HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-12-24, Page 6.••••..:.,.....,,<rr t . ,. 'iii/ ierArr ,Y.:.-�'+-i'\...'r�`.Ss ,• 7�.`.r Kernel. from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. i The Stratford Cordage factory suf- ltiered to the extent of $2,000 by fire on .lidonday. Canadawon nine out of twelve prizes the Syropshire sheep competition at iwage, live stock show. A otie-year.old ben of Mr. George. Allen, Orangeville, drank some poison the other day and was only saved by the Administration of a powerful antidote. Mr. F. Gutteridge has been awarded I the contract for the cement works for 10 bridges in the township of McKillop to be constructed next season. CA.ES'S' 'Ca Malt i . /tears the The Kind You Have Always Bought IIatnT3 ' les Pabme Govenlock, who has been, ohing near Wiarton, has been en- gaged as teacher in No. 1, Hallett, for elext year at a salary of &1300. The Kincardine Board of Education selected Miss Edith M. Henry of Har- xiston as successor to M. Bale in the igh School. Alt,, rglars are busy in Canada. No less t mebalietli , lr ee cases of safe -blowing were re - will altti4Tuesday—from Argue, 'Manitoba, rnnrentehie anti: cur springs, Ontareo, Peary fruit men are minis the •�~��+� eario incl , tiaeftlo Railway for $/e.5,000 ha esrbarrels of Ontario •/apples. • -9 UlLsit.. e`hPst. "fret=•;:l' e ening are d Ci'anletely cured by Dr. rway Pine Syrup. It's the remedy in the world. Easy Price 25c. and Trunk has placed another he passenger service between and Goderich, leaving Strat- d daily at 9 a. me arriving at Goderich At 10.35. An event of interest took place at Car- mel Church, Hensall on Wednesday, Dec, 16th, when Miss Kate McEwen, second daughter of Wm. McEwen, Lon- lon Road, was united in marriage with Mr ;Conley of Winnipeg, Man. DESTEOTs,WOltntS. re. John Lowe, New Germany N. S., Z,have given Dr. Low's Worm Ole my children with excellent re- . They are fond of taking it and it perfectly, requiring no cathartic ;:rwards." We understand that Mr. D. L. tracban has handed in his resignation principal of Gorrie public school and Still go to Beeton where he will take barge of the school there at an ad- ced salary. The farm of 100 acres, on the 10th eon - cm, Hallett, belonging to the estate the late Richard Waite, was sold by ,bion on Wednesday last, Mr. D. Lan- being the purchaser at $3500. s flit. WiNGliA.M 'fUIES, T)ECE IB1 R VI, 1903 v wedding., vele tlr+ seen+ of t3 prro:T. n1 ,ryeig8 • wedding., velem lt•'c ~'e+•lull de>ugnc r, y�+�° a3iy I pulse rll�it. tt•wt'lltt th bride of Christtp:t•le Johilatea, nus in':tr let the knitting fentnrv, atul n is to of Win. Johnston. The cerses ntv was per fon 'd at 5 o'clock by Rev. Jae. Anderson, B. A.. Our contemporaries who discuss the :)n �4Tedlle�itlitY Pvett1111;,1)ett 1Qth, the K'� RIC K�� WIT oniPof llllr: 'Bt+niy Doak. Ktttys t~tr,•nt '!�.; ■y"jY°� Almost heady to Die Alonzo W. Douglas, of Woodbridge Was Saved by F eR O OIN E Another of the worthy old man who dill much i!o make thin Canadian land what it is, passel over to the "Laud that le fairer than day " on Suuday, Deo. 18th, in the person of Robert Scott, who died at the hove of Ids sou -ha -law, Andrew MOlunee, l„,thel, at the advanced age of 84 years, Mr. Scott was a true son of Auld Scotia who never lost inter- est its tue land of hie birth. Ris wife pre-deueeed hitu some years ago and siuee he has ' made his question as to the nldest medical pracit haute v lidht;htere, Mrs. Wm., loner iu the county of Brn^.e do not know th et Dr. Set'ord was here before the war Ile practised in \V•tltterton ib 1a57: cause to Kincardine iu 183a, lett for the United States its 18(), served es a surgeon in the Southern army, catuo bne!It to Kincardine wifee the the war was over and has been here ever siuoe.—Kincardine Rcvtew. A youug n•au of Utie'a, N. Y., who was bitten by a dog nine years ago, has lately developed a case of hydrophobia. Another case has developed at Drs Moines. Iowa, where a young man was bitten by a shepherd dog about two months ago,but experienced no i.I effects until about two h" urs after his wedding on December and, when he died of hydrophobia. Mr. George Buxton who bought the Saltford brewery about a year ago from the late Mr. Jake Kuntz, has sold iu to Mrs. Kuntz who gets possession about the first of January. Mrs. Kuntz has a son who understands the business and he management will devolve upon him. After an illness from heart trouble, extending over the past couple of months Wm. Hinton the well-known manager of the Kesington Furniture Uo.Goderich for the past seven or eight years, ans- wered the final summons on Sunday evening, Dec. 13th, having reached the age of fifty-nine years. The trustees of the Mildmay P. S. have not engaged teachers for the 2nd and 3rd departments yet. Mr. Alton Sheppard who has accepted the princi- palship, is at present assistant in the Durham Model School, and holds a first- class certificate. