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The Wingham Times, 1903-12-24, Page 3
• THE MOAN A ' T. { S, DEBEIGER 24, UM, CVKES Dyspepsia, Boils, Pimples* Headaches, Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, and all troubles arising from the Stomach, Liver, Bowels or Blood, Mrs. A.Lethangue, of Ballydue, Oct. writes: "I believe L would have been in my grave long ago had it, not been for Burdock Blood Sit- ters. I was run down to such an extent that I could scarce- ly carcely move about the house. I was subject to severe headaches, backaches and dizzi- ness; izzi-ness; my appetite was gone and I was unable to do my housework. After using two bottles of health fully found se restored.y I warmlyrecommend it to all tired and worn out women. The 0 ' untsmath. a t.onan Loylo.) There's a keen and grim old huntsman, On a hot se as white as snow; Sometimes he is very swift, And eometilnes he is slow. But he never is at fault, For he always hunts at view,. And he rides without a halt Atter you. Tim huntsman's name is Death, His horse's name fs Time; Ie is Doming, he is coming, As I sit and write this rhyme; He is coming, he is coming, As you read the the rhyme I write; You eau hear his hoofs' low drumming Day and night. Yon can hear the distant drumming As the clock goes tick a• tiwk, And the chiming of the hours Is the musio of bis pack. 'Yon oan hardly note their growliug 'Underneath the noonday sun, And at night you hear them howling As they run. And they never check or falter. For they never miss their kill; Seasons change and systems alter, But the hnut is runniug still.. Hark I The eveuiug chime is playing, O'er the long gray town it peals+; Don't you hear the death hound baying At your heels? 'Where is there no earth to burrow, Where a cover lett for you? A year, a week, perhaps tomorrow, ° Briugs the huntsman's death halloo; Day by day he gains upon us, And the most that we can claim Is that when the hounds are on us We die game. And somewhere dwells the Master, By whom is was decreed; He sent the savage huntsman, He bred the snow-white steed. These hounds, which run forever, He sets them on your track; He hears yon scream. but never Calls them back. He does not heed our suing, We never see his face; He hunts to our undoing, W'i thank him for the chase. We thank him and we flatter, We hope -because we must - But have we cause? N o matter! Let us trust! LUTE SE Cenuine IN ATTIRE OF. ilflN A French Countess Drives to Qeeth in Parts.. SEX DISCOVERED IN HOSPITAL I414 Ablaaer les Yres IS Fall Down Stair% to the 4. ouch Capital—S 1 rated . trail ,".►y Wrecks -Steamer Orton flawed at: t8ea and Six Per- i,l*--%Yourto Suffocated 1n To.. roato--,1• Akatiir Drowned, Farts, Dec, 14. -The Countess Irane Ogir d'Ivey, the beautiful yvitas u ‘ugh ter of Count Ogir d (vi> , has died under remarkable C„ cul„Kt a. tees. Sat Itrdi• y et ming a pony cart driv c b; tt and • 'niely dressed young x an, act: hap; , ted by a. groom, col- 1 led evil;, tt wavy vehicle near the 1 . t.si e d ]34• t. du Boulogne. The o cup,: nth of he pony cart were ttiroc.0 c It, he supposed young man being dangerously injured. He was removed to a .hospital, where the doctors, preparing for an operation, found him to bo a woman, who was identified later as the daughter of Count Ogir d'Ivey. Her rpkull was fractured in three places, and she died soon after. A member of the family's entour- ee says tho Countess was fond of daring feats of horsemanship. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Fac -Simile Wrapper Below. Vary email end as easy to take as sager. , FOR HEAfACNE., FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION roma; G3W117INY22 must meg IIATU, e. t Gats I *Purely Vegetable. .