HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-01-14, Page 4TILE WINGIIA,. TIMES, JANUARY 1.4, 1904, E, AR Sar ? AiT NT6 reg Ar. Dr. iiess&s I It is said the estate of thelate Andrew I Pattallo,M, 1?, P. is valued at about 485,000, Ag he left neither wife nor eliildreu theestate is distributed is leg- acies among his relatives. 1 A meeting of the Liberals of South 1Hurou was heli at Brucefield on Friday last, for the purpose of electing officers and organizing for the Dominion elec. 1 tions. Officers were elected us follows :- Presideuc, Alex, Muskeid, Brucefield; Vice -Presidents, Harry Smith of Hay and M. Murdio of Winthrop; Secretary, J. G. Stanbury, Exeter; Treasurer, John Murdock, Brucefield. The calling of a nominating convention was left in the hands of the Executive. Short speeches were given by Ur. G. McEwen, M. P., M. Y. McLean, ex -M. P. P., and others. 1 Stock Goods Ommemommesromme C. A. Campbell The Druggist WINGHAM. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABLISHED 1872. THE WIN AM TIMES. H. B. ELLIOTT, PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR THURSDAY, JAN. 14. 1904. • • NOTES AND COMMENTS. Senator 1)andurand, one of the Lib- eral organizers, thinks the Conservatives may not carry more than five seats in Quebec province. Mr. Hance J. Logen, M. P., one of the Liberal whips, predicts that the Government will carry 28 out of the 36 seats in the. Maratime Provinces. The story printed in a Toronto Conser- vative paper that Hon. M. E. Bernier has been appointed a member of the Railway Commission and Hon. L. P. Brodeur, Speaker of the House of Commons, taken into the Cabinet, is a fake. It is amusing to ear some people speak of Hon. G. W. Ross as the "old Ian®.*ho ought to give way to the young Mr. Whitney." There is just two years difference in the age of these gentlemen, Mr. Rosa being 62 and Mr. Whitney 60. --Brockville Recorder. An excellent showing made by the Dominion of Canada with respect to trade failure in 1903. These numbered 978 last year against 1,101 iu 1002, and 1,341 in 1901. Total liabilities were $7,- 552,72.4, against $10,934,777 in 1902, and i $10,811,671 in 1901. Total assets were $4,872,422, against $7,772,418 in 1002, and $7,686,823 in 1901. - ......-..---- -..-- Mr. Ross, as Premier, has a wording Mr. majority if his supporters are true to him and to each other, and the on)y way to find out whether they t' te'is to call the Legislative As el bly together and 1g before it th>s'Goverument legislative program^. If Mr. Ross fails to secure the united support of his friends a con- stitutional crisis will of course sneer- vene, but there is none just now. -Tor. onto Globe. The question as to whether there will be a session of Parliament still hangs in the balance, but a definite decision one way or the other will be reached very some Indications seem to be that there will be a session before an election. This is the ysiew entertained by prom- inent supporters of the Government, who have seen the Prime Minister re- cently, but Sir Wilfred Laurier gives no sign, and he is the final judge. a _ .. -..CYC, .•..M ":�.�, IPsers Ayer's Cherry Pectoral quiets tickling throats, hack- ing coughs, pain in the lungs. It relieves congestion, sub- Cherry Pectoral ;dues inflammation. It heals, strengthens. Your doctor will explain this to you. Heknows all about this cough medicine. w Ws is i need A'ser'd Cherry PectorIl la O e fatuity ter 25 years for throat sad lute erverblee, sod i,s think no medielnd eattbli tt. $jiff. 1i. Po a ov, Appleton', Mina. Week.. 11.51. .r. C. ATM* CO., b� .: for L.w.u. ate►r. enk Throats 1+P6t• tlja sails rocove v5a gently taxaattl WEST HURON LIBERALS. The convention of the Liberals of West Huron, held at Dungannon on Tuesday of last week, was very largely attended, and as stated in our last issue, Mr. Robt. Holmes of Clinton was unan- imously nominated as candidate for the Commons. W. Proudfoot, K. C., president of the West Huron Liberal Association, direct. ed the proceedings and was re.elected to the position which he has held for some years. There was a notable vacancy caused by the absence of W. Coats, who for many years held the position of secretary -treasurer and discharged its dirties with zeal and ability, but who now, as the psesident said, "has a more lucrative position," that of County Reg- istrar. The office was divided and Chas. Garrow, of Goderich, was elected as secretary, and Joseph Bell, of Carlow, as treasurer. The other