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Boe Signature • of 'Word was received last week of the death of a former resident of the 2nd concession, in the person of Mr. George Watters, who died at Devil's Lake, Dakota. He was on a visit to his daughter, when taken ill, and he ex- pired before he could bo removed to his own home. " For Infants and Children. Kind You have Always Bought is the tura of Agent: "Here, madam, is a book that tell you how to manage a husband." titer: "But my dear sir what I want book that will tell lee how to get rtaat9. 1'1l manage him all right." 1 E. Brown, a sols of Robert cot'il;incardine, was married at Mair,, to Miss Nettie, dangh- I•Ialliday, M. P. for North on. ice. 7th. until recently n �,auatge W. smith, y age t tat lilbts Itninerliarris Co. at Rockwood v wall **tasted in. Detroit last Thara. BOW in Guelph jail on it charge of liforenig s notes to the extent of Owe dolltllare. CHILBLAINS. Mrs. ,T. B. Rusk, Ruskview, Ont.. says: 1 have Used Hagyard's Yellow 0,1 for hiibleine, and founts it nest eift'rtuel. It relieved the irritation almost insane dist ly and a few applicatious made a complete cure." The limit of masculine humiliation has been worked in the case of a Stratford man. His wife makes him wear tricks in the sleeves of his nightgowns, trimmed with pink ribbons, so that the baby won't know the difference when he walks the floor with it in the night. Raging headaches that nothing else will cure, are quickly quieted by Mil - burn's Sterling Headache Powders. Price 10,.. and 25c. at all dealers. Refuse sub- stitutes. The death occnred at the House of Refuge at Woodstock on Monday of Isaac Rowe, colored, a former resident of Hawtrey, at the advanced age of 100 years. He was born in the Southern States, where he served as a slave for many years, escaping to Canada about the time of the Americrn civil war. .Tames Husk died at his son's residence in Huron township on Tuesday Dec. 15th, at the age of 74. Hewes a Devon- shire man and came to Canada when a young man. He was for forty years a resident of Brace and leaves a family of sons and daughters who are filling their places in life faithfully. G A.ES'WI CaFLAA.. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought 3ignatnre of .e7/��%�i�C'.�� 2/ Charles E. Libby, of Scarboro, who lost his reason about five months ago owing to a fall, and for two weeks wan- dered in the woods in a demented con- dition, has been restored to his senses by a pile of wood falling ou him. which iu- Qieteti a wound on his head and caused the blood clot, which had been formed ou his brain because of the fall five months previous, to pass away. The community at At)vood was shock- ed to hear that Mrs. McDonnell, daugh- ter of Mrs• Alex. Forrest, had committed suicide on Thursday morning of last wet k, at her another's home, by hanging herself with a towel in the teller of the house. The deceased has not been feel • ing well of late and seemed to take fits of despondency which resulted in her performing the rash act. Knew Lr. Chase in 1876. writes tOF `1Q � t her. l "For t}t!' benefit of OL Mr. Doneless, "1 desire to ataw0 the re- st -ON I derived frotu the tree of Iterro- znne. Two years ago I was stricken sept Pneuut•,ui•s.. So sewer'° was toe nrt:v'k and ,-o reduced was my strength that inv life was de•,ll,aired of. I had the. very best tut'dieel attention, but nt'de no pregreSe towards recovery. Wtien retiue tel to waist -Wally a sltelew• t kiwi fri"n•t told tun of the reluarka' nowe+rs Ot Fe2'rn29ud. All i•npr•,vettL t began almost at once. I gained eta.' le in welgia and strength until Fere • ny "rade rue a new lean. I will glad/ an wet. eequirlee from other surf.. rs they care to have further per cal rs about my recovery. Fern z'ane es.; fes it, t<roat Measure of sine, s+," This is but one of tine many ease tha . a"e heieg ourerl every day b Per t.zo +. N i tretstment was ever !tun u t sup ly a weak s'scent su gnit'kly ith tri gth and energy.. No tunic d s it Wu x 80 thorou:;hly. I"• ie ti Spee c f tiro .nen lant*uor, less of a;.putir WO ane e e' r