HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-08-22, Page 13WALTON AN Walton. WI to sponsor loyal 4-H Fitness fair` Correspondent MRS. ALLAN McCALL 887.6677 Several members of the Walton Women's Institute met at the hall on Wednesday evening when a special meeting was called to discuss putting in bathrooms and some fixing to the kitchen. it was moved to have another noon luncheon on Sept. 12 with the price going up to $4, The Institute will serve a lunch at an auction in the village, Sept. 8. The Institute will sponsor the 4-1-1 clubs for the fall project, Fitness Fair. The leaders, Pat Nolan and Susan Nichol will attend the training school the latter of this month. Any girl 12 years old by Sept. 1 wishing to take this coming project get in touch with either one of these leaders. There will be another club in McKillop. Mr. and Mrs, Allan McCall, Mrs. Bert Stevenson, Ron and Chris spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Currie and Jamie at their trailer at Family Paradise.-Atso joining to at the picnic were Mr. and Mrs. John Currie, Cheryl and Rhonda and friends of Orange- ville, Mr. Barry Currie, Dawn and Pat of Brussels. David Wetsbrod has returned from Mason City. Iowa where he completed a course at the Reisch World Wide College of Auctioneer- ing, where Col. Gordon E. Taylor is president. He received training in all phases of Auctioneering. Col. Weisbrod also received on -the -spot training by selling at real public auction sales during the term, where he demonstrated his ability as •+an auctioneer, There were 74 students graduated from 20 states and Canada. There were 11 women students in the class, The Reisch World Wide College of Auctioneering is the largest college of its kind in the world, and has been operating for over 50 years with over 21,000 graduates. Cathy McGa in at CNE Queen pageant Cathy McGavin' attended the C.N.E. Queen of the Fairs pageant Aug. 13-15. 110 young women representing fairs from all over Ontario took part in the competition which consisted of an interview introduction on stage, and stage presence. Seven semi-final- ists were chosen with the winner Jackie •- McCracken from Lonbardy fair being crowd ed. Cathy was sponsored by the Brussels Ag. Society. She will be competing in the Miss Mid -western Ont. Competition in Lucknow on Sept, 15, Medium cattle under pressure at Brussels The market at Brussels Stockyards traded on a selective demand on a lighter offering, with medium cattle under pressure. Cows and pigs sold lower. There were 515 cattle and 890 pigs on offer. Choice Steers -83.00 to 86.00 with sales to 87.50. Good Steers -80,00 to 83.00. A steer consigned by Ken Dalton of R.R. 1, Walton weighing 1170 lbs. sold for 87.50 with his lot of 28 steers averaging 1160 lbs. selling for an overall price of 84.86. A steer consigned by L & B Farms of Wallenstein weighing 1220 lbs, sold for 86.00 with his offering of 19 steers averaging 1195 lbs. selling for an overall price of 83.95. Fifteen light steers consigned by Ken McClinchey of R.R. 3, Parkhill averaging 1056 lbs. sold for an overall price of 83.06 with sales to 84,75. A steer consigned by Jim Hayden of R.R. 3, Goderich weighing 1320 lbs. sold for 85.00 with his lot of 8 steers averaging 1270 lbs. selling for 83.25. Six steers consigned by Ken Johnston of R.R. 2, Bluevale averaging 1151 lbs. sold for an overall price of 85.00. Twelve steers consigned by Garnet Meyers of Beaverton averaking 1151 lbs. sold for an overall price of 85.50. Two steers consigned by Maple Emblem Farms of R.R. 1, Dungannon averaging 1220 lbs. sold for 85.20 with their offering of 28 steers averaging 1148 lbs. selling tor an overall price of 83.87, Choice Exotic Heifers -81.00 to 84.00 with sales to 85.50. Choice Hereford Heifers -77.00 to 81.00. A heifer consigned by Cliff Cook of Granton weighing 1010 lbs. sold for 85.50 with his offering of 23 mixed heifers averaging 969 lbs. selling for an overall price of 81.97. Five heifers consigned by Dan Pearson of Brussels averaging 1012 lbs. sold for 84.30 with his offering of 34 heifers averaging 1007 lbs. selling for an overall price of 81.80. A heifer consigned by L & B Farms of Wallenstein weighing 1080 lbs. sold for 85.00 with his offering of 17 heifers averaging 1097 lbs. selling for an overall price of 81.35. Cows on offer, mainly morning cows, were lacking condition. Choice Cows -52.00 to 56.00 with sales to 58.50. Good Cows -48,00 to 52.00. Canners & Cutters -44.00 to 48.00. Heavy Bulls traded to a high of 68.00. 30 to 40 Ib. pigs traded to a high of 26.75. 