HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-12-17, Page 8TILE WJ G IU)1 TIMES, DECEMBER 11, 1903 nr rr-- 'ealther 9. December 9. Holiday Goods on Display This store open from 8 a.m. to 9.30 p.m., until jag, 1st, 1904, It's GoQ� Time ��r Now Stocks are at their hest, and besides the usually complete and satisfactory assortment below are a few suggestions that we can supply, suitable for Xmas gifts : FOR FATHER FOR BROTHER ---Shoes -New Suit of .Clothes New Overcoat -New Fur Cuttt -Ties --Hose ---Silk Handkerchiefs -Kid Gloves ---Underwear FOR MOTHER FOR -New Siltc Dress -Tow Silk Waist -A Dress Pattern -A Mantle -A Fur Coat -Fur Ruff -Table Linen -Table Napkins -Caere -Kid Gloves, Silk Mitts -Silk' Handkerchief -Linen Towels --Fur Coat' -Far Cap -Umbrellas, -Ties -Shoes --Gloves --Mufflers -Suspenders SISTER --Silk mitts -Kid Gloves -Silk Handkerchief -Embroidered Handkerchief -Par Ruff -Fur Muff -Seal Cont -Persian Lamb Coat -Dress Pattern -Fancy Collars -Fancy Belts -Fancy Hose. RITCHIE & CAMPBELL TEE BRAYER BLOCK - WINGHAM. sr'I rb,,,Awbwvt.-1,,wzmi,s-tve.%Abwrafibwavt,i LOOK OUT FOR Santa Claus I ' ' •-//7Co-'RIGHT Come early; you are XMAS BOOMS 4.c THE LAST CALL TO CHRISTMAS BARGAINS S ! Dressing Cases anti fancy Articles Beautiful sets in French Stag and Ebony, •ontainiug brushes, combs and : irrors; also Ebony brushes mirrors separately, good value. Musical Photo Albums and Cases in great variety. • Our immense stock of Hol- iday Goods is moving out to satisfied customers. sure to find what you want. We have all the New Books, daintily bound in cloth and burnt leather. Standard works in vari- ous styles of fancy binding and printed on India paper. Several styles of Poets in leather bindings Very handsome editions Shakespeare, Dickens an 'Scot Toy Books of all kin -, b fully colored and Mastro Special value in linen and un - tearable books, 5c to 35c each. I t BIBLES & HYMN BOOKS A special bargain in Bibles ; bean- tifully bound in leather, large type, references,• glossary, maps, etc , worth regularly 1.25 to 1.75, for OOc Presbyterian Books of Praise, 100 to (x3.00 each. Methodist Hymns, 30c to $3.00. Special India paper 'edition, at $1.25. 1,50, 2.25 and 3.00. Bibles and Hymn Books (Metho- dist and Presbyterian combined), $1.00 to $3.00. Catholic Prayer Books, 500 to 1.50 1•11001•••11MIMIIMMeiramo• *MONO 1 is the best Fonntain Pen on the market. We are special agents for these pens, and they are ancon- ( ditionally guaranteed. tf TOY DEPARTMENT -Old Santa never made so many toys as this • y ear. We are distributing agents for him, and all orders left here 'will receive prompt attention. Choice bolls, lc to $3 00 each. Magic Lanterns, 75e, $1.25 and $1.75. Steam Engines, 75c, $1.25 and $1.75. Soldier Suits, 25c each. Mechanical Toys, 25c to $1.50 each. Sleighs, Sleds, Doll Cabs, etc., etc. Fancy Chinaware -- Makes the 'Most Suitable Present for a Lady. Onr customers tell us we have the choicest stock ever shown in Wingham, and our increasing sales would indicate that the people are right. A11 kinds of Fancy Dishes are here, the product of seine of the best makers in the world: England, Scotland, France, Austria, Ger- 'many and Japan are all represented. We wish you all A Merry, Merry Christmas. Oeoper & Co. (Successors to Alex, Ross.) ALKER BROS. & BUTTON Th I g b tJNlfEl`'i'14fktt#S, WtNGFtd11ti. Night coils at Button Block, Sit Ritchie'sr rest• 4660* itchie's property on Scott S. Gly house west of school on John argestand est stock of Iron Beds ever shown in rt9ingharn may be seen at our store, and the prices are $3,75, $4.00,. $(.00,r $7.00, $5.00 and $9.00. We carry in stock springs to fit any bed. Dressers and stands to match, itte . Mop apposite Maddotrald block. W sash Bros. Bvi°rols, STRAY RA SOW. --Mrs. Virria. Dodds, a former welt. known resident of Wingham tiled at her { of the, ued«r,�t