fevers, an 1 alt (tea at; t; leo' s. F.'rre zene makee yu trj g i d ane you strong—u, a w u.t .5 3 stud costs hitt 500 • ox r t h , ,.s 82 50. at any drn'• ms ry 1 1en The Ferrozone 0 K t{Ht .1 !At : et a supply to -day with et r Amess •tor is to usbiP, a a Mrs . ea. ..t also lived for a short time ... s ens u Brussels, who efts wit a di • t •" t WO . stock. The fi-st steam turbines were bail in 17.00, and the total power afforded by them at the end of that year was 5,000 horse power. The aggregate power of these motors used to day is over 300,000 horse power. The battle of Foutenoy is the ouly large battle ever fought in which the op• posing sides were equal—each 70,000 then—and the losses of victors and van- quished equal also, both beiug 7,500 men.. One of Dr. Chase's oldest patients in Canada is Mr. G. W. Parish of Sturgeon Bay, Simcoe Co., Ont., whom he eared of kidney diseasein 1807 by means of his now celebrated Kidney -Liver Pills, Mr. Parish writes that he does not think there is any medicine bn)f so good and that he always keeps Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills in the house as a family medi- cine. The case of Patrick Upton, the Ade- daide farmer, who, nearly six weeks ago was attacked by his niece with an axe, three wounds being inflicted in his head is astouuding the doctors. At the out- set and until the past day or two the ph ysicians had given him up as beyond recovery but so marked has been his vi- tality and so great the improvement shown, his wounds having healed over nicely, that the medical mea now ex press the opininu that he will pull thro'.lgh all right. Principal Dobson has tendered his resignation as teacher at Ethel after a most successful service covering 8 eel° years. In addition to good work done in the school his example in the neighbor- hood has been -fraught with good. We are pleased that he will now be looked upon as a permanent resident of Ethel as he purposes becoming a partner with Chas. Davies in the purchase of the gen- eral store business of H. 1t'. McAllister. There is a proposal to ran a radial road from Stratford to St. Joseph on - Lake Huron. Tho route is to be as direct as possible from Stratford to St. Joseph. The route it is proposed to fol low is down the Avon river west to Staffa' and on through Hensall to St. Joseph, which is about 20 miles south of Goder- ich, Exeter had four cases of Scarlatina during the month of October, Grey township 8 cases of diphtheria, Hay, Hallett and towns of Goderich and Sea - forth a death each from tubercolosis, and Ashfield 3 eases of Scarlatina. The above was credited to Huron connty as the contageons diseases that existed in the month of October. A reduction of ten per cent. in the wages of 6,000 cotton operatives in the tl'nited States was put into effect this week. .A statement has been given out also that a reduction of from 5 per cent. to 20 per cent. in wages will be made by the United 'States Steel Corporation. The reduction will affect about 150,000 workmen. Take a Lata -Liver Pill before retiring, and it will work lyhile you sleep without a grip or gripe curing Bilousnesd, Con- stipatton and ?Dyspepsia and make you feel better 1n the morning. Price 25e. RHEUMATISM IN SHOULDERS. "I had the Rheumatism in my should- ers so bad that I could not rest at night. I took Milburn's Rheumatic Pills and have. not had a trace of it since." John Kirton, Glenboro, Man. • Mr. Wm. Brady, V.S., has in his of- fice a freak of nature which has been viewed by many citizens during the past week. It is one of a litter of thir. teen pigs belonging to Chas. Howey, who resides near Eden. Its peculiarity lies in the shape of its head, which is similar to au elephant's. It has the large flat ear, the trunk, a small tusk with eyes almost underneath the trunk, and is entirely devoid of hair. It is cer- tainly an unexplainable freak of nature. —Tillsonburg Liberal. Death claimed another former resi- dent of Clinton and Goderich township last Friday, Dec. 11th iu the • person of Peter Cook, at the age of 60 years. For many years he resided in the latter township but health failing him he moved into Clinton some eight years ago with his family, taking up his resi- dence in the house at present occupied by J. Wiseman. Two years ago he went to London for treatment, but gradually grew worse until death came to his release, k or OVA Sixty Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success, 11 soothes the child, the m all all pain,cures allays softenss y 8'u wind collo, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. 