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The Huron Expositor, 1984-08-22, Page 20
A20 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 22, 1984 ENTERTAINMENT Blyth playwright writes Stratford play The Stratford Festival announced recently , it will present a public reading of a new play commissioned by the Festival from aulard- winning playwright Anne Chislett. The play, tentatively titled Maria Wait or A Parcel of Rogues, is set in the aftermath of the 1837 Revolt .and is based on the true story of two Niagara -area women. The husband of one and the father of the other were captured and sentenced to hang for their part in the rebellion: As a result, the two women set out on a difficult journey from Niagara to Quebec City tq appeal to Lord Durham, Governor-in- Chicf of British North America; for the lives of their relations. In so doing, they exerted same influence on the eventual Durham Report. It's an amazing adventure story," says Ms. Chislett. Anne Chislett is the author of Several plays and two of thein, Quiet in the Land and The Tomorrow Box, both have enjoyed produc- tion's in numerous Canadian theatres, Strat- ford Festival Artistic Director John Hirsch attended the 1981 Blyth Summer Festival premiere of Quiet in the Land and decided, at that time, to commission a new play from Ms. Chislett, giving her the idea of the two women from Niagara.. "It -came like a bolt out of the blue," says Ms, Chislett about the commission offer. "Since then, I've worked closely with both John and Michel Schonberg (Festival Liter- ary Manager) and found them delightful and helpful." On Sept. 25, Anne Chislett will be in Ottawa to receive the Governor -General's Award for plavwriting and the Festival's reading will take place around that time. "We will Be announcing the exact date and actors participating in the reading," says Michel Schonberg. "Anne has written an excellent epic play with more than 40 characters. Scion we hope to he able to announce information about subsequent plans for the script," Labour Day activities planned for Parkhill area The Labour Day Weekend is going to be full of activity 'at the Parkhill Conservation Area, For corn -on -the -cob lovers, Sunday, Sept. 2 is the annual Cotn Boast and Sgiae Dance. The corn will, be ready at 7 p.m.and the square dance will follow at 8 p.m, with caller To complete the weekend, the well -re. nowned troupe of Southwestern Ontario, ,the Lambton Youth Theatre, will entertain\ all ages with "Laugh -A -Little" on Saturday at 6 p.m. 13ring a picnic supper, • Sundays performance at 2 -p.m. "Let's Make A Circus" is a colorful production geared to children. All activities are free with the $2.50 per vehicle admission fee to the Conservation Area located near the junction of Highways 7 and 81.,Make a day or a whole weekend of tjie activities al the Parkhill Conservation Area. For more information, contact the Ausabie- Baytield Conservation Authority at 235-2610. Vteoests DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Country Gold & Rock 'IN' Roll Good recorded music for weddings, dances, anniversaries, parties, etc, Phone Brussels evenings 8.i afternoons 887-6159 N1W/-1-,-1 -1-1-IAN Segerens Quality sound Dances, Weddings, Receptions, Banquets, etc. Legion golf team tie final Last Friday evening, President Jack Muir and his wife Marie played host to members and their wives of the branch at' the bowling . green. Quite a few had never, played before but by the second game quite ,an improve- ment was noted on the position of the bowls to the white jacks. Everyone enjoyed their games and a barbeque was held later with Ken Coombs as the chef. Of the two teams that journeyed to Hanover to participate in the district golf final, the team of Ken Doig, Rod Doig, Jerome Aubin and Jim Watson tied for Variety of Music — Professional Service Phone 482-9217 1 BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE 169 Beech St.-CLINTON NOW PLAYING 'TILL THURSDAY, AUG. 23 W4LiNS • PLUS- 6t"d:t ' `.'"