officers are as follows: -First vice president, Morgan Dalton, Reeve of Ashfield; second vice president, James Young, Auburn; third vice president, Henry Morris, Loyal; auditor, Henry Beattie, Clinton. It was decided also to appoint a chair. man for each municipality, such chair• men to be members of the executive committee. These chairman were ap- pointed as follows :-Ashfield, 5'ohn Styles; Kiutail; Colborne, Alex. Young, Carlow; West Wawanosh, Win. Bail- ie, Dungannon; Goderich township, J. W. Yeo, Holmesvilie; Hallett, Thomas McMillan, Constance; East Wawanosh, J. T. Currie; Blyth, Win. Jackson; Wingham, R. Clegg; Clinton, D. F. Macpherson; Goderich, W, L. Horton. CHURCH NOTES. Divine service will be held in the Zetland school hoose on Friday evening of this week. Rev. Canon Samson died at his home in Toronto on. Friday, aged 75 years. He had been rector of Trinity Church, King street east, for 52 years. Ret. Dr. Gundy preached missionary sermons in the Methodist ()tureen at Brussels on Sunday last. Rev. T. Wesley Cosens, of Brussels took De. Gundy's work here. The annual congregational meeting of the Wingham Proshyterian Church will be held on Monreay evening, January 25th. The annual financial statement is now being -prepared. The Amount collected by the Diocese of iuron in 1903 for Canadian and &reign missions has now reached the sum of $10,818. The amount expected from the diocese was $11 500, leaving only about $700 short. The yearly returns of the various sections of the Methodist church through- out the world show a grant total of 48,815 ministers, who have in their charges 49,430 churches and missions. The total membership, with "probation. ers,"is set down at 7,801,311, including 105,452 local preachers. There are 81,580 Sunday schools, with 804,778 officers and teachers and 6,523,230 scholars. The Band Concert. The baud concert to be held in the Opera house on Friday evening of this week will be the first of the series for this winter and should be largely attend- ed so that the players may be encouraged in their efforts to provide a good baud for our town. The money from these concerts, nor from any other source has not gone nor will not go to the individual players. All the funds are used in purchas ing music -and other supplies and the pro coeds from this series of concerts will be usedin purchasing new uniforms. The price of admission is only 10 cents, and seats will be reserved up till 8 o'clock for ladies and their escorts. Following is the program: -- PART I. 1. March-"Tanawa" The Band 2, Song --selected Mr. Frank Hill 3. Waltz-'--'Composia" The Band 4. Song -"Whisper and I shall hear" Miss E. Estelle Griffin 5. Cornet Solo -"Air Varig" Mr. 3. W. Duncan G. Song -"A May Morning" Miss W. Alba Chisholm PART 2. 1. Overture --"Golden Crescent" The Band 1. Song -"A Dream" Miss E. Estelle Griffin 1. Instrumental -Selected Miss Norma Dinsley 11. Serenade --"Loves Bepose'" The Band I. Song --•"A Promise of Life" Miss W. Alba Chisholm '4. Song -Selected Mr. Frank Hill '. Selection- The Band God Save the King. Hockey Matches. Listowel and Lucknow teams played a league game at Listowel o:d Friday night last, the former winning by a score of 21 to 3. There was a good league game of hock- ey played in the Wingham rink on Mon- day evening, when Harrieton and Wimp ham boys came together. The game was well attended and the band fur- nished excellent mesio during the even- ing. At the end of the required time for playing the score was a tie-.- 7 all. Ten minutes more play left the Harrist. on lsoya victorious by a score of 10 to 8. The Wingllanl Hockey Club went to Clinton on Thursday last to play au ex- hibition game with the team of that town and were defeated by a score of 8 to 10. The first half was very much in favor of Wingham, score being 3 to 2 in favor of our boys and both teams play- ing good hockey, but the second half the Clinton boys acted like so many bush whackers and the Wingham team came in for a bad slugging and to make matters worse the game was played with- out goal nets and almost everything that hit the end of the rink where Wingham was defending wan counted by Clinton goal umpire, which official had to be changed several times, but the Clinton team will play a return game shortly and our boys will show them how to play good clean hockey. The following is the schedule of League games:- Wingham-at Mt. Forest Jan. 5th; at Palmerston Jan. 19th; at Harriston Feb. 4th. Harriston-at Wingham Jan. 11th; at Mt. Forest Jan. 22nd ; at Palmerston Feb. 9th. Palmerston -at Harriston Jan. 7th; at Wingham Jan. 25th; at Mt. Forest Feb. 5ch. Mt. Forest -at Palmerston Jan. 1st; at Harriston Jan. 14th; at Wingham Feb. 1st. .Ave Stook Markets. Toronto, Jan.12.