HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-09-12, Page 22Group Classes: ._
The registration certificate for each respective animal must show the
exhibitor as "breeder" and as "owner" In both cases either as an
Individual or In partnership. In other words, the exhibitor may be a "joint
owner" or an animal and /or the'Jolnt-breeder' of an animal. Therefore the
animals must be:
1. Owned and bred by the exhibitor, or
2. Jointly owned and bred by the exhibitor, or
3. Owned and Jointly bred by the exhibitor.
4, Jointly owned and Jointly bred by the exhibitor.
All entries must be owned by and registered In the name of the exhibitor.
Preductlon Record (B.C.A.)
In those classes where a certain minimum B.C.A. for milk Is a requisite
for entry, either R.O.P. records or erecords Issued under D.H.I.A.
(Standard Plbn)•ld British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario,
are acceptable.
Seaforth Fall Fair, Friday, September,21,1984
JUDGE: R.T. Sayles, Paris, Ont.
1. Competition open to Perth and Huron .Counties only.
2. Exhibitors must become members of the Seaforth Agricultural Society
end the Perth -Huron Jersey Club.
3. General rules of the Seaforth Agricultural Society shall govern except
where special rules of this show apply.
4. Entry tee le 15% of prize money won.
5. All cattle must be on the grounds by 11:00 a.m. Judging will commence
81 12:15 p.m. •
8. All exhibitors must get a herd health certificate from their county Health
Of flee,
7. Pedigrees and (R.O.P. or D.H.I.A.) records must be available and must
be registered In the dame of the exhibitor.
8. Number of entries will be limited to one per class except that every
exhibitor may show 2 animals in 2 classes of,own choice, or 3 animals in a
senior class of own choice. Total not lo exceed 10.
The prize list Is made up of funds contributed by the following:
Perth -Huron Jersey Club
Orftarlo Livestock Branch
Seaforth Agricultural Society
Agrlculture Canada
Tho Councils of Perth and Huron Counties
Cash prizes will be paid as follows: /01-545, 2nd -$35. 3rd -525, 4111.523,
5th -S20, 818-$15, 7/11-513, 8th -$10, 9th -$8, 10th -$6.
A cash prize has been donated by Tom Rathwell for the sum of 510, to the
boat female bred and owned by the exhibitor. Eligible 10 any exhibitor, once
In throe years.
Please Bend your entrtee to Carolyn Van Dorp, R.R. 82, Seaforth, Ont. NOK
1WO, no later than September 13, 1984 In order to get a catalogue of entries
printekd. Be eure to send tattoo and registration numbers with your entries,
as thls Is a blg help when checking cattle at the fair.
JuniorHelfer - Born between Sept. 1, 1983 and Fob. 29, 1984
Intermediate Helfer -Born between March 1/83 and Aug, 31/83
Prtnse - Cash and Ribbons
ROSIN ACRES FARM TROPHY - to first prize Junior Helfer.
GEORGE SAGO MEMORIAL TROPHY - to first prize Intermediate Holler
See- 1-Junlor Helfer, tem between Sept. 1/83 and Fob. 29/84. From a dam
with et least ono completed record with a minimum B.C.A. of 125 for milk.
Baa 2•Intermedlme Helfer, born between March 1/ 83 a.,,d Aug. 31 /83. From
edam with at least onecemplotod record with a minimum B.0 A of 125 for
Seo. S-Senlor Helfer, born between Sept. 1 /62 and Feb. 28/83. From a dam
with at tent ono completed record with a minimum B.C.A. 01 125 for milk
Bac. 4 -Junior Champion Female - Ribbon
Reserve Junior Champion Female - Ribbon
Bao. 6 -Fanta, 2 yr. old, torn between Sept. 1, 1981 and Aug 31, 1982 In
Milk or dry, Frorn a dam with at least one completed record with a minimum
B.C.A. of 125 for rd/Ik, (1 the entry Itself has a production reaped, 11 must
qualify on Its own merle
Seir.0-Female, 3 yr. old born Sept. 1180 to Aug. 31/81 In milk or dry 11 dry
must be within 0 weeks of calving. Must have ono completed record with a
rNnlmum B.C.A. 01 125 tor milk.