� Aare ai ..4WrMWt..4Pi- OUSE 8101( HEADACHE. CARTERS ITTLE IVER PI LLS. •••ra•••• SHOCK OF A FALL. Lord Abinger Succumbs to Accident In e Paris Hospital. Paris, Dec. 14. -Lord Abinger died. Saturday from heart failure, brought on by the shock of a fall down the stairs of a restaurant. His Lordship arrived in Paris Thursday last, and the fall took place early Saturday morning, Lord Abinger's mother will convey the remains to England for interment. The deceased was 32 ,years of age and unmarried. He suc- ceeded to the title in 1892. He was a captain in the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders (militia) and served in South Africa with the Imperial Yeo- manry. Cross? Poor man! He can't help He gets bilious. He needs a Tgood liver. pill-Ayer's Pills. hey act directly on the liver, cure biliousness mg. co. Lowe' , Hass. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful browf.or rich black? Use B BK NGB� �� DYE UM trrrr Cis. r.:: ria i100: lrusfik ti... tired Friday night. At noon Satur- day Mayhue knoeI ed on her door, She answered that she was lying down, and did not wish to be disturbed. M 9 pan., he knocked at the door again, and receiving no answer, entered the room. Ile found that the stovepipes had fallen or beenknocked down. The roomwas filled with coal gas. Pruwued Wane ',*thiel{. Halifax,, N,S., Dee. 14. -Brenton, illoyt, aged 11 years, while skating on Whitman's Vend, at Bridgewater Saturday, broke through the ice and was drowned before assistance reach- ed him. ECltlelt while t:iuntint:, Denver, Colo., Dec. 14. -Paul Rich- ter, president of the Richter Iron Works Company, of this city, has been accidentally shot and killed by a companion on a hunting trip, 1..Xplosion in a 4.ave. 13utte, Mont., Dec. 14.-A report just received from the Pennsylvania thine, located in this' city, says an explosion in a cavo has killed from eleven to twenty-two men. 45 Irons of Dynamite Exploded. Manila, Dec. 14. -Three Americans and seven natives were killed Satur- day by a blast of 45 tons of dyna- mite in a quarry of the Atlantic and Pacific Company at 7ilarvoles, near the entrance to Manila Bay. t ous'teen Madrid, Dec. 14. -Tho collapse of an embankment near Cordova yester- day derailed a train, killing fourteen persons and injuring many others. It.fte 1.utiet. 1.11 noy. Hamilton, Dec. 14, -James Coul- son, Hillgrove, who was hit by a bullet from a rifle in the hands of E. Harrigan, on North James street, Saturday afternoon, was more fright- ened than hest. 'When the police took him out of the ambulance and got him into the City Hospital, the doc- tors found that the bullet had made only a small scratch on his arm. The excuse the lad Harrigan gave is that he did not know the weapon was loaded. Tho police say they will prosecute him and the man who gave hien the rifle. TWO ENGINES OVERTURNED. Five Men Were Killed and Sever.,' Were Severely Injured. Piedmont, W. Va., Dec. 14. -Five men were killed and several severely injured by the overturning of two engines, attached to a heavy Balti- more and Ohio freight train on the "17 -mile grade,” near this city, yes- terday. Tho dead: Engineer Ernest D. Er- vin, 38 years old, Cumberland, Md.; Engineer Emery Ervin, 56, of Tun- nelton, W. Va.; Fireman Walter B. Nye, 32, Terra Alta, W. Va.; Fire- man J. V. Carter, 28, North Caro- lina; Brakeman John Hays, 20, Staunton, Va. While descending the "17 -mile grade" the train, to which were at- tached two engines, left tho track. The engines and nearly all of the 24 loaded cars tumbled into a deep ra- vine, carrying the trainmen with them. Three Killed i11 This Wreck. Ottumwa, Iowa, Dec. 14. -Three persons were killed and ten were in- jured yesterday in a wreck on the C. B. da 0. Railroad, three miles west of Albia. The westbound passenger train was derailed while running on to the Cedar Creek bridge, and five cars were wrecked by collision with the bridge girders. The wreckage im- mediately took fire, and several of the victims were badly burned. Th Mrs. Mitch en, E.14Iti c len, Al- dead: cad: Al- bia, Ia., burned to death; , Mildred laritchen, 3 years old, burned to death; Thomas Beatty, killed in wreck of smoking car. None of the injured pers ns will die.. Three =111ed In Train Wreck. Wheeling, W. Va., Dec. 14.