HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-12-24, Page 1r VOL XXXII,---NO. 1663. WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, TII1JRSDAY, DECEI1B3EI4 24 1903, I A YEAR IN AD 1r SIGH OF TIIE BIC BEAR A Merry Christmas and. a Bright, Prosperous New Year to all. ioinllth Bros, Santa Claus' Af ecessitIeS We wish we could show you what we have gathered. We never went to more trouble to prepare for oldsante, and our work tool our purchrnee never showed to better advawtage. Our store rule says: Purity a surety firrt ; Frices as small as possible after- ward. Remember, we have left out all grades of Gaudy that might prove injurious. Give the children pure candy. Xon will.fiud themain abun- dance here. Our Christmas oranges never were better we have them sill prices and grades, Fancy Messina Lemons, cran- berries, Cape cod, Hallows dates, figs, fancy cluster raisins, nuts of all lithos In atundance, swinish Onions, Denver ()nines. In fact every thing yon could m en - tion hi this line, will be found here and prices as low as the lowest quali- ty taken into consideration. Fowl taken, if Choice, R1 Al Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY Goods delivered promptly. Phone 59 ■ Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers, Masonic At the lasts meeting ter, No, 84, the follow elected for 1904:— J Prin. Z.; T. L. Jobb, Tansley, 3rd Prin. .T. ; Tress ; Dr H. E. W F. Wheeler, S. N. ; W. A. Campbell, S. S Jas. Fleuty, Jan. Who Wants a farm? fficers., f Lehnnon Chap - ng officers were S. Borden, 1st lid Prin. H. ; P. r. J.D. Tamlyn, Tamlyn, S L+`. ; , 111(Ash, P S.; ; D. Diusley, J. S.; Full line of tobacc sale and retail, at A , all kinds, whole- CitewroRv's. Business The Whiter Term Central Business Col opens Jan. 4tIt. this school are now the courses of tre highest standard of to the principal, Mr. I have over 4,000 acres of chOiCe farm lands for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in Rinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Rincardine, Huron and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms. Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song. Also a good. blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap. A hotel doing good. business for ,sale cheap. Also a w agonahop. A general store with large trade, live village. Also a large amount of money to loan at c per cent. For further par- ticulars apply to A. MaoKENZIE, Insurance Agent, Holyrood. Fah tor icor MI Estate the well.known ge,Stratford, Out ot that shows that ling are up to the xcellence. Write For a good high grade violin try D. Bell's north eigl niusic store. of age. /sco one bu CONSERVATIVES QNVENE, Annual Meeting of Ea t Huron Con- • Wingharn on Fr day last. ; from 12 to 14 years smart. tidy girl need Ross. Youn The Canada Bo ham, Out., wants mediately to qua] worse department them at Chatham. to place every 01 weeks af ter average wi be fie month. 2 a stud positions in the June 30th, nice. the school al Chat mail course wiite It is my business to find that other man for you, and my methods will do it in the shortest possible tune. If you find a buyer before I do you. will owe me no commission. I cannot sell a property at a ridiculously fancy price f I will not try. If you have anything to sell, let me handle it for you. Write or call at ouce for terms and and full particulars. Just a word to the Real Estate Buyer: Have a look at what I have to offer you before you buy. I have just the property you want. Real Estate and Business Transfer .Agent. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria street, Wingham, Ont. No wituessesreguired. DOMINION BANK WINGHAM Capital paid up, $ 2,980 1000 Reserve Fund and - Undivided profits $ 3,330,000 GEYERAL LOCAL NEWS. CampbelPs Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. n Wanted. 'ness College, Chat - '00 young nteu im- dm to their mail 5r a tending with a ill gum au tee Miens within a few tion ages raeging .00 per month. The .11 ts placed in good 11 months ending ton write for the gen- t you wish to take weath• er conditions, t of the at the ann the East Huron LOX' AFSPOiatiOD, bald in the Honse, on Friday efts, Officer were elected. this town beiug elms The selection of a ea over for a future o routine business havin uurevorable ere wee a fair .es from all parts al eonvention of al. Conservetive Winghatn Opera rem of last week. . Chisholm of n as president. 