HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-12-24, Page 5T
e den's Store News
. Tailored
Made to fere men,
Not prices
16 only Meu's grey Raglan Overcoats, the newest mouey can buy,
sonic have cuffs anti`some have no cuffs, talma pockets, sizes 84 to
46, regular prices $9.50, 10 00, 11.00, 12.50 ; Xmas sale price - $8.50
7 only Men's Raglan Overcoats, sizes 36 to 46, reg. $9; Xmas price 6.00
13 Boys' Overcoats, sizes 22 to 30; Xmas sale prices $3.00, $4.00 and 5.00
Pea Jackets, boys', sizes 22 to 28; Xmas sale price - 2.50
Pea Jackets, youths', sizes 28 to 33, Xmas sale price $3.25 to 4.00
Pea Jackets, men's, sizes 36 to 48, Xmas sale price $3.00, $4 00 and 5.00
MON ttt'3.
John Black, 5th line, is hauling Band
Lind other material for the irnprove:neuts
oonteniplatod to his barn next Summer,
He will have the building raison and
stoue stabling put under it.
A 2 story Mick cottage will be built to
the front of the present residence of
James Davis, 4th lino, next Slimmer.
Some of the material is being hauled so
as to be iu readiness.
We are pleased to hear that William
Shedden, 4th sine, who fell and broke
his thigh bone a number of weeks ago, is
inakiug favorable progress and %Ain be
fore very long be able to sit bp. He's
one of the vet er$us as to pioneering.
The fine 100 acre farm of Laurence
Wheeler, 4th limit, has been sold to Nich-
olson Bros., well known in this eomu-
inuaity as hustlers, for the stun of $5,-
,500. Mr. Wheeler is an old and highly
esteemed resident of Morris and will be
removing with his fancily to the Mo-
Lanohlin farm, 2 miles North of Bras
sels, which he recently pur. haled.
A report has been published to the ef-
fect that Mr. Geo. Taylor has disposed
of his farm to his brother Charles, and
intends removing to Blyth. We are at
a loss to know from whence this bit of
"news" emanated, and wish to state
that there is no authority for it what-
ever. Mr. Taylor has not disposed of
his farm, nor has he any intention of do-
ing so.
Council met according to statute ou
Dec. 15; members all present; Reeve in
the chair; minutes of lust meeting read
and passed.
Mr. A. W. Sloan and others appeared
in reference to the proposed extension of
Guelph Junction Railway to Goderioh
and presented a petition asking that n
by law be submitted to the iuterested
ratepayers for the purpose of granting a
sectional bonus of four thousand dollars
to aid in purchasing the right of way for
said railway.
Taylor—Jackson—That the rpayers of
said petition be granted and that the
clerk be instructed to have a by-law pre-
pared and presented at the next regular
meeting of the council—Carried.
Iu motion of Shaw and Taylor, the
taxes of Jas. Bailie, S. Fleming aitel Win.
Wiley were ordered to be remitted they
being in indigent circumstances, A
number of accounts ,were ordered to be
paid which appeared in the financial
On motion of Shaw and Taylor by-
laws No. 8 and 9 were duly read and
The council than adjourned.
,Gents Furnishing •Deparfinenit
We have all the latest shapes and colorings in Mon's Neckwear,
$200.00 worth to choose from. Prices - - 25e and 50e
The R. 11. GROWDL R Go.
;;Men's' Outfitters. WIh1CIHAl'i.
— A FEW —
Specials for the Holiday Trade
14; Couches, upholstered in the best coverings, newest
patterns, very comfortable, good width, regular
8.75, holiday sale price - - $7.75
12 Couches, assorted patterns, will guarantee them to
give best of satisfaction, reg. $8, holiday sale price 7.25
A splendid assortment at $5.00, $13.50, $14.00, $22.00.
:Leather -Seated Rockers in oak and mahogany—An-
other shipment of those fast -selling Rockers, highly
finished, regular 2 0o and 2.25, holiday sale price 1.75
.-See what we have at 3.75, 4.25 and 6.00, in cut oak polished
Iron and Brass Beds, all sizes.—There never were
such bargains offered in Beds such as we are show-
ing, at $4.75, 5.00, 6.50 and upwards, all with
heavy brass rails and nobs, ball-bearing castors.
