HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-01-14, Page 1L
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We aim to
Try us
or Overcoa
Homuth Bros.
Issued. by FRANK PATERsoN, No. 23 Victoria
street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
• Capital paid up, $ 2,980 ,00 0
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $3,330,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 31st
December each year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager.
B. Vanstone, Solicitor.
Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00.
Total Assets, $22,000,000.
President— RoN. Wit. Ginsole.
Vice -President and
General Manager —3'. Tenenttr,t,.
George Roach, John Proctor
John S. Hendrie, Geo. It,
Assistant General llranagor
Inspector --H. M. WATSON.
For another year's business
which is now upon us.
Looking back over the past one,
most of us cau see where we made
eines of jurgment. Looking for-
ward to the future, most of us will
try aucl avoid those same errors. •
We have made one resolution for
the new year, and we don't mind
telling you what it is :—To try if
possible and serve you better in every
way than we've done in the past.'
Now we think this is quite a propo-
sition, because we really believe
we've been doing pretty well in the
past; and we want those who have
been dealing with us to keep tab on
this statement, And those who have
not been dealing with us, commence
now and test our capacity to serve
you satisfactorily,
We wish everyone a Happy
and Prosperous New Year !
R. A1 HoIchson
Guods delivered promptly. Phone 59
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands
for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine Huron
and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
Also•a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection) doing a good business; for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a wagonshop. A general store with large
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par-
ticulars apply to
insurance Agent. Holyrood.
The Leadint. Real Estate
Office in Boron Gounty.
First of all let me wish all my patrons a very
prosperous new
have entered upon the new year, and I
would say to the real estate buyer that you
could not begin the new year better than by
investing in real estate. It is sure; it is a pay-
ing thing. You will sleep better at night if
you have your money safely invested hi rent
estate of some kind.
I have n large number of very desirabled y
call attown
the ;Aliceandcountry, will be
pltnsrd to give you any information or show
you the properties.
Again wishing one and all a very prosperous
new year, I am •
Yours for Business.
Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent
OtrsrCE—Vanstone block, Wingham.
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to cure headache.
Arraigned for
As a result of the
G. T. R. at St. Me
last, in which Fire
sor was killed, and
of Sarnia badly
McIntyre of St.
last arraigned fo
ductor Frost ani
Windsor. Fres
charge of the fi
of the double -
tried at St. Mar
ing furnished
Fi'eman Aiken
of Wingham.
bad wreck on the
y's on October 31
n Aikens of Wind -
Engineer Morrison
njured, Magistrate
ary's on Thursday
manslaughter Con -
Engineer King of
and Mark were in
et train, and King
eader. They will be
's on February 15, hay -
ail of $1,000 each,
was a former resident
Good house to rent; centrally located;
all conveniences. Apply to F. G. Spar -
Ask for prices of Manitoba lands
from C. J. 1lIAut:IRE, Real Estate Agt.
After the
The Toronto, ]
other city daily p
shot" after the G
during the past ft
poor service provi(
out of Stratford
rand Trunk.
codon, Guelph and
ers have been "hot
and Trunk Railway
w days for the very
ed on the branch lines
nd Palmerston. All
Winghamites wil agree that we have
had a very poor se vice for some time on
the lines of the G. . R. running through
this town, The s rvice during the recent
stormy time was ery bail, but a person
could stand for a oor service during the
past two weeks, a the weather was the
worst we have hael in many years, but
during last aumiprer and fall, the train
Qervice was notiwhht it should have
Teen, and if th criticisms from the
laity press Will h vt1' a tendency to im-
rove the service] the papers will be per-
ming a good wlo;ik. The poor eagines
on the branhi lines is given as the
u cause for did trains being so late.
IMES could trite many cases where
' s have Wen from two to seven
Th : road from 'Wingham to
is a ,'ery bad'one in the win•
up ith .snow very easily.
ray: last week over three
rk en were engaged in
toad north of Wing -
this week hats been
and trains have
On time and
y t:ontittrle.
Savings Bank --Hours 10 to
to 1. Deposits of $1 and up'va
and 81st May each
t yes
Specie:, deposits also rece
tows et interest.
Drafts en Greet Britain r
tater Bought and sold.
Trwt-ellets are notirted thate Sl
iiton and its Branches ittsue•
National Provincial Bank of ill
fire rot d f theiworld.
