HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-10-17, Page 18A16 — THE HURON EXPOS! ' ' R, OCTOBER 17, 1994 CLASSIFIED 11. WANTED TO BUY PIANO WANTED: Not necessarily in good condition. Phone collect 519-669-2198 or 519-669-2280. 11-01xtf F. WANTED OLD Brick Buildings wanted for wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, London 667-4028 anytime. 12-42-^1 Fuel Oil FIIrilace 24 HOUR SERVICE Repair and amusing • Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 , " TE-fEM FARMS °PUMPKINS ONIONS °TOMATOES *CAULIFLOWER Spanish .R ED 8, WHITE mtlROCCQLM and POTATOES *SQUASH Cooking *KRAUT CABBAGE ALSO .\ Garden Mums, Fall Bulbs & • U-Pielt Tomatoes RR 1, SAYHELD 482-3020 ANTIFREEZE t by the jug $5.95, (while supply lasts) Phone 527-0120 FARM EAUIPMENT'LIMITED' - 14. PROPERTY for SALE 2 large lots, best location in town, excellent area, 513,000 for both. Call 527-0363 or 527-0747. - 14-42-1 3 bedroom home, 56 Goderich St. W., new storms, roof and interior. 527.1312. 14-41-5 15. PROPERTYfor RENT BACHELOR apartment for rent. Call 527- 0607 after 5 p.m. 527-0712. 1S-41-tf NEWLY renovated 2 self contained second floor apartments in Walton, 550 per month plus hydro; one store with kitchen and bathroom for rent. $50 per month, plus hydro. 527-06,77. 15-42-2 17.WANTED TO RENT 3 or 4 bedroom house,or apartment in or near Seaforth, needed by. November 1st, reason- able rent. 527-1723 after 5 p.m. 17-41-2 18, FO RENT 2-4100 bushel steel granaries for rent. MervynFalcotier 482-9858. 18-42-1 FLOOR sanders for rent, B. & M. Rentals and Sales. Wingham, 357-1666. 18-34-tf 19. NOTICE 1 CAREER in truckin`g. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "A" license. For interviews contact Mery Orr Transport. London (519) 432-1726, Cambridge (519) 623-2430, 19-42,01 BEAN KNIVES. Bring them in now to be drawn or repaired. Plow shares drawn or rebuilt. Winthrop Iron, 527-1970 after 6 p.m.. 19-42x1 OM O lllll.U.% W til UCIWE YOUR WISH HAS COME TRUE DURING OUR Mg" SPECIAL PURCHASE WASHER & DRYER SALE THE WASHER /DRYER' PAIR WITH ,EXTRA FEATURES AND RELIABLE IN6LI! 'd CMLITY.. Washer • 5 Cycles — Including Superwash • 2 Agitator Speeds — 2 Spin Speeds\ • 5 Wash / Rinse Temperature Selection • Easy -clean Filter • Agitator -mounted fabric softener dispenser • Funnel typo bleach dispenser • Bac Pac Information Centre Available in White and Almond 'White only Deluxe washer 6W 7 and trade 88.11.'.0..1 pinlar 1 Dryer Horne Appiar>ces a Custom Automatic Dry — Regular — Permanent Press • Timed Dry — Regular • No -tumble drying rack • 3 Temperature Selection • Bac Pac Information Centre Available in White and Almond Deluxe Dryer 36V5 and trade Delivered, installed and serviced by us Except dishwashers Special prices on all Inglis appliances On our floor. 1 Some scratch and dents at special clearouts. -Subject to prior sale Inglis Electric ostrig I cifor Ranges t''i4frlt. Appliances From Frena 1$489" ATOUCHOF and trade leolouv plus 1110.00 THY PLACE'TO BUY AP01.IA'1JC'E'S" b'. •• ,:ri l.)ur Own Sorvicp $67995 and trade) Almond only. frost free AJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD. HENSALL 9 137 7738 Open 8-6 Friday night till S p m 19. NOTICE FREE 128 page career guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full, and part time jobs. Granton Institute 265A Adelaide Street West, Toronto: Call (416) 977-3929 19-42-01 NOMINATIONS are being received now for Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year awards. Contact this newspaperto nominate an outstanding young person aged 6 to 18, who desrves more than a pat on the back. 1,9.42.01 23. BUS. DIRECTORY COMBINING and trucking corn, contact Gary Thacker, 887-6883. 23-41.2 JOE McQUALD CARPENTRY: Licensed carpenter for all your building needs: Phone 482-3628 evenings. 