Bee. 7-Fernale, 4 yr. old, boa In Sept. 1 /79 to Aug 31/80 In milk or dry If
dry must be within 8 weeks of calving. Must have completed one record with
a minimum B.C.A. of 125 for milk.
See. 0-Fomale, 6 yr. old, born Sept 1/78 to Aug, 31/79. In milk or dry If dry
must be within 8 weeks o1 calving. Most have completed one record with a
minimum B.C.A. of 125 for milk,
See. 9 -Mature Cow, born prior to Sept. 1, 1978. In milk or dry. 11 dry must
be within 8 week0 of calving. Must have completed one record with a
minimum B.C.A. of 125 for milk.
Seo, 10 - Senior Champion Female - Ribbon
Reserve Senior Champion Female - Ribbon
Orelcl aheeripbon Female - Ribbon
e Grand Champion Female - Ribbon
. 11 -Beat Udder, The two designated beet udders from the 3 yr. old, 4
r yr. old, 5 yr. std and Mature Cow classes, compete in this Gina. Prize
tV money paid on 1st & 2nd eladnas only.
Bee. 12 • dreeder's Herd. Group of four animate bred and owned by the
t$ exhibitor, each animal must have been shown in one of the above classes.
Foran official prize OM placate 'apply to: Mrs. Sharon Flanagan, Secretary,
I Seaforth Agricultural Scelety, R.R. 01, Dublin, Ont. NOK 1E0.
Ws will epprsdate your co-operation In bringing out your cattle to the
® Perish Show In Seaforth.
SHEEP - Section
Committee: Erie Anderson, Francis & Marie HicknelI
Judge: M. Older
Exhibitors can only show two entries In each section and one entry In each
Prize money will be dropped by $2 11 only 2 or less animals are entered
In any one class.
Ait other general rules In prize Inst will be enforced.
D1. Dorset and Cheviot
OE. Suffolk& and Oxford Downs
D3. Shropshire Downs and Southdowns
D4. Lincolns, Cotswold and Lelcesters
1, Shearling Ram r 10
2 Ram Lamb 10
3. Champion Ram
4. Shearling Ewe 10
5. Ewe Lamb 10
8. Champion Ewe r
7. Pen Ram Lamb, Shearling Ram -
Ewe Lamb, Shearling Ewe 1() 8 6 4 3
8 6 4 3
6 4 3
8 6 4 3
8 8 4 3
Open to boy or girl 12 years old or under to show 1 ewe lamb. Commercial
or pure-bred that was not entered In any of the open classes.
Prize money - 55; $4; $3; $2 to all other entries.
Section F
Committee: Brian Campbell, Stuart Wilson, Robert McMillan, Francis Hunt
Section F-1 Yorkshire Section F-2 Landrace Section F-3 Duroc
All breeding class
entries must be owned by, and registered In the name of, the exhibitor.
Ages to be computed from the date of birth to the first day of the month In
which the lair opens and no animal to become Ineligible to show during the
duration of the show,
A. Beare
(1) 7 months and under 9 months of age.
(2) 5 months and under 7 months of age.
B GOte
(1) 10 months and under 12 months of age (evidence of being In pig)
(2) 8 months and under 10 months of age
(3) 6 months and under 8 months of age
C Breeders Herd
A group of 4 animals. Both sexes to be represented. Each animal In the
group roust have been exhibited In one of the above classes. Entries must
meet with the requirements set out In General Rules 1 (b) Group Classes. 3.
R.O.P Requirements for Entries In Classes tor Breeding Animals. All
entries mus have completed their Record of Performance (R.0. P.) test and
taw achle ed the performance standards as proven by a certificate of
podor co Issued by the Livestock Division, Agriculture Canada. Only
the original copy will be accepted.
It Is mandatory that official test results be listed on the entry form and
listed In the lair catalogue, If ono is published.
Prizm money paid 1n each o1 the Sections will be:
in order for our Secloty to be eligible for the 50% Federal prize monoy
grafi(, there MUST be three exhibitors In each brood. If there are not three
meNbttore the Society will pay 50% of the prize money offered.