-There was a very heavy run at the city cattle market to- day, comprising up to noon hour 88 loads, with a number of loads reported on 'the road but delayed. The receipts consist- ed of 1,560 head of cattle, 1,142 sheep and lambs, 1,000 hogs and 75 calves. Business was fair, though owing to the& unusually heavy run for a Tuestiy's market it was a little slow towbars the close, and prices for the coneneroner run of butchers' cattle easedeoff a little. Forty-five carloads bf stock, includ- ing 770 cattle ande480 sheep and lambs, were the arrivgis at the Union btock Yards, Toronto Junction, yesterday:and to -day The quality of the cattle was good, better,:in fact, than any run of stock since the Christmas market. Trate was fairly good with prices a little easier than usual. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. heavy $4 50 $4 90 Light 400 4 25 Balls 3 75 4 25 do„ light 3 00 3 75 Feeders light,800 pounds and up- wards 3 00 Stockers 2 50 900 lbs 2 75 Butchers' - Choice 3 65 Medium 3 30 Picked 4 40 Bulls 2 75 Rough 2 50 Light stock bulls 2 25 Milk cows.... ...30 00 Hogs - Best . ,. 5 25 Lights 5 00 Sheep - Expert 3 50 Bucks...: - 2 50 Culls 2 25 Spring Lambs 4 60 Calves, each ... . 2 00 3 75 3 121 3 50 4 20 3 40 4 40 3 00 2 60 2 50 45 00 3 85 3 00 3 50 5 30 1000 WINGHAM MARKET REPORTS Wingham, January 13th, 1904 Corrected every Wednesday afternoon by Howson, Harvey & Brocklebank. Flour per 100 lbs 1. 75 to 2 40 Fall Wheat ........ 0 75 to 0 75 Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 00 Oats, 0 26 to 0 27 Barley 0 35 to 0 40 Peas ,,. ...,. 0 55 to 0 60 Turkeys, drawn .......... 0 12 to 0 13 Geese, " 0 08 to 0 10 Ducks, per pair .... 0 60 to 0 75 Chickens 0 30 to 0 60 Butter 0 17 to 0 17 Eggs per doz .... . . . . 0 20 to 0 20 Wood per cord 200 to 2' 75 Hay , per ton . , .. 7 00.to 8 00 Potatoes, per bushel 0 50 to 0 60 Tallow per Ib .... .... 0 05 to 0 06 Lard ., 0 13 to 0 13 Dried Apples per lb 0 04 to 0 04 Wool ..,. 0 16 to 0 18 Live Hogs, per cwt ..... 5 00 to 5 00 9100 Reward, 8100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at lease one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh, Hall's Cataralh Cure is the only positive remedy known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat- ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in• tonally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the system, there- by destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its ear- ative powers that they offer One Hun- dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. OuExzv' & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. DON'T INSURE YOUR LIFE OR PROPERTY until ;rho have seen COSENS about. it. IT WILL PAT You. Farm Loans at Lowest Dates ! Abner Cosens LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. FINE PHOTOS ►, CLEAR AND BRIGHT J1 we are now doing a nice lino at $1.25 a dozen. (;all and see them at Armstrong & Co's Studio 0: WING'IAM The New Mill abt and fine CHOPPING We keep the best FLOUR, OATMEAL, BRAN, SHORTS. FEED and C.QP•IN At Lowest Prices. D. ,,MCGREGOR The Newz111ill Wingham. ,s`• MERIDEN J1rITNNI4Gj5 t1 atliteN4rs' Known everywhere as highest quality. Especially suitable for gifts. Trade Mark on Salad Dishes, Water Pitchers, Tea Sets, &c. Trade Mark on Forks, Spoons, Knives. For sale by leading dealers everywhere Rogers Bros. There are other " Rogers." "1847" marks ;he old original quality, famous the world over. Remember, any Knives, Forks or Spoons Stamped 1847 Rogers Bros. ,uU GENtlINst ROGERS GOODS We are giving a special 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT on the above goods for the Holiday season. Also a special line of HOCKEY SKATES and WC -Mike STICKS. HUSBANDS -Please your wife•by buy- ing%a Bissell's Carpet Sweeper -for sale at FISHLEIGH'S HARDWARE STORE Through Tourist Gars Leave Toronto every Tuesday and Saturday, and North Bay every Thursday, for Winnipeg, Calgary', Vancouver, and Pacific coast points. Winter rates in effect to California and Florida. A. H. NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 Xing St. East, Toronto GRAND -TRUNK SY TEM World's Fair, St. Louts, Apr. 30 -Dec, 1,1904 Cost of Exposition, 150,000,000. Size of grounds, 1,240 acres. California Mexico Florida Oneway and round trip Tourist Tickets are on sale daily, Choice of Routes and Stopover Privileges at principal points. Grand Trunk trains make direet connection et Chicago with all railways for the famous Winter Resorts. ]hor tickets, and all Information apply to, Agents. L. HAROLD, Agent,'M usham. • ••••••••••e••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••Fre•••••••• ••••O•••••••••••••••••••••, j -THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE 14 I JOHN & JAS. H. KERR• I .