HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-09-12, Page 2496 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEM ER 12, 19<; FARM CattleseII as highas $90.75 in Brussels The market at Brussels Stockyards traded actively, at higher prices on finished cattle. Cows 'were steady, pigs sold lower. There were 727 cattle and 875 pigs on offer. Choice Steers -83.00 to 86.00 with sales to 90.75. • Good Steers -80.00 to 83.00. A steer consigned by Murray Forbes of R,R. 2, Clinton weighing 1160 lbs. sold for 90.75 with hisof of 22 steers averaging 1240 lbs. selling fcJr. an overall price of 85.43. Ten steers consigned by Roger Benedict of R.R. 3, Kerwood averaging 1234 lbs. sold for an overall price of 85.02 with sales to 86.00. A steer consigned by Keith Johnston of R.R. 2, Bluevale weighing 1140 lbs. sold for 86.00 with his lot of 6 steers averaging 1168 lbs. selling for 85.10. Eight mixed steers consigned by Jack Glousher of R.R. 4, Wingham averaging 1311 lbs. sold for an overall price of 84.10 with a sale to 89.25, Fourteen steers consigned by Maple Emblem Farms of Dungannon averaging 1137 lbs. sold for an overall price of 84.01 with sales to 86.75. A steer consigned by L & B Farms of Wallenstein weighing 1230 lbs. sold for 87.25 with their offering of 17 mixed steers averaging 1227 lbs. selling for an overall price of 83.98. Five steers consigned by Gerald Ball of Embro averaging 1110 lbs. sold for 86.50 with his offering of 47 head including 9 bulls, sold for an overall price of 83.12 with an average weight of 1071 lbs. Thirteen steers- consigned by Garnet Meyers of Beaverton averaging 114 4 lbs. sold for an overall price of 83.85 with sales to 85.75. A steer consigned by Don Hoffman of R.R. 4, Listowel weighing 1230 lbs. sold for 87.75 with his lot of 7 steers averaging 1112 lbs. selling for 83.60. • Twenty-eight steers consigned by Emer- son Mitchell of R.R. 3, Walton averaging 1149 lbs. sold for 83.65. Four steers consigned by Arhice Jacklin of R.R. 2, Bluevale averaging 1200 lbs. sold for 84.15. A steer consigned by Wilhelm Bros. of R.R. 4, Walkerton weighing 1170 lbs. sold for 87.75. Choice Exotic Heifers traded on par with steers -82.00 to 86.00 with sales to 88.00. Choice Hereford Heifers -79.00 to 82.00. Two heifers consigned by George Blake of Brussels averaging 1150 lbs. sold for 88.00 with his offering of 50 heifers averaging 1108 lbs. selling for an overall price of 85.53. A heifer consigned by Roy McPhail of R.R. 3, Kerwood weighing 1000 lbs. sold for 87.75 with his lot of 7 heifers averaging 1108 lbs. selling for 86.75. Eight heifers consigned by Alvin Grainger of R.R. 2, Wroxeter averaging 1036 lbs. sold for an overall price of 84.45 with sales to 86.00. A heifer consigned by Doug McPherson of R.R. 2, Wingham weighing 1070 lbs. sold for 85.50 with his lot of 10 heifers averaging 1037 lbs. selling for 83.80. Ten heifers consigned by Elmer Riley of R.R. 4, Walkerton averaging 1004 lbs. sold for an overall price of 82:90 with sales to 86.00. Eight heifers consigned by Rudolph Droetice of R.R. 4, Walkerton averaging 986 lbs. sold for an overall price of 82.42 with sales to 83.75, Choice Cows -52,00 tb 56.00 with sales to 58.00. Good Cows -48.00 to 52.00. Canners & Cutters -43.00 to 48.00. 30 to 40 Ib. pigs traded to a high of 32.50. 40 to 50 lb. pigs traded to a high of 38.00. 50 to 60 Ib. pigs to a high of 44.75. 60 to 70 Ib. pigs to a high of 49.50. 70' to 80 lb, pigs to a high of 53.50. 