40 to 50 Ib. pigs to a high of 35.50. 50 to 60 Ib. pigs to a high of 4450. 60 to 70 lb. pigs to a high of 44.75. 70 to 80 Ib. pigs to a high of 50.00. McKillop news Correspondent IDELLA REGELE 527-1106 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hubley of Montreal are visiting with the former's brother Mr. Norman Hubley and sister Mrs. Vic Ward, Mr. Vic Ward and other relatives. Mrs. Adeline Bennewies of Ritz Villa. Mitchell spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F.arl Rock. A corn roast was held at the home of Mrs. Idella Regele and Mr. Norman Hubley. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCallum, Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCallum and family. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Nevers Randy and Mike of Walton area, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Regele of Princeton, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Presrcator of Crediton and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hartman of Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs, Vic Ward, Mr. Norman Hubley, Mrs. Idella Regele, 44 Walton and Mr, and Mrs, Paul Hubley of Montreal were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan McClure on Thursday afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ellis of Mallon spent a day last week with the latter's cousin Mrs. Idella Regele. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Ward were Mr. and Mrs. Vic Ward. Mr. Norman Hublev, Mrs. Idella Reeele, Mr, and Mrs. Bryan McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ward and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hubley. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brodhagen, Mr, Lloyd Brodhagen and friend motored to Manitoba Neepawa where they visited with Nelson's cousin Mr. and Mrs. George Walker and family and other friends then motored to Saskatchewan and Alberta and B.C. where theysaw the ice fields and Lake Louise in Banff SCHOOLS INADEQUATE Less than half the population of Lesotho in Southern Africa attend school. inadequate facilities hamper progress. Most schools lack books, desks and blackboards. USC Canada has given $21,437 to the people of Khokhaba Primary School for the construction of three classrooms. At present, only half the school's population is accommodated in classrooms, The USC is at 56 Sparks Street, Ottawa, K 1 P 5B1. EDUCATION DECREASES POPULATION In Botswana, Southern Africa, the birth- rate per 1,000 people is 50. in Canada it is 15 per 1,000. Basic education helps decrease overpopulation, and USC Canada continues to allocate an important part of its resources to education projects in Asia and Africa including literacy classes, secondary school scholarships and vocational training. The USC is at 56 Sparks Street, Ottawa, K 1 P 5B1. YOUR QIJIDE TO THE EISVRE IFE OF SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO AND THE GEORGIAN LAKELANDS B" Bring tourists to your door by joining the magazine tourists won't want to be without! II you want tourism dollars we can help you. Leisure Life's Spring/Summer Issue will reach tourists from May to September, from Stratford In the east, Lake Huron In the west, Georgian Bay in the horth, Lake Erie In the south and all points and major centres In between. Total circulation o1 40,000! We distribute our magazines In the right places too - wherever travellers and day trippers frequent. Call Now To Reserve Space (519)524.8331 rood°nen) (519)396-2963(xincerd'ne) (519)4823443 ((:union) (519)528.2822 (Loeknow) (519)348-8431(Mttch°tq (519)527-0240(sealonN Advertising Copy Deadline: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1984 LEISURE LIFE • Is published semi-annually by SIGNAL -STAR PUBLISHING LTD. P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. NTA 408 MOLL - JUTZI Margaret Lyn Hugill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leverne Hugill, Seaforth, and James Ronald Jutzi, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Jutzi, Brussels, were married August 18, 198,1, at First Presbyterian Church, Sea - forth, Martha Van Dieten, Brussels, friend of the bride was matron and bridesmaids were Lori Reid, Winthrop, Leanne Van Dyk, Seaforth, both sisters of the bride, and Liz Klaver, Dublin, friend of the bride. Junior bridesmaid was Carrie McKillen, Stratford, niece of the bride. Flowergirl was Sherry Lyn Hugill, Sea - forth, niece of the bride and Michael Hugill, Seaforth, nephew of the bride was ring - bearer. Murray Wheeler, Brussels, friend