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The Wingham Times, 1903-12-17, Page 6
They're happy in the icitctlen Since Bovril carne to stay, The chef and his assistants Have learned the Bovril war, Of making Soups' and Sauces— Delicious Bouillon, too ; That's why the work is easy, And they're so quickly through, BOVRIL Is the most useful and 'convenient assistant to the cook in preparing rich and deliciously flavoured soups, gravies, entrees, etc. One teaspoonful to a pint of soup produces a marvellous improvement in flavor, strength and appearance Kernels from the SancturnMiIi Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. It costs Walkerton $142.60 for drugs for the use of those afflicted with small- pox during the receut epidemic. The Managing Board of Knox church, Teeswater, had the gas machine removed rom the basement of the church to a building outside, The General Assembly is to be asked to establish a new Presbytery to consist of Northern British Columbia and the Yukon, and to be known as the Presby- tery of the Yukon. Harvard's Yellow Oil takes out pain, reduces swelling and allays inflamma- tion. Cures Rheumatism. Stiff Joints, Contracted Chords, Sore Throat, Croup, Quiusey, etc. It does not stain the skirt nor soil the clothing. Price 25c. Detroit has one saloon for every 263 inhabitants. Placing the average fami- ly at 5 this means that there is one sa- loon to every 52 families. Assuming that the women and meu don't drink, the task that falls to the male members must be quite serious. Mrs. Margaret McKellar died at he residence in Tiverton on Saturday, Dec. .5th nt the ripe age of 81. Although she lead been an invaled for several years, her death at this time was not expected, but t severe attack of acute indigestion yaiised her sudden demise. Mrs. Hibbert Beck, Newburn, N. S. writes: "I was in bed for weeks with Rheumatism and could not move with- out help. I began using Milburn's Rheumatic Pills and one box relieved the pain and six boxes completely cured Duncan McEwen, one of the Bruce pioneers, died at his residence. Lot 1, Con. 2, Bruce on Saturday, Dec. 5th, at the age of c0 years. The deceased had been lu declining health for some years and, during the past few weeks, suffered excruciating pains of rheumatism, the disease that had caused him so many years of discomfort. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bau ht $lgnatnra �P7-�U�.ri' + of At the present time there is not much chance of hay accumulating on the farmers' hands if it is at all good, and there is still less likelihood for the com- ing year, as Mr. A. Darling, of the Huron road, McKillop, has received the Contract of supplying the new stock yards in Toronto. This will mean a lot of hay from Huron county alone, in addition to the hundreds of tons baled and shipped annually by other exporters. One reason why many young men fail to retain a position is because they are not interested in the welfare of their em- ployer and go through with each day's work in a mechanical sort of way with- out putting enthusiasm, loyalty or thought into it. They are not concerned about advancement, perfect workman- ship and other characteristics that go to make up the proficient employe, but are simply to put in their time and receive their salary. Business men are quick to notice interest or lack of interest mani- fested by their employes and will not ret tain any who are not zealous in their work. A young man should realize that his employer's welfare is identical with his own and not in a spirit of hoasting,but from a standpoint of loyalty, defend the interests of his firm to the same extent as if he was a member of it. DI A. W. CHASE'S cA7A:lllliCURE C, • Lis t+nt direct to th011seascd tarts by tbb Improved Blower, eals the ulcers, Clearsthe Air iraeopnetsgr w throat andermanly cues Catarrh end Its, Fever. !)lower WM. Tache dealers, , Toronto sOdd s3 WANTED --A drti:ltworthy gentlerean or lady in etch stonnty to natente business for An old oaW b k'honSe of solid financial *tuning. A Ade weeklysalery of $18.00 paid h Monderwith al! expenses direet amtstore. Money advanced for ex- .Haiscaoste er dl envelope. idanager, tat Always Mr. Thomas Dane, of the 10th con. Howick, has sold his farm to his son-in- law, Mr. John Padfield, for the hand- some srm of $5000. The house and lot of Arthur McGuire, Tnrnberry st., Brussels, has been sold to Fletcher Roe, of McKillop township, for the sum of $900. Worms affect a child's health too seriously to neglect. Sometimes they cause convulsions and death. If you suspect them to be present, give Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, which destroys the worms without injuring the child. Price 253. Mr. James Atcbeson of Lncknow sold to Mr. Thos. Irwin, this week, six sheep which brought him $52.50, including 12 lambs and wool sold this year. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of a;e--//-11Z4: Roland M. Yenning, a young English- man, who carne to Stratford from Lon- don in the summer, has received a cable announcing that he has fallen heir to :;20,000. COUGH OF GRIPPE. In the Spring when Grippe was raging I had a bad attack and the cough was so severe that I thought I would cough myself to death. I got a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and it cured me in a surprisingly short time. Mrs. J. H. Myers, Isaacs Harbor, N. S. The number of deer handled this year by the Grand Trunk from the Highlands of Ontario was 2,950, or 682 more than last year. The figures given do not in chide deer handled by the C. P. R. north of North Bay. On Tuesday of last week •Mr. Wm. Dane rented the Dominion Mill at Gor- rie to Messrs. Alex. Hamilton, late of Wyoming, and John Hamilton, of Lake - let, who will take possession on Jan. 1st. CONSTIPATION CURED. Mrs. James Clark, Commanda, Ont., writes: "I was greatly troubled with Headache and Constipation. I tried Laxa-Liver Pills and they did me more good than anything I ever took." Miss Chidley, teacher of the junior room in S. S. No. 8, Hullett bad secured a position in Wroxeter school, but being offered a position in Clinton school, she asked the Wroxeter trustees to release her, to which they kindly agreed. Two maple trees from Wm. Fraser's bush were taken to Mildmay, and $25 got for the saw logs. The tops of the trees were still left. Forty years ago trees like these were burned up in log heaps to get them out of the way. HEADACHE VANISHED. Mrs, E. 'W. Le Gaels, St. Godfroy, P. Q., says: "I have used Milburn's Sterling Headache Powders for sick headache. After taking two powders I fel; better and was able to get up and go on with my work." A very sad death occurred in Toronto on Friday, Dec. 4th, in the person of Air. David Edgar, whose father and mother reside at Orange Hill. It will be re- membered that he met with a very severe accident by being crushed by an elevator from the effect, of which he never folly recovered, being derived Of the use of his right arm. The medical staff after consultation, decided to break the member thus disabled and re -set it, but after the operation was performed he was seized with la grippe which de- veloped into pneumonia from which he never rallied. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of THE. WI GUAI. TflU S, Z)ECUBE11 17, 1903 The charges for clay patients in the Walkerton hospital is from $2.80 to $12 nor week, according to rooms, care and attendance, Major operations cast $5, and minors V. Non-paying patieuts can enter on a recommend from the county. Dir. Andrew Hood, son of Wm. Hood, Esq. and Miss. Maggio Gorden. all of Hotvick, were quietly married at Her - listen on Wednesday, 2,5th November, The many friends of the contracting parties will wish the young couple �]}e largest possible amount of joy and hap- piness. Mr, D. Cantolon of Clinton bas yet about four thousand barrels of apples to ship, before he will finish the season's business. As they are scattered in dif- ferent places tins will take hire several weeks. Owing to the difficulty of%eour- ing refrigerator cars he has had a mis- fortune of quite a few barrels gettting frozen. • Master Willie Weber, of the Commer- cial Hotel, Clifford, while loitering around Graaf Bros. store some time ago, wrote Ills name and address on some eggs to correspond with him. -Very re- cently he received two interesting letters from firms in the city of Chester, Eng., stating, among other important things, that they are the recipients of the special eggs, For Ov.,r Sixty Years, An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs Winslow's SoothiugSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children Ishii() teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty. five cents abottle. Its value is incalculable. Besure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. It may be a little too early in the sea- son to ask a young man what he intends to do with his evenings this winter, Still it Is not too early to be tbjnking about it. The average young man waste's a let of precious time each winter which could be put to good use. Are .you go- ing to kick your heels at the street corners., or are you going to spend some of your time at least improving your mind and thus improve your prospects? It is not too soon to answer that question and each .youugman and young woman too, must answer it for himself and herself. The Evidence Yon Value. By word of mouth from friend to friend Dr. Chase's Ointment has received more unsolicited recommendation than probably any medicine you can thention. The fact that it is an absolute cure for piles has put it in a class all by itself a9 a preparation of inestimable value and people recommend it knowing that it is a certain cure. George McDonald who used to live in the little cottage near the M. E. Church at Kincardine, but who left here twelve years ago, returned last week by appoint - meat to meet a brother he had never seen in bis life. The two were born at Lake Megantic, Quebec, George in 1853 and William in 1855. Their mother died when William was born. The family then moved to Huron Township with the exception of William who was adopted by a neighbor, Mrs. Murray, and who has since been known by the name of Murray, George is now engaged in the fishing business at Au Sable, Mieh. and William is a quarryman at Lake Megan - tic. The Companion as a Cliristivas Gift. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION is one of the few gifts that are always appropriate and yet within reach of the smallest purse. It brings to every member of the family something of interest, something of value—a story that cheers, an article that carries the reader into far-off coun- tries or among men who govern, a sketch that amuses, a poem that puts a bit of truth in a new and conviucing way, a page of pictures that holds the children spellbound. It is America's home paper —a paper received weekly in more than half a million households in the United States. If you desire to make a Christnas pres- ent of THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, send the publishers the name and address of the person to whom you wish to give THE COMPANION, with $1.75, the annual subscription price, They will send to the address named Tipi COMPANION'S Christmas Packet, all ready for Christ- mas morning, containing the Christmas number, Tal; COMPANION Calendar for 1904, lithographed in twelve colors and gold, and subscription certificates for the fifty-two issues of 1904. The new subscriber for 1904 will re- ceive all the remaining issues of THE COMPANION for the remaining weeks of 1903 free from the time of subscription, also THE COMPANION Calendar for 1904, lithographed in twelve colors and gold. Annual Announcement Number fully desoribing the principal features of THE COMPANION'S new volume for 1904 will be sent to any address free. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 144Berkely Street, Boston, Mass. The Chesley Enterprise gets off the following facteons "whack" at the G. T. R, train service: " At the beginn- ing of the 19th century' steam locomo- tives o- tiyea were first spoken of as a means of ion. The Royal College f transportat y ge o Ba- varian physicians sought to interdict the new method on the ground that going et the prodigious rate of 12 miles an hoar would produce delirium furiosiam among the pastures. At the beginning of the 20th century those who travel on the afternoon and express train on this branch which is sometimes not more than six hours gelng the /2 miles from Oh. ley to Guelph, are actually suffering from delirum furiosiam•becainee they do not travel at a greater rate than 12 miles an hour. Truly" medicine is an empirical soiende:" WEAK STOMACH AND KIDNEYS Toned Up and Made Healthy ,and Strong' By the Great Tonle FERR O Z O NE "For ten years I Buffered acutely froth stomach trouble," writes Mr. Maxwell Thompson, of Toledo, "I always had a headache and dull feeling after meals. My appetite was poor. and I didn't relish lny food.. Ituwas all dne to a weak, de- fective stomach. I read about Ferro - zone, and ordered six boxes from my druggist It was no time at all before I felt much better, and when all the Fer- rozouo was used I really felt a new lease of life. 1 atm, stronger, brighter, and feel more like work than before trying iJerrozoue, It is a splendid touio, the best I ever used." "Between bad liidvevs and a weak stomach," writes Douglas Whittemore of Belmont, "I was reduced to a skel- etou this spring. A friend strongly ad- vised Ferrozone, so I commenced to use it. Ferrozone soots cured lay stomach trouble, and made my kidneys perfectly healthy. I hnve since gained twelve pounds in weight, and enjoy the best of health, I believe Ferrozone saved my life, and I gratetnlly recommend it." Why stay sick when Ferrozone can cure you? Don't be foolish any longer. Get home Ferrozone and take it regular- ly. Ferrozone assures health and costs but 50c. for three weeks treatment. Six hoses sent postpaid for $2.50 by The Ferrozone Company. Kingston, Out. Judge Chisholm,. sitting at Galt, has i no east d the assessment of the Bell Telephone Company from $2,200 to $4,- 905.50, holding that the poles and wires are liable to taxation. A package containing $10,000, sent from Winnipeg to Vancouver by the Bank of Hamilton, has gone astray and a rigid investigation is being Made 'by the postal authorities. The election petitions against the Lib- eral members ft r North Perth and North Norfolk were to -day found to be in full force and effect. This was the decision of the Court of .Appeal, which dismissed the appeal of the members from an order i by Mr. Justice Osler eutending the time for the trials. If the order had been overruled the petitions would have lapsed on account of the six month's limit. $25.00 BUYS ONE OF THE ' ABOVE BEAUTIFUL Dmo0 Rings The stone is a pure white color, and is set in either of