'chetah) was left nvention. The been transactea, erldresses were deities esd by Dr. 'I'. S Li the evening a p lie meeting was held, with Mr. B. Get y of Brussels the ohair. Addresses 'ere delivered by De. Robinson of Stratf rci, Mr. D, Hen - Dr. T. Chisholm. Mr. Hendereon comp imented the Con- servative orgauization f East Huron on the business like and e peditious manner in which the re-orgatre salon of the Asso- ciation had been condu :tad, and proceed- ed at length to outline the policy of the Conservative party as broad and corn. preeenrive one. They believed in giving odequate protection to the industries of Canticle. Duiieg his s teeth Mr. Hender- son stated by way of explanation that this convention lied he u called for re- nreauizatiou purposes that when the o., brought out, anti 0 was hopeful that East Huron would se representative to the in Dr. Sproule ip his o forred to the metho party in (attaining pus nut into it condeuina tl quacy in dealing wit the Atlantic fieheries, and the Alaskan houu he explained the adva ',Geed pulley of Mr. Ca netball f coiner. Dr. Chisholm was and dealt principally N Pacific railway project &iced figures to show sobeme per head of Notwithstanding the 1 tor was well received. See J. Button & Co's Boots and Shoes Workme Officers. At a rimming c following officers Allan; Overseer, J. 3. Ball; Receiv corder, R Velum sten; Inside 1iVat Watch, Thos, Bel The finest display of guitars, mend°. olins, and mouth amnia. Call and see them at D. Bell's music store. SToons—All kinds, at bargain prices, as we need money and roust sell stoves. Call and see what we have. Will Instal Ne Machinery. A meeting of the hareholders of the Sun Cement Co. s held on Tuesday last. It was deo ed to increase the capital stock of the ompany by $100,000, aud to instal new achinery for manu- facturing cement y the slurry process. The directors wil bo asked to make ar- rangements for c rying the same into effect and lay bef re the annual meeting ites are sharehol rs in the Sun Cement Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. A. E. GIBSON, Manager. Vanstone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00. Reserve Fund, $1,700,000,00. Total Assets, $22,000,000. President— Host. WM. Clansus• Tice -President and General Manager —.T. TIMNBULL. DIRVCOV OBS George Beadle John Proctor, A. B. Lee, Jolla S. Beadrie, Geo. Rutherford. .A9slatant General Manager—H. S. STEvnx. For a nobby cutter, call and see Alf. Glover's stock. Cigars, the leadi The different rut route of the propo are preparing to s ratepayers. On for $6.500 to of way will be sub ships of Logan an 6tle the Township the voters to vote the right of way Wawanosh ratep by-law for $3,0 Morris and Hull will also submit b ors and voting w the last vveek of J Savirige 13ank--leoure 10 to 8; Saturday, 10 tol. Deposits of $1 And upwards redeived. In- terest alloWed, and computed on the 80t1rNo- Vember and last May each year and added to Special iiepotilts else reeeived ht current raves .st interest. Drafts en Gre.,11 Britain and the United States Bought end sold. Travellers are notified that the Bank ef Ham. ilton end its Branthes issue Circular Bates of National PeoVincial Bank of Etigland, Limited, saki& can be bashed without charge or trou. We in any part ofthe world. CORBOLTTID, Agent The anniversa ham Methodist Monday were mo pit was occupied o IL Oliver of List two forceful and e large cougregatiou. pulpiteer of no m sermous here were ttud could not fail those who heard evening tea served congregation, was eeting programme addresses by Rev. Rev. D. Perrie, of J. H. Oliver of Li- man. Miss Brock r ly, and Mr. Murch which was much to illness the choir hers, but the music lent, and included a chorus, and two a The anthem, "The which a concealed t ly rendered, elicit A duet by Miss Rei was well given. Mi. presided at the congregation have gratified at the suce sary services. The per amounted to ab g 100 brands, 10 in A. M. CRAWFORD. services of the Wing- urch on Sunday and successful. The pul- Sunday by Rev. J. wel, who delivered cment discourses to Rev. Mr. Oliver is san ability, and his thoroughly enjoyed, o be profitable to em. On Monday y the ladies of the fter which an inter - as given, including 3. C. Keine, White - Ingham, and Rev. owel. The pastor, de a capital, chair - cited very acceptab- f Clinton sang a solo ppreciated. Owing as not large in mina- endered was excel - quartette, a male propriate anthems. Angels' Song." in 'o was very pleasing - d warm applause. and Mr. Frank Hill Reynolds very ably in Altogether the eat reason to feel ss of the anniver- roceeds of the sup- ut $115. icipalities along the .d Goderich extension bmit by-laws to the Jan. 4th, by-laws urchase the right itted by the Town- Elma. On January f Wellesley will ask $13,000 to purchase A section of East yers will vote on a on January 4th. t township councils •laws to the ratepay- I take place during SrEcut—Gom rier.root pipes, pure amber mouthpie , for 26c, at A. M. STOVES.—Call and see our assortment of stoves and get our prices. We have a large stock on hand and will sell them at a very low price. A, YOUNG St SON. Sone of Scot At the regular m donut, Sons of Scotl evening, the follow' ted for 1904:—Past Alex, Campbell; Physieians. Dr. Ag Chisholm ; Rem. Se Marshall, Jas. rOW Campbell; Truste Campbell and G. D. M. Gordon and ere elected for 1904:— H, Kerr ; Financier, e; Fred John - h, R. Weir; Outside sentative, Tho e 1. Oysters always fre , in lk at L. G. al MONEY TO LoAN at 43‘ per cent. on easy terms of repayntent. Apply to A Dulmage, Sent Block, Wingham. Died at M Mr, Wm. Port Porter of thia toN and the vinents w interment, the the Wine,mou cent mains. Dec:eased the West tor near' was clerkin,4 in a had been troubled asthma, bet au a NA as the muse of hi ed relatives will be the community iu xt Dominion Pate coring rental he M- s of the Liberal 11 of their home. the queetions of the seal fisheries, ary. Proceeding thee of the pro- amberlaiu to the he last speaker, in which he pro - the nest of the the population. e hour, the doc- ting of Camp Cale- ncl, held on Monday g officers were elec- hief, "Wm, Nichol - Donald; Chieftain, p., Peter Campbell; rens., Wni. Holmes; trtidson; Auditors, See out excellent dis from 50c up, suitable f ents. A. dicine Hat. WATERWORKAND SEWER. ,Particulars taken rom Other Towns r, son of Mr. Alex It died at Menieme tonally of last week re brought here for ..ral taking place to try on Stoulay last. ad been residing in fourteen years and 'arc' ware store. tie 'or some time with tack of pneumonia death. The bereav- e) the sympathy of heir afilotiou. lay of Case pipes, r Christmas wee - M. CRAWFORD. The question rower ter Waif -ha the property own Winghatu certain] sive system of vva tection and it is a system so that it c fire protection or f The amount to be the system should the course of a few the case in many sower is needed ver have beeu in a One little outbreak ease would do the t many titres the cos Wingham ratepaye projest as was sho January, but this much better one tha The question will be the nomination me evening, We will gi ience of a few town ownership of waterw In 1887 the oity of the waterworks systen 000 eonsumerse with a of $25 000. Now titer et s, with annual re Consumers get their one-third the cost as tetn. Of the Kesel In 1902, the reveuu dine waterworks was is edded $2 100 far to $275 for special servi $241.22 for rates in ar 20. Against this tote fund and iv terest $2,511 91; proportion of ruuniug expenses, $1,' 0; leaving a bal- ance of revenue ov r expenditure of $490 21) for the year, Mr. J. A. Johneon, o Chatham. speak- ing at Stratford retest) y, said "I'll tell you what we have den ," said he. We took over the works wi h a debt of $4,- 000. That has all beet peid off, $16,000 expended in mains du ng the past four years, the rates reduc d 3ust one-third, all running expeuses n et, and last year the commission turue over to the city to reduce t he tax- lerately large con - metres, has been 20o, per thousand tap rate has been liters who use 10,- e given a rate 80. vater is drawn from settling reservoir, through charcoal sp.sused to the con- s thoroughly suds - 1 ownership of the the government of A large assortment of ee • all prices at L. G. Kraee's Res' irant. Fon SAT.E—Cro,d Valve house and stable, five acres of land, a large quanti- ty of fruit and shade trees, nice location. To be sold at once. Apply to, C. 3. MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agt. Good house con venieuces. II, Park, jewelle , is offering great Xmas bargains this nonth in order to re- duce his stork. He 's also giving a beau- tiful wall pocket