d henle in Mint, iC1L, ort Snmlay last. 14r, +M Deoatteed had 'been ailing for flOitre s3;le �, "ir air weeks. Mr.. s , , da anryddrfamily r1 a i hi in MINOR LOQALS, J. 116. Laivanby has sola his hotel at Belmore to Jas. Kirby. -You eau get the Tzslss and Toronto Daily Star one year for $480. -Read the Tines whits. Tbay are full of good things for Christmas buyers. -The minutes of Huron County Coun- cil wilt be fouud on another page of this 189110. -R. R. Harris is mentioned as a prob- able candidate for the Reeveship of WroXeter. -The annual meeting of the. County L. 0. L. will be held is Wiughutn ou the first Tuesday in January, -Before you buy your Christmas presents take a look at Ball Bros. uew advt, in another Goiania of this issue. --The annual tneetiug of the Bluevale Cheese and Butter Co, will be held at Foresters' hall, Bluevale this afternoou. --The Western Foundry Co. have in- stalled one of their immense kitchen ranges iu the Queen's hotel at Seaforth. -Mr. D. McGillicuddy, late editor of the Goberich Signal has moved his family to Ottawa, where Mr. 111cG]liiouady has been engaged for some time. -Remember library concert in S. S. No. 5, Culross -Simpson's school on Wed- nesday evening of next week. High- classtaient and a good program. -Blair's Broadway Comedians failed to put in an appearance for their enter- tainment on Monday evening. They were del tyed at Listowel owing to the storm, roughs, code, hoarseness, and other throat aihnottts aro gnirhly rebored by Cresolene tablets. ten cents per box. AU drug ists -The worst snow storm for two sea- son strnok this section on Saturday last and business was quiet in towu for a - few days. The trains were very late on Monday, Pianos and organs of the best makes; on terms to suit purchasers. Cali and !noir through the stook and be convinced. David Bell. -The local merchants have their busi- ness places very nicely decorated for the holiday season. The appearance of many of the stores would do credit to city business houses, -The TESIES will be sent to any ad- dress till the end of 1904 for one dollar, How would it do as a Christmas present to that distant friend who is interested in the news of this locality? -Tho Seaforth Expositor has installed a Rogers type -setting machine and here- after the paper will be printed from machine set type, The machine will do the work of three compositors. -The publication by the Toronto News on Saturday last of a holiday number consisting of 50 full sized pages was a unique accomplishment. This is the largest one cent paper ever publish- ed in Canada. -The next regular meeting of Cam Caledonia, Sons of Scotland will be hel ou Monday eveving next. The meetiu will open at 7.30 o'clock and the officer for the ensuing year will be elected All members are requested to attend. -The annual banquet of the medics students of the Western University wa held at London ou Thursday evenin last. Among the speakers of the even ing was Dr. Macdonald, M. P., of this town, who responded to the toast, "The Empire." -At a recent meeting of the Directors of the Turnberry Agricultural Society. Mr. D. Bell was awarded a beautiful diploma for his exhibit of pianos, organs, sewing machines, etc , at the fall fair. Mr. Bell has the diploma on exhibition at his music store. FOR SALE -Good frame house and stable, five acres of land, a large quanti- ty of fruit and shade trees, nice location. To be sold at once. Apply to, C. J. MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agt, --The time for renewing subscriptions to TIMES is here and s;tbscribers are fiocki ug in to renew their papers for 1904. They have our thanks. Consult our clubbing list before selecting your newspapers for next year. We are re- ceiving many new subscriptions. -The R. H. Crowder Co.'s is head- quarters in Winghain for everything in men's wear. The store is now nicely