HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-08-22, Page 4A4 -- THE HURON EXPOSITORR AUGUST 22, 1984 Eight teams will play in Dublin tourney DUBLIN Correspondent JOAN CRONIN 345.2772 What a welcome, rain we had this weekend. It brought back the green to the lawns and brightened up the drooping corn stalks. The nights have become quite cool and the days are beautiful with a slight breeze. The. heavy night dew, leaves the grass sparkling like a carpet of emeralds in the early morning sun. The flowerbeds are at their peak in colbr and fragrance as they are in full bibom, It will be sad to see all this beauty solon be gone when Mother Nature spreads her blanket of frost over the ground only to leave the flowers and foliage to wither and lie. Life is a funny thing, for as the flowers die and their beauty is gone, we see the leaves on the trees burst with fiery reds, yellows and orange colors to create an indescribable picture of unique beauty. It is the beginning of another season and with it many new happenings. In the summer everyone thinks of holidays, weddings and family reunions or gatherings, but, in the fall one's thoughts turn to fall fairs and sohool and long peaceful walks or scenic Sunday afternoon drives in the country, One thing is for certain, life should never really become dull, for as the seasons change, and each is so different, we always have something very special to look forward to. ,Something very special that is happening • in Dublin at the park this Saturday, Aug: 25 is the Dublin Bantam Boys Baseball Tournament. There will be eight teams' participating in the one day event which begins at 9 a.m. and the filial game is" scheduled for 7:30 p.m, The Dublin Boys Teams' mothers are. having a booth for the day to help fill all those hungry tuminys• The tournament will have an "A" and a "B" Consolation final game and trophies will be given to the most valuable player on each team at the end of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Austin, Kingsbridge were visiting with Mr. an Mrs. Hugh Benninger on the weekend. . The family of the late Joseph and Plivaheth (Rnach) Cronin held their family reunion on Sunday, Aug. 19 at the Pavilion and Park grounds in Dublin. There were 48 family members present. The wee tots played games while the ones who wished they were teens and the inbetweens had a very interesting baseball game. I am not really certain who won but no doubt on Monday there was a great malty stiff bodies and aching muscles. Van Bakes honored at retirement porfy in St. Columb.an'KofC hall Correspondent MRS. CECiLIA RYAN 345.2028 Friends and neighbors in St, Columban honored Theo and Rika Van Bakel on Friday evening at the Knights of Columbus Hall in St. Columban prior to retiring from their. farm. Theo and Rika are moving this month to their new residence in Seaforth, Games of cards were played with Rika Van Bakel and Joe Dorsey winning the prizes and Cecilia Ryan won the prize for the travelling lone hand, An address was read by Bill Albert and Theo and Rika were presented with a scenery picture and light. Jim and Karen Cronin and family and Jerry Lean Butt Phone Orders Taken Store Sliced COOKED HAM eVer�hTng FoR BRCk bScHool SCHOOL PANTS A. SPECIAL GROUP OF BOYS 8 TO 18 YEAR CORDUROY RUGGER PANTS 17° 8. REGULAR TO 22.50 BOYS 8 TO 18 SIZE LEVI CORD JEANS 16" C. REGULAR TO 21.95 ALL SIZES GWG PRE -WASH DENIM JEANS 159 SAVE UP TO $7 00 BOYS SIZES 8 TO 18 YEAR LONG SLEEVE STYLE, COTTON FLANNEL PLAID SHIRTS 6OS VALUES TO 13.95 AND UP A SUPER BUY — WHILE THEY LAST NEW FOR FALL, S.M.L XL FORTREL-COTTON BLEND LONG SLEEVE STYLE BOYS POLO SHIRTS ALL NEW COLORS SPECIAL 1695 PLAIN SHADE, SHORT SLEEVE BOYS POLO SHIRTS ... , 99a OYS 100% FORTREL DIAMOND PATTERN BOYS VESTS SIZES S TO XL • 1 Sas LONG SLEEVE V. NECK PULLOVERS JACQUARD PATTERNS Special . , . lees • TIGER BRAND COLOURED BRIEFS BOYS SOX Special 193 to 2 380 gelgital • and Heather Cronin, David and Michael spent Sunday with Leo and Mary Smith at Maple Leaf Acres, Fergus, Lori Cronin stayed with the Smiths for a few days holiday. Mrs, Pat Subject and family spent a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Ryan. 4-H REPORT BY ANNE RYAN The Stratford Festival Gardens and Festi- val'Theatre were visited by McKillop N4 members on Saturday, July 14. Before these tours the club enjoyed seeing beautfiul landscaping closer to home. We thank Mrs. Ted Vandenberk for showing members her beautiful flowers and helping to identify less common varieties: - Water Well DRILLING W. D. Hopper .and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Neil Duri Jim 527-1737 527-0828. 