-A north -bound passenger train collided head-on with a southbound cattle 'train at Glenova, Saturday night. Engineer Thomas Murray of the pas- senger train and Fireman James Lanahan of the stock train were kill- ed, and two trainmen and Detective William Johnson of Pittsburg were injured, the last named fatally. Crashed Retwoen Engines. Winnipeg, Man., Dec. 14.-A fatal accident occurred in the C.P.R. yards early Saturday morning, when Lewis Bailky had his life crushed out be- tween two engines. Bailky was riding on the front of an engine approaching from the west, when another engine coming from tho east collided with it, The steam from both engines, denser by the frosty atmosphere, ob- scured the view, and neither engineer SLIM the approaching engine until the crash came. ORION BURNED AT SEA. COLD IN CANADA. One Death From the tt,izzrrd in Chicago -Coldest Since 1870. Chicago, Dec. 14. -Yesterday was the coldest day in Chicago for this season of tho year sinxe 1876. At 8 o'clock yesterday horning the ther- mometer registered 13 below. So far but one death has been reported, that of a switchman, who was found frozen to death in the Chicago and Northwestern yards. Temperature In Canada. Toronto, Dec. 14. -Between nine and ten o'clock last night the mer- cury dropped one degree, and at 9 above zero reached the coldest of the day. Edmonton and thereabouts, rushed "$ho cold wave, which makes White River at 56 degrees below zero, the coldest place in Canada; 6 degrees lower titan Dawson City. White River is 459 miles from To- ronto, as the crow Ries,. All over the Northwest it is quite cold, varying from 4 degrees to 26 degrees below. Ontario ranges from 2 degrees to 12 degrees above zero. Cold is spreading to Quebec and the Maritime Pro- vinces, though mild there on Sunday. Three of the Crew and Three of the Passengers Perished. Christiana, Norway, Dee. 14.-A telegram received from Vardoo re- ports that tho steamer Orion has been destroyed by fire, and that three of the crew and three passen- gers perished. Itescaer Only W. Sand. ' Middleboro, Mass., Dec. 14, --After being blown more than half a mile yesterday over the surface of Lake • Ashawampsott do a piece of ice which had broken away from the shore, Barry Baskin§ and Frank Al. len were rescued from their prcear' bus position by S. A. Lewis, who rowed out to there, Only to lose their lives by drowtring when the boat was swamped by a squall, clung to the craft and wa cued. it Suffocated env cost Gats, T'orontO, Dec. 14.x --Annie Lynch, aged 80, Who resided at' David May- hue'sl, 28? 'V'ictoria .street, was found Sicilia it bbd Saturday might. She r* OPPOSE STANDARD OIL. Roumanians Declare RRockefeller Wants to Monopolize Industry. Vienna, Dec. 14. -Reports from Bu- charest indicate that the Standard Oil Company is meeting with much opposition in its efforts to obtain a footing in Roumania. At a private meeting of the supporters of the Government, 11. Stourdza, President of the Council of Ministers, declared thatt the Americanshad d co ae to Rou- mania far the purpose of monopoliz- ing the national petroleum. m industr Y , and that they must prevent the coun- try from submitting to such an eco- nomic yoke. It is stated that the Standard Oil Company has now abandoned its in- tention of combining any of tho ex- isting oil concerns of Roumania, but that believing the country has large and valuable oil fields at present