HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-01-14, Page 3t t t t THE WINGED!. I TIMES, JANUARY 14, 1944. i RONO AND VIGOROUS. ry Organ of the Body Toned up and invigorated by DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE IMPROVEMENT OL CHEESE CUR- ING ROOMS. The question of improvement in curing rooms has been much dismissed for two or three years past, and the ^dA'antages to lx3 derived from goods nler()emi ()eminent have been clearly set crth, yet there has not been as much regress mail) in ,this direction as hers emelt to have been, and seem - more seemed necessary to min - lace those engaged in the minufao- ure of cheese that it is a matter of ceeomy if nothing else, to wend ant- icient: money on the improvement of uring rooms to ensure proper control L• the temperature at all seasons of he year. Centrai uool Curing Itooms.-With ire object of providing a practical working Rime' ration on a scale suffi- iently large to attract,general atten- ion, and to get a comparatively large umbc,� of peeple directly interested n the results, four large central or ansolidated cool cheese curing rooms V established by the Dominion De- partment at Agriculture in the spring f 1002. The Saving in Shrinkage. -At these our illustration stations over 70,000 (mese from .some 40 factories have ken cured during the last two sea- ans. As the cheese were collected rem the factories, a number from the erne vat from all factories were set, side each week, and after being care- u:1y weighed, one was placed in the uring room and the mate to it: put, n the upper story where the tempera - are was net controlled. When the heese 'of the corresponding week 'ere sold, these cheese were again weighed as before, and the difference n shrinkage noted. Prom this dif- erence the saving in shrinkage on the whole lot was calculated. The fol - owing table shows the actual saving of shrinkage on all the cheese handled this season to date at the four Cool Curing= :stations r ` \. HEi i�T`- \NEkVEPiLV -I A►, if Mr. F. W. Meyers, Bing St, E„ Berlin, )at., Bays : " I suffered for five years rich palpitation, shortness ox breath, leeplessness and pain in the heart, one box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills completely removed all these teasing symptoms. I have not suffered ince taking them, and now Bleep well set strong and vigorous." Milburn% Heart and Nerve Pilla cure 11 diseases arising from weak heart, worn at nerve tissues, or watery blood. .._ �-_._..-..,. over worth shapes very facture. I f �. f• c 0 t but die- 1 v and e t n ; C CURIOUS FACTS. i 0 steamers of f c 230.000,000 s year 1262 is f s food to a f railways c length to the 1 fur. It was c i world is i contain f there I of postage different kind of this mann he Paris 60,000 wed - year, 8120,- fruit, gas, electric in Europe is valued of the ae, thou- fifty-three year. Of ports and sold, cost $3.40 per $450 per residents proposed to University There are in the world 404 5,000 toes enoh. The world produces about ens of grain yearly. Balliol, founded in the be oldest of Oxford colleges. Rats are estimated to destroy he value of $00,500,000 yearly. England has twenty-eight unuels of a mile or more in The ceronation robe presented impress of Russia was of $6,000. The biggest cemetery in the he catacombs at Rome. They 1,000,000 bodies. According to latest computation me 1,9.48 different kinds itamps in existence. Macaroni ie made in forty and sizes. A special hard wheat is used in At the government pawnshop 'bout 350,000 watches and Hug rings are deposited every The French president receives )00 a year and gets in addition regetables, game, fuel, oil, light and washing free. The most valuable crown the Portuguese, but the Austrian, et $650,000 is the finest specimen goldsmith's art. Nine hundred and sixty-seven sand, eight hundred and emigrants left England last these 669,202 left for Earopiau 298,561 for places outside Europe. Attar of roses, a s usually $600 a pound and oil of jasmine pound. Ambergris is worth pound. There are only 80,000 Welsh in Liverpool, where it is found a Celtic chair at the College. ABSOLUTE SECt . Genuine Carter5s Little Liver Must Sear 4/44e-i-e-0. See Fac-Sliniie s,; J 1TY. Pills. of Below. Signature Wrapper 'Very small end as easy to take as sugar. CARTEFOR RS ITTLE . PILL p� �'I g' HEADACHL FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION MUST NAV. NATURE. os� awed e CairitTNII ati� t u I "wear •vegetable./f t CURE SICK HEADACHE. Your Liver Is it acting well? Bowels regular? Digestion good? If not, remember Ayer's Pills. The kind you have known all your life. z. c..tese Co., Lowen, t[us. Want your moustache or beard , a beautiful brown or rich iiilatlir? Uhl BUCKINGHAM'S DYE 1}?trr... sees. a, P. Nat N ee. RA5B05. it. O. t. ~o cd `g d ii a. o,, U� Brockville ,. 