of the groom was bestman and Gerry Jutzi, and Neil Jutzi, Brussels, brothers of the groom and James Hugill, Seaforth, brother of the bride were ushers. Rev. T. Nelson, .uncle of the groom and Rev. D. Nelson, cousin of the groom officiated. The reception was held at the Seaforth and District Community Centres. The couple will reside in Brussels after a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and Northern Ontario. Photo by Frank Phillips. BERG Sales -Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES • Barn Cleaners • Stabling • Bunk Feeders Donald Ga Ives R.R. #2, Blyth • Brussels 887-9024 grave orrespondent MRS. L WIS STONEROUSE 887-9487 Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Picket] of Vancouver B.C. spent the weekend with her brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Keni.eth Wheeler at their home in Belgrave. Mrs. Robert Procter . visited, with her daughter Marjorie Procter -of Sarnia last weekend an enjoyed a drive to Port Huron and had dinner at the Victorian Inn. On Thursday Marjorie and her mother had alovely scenic boat trip on the St. Clair River. Sympathy of the community is extended to John Nixon and family on the death of his mother, Mrs. Isaac Nixon, who passed away Saturday, Aug, 18 in Clinton Hospital. a! Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Squire of Weston visited on Tuesday Aug,,, with their cousin Agnes Youngblut. Members of Knox Presbyterian and Knox United, Belgrave are invited to worship with the congregation of Calvin -Brick United Church on Sunday Aug 26. Yvonne Ballagh of Wingham' will be guest= speaker and service will be held at 10 a.m. Yvonne will be assisted by the young people of Calvin -Brick. The August meeting of the Afternoon Unit of the UCW took the form of a birthday party for persons 80 years and older. There were 17 special guests ages from 80 to 95 seated at small tables. Mrs. Leslie Bolt was in charge of the program and welcomed the guests and friends. Mrs.• Garner Nicholson gave three read- ings. Carol and Heather Hopper accompan- ied by Mrs, George Johnston sang and Steven Coultes favored with a piano solo, Alison Coultes and Ruth Higgins unaccom- panied sang several songs they learned at summer camp. Mrs. Cecil Coultes read two poems. Howard Wilkinson and Mrs, Earl Ander- son din the birthday cakes. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Campbell, Andrew, Chris, Collin and Matthew returned home on Sunday, Aug. 5 after visiting Dr. and Mrs. Peter Huck and family of Edmonton, Alberta. Mr: and Mrs. Fred McGrath and family of N&N DAIRY SYSTEMS LTD. Sales, Service & Installation of WPipelines & Milking Parlours 887`6063 , WALTO4 N - THE HURON EXPOSITOR; AUGUST 22, 1984 -- A13 celebrate Vermillion, Alberta, Donald Coultes of Brandon, Manitoba and other friends and relatives, Travis Campbell holidayed for two weeks with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Campbell. Murray Rinn of Kitchener visited on Sunday with his mother May Rinn. Clifford Stewart and John. Stewart of London, formerly of Belgrave, called on several people in the village on Friday of last week renewing old acquaintances. Their father John Stewart was one of the blacksmiths in the village for several years and lived in the home now occupied by May Rinn, George Cowan was guest speaker and Mrs. David Fox soloist, accompanied by Elizabeth A. Procter at the organ, at the combined service held at Knox United Church on Sunday, Aug 19, The 23rd McBurney reunion was held at Belgrave W.I. Hall Sunday Aug. 19 with about 76 present. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Smith of London were president and secretary for this year. • The .=text reunion will also be held in Belgrave hall the third Sunday in August' with Mr. and Mrs. Carman McBurney of London as president and secretary. There was extra handshakingand new acquaintances made with guests present from St. John's New Brunswick, SawYerville, Quebec, Ottawa, Toronto, Cass City, Michi- gan, Phoenix, Arizona, St, Thomas, London, Komoka, Goderich, Seaforth, Listowel, Neu- stadt and surrounding area. Harold Keatinspent Saturday, Aug. 11- at Trillium Woods Camp near Parkhill where his nieces had a trailer. Dorothy .Procter of R.R. 5, Brussels has recently purchased Mrs. Albert Bacon's home. We welcome her"t6'the village: Mrs. Norman Young and her granddaughr ter Brenda Jessome of Seaforth visited on Sunday, August 12 with their aunt Mrs Victor Youngblut. Warren Pickell of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Pickell