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Seaforth, offers a sliver tray to
any one breeder with most points In any one breed, '
EGGS - Section G
Committee' Galre Reith, 8111 Thompson
Judged Thursday
Prtzewla1-54; 2ne143; 3rd -t2; 411141
1 21 dozen brown eggs
2. 21/2 'dozen white eggs
GRAIN - Section J
Wayne Huglll, Lewis Coyne
Ken Stott, Torn Malady
Entries In the class
'must be In by 11 o'clock
1. Timothy, I/2 bushel. 6 5 3 2
2. Red Clover, '/2 bushel 6 5 3 2
3, Fall Wheat, '/2 bushel, 6 5 3 2 \,.„..- •
4. Barley, '/2 bushel, 2 row 6 5 3 2
4a. Barley, `h bushel, 6 row 6 5 3 2
4b. Barley, h bushel, open to exhibitors who have not
previously won a prize at Seaford Fair In
5. Malting Barley, 1/2 bushel
Grain Section 6 5 3 2
6 5 3 2
6 5 3 2
6. Oats, '/2 bushel
7. Oats, 1/2 bushel, open to exhibitors who have
not previously won a prize at Seaforth Fair
in Grain Section r
6 5 3 2
8. Mixed Oats and Barley, Wheat, t/2 bushel 6 5 3 2
9. White Beans, '/2 bushel 7 5° 4 3
10. Champion, '/2 bushel class: 1 - 10 Ribbon
11. Husking Corn on Cob, 8 ears , . .4 3 2 2
12. Ensilage Corn, 1 sheaf of eight stalks ..4 3 2 2
N.B. Each additional entry In Classes 1-10. 11 and 12 $1.00 i1 so
13. Baleol first cut hay 4 3 2 2
.14. Baleol second cut or third cut hay . ' . e , 4 3 2 2
15, Field chopped hay, first cut, '/o bushel 4 3 2 2
16, Field chopped hay, second cut, '/2 bushel 4 3 2 2
SPECIAL: Harold Pryce donates a $30.00 voucher for Pioneer Forage Seed
for the most points In classes 13-16. Can only go to same family for 2 years.
George Townsend
Randy Wilson
Brad Carnochan
Bob Broadfoot
Robe. Fotheringham
JIm Carter
Ken Carnochan
Paul Storey
George Townsend
Doug Huglll
Mac Stewart
Ken Carnochan
Ken Gemmell
Bob Eckert
Laverne Godkln
Torn Malady
Art Bolton
Doug Hugllt
Met Stewart
Tom Workman
George Townsend
JIm Carter
Paul Storey
Bred Carnochan
Paul Storey
Larry Wheatley
Mac Stewart
Don Moylan
Art Bolton
Bruce Whitmore
Jim Carter
Bill Wallace
Larry Wheatley
Bob Fotheringham
Francis HlcknelI
Brad Camochan
Randy Wilson
Robert Broadloot
Kevin Kele
Tom Mel• t -Mr -171 ° ' -
Russell Bolton
Larry Wheatley
Bob Fothoringham
Kon Carnochan
Randy Mitten
Don Moylan
Kon Gemmell
Prizo Money: 1s1419, and -SIB, 3rd -$17, 4711418. 5111415, 8111414, 7111.813,
8}71412, 9111411, 10th410; all other exhibiting 58.00.
Soaferth Newe Printing Clew oilers stationery valued at 010.00 to winner
at most points In MI* 50ctl0n.
- Section K'
Committee: Jean Drager (527-0437), Mary Fotheringham, Clarissa Stewart
Prizes for 8/1 classes except 42 to be $1.50. S1 00, 8.75
1, Five tomatoes red
2 Pint box tomatoes, cherry type
3. Five Spanish onions
4. Five yellow onions from dutch sets
5. Pint box multiplier onions
8. Three cucumbers. slicing. no over 12 inches
7. FNe cucumbers, pickling not over B Inches
8. Two ripe cucumbers .h
9. Five kohlrabi •
10 WNte beans, pint box, field variety shelled
11. Butter beans, pint box, garden variety
12. Red kidney beans, pini box
13. Five pickling beets
14, Five table beets
15. Five table carrots, long
16. Five table carrots, short
17. Four peppers, green
18. Four peppers, red
19. Two 1a11 cabbage
20. One winter cabbage
21. One red cabbage
22. Five cobs of fletdcom
23. Five cobs of popping corn
24. Two pepper squash
25. One hubbard squash
33. One butternut squash
One A.O.V. squash, named
One citron striped
Two ple pumpkins 7" diameter
One field pumpkin
Four quart basket, Irish cobbler'potataes, unwashed
Four quart basket, Sebago potatoes, unWaehed
Four quart basktit red potatoes, unwashed
Four quart basket any other kind, correctly named, unwashed
Largest cabbage
Largest potato
Largest squash
38. Largest pumpkin
39. ,Collection of corn properly named
40. Collection of squash, five varleties,;one of each, named •
41. Collection of onions, four or more varieties, three of each., named
42. Collection of garden produce, three of each, number of types and
quality to be considered: Prizes $10.00, 58.00, $6.00, $4.00
SPECIAL: To the winner of most points in Section K a one year's subscription
to The Huron Expositor.
