HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-08-29, Page 10A10 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 29, 1984 libertarian stands for less government intervention Libertarians are out there, but they don't know they are Libertarians, said the Huron - Bruce candidate campaigning under that political party's banner. Joe Yundt, 43, of RR3 Brussels is running his third election campaign although only his first in Huron -Bruce. A believer in freedom of individuals with government only providing -a "good" justice system and an army for outside aggression Mr. Yundt said he is providing an alternative to the main three political parties in Canada. Formerly a professional engineer in Brampton, where he twice ran as a Libertarian candidate, the separated man came to Huron County three years ago to farm, He has 40 head of cattle on his farm and grows beans as well as mixed grains. He was raised in the Monkton area in Perth County and while growing up always had had the notion that Canada was a free country. He said he grew up and found out this country is not free, "I can't milk a cow and sell the milk to you," said Mr. Yundt adding that "people with guns" would put him in jail if he sold milk without quota or for not having the milk pasteurized. When it was pointed out that dairy farmers themselves originally wanted the quota system, Mr. Yundt countered that milk quotas were initially set up to protect the producers. He compared it to his own profession which has an association to protect engineers. ISSUES When dealing with specific issues, he often repeated his philosophy, based on the. writings of Ayn Rand, on having less government. He termed the federal deficit "absolutely ridiculous" and said it could be paid off by selling crown corporations like Canadair. As for the government job creation programs, Mr. Yundt simply says that's nut the government's business. "The government can't create jobs. !t shouldn't have anything to do with creating jobs. " Equal pay for work of equal value legislation is dictating one person s wishes un to somebody else he says. If he wanted to hire someone. male or e female, at 50 cents an hour and that person accepted that wage, then the government shouldn't be involved. He says he doesn't only think that nonworking women shouldn't contributetto the Canada Pension Plan, but no one should he forced into paying it. The plan should he voluntary as are insurance plans. And OH IP and Unemployment Insurance benefits should also be made voluntary. "The government shouldn't have the right to make me pay it," he said. The restriction of pornographic material JOE YUNDT should not be controlled by government, He pointed to George Orwell's 1984 and said controlling pornography is bringing Orwell's fantasy to life. Mr. Yundt was pensive on the question of abortion noting it is a tough subject to him to make a response to. He explained that Libertarians believe in not hurting another person. A woman, he said, has to live with a decision made to abort a pregnancy. He said he's unsure if a fetus is a person or not. Mr. Yundt said the government shouldn't be in the business of giving gifts or controlling banks, or printing what he termed flat money. Fiat money is paper made into legal tender as is Canadian money. He said if he printed money he would be arrested. He suggested gold or something of value be used to make necessary purchases. "With less government it will be easier for farmers to farm." If elected MP, the candidate said he'd "do away with silly legislation and try and make a better country'. He doesn't expect to win though. In the last elections he was in. he received 243 votes out of 6E000 voters and 201 votes. "At least I beat the Marxist-Leninist and the Communist candidates," he said. Mr. Yundt won't be doing any door-to-door canvassing and has no committee rooms, He is considering invitations he has received for all -candidate meetings. He has, he said, just made sure his name is on the ballot. 1/ �BRUCE IN HURON BRUCE f' BRUCE McDONALD BELIEVES: 1. One of the most pressing needs of farmers today is long term credit at affordable interest rates. The liberal government under John Turner is pledged to do even more through the Farm Credit Corp. to meet the changing nerd of farmers. 2. Bruer McDonald believes the sale of a farm is a farmer's pension and should he subject to generous tax exemption. The liberal Government under lohn Turner is pledged to Income Tax changes that permit farmers to transfer up to '120,000 from the sale of their farm businesses to an RRSP without incurring tax liability. (The Cnnsersatives opposed this measure in Ihe'84 budget) 4 Bruce Me Donald helieves the sec ret to 1. Bruce McDonald believes Canadian a sustained etonomi( recovery in initiatives for peace and freedom from Huron -Bruce is a healthy agricultural nuclear war are vital to the survival of and small business sector. When mankind on our planet. agriculture flourishes in Huron -Brut e, Prime Minister Turner has pledged small business flourishes, Canada's continuing effort to hying Sine 1980, the liberal Government has Russia and the 11.5. to a successful paid '210 million in stabilization international pati on arms control and payments to ( anad,an producers of disarmament fruit, grain and livesto(k. A special farm