HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1984-07-25, Page 20A6 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 1, 1964 Families BY 3AC,K RIDDELL TEACHING HEALTH UMTS The Minister of Health Keith Norton, announced plans to strengthen Ontario's Public Health System for an expanded role in preventive and community trtedicine, He intends to formalize teaching and research ch within the public health sector through introduction of teaching health units. Affiliated with one of the five Health Sciences Centres, a teaching Health Unit will serve as the art to the teaching hospital, Teaching Healtc health counterh Units will become centres of excellence in p bite, health service, teaching and research. This new model will rationally,: the current assortment of programs that provide practi cal training in public health and win enhance our teaching and researchc•i,nubility in the health care area. Through • rots appoint ments, teaching health units will promote a more positive interaction between profes sionals from the University set ling and those iri the field. • • Cancer Society over goa1 are asked to she Teaching health units will also' provide "a greater exposure to public health concepts and techniques for under -graduate students who are planning careers to health care or health related services. It is hoped that the program will instill a community health orientation in young physicians, nurses and other practitioners - and to embed preventive attitudes through- out the health care system. • PUBLIC LIBRARIES ACT The Minister of Citizenship and Culture, Susan Fish, introduced amendments to the Public Libraries Act. This legislation strengthens ar>vd expands the principals of free and open access, and community Control. It recognizes the desirability ,of co-ordination with school libraries, and facilitates the exercise of municipal fiscal responsibility. This legislation encourages co-operation amt participation yinsystems boards county-wide e ensuring The Southwestern District of the Canadian Cancer Society has surpassed its' fundraising goals for this year's campaign. District Campaign Chairman Morley Taylor has announced. The 1984 objective had been set at $1,200,000 for the district, which encompass- es Elgin, Huron, Kent, Lambton, London - Middlesex, and Oxford counties, Over $1,251,000 has been raised to date, with current•almost three months still remaining campaign year. The overall objective is $13.2 million. "We're running about LS per cent ahead of las t ear at this time." MT Taylor said. "1 h.' results are a real tribute to ,he hard work ,lt our unit organizers and especially our volunteer canvassers. whose Ing hours hal been so well rewarded by the response „f the public. h's been a tutal eflurt un e%eryune's part." Fundraising activities have included "Great Rides", daffodil sales, teas, fashion shows and the main door to -door canvasses. "The' number of events throughout the district increased this year. and 1 think that helped to put us over the top,' • Mr. Taylor said. While most of the funds collected will support cancer research through the National Cancer institute of Canada, Mr. Taylor said approximately 30 per cent of the money raised will be spent in the areas of patient services and education. "These local programs are not as well known to the public as cancer reeearch, hut they are integral parts in our overall r, ff,Tr t' to battle cancer and its effects.• BACHERT MEATS 'Try our own smoked pork chops 1 for the bar -b -q season' CUSTOM KILLING, FREEZING Cutting & Wrapping rf KILL DAY ON TUESDAY Alf meat Gov't. Inspected on the farm 1 MILE EAST OF WALTON ` 887-9328 Filter queen IN queen Of DOR MOWN VARNA`r 482.7103 Visit us in the Seatorth Area EVERY TUESDAY Representative: BOB MICCL.IMCHEY .'1.,' , • ,• , • •• ; r fi• .1•- 1' • •,1., -. , 1' In 1 1,• • ,n fn p t..'I .jolt'• , .,,, A, 1 .. r. ,1" n t•. 