To the winner Moot 'points in classes 39 to 42 Mary ,Fotheringham offers
General Homemaking Section
• Open to meteor female exhibitors
Home Division Officers of 1984
Past President -Mrs. Jane Vincent
President -Mary Fotheringham
Secretary -Mrs., Audrey McLean
Treasurer - Mrs. Jane Rlmmer
Committee convenors:
Home Economics -Mrs. Marion Gordon
Canned Fruits and Vegetables -Mrs. Marion Gordon
Home Dept -Mrs. Muriel McClure
Arts and Crafts -Kathleen Cuthill
Floral Exhibits -Mrs. Helen Thompson
Elementary School -Gary Jewitt
Secondary School -Jane Vincent
' All rules and regulations of Seaforth Agricultural Society apply to Home
Division, also the following:
1. Articles for competition In Indoor departments to be Inshowroom before
12 o'clock noon, an the first day of the exhibition, and properly located In
their own departments.
2. Payment of $3 will constitute a yearly membership and will entitle the
member so paying 10 compete In any or all of the regular departments.
a F_ntry Fee: 15% deducted from winnings over $5.01.
4. All parties having paid their subscriptions and only such will be entitled
to compete.
5. Prize winners to be amount of $5.00 or over are required to leave
membership fee for 1985.
8. All articles exhibited must be the work of the exhibitor. Professional
exhibitors are barred.
7. All frult, flowers and vegetables exhibited must have been produced on
farm er garden of exhibtlor.
8. No competitor will be entitled to more than one prize In any one class of a
section In Indoor department.
9. Competitors to make entries with the secretary for the Indoor
departments not later than 11:30 a.m. on the ileal day of the exhibition.
10. Judges will be particularly requested to have regard to merit In all
articles exhibited for, competition, and to withhold any prizes If they
consider the article undeserving. -
11. Entries not to be removed from Round House until 4:00 p.m. Saturday.
Point System - In In door exhibits: 101 5 points: 2nd 3 points; 3rd 1 point; 4th
'h point
Section L
Ladies Home Division
of Seaforth • Agricultural ' Fair
Committee: Marion Gordon (527-1518), Ethel Boyos, Betty Glanville,
Darlene Eckel, Lots Hoclgert, Chrlsta Eckert
Prune 1-221415200; 2nd-51.5013rd-51.00
Classes 1-15 axhtbited In sealed pints
1, Strawberries
2 Peaches.
3 Pears.
4. Plums.
5 Red Raspberries.
fl Fruit Cocktail.
7. Whole Tomatoes
8. Tomato Juice.
Exhibited in pint jars or smaller sealer if necessary
9. Chill Sauce
10. Bread & Butter Pinkies
11. Icicle pickles
12. A pickle or relish made with Zucchini
13. Hot Dog relish
14. Pickled Corn Cobs.
15. Dill Pickles, sweet.
SPECIAL: CanVln Products Ltd., makers of Allen's Canada Brand Vinegar
donates $15 cash to the exhibitor scoring the most points in Gasses 9-15 using
Allen's Brand Vinegar.
Each exhibitor moat provide one Allan's Brad label. Recipe must be
Gasses 18-22 exhibited in small tars labelled
18. Pear marmalade
17. Peach Jam
18. Strawberry Jam, cooked
19. Raspberry Jam, cooked
20. Apple Jelly
21. Grape Jelly
22. Any other variety o1 lam or jelly, must be labelled
23. Collection of canned fruit (pints sealed) 8 varieties
Prizes: 1st43.; 2nd -$2.; 3/341.
