HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-09-26, Page 14A14 -- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 26, 1984 HENSALL AND AREA CLASSIFIED 10. ARTICLES FOR SALEI HARDWOOD: Dried hard maple cut and split. George Love, Walton, 527-1536. 10-39x1 CANOE: Sports King $100.00. Riding mower 5 hp$155.00. Coleman lamp as new /2 price. 4-15" Radial tires, $60.00. 2 dressers, $50 and $25. 527-0962 evenings. 10-39x1 NEW YORK style earrings, hypo -allergenic, fantastic assortment, single carded, $7.50/ doz. Distributor inquiries welcome. Lake Village Merchandising Inc. 3135 Universal Drive, Unit 18, Mississauga, L4X 2E6. (416) 625-8412. 10-39-01 TUXEDO -STY) striped burgun tion. 527-0365. E sleeper sofa, steel frame, y acrylic velvet. Good condi- 10-39-1 TRUCKLOADS of slabs and edgings from our sawmill. R.J. Dungey & Sons, Mitchell. 348-8477. 10.02-tf B7100 Kubota tractor, 16 horse power, diesel, 4 wheel drive, PTO, two years old, 330 hours, 482-3312. 1O.38xtf HARDWOOD, cut and ready for furnaces and wood stove. $30 per cord. Call 527-0968. 10-35-4 PRUNE PLUMS, peaches, Bartlett pears, apples, red and white potatoes, fresh cider, honey, bulk cookies, whiskey barrels at Art Bell's Fruit Farm, 524-8037. 10-37-tf 110. ARTICLES FOR. SALE 1 Winchester Centennial Model 30-30, 1-Lakefield Mossberg, 12 gauge pump action shotgun, F.A.C. permit required. Wall mount gun rack (4 guns and drawer). Two antique handguns 1 -13 -14th century Flintlock pistol, 1 -18th century ladies handgun. Phone 527.1224 after 5:30p.m, 10-38x2 �11. WANTED TO BUY GOAL TENDERS hockey skates, size 9. Must be in good condition. Call Larry; 524-8331 days. 11-37x3 USED flex auger, 60 feet, 3r/2 inch, in good condition. Ca11527-1776. 11.39x1 USED electric feed grinder. Phone 482-3194. 11-39-1 ALLIS CHALMERS model B, Le Beau Farms, Brucefield. 482-7243 after 6 p.m. 11-39-2 A DRESSER with mirror, boys suit, size 8, in good condition. 527-1269. 11-39-1 - POSTCARD COLLECTIONS WANTED. Top prices paid for pre -1950 used or unused post cards. Write for information or mail post- cards to Neil Hayne, Bath, Ontario, KOH 11-39-01 1GO. PIANO WANTED: Not necessarily in good condition. Phone collect 519-669-2198 or 519-669-2280. 11-01xtf Ontario Clerk of the Executive Council of Ontario NOTICE NOTICE OF A PROPOSED BOUNDARY CHANGE BETWEEN THE Village OF Hensall AND THE Township OF Tuckersmith The Village of Hensel) and the Township of Tuckersmith have made an agreement to adjust their mutual boundaries by annexing certain•lands from the Township to the Village and to deal with other boundary -related issues This agreement has been reached under the Municipal Boundary Negotiations Act. which was passed by the Legislature of Ontario in 1981 The purpose of this advertisement is to give notice to the public that, subject to the consideration of any objections, the Executive Council ( e Cabinet) intends to implement this agreement by Order -in Council as soon after the 24th day of Octobetc 1984 as possible The proposed boundary change is indicated on the map below • TWP 0' HAY 0 C 14 WO NO VILLAGE OF EN,S�LL Present oundary Proposed Annexation 0 '000 2000 r, 0 S00 600• TWO OF TUCAPAswni t Details of the agreement may he obtained from the Clerk of the Vittage of Hensall at 1519) 262 2812 nr from the Clerk of the Township of Tuckersmith at 15191 48? 9523 Any person may object to the proposed boundary change by writing to the Clerk of the Executive CoUnCiI outlinmq the reasons for objecting, within twenty eight days of the publication of this advertisement This means that any obiections must he Bled with the Clerk of the Executive Council on or before October 24th 1984 The address is as follows 'Clerk of the Executive Council Province of Ontario Room 481. Legislative Budding Queen s Park Toronto Ontario M7A 141 Any objections will he dealt with according to the procedures set out in Section 18 of the Municipal Boundary Negohatons Act •Oblect ons may be referred to the 'Mun c pal Councils for the advice of the Councils Edward Stewart Clerk of the Executive Council 12. WANTED QUALITY hay, first or second cut, London, 453-6982. 12.38x2 BOX trailer, 527-0497 evenings. 