HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-07-25, Page 32A18 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 1, 1984 KIDS Families always BY PATRICIA RHYMER family got together to remtntsce and share if there was ever a fire in our home, the some more good times, things that I would want saved' more than My family is good at talking about the anything else, except the lives of my family "old .times' when we get together with our and any friends who might be in the house, cousins. We always talk about the same would be our family album. There 'are many stories but never get tired of hearing them or things that are valuable to me in the house, laughing about them, There have been many but most of those things can be replaced. instances where we spend hours talking and The pictures in my own. albums and the giggling. Those are precious moments that family albums cannot be replaced. They are should be cherished. It is nice to be able to perhaps the only records of many good days he in room full of people talking and and good times. laughing for hours without a mean ortruel Families are very important. As i grow word being said. Families can do it you older I am realizing this more and more. You know. count on your family for more support and It is unfortunate that we so often take our encouragement than you may any other families for granted. After a had day at the individual. While there are times when you office, where everyone was getting on your feel you've got it rough at home, you know back, you may come home in a grouchy deep down that there's no where else you mood and take out your troubles on your would rather be than with family, family. Luckily most times the family is It has often been said that you can choose understanding and willing to put up with ydur friends hut you can't choose your your mood. Sometimes though, more than family. This is true in most cases (adopted one member of the family can share the families and foster families are only two same had day, examples of exceptons; there are many Families go through good and had times more) but you can choose how close you together. Whether it is the birth of a child or want to be with your family. There are sonic a death of a member of the family, you can' families that are very close and do count on your family to be there to support everything together. The kids grow up being you, You can't hide too many feelings front best friends and spending much of their your fancily. They know you too welt and for social life together, too long. Unlike friends who may avoid you On the other end of the scale, there are when you are having problems or during some families that are seldom seen together your bad days. your family sticks by you, alt at once. Then there are those of us who I know perfectly well that families don't are in the happy medium. Regardless of .always get along the way 1 have been whether your family is close or fairly distant, describing, Family problems occur when there must be many close times when the members of the family start taking others for give support granted. An example of this is when a teenager ignores the curfew that has been set and keeps his/her parents up at night worrying about their child's safety. You would not believe the awful thoughts that cross parents' minds as they await your return, Meanwhile the teenager continues to enjoy himself not giving any thought to what awaits him at home. Another problem that often occurs among families is that they try Tess to please each other. What I mean by this is that when you are amongst friends and strangers, you watch yourself closely remembering your "pleases" and your "thank-yous", excusing yourself at appropriate times and being very considerate and polite. While out for dinner with others, you eat very delicately, don't make a pig of yourself 'and watch your manners. Then when you arrive home in the company of loved ones who mean a great deal to you, you eat with your elbows on the table, dive for the food, forget your manners and change your attitude completely. You may rieure that since they are your relatives, they have to accept you as you are. That is pretty hard to do when you are extra super nice to the neighbors and then come in the house as grouchy as a bear, Family is important and we must really try hard to appreciate it, When 1 look back through those albums I often regret that my family is growing out of family camping trips and even trips to Grandma's when the whore family goes. it is 'really hard to get us altogether at the same time anymore. So when we do get together it is a really special occasion and we have good times, When you think back to what your fancily has done for you over the years, surely you can think of a few little ways in which to repay them, Hugs. kind words and a smile are great ways to start. HAPPY • i it • IRTHDAY Happy birthday to Tracey Bisback, 11, on Aug. 4. Gardening Gals talk plants The fourth meeting of the Seaforth III Gardening Gals was held at the home of Linda Var! Dyk on Monday, June 25. All members' were present. The business covered was diseased plants, pesky insects and some landscaping. Many "YOU'RE CUTTING ME TOO SHORT" 2" MINIMUM 11.14511 LISTEN TO YOUR GRASS "I .NEED NITROGEN" IT'S DYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING "THESE WEEDS ARE CHOKING