of Vancouver who, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler at their home in Belgrave. Payments for beet crop Agriculture Minister Ralph Ferguson announced recently a $10.3 million stabiliza- tion program under the federal Agricultural Stabilization Act for the 1982 sugar beet crop, ' "Producer returns for the 1982 crop were affected by high world sugar supplies," Mr. Ferguson said 'This situation is expected to continue as the major -producing countries have not been able to reach an agreement on pricing and production targets." The support level has been set at 80 per cent of the previous five-year average market price, and indexed for changes in cash costs of production. The support level for the 1982 crop was $53.22 per standard tonne. Because the national market price for that crop averaged 542.26, a deficiency payment of $10.96 a standard tonne will be paid to about 1,500 sugar beet growers in Quebec, Manitoba and Alberta. A standard tonne yields 125 kilograms of sugar. , Sugar beet production in Canada meet$ about 10 per cent of Canadian sugar requirements, with the remainder purchased from world sugar markets. Stabilization paymentswill he mailed directly to producers, base on contract data supplied by the Canadian Sugar Beet Producers' Association. "Producers should receive their payments in time to help defray the large cash outlays of harvesting their 1984 crop, ' Mr. Ferguson said. TERRY ELLIGSEN PLUMBING Pumps°Softeners° Farm °Rosldentlal PLUMBING and WIRING 24 Hour Emergency Service Ph. 345-2547 Ph. 345-2447 .:.BUSINESS irecto GARY BANNON Painting, Decorating, Paperhanging Interior and Exterinr FREE ESTIMATES Phone 527-1582 Sealorth, Ont. Portable Welding and Metal Fabricating -Reasonable Rates - Don McLennaghan R.R. 42 Blyth, Ont. 887-6673 H. TEN PAS CONSTRUCTION LTD RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL Mill St. West•Brussels NOG 1H0.887.6408 \\. .. II and mst,dl i'. 11,, ,n,I I lint \y Ind.m • !'.rho 1 )nor'. Ina'lah•,! David Longstaff Ltd. Optician 87 Main St- S. Seaforth OPTOMETRISTS AND OPHTHALMOLOGISTS Prescriptions filled Prompth SUMMER HOURS Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fri. 10.5:30 Closed Wed. & Sat. Open. Tues. Evening by appointment only. COMPLETE OPTICAL 'SERVICE ' 527-1303 Phone 527-024 Muffle'Wnrd Mufflers as long as you oss n the car SEAFORTH MOTORS LTD. 527.1010 • Cam Holland MASONRY • Brick • Block • Angel Stone Free Estimates 527-1906 STEVE MURRAY INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. Home Business Farm Auto For more information call STEVE MURRAY St. Columban 345-2172 SEAFORTH INSURANCE BROKER LIMITED 39 Main St., S. Seaforth •Home°Business °Farm®Auto *Sickness & Accidents °Investments 527-1610 Upholstering. Antiques & Used Furniture Restored, Rolled Goods by the Yard Building 28. 5th Ave. Vanastra 482-7002 Ipr • DIAMONDS • WATCHES • JEWELLERY. FiNE CHINA • ENGRAVING SERVICE Gifts for every occasion All Types of Repairs Phone 527-0270 (fc�4( JEWEI,LERS Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home CEMETERY MONUMENTS ROSS W RIBEY DIRECTOR 8' Goderich St.. Seaforth PHONE 527.1390 Sincere and Courteous Service Hammer Mills Roller Mill SALES & SERVICE Installation & Parts Keith Siernon FARM SYSTEMS LTD:, R.R. 4 WALTON PH. 345-2734 !anytime) or Clinton 482-7971. FOR FREE PLANNING AND ESTIMATES C o•oP Feed, Seed, Fertilizer Farm Supplies, Petroleum Supplies. Heating Oils Seaforth Co-op 527-0770 Hildebrand Flowers is Main St. Seaforth Office 527-0555 Res. 527.1784 `' Complete Floral Service with a personal touch ®r SEW AND SAVE CENTRE LIMITED Sewing Machine Specialists Repairs to all make., • I RI 1 1 STIMATFS • Al I tV(7RK GUARANTEE D i s\I i 5 Nusgvarna White Flna lanome lots of - used machines Vtastercharge Visa . ( Insed Mondays 149 Downie SI. 2 doors south of Hudsonsl STRATFORD 271-9660 < Bus. 527-1242 Res. 527.1942 T. 1. DEVEREAUX B.Sc., D.C. Chiropractor 77 Main St. Seaforth, Ont. NOK IWO NEW HOURS: Mon. 8:30-12 1:30-6:00 Tues.. Thurs. 8:30.12 3:30-8:30 Wed.. Fri. Sat. 8:30-12 F.spert Interior a, f;stcnur Decorating • Walk-oscrings dif Ken. Paints `,• • • Windoss Shades HILDEBRAND PAINT AND PAPER Phone 527-1880 15 Main St., Seaforth FLANAGAN CARPENTRY Aluminum siding homy r,•nmatinn s additions i r,,ming rooting res, d,nt,,il and 'arm bulli) Inc I Ri 1 1 PE TER FLANAGAN 527.1399 Appliance and Refrigeration REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 482-7032 It's e.r%'&y to find dependabl <- people. Use This Space Call - 527 0240 ti 4