to very purchase of R. C. P. specialist, eye, ear, nose aud throat, will be in Winghaiao at Camp- bell's drug store, Monday, Dec. 28th. Glasses properly fited. The Femi hie Side. The other day the made that a daily p to the interests of N appearance in Lon fair indication of th has been taking plea the world over. T one of the papers the interests of w chapter of an absorb pears, as well as a ing chat for home. News generous spae women's department 131ewett whc se name ands of Canadian hm column of seasonabl and a whole page is oription of the late creations which to heart—with approp Events in the musib estingly written ab magazines are revie day number of The interest to every Ca NOr is The News alone. The husban find in ite columns hensive record of the Well-conducted sport The price of The t66-41.00 a year about the value of 11 If you would like to a card to Toronto roi copy and partieular clubbing offers. The best stook of Picture Moulding ever shown Wingham may be Been at our store. Bring along your pietures and have them framed with the best WALKER PAM IhIrT011. unouncement was cr, devoted solely omen bad made its on, Eng. This is a development which in daily jourett'isai e Torouto News is hich looks well to en. Each day a ng serial story ap- is allotted to the conducted by Jean s familiar in thous - les, hi addition, a receipts is given, devoted to a (les- t fashions—dainty oh the feminine aite illustrations. world are inter - it, and the latest ews is of absorbing dian woman. tuiper for women and brother will terse but compre- day's events, with ng, commercial and ews is interesting, y mail—which is se The News, drop ask for a sample of their generous The edding Stationery a bride uses is an indication of her ideas of good taste. If your work is poorly done it reflects on the whole event. We are specialists in this line. Just passed into stock three new styles of type. We send orders all over On- tario. Send for samples and W. J. F. Mallagh waterworks mid will he voted on by rs on January 4tn. needs a more extet.- rworks for fire pro - 'Ise move to have the ti be usen tor either r domestic purposes. xpended is large, but be self sustaining in years, es has been f the towns. The badly and should mber of years ago. f any contagious clis- more harm than of the sewer. The are in favor of this n by the vote last ear's scheme is a that of last year. fully discussed at ting on Monday e below the exper- where municipal ks is in order:— Weston acquired when there were annual revenue are 3,500 consent - more of $30,0o0. a ter supply for nder the old. svs- revenue $5.h00 from the Kincar. $1,555.9e; to this n services, form- e e bonuses, and is • placed sinking Municipal ominations Munieipal nornim tions will be held nil Monday next. In Thigham the militia- . We have not heard for the council or moiety evening may large number of leers of the present tutted as the water- less. will in all pro. he present council- ation. 'The rate to m sumers, who have reduced from 30c. to gallons. The singl lowered $1, arid con 000 gallons per day per thousand. The the river into a larg and from there is r filters before being sume.rs. Chatham waterworks and wi it by a commission pal pot ts not both') of any rew aspirau School Board, but B probably bring out uew men. The me council should be re works aed sewer les Jima ary the ath and lors could then carry cessful conclusion. been able to learn tbe be any election in Tux. waeosh or Morris towt eut councils in each ea ed by acclamation. AGENT FoR WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PEN BRANTFORD, - CANADA. EVERY BOX OF Douglass Dys peps' ablets esse are guaranteed to f,4ive s isfaction in all fot ins stomach troubles—or mot refunded. DOUGLAS The Druggist. I have room for two studentO the Telegraph Office. .e wotks to a sue. oat whist bave is not likely to berry, East Wit - ships. The ores - e will be rt Gond house to rent; c orellyloeated; all conveniencts, Appl F. G. Sper- Miss Pearl 0•Nei s work needs no commendation to an audience that has once listened to her. We were proud to hear such a clever y uug artist.