fitted up and there is an excellent show- ing of articles suitable for Christmas pres- ents for man or boy. The display of neckties, scarfs, etc. is excellent. WAetenn-5,000 Turkeys: 15c. for choice stook. If your LIVE BUYER won't take them at the .price, we will. Wo want all kinds of Fowl, Dried Apples, Beans, Large Onions and Raw Furs. Geo. E. KING, p d g s• s g -Mr. John McKay, who met with the serious accident at the flour mill one day last week is improving nicely at the hos- pital in Toronto. It was found neces- sary to remove the left eye, bat he will still have the use of the right eye. It will be a matter of two weeks before he can leave the hospital. -The window of Mr. W. J. Scott's restaurant presents a very attractive appoaranco. The choicest of holiday confectionery and toys are nicely arrang- ed, and the window is lighted by a'-ciust- er of forty incandescent electric lights. A gasoline lamp burning keeps the glass nice and clear. -Donald Gibson, son of Mr. A. E. Gibson, manager of the Dominion Bank met with a serious accident on Friday evening last. He was skating down the hill near the C. P. R. station, when he fell, breaking one of his legs, near the ankle. The boy will be confined to his home for several weeks. -The Western hotel and Tipling .& Belden's general store at Griswold, `Man. Were destroyed by fire on Thursday last, Lees $30,000; insurance $19,000. T. G. Tipling, one of the firm is a brother of Amos Tipling of Wickham, attd Mr. Walter Belden is a former resident of this town, 0. B, Whelehan has been a;ppoint'ed Registrar for South Perth. Rev. rather lltoGnrty died at % tteWit. This Makes the third death from jtirie8 snatained in waiver/aythe rfire . . 11WLs4aa, tax ..yi WVVI YVVVYV VVV4.YWWwVYVVwv AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAA A. Rt SMVIITR'S big purchase of Glothonot Mon Overntako of season, manufactured & Co„ } for high•class trade by H, Shorey treal, f)) Sale to continue for 15 days Men's Raglan Overcoats, wide sweep, good cloth, splendid lining, rel;. price $9 to $11, our price for 2 weeks, $7 50. Youths' Raglan Overcoats, correct shape,side pookets,sizes 30 to 34, $4,50 Men's Suits, heavy weight, A 1 liuiug, good all year round suits, $4,00, $5,75, $7.00, $8.80, $10,00. Youths' Double Breast and Single -Breast Suits, at $3.75, $4.50, $5.00, $5,70, f'0 00. To see is to buy. A few dozeu Boys' and Women's heavy black all -wool Hose, 85o a pair. Dozens Men's Silk Handkerchiefs at 25e, regular 50e. Men's Fancy Vests, beauties, and below•regular prices. A few pairs Ladies' Curl Gauntlets, light color, 500; reg 750 and $1.00. Men's and Youths' Underwear, Mitts, Gloves,Smocks, Overalls, Odd Coats, Odd Vests, Odd Pants. j CIiISIIOLM BLOCK, AAAAAMAAAA AMAA,AAAAAAAAAA P.S.-Doors open at S a,m, Close at 8 p.m. A. R. SMITH 1 WINGHAM. VVWWVWVWWVVVVVW;NW 'GREAT' istrnas Sale, 1 Watches, Jewelry, Rings, Silverware, Japanese China, Brush and Comb cases, Novelties, etc., etc. Our stock is much too large, and in order to clear it out we will give extraordinary bargains all this month. Don't miss this great opportunity for buying fine Xmas Presents very cheap. ONCIOILIPON A beautiful Wall Pocket given with every purchase of $2 or over. Halsey Park, I /I'ncdonald Block WINGBAM. -The Dominion Salt Co., head office at Sarnia, with an authorized capital of $200,000, has been incorporated, -Collector Robertson informs us tb at up to the evening of the 14th all the town taxes but some $500 had been paid. This isnot as good a showing as last year, when on Dec. 14th the un- collected taxes amounted to about $300. The extra 5 per cent, will be charged on the unpaid $500. It will pay von to caIl in and see Scott's Christmas stock of CONFECTIONERY ; RUWTS The finest ever shown in Wii,gham.... .. ,..... Over 11001'i oxes of Boniloos to choose frons, Prices from 15c to $3.00 per box......., 25 CALS14 OF ORANGES :'rices 15c to 70e per dozen. We have everything lit our line -NUTS, OANIlIES, and an endless stock of Christmas Goods. A call solicited: W. J SCOTT. Everybody Is Talking About Humberstoiio's CHINA, JAPANESE WARE, DINNER SETS, TEA SETS, TOILET SETS. Seldom, yes never, have the people of Wingham smiled their approval Me such beautiful goods as We are displaying for the trtias trade. To see them is to buy. Santa Claus is coming with ORANGES, LEMONS, NUTS, CANDIES, and everything suitable for the holiday season. 