527-0775 The Festival Gardens and Theatre gave ' members some ideas to try in their own projects. Both were beautiful horticultural displays that are worth seeing more than once. Meetings#5 was held on Wednesday July 25 at 7:30. The ' last scheduled meeting of McKillop N4 was held at Theresa Cronin's. Members brought samples of vegetables from their gardens which were later used as practice for judging. Other topics covered included more on landscaping and flower arranging. One popular form of landscaping discussed was the rock garden, The members agreed to try creating one in miniature for their exhibit on Achievement Night on Aug. 21. the eo-Opeta1nz4 n,yranto the,, roar, I,ylr BRUCE SMITH Sales Representative Mitchell Co-op %tore 130 Georgina Street Mitchell, Ont. NOK 1N0 our 3411-W75 Res: 3411 -MS I4 the co-ope L�i k�J !NSVRANCI ANO FINANCIAL SFRVICES UPI • NOM/ • MOO • IutINt►S • /AIM Adult Students Seaforth District High School will again be operating a semestered school. Adults and others who have been out of school are invited to come and inquire about any courses offered. You can take from one to four courses each semester. Semester 1 - Sept. 4 -Jan. 29 2 - Feb. 4 - June 24 ' If interested contact the sebodt 58 Chalk St. or call 527-0380 for further details. Harry Scott Principal VOTE VALERIE BOLTON NEW DEMOCRAT THE VOICE OF YOUR CONCERNS —CONCERNED MOTHER —EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF WOMEN TODAY —CHAIR PERSON OF HURON COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICE COUNCIL —RESIDENT OF EAST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP FOR JOBS - EQUALITY- FAIR TAXES iN HURON -BRUCE ELECT VALERIE BOLTON .NEW DEMOCRAT Authorized by Fran McQuatl, Offlctal Agent for Valerie Bolton 0'' •j/ o UdL BULK FOODS John and Lorri Annc Moore 27 MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH White quantities Last Aug. 22-25 52'2-O45tl Golden Yellow BROWN SUGAR x35 lb. PICKLING SALT •20 lb, JAM [Raspberry, Strawberry, Grape] 1191b. Red Path Fine WHITE SUGAR e29 lb. ALL SPICES 20%011 MACARONI .65 lb. f Dressing backwards BACKWARDS DAY—Putting your clothes on backwards was part of backwards day at the Dublin Summer, Fun program last Friday, Brian Cook and Joey Van Bakel display their outfits for the day. (Hundertmark photo) Cromarty news Correspondent R. LAING When the W.M.S. of Cromarty Presbyter- ian Church held their August meeting at the church on Tuesday afternoon. six mnembcrs and one visitor answered the.roll clsB on the part that African youth play In the work of their church. Dorothy Miller presided and read a poem. Lillian Douglas gave the devotions prepared by Agnes Lamond and a poem. Following prayer, the offering was taken and dedicated by Lillian Douglas. Lila McKaig gave the treasurer's report, Dorothy read a paper, Focus on Lesotho. describing in detail the country and work of the peoptb. She was assisted by Betty Dow who read a letter telling about Christian young people in Lesotho. For her special number, Dorothy read a story. Two Mangoes for Two Stones, The September meeting will beheld At the home of Lillian Douglas and the offering will be designated for Lesotho. Kathy Douglas of Calgary is holidaying with her parents. Charles and Lillian Douglas, and her brothers, Andy and George. During her holidays she has also spent some time with friends in Montreal, New York, Toronto and Guelph. Scott Zimmer has returned home after holidays with his grandparents, Bob and Ruth Laing. Winthrop news Correspondent