24. Decorated gift containing 3 )are of lam or lefty. Prizes: 1st -03.; 2nd -$2.;
3rd41 Judged on attreetheenoss.
SPECIAL: Dew and Gall Sdrrdeder (Winteeop Store) donate 310 to a new,
exhibitor scoring tl,e most points In Gasses 1-24.
SPECIAL: Simpson -Sears donates a $10 voucher to the exhibitor scoring the
most punts In class 18.24
SPECIAL: CahVln Products Ltd. makers o1 "Allen's Canada Brand
Vinegar" donates $5 for final prize for 1 pt. of pickled beets using Allen's
Brand Vinegar. 53 -2nd, S2 -3rd. Each exhibitor must provide one Anen'e
Brand label. Recipe meet be Included.
Food Booth
- 'located on Infield of Track
Section N
Committee: Marion Gordon 527-1518, Ethel Boyes, Lois Hodgen,
Betty Glanville, Darlene Eckel, Chrieta Eckert
1. Loaf of white bread, entire crust, day ole
2. Loaf of whole wheat bread, entire crust, day old
3. Coffeecake, (yeast)
4. Loaf of raisin bread
3.00 2.00 1.00
3.00 2.00 1.00
3.00 2.00 1.00
3,10 2.00 1.00
SPECIAL: Seaforth Women's Institute offers $5.00 for the most points in
Section N. Classes 1 to 4.
SPECIAL: Arva Flour Mills donates acol lectlon of flour to the winner of 1st
prize In Section N. Class 2 Loaf of whole wheat bread.
5. Angel cake, un Iced
6. Chocolate layer cake, with filling and Iced
7. Banana layer cake, with filling and lced
8. Carrot cake, Iced, 1 layer, square
9. Light fruit cake, 4" x 4"
10. V2 Date & nut loaf
11. V2 applesauce loaf
12. 'h Lemon loaf
13. rh Zuchint loaf
14, th Loaf of Friendship cake
3.50 2.50 1.50
5.00 4,00 3.00
5.00 4.00 3.00
3.50 2.50 1.50
5.00 4.00 3.00
3.50 2.50 1,50
3.50 2.50 1.50
3.50 2.50 1.50
3.50 2.50 1.50
3.50 2.50 1.50
SPECIAL: Weston Bakeries Limited donates a Grocery Voucher to the
exhibitor with the most points In classes 5 - 14 valued at S10.00.
SPECIAL: Arva Flour Mills donates a 24 Ib. bag of -pastry flour to the winner
of 1st prtie In the Banana Cake Class 7.
SPECIAL: Seaforth Creamery Ltd. offers 5 Ib. of "Seaforth Brand" Butter
for the beat Banana cake, Class 7.
16. 5chocolate brownies, Iced 2.00 1.50 1.00
16, 5oatmeal dropcookles (baked) 2.00 1.50 1.00
17. 5ginger cookies 2.00 1.50 1.00
18. 5 oatmeal date squares 2.00 1.50 1.00
19, 5shortbread 2.00 1.50 1.00
SPECIAL: Arva Flour Mills donates 24 lbs. of pastry flour to the winner of the
mast pointe In Section N Gasses 15-19.
SPECIAL: Seaforth Creamery Ltd. offers 5 tb' "Seaforth Brand" Butter for
the bust oatmeal date squares, Gass 18.
PIES: Displayed on 6 Inch plates
20. 1, 4" *cool rod cherry plc, lattice top 3.00 2.00 1.00
21. 1,4'' plecool raisin ple 3.00 2.00 1.00
22, 1,4" ploceof apple plc, no spice 3.00 2.00 1.00
SPECIAL: Arva Flour Mills donates 24 Ib. bag of (lour to the winner of most
points In Gasses 20-24.
23. 5 putter tarts
24. 6 txxbnte tarts • 2.00 1.50 1.00
25. 5 tea bisculte
26. 5tra n muffins with Trutt
27. Sweated (serving apples
28. 3 varieties of fruit breed, 2 slime of each
displayed on a suitable plate 1.50 1.00 .75
SPECIAL Soeforlh Creamery offers 5 Ib. "Seaforth Brand" butter for 101
prize In Cass 28, 3 varieties o1 fruit bread.
