HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-08-15, Page 12CILTASSIEFJED THE HURON EXPOSITOR, ; UGUST 15, 19 .;; - A11 [C. ARTICLES FOR SALE FREE to a good home in the country, one spayed border collie cross dog, very friendly. Phone 345.2907, 10-33-1 STRAW for sale, baled or in Meld. Phone 345-2252. 10.33-1 TO give away to good farm home, female mixed collie/husky. One year old. Good with kids. Affectionate. Phone 527-1750. 10-33x1 FOR SALE: Culligan water softener, model #4418-94 5 cycle timer. Used 13 moS. Excellent condition. Phone 527-0685. 10-33x1 USED Frigidaire washer and dryer, good condition. 5200. Phone 527-1280. 10-33-1 • WHITE and yellow sweet corn, cabbage, cauliflower, red and white potatoes, toma- toes, Spanish onions, cooking onions, carrots - 51.00 a six quart basket. Apply to 150 Market St. Seaforth, John Van Loon. 10-33-1 FOR SALE: '71 Honda street bike, 175 cc. .5250.00 certified, $150.00 as is, 527-0403 after5:30. 10-33x1 TWO bed frames, twin to queen size, with rollalong casters; a Simplicity dryer, a small kitchen table and an atr tight wood stove. 345-2679. 10-33-1 65 Ford stake truck, 12 foot box, new tires, 3 acres second cut standing hay. 30 inch electric stove. 527.1343. 10-33x1 FOR SALE: Large quantityof solid manure. 3% north of Kinburn. hone at six. Bob Hulley 523-9411. 10-33x1 22 acres mixedrain straw. Clarence Maloney. Phone 521480, 10-33x1 25 acres mixed Drain straw, ducklings day old and older. Phone 482-7446. 10-33-1 7 h.pp. John Deere riding lawnmower in good condition. Phone -262-50i60. 10-33-1 LAST chance to get your bean knives drawn. Bring them in now. Winthrop Iron. 527-1970 after 4 p.m. 10-33x1 APPLES, pears and plums in season, McCiymont Orchards, 1 mile south of Varna, 482-3214. a 10-33-2 STEEL BUILDINGS. Economic curve -type frameless construction widths 20 ft. to 100 ft., any length. Buy now and save. For lowest price phone collect (416) 456-1200. 10.33-01 15. PROPERTYfor RENT Elizabeth Court Apartments 176 Oxford St., Hensall ONE BEDROOM AVAILABLE includes utilities, carpeting, appliances, laundJ facilities. Phone 262-2846 22. LEGAL NOTICES 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MARY HAUGH All persons having claims against the estate of Mary Haugh, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, deceased. who died on the 19th day of July, 1981. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the Sth day of September, 1984, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 8th day of August, 1984. McCONNELL, STEWART, DEVEREAUX & SMITH Banisters, &c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of FRANCIS MORRIS All persons having claims against the estate of Francis Morris, late of the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron. deceased who died on the 8th day of July. 1984. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of September, 1984, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 8th day of August, 1984. McCONNELL, STEWART , DEVEREAUX & SMITH Barristers, &c-, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the estate of GER.A-D A KRAMERS All persons having claims against the estate of Gerada Kramers late of the Village of Dublin in the County of Perth, deceased who died on the 30th day of June 1984, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of August, 1984, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 30th day of July, 1984. MeCONNELL, STEWART DEVEREAUX & SMITH Barristers, & c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executors 110. ARTICLES FOR SALE STEEL BUILDINGS. Direct factoryclear- ance. Upto 40 per cent discounts. Wdths 30' to 120', any length. Limited quantities. Act now. Save. Call toll free 1-800-461-7689. 10-33-01 URINE -ERASE guarantees removal of urihe (dog, cat, people), stains, odors, from carpets. Regardless stain age. Free bro- chure. Reidell Chemicals Limited, Box 7500, London, Ontario. N5Y 4X8. 10-33-01 $ SAVE DOLLARS $ Must sell two repossessed all steel buildings, never been erected. One is 40 x 60. Serious inquiries only. Call (416) 663-5323. 10-33-01 USED FILE cabinets, desks, storage cabi- nets, bookcases, office chairs, stacking e chairs, lockers, draftingboards,restaurant urant tables. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide Street, London. (519) 681-2254, Mon. to Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-12. 