three solid i4 K. gold rings. Makes a beautiful and accept- able present for sister, mother, daughter or lady friend. We guarantee its value, and will refund the money if the ring is not entirely satisfactory. Mailed prepaid to any. address on receipt of price. SEND FOR SIZE CAIlD. John S. Barnard, JEWELER, LONDON, - ONTARIO. Farming For Profit... Every Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business principles. Guess work and haphazard methods are no longer used by successful and up-to-date far- mers. By reading THE WEEKLY SuN, the Farmer's Business Paper, you will get • the very latest and most accurate in- formation regarding your busi- ness. THE SUN'S market reports are worth many time the sub- scription price to you. Every Farrrier in Canada should realize the full value of tine service THE SUN has ren- dered him in a public way. It was due to the action of ME SUN in giving voice to , the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to tattle guards, drainage across rail- Ways, ailways, and farm fires caused by railway locomotives has been anieocied. We will send THE WEEKLY SUN N from now to 1st January, 1905. in Combination with The Wingham Times, for $L1 EAST W&WANOSII. The Allowing is the report of S. S. No. 9, East Wawanosh, for .thewionth: of November.. The names are arranged 4n ortlr'r of merit; Jr. 4th --Stanley Elliott, Ella Walker, W'llie Shoobottow. Jr 3rd—Laura Currie, Harvey Link. later, Annie Leaver. Sr. 3rd—Wilfrid Pocock, Tessa An- derson, Katie Shiell, Maggie Sliiell, John Ic« rr, Hobert Burchill. Sr. 2nd --Gurdon Rantoul, Walter,Po- c ,ck, George Waller. George Currie, Mary Elliott!, Gweudolitie Currie, , Emu']. Elliott, Pearl Donlon. Sr. Part 2nd—Verna Taylor, Daniel Ferguson, Richard Deacon, Jr. Part 2nd—Harold Currie,,Karold Ba Walker, rmico Shiell, 'itusseSalter. Average attendance 25. ALICE Dtm , Teacher, TURN BERRI. The followint; is the report of , the stanching of the pupils of 8, S. No. 6, for the mouth of November: - 5th. Olass—Fred Hoiputh. Sr. 4th,—Rossie King, May McKague, John James, Jr. 4th.—Edna Chandler, Edith Honnuh, Edna Dicksou, Alberta Show- ers, Earl Porter, Mittuie Linklater, Sr. 3rd,—Velma Chandler, Kittle Mo- Kiunoii. Charlie James, Hazel Little, Henry Foxton. Jr. 3rd.—Maggie Crowe, Hazel Mit- chell, Sadie Kiug, Stella King, Gene- vieve McCormick, Sarah Goy, Laura Elliott, Effie McCormick. Sr. 2nd.—Violet Showers, Maggie Chandler, Auuie Crowe, Stanley Dick- son, Robert Craig, Fred Ironton, Nor- ma McKague, John McKinnon, Roy Porter, Roy Goy. Jr. 2nd. --,Ruby McKague, Della Mill- er. Violet Miller, Vine King, Pearl Fallis, Willie Jatues, Annie McKinnon and Wilfrid McKague, Bella Fallis, Ella Fallis, Robert Faiths, Bertie Little, Bur. lie Elliott. Part 2,—Albert Foxton, Earl Dickson. Part 1,—Bertie Holmes, John Mc- Kague, Bertha Chaudler, Jessie Holmes, Charlie Showers, Susan Elliott, Edith Elliott. Average attendance for November -38 AGNES S. GnlnvE, Teacher. Twas not ever thus. (New York Tribune.) • Sir Thomas Shaughnessy was not ever thug. Tlie fact is brought out by a .story that IS going that rounds of the Wall street offices, having its origin with a prominent railroad of- ficial who claims to have, been a wit- ness of the events detailed. It ' was on a visit that the Cana- dian Pacific president paid not. long ago to 'Minneapolis. W.:alking down the street with the man who tells the story, Sir Thomas "met up with" an old friend. As they passed they rec- ognized one another. 'Tom O'Shaughnessy, by thun- der ! ' e -claimed the o11 man. "Bill Smith, I declare," said the Canadian Pacific magnate, "and I guess I 'haven't seen, or heard of y'ou for thirty years. L91 me sec -=when wa.c it we worked together on the old Manitoba road?" "Guess it's about thirty years," said the other, "but my name is the Elton. William Smyth. I represent my State in Ccgnress !" "And I am SIR Thomas Shaugh- nessy, at your service." Then they both laughed. • -LPA TED N FAIT liFI1L PERSON R ON TOd ALL on retail trade and agents for manufacturing house having well established. business; local territory; straight salary $20 paid weekly, and expense money advanced; previous experience unnecessary; position- permanent; business successful. Encloke self-addressed envelope. Superintendent Travellers, 205 Monon Bldpg., Chicago. Oldest, Largest, Most Widely Circulated and Only National Agricultural Home Paper in Canada. After January 1st, 1904, PRiCE $1.60Numbers. New subscribers get balance of this year free including magnificent Christmas member. Send iu your subscription at once. Don't miss a single issue. Agents wanted everywhere; liberal terms given. Sample copy free. The Wm. Weld Co., Limited, London, Ont. teems m:s and Farmers' Advocate for $2.25, ba- lance, of 1008 free to new subscribers, V, From centre to crust The Market Bakery Bread is perfection itself. White, light, sweet centre; rich, brown, short crust. • Mixed, molded, baked and delivered in just the way to win -your approval. ALL KINDS OF PASTRY WEDDING CAKES- A sesotsLT', We ;have all the latest machin• ery, and therN'is no need of sending to the city for your bread or pastry. LOUC HEE'•D Opposite F'resb "tsrian•phurch. k Vr.; ',.