HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-12-24, Page 8eeember 2 3, 'splay id all a Mercy Christmas Happy New Yeti 1 To N n Buy TUE WING11AR TOMS, DECBI1BER 24, 1903 --Plan of lulu for S. 0, S, conceit 1 YvvVYYNNYVYVYVVYWYWOONNY MA.44e4AAAAAAAAAANOAAAAMAA opens at Itose' (Dooduion Express) Oil, e ou Saturday, Janattry 2nd. -The annual meeting of the Turuberry Agricultural Society will be held in the Commit Chamber en Wednesday, Jan. nary 13th, -Mr. W. V. YanStone has pute chnsei the Button block propertY f teen Ur. Win 131itton. This block brings in a good reveuue. ,-Tenders are heiug sniked for the erection of the addition to the Hutu* House of Refuge. See adyt. in another oultainn for particulars. -The Yetland Sunday School will hold its annual holiday eatertainnieur on Monday evening next. A good pro- gram. Silver colleotion. J, Howard Renter, Regietrar Logo CompanieS, haSeuncelled The regis• try of the People's Loaa & Deposit Co., t•their best, and besides the usually alining it is beim abused. mud sati,faetory assortment below are --Mr. A. Sanderson has been doing excellent work oil the streets with the gestions that we can supply, suitable snow plow and Winghatuites are able s gifts : t,) get about with very little Meouven- ietre. 11 FOR BROTHER -The Presbyterian and Baptist Snu- day schools held sum 9stifu1 Christmas -Fu r Centertaiuments this week. The former oat 011 Tuesday aud the latter ou Wedueday Suit of Clothes --Fur Cap ow Overonat -Umbrellas, evening, New Fur Coat -Ties -A locomotive drawing the way -Tice -shoes freight on the L . H. ds B., left the rails -Hosts - Gloves 111ufat Exeter on Tuesday afternoou and the -Silk Handkerchiefe -llers auxiliary wee sent out from Loudon. -Rid Gloves -Suspenders No damage was done. -Underwear -Ur. Geo, laicKeezie has received a portfolio In:Wished by the comical of the city of Winnipeg. It is a magnificent advertisement of the busiuess and other points of interest in Winnipeg. -The anew. ' etorm has continued and has interfered very innoli with the Christmas trading. The oldest residents of this section. do not remember of seeing so much snow fall before Christmas. All the trains, have been very late. -Mr, Wm. Gannett has purchesed the Hill building lots on Diagonal street, and also part of Mr W. Diamond's property on the same street. Mr. Gannett will 11.00173.M...e. .........-. probably Maid a new dwelling on this property in the spriog. -The "Man on the Street" has fol- loweg in the Guelph Herald, will also apply to the G. T. R in regnard to the Ties: BRAS= BLooR .. ' WIRGHAivr. SerViee We are reeeiviagt,--“I ie er that • ,,,.,..,:re, , s;,,s, -,seess szuwaginaminnsonsminumingwAa. big company, with a capital of $5,000,- 000 Is being formed in Guelph to be ----" ' called ens Torouto and Guelph Stage ' MINOR LOCALS, ' 1 OR MOTHER FOR SISTER -New Silk Dress N -New Silk Waist Dress Pattern -A. Mantle -A Fur Coa,t FUT Ruff Table Lieen able Napkius Bars. Gloves, Silk Mitts Handkerchief Towels -Silk MOB -Kid Gloves -Silk Handkerchief -Embroidered Handkerchief -Fur Ruff -Fur 1Viu -Seal Coat -Persian Lamb Coat -Dress Pattern -Fancy- Collars -Faitcy Belts -Fancy Hose. CJiIE & CAMPBELL ammmorr......maaameero, E WISH YOU ALL FRY AND A ) HAPPY NEW YEAR re closed Christmas and New Year's Day. necessore to Alex. Issas.) lane," to completewith the G. T. R., as it is said a four horse coach could beat the.tirne table of the Truuk on any train during the day." -A. R. Smith has a new advt. in this issue, -Monday, Deo. 21st, was the shortest day of the year. • -Wesidiug invitations printed in the latest style at the Times office. -The public schools closed Tuesday of this week for the Christmas holidays. serMr. D. Stewart shipped a large number of turkeys to Niagara Falls on Friday last. -The Liberals of North Perth will hold aconvention at Listo wel on Wednes- day of next week. • -Ttace's subscribers are renewingr promptly and taking advantage, of oni. cheap clubbing rates, -Hear ,Tame e Fax singhis comicson at the Scottish Concert on Thursday • evening, January 7th. -ThTpieS, wishes all its friends and • rescuers e, very Merry Christmas and is spending the Chrisrmas holidays with • • - PERSONAL:. ,• Mrs Alberts -Porter is home from De- troitifor the holidays. nr; andMrs, R. Clegg are spending tte;Christmas holidays at Ingersoll. Mr, Donald Stewart of London is sending the holidays at his home in tOWn. Mr. Sas. Cochrane has teen spending fie few days with old friends in New Hamburg. Mrs. (Dr.) MoIntyre of Strathroy is visiting et the home of her brother, Mr. D. Stewart. Mr. Frank Mac:lams of Ripley has taken a situation with the Western Foundry Co, Mrs. John °orates of East Wawanosh Everybody Talking About Hamberstonels - * 0111,NA.; JAPANESE WARE, DINNER SETS, • TEA SETS, TOILET SETS. a Happy New Year. ' • finds at Guelph. ' -Mr, Alex. Orr, of the Hotel Bruns. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Grierson are wick will hold his first monthly horse speuding a. 'month with relatives and f air on Thursday, January 7th. . friends at Sylvan, near Parkhill. -The roof of Listowel skating rink Mesita Joseph, and Alex. Stewart of gave way under the weightof snow piled ••the Western 'University, Leedon are upon it. The damage will be repaired *mewling the holidays at their hornin, at once. •town. -Mr, J. Harry Cunningham, prin. Mrs. G. C. Manners is in beaforth oipal of the Teeswater school has been this week attending the wedding of her offered a similar position in the Palmer- niece, Stobie, to Mr. R. Boyce, of • stop school. -Windsor has a new daily newspaper, binfilleel,. re. :Lowe was in London on The Standard which will be the official' Thursday last attending a meeting of the. organ of the Conservative party forEssex executive committee of the Diocese of •county. • adaEurnitere Manufacturers are closed Huron. •Mrs. Homey, of Owen Sound and Miee • -The Wingliani factories of the Can- - C. Macdonald are spending the Christ- • for the holidays, to re -open on Mon. Inas holidays with their parents, Dr. and day, January 4th. Mrs. Macdonald. -The government gas inspector has I warned the Standard GasCompany that Mies Clara B. McIndoo. of California, if a better quality of gag is not sunPlied, who is attending the, Whitby College is they will be prosecuted. spending the *Christmas holidays at the home of her uncle, Mr. Robt. McIndoo. - • Mr. Win. Godfrey, fornier G. T. R. agent at Listowel and who was relieving •A /mom, sTATio/ENT. at Whitechurch fora few weeks has been. appointed agent at Fergus. This annourteeroent is made without any qualiffeations. Hera -Reid is the -Mr. John McCharlee of Huron one preparation in the world that guar - township will be the next Warden of sutees it. Bruce county. He has been, a member Hena-Roid will cure any case of Piles of the Connty Council for eight years. Xt is in the form of a tablet. -Richard Atwell, ft resident of Tees- It is the only Pile remedy used inter - water for the past Seven years died at his home there last week. His remit:is It is impossible to cure an established Were interred in the Winghttni cemetery. ease of Piles with ointmelits, supposito- ries, in:motions, or outward appliances, A guarantee is issued with every pack, age of Ilein-Roid, which contains a month's treatment. Goand talk to you, druggist Omit it, Sold in Wingheen by Walton. McKib- bon. -Miss V'ellwootl, of Oakville has been engaged as junior teacher in the Wroxeter school for next yedr. Miss Sine/air, the peeeent teacher Wes ta Clif. ford. -2The regular meeting night of Court Maitland, C. 0. V. falling on Christmas night, tho date has been changed. to Teesday, December 29th, when election of officers will take plate. Members are requested to attend the meeting. 