12-39-1 CAR or boat storage space for rent in insulated shed, 4, smiles sw of Clinton, 482-7205. 12-39-3 13. REAL ESTATE HOTEL FOR SALE: Southwestern Manitoba. Clean operation, excellent building, living quarters. 1,200 population. Hunting, fishing golf, sports., swimming. Turning 700,000 plus. Additional information call 1-(204) 548-2018. 13-39-01 FOR. SALE: Garage, sales lot 165 x 130'. Garage approx. 3400 sq. ft. Sell with/without equipment. Owner retiring. Price negotiable. (403) 523-4551, High Prairie, Ab. 13-39-01 115. PR:eIPERTYf0r RENT 3 bedroom apartment available immediately, $200 per month plus utilities. Phone 527-1577. - 15-39.1 LARGE 2 bedroom apartment on main floor; patio deck, lots of closet and storage space, big living room, 4 piece bath, heat and hydro included. Adults only. Prefer seniors. Avail- able immediately. 527-1505 after 6 p.m. 15-39x1 ONE bedroom apratment. 527-0885. 15-37-tf 63 Side St. Seaforth, 2 - •2 bedroom apartments available immediately, appli- ances, fully broadloomed. $330 per month plus utilities. Please call 1-672-2820 or 1-289-2484. 15-38x2 BACHELOR apartment for rent. Available Oqt. 1st. Ca11527-0607, after p.m. 527-0712. 15-37-3 Elizabeth Court Apartments 176 Oxford St., Hensall ONE BEDROOM AVAILABLE includes utilities, carpeting, appliances. laundry facilities. Phone 262-2846 • Fuel Oil Furnace Repair and Cleaning 24 HOUR SERVICE Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 Geo. A. Silis & Sons MERCHANIS PLUMBING-ElEATiN6 & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 4111211111 Home Hardware Phone 527-162 Seaforth VEALS Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83.31/2 miles east of Exeter 235-1123 Try ns for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING K111 Days • Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats process- ed exactly the way you like it. the cry-oprt lra4 • BRUCE SMITH Salmi Repri sentotIvo MI$cb&l Co-op Afore 790 G.orpino Streot Machell, Clot, PM 1N0 Bus: 34S--9473 Res: 340-9473 .40 the co-O�ACatoz i v srrr • .ca, • Agro • wsrnrss • rwrr. 2 Mlles South, 1 Milo Woof el Clinton 119. NOTICE J EARN EXTRA INCOME! Learn to .prepare Income Tax Returns by correspondence. Local Franchise available. For details write: Tax Time Services Limited, 1304 Spears Road, Oakville, L6L 2X4, 19 39 01 FREE 128 page Career Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part timeobs. Granton Institute 265A Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 today. 19-39-01 EXCEPTIONAL Offer in God's word we find the answers for our questions and problems. If you do not possess a Bible we will send you one copy on request, without charge or obligatton. !The Holy Scripture" P.O. Box 677 Hawkesbury, Ontario, K6A 3C8. 19-39-01 HELP recognize Ontario's outstanding young people: nominate someone today who qualifies for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award. Contact this newspaper for details. 19-39-01 CAREER in trucking. Transport Drivers needed, Now is the time to train for your Class A license. For interviews, contact Mery 'Orr Transport. London (519) 432-1726. 19-39-01 ARE you living with a drinking problem? Al Anon can help. 527-1650. 19=39-1 IIENSALL .LIVESTOCK SALES, Every Thursday,.at 12:30 p.m. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS VictorBargreaves4- Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensall Barry Miller 236-2717 Exeter & 229-6205 Kirkton 20. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE. Large clearance and consignment auction at Wayne Ward Farm Equipment, Hwy.. No. 6, Wiarton, Ontario. Friday, September 28, 10 a.m. Approximate- ly 75 tractors, crawlers, combines, plus a large variety of new and used farm equipment. Sales held 4th Friday of each month. For more information call (519) 534-1638 or 534-2980. One of Ontario's fastest growing .monthly farm equipment consignment auctions. Wayne Ward Farm Equipment, Hwy, No. 6, Wiarton, Ontario. 20-39-01 ONTARIO's Largest Farm Machinery Con- signment Salle, Norwich, Ontario. Friday, October 12, 1984, 10 a.m. (Sales conducted second Friday each month). Approx. 