—Pres- byterian Monthly. pera house, Wing - ham, Thursday, Jan ary 7th. The largest and be. etock of Iron Beds ever shown in Ni'ingl am may be seen at in stock springs to fit any bed. Dressers and stands to match. WALKER Bros. & Br:Teo:se Site for Ne The question of a eminent post offie been the subject of much difference of o on Monday afternoon. M. P. left here for Ot afternoon to consult and on Monday aft was received by Mr. whole of his propert I hall had been acce number of clise,ppoin selected. The TIME because the Tamly I located. We wiil mail no matter wh I office. We are ple I is to have the new 1) I and needed very I post office is not 1 I increased amount Ihere daily. We w the work rushed a Bible so that the b pied by next fall. Post Office. i,te for the new Gov- builciing that has ny arguments and iniou, was settled Dr. Macdonald, awa on Saturday vith the officials noon a telegram Thos. Gregory to f $5 000 for the I wish you all a very Merry Xmas, and a bright 1904, Lowney's Chocolates FRESH THIS VEEN. Walton Nihon MOIST Next door to pod office. opposite the town ed. There are a qi people in town property was not was not particulai • e the building was e able to get our e the location of the tiding. It is needed adly. The present trge enough for the f mail matter handled 11 be pleased to see ag as rapidly as pos.- ilding may be occu- For a nobby cutter, call and n Alf. Glover's stook. Confectionery, n fs es and dates, at L. 0, Kruse's Star estatirant. Sewing machines of the best Canadian and American makes. Call and see them work. David Bell. A FAMOUS SCHOOL ) CENTRAL LOTS ATete* 0 Fl D. ONT. A large, wide . awoke, working, THE BEST 'BUSINESS COLLEGE IN CANADA TO DAY. Graduates* always get positions. This Celle places many of its graduates iu busiress colleges as teachers, Winter Term open Jan. 4th Handsome Catalogue free,' W. J. ELLIOTT Notice to Farmers. The Canada Furniture Manufacturers are now prepared to pay the highest price—much higher than ever before— for all kinds of Hardvvood and Basswood Sawlogs, to be delivered at the Button & FessautChairFactory,Wingliam. Those intending to get out logs this season will profit by calling on Thos. Bisno, Main - ager. Oyster stews and ice ream for the holidays a specialty Star Restaurant. Mr. ,Tarvis' vo' e was in best condition and his beautaf 1 singing evoked cheer after cheer. His duet "Crookit beyond critioisi both in singing and in ' actinge—Ottaw Citizen. Opera house, The visit of Gra Master J. B. Turner, of Hamilton and rond Warden F. R. Blewitt of Listm 1 at the special meet- ing of Maitland Lodge, L 0. 0. F. on Friday evening st was the means of bringing a large nuruber of the membera Of the Order to ether, Two new mem- bers were ini iated and the degree team put on t work in a splendid manner. Thi was followed by short addresses hal by the Grand Master and Grand Ward , in terms of praise complimentin the degree team on their excellent wor and also gave particulars of the work o the Order which were of much interest o the members. At the close of the eeting au adjournment was made to t e Broadvvay House where a. supper was rved and Mr. Broadway is tO be highly omplimented on the very exeellent supp he provided. The Pro- ceedings were taught to a close about 12.340'cloek. number of the inem- NOTICE --The quesilati is: How Robt. Mcindoo loan his money so cheap on notes aud mortgages? Call and See. Almost Every Woman IS inclined to hnbitua I constipation and should use Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man- drake and Butternut which cleanse the system and regulate the stomech au bowels. For mild and sure relief on only Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price;211c Dr. Butler, specrtlist in the disease of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Ey tested and glasaes supplied. °Mee op- posite St. Andrew's Clsurch, London, Ontario. WHAT WITHOUT 15 XMAS Before XMAS time is wondering time. Xmas you wonder '' vvhca on earth " to get for your friends, and after Xmas you wonder why people didn't have more sense when they selected your pret-ents. Here's a way to wondering. now and wondering afterward. The way is ‘. SLIPPERS,P Nine out of ten want Slippers ; you may please them with something' else, but you can't miss them with Slippers. We are showing the prettiest rang of Ladies', Gents', Misses' and Children's Slip- pers ever shown in town, at the following. $1.25, $1.5o. See them before buying any kind of present If you don't happen to get the right size or style we excha.nge them. save yourself that your friends that W. J. GREER, The Shoe Man.