80 to 90 lb. pigs to ahigh of 62.25. Huron County plowing match, held in Dunganon The annual Huron County plowing match is on for this weekend at the farm of Ron Pentland of Dungannon. Huron County Plowmen's Association secretary Graeme Craig said the junior program will be held Sept. 14 and the senior program will be on Sept. 15, He said there are nine young women who *ill be competing in the Queen of the Furrow competition. The queen is crowned the day of the match following plowing and speaking competitions. Organizers are looking for about 60 entrants in the match, The Pentland farm is located on Huron County Road 1, north of Nile and south of Ditngllnnon. PAG SEEDS and Bob Van Den Neucker your PAG dealer invite you to attend a FIELD DAY 11/4 miles north of Brucefield 11/4 miles east of Brucefield- RES.(519)482-9800 1 - 4 p.m. i o o p fi4/ $04/44644 000( \4100 4'7 4 "UV t/ BOOK YOUR WINTER SEED WHEAT NOW! • FREDRICK • FRANKENMUTH • AUGUSTA • HOUSER LET US CUSTOM APPLY YOUR FALL FERTILIZER SEAFORTH CO-OP Main St. S. Seaforth 527-0770 Wheat Board wins. law suit An eight year legal suit against the Royal Bank of Canada has been won by The Ontario Wheat Producers' Marketing Board. The case, which dates back to 1976, awards damages, interest and costs to the marketing board amounting to more than $412,000 which has been received by the board. Wheat board chairman, Robert Holmes, R.R. 2, St. Pauls, said the money will be distributed by the board to those producers who sold wheat through the 1976 crop pool and who therefore sustained the original loss involving nearly 5249,000. Mr, Holmes said the board is setting up the mechanics for making the payment, which will be nearly two cents per bushel on 22,695,000 bushels sold by producers during the 1976 crop year, July 1, 1976 through June 30, 1977. The 1976 crop was recorded in bushels as opposed to metric tonne in succeeding years. He said the boards computerized records will make it possible to make the payment directly to a large number of the 16,500 known producers while it may bet necessary to obtainYthe status of others by means of written contact in order to, complete the payout to eligible producers. The suit arose when Wellandport Feed Mill, then in receivership but unknown' to the board, made an unauthorized sale of wheat owned by the board, to a processor. The sale proceeds were deposited in a collateral account maintained by the Royal Bank on behalf of Wellandport Feed Mill, to control its cash flow. The proceeds were eventually transferred to other current accounts operated by Wellandport Feed Mill from which the bank loan repayments were eventually taken. The procedure left the Ontario Wheat Board without payment in the amount of 5248.793 M and .litieatit+n therefore roni- PH '4 yTO SU N P in recent weeks we have had some inquiries about the photographs that appear in the birthday, engagement and wedding segments of our paper. For optimum photograph reproduction in the newspaper, the following standards for photographic submissions are suggest- ed. 1. Black and White photographs are recommended, not colour. (Colour photo- graphs will be accepted but their reproduc- tion quality is not guaranteed.) 2,. Good contrast between subject and background. 3. Submit a photograph that is approxi- mately the size you want it to appear. (Enlarging and reducing can alter picture quality.) It is our goal to produce an interesting and informative newspaper while achieving high quality and we thank you for your co-operation! Huron i� xpositor 527-0240 GARY BANNON Painting, Decorating, Paperhanging Interior and Exterior FREE ESTIMATES Phone 527-1582 Seaforth, Ont Portable Welding and Metal Fabricating —Reasonable Rates— Don McLenuagban R.R. 02 Blytb, Ont. 887-6673 H. TEN PAS CONSTRUCTION LTD ESIDENTiAI — COMMERCIA Mill St. west•Brussels NOG 1HO•807-t,400 ,.rill 1',in.,' "tits . ,. David • Longstaff Ltd. Optician 87 Main St. S. Seaforth OPTOMETRISTS .