MRS, ROBERT HULLEY 527-1856 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley attended a birthday party for Otto Walker. it was their dad's 81st birthday. Also attending the birthday party at the home of Larry and Alice Gardiner. and family were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie and Joanne. Dorchester: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Graves. St. Thomas; Myrtle Hanna, Stratford: Freda Boa, Hensall: Ev and Sandra Robinon, Nickolas and Becky Jo. Kippen: Bob and Janet Nutley. Blyth: Mr and Mrs. Jack McGhee, Mrs. Judy Sherritt, Roy McGhee and Kim, Kenneth Walker. London: Debbie and Dave Hulley and Glen Haney. Otto also received a phone call from his eranddauehter Mr and Mrs. Greg and Jackie Adlington, Dawson Creek, B.C. Also absent was his granddaughter Linda and Pat Nagle and Danny, Kitchener. Linda had a baby boy on the 19th of August.. Another great grandchild for Otto. Recently friends and neighbors gathered for an afternoon with Delphine Dolmagc and Vernie who have moved from their home in Winthrop to their new home in Seaforth. Delphine was presented *ith a pair of brass lamps and Vernie a shirt. Mr. and Mrs. John Poltand and family have purchased the Dolmage home. Friends and relatives attended the wed• ding and reception held al the Seaforth and District Community Centres for Mr. and Mrs, Jamie Yuntri. the former Lyn Hugill. Mrs Robert Reed. Winthrop is a sister of Lyn's. Brodhagen news Correspondent MRS. HERMAN LEONHARDT 345-2419 Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hoegy of the Edmonton area have been visiting in Ontario for the past few weeks with Merle's parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy. and brother Maynard, sisters Barbara. Bonnie and Beverley and their families, also with friends and relatives. They enjoyed our warm weather we had here. They are leaving for Edmonton August 20. Gayle Beuermann of Regina spent the past month with her parents Ron and Elsie Beuermann. Greg and Glenda and visited with friends and relatives. She is returning to Regina on Wednesday August 22 to Luther College High School for another year teaching P.F... Health and History, Janice Beuermann, daughter of Don and Pauline Beuermann is leaving Thursday August 22 to attend Sault St. Marie College to take a 3 year course to study fish and wild Sfe to be a conservationist. We wish her gond luck. Janice Ahrens and Ron Wahlen of Pickering, visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bode. They all attended the Bode reunion in Conestoga at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kirkey. Mrs. Freda Bennewies and Minnie Leonhardt accompanied Alvin and Ellen Schefenberger of Mitchell, to visit in Elmira with Joan and Ron Wagner. Randy and Robbie, on Sunday. Teachers elect woman From August 13 to 17, over 200 members of the Ontario Public School Teachers' Federation (OPSTF) met at the Constellation Hotel in Toronto' for their annual General Assembly. In a font day marathon, delegates debated some 225 resolutions and passed a S6 -million budget that raised fees to 1.1 per cent of salary. Mary Hill, from the Carleton District was acclaimed the association's first woman president. in another unprecedented move, bylaws were passed that permit occasional or supply teachers to become OPSTF members. Presently occasional teachers have no representative organization. Delegates also expressed concern about school bus safety. They asked that the Ontario Teachers' Federation request the Ministry of Education to, "study and strengthen current legislation for mainte- nance, licensing, safety operation and construction of school buses. ' Also adopted was a lengthy policy s'atement that will involve teachers in their introductio of computers and other micro-. electronic equipment into the school pro- gram. The statement declares that, "the educational process must enable students to function fully as members of a technological society.'. Representatives for the Huron District were. Wayne Nichols, Blair Fraser, Jim Chapman. Arnold Mathers and Dave Kemp.