0.0o*bs, colds, hoarseness, and other threat ailment; are (nudely relieved by Oresolene ori, yes never, huve the people of • •tut& tg.tcu cents net box. All druggists gbara smiled their approval match auto goods Is we are dierdayiag for -Mayor Itnettel ancl wife of Xincar- dinkintend leaving Xincardine shortly ‘alt XMAS trade. Tome them is to buy. •to reside at Crookstowtt, Minn. to live iith their lle 0 whose# • •N.,,wife died reCentiy. Mayor Runt - •tells own to &number of our readers • nipany with his sons, conduct. ring and gents furnisbings some years ago. is coming wilt Gm$, LEMON'S, CANDIES, table for the holiday and in ,a4 a tai • business h , -The Chri Farmers' Adv ito pages and There is readin ?doses, mor corninnnity, • on e, ei hold leg o Araet1c 0 nuts number of the e is out. It contains finely illustrated. atter to suit all the farming ers' Advocate bed Oanadlatt its deem. Do It Now. Come down to -day de and buy one of those Special Raglan Overcoats, regular $t i value, for $7.5o. We have sold a good many of this particular line of 4 Men's Overcoats and we tell you honestly the supply cannot last much longer. You are really missing extra good value if you are in need of a Top Coat and do not get one, of these at $7.5o. • * Just arrived --Boys' Reefers, sizes 22 tO 28, another lot 29 to 33. 34. Buy Overcoats from • A. R.SMITI-I • GENTS' r UR/MIMI% - CHISHOLM BLOCK, WINGHAM, A^A.0,AAAAAAAAAAAA604,4Afs#SA^A^ vii.AIN/VsovvV4000vvApayvvVVVVVYto ".? P,4 1itAltlt/L'D 11A1br-STinvArcr-InIlbly, on Dpt. 0, Henry Heist, formerly of Brussels, to Miss Jennie Stewart, both .of Ubly, Mich. Wiar,srf-DtsrsaS-In Taentiorry," on Dee. 1G, by Rev. Dr, Gandy, Mr. Walter Welsh. to Miss Bertha Ztaude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ./as. Dennis, of TurnberrY. by Rev, W. Lowe, MrtRobprt $oh jouNaroN---Itoln4,NsoIv.-In Turnberry,ii on t I Hoston u_ obi on u.....„rry. Mrs."LT. rft 1415,V14,t" " • WED Poirrint-tn Medicine get, M. W. T. on De - ember 14th, William Porter, son of Mr. Alex. Porter of 1,Vinghera, in his 00th year. LOCItiNo-In Grey, ot Dee. Ilth, lane Little, beloved sweet Thos. Loeking, in her 77th year. SrorT-At Itthel, on Dee. 13, Robert Scott, aged. 84 yearit, MEN BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAlitfte, WINGHAIC Night &Ile at Button 31ook, os' rest, denoe at Ritoliie's property on Soott or ishird house *verb of eohool on John street. Shop opposite aid block. "AVM 4`;t1. tt44 4 41.1041i ..464.4te, 4.4404,...1 'GREAT- istmas ate. Watches, Jewelry, Rings, Siherware, Japanese Chin \ Brush and Comb cases, Novelties, etc., etc. •Our stock is much too large, and in order to clear it out we will give, extraordinary bargains all this month. Don't miss this great opportunity for buying fine Xmas Presents very cheap. A beautiful Wall- Pocket given with every purchase of *2 or over. Halsey Park, Macdonald Block lean WINGHAM. STRAY SOW,. OAU onto the premises of the undersigned, MLot 37, Concession 10, East Wawanosh, on or about the 22nd of November, one Yorkshire SOW. Owner can have same by proving prop- erty and. paying expenses. J. A. MENZIES, Wiugham P.O. TENDERS WANTED For the Erection of Addition •eto the House of Refuge in Connty of Huron. TENDS S f the erection of an addition to th P use of Refuge will be received by me on o befbre the 25th day. of January, 1001. Te ers must specify for the whole work, and must be accompanied by a marked cheque for 10 per Cent, of the tendered price. Cheque of accepted tender retained; others returned. The Cettnen ifi lletbettiia to accept the lowest or any tender. Plans and apeeilleations 11111 be seen in my office at any time. W. LANE, County Clerk. Dated At Goderieh this 22nd day of Decem- ber, 1003. NOTICE TICREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. H. 0., 11,97, Chap, 130, Ree, 38, that all persons ing claims against the estate of John. Co es, late of the Township of Mist 'Wawa it in the County of Huron, farmer, deem d, who died on or about the 14th day ofember A. 1001. are required. to send byfpoab prepaid. to R. Vanstone, Winghttni O,, Solicitor for the Exeeutors of the estate he said deceased, 01' or before the 20th of January A. D., 1001, their names, *ddrW.e and descriptions and a fall statement of the partieularaofttizeiire claims and the nof ature the aeentity, if any', hdahy tioun duly certified, . after said day, the xecuto bate the assets of partice entitled ths the laims of whielt Dated this 17th -distel- ig the .nly to Otic(' '003. TURN RRY N UNATIONS O' CE. A PtIBLIO MEE • Township of the Foresters' Thtll B 28tli day of Deee • be p.m, for the no • bath the Municipal C and.). year 1904. G of th Ele ors of the mberr w be held in eval Monday. the 190- . at one o'clock n of Candidates for Turnberry for the J N BURGESS, Returning Officer. Dec. 22nd, 1903. Turnberry It will you to call i and see Scott's Christmas ock of . . CONFECTIO ERY & FRUITS The finest ever shown in Wingham. 