un- discovered, the company will endea- vor to obtain them for its European trade. Coal Strike Ordered. Altona, Pa., Dec. 14. -National Secretary William E. Wilson and the district officers of the United Mine Workers, at a conference held here, have decided to call a strike of the miners employed by the Somerset Coal Co. on next Wednesday, because of a reduction of 12i per cent. in their wages. The company has six- teen mines ijl the bituminops fields of western Pennsylvania. It is not known whether the miners will obey the order, as many of them would rather continue at work during the winter at reduced wages than re- main idle. !SYRUP' Seals and Soothes the Lunge and BronohialTubes. Cures COUGHS, COLDS, DBONCSITIS, HOARSE. NESS, eto., quicker than any rem. edy known. If you have that irr toting Cough thatbeeps you awake at night, a dose of the Syrup will stop it at once, USED FOR EIGI•IT YEARS. 1 have used DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP for every cold I have had for the past eight years, with wonder. ful success. I never see a friend with a cough or cold but that I recommend it.-.. DL M. Ellsworth, Jacksonville, N,B. PRICE 25 CENTS. rreaon s'lenormon Obstreperous. St. John's, Nfid., Dec, 14.-A ser- ious fishery dispute has arisen here owing to the action of the French fishermen in refusing to leave the treaty shore of Newfoundland. Since the British warship stationed here have gone south, the Frenchmen have destroyed the nets of the settlors, and,defy the local authorities to take any steps in the matter. The colon- ial Government has appealed to the Admiralty, and the gunboat Fantonie may bo ordered back to drive off tho Frenchmen. e Bryan in Rome. Eome, Dec. 14. -William J. Bryan arrived here Saturday morning. In the. afternoon Mr. Bryan visited the Vatican. Ile left Moine Sunday night on his way to St. Petersburg. Commission to Inquire. Victoria, B. C., Dec. 14.-A special commission has been appointed by the British Columbia Legislature to enquire into charges made by John Oliver, member for Delta, that Gov- ernment ofile:els were alding Japa- nese to evade the immigration laws and enter tho country by making affidavits that they were travelers en route to the Milted States. CskIlaghan Guilty of Theft. Toronto, Dec. 14. -Six minutes Were consumed by juryin finding W. 11. ,Callaghan guilty of theft Sat- urday night. It is the climax of the charges growing out of the purchase of aft instrument frost] the Crossin Plano Company. The amount in dis- pute was $180. The prisoner was released on $200 bail. Fte will b• sentenced to -day. HAD OVER 500 BOILS. Spain nowt rant to 'pier. Madrid, Dec. 14, --Spain will not participate in the St. Louis 1•.2tposi- tion. Thin decision was reaetted at a Cabinet Connell, the reason, given being that there would not bie sulil- st t to 'completes .prep,Ara,tiones This may seem an exaggeration to you, BUT IT IS TRUE. All sufferers from Bad Blood should read about this miraculous cure by BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. CURED IN 1885. Mr. David F. Mott wrote us from Spring Valley, Ont., in 1885. He said: - I suffered from impure blood and had over 500 boils, but since taking BUR- DOCK BLOOD BITTERS I am entirely cured, and can recommend it to any per- son troubled with bad. blood. CONFIRMED IN 1901. Mr. Mott writes us from 62 Broad St., Utica, N.Y., under date of Dee. 31st, 1001. He says: -Some time ago I re- ceived a letter from your firm, saying. that some years ago you received a testimonial from me, stating that I had over 500 boils. Yes, sir, I had, and 1 must say that I have never had the re- appearance of one since I took the course of • your BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. I thank God that I have had good health ever since, for I was a great sufferer. I wish B.B.B. a world of suaeess, which it surely deserves. For sale at all druggists or dealers, TILE T. MILBURN Co., LIMITED, TORONTO, ONT. MISLEAD, UNCLE SAM. 9alisb*Iea lea xreel+s en ,heats 2'aaglna, But 17.