Holiday Sale Prices on everything.—
Bedroom Suits, from $12.00 to $7o.00.
Sideboards, from 7.00 io 40.00.
Fine assortment of • Paper Racks, Easels, 16 x 20
Photo Frames. Parlor Tables, 85c, 1.25, 1.75, 2.5o
UNDERTAKING 1 The People's riirnItiirP Sti1rP.
Brick residence,6th house west
I from Hamiltons Corner Drug
Store, where night ca1Ls will
receive prompt attention.
It r.I'Tti.
Mrs. S timid 0.4.iweil who fortis" rly
lived in i'.ubarn died at L anion Wed. t
uesdtay of lata w''e•k.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Skan and M-ts.
ter 'Willie, of Fort Franc:es, are at prey-
out visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
N. H. Young.
Mr. Harvey Shelton left last week for
Galt, where he has secured the position
of baggageman at the Grand Truett
station, His manly friends wish hila
success in his new position.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richardson. of
Wauseon, Ohio, are at preseut visiting
at the home of the Misses Canning.
They will spend several weeks visiting
in Blyth and vicinity.
Mr, D. D. Crittenden was marrieri on
Saturday, Dec. 12th, to Miss Ema. Pen-
hale, youngest daughter of Mrs. Wm.
H. Penbale, of Exeter. The happy event
took place iu the Main street Methodist
church, Exeter. at eight o'clock in the
morning, R>v. Win. Godwin officiating.
There were no attendants stud the bride
was given away by her brother Mr. Saul -
out Penhale of Felon Falls. Mr, and
Mrs. Critten,iou have taken up their
residence iu Blyth.
He Deserved Pity
His suffering from Sciatic was so groat
but thanks to Nerviliue he was cured.
"I suffered for three years from Sciatic"
writes E. Jenkins of Portland. "and no
man ever sufferedmore. I spent a small
fortune of different remedies but the
only one with real merit was Nerviline.
I used a few bottles of Nerviline and
was perfectly cared. I can recommend
Nerviline as a sure cure for sciatic; it's
excellent also for r'heumatiFm and
neuralgia." Try Nerviline, 25c. at all
.I,.,..,,,.+.4••,+••••••••• 000••••••••.••••••••.•0•••
i 1♦
• AT
4+44++++++ +++++++++++++.4.# ii4.+4.+++4414+++..+++:++.
Catarrh Deafness Is Caused
By a thickeuing of the lining mem-
braue of the middle ear owing to pro-
longed inflammation from catarrhal
germs. The only cure is fragrant, heal-
ing Catarrhozone one which is carried
by the air you breathe to the remotest
parts' of the throat and ear; it reaches
the source of the trouble and Dares deaf-
ness permanently. Every sufferer frotn
impairer. heirinw should use Catarrho-
zone which has effected many wonderful
cures. You simply breathe its healing
medicated vapor,—very easy and
pleasant. Do this and your lit wing will
be restored. Catarrhozone never fails;
it is guaranteed. Two mo. Uis treat -
meat for $1,00 at druggists.
Feed pale girls on Scott's
We do not need to give all
the reasons why Scott's
Emulsion restores the strength
and flesh and color' of good
health to those who suffer
from sick blood,
The fact that it is the best
preparation of Cod Liver Oil,
rich in nutrition, full of healthy
stimulation is a suggestion as
to why it does what it does.
Scott's Emulsion presents
Cod Liver Oil at its best,
fullest in
Young women in their I
"teens " are permanently cured
of the peculiar disease of the
blood which shows itself in.
paleness, weakness and nervous-
ness, by regular treatment
with Scott's Emulsion.
It is a true blood food and
is naturally adapted to the cure
of the blood sickness from
On the sixteenth of December, a very
important and interesting ceremony was
performed at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. John Robinson, Turnberry, when
their daughter Margaret and Mr. Robert
Johnston were united in marriage. The
matrimonial service was conducted 1,y
Rev. Wm. Lowe, of Winghatn. The
bridal party looked handsome standing
beneath an arch of holly aucl white roses.