W. 0031.80
DICKINSON & 71011Mlitat,
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers,
A meeting of the
will be held in tb
Tuesday evening
of importance to
brought before t
Liberals should a
iberalsof Wiugham
Macdonald hall on
f next week. Matters
the party will be
e meeting and all
Slaughter Sale of Overcoats and
French Flannels (250 ) at
Gno, E. Km's.
The Curti g Match.
The Lncknow cur t•s won from Wing -
ham on Thursday a ternoon last by four
shots. Mr. Allan's init won from Dr.
J. R. Macdonald's ink by 10 to 7 shots.
Mr. MoLeod's rink 'on from Mr. C. N
Griffin's rink by 7 to 0 shots. Two
rinks of the Wingl am curlers went to
Guelph this rnortii g to complete in the
District Cup mater es.
Good house to rent ; all modern
conveniences. Apply to J. A. McLean.
Turnberry Ag
The awned me
Agricultural Sort
afternnon,but the
early to have a re
this issue. A ye
statement was pt
The total receipt
balance on hand
From this was p
other expenses o
expenditure of
snug balance d
year $I00 was p
the balance on h
debt will be paid
r:most free of d�
had a very succet
Ficultural Society.
ing of the Turnberry
tr was hr hi yesterday
'i\issgoes to press too
ort of the meeting for
y satisfactory financial
sentetl to the meeting,
for the year, including
amounted to $1,313.83
id :001 07 in prizes and
$491.35, making a total
$1.093.02, leaving the
$220.81. During the
d off the debt and from
nd another part of the
and the Society will be
bt. The Society has
sful year.
Social Evening.
A very enjoy ab time was spent on
Tuesday evening y the young people of
St. Paul's in the unday school room
when a social eve ing was held under
the auspices of the Anglican Young
People's Associat on. Rev. Wm. Lowe
the rector, gave a1 very interesting talk
on "freland and 'the Customs of its Peo
pie." Owing to he late hour at which
the programme vas started Mr. Lowe
was only able to ive a part of his talk
in which he sho ed the hardships that
the poorer class o Ireland have to endure.
Mr. Lowe may at some future date
give another tial on this very interesting
subject. Solos ere given by Miss W.
Alba Chisholm, i r. Frank Hill and • Mr.
Geo. Rankin. Refreshments were
afterwards ser ed and an enjoyable
social time : sent. The collection
amounted to no ly $15.
Letters om ON West..
During the pa
has received a n
the West from
subscriptions. `A
interesting to ou
Gilmour writing
says;—"We are having •beautiful wea-
ther with hardly a y snow. Nice, mild
and scarcely down to freezing. Times
are quiet, bat pric: • aro good. Itis high
time the Governm nt made some change
if they want to giv the people of this
country their righ .s, as the C. P. R. is
not using the peop right, and itis time
they had oppositio a As an instance of
how we are served may mention that I
had three barrels of pples shipped from
Wingham on Nov. th and they reached
here on Dec. 7th, anthey were very
badly frozen," Mr. ' nd. Melville, Mon-
tana:—"We are ha ing a fine winter
here. No snow and • cry warm: Ranch
stock are looking fi e, but the market
is very low, and will stay down
until after the Pr sidential election."
t few weeks the TIMES
mber of letters from
arties renewing their
few extracts may be
readers. Mr. James
rem Caron, N. W. T.,
mortgage security.
interest. Apply t
anted on good farm
State lowest rate of
Box H, Times office.
Votes on the
Voting on by -
right of way for
railway from Gu.
place in the tow
nosh, West Wa
town of Roderic
on Monday, Jan.
by-law carried by
standing 452 fo
against. In Blyt
the by-law and 1
the by-law, 102.
Colborne by 149
tied in West W
The Auburn div
gave 80 votes
against. A ma
by-law in Bas
total vote cast
to be taken ov.
follows :--tlfcG
by-law, 81 ag
and 15 against
0 against; mak
and 40 against;
, P. R. By -Laws.
aws to purchase the
the Canadian Pacific
]ph to Goderiolr took
ships of East Wawa-
vanosh and Colborne,
and village of Blyth
th. Ta Goderich the
433 majority, the vote
the by-law and 19
the Vote was 121 for
against; majority for
The by-law carried in
najority. It also ear
vanosli by 00 majority.
ion of West Wawanosh
r he by-law and two
ority was given for the
Wawanosh but as the
as so small it will have
again. The vote was as
wan's school, 47 for the
net; bolls' school, 9 for
Dow's house, 1 for and
ng the total vote, 57 for
majority, 8.