➢t ,a.:.oa d. ,11Ye ri ..,... -'.i... u `bti.w' •'I GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for nen, •wol:ilen and children. than Ripans Tabules, They are easy to take. ,They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every .physician. Ripans Taiules are widely used by 'all sorts of people -but tta the plain, every ,day folks they -are aV,eritablc •friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard family remedy, They arc a dependable, hon- est remedy, with a long and successful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, Muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and l:,'cr com- plaints. They stregthen weak.stomach:l, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe- tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit froni a .regular use of Rip ane Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five - cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply for a year. K.8 K,;:tC & RAE FIEDY& KERG Specialists in the T.eatment of Nervous, Blood, Private and Sexual IDIseases of flan and Women. 25 Years In Detroit. 5 -+i -No Names used without Written Consent. Cures Guaranteed. Thousands of young and middle-aged men are annually swept to a premature grave through early abuse or later excesses. Chas. Anderson was one of the victims, but was rescued in time. He says: •'I learned an evil habit. A change soon came over me. • I could feel it; my friends noticed it. I became nervous, despon- dent; gloomy, bad no ambition, easily tired, evil forebodings, poor circulation, pimples on face, back weak, dreams and drains at night, tired and weak mornings, burning sensation. To make matters worse, I became reckless and contracted a blood disease. L tried many doctors and medical firms—all failed till Drs, Ken- nedy & Kergaa took my case. In one week I felt better, and in a few week!, was entirely cured. They aro the only reliable and honest Specialist; i,t the country." READER—We guarantee to cure you or no pay. You run no risk, We have a reputation and business, at ',take. Beware of frauds and impostors. We will pay 51,000 for any case we take that our NEW METHOD) TREATMPN:r will not cure. We treat and cure Nervous Debility, Voricocels, Stricture, Weak Parts, Kidney and Bladder Disease',. Consultation free. Looks free. Call or write fur Question List for Home Treatment. DRSy. KaYa Y dLEG1AC4. Michigan Shelby St. Detroit. Mich. 7. 1!p ice. x y o' •c .3 a ,a. �'y� p ��,�'• ,g¢'^ylam,(� � '� jam' cwt..... •t (i..�t. 6 4 itifw'r$ ,�`; "v.ti�'i?r.��+., ; tl�tt?E'f„, fi`�'` I Dernatidfor Competent ifelp Canada's manufacturing and commercial enterprises aro devel- oping so :rapidly that the question. of, properly trained business help is becoming a serious one. The demand for 'such help- in every large city and town is greater than the supply, and every student front the Forest City rr ° Business and Shorthand Golle e is quickly rovitl� 1 with a College q Y p t remunerative situation. Why not take advantage of the good times and take a course in this leading College? The time necessary for a complete course in either Business or Shorthand is only six months or for both courses, one year; the cost is small and the results aro permanent, Booklet, containing complete information, FREE for a postal. o o• p:t©0. J. W. WESTERVELT, Pant. Y. M. C.A. BUILDING, LONDON. Clubbing Offors - 1903-04 ++++++++++++++++4-1-1-1•+++++.1. 4-1••1.1••3••D••i••II••I.3• THE TIMES announces the following Clubbing Offers for 1903-04 :— Times till Jan, lst, 1905 .. , $1 00 Times and NVeetrly Globe with 8;page illustrated supplement 1 60 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with premium Maps of the Dominion of Canada and the Province of Ontario.. 1 75 Times and Weekly Mail and. Empire. 1 75 Times and Weekly Witness 1 60 Times and Western Advertiser.. 1 50 Times and Weekly Sun.. 1 75 Times and Daily Globe . 4 .35 Times and Farmers' .Advocate 2 '25 Times and Toronto Daily Star 1 80 Times and Montreal Weekly Herald... 1 15 Times and Toronto Daily Nevus 1 85 Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2 30 We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can-, give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine published. The above are our FIXED RATES, marked down so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use • asking for cheaper rates. In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new subscribers for the BALANCE OF 1903 FREE. The rates quoted are for either new: or renewal snbscriptions.- All subscribers will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers. Call at the office, or address— low-rate ” THE TRIES OFFICE BEA` 1X EtOc1;Fi' OSEP13INE 'ST12,BB'm, o