11h 'prtnr>11 •l' 1 1 1 , . dl, f. .thn, ;lilt' •'lt ,. . voluntary. French (language services have been strengthettd;_ complementary Ministry ini- tiatives are now in place to assist local boards to respond to changes in the population mix off their communities. According to the Minister the provincial library service has been streamlined and focal representation on the Boards expanded. VOTER INFLUENCE CONTROVERSY Quoting from an internal memorandum, copies of which were released to the media, .Liberal Leader David Peterson has accused the owner of an Eastern Ontario food company of breaching the Criminal Code by attempting to influence his employees to vote for the Conservative candidate in a by-elec- tion last December. The memorandum was apparently sent to employees of Ault Foods Ltd in Winchester, which had received a $500,000 grant from the, government just prior to the by-election. The Iter battered women grant -was announced on Dec. 13, 1983, two days before the by-election in Stormont•Dun- das-Glengarry won by the Tories. David Peterson called upon the Solicitor - General to refer the matter to the Ontario Provincial Police for investigation, and told the Legislature that the memo to the Ault employees clearly indicated a case of "shameless, bare -faced and transparent vote -buying". He also called upon the Government to table in the House all correspondence with respect to the grant. He read an excerpt from the company memorandum which said "without our close connection to the present Ontario Government, this project and the extra employment it means would not be possible. I hope you •will take this into consideration on Thursday and lend your support to Noble Villeneuve and the Govern- ment that made this possible." The Attorney General .expressed the view that there would not be an investigation because the memorandum did not indicate any wrongdoing. WOMEN The long campaign by women's groups and the Opposition at Queen's Park on behalf of battered women is at last seeing some results. Families across rural Ontario are being asked by the Minister of Community and Social Services to. open their homes to give temporary shelter to victims of family violence. , This is part of a $10 million plan to set up a network of "safe homes" and special hotlines to battered women to get help rapidly. The Minister said the new plan is aimed at sparing women and children "the pain and tragedy" of abuse at home. amilies which agree to "open their homes on an emergency basis to women and children who need a safe place to stay in a hurry" will get special funding from Queen's Park, according to the Minister. It is the government's intention to expand the number of shelters in the province - at present 57 - by opening 12 new centres and to - increase funding for six new transition houses already planned by women's groups. In addition, the Ministry plans to assist in the opening of two shelters for immigrant women in the ethno-cultural communities of Metro Toronto, in co-operation with local churches. However, Ministry officials declined to Five further details of this plan. Small. isolated municipalities will receive funding for four new centres with eight to 10 beds for 'victims of family violence. Hotlines will be opened to give battered women immediate help, and the,province will finance four pilot projects offering "24 hour local or area telephone crisis services" to direct battered women to the nearest shelters. PAMPERS *REGULAR 72's *EXTRA -ABSORBENT 60's *TODDLERS 48's •TODDLER -PLUS 40's •SUPER ABSORBENT 54's ENRICHED WHITE ShiifeWs BREAD ALSO 20% CRACKED AND 60% WHOLE WHEAT 675 GM. SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYMONDAY 9 ' ‘P WATCH FOR OUR FROZENASPBERRY SALE EXT WEEK. GREAT CANADIAN CHEESE TAVISTOCKCHEESE NO. 1 GRADED FRESH ONTARIO PRODUCE ARRIVING DAILY Including Tomatoes, Peaches, Cauliflower, Plums, Mini Carrots, Etc. PRODUCE OF ONTARIO OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK F 0 R CABBAGE PRODUCE OF USA, THOMPSON SEEDLESS GRAPES PRODUCE OF SOUTH AFRICA SIZE 112 ORANGES 199 rAm OOZE MEDIUM CHEDDAR 2g9 APPROXIMATE I KG. BLOCKS COLBY OR MOZZARELLA 59 OLD CHEDDAR LB. NEW CROP, CANADA NO 1 COOKING ONIONS 5 LB. BAG8 ....__:.,:..::n..........., CANADA NO. 1 SPINACH 100Z PKG KRAFT 250 GM. MARSHMALLOWS WHITE. MINIATURE MINIATURE FRUIT6 HIGHLINER FROZEN FISH iN X99 BATTER REG. 3.89 FISH FRIES and FISH STICKS • �w 700 GM. RED PENCIL FEATURE NEILSON FROZEN PREMIUM NOVELTIES • Jersey Milk • Crispy Crunch •Sweet Mone •aurnt Almond * Canadian * Molted Milk PKG. OF 12 REG. 2.69 KRAFT MACARONI & CHEESE 200 GM. SPIRALS 2Foloo R Or W rite 1036 Ontario Street P.O Bax 878 Stratford. Ontario NSA 6W3 t1r�r •KING INDEPF NOF NT Bt 1S'1{F SS FOOD St.Marys • Mitchell RKETS WE RESERVE 1HE RIGH, Ta 1,MIT QUANTITIES STORE HOURS MONDAY to FRIDAY S o m to S p m SATURDAY S o m to 6 p m SUNDAY 10 o m to 6 p m n„rP PNartwo r,11 rInt,nq MONDAY AT 9 P M MASE NOW Advertising done hi nor f Merit Store may differ from) Mitchrll,t Jen 1,1prenl.41, 1,154,17,,