Temperance and
Rev. S. D. Chown
general secretary e
Temperance and Mor
cion with the Methot
liver an address ill tl,
odist Church on S
Jan. 20th, at 8 o'oloc
"Political Condition
Cause and their Cur
of the Sit nation."
eral invitation is. e.
ested iu this work t
Au oiferiug will be ++
Moral Reform.
D. D. of Toronto,
the department of
I reform in conneo•
ist church, will do-
e Wiugham Meth.
reduesday evening,
It, the subjdotb•ing
in Canada; Their
+: An Inside View
. cordial and gen-
ended to all iuier-
attend the meeting.
a ken.
Good strong gir aed at once.
Apply at Ring Edwar otel. ORIt Rhos.
WANTED ---All kinds of trade. Dried
apples 5o, turkeys 15e, fresh eggs 200, etc.
No. 1 plume fox, 85 00, cash.
Geo. E. KING.
A Crowde
That the repatatior
doing, S, O. S., has a
on an entertainment
been fully sustained,
nn Thursday evening
their annual concert
house, and the enthus
which greeted the ran
every number on the
den, indeed has the
House contained a 1
iRfied audience than th
to the excellent progra
Scottish Concert of 19
Jarvis, the favorite Sc
in flue form, and hi,
was manifested in "T1
Toast." and "Scots
"Mary of Argyle.f
"Flow Gently, Sweet
sacred solo, "Face to
of which he sang by r
ed applause. His pie
stage deportment was
Miss Pearl O'Neil, el
herself to be an artis
The varied character
gave ample room for
versatility. Mr. Jam
held the reputation,of,
man on earth. His oh
ly brought down the
Men," a parody on
"Loch Lomond,"
The dancing by Miss
Goderich, lt1 iss M
Wingham, Messrs. _
John Murchison
Highland costume
Miss Howery perfor
Fling," and " Shau
grace, whileMiss
through the "Swo
"Irish Jig" very or
Fax ably presided
D. E. McDonald
from the bagpipes
knows flow. The
Sly encored, and
The conunittee iii
tainment are to b
success of their
evening's entertai
which Camp Cale -
Wined for putting
a high order has
vas amply evinced
ast—the date of
by the crowded
cern and applause
ition of each and
rogramme. Sel-
Wingham Opera
rger or more Bat-
t which listened
me given at the
4. Mr. Harold
ttish tenor, was
powerful voice
n Highlandman's
ha Hae," and
is rendition of
ftou," and the
ace," the latter
quest, won merit-
ing address and
uch appreciated.
cutiotist, proved
of no mean rank.
of her selections
e display of her
s Fax fully up..
eing the funniest,
meter songs fair -
us e ; "Loch High
he Scotch song,
s well received.
Bella Howery of
bel McDonald of
ex. McPherson and
of Lucknow, in
was well done.
ed the "Highland
Cruse" with much
bel McDonald dw went
Dance" and the
itably. Miss Bella
the piano, and Mr.
ought forth music
s only a Scotchman
artists were all heart -
responded cheerfully.
charge of the enter -
congratulated on the
iforts to provide an
meat. It was aye
D. Butler, Eye, Ear Nose and Throat
Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London,
13rd door East of St. Andrew's Church.
1 Glasses supplied.
At Queen's Hotel, Wingham on Fri-
day Jan. 29th and March 25th.
Fort SALE—In Wiugham, about 2
' acres of laud, situated on the east side of
Josephine St. between C. P. R. track
and river. On the property is im up-to-
date chopping mill with every equip-
ment, also a good frame house. Apply
at once to C. J. MAGI:IRE, Real Estate
We have one that we
make on the premises.
It contains nothing in-
jurious and is comprised
of good, pure drugs, and
will do the work. For .
stock and horses it can-
not be beat.
"Herbageum," Ken-
nedy's and others kept in
Walton McKibljon
Next door to post <Ace.
