HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-01-14, Page 8TIU.�R WI11GJIAM T.11ES, JANUARY 14, 1904 VISIT Ritchie s Campbell's Store DURING iANUARY FOR Extra argains All goods sold at I-4 oft FOR CASH AND TRADE ONLY G IWinter Evening Games Everybody must have .yl1'eir fun and recreation. It is part of all animal nature to haye time for .fun and frolic. We have or can get for you any game you want. Come in and see what we have in stock. Have youfplayed Flinch or Pit? These are two of the popular games just now. DRESSES FOP 1904: If ideas are what you want, visit the department of Standard Pat- terns in our store. We can show you paper patterns for every necessary garment. The February patterns, just re, calved, are full of "1830" r:ieets. COOPER r8 CO. (Suceessors to Alex. Ross.) MINOR LOCALS. 1.7 —Only twelve failures have been re- ported in Ontario since January 1st. —Huron County Council will meet 'in Goderich on Tuesday, January 26th. —The new post office building at Clin- ton will be ready for use in about two weeks. —Mrs. Lewi§, of Hamilton, has been • appointed domestic science teacher at Stratford. —The regular meeting of Camp Cale- donia, Sons of Sootland,will be held on Monday evening next. —The Young LadiesTortnightly Club will meet on Monday evening next at the home of Miss Kertie Ross. —W J. Scott is offering choice fruits and confectionery at close prices. Read his adv. in another column. - -W. F. VanStone shipped a car load of hogs, and D. E. McDonald a car load Of cattle to Toronto on Monday. —The young people of town held a 'very successful ball in the council chamber on Wednesday evening of last week. • --During 1603 there were 162,385,525 pigarn marinfactured in Canada; 78,934,- 410 of this number were manufactured in Ontario. —The Steamer OIalla3n, from Victoria, B.C. to Seattle, was sunk iu a heavy storm at Port Townsend, B.C. on Satur- day night and over fifty people were drowned. "r+wiTria, said h ariienesiand Other threat a , ha afraentd are quickly`relit;vcd by Cresolene i*Aisns. tett cents per box, All druggists --`int many friends of Mr. W. .T. liktrisgh, the efficient town weigh" r1a swill be *steed to know that he is I Nati be mound again after several i wfiMew - —There were 364 deaths from pneu- monia in New York last week. —Mr. W. F. VanStone this week sold two building lots on Diagonal street so Mr. Edward Bosnian. —The members of Court Maitland, C. 0. F. will hold an oyster supper at the close of the next regular meeting which will be held on Friday evening. 29th fust. —The fist meeting of the Wingham School Board for 1904 will be hold on Wednesday evening of next week. The first business to come before the Board will be the election of a Chairman. NOTICE.—The question is: How can Robt. Mom doe loan his money so cheap on notes and mortgages? Call. and See. Bony. MoI:.Doo. —Mr. A. 11L Carr, who has conducted a merchant tailoring business in- Tees - water for the past four years; has sold out to Mr. J. Good of Berlin. Mr. Carr is a former resident of this town. —The many sfrieirdi- of Mrs. Tuffts, mother of S.A. Wm. Hele of this town, wilLeigret to learn that she has been in Poor health for some time. She is liv- ing with her son at Phoenix, B. C. —Mr. Gao. Thomson, of Goderich spent several days in this vicinity look- ing up men and horses to work for him in the woods near Wiarton for the win. ter. On Friday last a number of men and thirteen horses went from here. STovus—All kinds, at bargain prices, as we need money and must sell stoves. Call and see what we have. A. YOUNG & SON. PERSONAL.. Mrs. Million of Teeswater, is viaitirg Mrs. Fessaut, Dr Spahltng and Miss Sperling of St. Marys are visiting at Mr. V. G. Spar lingg's. Dr. Macdonald, M. P. was in Own Sound for a couple of pays this week on business, Mr. Ezra, E. Homuth, of De'oraiue, Man. is visiting with Ins father, Mr. Wm. Homuth. Miss Annie Stewart has accepted a good