29. Cake aultablo for Blcontonnlal Party (real or latae base) ludgod on
decoration and appoarenco.
2.00 1.50 1.03
1.50 1.00 .75
1.50 1.00 75
3.00 200 1.0)
1st "Special" 5.00 3.00
SPECIAL Seaforth Woman's lrolltute offers 510 fa 1st prize In ams 29.
"Bicentennial Cake."
r714eAhibittxs scoring the most points In Section N, Hone Economics will
raster a mtrdmrdtae voucher to the value of: 1st 510; runner aro $5.
Courtesy of Geo. A. Seta & Sons Hardware.
William Neilson Ltd. Special - Best Chocolate Square Layer Calm, iced end
filled, made with Neilson's Jersey Cocoa. Condition, the empty cocoa
with label attached. Is dl0oiayad with the cake
Prizes; 1e1440.00 worth Nelleon products, 2nd -320,00 worth Neilson
products, 3rd -$10.00 worth Neilson products
J. M. Schneider Ltd. of Kitchener, offers 5 one Ibcartons of crispy flake to
each of the first prize winners In claasee 8, 22, 23 provided that 8n empty
carton If criapyflako shortening is displayed with each entry.
The Ontario Bean Producers Marketing Board offers special prizes for the
"Beet Dish of Baked Beans" either white or yellow -eye beans. Receipt to
amol'npany the entry. 1st prize $5.00 plus a cookbook; 2nd 53.00; 3rd 82.00.
Section 0
Committee: Muriel McClure 527-0478, Joan Whyte 527-0349,
Edythe Coleman, Helen Connell, Jane Rlwrier , Debbie Jamieson,
Mary McCall, Grace Broadfoot, Rem Beane
NOTE: No person shall be allowed to make more than one entry In any class
All exhibits In competition must be new and must be the work of the
exhibitor. Special consideration is given to new work. If In any class the
ante's( do not merit a prize no prize will be given. in case of a 110, prize money
wlRbedivlded evenly. Specials not awarded to first prizewinner of previous
1. scent, eetten placed 7.00 5.00 3.00
2. Quilt, handstitcbad applique to be fudged for
m0111 attractive design
3. Quilt, reversible, suitable for bedspread, 7,00 5.00 3.00
no centre seam
4. Quilt, cottonernbroldery 7.00 5.00 3.00
6. Quilt, preotleal everyday, any design 5.00 4,00 3.00
hand quitted
' 6. Quilt, practical everyday, tied 5.00 4.00 3.00
7. Quilt, crlb,any design , hand quilted� 1.59
A Canada Packers entry will be picked from classes 1, 2, 3, 401 above. To the
Grand Champion Quilt a $15.00 extra prize has been donated by Mrs. Jane
Vincent. Canada PackersChamplon Quilt Competition Is held In conjunction
with the Annual Convention of the Ontario Association of Agricultural
Societies at the Royal York Hotel.
RULES: Quilts must be at least double bed size. Each local fair Is entitled to
send only the Grand Champion Quilt of Best of Show of all classes to District 8
Annual Meeting Competition. Only first place quilts from Dlatrlct 85Annual
Meeting are eligible to enter the Canada Packers Competition. Should the
first prize winner decide not to send her quilt on to the final competition In
Toronto, the second prize quilt will be eligible. In addition, prize money of
525.00 for let, $15.00 for 2nd, and 510:00 for 3rd will be given to the
exhibitors of winning quilts at each District Competition. Every quilt must be
tagged with Its entry number secured to it before the judging begins. Canada
Packers will purchase the winning quilt at the Annual Convention for 5700.00
and It will beadded to the Canada Packers Quilt Collection.