10-33-01 SHOPPING for a swimming pool kit? We are a wholesaler with top quality products who can probably save you money. Give us a call and we will try to help. (519) 753-1460. 10.33-01 USED RAILWAY TIES. Pressure treated, uniform quality bundles guaranteed. Deliver- ed semiload lots only (470 minimum). Reasonably priced. Phone (204) 725-2627, office hours. 10-33-01 WOOD for sale. Phone 527-0715, 10-33-1 WEEKLY SPECIALS! See our ad in Focus! Clinton Boxed Meats, just off Hwy. #4 north of Clinton, 1'/4 mile south of Londesboro. Watch for our sign. Call collect 523-9508. 10-33-1 BOX of boys baby clothes, up to 18 months. 525.00. 2 snowsuits and a jolly jumper. 345-2907. 10-33-1 21. TENDER WANTED TENDER CALL SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until: 4:00 p.m. Local Thne Wednesday, August 29, for 500 metres of open drain cleanout and levelling and 1273 metres of closed drain involving concrete farm tile up to 600 mm diameter and 4 township road crossings of steel pipe up to 500 mm diameter and all related work, including outlet pipes, catch basins, etc. Tender documents may be obtained from the undersigned or from the office of Dawson & Johnson, Consulting Engineers, 368 Huron St.. Stratford, Ont. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Nancy Mich+e Clark -Treasurer Township of Morris R.R.#4, Brtzsaoh, Ontario NOG 1110 22. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS, HEIRS AND 01 HERS In the estate of CORNELLS JOHANNES VANAALST retired labourer, deceased. All persons having claims as creditors and heirs against the estate of the above mentioned, late of R.R.#2, Dublin, Ontario in the Count. of Perth who died in Holland on the 24th day of May, 1484, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of September, 1984. After that date the Public Trustee will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard ashy to the claims of which he then shall have had notice. Dated at Toronto this 26th day of July, 1984. PUBLIC TRUSTEE, ADMINISTRATOR 145 Queen Street West Toronto, Ontario MSH 2N8 802274-7-RAB NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of JAMES EDWARD McQUAID AO persons having claims against the estate of James Edward McQuaid late of the Town of Seaforth in the County of Huron, deceased who died on the 19th day of June, 1984, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of August, 1984, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario. this 3rd day of August, 1984. McCONNELL, S2 E WART , DEVEREAUX & SMITH Barristers, & c. Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of GORDON EMERSON TROYER late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, deceased All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of August, 1984, after which date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY & MURPHY 18 The Square Godertch, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate D. ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE: Culligan water softener and 3 crocheted afghans. Phone 527-0583. 10-33x1 ,11. WANTED TO BUY MIXED GRAIN off the field. Bob Regele. 527-0715. 11-33-1 WANTED: Barley or mixed Brain. too dollar for delivered grain, 33/4 north of Kinburn. At - six phone Bob Hulley 523-9411. 11-13x1 PljeNOS WANTED. Not necessarily in good ondition. Village Piano . ShopElmira, Ontario. Phone collect (519) 669-2198 or 669-2280. 11-33-01 SINGLE bed with mattress. Phone 527-0276. 11-33-1 • "The man with the Book" by Anna Ross (biography of Rev. John Ross, Brucefield) and older type religious books, diaries, etc. Phone collect 1-519-363-3134. 11-33-1 PIANO WANTED: Not necessarily in good condition. Phone collect 519-669-2198 or 519-669-2280. 11-01xtf 600 bales barley straw. Please call 527-1913. 12-33-4 QUALIFIED person, within 15 miles of Seaforth, to teach drum lessons in their studio or home. Call after 5:30 p.m. 527-0672. 12.33x1 If the shoe doesn't fit, sell it. 718Z CLASSIFIED ADS [21. TENDER WANTS 13, REAL ESTATE COME live the great life in Sunny Florida. Developed 1/2 acre lots, with streets, electricity. $3300 U.S. terms. Lotex, POB 727, Lehigh Acres, Florida, 33970-0727, 13-33-01 15. PROPERTYI.:r RENT -UPPER Duplex, 2 bedrooms, own gas furnace, separate entrance, parking. Avail- able July. 527-1833, 15.18-tf HOUSE and barn for rent in Cromarty area. Phone 345-2496. 15-32-2 FOR RENT 3 bedroom house. Available immediately, $400 per month. 527-1577. 18.33-2 2 bedroom mobile home, furnished or unfurnished. 