1. Hurnbersione, $8 Vattei 1 • ORnoNi. . 2 D. M. • • BARGAINS! BARGAINS I�t • BARGAINS ! I I •♦ • In every line of our very attractive display of the latest, best and 2 • most stylish articles in Fine Furs, such as every lady is delighted to 'o wear, Also in Men's and Youths' Plir Coats, F,ur Caps, etc., 2. together with the most seasonable Ready-to-wear Tailored Clothing, ♦- • particularly Overcoats. •2 ♦ Our stooks in the above•mentioned lines are unusually large this 2 ♦ season. We have therefore determined that the best and quickest way to clear them out is to put the pruuiug knife into every vestige of profits, SO •• that not a piece of our immense collection of beautiful Furs or a single ♦ garment of our handsome, comfortable and perfeot•fitting Overcoats ♦ shall remain within these walls on Christmae eve. • A careful, intelligent look through the above d'partments will ♦ convince every intending buyer that when we offer bargains we mean 2 every word that we write. ♦ Christmas • 2 • Our stock of Xmas Specialties was never mord complete or attractive and values were never better. Get your Xmas supplies here and you may 2 be sure of a Merry Christmas, which we sincerely wish you each and all, • • (yid" Highest prices for trade. A good Organ, almost new, for sale 2 cheap; will exchange for either dry or green wood. • • • •♦ • • ♦• r 2 D. M Gordon ♦ ••2 ♦ s i • ♦• • 2 ♦ .., • e• ♦ •i ♦ ♦. • • Highest prices paid for rarnt Produce. DIRECT IMPORTER. •♦• ♦•i♦♦♦•♦•••••••••••+♦♦♦♦♦O ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.' •l• 5. 4. 4. 4. .4. 4. 4.• ♦ 4. ♦ 4 ♦ .5. 4. 4. I Goal Bills �. Some Ranges are like some people. They have in- satiable appetites, but they do very litt e in return for all a they consume. The Crown on Range burns M less coal and does more work th= - any other Range. It 4 ,§ gets less expensive every day .0 use it. •4• Made by Western Foundr • Go., ✓ Ltd., Wingham, Ont. h SELLING AGENTS ALEX. YOUNG & SON W1NCHAM. J. BUGG & SON Wingham, Ont., March 4th, 1903. . :€ THE WESTERN FOUNDRY CO., LIMITED, ;• WINGHAM, ONT. ' 4'. Huron" Range for some time and thought you might like to know +: what satisfaction it dives. It could not be better, It is easily re- gulated, and BURNS VERY LITTLE COAL OR WOOD, which 4' is a great consideration, its baking qualities are unequalled. We have not had the least bit in trouble with it at any time. I consider it one of the best and most up -to date ranges made. Wishing yousuccess, I remain, 4. •4• .1.4.4444+4.444..1.+4•444.4.4•44444444 4444.44+++4.4•444•444. Dear Sirs: -Have been using one of your 9-18 "Crown 4. i -i•' '' M Yours truly, H. GOOD' ►f yyy,,,,,,yyvyvvyv yyyyyvv YYYYYVYVryiryvyy'Iyyyy71y�y iIRON andBRASS t These goods are ever becoming more popular, i and to keep pace with their growing popularity and the consequent increasing demand for them, we have placed in stock a few lines from which we are sure everyone can make a pleasing choice. PRICES, - $3.7 5, $4,00, $6,00, $6.50 A good line of Dressers and Stands to match. A fine line of SIDEBOARDS, PARLOR SUITS All up-to'.date goods at I3EDROOM SUITS COUCHES, etc,, the lowest prices, 1. a 4 4 �I M� t WALKER BROS. & BUTTON, Furniture and Undertaking. The Parniture Store opposite tlae Post Oifee. i, 444ii AiAAAAAA4 t AA AAAAAAA* dillAA.AAAAAA ,AAJtikLLAJ AAAA ;A +