MEI" "WATER!" "WATER!" A BIG DRINK PLEASEI call5242424 4�"`t ��u III "INSECTS ARE CAUSING ME TO GO BROWN!" BENDER'S ABATTOIR Home Grown Beef and Pork members brought samples of insects and diseased plants. The flfth meeting was held on Monday, July 23 at the home of Barb Caldwell. All members were present. Our book tithe pages were chosen and colors decided. The requirement's for Achievement night were discussed. The business of the meeting was on landscaping and some flowers, We also discussed exhibiting vegetables and flowers, and the points of a good exhibit. The leaders also checked over Barb's garden. We decided on our exhibit for Achievement night. The next meeting will be held Monday, August 13 when the members' books will be due. Hospital Visiting Mill Street30 Wholesale, Retail and Custom Sip ug h4eri�g-. Market weight hogs. Complete fiat rate '35.00 Book In advance Our own chubs, nologna, Wieners, Potlsh & Summer Sausage, Jellied Pork and Processed Homs & Picnics Our Motto Is - "The Golden Rule" 1(111 day Tuesday. Hildebrand Flowers � 1 I; Main St, Seaforth Office S27•0555 Res. 52'•1784 Complete Floral Sers Ire .Ith a personal touch feed Seed Ferhhrer Perm Supplies Petroleum Supplies Heating Ous Seaforth Co-op 527-0770 STEVE MURRAY INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. Home Business Farm Auto } r more information , alt STEVE MURRAY St. Colnmban 345-2172 Directory Phone 527-0240 EI,I.ERS • DIAMONDS • WATCHES • JEWELLERY* FINE CHINA • ENGRAViNG SERVICE Gifts for every occasion All Types of Repairs Phone 527-0270 Portable Welding and Metal Fabricating —Reasonable Rates— Don Mcl.ennaghan R.R. #2 Blyth, Ont. 887-6673 MINN SEAFORTH INSURANCE BROKER LIMITED 3Q Main St., S. Seaforth •Home•Business •F arm•Auto • Sickness & Accidents •investments 527-1610 H. TEN PAS CONSTRUCTION LTD RESIDENTIAL - (OMMERCIA Mill Sl, West•Brussels NOG 1H0•88'-6408 David Longstaff Ltd. Optician X" Main St. S. Seaforth 1l'111\IE 1 RISTS 1SO 01'11 1 11 \ I N1010( :IS1S Pn s, riptions 1 Med 1'romptls 51 SINTER HOURS \t„n 1st,. 1hurs Fri 111 . 10 ( h,sc,t Wt•d..l Sat Oren 1ttr. Eserine 1•. apt, rir`cnt oil% COMP! E:TF OPTIC AI SF:RIICE ;27.1303 1 ,Itrrt inu•rt„r ,\ f‘ ria Itt toraiing V,.,i1, rt,t,. h,m \s,1111111%1 511.1,1, s HILDEBRAND PAINT AND PAPER Phone 527•i880 • \1,nn St Sra6uth Com Holland MASONRY • Brick • Block • Angel Stone Free lss-t mates 5 -1906 Hammer Mills Roller Mill SALES & SERVICE Installation & Parts Keith Siemon FARM SYSTEMS LTD, R R 1 WAI.TON. 1'14 .145 2734 (anstlmel or Clinton 482-7971 FOR FREE PLANNING AND ESTIMATES Bus. 527.1242 Res, 527-1942 T. 1. DEVEREAUX B.Sc., D.C. Chiropractor '77 Main St. Seaforth, Ont. NOK IWO NEW HOURS: Mon, 8:30.12 1:30-6:00 Toes,, Thurs. 11:30-12 3:30.8:30 'Wed., Fri, Sat. 8:30.12 GARY BANNON Painting. Decorating. Paperhanging - Interior and Exterior FRE ESTIMATES Phone 527.1582 Seaforth, Ont. Mnffle'W rid �fL - Mufflers guaranteed .i, i,ing as 5,1, u,.01h'car St •\f 0141H MOTORS 1 Tn. 527.1010 Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home CEMETERY MONUMENTS PO W RIBEY DIRE (' TCR x' 1.nderh h 5t . Seaforth PHONE X27 1390 Sincere anu Courteous SErvice D&K CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE FORMING AND FINISHING • Floors • Driveways • Patios • Barnyards BILL DOWNEY and HERMAN KLAVER Dublin 345-2888 TUBE SLIDING la popular with Seaforth kids ever since' the new playground equipment was Installed by the Seaforth Lions Club at Lions Park. The equipment cost was over $4,000 and does not Include Installation, Members donated their time to setup the equipment, Sliding out of the tube Is Jill Betties, (Wassink photo) t t*1it fRi�1t at Upholstering and antiques and used furni- ture restored. ---•-e— 527.1860---'--- 7 Maln St., , Slatarth Appliance and Refrigeration REPAIR SERVICE limBroadfoot 452-7032 Leon Russell Appliance 8 Refrigeration Service W Ingham 357-3773 FLANAGAN CARPENTRY •'1i ,,,i•i,m j,nR hnm• :till ,,Irn• 11.11 10 1! 1, t: \I 5 I I, PtTERf1ANA,CNN Sr 1199 SEW AND SAVE CENTRE LIMITED Sewing Machine Specialists R.>pa,rs to all make, • 1 141 1 1 511M',Tf 5 • X11 W'(IRK Ci'AR4N111 I) sst 1 S tiusovarna White E Ina. I anome, lots nt used machines Mastercharge•Visa Insect Mondays 149 Downie St 2 doors south of Hudsods I STRATFORD 271-9660 c� LL Wedding !.i 5.tilAnniversary The family of John and•Barb Jewitt invite friends, neighbors and relatives to a reception held in honour of their 25th Anniversary, Fri. August 10, in Sea forth. Best Wishes Only kThe Seaforth Junior 1, Farmers would like to apologize to the patrons of their dance Sat. July 28. The music was not available due to lack of communication k within the club. SORRY! ...a/aaae? Satellite Reception Equipment SPECIAIJSTS •DEMONSTRATIONS •INSTALLATIONS •SALES B & T ANTENNA SALES Brian McAsh Varna, Ont. 482-7129 - - - Seaforth Taxi (1) The new management for the Seaforth Taxi have reviewed the present taxi fare rates which have been in effect for several years, - and due to increased operating costs of gasoline and motor vehicle maintenance - it is now necessary to increase the passenger rate for Seaforth only as of AUGUST 6, 1984. NEW RATE IS 52.50 PER PERSON. (2) Outside Seaforth destinations are priced at .80 cents a kilometre. (3) Pick up for groceries shall be .50 cents extra and depending on number of bags picked up. Seaforth Taxi 527®1424