6 miles from Seaforth in McKillop Twp. Reasonable rent. 345-2638 or 527.1723. , 15-33.2 11 19. NOTICE I(ENSALL .LIVESTOCi( SALES - Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. All classes of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor i2 argreaves Greg Hargreaves 482.7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensall • Barry Miller •. 236-2717 Exeter & 229-6205 Kirkton 21. TENDER WANTED ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER The Ministry of Natural Resources has the following service contract available for the Hullett Provincial Wildlife Area during the 1985 season: • manage 740 acres of agricultural crop lands • provide 58 tonnes (63.92 tons) of grain, 50 bales of straw and 220 kg (484 lbs.) of grass seed • provide weed control -. • provide feed and care for a flock of pheasants • provide other goods and services. For complete tender documents and more Information contact Glen Sttorgeon or Mike Malhlet by August 31, 1984, at the Mhilatty of Natural Resources, R.R. #5, Hwy. #4, South, Whsghaas, 519-3573131 or toff free 1-800-265-3003. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Hon. Alan W. Pope Minister John R. Sloan Deputy Minister CLEARING AUCTION SALE Two tractors, self-propelled combine,. hay & straw machinery, bean equipment, cars, van, motorcycles, snowmobiles tools, household effects to be held 33/4 miles east of Clinton on highway 8 and one mile north for David Livingston. Saturday, August 25 at 10 a.m. Gleaner A2 bean special w/cab, grain head and pick up, Leyland 344 diesel on good rubber, John Deere H for parts, Nuffield Universal 3 tractor, 4 row Mauer bean puller, Innes bean windrower w/cross conveyor 520 or 570 model, Ford 130 three furrow x 14" mounted plow, John Deere 3 furrow mounted plow, IHC three furrow trail plow, Taul 10 ft. cultivator, Bolens 1050 riding tractor (needs motor), 10 ft. land packer. John Deere wagon with flat rack, Touren 250 gravity bin on old Chev truck, JM 250 gravity bin extensions on truck axle wagon, American 80 inch double auger snowblower, 10 ft. chain harrow, 10 ft. land packer. 3 drum land roller. 3 section drag harrows, six section diamond harrows w/pole, pile of scrap John Deere 7 ft. semi -mount hay mower, Innes 7 ft. pick up; Motorcycles - 1973 Honda 350, 1979 Suzuki 250. 1978 Can Am TNT 250, Suzuki DS100for parts, 3 Ski Doo snowmobiles, 1973 Chcv Van as is, 1974 Ford Comet 2 door as is, 1972 Chev Nova 4 door as is, small water trough, old 3 pt. hitch sprayer, 2 old 2 wheel trailers, wheelbarrow, heat lamps, quantity of used lumber, 28 ft. aluminum extension ladder, platform scale, pig feeder, garden tiller, 4 rolls of snow fence, 5 speed man's bike, man's bike, approx. 500 bales of straw, approx. 200 bales of ,hay, 2 gas push lawn mowers, TOOLS: DeWalt 740 10" raidal arm saw on stand, Forney 225 electric welder, portable air compressor, acetylene torch, shop vac, assortment of bolts. come along, disc sander, 2 jig saws. electric drills, hand tools, mitre saw, quantity of steel posts, hand saws, 21 piece 3/4 inch socket set. HOUSEHOLD & MISC,: 3 lawn windmills, 3 lanterns. cement lawn ornaments, Heintzman upright piano, piano bench, antique bonnet chest, fridge, electric stove, clothes washer, round dining w/splitting centre pedestal and 5 leaves, combination side board and china cabinet w/glass door, 3 matching pressback chairs, 2 matching pressback chairs w/matching arrn chair, plus other chairs, 2 gun cabinets w/glass doors, 2 small parlour tables, small cord organ, antique wooden bookcase w/wooden doors, old flat to wall cupboard, washstand, chesterfield, pony saddle and some harness plus other items. TERMS CASH AUCTIONEER: RICHARD LOBB - CLINTON 482-7898 OWNER: DAViD LIViNGSTON ESTATE AUCTION SALE 49.4 acre cash crop farm, four tractors, bean equipment, farm machinery, 2 horse drawn buggies & cutters. some furniture & antiques. etc. to be held for the Estate of Gordon Troyer 1 miles north and approx. 2'4 miles west of Hensall, Ontario. Wednesday , August 29 at 10:30 a.m. Property will be offered at 1 p.m, Property known as North Part tot 25, Concession 5. Hay Township. consisting of 49.4 acres more or less, 1'/4 miles north and approx. 