position in Toronto anti left for that city on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Flemming of Wingham spent New Y etir's with friends iu town,—Lueltuow Sentinel,. Miss Maggie Hiscoclts has returned home from Toronto where she spent a month visiting with her aunts. Mr. Manville Newton and bride, of London were visiting with Wingham friends for a few days last week. Mr. Duncan Campbell, of Dakota, and Miss Mattie Campbell are spending 'a few days with relatives in Toronto. Mr. anti Mrs. J. T. Littlefair, of Wing - ham, spent the New Year's holidays with. Blyth friends.—Blyth Standard. Mr. Jas. H. Kerr and Miss Laura Kerr leave on Friday to spend a few days at the home of Mr. Henry Kerr in London. Organizer Ramplin of the Woodmen of the World is spending a few daps in town in the interests of National Camp. Mr. Geo. Campbell, of Manitoba was visiting for a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Campbell, Frances street. Mr. Donald Stewart returned to Lou- don on Monday after a three weeks visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs• D. Stewart. Mrs. Tue. Hardy of Wingham, visited her sister, Mr. E. Mathews, and other relatives from Thursday till Monday.— Fordwich Record. J. A. and Mrs. Hingstou and Mrs. Lloyd, of Wingham„ were visitors with R. T. Hiugston, Mill street, on New Year's Day.—Brussels Post. Miss Creighton, milliner, of Grand Valley, has returned to her home in Brussels after spending a week visiting in town at the home of Mr. H. Ball. Mr. Alf. Glover,tbe energetic and pop- ular local representative of the Massey. Harris Co., returned last week front a couple of weeks visit with relatives and friends in Mono. Miss Mary Begley is spending a few weeks with relatives at Dungannon, going to Dungannon -with her cousin, Miss Maggie Begley, who visited in Wingham for some clays. Mr. Hiscisol:s, of Teeswater and Mr. J H.'Hiscocks, London, were in town on Thursday on their way to Dungannon to visit their mother who is seriously ill. Mrs. Hiscocks, sr. is a former resident of Wingham, Mr. T. H. Race, editor of the Mitchell Recorder,was a caller at the TIMES office on Saturday last. He had been speak- ing at meetings for the West Huron Farmers' Institute and missed his rail- way connections here, owing to the Kincardine morning train being late. —The interior of Ritchi e & Campbell's store is this week undergoing improve- ments. The office is being removed to the centre of the store, and the addition- al space thus secured at the rear will give ample room forthe display of mantles, coats, fur goods, etc. —Mr. A. E. Gibson left town on Tues- day for Seaforth to assume the manager- ship of the Dominion Bank there, and will move his family and household ef- fects this week. Mr. D. T. Hepburn, the new manager here, will move his family here in the very near future. •--Mr. J. W. Warder of the Bluevale flour mill has everything in good run- ning order again, and has a fall supply of flour and feed of all kinds at R. J. MacMath's harness shop, where all or- ders will receive prompt attention and goods delivered to any part of the town, MONEY TO LOAN at 4?,ic per cent. on easy terms of repayment. Apply to A Dulmage, Kent Block, Wingham. —The Torsos has received a letter, en- closing $1 for his paper,from our former townsman, Mr. G. McIntyre, who is now located at Oak River, Man. Mr. McIn- tyre has done well since going West and is well pleased 'with the country. He is now See -Teas. of the Municipality of Blanshard. —In "Ratepayer's"communication last week we made it appear that the Chief Constable had collected *t9 for poll tax when the amount should have ve been only f29. The error was not the fault of "Ratepayer," as he had the correct fig- ures in his manuscript. In this cpnnee- tion it may also be stated that the Chief Constable is also Nightwatclhman for the town. In giving the duties we omitted this item. VVVvwVWVwwVVWVWVVVVV