c pping photos and news o interest, check} g grocery advertise- ments, finnng verbs and reading the classifie S. Each week, the students scan the Huron Expositor to increase their reading, math, history and geography skills. HEINZ KETCHUP :..1.99 TIDE DETERGENT 388 STRAINED VARIETIES EXCEPT MEAT HEINZ BABY FOOD 2EA0. 128 mL SIZE WHITE, CHAMPAGNE OR YELLOW VIVA PAPER TOWELS 99c 2 ROLL PKG. LARGE EGGS 97 CANADA A GRADE DOZEN GREEN GIANT 14 oz FANCY SWEETLET PEAS. CREAM CORN SWEET PEAS CUT GREEN OR WAX BEANS OR 12 oz NIBLETS CORN OUR REG. 93C -99c TIN CATELLI PASTA SPAGHETTI, SPAGHETTI OR READY(CUT MACARO 1 kg SIZE CHIPWICH CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE ICE CREAM SANDWICH VANILLA OR CHOCOLATE OF 3KS2275. F •pL SEVEN UP REGULAR OR DIET 750 mL BOTTLES 218 Pus 30c OE POSIT 3 VARIETIES QUAKER CHEWY GRANOLA BARS 225 g OUR REG. 235 743 HEINZ SPAGHETTI, U.F.O.'s OR SCARIOS IN TOMATO SAUCE 0( REG 69 99c 14 fl oz TIN KLEENEX CLASSIQUE WHITE•YELLOW-MOCHA FACIAL TISSUE BOX OF 100 SHEETS REGULAR OR WHOLE WHEAT 'SNACK BREAD CRACKERS 4 VARIETIES McCORMICKS COOKIES 200 9 400 9 f.39 f.79 MCCORMICKS CHOCOLATE WAGON WHEELS 500 g 1.99 4 VAR ETIES PLAIN STYLE McCORMICKS CATELLI TOMATO COOKIES SAUCE McLARENS 6TUFEED FAANZANtLLA OLIVE S MARACHINO CHERRIES MIDGET GHERKINS OR .SWT HOL L AND ONIONS 175 AH KENT JAR f.99 SEVENLARGE SIZff UP PRESTONE 11 REGULAR OR DIET ANTIFREEZE 280 m1 TINS CASE OF 24 4 LITRE 6.99 6.89 400g 28oz 1819,91919 REGULAR OR UNSCENTED DELUXE, PEPPERONI CLARKS BEANS WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCF 14 of ' 69° SLICED ONLY ZEHRS PINEAPPLE 79 19 or BOUNCE OR CFIEESE FABRIC TOTINO SOFTENER 5" PIZZAS 60 s VARIOUS SIZES FROZEN CONCENTRATED 3 VARIETIES SUN PAC ARRID GRAPE EDRYA 355 ml TIN 200 mL SPRAY 99° f.99 VAC'?0M VANILLA HALF MOONS OR JOS. & LOUIS 6 PACK f. WESTOMS 1682 LARGE SIZE STONE MILL LISTERMINT BREAD MOUTHWASH 675 g LOAF 500 ml $90 2.49 KRAFT FINESSE firviliDASHAMPOO OR SLICES 2.99 CONDITIONER REGULAR OR EXTRA BODY 200 ml f.89 AA,C,D OR 9 VOLT SIZE EVEREADY ENERGIZERS CARD 2.59 FROZEN CONCENTRATED MINUTE MAW ORANGE JUICE 473 mL WITHOUT COUPON 1.99 'COUNTRY OVEN 04.,P.FOVPPF,,i.OP,S CHUNKY CHEESE BREAD129 4509 FRESH BAKED PECAN PIE129 565 y CARROT NUT \MUI=FINS Or 6 1.25 WESTONS PKG, OF 8 CINNAMON DUNS 1.49 REGULAR BARS -4's CAMAY SOAP 380 g 2.07 DIETRICH 100% WHOLE WHEAT ROLLS PKG OF 11 99' GAY LEA 3 FLAVOURS CHEESE CAKE 125 mL 2/490 DEODORANT BATH BARS -3's COAST SOAP 4209 2.39 SEALTEST LIGHT 'N' LIVELY YOGURT 500 g 1.49 V VALUABLE ZEHRS COUPON LIUIT ONE COUPON PER F Ayq Y SAYE ON VOU,F NETT PURCHASE 07 O715 373 m( TIN OF 7007EN CONCENTRATED C MINUTE MAID ORANGE JUICE COVPON E TP,RE5 SATURDAY NOV ) POWDERED CLEANSER COMET 400 9 69 THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN; LIQUID STYLE MR. CLEAN LITRE HEINZ TOMATO PASTE 2.79 1307 115 HIGHWAY NO. 8 GODERICH INFANT FORMULA BLUEWATER KRISPS OR REGULAR OR WITH IRON FRIES BLUEFISH SIMILLAC 39� 425 m MON., TUES. 9 T08 P.M. WED., TH'., FRI. 9 TO 9 P.M. SALT. 8:36 TO 8 P.M. 680 g 3029 JOSEPHINE ST. (HWY. NO. 4) WINGHAM 975 WALLACE AVE. -N. LISTOWEL WESTON RASPBERRY JELLY ROLLS e 29 340 g SAVE YOUR CASH REGISTER TAPES TNET CAN ASSIST THE ORGANIZATION Of YOUR CHOICE ASK ABOUT THE DETAILS INTERSECTION HWY. NO. 4 AND 83 EXETER MON., TUES., WED. • 9 T06 P.M. THURS., FRI. 9 TO 9 P.M. SAT. 8:30 TO 6 P.M. As part of their study of the classified pages, each student prepared their very own classified. There are some "For Sale" items and many "Wanted to Buy". And the ads are for real. If readers see anything in this, the first ever classified section for kids, please give them a call. FOR SALE SOME ripe pumpkins (large variety). Priced according to size. Call 527-1920. SOME old adult books. eg. Black Beauty. Call 527-1920. 