23-37-tf 24.CARD ) F THANKS HODGERT • The family of the late Daryl Hodgert wish to thank our friends, neighbours and relatives for their support and prayers during Daryl's valiant battle with cancer. Your comforting messages, floral tributes and generous donations of food are_greatlyappreciated. The many donations to the Childhood Cancer Research Association and Ronald McDonald House are overwhelming and will continue'to help others in the days ahead. Words. cannot express how very muclrcaring friends mean in time of sorrow, 24-42x1 O'ROURKE • Many thanks to my friends, neighbours and relatives for cards, gifts, phone calls, prayers and visits while I was a patient in Toronto hospital and since returning home. Also for their kindness shown Dan while I was away. Kay O'Rourke 24-42x1 ATTENTION: STUDENTS 000 MARCH BREAK HOLIDAYS GREECE FLORIDA information Meeting MONDAY, OCT. 22, 1984 7:30 P.M. CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL CLINTON To register please call ELLiSON TRAVEL Toll Free 1-800-265-7022 Parents Welcome 'NOT A SCHOOL SPONSORED TRIP 24.CARD OFTHANK J McCREIGHT The family of the late Agnes McCreight wish to express our thanks and appreciation to all who sent cards, flowers, food and Mass cards. It was all greatly appreciated. Matt McCreight 24-42x1 RAPSON ThanksTo doctors and nurses at the hospital, to everyone for their visits, cards, flowers and treats. All was greatly appreciated. Annie Rapson 24-42x1 iMcCLURE I would like to thank the nurses and Dr. Malkus. Also thank you for -a11 the cards and the flowers from friends while in the hospital. Sincerely Brenda McClure 24-42x1 CHRISTIE I.wish to sincerely thank my family., relatives, friends and Rev. McDonald for the prayers, get well wishes, cards, gifts 'and visits while in hospital and since returning home. Again thanks to all. 1 will always remember your thoughtfulness. Audrey Christie 24-42-1 MseLEAN Many thanks to Dr. Malkus and the hospital staff, my family, Optimist. Club, United Trails, everyone for cards, treats and visits. Special thanks to Keith for doing triple duty while I was in the hospital. Everything was very much appreciated. Wtima MacLean 24-42-1 FLYNN The family of the late Gladys Flynn wish to express their thanks to all (tlo visited', sent cards, flowers, donations to the Cancer Society and the First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. To all who were so kind to her during her stay in Huronview. Thanks to Rev. Barber, the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home and the- ladies of the First Presbyterian Church for the lovely lunch. 24-42-1 COOPER Many thanks to our children who arranged everything for our 25th anniversary. A special thanks goes to our relatives, friends, and neighbours for coming out and making our evening a very enjoyable one. Also for the lovely cards and gifts. It was all very much appreciated and we will remember the occasion for many years. Melvin and Shirley Cooper 24-42x 1 VON EUW I would like to thank Rose Pringle, Father Caruana, Dr. Rodney, Dr. Wong and the Seaforth nursing staff for all the good care they gave me. Also for the cards and flowers and visits from friends while 1 was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Thanks again. Elly von Euw 24-42x1 r � Hensall Hockey League Practice night Sunday Oct. 21 New, players welcome A COMMERCIAL COPIER NOW AVAILABLE AT PERSONAL COPIER PRICES. FEATURES THAT CAN'T BE BEAT AT THIS LOW PRICE. ❑Copies just about any original on just about any paper up to 10 x 14". DMiht)Ita's exclusive micro4oning system gives you crisp, clear copies from top to bottom and edge to edge. °Automatic Image density control system. • °Built-in single sheet bypass. - ❑Programmable for up to 99 consecutive copies. Now, no business is too small to get quality copies. Call or come in today for a demonstration. BUSINESS EQUIPMENT LIMITED GODERICH 524-8652 24.CARD OF