11 is pleasant to the Matt. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty. five cents a bottle. Its vaine is inealculable. testae you ask y, for .Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and The Wmnham Times, Imes IUr $�t" , take no other kind. f VALUE ARANTEED vv a fully guarantee the genu- ine quality of our rings and have • a special value $25.00 Diamond Ring The (aamend is pure white in • color and perfectly cut and pro- portioned. Is set in either the above solid 14 K. gold rings. .Money returned if ring is not satisfactory. Mailed prepaid to any address on receipt of price. SEND FOR slzr. CARD. John 5. Barnard, JEW:LER, LONDON, - ONTARIO. H !{�••.r�.r.7i. H. .r •t.. l I.Y ANYT 4:5,, ,,,r •. r cue+des,•, -•.•+ +•'rtr .. .t^ A. clear •h, aP ,�..,v.±r•, st< ' wr:•1 ltt0 tp ,4 thf : ,ori eluant ,t'y tri c i Ca, ...I ,t" demon* to. A',t'd 'a..r,.• A W . $xtr. .,ifr r t ; or • .a tee.+ htv wu Wm. • sh eau ie 1 iia Soder o W ton ay Mr. ash an e.: oo• pas iu .ts,ie . li+l.'. ,l 1 w' n hi Or er d s r•r, auaria iu is; Iu 409 e .ata to Ca t at ,p Ye ••let•, mo , e.l ,o. P s ng the D „- n ' •� '• Faring Por Profit... Every Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business principles. Guess work and haphazard methods are no longer used by successful and up-to-date far- mers. By reading THE WEEItLY SUN, the Farmer's Business Paper, you will get the very latest and most accurate in- formation regarding your busi- ness. THE SUN'S market reports are worth many times the sub- scription price to you. Every Farmer in Canada should realize the full value of the service THE SUN has ren- dered him in a public way. It was due to the action of THE Soli hi giving voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to cattle guards, drainage across rail- ways, and farm fires caused by railway locomotives has been amended. We will send Tun Witnime SUV frotn now to 1st January, 19054• in combination with tat 413, j 111. • atbam s; as 1 t to 0 leen r roar: rim' 13 F 7a ) A was a ege 'n mi a ,d a salt bit' • FA ntil tte ' i seeon•' , arriage n h went in the hotel business t , net rd, in • bion he retrained until aboe 113 ears ago, when he returned to Goder'ren. John Robertson, a former resident of Goderich died in Detroit on Sunday, December 13th and his remains were taken to Goderich for interment. Mr. Roberton was born in Scotlaud over seventy-seven years ago at.d came to this county with his parents when but a young (bild. The family settled in Colborne township, where Mr. Robert- son' lived until about twenty-two years ago. Since removing to Goderich Mr. Robertson had been a resident of the town till about a year ago, when after his wife's death he went to hve with his daughter, Mrs. Walker, at Detroit. The Editor of the Canadian Poultry Review, Canada's national Poultry magazine tells us that this paper has been enlarged to 48 pages and upwards. filled with all that pertains to poultry in every department. Prof. A. G. Gilbert, manager of the Government Poultry Farm at Ottawa. remains in charge of the "practical Poultry" Department. Then there is a Turkey page, page for Waterfowl, Ducks and Geese, page for Bantams, and departments of Diseases, Artificial Hatching and Rearing, full show reports, many original engravings from liye specimens, and several other interesting features. The subscription rate to readers of this paper is but 50c. per year, or three years for $1.00. A sample will be sent for the asking. Addresses, Canadian Poultry Review, 124 Victoria St., To- ronto, Ont. Oldest, Largest, Rost Widely Circulated and Only National Agricultural Moine Paper in Canada. After January 1st, 1904, PRICE $1.50 Numbers. New subscribers get balance of this year free, including magnificent Christmas number. Send in your subscription at once. Don't miss a single issue. Agents wanted everywhere; liberal terms given. Sample copy free. The Wm. Weld Co., Limited, London, Ont. TIMES and Farmers' Advoc'tto for $2.25, ba- lance of 1003 free to new subscribers. From centre to crest Tho Market Bakery Bread is perfection itself. White, light, sweet centre; rich, brown, short crust. Mixed, molded, baked and delivered in just the way to win your approval. ALL KINDS OF PASTRY WEDDING CAKES A SPE61At.TY We have all the latest machin- cry, and there is no need of sending to the city for your bread or pastry. D, LOUGHEED Opposite Presbyterian fihnroh. 