* Cruirere Cannot IPigd Thein -Envoi to step tubes, Colon, Deo. 14. -Through the examination of the San Dias coast, made by the United States cruiser Atlanta and the cunterted cruiser Mayflower, both of which e. seer$ have returned here, it has been clear- ly established that the Cololiibian cruisers, General l'inzon and Carta- gena, appeared in the Gulf of Darien' about 36 hours after they were re- ported having left Cartagena. No 1'0 - liable evidence, however, could be obtained to show how many troops carried by the cruisers had been lande2l, either on the gulf coast or northwest thereof. The naval ollicers found the atti- tude of the Indians to be indifferent and evon repellant. The traditions of the Indians for centuries have been against permitting aliens to land in their territory, and these traditions they still maintain. They often de- clined to answer the questions of the interpreters, and on several oc- casions their information was found to be misleading. The . information obtained by the Atlanta and Mayflower points to two probabilities -either that the Colombian troops have been returned to Cartagena er that they have been landed at some point on the coast between Cartagena and the Gulf of Darien, anti may be proceeding thence toward Caracas. The Atlanta sailed again towards the Gulf of Darien yesterday after- noon, and will continuo a careful patrol of the coast. Envoy to Republics. Caracas, Dec. 14. -According to advices just received hure the Colom- bian Gorernnrent has decided to send Gen. Rafael Uribe-Cribs, as a special envoy to the South Ameri- can. Republics. Iio Is expected soon to arrive at Caracas. Niue hull,,, d t na thirty.stx saw poisoning teal $00 Briti.h ;workut were repotted Year. Orin ltnndx and eighty-nine tut,iw ware due white excel,106 to fiery sun lit trio .accumulator''. OUR FOREIGN TRADE. Enormous increase in Viva Months -If increase Is Maintained Will Reach Half Billion Mark This Year. Ottawa, Dec. 14, -The latest re- turns show no falling off in Canada's foreign trade. On the contrary the abnormal expansion which has been so marked under the present Govern- rttent continues to display itself. For tho five months which terminated November 30th, tho aggregate for- eign trade on the basis of imports for consumption, coin and bullion and foreign goods, amounted • to $221,878,793, an increase of $23,- 837,756, 23;857,756, as compared with the same period of last year. if the increase is maintained for the rest of the year at the saran rate customs offi- cials say by the end of the twelve months, viz., on the 30th of June next, a total of 8,500,000,000 will bo roachefl. For the five months the domestic exports exceeded the im- ports by $1,221,910. Tho exports of domestic products were $105,388,- 513, 105,388;513, or $3,865,018 more than for the sante five months of last year. The imports for consumption to $104,- 166,603, 104;166,603, being a gain of $17,526,- 522. The imports of dutiable goods show an increase of 58,936,428, and the free goods an increase of $8,- 363,094. The exports for the month of November alone reveal a gain of nearly $2.000.42C,rt. E GREAT CHARITY. , 'd]11'1 £IOSPITAL FOit SICK CHILDREN, TORONTO. tt Tains Cai'3 of Every Slok Child in Ontario Who Cannot Alford to Pay For Treatment. The 1T,w ,irnl fur Sick Children, Toronto, ii.,s . h,,:al iu,titutiuu—it IS Provincial. The slot; child from any part of Ontario vveye par- ents. ar- entscannot afford to pay for treat mem has the :•:one claim rt li itC 99 o ri,Wxw seei_ , 111 5i .tr..r ~ter. lif8E0.d 4." MASSAGE FOR RHEUMATISM. and the sante