410 014 Yoiv0.611.1•140• Over 1,000 to choose leo to $3 oxes of Bonions roni, Prices from per 25 CA.SE Prices 1 We have every CANDIES, Oh A call folic' 01 ORANGES to 70e per dozen. hing itt our line -NUTS, nd an endless stock of trims Goods. , ra, Oppoidts Presb SCOTT. riati, Chtiroh, t Mx CORDONI: BARGAINS 1 BARGAINS ! BARGAINS I 1 I In every ling of our 'very attraotive display of the latest, hest and most stylish articles in Fine Furs, such as every lady is delighted to • wear. Also in Nen'a and Youtns' Fur coats, Fur Caps, eta., • together with the most seasonable Ready-to.wear Tailored Clothing, • particularly 011ereeats. 41 • • Our stooks in the above•mentioned lines are unusually large this se season We have therefore determined that the best and quickest way to • clear them out is to put the pruning knife Into every vestige of profits, so • that not a pieta of onr immense collection of beautiful Furs or a single* t se* garment of fsiir handsome, comfortable and Perfect -fitting Overcoats 01141 remelts within these walls on Christmas eve. A careful) intelligent' look through the above dapertments will • ▪ convinoe every intending buyer that 'when we offer bargains we mean • every word that we write. • • ChrhitrnaS • Our stook of Xmas Specialties was never more complete or attraetive • and values were never better. Get your Xmas supplies here and yon may • be sure of a Merry Christmas, whioh we sincerely wish you each and all. • Or Highest prices for trade, A good Organ, almost new, for sale cheap; will exchange for either dry or green wood • • • • • • • Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. D R E CT IMPORTER. M. Gordon ******************0040* -940* }•••••••••,...m.••••••••• -i-Sseisee-f-e4-4.4-1-1-44+44•444-1-eis-se. 1- 4. Goal 4. 4. 4. 44. 4. - 44. 4. 4. 4. rqe-I • Some Ranges are like .me people. They have in-..* satiable appetites, but h do very little in return for all' they consume. The Crown Huron Range bury/. less coal coal and does more work than any other Range. It -1. gets less expensive every clay you use it. • Made by Western Foundry Go., Ltd., Wingham, SELLING AGENTS : - ALEX, YOUNG & SON J. BUN & SON Ont. WINCHAM. Ont,, March 4th, 1903. THE WESTERN FOUNDRY CO., LIMITED, WINGUAM, ONT. Dear Sir: -Have been using one of your 9-18 "Crown Huron" Range for some time and thought you might . like to know what satisfaction it gives. It could not be better. It is easily re- gulated, and. BURNS VERY LITTLE COAL OR WOOD, which is a great consideration, its baking qualities are unequalled. We have not had the least bit in trouble with it at any time. I consider it one of the best and most up -to date ranges made. Wishing you success, I remain, Yours truly, II. GOOD r.dr 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4* - 4. 4. 4‘; +++++++4efelaieleteeieletelee+++++44. VYVVYVVYVVVVYVVVVVVVVVYVV, VYVVVVVVVVVYVVVYVVVYTYVVVYI IRON and BRASS BEDS! 1 111' 3 4 E These goods are ever becoming more popular, and to keep pace with their growing popularity and the consequent increasing demand for them, we have placed in stock a few lines from which we are sure everyone can make a pleasing choice, PRICES, $3.751 $4,00, $6,00, $6.50 A good line of Dressers and Stands to match. A fine line of SIDEBOARDS, BEDROOM SUITS PARLOR SUITS COUCHES, etc., All up4o.date goods at the lowest prices. WALKER BROS._8t BUTTON Furniture d Undertakhg. The Furniture Store oppoisiW ''e Poet Office. A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA " • s e,,‘s