8. Lap Rug, any material 2.50 2.00 1.50
9. Mat, latch hooked on turkey canvas 4.00 3.00 2.00
10. Wall hanging, latch hooked, ready to hang 4.00 3.00 2.00
11. Walt hanging, crewel work, ready to hang 4.00'3.00 2.00
12, Floor mat, braided 4.00 3.00 2.00
13. Cushion, Candlewick 3.00 2.00 1.00
14. Cushion, crewel 3.00 2.00 1.00
15. Cushion, patchwork 3.00 2.00 1.00
16. Cushion, crochet, practical 3.00 2.00 1.00
17. Afghan, crochet, wool or wool blend 4.00 3.00 2,00
18. Afghan, knit, wool or wool blend 4.00 3.00 2.00
19, Rocking chair pad and cushion set 3.00 2.00 1.00
20. Kitchen finger towel 1.50 1.25 1.00
21. Useful bathroom article, handmade 1.50 1-25 1.00
22, Pillowcase, cross stitch, arty colour 2.00 1.50 1.25
23. Homemade pillowcase with suitable trim 2.00 1.50 7.25
24. Dresser scarf with suitable trim 2.00 1.50 1.25
25. oulltedwall han(ing 3,00 2.00 1.00
Stewart Brae., Seaforth, has donated $5.00 for most pointe to ktass 13-25 incl.
KNITTED AND CROCHETED ARTICLES [Pisan lave aampts of yam
28. Cribelzeafghan 2.50 2.00 1.50
27, Baby's bonnet and sweater, knittod 3.00 2.00 1.60
28. Baby's bonnet end sweeter, crocheted 3,00 2.00 1.50
29. Lady's hat and marl eel, knitted 3.00 2.00 1.50
30. Baby shawl .3.00 2.00 1.50
31. Girl's or Ladies eloeveleesvast 3.00 2.00 1.50
32. Child's knitted toque or helmet with mitts to match 2.50 2.00 1.80
33. Chlldeshooded cardigan knMed 3.00 2.00 1.500
34, Child's knitted surf at least 35" 2.00 1.50 1.00
35. Ladles knitted tuck ind/ckle 1.50 1.25 1,00
38. Advtt'selippere, knitted 1.00 .75 50
37. Man'eorBoy'etoque, knit{ed 1.00 .75 .50
38. Man'sdrms woks 1.50 1.00 .78
39. Girl's or Boy's pullover. knitted 3.00 2.00 1.50
40. Knitted log warmers 2.00 1.50 1.00
Stewart Bros. Seaforth has ted 55.00 tor most points In class 23-40 Incl.
SEWING Please have a of material attached)
41. Girl'eaLadles nmalarial 3.00 2.00 1.00
42. Girl'e or Ladles dress pants 3.00 2.00 1.00
43. Girl's or Ladies wrap around skirt,
any plain material 3.00 2.00 1,00
44. Hallowe'en outfit, handmade 3.00 2.00 1.00
45. Christmas apron 2.00 1.50 .75
48. Jogging or rugby pants 3.00 2.00 1.00
47. Any smocked article 3.00 2.00 1.50
48. Any articled Iingerto made from Tricot or Antron 3.00 2.00 1.50
Seaforth Sewing Centre ha donated $5.00 for rnctit point) Gems 41-48 Irool.
No entry fee but must hand In entry fern to secretary
49. Afghan, crochet 3.00 2.50 1.50
50. An article of knitting other than afghan 2.00 1.50 1.00
51. An article of crocheting other than afghan 2.00 1,50 1.00
52. Apron, bicentennial design 2.00 1.50 1.00
53. 1 a ticleof tatting 2.00 1.50 1.00
54. Tea cozy 2.00 1.50 1.00
55. Group of 3 different qui ll btcdcs 2.00 1.50 1.00
58. Quilt, any design, new 300 2.50 2.00
57. 3 erapshots or pioneer days suitably mounted 2.00 1.50 1.00
Murbet McClure has donated $5.00 for most points in senior citizens section
t 49-57 Incl.
Section R
Committee: Kathleen Cuthill 527-0753, Dorothy Hayes 527-0153,
Mary Van Vatkengoed, Mary McClure, Doreen Strong, Fern McClure,
Prizes: Class 1-9 Md. 6, 3, 1., Class 10.38 Ind. 3, 2, 1.
Art-Ptctures should bs two, Inwood, reedy to hang.
1. Original landscaped or 008acap0, oft or opaque acrylic
2 Orig?rflowers m sill) Ilfe, an ee °peeve acrytie
3. Any subject, oil or opaque acrylic
4. Animal study, any medium
5. Original named Seaforth area building. Watercolour or oil
6. Watercolour landscape or seascape
7. Watercolour any subject
8. Skeet, of any subtect, charcoal, Ink or pencil
9. Painting on any medium (I.e. glass, wood, metal or fabric)