privilege-. as the Toronto child born within sight of its walla. This i, tlas reason that the Trmst•.es ap- peal to the fathers and mothers of On. tario-for at their money goes out to help the hospital so the Hospital's mercy can go out to help the children. This is the 3Sth year of tho II spital's life. The story of the years is a wonder- ful one -for in that peri.)d 10,1101) chi1.lren have been treated, and over 5,000 cured and 3,000 improved. Last year there were 30' boys and girls in its beats an 1 cots, and of these 403 were cured and 247 improved. Leek at these pictures of club fent-b,•• fore and after. Your money means mercy to somebody's child. Your `a' u money can cheer some mother's s heart by saving some mother's child. Health end wealth. Yon give wealth to the Hospital, and the hospital gives health to childre The n. City of 70• of the C 'h Corporation ati Y ranee givesthe 7, 503) To- a year to the Ilospi- tai for the ma n- sesesss tettance of every ehiid, whet her from ' s city or cuuutry. The citizens of Toronto cunt ribute ub.,ut :7,000 a year towards the -': t tnaintouane0 of ,' every p .t i, -tit in the Ii ,pial, whether ---- .-- - tnun city nt'04101(•3' WE ENJOYS RRATI4�n. Toroutn sloe., 1,s, share in tits good work, n11.1 the'l'rast.oey ask you to d.1 yodrs. Th.' 3o'0 1 tP,.r l'r ; d''tnr•i ..f the cerin have kindly h 41)0,1 the Ili :,eta by i hurt 'in;g our tttweals. Ch,•r•• are rave new -pip, r outs, end boy, and kills from the pm1(11•y ter.• 11'.t„e'1 the, e.,.•n tou11(11)11 by the n, ,a' -i aper Ines. In It. to the 11''ures of •• b f re and nP01'.'• 'rib.'» tall the it envu etnry----sure% yon will huip ny in this good tv rlc. 11 your dollar mu id straighten the foot of a little hey or et rl with riubd'eet y.1t. wonl:1 0lnely rive 1t, and your dollar will help to clothe. F0 Headache that is con- gestive. Headache that is bil. ious. Headache that is nett - Headache that is ner- vous. These conditions are overcome by the use of Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -Pill through removing the cavr '•.I bave peri- odic.. •HHaddache, woe eltuly, weaker of the lis,eha use of As twice a weeks after has eutfroly cents of Addressing Co., Niagara Free s&mpl4 dress. A 1 ,p L SALE IN WI1 OIIAM BY WA ir tan k ` VA 8 co eU ED TO CTA'Y curl e,4 Varleocele. impairs vitality and destroys tree e manhood. surgical means slterrLt not be elstpleye this complaint, asoperations always weaken we parts. daily prove by successful results tint Varicocele tan Le witleoutoperation. Instead of melt:dog and hint;:stitttt-t; organs. our Vi'1'aLIZb.I) TRBA.Tanisrr strengthens ter ear removes all pain or aching, restores the clreni.rticn, red the swelling, vitalizes tine nerves and establishes the yr ,r,anhood. Our treatment is the rr..seit of SD years' expo) DR. SPINNEY. sou feet its magicinfluence duritt„the eratweek. Founder of n4,11 WREN CURED, Dr. spinney ei Co. Wo euro Mood end Skin Diseases, Strictures, Varl000d Nervous {Debility, Prc3te:10 Troubles, c:hronio, Kidney, 'Udine one: Bladder Diseases, Consultation Froa. Cooks Free. Question hist Oont Soelod For NOrne Treatment. DIw+tela CS'EINf E to ,. ..G The Old Roiiabio Cpeolaltste. �•., rc.1© WOODWARD AVE., • DETROIT, tv;�•:,•r3'3:'?J' y.:7� 3:�`3 � ] � +;'3-3•::3.��. ��3�3�]I���:s���'�`3�1s3����$°.itJ�3 — THE WINGHAM .0e TIM Announced the most ten:arm: use pt'uposition ever made by a Canadia lieation to Its readers : TJO DOLLAR -PAPERS FOR $1.15 . By special arrangement, and at heavy cost -justifiable only by t tainty of largely increasing our subscription list -we are a i;b ,. 