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • I BARGAINS IN AFTER BARGAINS IN =Dress Goods Stock -Taking Heavy Rubbers, � Sax,Overshoes, • SALE • • •• etc., etc. 42 1n •. M •o• • • •• • • • • • w • • • • • Our dress goods stock must be reduced at once, note the out prices. Camels hair goods and Fine All Wool Mixed Goods, reg. $1.25 for - • - ,85 Fine all wool plaid reg. 750 for - - - • .53 We are now through Stock taking and find that our stock is very much to large, and in order to reduce it rapidly we will have a .CLEARING SALE Read this ad. carefully, It will be Dollars in your pocket to take advantage of this effort we are making to reduce our stock. Men's Heavy Rubbers Never Break Duck, 4 ply with rolled edge, laced or buck- led regular price $2.50 sale price • $2.00 Snag Proof Rubbers, Buckle for $1.50 1 Buckle for $1.25 Boys for - $2,25 $1.75 $1.15 $1,00 • r a • • • • a • • i • • • • • New Zebelines reg. 75c re- duced to - - .50 e • • • Black and White check regu- lar 50c for - - ,371 s• regular 25e for - .19 • • BARGAINS IN FURS Fur coats, Caperines, Ruffs, Muffs. etc., at slaughter sale prices. Men's Overshoes, regular $1.75 for - - • $1,50 regular 1.80 for - 1.60 regular 2,25 snow exclud- ers for - - 1.75 • • • • • S • w • regular a5a tory � .68 Black Crepor..$ Fine all Wool, regular"ac1.35 for - $1.00 regular 85e for - .58 '.•egulaa 80e for - .55 •• I I • Ladies Frieze Coats, regular $10 00 for • 87.50 regular $7.50 for - $5.00 regular $5.50 for - $3.75 Ladies Rubbers, regular 40c for • - - .25 • 75e Col. Brocade for - .50 • 75c Light Brocade for .55 80e Btk. Brocade for - .20 • 1 1 • • • SaI w • Curl Cloth Mantle Goods in • Black, White, Red, Gray I • •and Blue, regular $1 75 • •• for - - $125 •• • • • • Lumberman's Sox, regular 1.00 for - - .75 regular 70e for - ,50 regular 50e for - .37 regular 40e for - .30 • • Men's Overcoats and Ulsters also Suits at 25% less than regu- lar prices. POTATOES WANTED Long Boots, Felt Boots, • • Fawn Beaver Mantle Goods We will pay highest price for Moccasins, etc , • • •• reg. $2.00 for - $1.50 good sound Potatoes. to at greatly reduced prices. • a O••••OSSSSGCSSSSGS0.00•• e•OSSSSOS00•••SSS•SS•••a•e•OCewe•••••••••••Oee••••••e • • • JOHN & JA • S H KERR • • • MACDONALD BLOCK, - - - WINGHAM• • • • ••••06••••••••s•••••0••s•0 •••••••••e•••e•••••se••••• ••ee•ae•e••••s•••ewea••ee • The Meat You Order from us will be delivered promptly and you will always find it of the beat quality. Boasts of Beef, Veal, Lands and Pork. Steaks, Chops, Soup Bones, Boiling Pieces. Highest prices paid for Hide and Skins. • We are also prepared to pay the highest prices for all kinds of Poultry. We thank our customers for their liberal patronage in the past, and will give satisfaction to all who favor us with their orders. FELLS & MITCHELL., Opposite Skating Rink. THERE IS MERIT IN OUR CLOTHING Merit that brings a second order on the strength of the first. What we do and the way we do It is our strongest argument. We are try- ing to increase our business by giv- ing all we can and taking as little as possible. And we'll succeed, of course. We have a full supply of everything that pertains to the making of Suits. And our work costs as little as any in the country. - R. MAXWELL Hr011 ART Teittert. r PEDLARS' PRICES DEPARTMENTAL STORE PRICES COMPETITORS' PRICES ARE ALL DISCOUNTED BY HALSEY PARK, THE W1NGHAM JEWELER. WHEN you buy Watches, Jewelry] or Spectacles from pedlars, you get cheated -and it serves you right. When you buy these goods from' depart- mental stores you lose money. • When you huy from me you get what you pay for, at the very best possible prices. We guarantee to save you from 5 to 2b per cent. on the adver- tised prices of any departmental store ; and if we have not the goods you want we will be pleased to procure them for you. Halsey Park, JEWELER, and OPTICIAN Macdonald Block - ' WINGHAM, Eyesight tested and satisfaction guaranteed.