The bride was becomingly gowned in
biscuit silk Viole, trimmed with white
silk and applique and carried a boquet
of bridal roses with white sill. streamers.
She was attended by her friend Miss
Jessie Murray, who was charmingly
attired in grey poplin and carried a
boquet of pink roses, while the groom
was assisted by his brother Mr. Adam
Johuston. She was given away by her
father amid the strains of Lohenghrin's
wedding march artistically rendered by
her sister Miss Letitia. The groom's
gift to the bride and bridesmaid were
beautiful brooches set with opals and
diamonds. Ouly the friends and rela-
tives of the interestiug parties were
present and left behind them ninny
tokens of esteem. We wish the young
ouuple a sate voyage over life's stormy
It looks like an acclamation election
in Grey this time.
Thos. and Mrs. Davidson, of the 11th
con., have been visiting with relatives
and friends in Toronto for the past few
Mrs. W. H. Hudson and Mrs. W. A.
Wheeler, of Detroit, are visiting uuder
the parental roof, for the Christmas
holidays. They are daughters of Mrs.
Duncan Livingstone.
The trustees of School Section No. 1
have engaged Miss Marion Smith, of
Brussels as teacher for 1004, as Miss
Kipg has resigned.
Henry Buttery and his granddangbter
Miss Snider, left recently for the latter's
home near Weston. Mr. Buttery has for
a long time lived on the 12th con. and
will be greatly missed. We wish him a
pleasant stay.
After a short illness of pneumonia,
lasting less than a week, Mrs. Thomas
Locking, an old and worthy resident of
the 12 con., crossed that bourne from
whence no traveller returns ou Friday,
Dec. lltn in her 77th year. Deceased
was born in Armagh, Ireland, her maid-
en name being Jane Little, and she came
to Canada in 1849. About 41 years ago
she was united in marriage to her now
bereft partner who with his three sons,
Albert, of Galt, and Willian and Robert,
at home will hold in loving remembrance
the words and deeds of the one passed
before. The Looking family have been
residents of Frey townehip for a good
many years.
When 'Your Appetite Fails
Cannot Do Without It.
Once Dr, chase's Ointment becomes
known, it is indenspensible in the house
because of the scores of ways in which it
can be used. Whtlo this oiutmeut is
bestknown as a poeitive cnre for eczema,
.alt r neum, itching piles, and the mens t
torturing diseases of the skin, it is also,
un approached as a treatment for chaffed,
irritated skin, pintples, blackheads,
poisoned skin. scalds, burns and sores of
every description.
strength, least in
which so
many young women
We will be glad to send
a sample to any sufferer.
t Be sure that this picture in
the form of a label is on the
wripper of every bottle el
Emul'•,ion you buy.
Toronto, Ontario.
Mr. Kershaw, of Loudon, will give hie
limelight, exhibition of pictures in the
Foresters' hall on Christmas eve, under
the auspices of Trinity church, and a
similar program of Christmas carols and
recitations will be given as the one iu
Blyth. Iu addition there will be an old
fashioned Christmas tree with presents
and goodies for the children.
The stormy weather on We.dnc'day
evening of last week rather interfered
with the tea meeting held in the Presby-
terian church in aid of the Suudey
school. There was a very good attend-
ance but come of those taking part in
the program were not able to reach the
village. Their places were taken by
local talout. The ladies provided au
excellent supper. Tho proceeds amount-
ed to over $35,
Mr. and Mrs James Howatt and Miss
Lila Howatt, of East Wawanosh, have
decided to spend the next three mouths
with friends in Scotland and on Decem-
ber 26th will sail frotn St. John, Now
Brunswick, by the steamship Lake Man-
itoba of the Canadian Pacific line for
Liverpool. England, from Liverpool they
go to Glascow, Scotland.