ANWOAAANAAAAAWAWAIVIA 3 Wedded at Guelph A pretty wedding was celebrated at Guelph Thursday afternoon, Dec. 31st, when Miss Amy Henrietta Maud Martin, second daughter of the late W. E. Mar- tin and Mrs. Martin, was united in mar- riage to Dr. Oswald 0. Withrow, M. R. C. S. (Lend.), L. R. C. P. (Edin). The ceremony was performed by the Rev. S. E. Marshall, pastor of Norfolk St. Meth- cdist church, at the residence of Mrs. Martin, Grove St., Guelph. Miss Edna Martin, her sister, attended the bride. Dr. Withrow was attended by his ne- phew, Mr. Lorne Clarkson, of Wood- stock. Dr. and Mrs. Withrow left for a short trip to eastern points. On their return they will go to New Hamburg, where lie has purchased a practice. Dr. Withrow is a brother of Mrs. F. J. Carr of this town and is a graduate of the Toronto School -of Medicine, and has taken post graduate in Europe, meeting with much success in both places. During the last century was caused the death of over thirty million civilized men. Fifty thousand German toymakers exports .$13,000,000, worth of toys, of which the United Stated gets nearly $4,000,000 worth. Halsey Park guarantees to sell from 50;, to 25R;, cheaper than the advertised prices of any departmental Store. See his advertisement. —One of the greatest surprises of the the season was sprung at the G. T. R. station this morning when the train from the north, due at fifteen minutes past ten arrived five minutes ahead of time,—Tuesday's GuelphaHerald. —Penny McGarvey, the Strathroy woman, tblit -ii a years of age,e , who killed her uncle, Patrick Upton, an Adelaide farmer, with whorl she had lived for nearly a score of years, was Tuesday acquitted of the crime of roux - der by a jury sitting at the Winter Assize Court at London. Miss McGarvey will be comnricted to the asylum. D 3 Do it Now. Come down to -day and buy one of those Special Raglan Overcoats, regular $11 value, for $7.50. We have sold a good many of this particular line of Men's Overcoats and we tell you honestly the supply cannot last much longer. You are really missing extra good value if you are in need of a Top Cuat and do not get one of these at $7.50. Just arrived --Boys' Reefers, sizes 22 to 28, another lot 29 to 33, 34, Buy Overcoats from A. R. SMITH GENTS' FURNISIIIER, - CHISHOLM BLOCK, WINGHAM. MNM/WAA/VVVV NNAA ^•AANA,AA VVI YYNOVVVVWVVYVVV1►VVYVVVN HORN. C'H7srroL".—In Wincltaut, on Tanuury 13th, wife of H. H. Chishoiu: a daughter. McKenzie. -1n Culroci. on January 8th, the wife of Angus McKenzie; a son. RoitERT3oN.—III Wiugham, on Tanury, 11th, the wife of Peter Robertson ; it daughter. BARB.—In myth, on January 1st, the wife of Mr. Win. Barr; a daughter. PlumAN.—In Morris, on January 5th, the wife of Mr. John Phelan; a daughter. GRANT —In Howiek Tan. sea the wife of Mr. Tho„, Grant; a daughter. 14tA1t Rx1.1) Summits-SAT:rm.-At the residence of the bride's parents. Winchester,on December 20th, by Rev. A. E. Sanderson, of Chesterfield, Mr. dibert Summers, principal of Blyth Public School, to Miss Luella B. Sal ter. DI til MOONEEY.-4t Indian Head, N. W. T. on Christmas Day, Rt ginald, eldest son of W. T. and Mrs. Mooney, aged 0 years. MARrTN.—In Morris, on Jan. 4, Earl Reid,son of Frank J. and Jennie Martin, aged 4 months and 10 days. O'LAUGHr.AN.—In East Wawanosh,on Satur- day December 20th, Margaret O'Laughlin, aged 30 years. Mzbv.