assistance program will rehate 4-5'A, of mteresl c harges for 2 years 5. Bruce McDonald stated his position on Abortion and if was reported in mu(h of the local press. I1 was repeated in his "Campaign '84" mailing for those who have not heard it or read it, we repeat it now It has not ( hanged nr s arrod' He said liberals generally believe in the freedom of individuals but that freedom (an be abused. Abortions should not be allowed on demand, said Mr. McDonald, in response to a question on the subject. He said abortion should not be treated as a form of birth (onirol, .Our candidate does not favor any loosening of the current laws on the subject and suggests current laws he enforced more stringently. BRUCE McDONALD LIBERAL HEADQUARTERS: FORMOSA 367-5622 LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS: WINGHAM - 357-1302 CLINTON - 482-3401 SEAFORTH - 527-1022 GODERICH - 524-2103 EXETER - 235-0151 For Election Information or Election Day transportation Please call! FOR: • YOUTH• •EXPERIENCE• •VITALITY• VOTE BRUCE McDONALD SEPT. 4th N.D.Y. PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE McDONALD, BRUCE LIBERAL LIBERTARIAN COME CELEBRATE ELECTION NIGHT WITH US IN SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CE_NTRE...ANDGET THE RESULTS FiRST HAND Authorized by Barry Reid, official agent for Bruce McDonald. All -candidates meeting becomes one man attack The all candidates meeting in Stratford last week started and ended like most all candidates meetings, but In the middle there was what the emcee termed "a personal ` attack" on one candidate, Except for a handful of Kinsmen and Chamber of Commerce members, the audi- ence at the Aug. 23 meeting was made up of workers from each of the three political paties -Progressive Conservative, Liberal and New Democrat. The candidates had been answering a question on the federal deficit. PC candidate Dr. Harry Brightwell was criticizing the fact that crown corporations aren't answerable to the government. Liberal candidate Brian Innes countered, after he had already commented on the deficit, that crown corporations report once a year. They report to the Treasury Board headed by Herb Gray, said the Liberal candidate, who was a special assistant to Mr. Gray, After Mr. Innes' comments, Stratford lawyer Paul Parlee, emcee and chamber president, said "we won't have anymore of that please." He was referring to Mr. Innes' speaking out of turn. Mr. Parlee then allowed NDP candidate Ian Munro an opportunity to speak oe• crown Corporations. It was following Mr. Munro's comments that Jake Willems of Dublin related a previous conversation he had had with the Conservative candidate. Mr. Willems, a Dutch Canadian who has been in Canada for 11 years and who admits he has a heavy accent, said he had asked Dr. Brightwell a question following a previous all -candidates meeting. The Dublin area farmer said he had asked the question twice when Dr. Brightwell responded: "Jake, speak English, i don't understand. Mr. Willems said he was hurt by the candidate's comments. Dr. Brightwell did not deny making the comment but he said he Couldn't understand Mr. Willems at that time because he was speaking to other people as well. The candidate said Mr. Willems was angry when he asked the question and that made him angry. Mr.Parlee said he didn't want the meeting to become a personal attack on Dr. Brightwell. He did allow Mr. Willem§ to ask his question . Later in the meeting, a Liberal worker started to comment on the Willems situation when Mr. Parlee cut her off. Mr. Willems' question was, why isn't there a swine research facility here when Perth is a top pork -producing county. Dr. Brightwell said he didn't know, except that research facilities are placed by an "accident of locality". Conference for rural women Programs for the Turning Point Confer- ence are now available. The Conference for rural women who are leaders or potential leaders in their communities will be held Nov. 16-18 at Geneva Park Conference Centre near Orillia. The three day residential Conference is intended to provide rural women with the skills necessary to establish and maintain self-help groups. The Conference program has been designed so participants may .,,learn to do'by doing,' Turning Point Conference programs and further details are available from Betty Stephens, R.R. Jf5, Owen Sound, Ontario, N4K 5N7; telephone 1.519.371-4350. FAMOUS NEILSON ICE CREAM SAVE '1.10 PRALINE ALMOND, MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP, VANILLA, HEAVENLY HASH, PEACHES & CREAM, CHOCOLATE CHIP CHOCOLATE, BLACK CHERRY, SWEET MARIE, BUTTERSCOTCH REG. 3.79 2 L. M ON DAYPT. SEPT. 237,1 CARNATION 199 COFFEEMATE 500G. MASTER MONEY -SAVER FRESH PEACHES arriving daily at Staffen's NEW -POUNCE CAT FOOD CHICKEN BURGERS CHICKEN CUTLETS 69 CANADA f',10. 1 BUTTERNUT, BUTTERCUP & PEPPER SQUASH 19 CANADA NO. 1 MUSHROOMS BUNSMASTER GARLIC BREAD 290 GM. LOAF REG. 1.79 DEMPSTER 'BONUS PAK' ENGLISH MUFFINS PKG OF en's FOOD WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES STORE HOURS MONDAY to FRIDAY 9 o m to 9 p re SATURDAY 9 o m to 6 p m. SUNDAY 10 a m to b p m vr,e efE0,,,.,o tct1 closing MONDAY AT 5 P M ETPiFAfE NOTE: •l..rx.I.y wR. h ••r sr. fa.ry, .r r.t.xr n......, eine t,......- ll•,. ........i., LIMITED st. Marys ®Mitchell- Mount Forest q -„, F