The writer of the poem given below is
one of Huron's early pioneers, and still
resides in this township on the farm on
which he located nearly half a century
ago. ' Though long past the scripture al-
lotment of three scorn and ten. he, along
with his better half, still enjoy a hearty
old age. It is said there is a certain period
in one's life history when the muses takes
quite a hold upon one, and very often
bursts out iu poetic expression. When
we hoar of a Oran starting to write poetry
is is generally taken for granted he has
felt in love with something. We sur-
mise the writer of this poem must have
been leaving something wor h while be-
hind him when be wrote the poem and
risked a voyage across the rough Atlantic
neatly fi`ty years ago.
Farewell friends in Wawanosh
Likewise in Hallett too;
I'm thankful for the kindness
That I've received from you.
I'm going to leave this happy land
And it makes you dizzy to even think whater my fate may be
Olt, may the Lord protect me
When I am on the sea.
of eating, you need Ferrozone the great-
est of appetizing tonics. It builds up
the whole body, the taste becomes aware
of new flavors in food you never noticed
before. A relish and after—satisfaction
iu eating is another result from Ferro -
zone which improves the digestion and
converts everything eaten into nourish.
ment for the blood,aud brain and nerves.
Just one Ferrozone tablet after meals,
easy to take and pleasant. Try Ferro -
zone. Price 50c. at druggists.
I'm going to cross the ocean
Where tate foaming billows roar,
To cross that big Atlantic
Which I have erossed before.
In hopes to land on Scotland's shore
Where my aged parents dwell
Glad to see them all once more
So now I bid farewell.
Farewell: farewell: my kindly friends
A. heart -felt fond adieu.
While from mine eye the sparkling tear
Bedews my cheek for yon.
Esla&lisla'd IS79
Whooping Cough, Croup
Bronchitis, Cough, Grip,
Asthma, Diphtheria
Catsot,ttts Is a long established and standard reinedy for the diseases indicated. It
cures because the air a ndeaer strongly antiseptic is a Tried over the diseased surfaces
of the bronchial tubes with every breath, giving prolonged and constant* treatment.
Those of a consumptive tendency, or sufferers from chronic bronchitis, find immediate
relief from coughs or inflamed conditions of the throat. Descriptive booklet free.
LBItUn?G,1111LES .a CO., lGli1 Notre Damn bt., :1lontreal, Metalline Ancitts
Antiseptic Tablets
dissolved in the month are effective and safe for
eou4 ' and irritation of the throat.
'td 7fOC. n Udx. AIX Ilitl'GG1S'CS 303
How's This?
We offer One Hundred. Dollars Re-
ward for any case of Catarrh that can-
uut be cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & Co, Toledo, 0.
We the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 nears, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out aur obligations trade by their firm.
WEST & TRUAX, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O. WAL INn, KINxAN & MAR -
VIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern •
ally, acting directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi-
monials sent free. Price 750: per bottle.
Sold by all Druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
IlttlgMt: gtgfttlftt
Photos Photos
6 a)/
e,; etaTow 'TowIs THE TIME TO HAVE it
i•))S) 1.1 their taken. Call and see the
latest, best and most appreciated of
O/ bias Presents, at
J'J�Armstrong 9,gQ&t C ' Studio
.i, WINGHAM (1d¢,}
�;�'� 1c`'•"2'(c c'r tci(c( ,;c�fr;���991i
On Tuesday afternoon a very enjoy-
able time was spent at the Wingbam
Junction school. A very interesting
pro„rant was rendered by the scholars
inthe way of recitations, singing and
dialogues, and a very interesting Scotch
reading was riven be Miss Maggie An-
derson; also a short speech by Mr. Wm.
J. Henderson, after which Miss Manning
was made the recipient of a handsome
gold chain and case, accompanied by the
following address:
Mitis EDNA MANNtsa,
Dear Teacher, --At length the hour of parting
draws nigh and we wish to exort'es to you oar
love and hind regard. During the many months
which you ]rave labored among us we have
benefitted much, not only from your ripe
sholarship and great ability as a teacher, but
also from yonr noble precepts and correct ex•
ample. We now as ansa you that so long+s you
live you will occupy a place in our affections.