9,5313 701,599 9,859 $1,011.00 U owansville... , 14,080 1,187,159 13,094 1,497.44 St. Hyacinthe ., 9,255 711,070 0,810 0011.70 Woodstoek ., ,12,098 1,013,i02 14,410 1,401.17 The total value of the saving, name- ly, $4,669.70, represents the interest at (i per cent. on over $75,000, or in other words, would provide for a, capital outlay of nearly $2,000 for each of the factories contributing cheese. As ev- cry�one knows, the past two seasons Have been remarkable for the very cool weather and moist condition of the atmosphere that prevailed all summer. In en Ordinary season the saving of shrinkage 'would be very much greater because a high temper- ature and a dry air are the conditions that increase the shrinkage. Improvement in Quality. -But the saving in shrinkage is only a minor consideration. The main one is the great improvement in quality. The cheese cooled in the cool rooms and those cured in uncontrolled tempera- tures have repeatedly been examined and compared by a large number of cheese buyers, cheesemakers and oth- ers, and in every case the cool gored pronounced cheese has been .rano d the best in quality. Burdock Blood • Bitters holds a position unrivalled by any other blood medicine as a cure for DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, HEADACHIE, SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA, HEARTBURN, SOUR STOMACII, DIZZINESS, DROP.9Y, RHEUMATISM, BOILS, PIMPLES, RINGWORM, or any disease arising from a disordered state of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels or Blood. When you require a good blood medicine get BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. which exists among factories stands in the, way, It is quite probable that a considerable -portion oC our cheese will in the future be cured in the warehouses of the exporters and com- mission merchants. 'At any rate, time will decide how it is to be done, as it is fmp:math-el that it be dune in some way. UNIFORM APPLE BARRELS WANT- ED. The .P rust Division, Ottawa, has re- ceived numerous col *plaints this year from English buyers to the effect that for the if.rst time there is grave irreg- ularity in the oize of the apple bar- rels sent forward from Ontario. No, doubt the shortage in barrels is re- sponsible for some of this irregul tr- ity ; nevertheless, a number of apple shippers have express:,d the intention of using only the standard site, (Jt; quarts to the barrel). As 'this is practically the first year when tiny but the large barrel has been used in Ontario, apple shippers should imme- diately arrive at some agreement among themselves as to the size to be used in future.. It will be tele cause of considerable loss to the trade if some continue to use the larger size ani others use the minimum size. The law prescribes the mimimum • size, which is a 'barrel 26 1-4 inches between heads, inside measure, with a head di- ameter of 17 inches and a middle di- ameter C:. 181-2 incites, representing as nearly as pessible 00 ;quarts. Effect of High Temperature on Quality. -In this experimental work there haveve been many opportunities unities for observing the effect of a high tem- perature on the quality of cheese. The first effect of a high tentperatur'e, and one which is always noticeable, is to make the texture ai the cheese rough and mealy, and in extreme bases show a greasiness which is undesirable, or in other words, it destroys that silki- ness of texture always present: in cheeep at its best. Bad flavors are intensified at the higher temperature' and many cheese go "off" flavor, while their mates that are cool cured•re- main sound and clean. All cheese be- come sharp and, "tasty" much quicker at the high temperature. Cool cur- ing will not make a fine cheese out of a poor one, but dill cheese which are a little wreak and open, or on the other' hand, have a little too much acid, show up bettor when: cool cured than they do when cured at ordinary hot weather temperatures. One cannot - help thinking what great benefit would accrue to the Pana4ian cheese industry at large if all the cheese, were cool cured. In- deed ,it is doubtful if anyone can properly estimate it. We have had in the past two seasons a most excellent illustration on 'this point, inasmuch as the comparatively slight improvement ht ;quality, due to tho unusually cool summers, had the effect of encourag- ing consumption to such an, extent that the demand forced prices up to a point that few ever expected to see again. Arrangements for coal curing cheese will doubtless be worked out in differ- ent ways, according to local circum- stances and conditions. The larger factories will probably make the ne- cessary improvements in connection with their own buildings. Combina- 1 ion or enxsdlidatiop' may be effected in silt eases, at the jealous rivalry] , 0000011101140P0000•0000000 