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome. For more informa- tion call (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K.S. Hamulecki 8r Sons 70-19-0] -23. BUS' DIRECTORY 1 CUSTOM MACHINING. Turret lathe ,and automatic screw machine turning, • ling, drilling, tapping threading and f filirJting work. -Reasonable rates. Large or Wma production rubs. (519) 699-5918, RR 3 allenstein. 23-39-01 JOE McQUAID CARPENTRY: Licensed carrppenter for all your building needs. Phone 482.3628evcnines. _ 23.374 L113. FOR RENT FLOOR sanders for rent. B. & M. Rentals and Sales, Wingham, 357-1666. 18.344 24.CARD OF THANKS McLELLAN - MOLE We would like to express our sincere thanks to everyone who attended our Social Evening. Special thanks to those involved in arranging it. David McLellan and Dianne Mole 24-39-1 BRUGGER A very sincere and special thank you to Dr. Steed and second floor nursing staff. Also thank you to "Aunt Wanda". Shirley and Jason Brugger 24-39x1 SCOTT We would like to thank alt our .friends. relatives and neighbors for all the cards. gifts and flowers received for our 25th anniversary Special thanks is extended to our families and Garry and Barb Osborn for arranging the party and to everyone who joined us to make it such a memorable evening. it is very much appreciated by both of us. Vern and Marg Scott 24-39.1 MALONE - DUPEE We would like to thank all our friends. relatives and neighbors for attending our Buck and Doe. Special thanks to Tom and Lynn Devereaux. Ron Henderson and Randy Alexander for working so hard to make this event such a success. Pat Malone and Deb Dupee 24-39x1 LEONHARDT We would like to say thank you to our family, relatives and friends, for the gifts and cards and for sharing our 40th anniversary with us, making it a memorable occasion, we will always cherish. Mervin and Enid Leonhardt 24-39-1 DRISCOLL We would tike to thank our friends, neighbors and relatives for the lovely gifts and money we received at our party at Family Paradise in honor of our 40th Wedding Anniversary Friday evening. Special thanks to our family and Karen and Gerry, Glenn and Carleen and Manns Country Orchestra and anyone else who helped in any way. We hope everyone enjoyed it as much as we did. We will always remember your kindness. Thanks again. Boyd and Gertrude Driscoll 24-39x1 • EYRE I would like to express my sincere apprecia- tion arid thanks to all those who remembered me with flowers, cards, phone calls and visits while in St. Joseph's Hospital, North Bay and since returning home. Special thanks td my family for their help and comfort. - Campbell Eyre 24-39x1 O'SULLIVAN 1 would like to express my thanks to Dr. Underwood and the nurses of Seaforth Hospital while i was a patient there. Leo O'Sullivan 24-39-1 24.CARD OF THANKS FLANNERY CLEANERS I would like to thank all the people who I served during 27 years of business and who were so cooperative in the business of cleaning. Thank you John Flannery 24-39x1 . f 25.IN MEMORIAM CARDIFF: In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Clifford Cardiff who passed away ten years ago Sept. 28th, 1974. hi our home, he is fondly remembered Sweet memories cling to his name Those who loved him in life sincerely Still love him in death, just the same. Sadly missed and always remembered by his wife Helen and family. 25-39-1 TITFORD, D: October 1, 1978. Its 6 years since God called.you home. Remembrance brings sadness, bt also quiet joy, that you were released from your suffering." Grace 25-39-1 MURRAY: In loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Murray, Melva who passed away Sept. 29, 1976 and John E. who passed away Oct. 8, 1964. You always had a smile for others As you went along life's path Always words so tender If your advice we would ask Always your love so abundant You gave for all to see. Always friends and companions These are our memories. Lovingly missed by Mamie, Helen, Joe, Jerry, Beatrice, Jerome, Cyril, Ronald, Arthur and their families, 25-39-1 CHARTERS In loving memory of a dear father and grandpa, Pearson Charters who passed away two years ago, September 26, 1982. Once the Dam was unbearable. God realized this and took you home to rest It was so hard to let you go, But we know it was for the best. The years roll on and days pass by, But in ,our hearts our love for you, will never die. Always Loved and remembered by Marjor- ie, Gene and family; Anne, Doug and family; Mary, John and family; Bill, Marlene and family. 