—In West Wawano li, on December 31st, Mr. Joseph Medd, aged 48 years, .2 months and 23 days. 1\11IETING OF TH Council of the Con of Huron 1-,2iE COUNCIL of the Corporation of the 4 County of Huron will meet in the council chamber in the Town of Goderich. on Tuesday the 26th day of January, 1004, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. W. LANE, Cleric. STT A. CUNRIE, 3vingh'am, Ont. W Y • THE PEOPLE'S AUCTIONEER. Why go outside for a good man when you can get one at home 1 Orders left at the nuns office will receive prompt attention. ALKER BROS. & BUTTON .. , UNDERTAKERS. WINDHAM. Night ealla,at Button Block, or resi- dence at Ritchie's property on Scott St. or third house west of school on John street. Shop opposite Macdonald block. NOTICt TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby gi en pursuant to R. S, 0., 1807, Chap. 130, Sec.. , that all persons having claims against the er..ate of John Coultes, late of the Township o East Wawanosh in the County of Huron. f .rmer, deceased, who died on or about the 1411 day of November A. D., 1003. are required t send by post prepaid to R. Vanstono, Wind am P. O., olicitor for the Executors of the e. tate of the said deceased, on or before the 2t h day of January A. D., 1904,.their names, : ddresses and descriptions and a full stateme of the particulars of their claims and the net re of the security, it any, held by them, dnl • certified, and that after the said day, the Exec tors will proceed to distri- bute the rssets . f the deceased among the parties entitled th .roto, having regard only to the claims of whir they shall then have notice Dated this 17th r ay of December A. D., 1003. R. VANSTONE, Wingham P. O., Solicitor for the Executors. EXECU ORS' SALE 0I VALUABLE Farm and Chattel Property in the Towns ip of East Wawanosh. Pursuant to t e powers vested in the undersigned as +xecators of the Estate of John Coultes, ate of the said township of East Wawat osh, farmer, deceased, there will be o -red for sale by public auc tion by Chari .s Hamilton,auctioneer, elgrave, in the County 9 at the Village of of Huron, on Wednesday, 2 i th day of January, A.D, 1004, at ou o'clock in the after- noon, thef Cowing valuable farm ropert, viz: The South half of tl a Easterly three-quarters of lot nuittber thirty- ins in the sixth cones- su er of the Township • f East Wawanosh in the County of Huron, con. Ming seventy-five acres of land more or less. This farm is situate about three miles from the Village of Belgrav, and five miles from the Village of Blyth, and . ere aro sixty-five acres cleared and in good st to of cultivation Thee are on the pre vises a good house 10:v 20 with good cellar u erneath, a frame barn 45 x 50 with good Stahl g underneath, a sheep pen 10 x 42, a good wel and a good fruit bear- ing orchard; buililin:. are alin good repair and are nearly new. At the sane time nd place there will be offered for sale the fo lowing chattel property, viz: one aged drivin _ mare, one aged horse, ten well bred ewes, t vo ewe lambs, one rain lamb, one single bugg r , one single cutter, ono set single ihurness, on, wagon,one fanning mill, one set harrows, on • water trough and one wheel barw. Terms orof Sulk --Ten per cent, of the pu_ rchase money of the farm w 11 be paid to the Vendors ort the day of Sale nd the balance within thirty stays thereafte The other forms an conditions will be made npph i n on tire. da • sale or may be had on lieation to flip u, erslgried, y On the Sale of dust els, all sums of $5.00 anti under will be cash, a er that amount approved joint notes at eight months credit will lie Sc. t'entcd. Dated this Oth day . f .tamtnr A. fl.• 1004. FORGE TAYLOR, AVID A. DUNBAR, 1i. VA4 1NEE, Sol iter far 13k.gr•u�reeutorn, 1'i'If') wing}ram P. O. • C, J. M A,G DIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Con• veyancing done. OFFICE—In Vanstone Block. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 0 o'clock. OR. OVENS, of London, SURGEON, DENTIST, SPECIALIST DISEASES EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Visits Wingham monthly. Glasses properly fitted. Nadal Catarrh and Deafness treated, Wingham Office -Campbell's Drug Store. London Office --225 Queen's ave. Hours : 13 to 8 p.m. Dates cf visits—Mondays, Feb. 1, Feb. 20; March 28, May 2, May 30, June 27, :filly 25, Sept. 5, Oat. 3, Oct. 31, Nov. 28. FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERY ices on I am offering special cut Oranges, Lemons, Bon -Bons, - c, These are all fresh goods, and at t e low prices should not be long in o' ng out. ORANGES Regular 70c a dozen, for Regular 60c a dozen, for Regular 40c a dozen, for Also a line at 2 dozen for GOc. 50c. 300. 