w reerei6#Is,'jtdCf aaCI takte 4**0'ti • ,ties • "TIM CHICAGO LIRE. • • • • In Thursday's paper, doby • Of the awful d rrtst�r. no whereuhtundreoudsread lay dead. • 0 • People attend the theatre, enjey tie* play, • • fiat never know what will end the day. p 0 To read of the fire nearly takes your ,breath, • O The unfortunate ones, who met such a horrible death, • • Just think I bodies piled up in wagon loads, 0 td Relations and friends avails mad on the roads. • .0 The crowds were desperate, and in great despair, • • Tearing and puling each of tier's hair. • O No wonder the audience jumped in amaze, ' • O When they saw the theatre a') ablaze. • O Women and children trampled down,• O And hundreds of holies lying around, • • Infants torn from their mother's 'arms, • • Poor little dears, innocent of harms, 0 • Sweethearts and lovers, husbands and wives, "3t • 'fulling and struggling to save their lives. 0 O Bodies lay crushed beneath the feet, • • Piled up hi hundreds right to the street. • • Just picture yourself in that awful shape, • • Screaming- and tearing, to make your escape. t 0 O People will say, if they had. only kept quiet, 0 • Thera wouldn't have been such en awful -riot. la O At a time like this, to try and save, • O Thee firemen are heroes if it costs them the grave. • Hundreds of eyes are filled with tears; Many hearts are broken this New Year's. '• By MRS. F. W. TABOR, 6311-2 Spadinuave., Toronto. 0 O • • O • • • aria' 0ecoacmtn'r000coozoeco•ee ee•••S•••®P.•••••••••0••• • • then be properly regulated. There- fore, 'it is important that farmers growing this crop, particularly for tiie first time, know what proportion of the seed will grow. Tests may read- ily b; ccnduttted in an ordinary living room, or any farmer may have sam- ples teste•t free by sending them to the Seed Laboratory, Department of Ag- riculture, Ottawa. ALFALFA SEED FR,EQUENT.I,Y Oh' LOW. VITALITY. A common cause of failure to get good stand of alfalfa is undoubtedly tow or weak vitality in the seed. The possibility of this is very apt to be overlooked by the experimenter and the fault is wrongfully laid to un- favorable soil. The prevalence of seed of low vitality has been proven by tests in the Seed, Laboratory, at Ottawa. The average percentage of germination in fifteen samples was sixty-nine ; ill several it was below forty, and in one case only five. In several others main over eighty-five per cent."germinated. There is con- siderable difference in appearance be- tween good and poor samples of al- falfa seed. Those with a bright htgreen- ish 5 reen ish yellow color have usually good vie tality ; 'darker colored 'samples have considerable brown seed present, and these are generally dead or give a very weak growth. A prevailing color of light green fs an indication of many immature seeds, which axe also of low titality. Not inf,re•quently alfalfa seed contains considerable impurity in the brim of broken pods, stems and weed seeds% which detracts from its value. Even a sample of seed of low vital- ity may safely be used, provided the percentage al growth is known, as the ,quantity of seed, pier acre may BRITISH TROOP OIL LINIMENT FOR Sprain., Strains, Cuts, Wounds, *Ulcers, Open Sores, Bruises, Still Joints, Bites and Stings of Insects, Coughs, Colds, Contracted Cords, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Croup, Sore Throat, Quinsey, Whooping Cough and all Painful Swellings. A LARGE BOTTLE, 25o. _a.....__ ..55511110ii4155 (Mills vs. The Witness J. Bidwell Mills, of Hamilton, sued the 114'ontreal Witness for $10,000 dam- ages on account of articles in the Wit- ness dealing with two concerns engtiu- eered by Mr. Mills, called the Business lien's Union and the Merchants Protec- tive and Collecting Aeencv. Mr. Mille er his agents collected moneys in the m:no of one or the other of these con- cerneiu ways at high the Witness stir;• inatizea. as blackmailing and the obtaili- tog of money on false pretences. Hence the suit. The finding of the jury is that the Witness is not guilty of libel. That the articles were substantially true, were not libellous, and were in the pubic interest. Mr. Mill's action is dismissed with costs against him. The suit will cost the Witness a con- siderable sum of money. The costs granted against Mills will defray court expenses, but not the main part of what the Witness will pay its lawyers. In other words, the newspaper did a valu- able public service, but to much annoy- ance and trouble, and loses money. Therefore, let the public realise that a newspaper which evidently is trying fairly and deseutly to do public service in such respects should receive a goodly share of public respect and confidence. Now one reason why the Witness like the Journal, does not lose libel suits is that its intentions are honest and fair; it