`I "FINDER'S KEEPERSri,STARTS FRIDAY, AUGUST qq THROUGH HURS., AUG. 30 (CLOSED MONDAYIQ;)r Mr a been rased by wohes Captured by apes Hunted by a boyeabrrp tiger And adopted by a burnbbng bear named natio (hi peri thinind up nal.rd al the Statue al bberh. For klan Bauer. d •as tom at krat split. ',w., estnene n chiming her_ to alt ts prom she's a mernni& ^' Fran the Brat bait null he hooked Seaforth & District Min©r Baseball PORK CHOP Saturday, August 25 57p.m. at the Lions Park ADMISSION Adults m •e Children (12 & under) -•3 Pre-schoolers Free Advance Tickets Av ; II hie from Mk' r D,r seball Players and the Deet, e. Mtn Office® SEAvORT. HOfEL___ APPEARING THIS WEEKEND TheyWH011gans IN CONCERT —Thls Wednesday, Aug. 22— DAVID WILCOX —Tuesday, August 28— TORONTO —Wednesday, Sept,. 5— KIM MITCHELL BAND [formerly of Max Webster] —Wednesday, Sept. 19— MacLean & MacLean (Backup by THE DANCE BAND) TICKETS:NOW ON SALE FOR ABDVE CONCERTS second place. This team qualified to go to the provincial finals later this month. We wish them luck. The names of the second'teatn,, entered were Joe Czerwinski, Phil Hoggarth Don Eaton and Ted Scott. This coming Friday night there will be a corn roast held at the branch, hosted by our new entertainment committee. We hope to see a good crowd out for this event. "Lively Lou" and his music will be playing for entertainment in the evening. Brian has promised to play some of/the old songs that were so popular in the 30rs and 40's which the veterans remember so well. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we shall remember them. Gordon Scott P. R.O. BIRTHS STRANGWAY: John and Janie Strangway are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Robyn Dawn, July 27, weighing 6 lbs. 131/2 oz. at London's Victoria Hospital. A sister for Laura. Grandparents are Mrs. Elmer Bartley of Dyer's Bay; Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Strangway of Sarnia and great grand- mother Ella Bartley of Lion's Head. HOUSTON: Jillian is pleased to announce the arrival of her wee brother, Darryl Rae, born Wednesday, August 8 at 3:44 a.m. yveighing 7 lbs. 6 oz. at Wingham and District Hospital. Proud parents are Maxine and Murray Houston and proud grandparents are Barb and Max Watts, -Brussels and Rae Houston of Seaforth. DIEHL: Dianne and David Diehl, of Monkton announce the birth of a daughter Tamara Marie, in Listowel Memorial Hospital on July 26, weighing 8 lbs. 1 oz. Spoiling privileges go to Ron and Agnes Diehl of Monkton, Howard and Joan Bernard of Brussels, great-grandparents Hazel Diehl of Stratford. David and Ruby Triebner, of Brucefield, and Verna and William Bishop, of Ethel. PEOPLE Sunday visitors with Helen Byers were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Krajesski of Milverton and Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Hinz of Mitchell. . Lois St. Germaine of Stroud, Ont., Mrs. Jack Sproat. Beamsville, and Mr. and Mrs. Byng Sproat, Listowel recently attended the funeral of the late Mark Sproat and also visited friends around Seaforth and area. Visitors this past week with Ruth Knight were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Andrew, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Shulman, Embro, The Rev. and Mrs. Fred Carson, Patrick, Richard and Jason of Gillain, Manitoba and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ritchie, London. SUING DRIVE-IN I; NOW TiLI. THURSDAY GHOSTBUSTERS • • • COARSE • LANGUAGE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •ra••••••••••• Box Office Opens • Fri. - Sot. 7:30 Sun. • Tues. 8:00 • • STRIPES STARTS FRIDAY! REMEMBER '2.00 Thursdays tarn • Both features • RESTRICTED • • • • • Ente• a >,O1d beyond • ywr .YWegt • ,rtVtcpnabOn - • so`ere sDyyp r� • can Happen • ..t • • • 0 • • • • • • • • 9 • alt � �('.1' • • FRIGHTENING • • • • 1 • • o WORLD WAR 111 MAYBE • • • • • • e • • FRI, • • SAT. • • 7pm • g • • 9 pm s • • SUN. to • THURS. • • 8:00 pm • • • rRR PAREpTAItui • I [ coawcrl • • • WARNING: • FUNNY s SCENES • • S•e•••••••4•e 111E S$UAIE SCENES • 0 ••••••••••••• PARK T EATRE V'V"IVYVVYV YVYYVV VY; VVVV V'i vtii:V -^V.'V9YvyVV9'srvy 'YVYVVV ti'WV VV VVVVti'-VtiVY'VGHVV 0' 000" • GODERICH • 514-7111 • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • Till Thursday at 8:00 p.rn. Remember RED DAWN Adult Accomp'2.00enfueS. Only RETURNS FRIDAY NIGHT ..,POEM' 1' THEATRES • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • e A • 0 • 9 •e* eosaea ee