The members -elect of the Wiugham
Town Council for I104, composed of
R. Vanstone, Mayor, Thos. Bell, Wm.
Holmes, W. J. Greer, isavid Sell, G. H,
C. Millikin and Thos. ' rmstrotg, coan-
cillors, met on Mont ay at 11 o'olook
a. m., and subscribed to the necessary
declarations of qua 'fieation and of
The Mayor, and ans. T. Bell and
W. Holmes were a• sointed a Striking
Committee to strike be standing cone-
ulitties for the year.
Mr. 3 A. Morton a dressed the coun-
cil in reference to the appointment of a
member on the Libr ry Board to take
the place of Dr. A J Irwin, resigned.
Au adjournment as then made until
8 o'clock in the eve ing.
At the above hen the civic legislators
again assembled w th Mayor Vanstone
iu the chair. .1
The Striking Cut mince reported bay-
ing struck the sit tiding committees as
follows; the first tune in each to be the
convener : —
ExeccTlvl:.-R Vanstone, and Comm.
Holmes and T. B 11.
WATERWORKS. Coons Holmes, Arm-
strong and D B 11.
likin, D. Bell au Armstrong.
FIN.tNOE.—Cons. Greer, T. Bell and
The clerk rea the following accounts,
which en tnotio of Conus. Holmes and
T. Bell, were o dered to be paid:—
Geo. King, go cls for charity.... $15 20
W. J. Greer, .... 2 25
Mrs Ard.labo:, 100
Expresscharg- ,. .25
Bell Telephon Co 70 90
T. Hall. ptg a d adv. (1 75
H. B. Elliott. tg and adv. .... 17.25
A.. Young & .. n .25
Municipal Wo ]d. roll... 0.75
D. Be O's and 011 rooms for wat-
erworks b -law.. ..... 18 00
J B. Ferguson, nancial statement 8.00
By -Law No. 407, 1904, providing for
the borrowing f $8000 to apply on the
purchase of the electric lighting- system,
was read, and u motion of Couns. ,T.
Bell and Holmes was passed. This was
i rendered neceesa owing to the present
i stringency of the oney market making
it au unfavorabl time for disposing of
the electric light debentures.
On motion of Couns. Greer and D.
Bell, W. M. Mc ibbou was appointed a
member of the ub1ic Library Board in
place of Dr. A. , . Irwin, resigned; this
appointment to a for three years from
Feb. let, 1904.
By -Law No. 408, 1904, appointing
Win. Clegg asses or for 1904, at a salary
of $125, was r ad, and on motion of
Comma. Holmes aid T. Bell was passed.
On motion of Conus. T. Bell and
IIolnmes, the colic for was authorized to
continue the toile tion of taxes for 1008.
and the time for he return of the Col-
lector's roll was e tended to the 31st inst.
By -Law No. 09, 1904, appointing
j, A. Morton an A. E. Smith auditors
at a salary of $10'each was read, and on
motion of Coun. 14Ir11ildu and D. Bell
was passed.
The Mayor bro
the proposed nui
south of the tow
of the engineer,
R. T, of
At the regular in
Council, No. 114,
Temperance, held n
the following officers
ensuing term : —Pa
Kerr; Select Counci
don; Vice -Council
Chaplain, Joseph
0. Thompson; Fin-
urer, Walter Rose;
ham; 1ep. Herald,
Anson Dnlmage (j
Mee; Organist,
Jno. Kerr; Press R
eting of Win, ban
Royal Templars of
r Tuesday evening,
were elected fey the
t Coaneillor,' Jno.
for, Norman Bran -
r, Cora Brandon;
euest; Ree -Sec, W.
ec, M. Tibbs; Trees-
Herald, J. M. Gra-
Daisy Field; Guard,
); Sentinel, Robert i
lith Hall ; Trustee,
porter, Walter Hall.
Dr. Brown, will be at th' Queen's
hotel on Tuesday, J• u 20th for
consultation iu eye, ear . se and throat
cases. Hours 11 a. m. to 7 p. m.
The late
The late Jane Thoi
Mr. Jas. Scott of Cu
Kenney, Ahereleensh
the 25th of Februar
married on the 28th o
emigrated to Canada el
settling in the county
they resided for elsve
Culross in the year
the 4th con. till the tit
. She leaves to mourn h
a husband ,three dough
Mrs. Robertson of I
Win •ham and Elsie s
i, oo
J. of Wingham, Ge
and Alex, and Thoma
Scott was a woma
character; a true a}i
the Presbyterian e
affectionate mother
the good of her
rs. Scott.