3'4 miles west of Hensall. Ont. This is a corner property with access from two sides. There is a well with a windmill pumping system. Located in the heart of a good cash crop area. Terms on property 10% down day of sale, balance due Dec. 1, 1984, Being offered subject to a reserve bid and conditions. For information phone Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 or Sandra Funk at 236-4751 in the evening. TRACTORS: Cockshutt 1855 diesel tractor w/cab, Turbo, heater, over under shift dual external hydraulics, 18.4x38 snap on duals, Cockshutt 1650 diesel tractor hydra power drive external hyd., 12x38 bolt on duals, Oliver 77 gas tractor w/charlynn hyd. pump, good rubber, wide row crop front end and 4 row scuffle?, Oliver550 diesel tractor w/power adjusting rear wheels. Ford 100 V8 3 rEppick upp for parts. ffiNERY: 2 Innes 520 bean windrowers w/cross conveyors, Mauer 4 row bean puller, Yetter 3415 15 ft. rotary hoe 1 year old, Kongskilde 4 row rowcrop ailtivator w/shields. iHC #45 18'/2 ft. vibra shank trail wing cultivator w/harrows, Cockshutt 4 furrow x 16" bottom sem i•mount plow w/spring reset bottoms & spring coulters, Cockshutt 3 furrow x 14-16 semi -mount w/add on furrow w/cushion trip bottoms, John Deere 1240 four row plate planter w/insecticides, John Deere 494A four row corn planter. iHC #10 sixteen run seed drill on rubber, 2 good gravity bins on John Deere wagons w/extendable tongues. Taul 10 ft. cultivator, Graham 9 tooth chisel plow. 13 ft. land packet, three drum roller, old gravity bin on wagon. Kewannee 14 ft. trail wheel disc, 18 fl trail pony harrow, Sanderum 11 ft. cultivator w/2 tine extensions, Kongskilde 11 fL cultivator w/4 tine fold up wing extensions w/finger harrows, walking ' plow, 2 horse drawn buggies, 2 cutters, odd pieces of horse harness, 15 steel pasts, 30 ft. aluminum ladder, small quantity of scrap. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Washstand, coffee table, small antique spool bed. 2 dressers, 6 matching chairs, cookstove, chesterfield, telephone table, meat grinder, playpen, bed lamp, B&W TV, copper boiler, day bed, oil stove, bed, feather tick, etc. TERMS CASH LUNCH BOOTH AUCTIONEER: RICHARD LOBI - CLINTON 482-7898 I17.WANTED TO RENT BARN set up for finishing hogs. Phone 262-6808. 17-33-1. 19. NOTICE 'FREE 128 page career guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part time jobs. Granton lnstittfte, 265A Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 ..today. 19-33-01 YOUNG 'PEOPLE 6=18 years who do outstanding good -deeds are eligible for nomination as Ontario Junior Citizens of the Year. Contact this newspaper for details. 19 33-01 ARE you living with a drinking problenv?-AI • Anon can help. 527-1650. 19-33-1 VTALS Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83.31 miles east of Exeter 235-1123 ry us or CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days - Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats process- ed exactly the way you like it. 20. AUCTION SALES Ca off 20 COMBINES 75 TRACTORS AND 200 PCS. OF EQUIPMENT Saturday, August 18th 9:30 A.M. SHARP Brindley Auctions DUNGANNON 13 ml. N.E. of Goderlch 519.529.1625 AUCTIONEER: GORDON 11. BRINDLEY PROPERTY AUCTION Unreserved Bids , Four bedroom 11/2 storey house in the Village of Walton, Ontario. Saturday, August 25 at 2 p.m. Property consists of 3 bedrooms up- stairs with 4 piece bathroom, 1 bedroom downstairs, 2 piece washroom, with washer and dryer hookup. Remodelled living room and new modem kitchen. Forced air oil heat, shared well, low taxes, 2 storey garage with hydro and water. All on a '/4 act -e lot. Close to elementary school, store and post office. Terms on property 52,500 down day of sale, balance due hi 30 days. For viowing or Information phone REiNER SAUR 887.6138 Auctioneer ANTIQUES & AUCTION SALES Walton, Ontario (519]887-6050 ESTATE AUCTION SALE Antiques. furniture, appliances. etc, to be held at the Hensall Arena, Hensall, Ont. for the Estate of Roy Consitt. Wednesday Evening August 22 at 6 p.m. Westinghouse frost free square model fridge. Beaty 24" electric stove, nine piece dining suite, Electrohome floor model colour TV. 6 years old; Phillips floor model hi 0. wringer washer. modern round kitchen table, w/2 leaves and four matching chairs, matching chesterfield and chair. large pine blank- " et box. antique bedroom suite w/high back bed, washstand and dresser/large mirror, antique bonnet chest w/mou- stache pulls. small antique 5 drawer jewellery chest w/porcelain pulls, an- tique dresser w/oval mirror, small four drawer chest. antique oil lamp, pillar mantel clock. small parlour table, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table, six