4 4 FOR 0Vt; To preservee or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They arc easy to take, They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are • widely used by all Forts of people—but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard fam. ' remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est ' ,n, -dy with a long.and successful record, to ttgest'"til, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn c Llpation, t ..'ensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, •;' ,tion of the heart, sleeplessness, ia1}scular .atisrn, sour stomach, bowel and liver corn - Is. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up t ' -"wn systems, restore pure blood, good appe- id sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives i.:.nt benefit from a regular use of Ripans Your dri ngist sells them. The five - c packet is el. ;h for an ordinary occasion. Fhe Family 13ott't ;o cents, contains a supply for a year. yeas ise.teasres -se eseersaieit eaSeaearess, .. 4'1 :K &K .K&';:K;;...KeuK:' K&.K BLOOD POISON On account of its terrible effects, blood disease le called the king of all diseases. It may bo either hereditary or contracted; so while it may not be a crime to have the disease, it Is a crimp to permit it to remain in the system. It may manifest itself In the form of Scrofula, Eczema, rheumatic pains, stiff or swollen joints, itchiness of the akin, eruptions or blotches, ulcers in the mouth or on the tongue eore throat, falling out of hair, "isordered stomach, and a general depression of the system. If you have any of these symptoms don't neglect yourself. You have no time to lode. Beware of "old fogy" treatment—beware of mineral Poisons— beware of Quacks and rakirs. OUR NEW f1Q31CTHOD TREATMENT is guaranteed to cure this disease, never to return. Bank Bonds will protect you. Our treatment is not injurious in any way, but reaches the very root of the disease and eliminates all poison from the system. The symptoms of disease gradually disappear. The blood becomes pure and enriched, the whole system is cleansed and purified, and the patient feels ppreoared anew for the duties and the pleasures of life. CURS GUAUAPTTEED OR 140 PAY. 25 Years in Detroit. 250,000 Cured. Couseltation Free. Question Blank for Homo Treatment and Books Freo. DRs.'':NNEDY& KERGAN ©or. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St., Detroit, Mich. K _........rte .�.�.-. The Clerk or ppregtice. If clerking in a store or learning a trade, why, not prepare yourself to reach tho top of your business P A business training combined with your knowledge of your work gives you the necessary advantage over othors to make this possible. The Forest City Business and Shorthand College Course includes Bookkeeping, Financing, Higher Accounting, and every modern principle and method used, in business—is not hampered with old-time systems and methods. A complete courso in Business and Shorthand can he taken in one year ; the cost is small; the results are quick, remunerative and permanent. Booklet, containing complete information of courses, costs, etc., sent to any address for a postal. 1 i J. W. WESTERVELT, Petx. Y. M. C. A. Burmese, LONDON. Clubbing Of1ors - 7903-04 d• rte 3'dr3'+++ 1-1-isd1-•E'+d'3'd•d•+3'✓rd'd• THE TIMES announces the following low -rate Clubbing Offers for 1903 -04: -- Times till Jan. 1st, 1905 $1 00 Times and Weekly Globe with 8•page illustrated supplement .... , 1 60 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with premium Maps of the Dominion of Canada and the Province of Ontario 1 75 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire. 1 75 Times and Weekly Witness 1 60 Times and Western Advertiser.. 1 50 Times and Weekly Sun. 1 75 Times and Daily Globe 4 35 Times and Farmers' Advocate 2 25 Times and Toronto Daily Star. 1 80 Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1 15 Times and Toronto Daily News 1 85 2 30 Times and Toronto Saturday Night We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can . give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine published. The above are our FIXED RATES, marked down so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use asking for cheaper rates. In each case the weekly papers will be sent t� new subscribers for the BALANCE 1)1 903 i'i tt. The rates quoted are for either new or renewal snbscriptions. All subscribers will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers. Call at the office, or address— T9E TIMES OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK JOSEPHINE STEELY, YY I GHAM.• s * a'`