\ND OPIITIIALMOIO(,ISTS Prescriptions Filicd Promplh SUMMER HOURS Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fri 10-510 Closed Wed. & Sat. Open. Tues Fvening by appointment only. COMPLETE OPTICAL. SERVICE 527.1303 menced against the Royal Bank of Canada for payment plus Interest. The case was heard in the Supreme Court of Ontario in Nov. 1982, with award to the marketing board filed in March, 1983: The judgement was appealed -by the bank and the case then went before the Supreme Curt of Ontario, Court of Appeal in May, 1984. The judgement released June 21, 1984, upheld the trial judge decision in favour of The Ontario Wheat Producers' Marketing Board. The marketing board estimates payments wili,be going out to the 1976 crop producers durfng the later part of Sept. 1110.111., Plowing 8t Minimum Tillage Demonstration We invite you to come and compare the equipment (plowing -soil saving -ridge tilling -planting) Tuesday, Sept® 18 4 miles west and 1 mile north of Seaforth Special Show Times • 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. • Continuous show 9 a.m. to 5 p.m: • Glen Perrot (M.C. for day from QRFEDA) •' Register for special door prizes at each display • Lunch available This Demonstration Sponsored By vrpskiu HYDE BROTHERS tel:11 H. LOBE & SONS LTD. Clinton IH STEIGER VINCENT FARM EQUIPMENT :•:forth HURON TRACTOR LTD. Exeter McGAViN FARM EQUIPMENT Walto Hensel! BUSINESS directory Phone 527-0.24 M�IfVMXA MnfflevWnrld Mufflers guaranteed as lung as %OU oa n the car SEAFORTH MOTORS i.TD. 527.1010 i.;, Hildebrand Flowers Cam Holland MASONRY • Brick • Block , • Angel Stone Free Estimates 527-1906 STEVE MURRAY INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. Home Business Farm Auto For more information call STEVE MURRAY S1. Columba!' 345-2172 I •„ } 1 11 SEAFORTH INSURANCE BROKER LIMITED 39 Main St., S. Seaforth •Home°Business •FarmeAuto •Sickness & Accidents °Investments 5274610 AmemelwompmpemmEnew Upholstering, Antiques & Used Furniture Restored, Rolled Goods by the Yard Bldg. H28, VANASTRA 527-1880 482-7002 t• JEWELLERS • DIAMONDS • WATCHES • JEWELLERY• FINE CHINA • ENGRAVING SERViCE Gifts for every occasion All Types of Repairs Phone 527-0270 Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home CEMETERY MONUMENTS ROSS W RIBEY DIRECTOR 14' (,odcrieh Si.. Seaforth PHONE 527.1390 Sincere and Courteous Service Hammer Mills Roller Mill SALES & SERVICE Installation & Parts Keith Siemon FARM SYSTEMS LTD., R.R. 4 WALTON PH. 345-2734 (anytime] or Clinton 482-7971 FOR FREE PLANNING AND ESTIMATES CO.OD Feed, Seed, Fertilizer Farm SLpplies, Petroleum Supplies, Heating Oils Seaforth Co-op 527-0770 i.;, Hildebrand Flowers 15 Main St, Seaforth Office 527-0555 Res.527.1784 `• Complete Floral SenIce with a personal touch SEW AND SAVE CENTRE LIMITED Sewing Machine Specialists Repan, to all makes • I R1 F 1 STIMATI S • At 1'.5(RK (,f;ARANTE 11) I •„ } 1 11 SAl1 S Husrovarna White 1 ina lanome. lots nt used machines Mastercharge V,sa r losed Mondays 149 Downie 5t, 12 doors south of Hudsons) STRATFORD 271-9660 Bus. 527-1242 Res. 527-1942 T. J. DEVEREAUX B.Sc., D.C. Chiropractor 77 Main Si. Seaforth, Ont. NOK IWO NEW HOURS: Mon. 8:30-12 1:30-6:00 Tues.. Thurs. 8:30-12 3:30-8:30 Wed., Fri. Sat. 8:30.12 Geo. Sons Sibs & So FLUTKEING- HEATING a e ECTaICAL COrlmAcroas Phone 527-1620 Horne Hardware Seaforth FLANAGAN CARPENTRY Aluminum siding home rt•nn,. t,nns nrldilrons tram.nit rnnling res, L m ,iI And farm build ,nq 1 91 1 1 \11s1Atl S PT TER FLANAGAN 527.1199 Appliance and Refrtgeratton REPAIR SERVICE Jim Uroadfoot 482-7032 1 spi ri Inlcrtnr A 1 sit hitt th,nranng ` 11'71h,ntrings .,r 'r (It Kew Paints Wmdm, Shadcs HILDEBRAND ®PAINT AND PAPER Phone 527.1880 1 `Main Ni Seaforth Use Space iscall 5270240