25c. .LE11106/ S— BestLemons, per dozen, 20c. BON -BONS Choice Bon -Bons, just a few on band to be sold at cost price. W. J. SCOTT Opposite Presbyterian Church. Massey =Harris Agency, HAVE YOU A CUTTER ? If not, call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. If you will need anything in the line of Farm Implements or Machinery for the coming season, place your order early and get the best. Massey -Harris goods are leaders everywhere. Agent for— Kemp Manure Distributor Melotte Cream Separator We also handle the Wm. Gray & Sone BUGGIES and, CUTTERS—universally acknowledged to be the best and most durable to be had. ALF. GLOVER 7 AGENT, WINGHAM. Owing to part of my store falling down with the recent storm, I have decided to clear out balance of 'my stock of CUTTERS, ROBES, HARNESS, EUR COATS, PIANOS, ORGANS, And SEWING MACHINES regardless of cost; want of apace compels me to do this, stock is all new and up- to-date in every particular. No reason- ablecertainly r a s ab le offer of sed. Th is a chance of a lifetime to buy any of the above goods at your own prices. Thanking my customers for past favors, I remain, Your humble servant T.11. ROSS” Stand beside Presbyterian Church. ••••••••0•••••••••••0••••• •••*•••••$•••••••••••*e•R* • • • • • 2 • • •••• • • • • • • • • • • 0 r _ • P • ••O • e +r • • O • O • • • De M. Gordon • Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. •00000000.0000000,00000000 •4.•••000.0.000.- D. M, CORDON i, IS NOW POSITIVELY SELLING Z� • • • •` •• a • • • .04 •- 40, • •• • • • This is the greatest opportunity ever offered to the people of this town and a surrounding country to secure prime • new goods at actual cost. • •- O. •• 4, 4- 44- 41- DIRECT - DIRECT IMPORTER. ®, All Furs and Overcoats At Cost for Cash 4.4.4-444-1.44+- :•-3. ++4++i e+ —tee ; a: 4'•1• •4 i'4.+it- 4- 4. 4- 1. 40- 4*. •i•• H• 'I '4- 4• a,. 4. 'i• •1• 4- 4• 4- .4' .f. 4, 4. 4* .4. 4• .,L .1011111.110 4- ÷ •4. 4. (felt',`-1'1.cs�a. i � - .4,.. . .1- 4- :.1..... 1- .1;. r •'o: 1- 4- 4 .- H .1* 4. 4. g 4. 4' .4. 3- 4 l Made by Western Foundry Go., Ltd., Wingham, Ont. 4• '4-. ,4. • . O 4. 4, .g. •4.. 3. A M ALEX. YOUNG & SONI • ee J WINCHAM.4.4. _ J. BUCC & SON . 3 THE WESTERN FOUNDRY CO., LIMITED, �; WINGHAM, ONT. +; T. Gentlemen,—I take great pleasure in saying that I have 3:: •' used several different makes of Ranges, but consider the 4 * • " CROWN HURON" the best of them all. It uses CONSID. .4. 4" ERABLY LESS COAL and gives a more even heat than any .4• Range I have ever met with. So far as I can see, the " Crown Huron " Range is perfection itself. 4' Yours truly, ie 3• C. CAMPBELL. . 4. 3•: 4.444-e+. 4+444. Goal EiilIs too Lare Some Ranges are like some people. They have in- satiable appetites, but they do very little in return for all theyconsume. The Crown Huron Range burns less coal and does more work than any other Range. It gets less expensive every day you use it. SELLING AGENTS : Wingham, Ont., March 6th, 1903. .,TVVVVYVV,TTTTTTTTTTTTTT, C ► TVTTTTTTVVVYTTTVYTTTVVVVVV 4 r 44 • 4 i• ®. 4 4 4 4 V -4 4 , 44 4 •+1 44 44 411I d IRON and BRASS BEDS ! These goods are ever becoming more popular, and to keep pace with their growing pppularity and the consequent increasing demand for, them, we have placed in stock a few lines from which we a pleasing sure everyone can make a p leasg choice PRICES, - $3.75, $4.00, $6.00, $6.50 Ag ood line of Dressers ''and Stands to match. A fine line of - SIDEBOARDS, BEDROOM SUITS PARLOR SUITS COUCHES, etc., All up-to-date goods at the lowest prices. - BROS. BUTTON WALKER Furniture and Undertaking. The � � i`niture Store opposite the Post Office. rAAA& jAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAaA,AAAAAAAA,AAAAAAAAA