1 pair slightly used girls ice skates, size 6. Call 527-1920. Susanne Pursley. A good used junior soccer game. It's a table top model. In good condition. Price is $20.00. Phone Kurt Lindemann 527-0450 after 4:00 p.m. COOPER baseball glove. Left hand. $60.00 in good condition. Seaforth, Ont, Call 527-1002. Darlene Calhoun. HOMEMADE Cabbage Patch Kid clothes. There are dresses, shirts, pants,umpers, jogging suits, shoes. Phone 527-0415 after 100 p.m. Tony Greidanus. • COMICS: under cover price. O.K. condition. Conan, Star Wars and others. Phone Boe Alkemade 527-0365 after 6:00 p.m. RABBITS: white, brown, black and some colour mixture. Call 887-6760 after 4:30 p.m. Barbara Finlayson. HOCKEY equipment, Hot Wheels City and Wild Fire Electronic Pinball for sale. All in good condition, Brian Love, Walton, NOK 1ZO Call 527-1536. STUFFED animals for sale in good condition, 51.00 each. Call 527-0075. Sara Teall. A Q-bert table top video game. Asking 555. It is in good condition. Call 527-0089. Jason McNichol GIRLS skates in good shape, size 13. Call 527-1995. - CROSS COUNTRY Skis and boots, varying sizes. Call 527-0895. Andrew Kennedy after 4 p.m. 1 pair of Bauer skates, boys' size 13. David Srarrow, 527-1619. GOOD home for a fair sized male, white and grey rabbit. Cali Sandra Mclnally at 527-0573 after 4:00 p.m. WANTED TO BUY INEXPENSIVE junior golf clubs In good condition. Must be left handed set. Call 527-0895. Andrew Kennedy after 4 p.m. GHETTO BLASTER in - good condition at a reasonable price. Call 527.1995. Holly Reeves. 1 pair boys ice skates, size 6. 7 or 8. Cal) 527.1920, COMMEDORE VIC 20 in good condition. Want to buy for a reasonablerice. Call 527-1362 after 4:30. Michael Miller A horse and a saddle. Reasonable price. Call after 6:00 527-0341. Sharon Shannon. A big hockey bag. Blue if available. In good shape and able to hold alot. Call 527-0672 Renee Thompson, A good set of weights over 80 lbs. Reasonably priced. only dumbells and barbells. Jim Shortreed. Phone 887.6888 after 4 pm. 'HOCKEY EQUIPMENT: Used hockey gloves and shin pads for 12 year old. Call 527-0177 after 12:00 some time. Michael Hoven, SPEAKERS WANTED. Good condition. 50 watts each. Phone 527-0606 after 4:00 p.m. For a house. Paul Hopper WEIGHTS over 100 pounds in good condi- tion. No bench press. Call 527-1967 after 7:00 p.m. Mark Smale. ICE SKATES, size 6. David Scarrow, 527-1619. DISHWASHER in good condition at a reasonable price. Wayne Rumford. Phone 345-2920 after 5:00 p.m. WANT to buy a boys 10 speed bike. Under 5100.00. Call 887-9492 after 5:00 p.m. on Friday after 7:00 o,m. Brian Williamson. Education Relations fact finder submits report Prof. Gene Deszca of Waterloo, the fact finder appointed by the Education Relations Commission in the negotiations between the Secondary teachers and the trustees of the Huron County Board of Education, submitted a report to the Commission on Oct. 22. As required under Section 26 (1) of the School Boards and Teachers Collective Negotiations Act, Revised Statutes of Ontar- io, 1980, the teachers and trustees now have a period of 15 days for further negotiations on the basis of this report. There is a provision for an additional five days under Section 26 (3) of the if both the trustees and the teachers a ee and ,the Commission ap- proves. If at the end of thVS time the parties have not made or renewed a eement, then the Education Relations Co mission will make the fact finder's report p bile.