, beloved wife of
ross was born in
e, Scotland, on
1842. She was
February 1809;
e following year,
E Oxford where
years, coming to
881, residing on
e of her death.
.r death, besides
era and four sons,
gersoll, Mary of
Culross; William
rge of Lecknow,
of Culross. Mrs.
of fine Christian
loyal member of
arch, a kind and
and did muck for
family.--Teeswater ;
Neglect•d Children.
Mr. J. J. K.•1.•o, superintendent of
! neglected e
report. He sta
applications for
`. far exceed the
present twenty -se
engaged in the N
neglected childrei
a specialty daring
proving natural
inducing par,'nts
their offspring. Di
of 1,000 children we
through the English
pie freely took the
comfortable. The s
found homes for 239
now 2,030 children psi
their foster homes by r
the societies. The
Society of Huron Count
good work in this directio
ago four small children
Wiugham and the offic
homes for them. Anyone
ren for adoption will to
tnanicate with James Mi
dent, or W. J. Field, vice p
r, has issued his annual
s that the number of
children, even infante,
upply. There are at
en societies actively
orlt of looking after
, and they have made
the past year of im-
ines of children by
to do their duty by
ing the year a total
found foster homes
ocieties. The peo-
and made them
ciety iu Canada
aifs. There are
oually visited in
rresentatives of
hildren's AM
is doing much
A few days
ere sent from
Is will find
esiring child -
veil to com-
chell, presi-
esident. at
are guaranteed to r;it'e sat-
isfaction in all to. ins ' of
stomach trt.;ubles--oi- money
The Druggist.
I have room for two students in
the Telegraph Office.
The Courses of Study
OF EX ELLENCE and that is one
reason sahy this portlier school is now
enjoying a "record-breaking" attend-
ance.. You went the best training
and we give it, therefore enter at
once. Circulars free.
Auction Sales
70 head of cattle and 40 r' 's, to be
sold by auction on of 21 c. , . ],Culross,
on Thursday, Jan 2lr, Win, Case,
prop; John Purvis auctioneer.
Auction sale of 7 head of cattl • cows,
heifers, steers an calv•s a •Iheiser's
hotel, Teeswater, n S u ay. January
10th. T. E. Wal er, .rop.; John Pur-
vis. auctioneer.
Unreserved amnion sale of farm stock
and implements at lot 37•3S, concession
1, Morris, (one mile east of Bluevale,)
on Friday, January 22nd. See bills for
particulars. Win. Robertson, prop.;
John Purvis. auctioneer.
tght up the question of
rbvement to the road Aga
r, and read the report
V. M. Davis, of Berlin,
estimating the cost of permanent, sub-
stantial improve ent at about $3000.
The muuicipali es of Morris and East
Wawaaosh will ntribate to the repair-
ing of the road, nd it is expected that
the county coon it will also give a sub-
stantial grant. After some discussion
the following mo ion was passed:—
Moved by Cou s. Holmes and T. Bell,
that this council Igrant the same amount
as East Wawanosh or Morris for the imn
provement of the gravel road south of
Wingham, prov ding the County Council
ory grant.—Carried.
Couns. Greer and Arm -
hos, Bell was appointed
the County Council in
uring grant for road im-
gives a satisfac
On motion of
strong, Couns.
as a delegate t
reference to se
A commune
Win. Dore aski
I the granting hi
tion was received from
g the council to consider
exemption from taxes
for 10 years on is orrriege manufactur-
ing plant, and a ' can of $45000, repayable
in ten equal ann al instalments of $000
each without i ' terest, in return for
which he would ., large his premises and
employ at least 2 workmen during that
time. This matt r will be considered at
a future meeting
Tho clerk gave : statement of receipts
and expenditures n connection with the
electric lighting s, stem, showing a bal-
ance on hand.
Council adjou•ned.
Notice to Farmers.
The Canada Furniture Manufacturers
are now prepared to pay the highest
price °inuch higher than over before --
for all kinds of Hardwood and Basswood
Sawlogs, to be delivered at the Button tft
FessentChairl+'aetory,Wiughaui. Those,
intending to get out logs this season will
profit by calling on TIros. TIEtt, Man-
The Leading Sloe Store
Watch this space next week for
The Shoe Man.