That you may have a constant reminder of our
high esteem for you we now present you with
this (fold Chain nuclease, hoping that you may
long lie scored in honor to wear it, we remain,
your faititfol and loving pupils.
9mgned on behalf of the scho IMAI'r:nc+i*sov.
Ln, TAN MoFicAT.
The teacher was quite taken by sur-
prise, and replied in a few brief words,
after which refreshments were served by
the ladies. The meeting was then closed
by singing the National Anthem. Miss
Manning is retiring from the teaching
profession and will return to her home
in Clinton. During her residence here
kite has made many friends who speak in
high praise of her work ill the school. wVVWV'VVVw, VYV'V'Vr/WVVV"JV,
We are ready for Christmas
Trade with a great variety of
Nov eltied for I'rel-euts. There are
many things a visit here will Bug-
gest. Colne and see. We'll be
pleased to show you the goods We t117
can't quote everything, but here are °
a few items of interest to all buyers:
HANDKERCHIEFS.— In great variety; Fancy Embroidered, il'
stitched, Initialed. Prices from 5e to $2.00 each. See our special line at
Ties and Collars
Ladies Fancy Silk Ties and
Collars in all the latest styles,
nicely embroidered and trim-
med with applique.—Prices
are - 23c, 35o, 50c, 750, $1.00.
Ladies' Waists
Have you heard .of our pretty
waists.—We luxe them in
silk, cashmere, Lustre, and
flannel, any one of these will
make a uico Xmas Present.
All prices. Our leader - $2.00
FURS—We have a large stuck of the right kind suitable for gifts.
Easy prices for 0anerines, Ruffs, Muffs, Gauntlets, Caps, Boas, Coats, Capes,,
etc. Special Sable Ruffs, at $7.00.
LADIES' BELTS—We have the right kind. New styles, Prices from
25c to $1.50 each.
FOR CHILDREN—Wei have a nice range of knitted wool goods—Fancy
coats, Bootees, Mitts, Cops, Honds, Collar and Muff Setts, etc.
MEN'S WEAR—Almost anything you want in Men's Furoishings..at a
price you want to pay.
MEN'S TIES—Never before have we shown such a large assortment of
Neckwear. New patterns in Kuots, four-in-hands, Strings, Puffs, Bows,
flowing ends, etc,
• XMAS BRACES—Fine Braces for presents, nicely done up, one pair in
a box, fancy silk web—prices are 50c, 65c, 75c and $1 00.
' FANCY SHIRTS—Just rrceived, new patterns in priut shirts, forCbrist-
mas trade, Special value at 75o and .$L00.
NEW MUFFLERS—New Silk and Way's Mufflers, makes a very use-
ful present. All prices.
MEN'S GLOVES—A large range of Men's Lined Kid Gloves—at 73e,
$1.00, $1.25, $1 50.
SAMILIM •101•1•110M.
OUR CHRISTMAS SALE Keynote is—"big Dry Goods -worth
for not much money."
We thank our numerous customers for their patronage daring
the year and take pleasure in wishing all A MERRY CHRISTMAS
H. E. ISARD & Co.
Opposite ,Bank of Hamilton Highest price paid far Produce,
vwdVdVelYVWVdaNke V vary:
„ „
gs'V,'Ih'lu'0,,iimbib'lu'hdhivii,Ui'hdh0'h' oh.lo,0M'h'th"h�q i i.1, 1 h'e4n ho i, Q, II, t,i to i ib h' h• h' h,'h,'h 11,11 S.
iWe are going out of the shoe business and wish to i.
{ close out every pair of our new and up-to-date stock ,t
s of Boots and Shoes.
• With this end in view
jf Jan. 1st 1904
11.11. ..Q-.,,, ma..,.On....
even if it is below cost.
• What more valuable present could you get than a fine
pair of shoes, or a lovely pair of slippers for father,
mother, sister or brother?.
This is a good opportunity to buy good new shoes at
wholesale prices.
Come, see the shoes and see the prices. but come
soon as they ars going fast
J. Button & Co.
vVYWV M '4