4 tt; our paper and The MU EAL WE(LV x. . a great dollar weekly, for *1.15 per year This offer Is exciuitt . ,air be mane by no other paper, as we have purchased • the eXeIttsive tight' 1ht" (11•11 riot. REMEMBER TH1S FACT -Every ;.ubaeriher paviee one +1n11nrt'1 varlet- fat out paper will receive The Montreal Weekly Herald for e,ns for nn addit'onal 15c. The expense to us is so geelt that we' ?'31X1 met deviation from this rule—the money must be paid In advance,Iirtl all. i ilges must be paid. As a Newspape-. THE MONTREAL WEEKLY tiE'RATiii was established. m 1b08, «and Is th second oldest Canadian paper. In it, old age it has renewed Its youth, ant?, stands in the forefront of Canada's grei.l, journals. As a newspaper, it Is ed'tett with espec 0) reference to its conetitu ency of readers, who desire a eompre• hensive summary of the world's news of the week. Everything is viewed from the standpoint of the Canadian who wishes to keep abreast of the times, without having to wade through col umns of irrelevant matter. Careful can• deasation marks The Herald's .treatment of every line of news. Do not contuse R. with other papers of somewhat s'milat names. The Herald Is a compact paper. aot a blanket sheet. As -a A;ap'. THE MONTREAL 'i' t„,LT` as pre -.era icr:tiy a p.'iAe tin. T: o the f ret pier"• 1S0‘4:4,• is' in its columns that :oa'hoj profit and lnitree the I it st the boeinhied. t . is , edit d., w'tl Merton's” .lrly to traders eons'iute the partment or the kind paper. They are v' heart" talks with tb.. ilnminion, and aro apt, sands 0f betties. In th' given Hints to Mo'Le Cooking Recip• s; the tats.,. Illustrated, and n hundred anti," of feminine Interest. +.14:t THIS COMBINATION s a;re t one, Four home paper givos, full the 'local news, the Iocal markets and the local gossip. The 1%4 Weekly Herald gives you the general news of the world, reports great markets, departments of interest to 'farmers, anis, in particult tures of value and interest in The Home. One paper Is the complet the other. They dovetail into each other,and never overlap.. I SUBSCRIPTIONS may begin at any time. If ynurnub scrip tiap rendy paid in advance, and you want The Montreal Weekly Retold send in 15e, and your subscription will start immediately. Address all communications to- Wingham, Ontario. =4 4aLe t tLfx G L1 r`'ST gtaar>38'c c 7c,, votz ° =grit, ai, �trt�SnZto;+s., BEFORE AFT= Of tho S03 patients 293 carne from 210 placer outside tit Toronto. In three years the patients from different parts of Ontario, not Toronto, average 350 -nearly a third of the entire number. Iii six years 1,4110 outside patients hove been treated --tend for 20 years pita they will average 100 a year. The average stay of 'very patient was 34 days, the cost per patient per day 94e. A dollar or two means a small lot of money out of your pocket, but it taker a big load t f misery out, of some little life. The X Ray department gives wonderful results. A girl cane in with a double thumb on one hand. She left with one thtunb---a perfect hand See what the hand o tho Surgeon cions for the crippled children of Ontario. nrrOYti7 Atr1'Itn Nitrates, kept front the Hospital is mercy tept from the children. r• w MENHIR, Aar at Take ell' the handicap of deformity -- give all children a fair start in the race of lite. Twenty-three children who came in with club -feet were sent home perfect cures hast year. There are as many more in the r :tttnent. lswal.w to Ilospititt to -day u Don't plod along like your grandmclthcr diel bra, you, scouring and scrubbing; bonding and robbik meront AMU:. If you know of n Ricin child -the club foot boy or girl --send his parent's name to the hospital. !'!ease send your nontrihutluns to 3, 'lass Robertson, Chairmen, or to Delights it ivies tn, See.-Treas. of the hospital for Sint. Colldren, College Street. Toronto. makes housotaork oozy. It cleanu ovorything irijuros nothing. Moro ocoriornicc.l thiin Tilade onl j by TIM N. l:. ?All" A 1 'COMPANY, Chicago. NOW Yak, Poster, St. :souls, l+"ontrenl.