THANKS SCOTT I would like to express my sincere thanks to Seaforth Ambulance attel4tiajits for taking me to the hospital. Also many thanks to Doctor Stapleton, the nurses and staff of the Seaforth Community Hospital while I was a patient the; -e. John Scott 24-42-1 MURRAY Many thanks to our neighbours, relatives and friends for cards, flowers, gifts, Masses and telephone calls. A Special thanks to our family. It will always be remembered. Vincent and Dorothy Murray 24-42x1 1VIELADY Thank you. My message of thanks- to the doctors and nurses of the Seaforth Commun- ity Hospitai for giving me their greatest, care / while' I was a patient there. ' Thank you sincerely also to my family, .relatives, neighbours and friends, for all the beautiful cards, flowers, Masses, prayers, ,treats and visits. Special thanks to Nell and Ted, Sheila Brooker, and Dorothy who took care of my home. My deepest gratitude to Fr. Henry Cassano of St. Columban, Fr. Caruana of Seaffoi•th and Fr. Carrigan ,of Dublin who looked after my spiritual needs. May -.1 conclude with the .following poem which explains my deepest gratitude: God Bless you friends God bless you friends for all the -things.,. That you have done for me... - With faith and Understanding and... , With love and sympathy... God bless you for your thoughtfulness... And for the way you say good morning and Good evening or.... Whatever time of day... Your confidence inspires me... To reach a greater height.,. In every brave ambition and... In doing what is right... I cannot thank you half enough... For all the deeds you did., But all my heartfelt gratitude.. Belongs at last to you.... And so this special message is,.. To tell my deepest feelings when,.. 1 say God Bless You Enendsl ' Happiness is having friends like you. , • Marie Melady ' 24-42.-1 25. IN MEMORIAM HUETHER: Id memory -of a husband, father and grandfather, who passed away Oct. 14, 1974. As long as life Ind memory last We will always remember you. The Huether Families 24-42x1 REGELEI In loving memory of my husband Edward C. Regele who passed away October 18th, 1982. You iilways had a smile for others As you went along life's path Always words so tender If your advice we would ask Always your love so abundant You gave for all to see. . Always friends' and companions . These are our memories. Always remembered -by his wife Idella, his family and.gtand and great ,grandchildren; 25-42x1 KELLEY; In loving memory of a dear wife and mother. Merrill Kelley who passed away 2 years ago, Oct. 15, 1982. Always remembered and sadly missed by her husband Bill and son, James Kelley. 25-42x1 BUTT: in loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Roy Butt who passed away Oct. 15, 1970. . Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us every day, -Unseen, unheard. but always near. Still loved. still missed. still very dear, Loved and remembered by his wife and family. 25-42.1 19. NOTICE VEALS Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83.3', miles east of Fxetcr 235-1123 1ryusfor CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING, Kill Dass . Tuesdays • OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked mears.prns•ess• ed exactly the was sou like it. s WANTED TO BUY'CATTLE , Nie pay good prices tor poorly doing or unthrifty crippled or recently injured cattle (free of drugs). Call 24 hours per day collect. ANSEMS LIVESTOCK 1-238-2796 APPLES APPLES MacINTOSH Specially Priced We're filled up with them , Free deliveries in area -MARTENE ORCHARDS West of EgaiondvfBe Phone 527-1507 IIENSALL LIVESTOCK ' SALES ' Every Thursday at 12:0 p.m. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensall Barry Miller 236-2717 Exeter& 229-6205 Kirk ton Geo. A. ills -- & S®h5 MERCHANTS PLUMBING -HEATING A ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Phone 527-1620 Home Hardware Seaforth • -•r