will neither do nor persist in any conscious or wilful injustice, nor if accidently wrong, hesitate to make amends; and if a libel snit gets as far as the courts it is likely to be because the Witness is right, -Ottawa 'Journal." The 'Shareholder' gays: -"The result of the suit of Mills against the Witness is a triumph for honest journalism. Actions for libel where there is uo malice are simply efforts to gag the press. There are newspapers which suppress the truth in the fear of proceedings for libel or else of offending an advertiser. Papers of the stamp of the Witness will not stoop to such consideration, and these should receive the heartiest sup- port form the public." There is no Metropolian newspaper more respected and appreciated than the Montreal Witness. Only One Dr. einem There is only one Dr. Chase of Receipt book fame- • Only one Dr. Chase who is because of the e known the world over great perscription he gave to mankind. His portrait and signature-. A. W. Chase, M. D., -are on every box of his remedies. Imitators do not dare to produce these. They are the guarantee which protects you against fraud. Be sure they are on the boa. you buy, Pointed Paragraphs. From the Chicago News. Many men want to be great and a few try to be good. Absence of soft water is one excuse for drinking hard. When a woman can t think of any- thing else to do she washes her hair. It is easier to be strenuous than it is to reach the Presidential chair. It's a wise worm that stays nnper cover and deprives the early bird of his breakfast. Yes, Cordelia, it's those who come ear- ly to avoid the crowd that make the crowd. Most women suspect there is some mis- chief on tap every time their husbands smile. A city man never sees the sights at home until his rural relatives conte along and point them out. An inch of rain seems to be about a foot long to the man who is caught in it without, an umbrella. Heroic measures are often misfits. Au ambition to own a slay -scraper is a lofty ideal. A woman's age is one of natnre's greatest secrets. Whiskey will take a man down faster than a tobaggon. Any man who works only for pay seldom does his best. It's almost as difficult t hide a cough as it is to hide love. There is no mate so friendless as the one who has lost his political pull. Every man thinks he is the proper oue to stand around and boss the job. A man may be able to trade his repu- tation for money, but he can't trade back. LIFTING THE With to Gentle ir.Uen4 k'C1LfSALE Woman's life Is rebottle with *erre* Mae' and energy, Shattered mower aggravate chrome troubles, There Is no Urea iaa .I utl-Pill toils to do good. When the sleep is restless, food causes dhtteas, h eael- aeheor,tizziness,pains in the side or back,iudigcstion, pal- pitation, appetite poor con- stipated, all tired out, de- pressed -just oue trial of Urs. i.eoniiardt's Axzi-I'ri.r.. will "lighten the burden" that is dragging you down. It begins tie wore in the stomach from which the blood. is fed and the nerves controlled. Asti-PiLLem,braces a new principle. Its Ih')setlii different from an and therm is its woallerfel i Leonhardt baa formula entirely the hijuritstr f cotamon to premed stay 1'= - etc. It is elm legal sputa* . treatment.i .','a50 awl�tt ,' per box of C. -,.lyes, or addressing \V I I. s o wit Ar. Co., Niagara 1e*l,,, Oa who r'li1 also mail tree pie to any address. IN WINGIIAM BY WALTON MCI IIIBBON. STRICTU • tl, a A rW A A JF G tali 4443144444*444*41E444444144401* kk44444*44444 HOW IT SPREADS. The first package of Hem-Roid (the in- fallible Pile cure) that was put out went to a small town iu the State of Nebras- ka. It made the cure of a case of Piles that was considered hopeless. The news spread and although this was only two years ago the demand prompted Dr. J. S. Leonhardt of Lin - cola, I4 eb. the discoverer, tore are it p p for general use. Now it is being sent to all parts of the world. It will cure any case of Piles. There is a month's treatment in each box. Sold for $1.00, with absolute guarantee. It is sale s le bY druggists. ists. g Sold in Wingham by Walton McKib- bon. The Avenue Methodist Church at Windsor was destroyed by fire Monday morning. Loss, $25,000. , • issL�'t to GOLD &3T wins d® yo&T7' ✓oc.;i3n' .7 ` u.,+w,ae oa Don't plod along like your grandmother did bol"oro you, scouring and scrubbing; bondin;' and rubbing. nsices ;.ouoovrork easy. F+ 'icons ovorythinj o.T.'i inures nothing. More oconcrnical than cot ,p. Marie only by THE N. i:. FAIrMANI:, COMP/Ma Cltiiceca flew Yoe:, noston, St, ,.aui1 Montreal. aP i'-'..", ,,,.V + .,'yq�^T' a wn "n�+gt,aer ff.1 a 1.?" sr DR. SPINNEY, Founder of Dr. Spinney & Co. Cured To Stay Cured strictures, no matter where located, are rat to Involve the surrounding structures. If neglected or i..:'rooerly treated, urethral stricture will produce distressing s'• , 'atoms. Cut- ting, stretching and tearing are the old barbarous methods of treating this. disease. The strictly modern and ode nal meth. ods employed by us are free from the horrors of s "eery and are absolutely safe and harmless. The abnormal s,.. t :ore ata. sue is dissolved ane leaves the channel free and clear. Alt un- natural discharges cease, any irritation or burning sen.,ation disappears, the Kidneys, Bladder, Prostate Gland and other surrounding organs are strengthened, and the bliss of manhood returns. Our ABSORPTIVE TREATMENT will positively cure you. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED. We Cure Varicocele, Blood and Shin Dlaensee, Nervous Debility. Strictures, Bladder, Kinney and Urinary Diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. Treatment Sent. Free. Quontion List For Home *1111; DR. SR 290 WOODWAR:D AVE., DETROIT. MICH. THE GREAT WOK GCMG ON IN Mk USKOKA. 1,000 Patients Treated in the Two Muskoka lro;epitals - the Sanatorium and the Free Hospital far Concufnptivcs. Surprising Decrease of 23 Per Cent. in tlin Last Three Years in Deaths from Consumption. Fifty -live Different Trades and Professions Represented ay the Patients Admitted to the Free hospital for Consumptives. Two Pavilions have had to be Closed Owing to Inert or riser, and the ;Nut of Patients Reduced from 73 to rm. $25,000 Wa tcd this Year to Carry cn t'i i C:cat Work. With a view of helping to bring to the int tention of the public the neetht of the llu',ko'.;a 1'reo Hospital for C'ol•sumptives, ti 0 have pleasure in pub- lishi.rg the f.,;lou i:::; Little, iii eadcli tin appeal is aside for funds. Dear Ft iced, - It age Fe becomes necessary to make an urge nt appeal f ,r fands for the Free Cospital fur Consumptives. A very 11 -ivy debt is pressing upon the trustees. I t aldi. ion to this, funds must ho provided for the maintenance of patients. least month there was a .:.'nciency of neatly Si, U over and above receipts from all sources. The Free Ilospit.1 far Consumptives was epeacd eighteen months ago. 2i25 patients 1 -ave been. admitted. No patient has ever been refused admission because of his or her poverty. 1,00) patients have 'been cared for in the two Mus :oha iIoseitals, the Sana,teriarn sail the Free Ito:pi:ail for Consumptives. The major. yof these have either been cured, or so helped1 that they have been ena'.led to again beetome bread .0 inners for the family. The public are beginning to find evidence i ;r work. Already there has been a decrease of nearly 25 per cent. iu the death rate from consumption in the Province of Ontario. • Tho last report of the ,Macre*cry of the Provincial Dean? of Meth 5lrlii ti that in the last three years the deaths from consumption in Ontario have decreased from ", :S I to 2,0:) t, a decrease of 700, or nearly 2:i t or cent. This is the rnoro gratifying when we remember that for a number of years previously the sante report show..d a ste eddy inc.easiag death -rate prior to 11' ii9, Who will doubt that the work of our two Ifospit is in M't'koka, and the persistent edueatiou..l campaign carried on, has nut liell:t d to secure, this surprising result ? In what better way can your yiits briny so good a return? We have no endowwnuon`, excrp'i::g he provision recently male by Canada Life, Confederal ion Life, and North American Life Ire.intoes Com- panies for main'euauce , f 2 bell.; welt for a year. We can only rely on the I,hilai,thropy of our people nil t'.:::towledge of our needs. ,y L t,t ye.ir we. ass: •d d•0'l.1M0 to reduce the debt seed Sc, pay f,.r care of patients. We had a go lemons response, receiving $ '),0 `0, y id's coming from IT,lifax on the east and Yiticc n on the west. Thi.: year our needs aro greater emu ,•ren. We will require $25,000. The 13i.1i ,p of Selkirk, Caribou Crossing, Yulcon, senain; $le.00,writes: "The trilling remittance I send is Lite/idol to express our sympathy for the, sufferers in other (,arts, rather than to isnp'y a special bend f r your insti- tution lu," We :irere;rateful for tate large Pif". We ere grateful f r the small gift; all gs repful. Oniftaccouaoh,ilt of our pressing n: ed=, will y';a net m a.Lo tali your special charity ? D icing the year, for lack of funds, we ha,l to Clam several pavilions, reducing the number of patients from 75 to 50. The sorrowful part of our work is tlt:tt nearly all of those in the Prez, Hospital aro young mon or women who w, t , striving to make a place for themselves in the emeriti. Many of theta have wife, er child or husband anxiously watching the struggle for life. Your gift will help to bring gladness to so many. Will you learnt joy of giving? Toronto, I)osens ber 10,1s30S. Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Xt., or Mr. W. 3. Gage, 'eknowiedge any contributions made. Very truly yours, r 5 4