25.39x 1 CHARTERS: In loving memory of a dear husband, Pearson who passed away two years ago, Sept. 26, 1982. A part of my heart he took with him, But his love he left me to keep. So we will never really be parted The bond between us is too deep. Sadly missed and always remembered by wife, Bessie. • 25-39x1 29. ENGAGEMENTS BOND - ROWLES Mrs. Mary Ellen Rowles wishes to announce the forthcoming marriage of her daughter, Catherine Elizabeth to Stephen Fredrick; son. of Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Bond, on Saturday, October 13, 1984 at 4 p.m., Mary Immaculate Catholic Church, 1980 Trafalgar St., London, Ont. Guest organist Miss Jill Wheatley. Open reception to follow at R.C.A.F. 427 Wing - club, Crumlin Road, London, Ont. 29-39-1 BRUXER - VAN BAKEL • Mr, and Mrs. 'Frank Bruxer of 1Dublin are pleased to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter Karen, to Tony, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Van Bakel of Seaforth. Marriage to take place on October 13, 1984 at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Dublin.. 29-39x1 MOLE-McLELLAN Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mole, R.R. I Dungannon, are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Dianne Elizabeth to David Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clem wedding McLellan, R.R. 4, Brussels. The w take place on Friday, October 5, 1984gwill at 7 o'clock in Melville Presbyterian Church, Brussels. Open reception to follow at Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre. 29.39-1 DALE - SCOTT Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schroeder, Centralia are pleased to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of her daughter, Brenda June Dale to Earl -Ross Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott, Atwood. The wedding will take place Friday, October 12, 1984 at 7.30 p.m. in the Crediton Zion United Church. Open recep- tion to follow in Exeter. 29-39.1 26. PERSONAL MEET YOUR MATCH. For all ages and unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Call - toll-free 1-800-263-9103. Hours: Noon to 8 p.m. 26-39-01 11. WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY CATTLE We pay good prices for poorly doing or unthrifty crippled or recently injured cattle (free of drugs). Call 24 hours per day collect. ANSEMS LIVESTOCK 1-238-2796 Kippen WI learn about deaf •Cones ondent MRS. MARGARET HOGGARTH 262-6902 The education meeting of Kippen East Wi was held at the home of Mrs. Uwe Wiself with Mrs. Vern Alderdice as co -hostess on Sept. 19. The program was chaired by Mrs. Cecil Pepper. The guest speaker, Marlene Taylor. who is the mother of a child who was born deaf, gave an interesting and informative address on the causes of deafness and the help being given the deaf at the John Robert's School, It is proposed in the interest of economy to move the children from this school to Milton which will be a great hardship for little children to be so far from home, Grace Drummond read a poem. Plans were made for the dinner to be served Sept. 29 as well as plans for the anniversary party Dec. 5. Dorothy Bell and Grace Eyre measured the stalks of corn which had grown ftiom the seed corn distributed in the spring by Phyllis Parsons. The winner of the tallest stalk of corn was Thea Wisch whose corn mea 10 feet' 5 inches, • ' ' • " Margaret Hoggarth conducted a contest which was won by Marlene Bell, and lunch was served by Marlene Bell, Mary Broadfoot and the hostesses. . KIPPEN UNITED CHURCH NEWS Rev. James Bechtel presided in the pull at St. Andrew's on Sunday for the Sacrament of Communion Service. Barbara Cooper accompanied the hymns at the organ. Next Sunday, Sept. 30, the Sunday School Awards will be presented during the morning service. There is a combined evening service at 7:30 in Brucefield Church, when a compassion film will be presented, also piano and trumpet music by Don Moffat and Rob Adams. Special guests will be Ken and Pat Britton from Dublin. Hensall wants ideas for use of Centennial