matching dining chairs, chesterfield, buffet, oval parlour table. Victorian side chair, Singer treadle sewing machine, card table, end table. steel bed w/mat- tress, wooden bed w/ mattress, small table w/drawer , four matching wooden chairs. chrome table and 2 chairs, drop front secretary desk. vacuum cleaner. floor polisher. electric heater, 2 hall trees, floor lamp, table lamps, swag lamp, brass candle stick holders, 2 toilet pitchers, coo coo clock, swivel rocker, platform rocker. radio. oval braided rug, magazine rack, small tin cupboard. Medicine Hat 3 gal. crock, old steel lawn swing, clothes hamper, some bedding. small appliances, dishes and glassware, knick knacks, pots and pans. Lawn Boy lawnmower, '/4 inch drill. 2 step ladders. hand and garden tools, plus other items. TERMS CASH AUCTIONEER - RiCIiARD LOBI 482-7898 Clinton 23. BUS. DIRECTORY Fuel Oil Furnace Repair and Clesasi 24 HOUR SERVICE Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 Geo. A. Sills & Sons MERCHANTS PLUMBING -HEATING & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Phone Horne 527-1620 Hardware 11 Seaforth PRIVATE SALE for Annie Harrison 34 John St. Seaforth Friday, August 24 3 p.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday, August 25 9 a.m.. 3 p.m. Compact deep freezer, bed chesterfield with matching chair, erid tables, Singer sewing machine with bench, G.E. vacuum cleaner with power head, bathroom pole cabinet, G.E. Toaster, G.E. iron, silver- ware, dishes, other numerous household items. RICHARD LOBB Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR WED. AUG. 15 at 6p.m. House and 31/2 acres antiques etc, for the Estate of Hector Tigert in Port Albert, Ont. THURSDAY, AUG. 16, 6 p.nt. House and modern appliances, furniture, etc. for Pearl Koehler Estate, 157 West St. Hensall. Ont. SAT. AUG. 18 at 10 a.m. Antiques, furniture, appliance etc. to be held at Lobb Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. for Mrs. Lillie Neeb of Mitchell, Ont. WED. AUG. 22, 6 pan. Household auction for Consitt Estate of Hensall at Hensall Arena. SAT. AUG. 25, 10 a.m. Furniture, tools, farm machinery. combine, etc. for David Livingston, 33 miles east of Clinton and_ I mile north. WED. AUG. 29, 10 a.m. Some antiques, furniture, buggies, tractors, farm ma- chinery, and approx. 50 acres of land for the Estate of Gordon Troyer, 11/4 miles north and approximately 3 miles west of Hensall, Ont. THURSDAY EVENING, AUG. 30 at 6 p.m. Household sale at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ontario. SAT. SEPT 1 at 10 a.m. Lobb Bros. Consignment machinery auction, at Lobb Bros. Machinery auction yard, Bayfield Rd., Clinton. To consign phone 482-3409 or 482-7898. LARGE AUCTION SALE Antiques, furniture, modern appliances, propane fridge for camper, dirt bike, truck topper etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clihton, Ont. for Mrs. Lillie Neeb of Mitchell, Ont. plus additions. Saturday, August 18 at 10a.m. 1981 RM80 Suzuki dirt bike. as is. in good condition, truck topper 36" high with rear door, propane fridge for camper, Electrohome floor model 26" colour TV. Viscount upright 12 cubic ft. freezer, 5 years old; Viscount Harvest Gold square model fridge. Kelvinator square model fridge, Enterprize 30 inch electric stove. Simplicity automatic washer. 3 years old, Simplicity auto- matic clothes dryer, three good three piece bedroom suites wobox springs and mattresses. nine piece dining room suite, modern maple kitchen table w/leaf, chesterfield and matching :hair, davenport couch and matching chair. recliner chair, sectional corner chester, field. spooled bed, wringer washer. china cabinet w/glass on three sides, pole lamp. old blanket box from Scotland. floor lamp, 4 wooden folding chairs, like new; odd tables, upholstered chairs, 4 old clocks. 4 antique oil lamps, 4 shoulder jugs, several crocks, table (amps. 20'' fan, electric oven, electric heater. cast iron frying pans. 2 artique flour bins, homemade table saw, old platform scale, 2 gas. push lawnmowers, electric lawnmower, jig saw. 5 new L78x15 tires, 2 copper boilers, Quebec heater, sump pump. sausage press, 2 meat grinders. skill saw. electric sander, draw knife, meat saw, several hand saws, antique rope winder, small iron kettle, large offering small hand tools. misc. items. plus our usual large offering of dishes, glassware. etc. Plan to attend this good large sale. TERMS CASH AUCTIONEER - RICHARD LOBS 482-7898