arofits Cot resppoon den t BERTHA MACGREGOR 262-2025 The general meeting of the Centennial Committee was held Sept. 11 at the public school. Cheques were handed out to the various organizations which sponsored events of Centennial weekend. representing their share of the profits. Anyone wishing t.o '1't agest how the Centennial Committee might best use the profits from the celebrations, a suggestion box is being placed at the PUC office. Anyone with an idea they feel might be useful could put it in the box by Oct. 31. Video tapes of the parade and other events of the weekend will be shown at the 'public school on Oct. 15. Anyone with snap shots could bring them so that others might have the opportunity to see them. As a final celebration for the centennial. a dance will be held at the Hensall Arena featuring the Beechwoods on Dec. 8. LODGE ACCEPTS INVITATION Noble Grand Mrs. Margaret Upshall presided for the regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge assisted by Vice Grand Mrs. Eunice Aikenhead on Wednesday evening. An invitation was accepted from Ruth Rebekah Lodge, Strath ford to be their guests on Oct. 2 at 7:30 p.m. DDP Mrs. Kay Wise of Clinton will be at ' Amber Lodge, Oct. 3 at 8 p.m. to install the officers of the Lodge. A notice to drape the charter in the near future was received. The social and entertainment committee will be in charge of the next meeting. A letter was sent to Clinton Lodge to be guests on installation Night. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van Dyke of Brantford were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol. Mt. and Mrs. Sim Roobol were guests at the Tolsma-Vaden Heuvel wedding in Goder- ich recently. The Senior Citizens Fall Rally 'will be held at Dashwood Community Centre on Oct. 4 at 1 p.m. Lost Heir, Crokinole and Euchre will be played. There will be a registration fee of $1.50, lunch provided. Please bring club dues to rally. Mr. and Mrs. Sim gloobol were in Ridgetown to visit the latter's brother Tony Gilderland, who is ill. Dorothy Brintnell, Audrey Christie, Hen- sall and Mrs. Holland, Toronto returned from a five day trip•to Aeawa Canvnn. Mr. and Nlrs. Sim Roobol attended the Kuepfer-Van Dyke wedding in Listowel on Saturday. CARMEL SERVICE Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted the worship in Carmel Presbyterian. Church on Sunday with Mrs. Domthy Taylor at the organ. The PCW will meet on Oct, ' at 8 p.m. when an employee from Country Flowers will give a demonstration. Every member is asked to bring a friend. All ladies of the congregation are welcome including the Arnold Circle evening auxiliary. Holy Communion Service will he held on Oct. 7 at 10:15 a.m. Dorothy Taylor and Florence Hyde attend• ed the 100th anniversary in K nnx Presbyter- ian Church, Goderich on Sept. 18. QUEENSW AY NEWS • Bingo was the activity highlighted Mon- day. On Tuesday morning after daily exercise class. the residents made various crafts..In The afternoon Rev. Bob Matheson conducted the weekly church service. Assisting him was Rhoda Rhode, pianist. in the evening. the Lakeview Conservative Youth sang for residents. On Wednesday morning. the monthly Resident's Club was held. On Thursday morning the Baking Club made tea biscuits. The biscuits were sampled with apple butter. in the afternoon a birthday party was held to celebrate five Sept. birthdays including: Reta Potter. Jack Lowe, Jim Price, Wilfred Mousseau. and Gertie Deeves. Special birthday greetings are extended to Jim Price and Wilfred Mous- seau. On Friday, the beautiful weather was taken advantage of the residents as they were outdoors for walks. To finish off the week a movie "Tire Railroader" was viewed by the residents. UNI'T'ED CHURCH Elizabeth Thompson was junior minister at the United Church on Sunday morning and assisted Mr. McDonald with the service. Douglas Klopp was organist and Cindy Taylor greeted the congregation. The ushers for the day were Mervin Fields, Douglas Kyle, Ray Jacobe and Jim Parsons. , The children's story was "The Pigs Party The flowers at the front of the church were placed in honor of the marriage of David. Campbell to Karen Shiels which took place in the church on Saturday. 1