HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-12-17, Page 51 • To the 0111 Buyer: A. few suggestions to help you choose Xmas. Presents for Boy, Youth or Man. We have bought a large elaborate stock of Neckwear, in Bows, Four-in•handa, Puffs, ,Asoots, 1•mperials, Knots, Plowing Ends, eto., in all the the newest silks we. •could get and are selltua Them at no more looney than you will pay for Out of date odds and ends at ordinary stores. Wen's tleckWear--$750,00 worth of Neckties to choose. from, Bow Ties in all the eglors with cutch Puff tree in black and colors mall to slip over collar button, also with ' and large shapes, to book also tali - band to fasten at back, - .25 ten behind, •- - .50 Four-in-hand Ties, all colors and Four-in-hand Neckties in black and *widths, 200 to choose from, .25 colore, all newest designs, .50 Shield four-in-hand neckties to book Flowing End's, Neckties, in stripes,, or Dollar button, black and colors, .50 etc., blacks and colors, • .50 A really choice white Figured Silk American Novelty Silk Puff, 3 color- fonr•in•hand neck tie in• a fanny Ings, done np in separate fancy box fit for any one to wear, .75 boxes, - - 1.00 MUFFLERS! MUFFLERS I Men's Silk and Satin wafflers something New 50o, 750. Men's Corded Silk and Satin Mufflers, padded banks, $1,00, $1.50. THE NEWEST MUFFLER KNOWN, blaok Satin vest muffler, with collar attached match pocket in front, lined with corded white silk, $2.25. Ways Black, White and Colored chest -protectors, fit around the nook and fate ten behind, a better muffler not made, Prices 35o, 50c, 75c, $1.00. GLOVE DEPARTMENT Men's Mocha and Kid Gloves, wool lined, dome fasteners prices 500, 75o, $1,00• Gents Mocha Gloves, Fur lined welted Seams something really nice and a bean- tijul present, $3.50. Gents Reindeer skin gloves wool liued H.B.K. Br , , brown In color price $2.50. Men's Black Curl Gauntlets, horse hide pal., ith overlap for driving, $1.75. UMBRELLAS—Make a nice useful prese, , popular prices 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. WHITE AND COLORED SHIRE 8— 1 latest coloriugs now in stock for :holiday wear 75c, $1,00, $1.25. Smoking Jackets and House Cos :. $4.00, $9.00, $12.00. Bath Robes—In turkish make, $4.00. In fleeced cotton, $7.00. Dressing Gowns—In nice dark grey English golf.oloth self•plaid lining $12,50. Silk Handkerchiefs—In nice colorings, also white and black, 25c, 506, $1.00. HATS and CAPS—Black Hard hats just to band latest shapes. $2.50, $3.00. • New soft felt hats just to hand, $1.75, $2,75. Newest pleated caps pull down behind, price 50o. , FANCY SOCKS—In English Black Cashmere with silk stripes, 50c. Black' Ribbed Worsted with mending yarn attached, 35c. Black Cashmere, plain, all sizes, 25o. SHOE DEPARTMENT—Big out in Boys', Youths' and Men's Shoes. I t will pay yon to come in and see. XMAS CLOTHING—Just arrived a few lines of nice. neat, natty snits. In •Berges. Tweeds, Worsteds. etc.. prices for Men's Suits, $5. $7. $8. $10, $12. OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS—Boys, youths and Men's Overcoats at away down prices. All we ask is for comparison of prices, quality and fit. MEN'S FUR COATS AT CUT PRICES— 1 Dark Coon, 1 Tasmania Wallaby, 1 Bokharen Black Lamb, 1 Natural Buffalo. FUR -LINED COATS -3 only Men's Far -Lined Coats, good large sizes, shell in'good blaok beaver cloth, lined with large marmot skins, collar is German otter, and a No. 1 coat, worth $40.00, Xmas price $27.75. MEN'S FUR CAPS AT CUT PRICES—Beaver Caps, Persian Lamb Caps, -Electric Seal Caps. Men's Cloth Caps in all sizes and shapes, etb., 256, 500, 75o, $1.00. The R. 11. GROWDDR Go. Men's Outfitters. WINGHAt1. — A FEW - r the Holiday_Trade f ecials op 13 Couches, upholstered in the best coverings, newest. patterns, very comfortable, good width, regular • • 8.75, holiday sale price - $7.75 - 12 Couches, assorted patterns, will guarantee them to give best of satisfaction, reg. $8 holiday sale price 7.25 A splendid assortment at $5.00, $13,50, $14.00, $22.00. weather -Seated Rockers in oak and mahogany—An- other shipment of those fast -selling Rockers, highly finished, regular 2.00 and 2.25, holiday sale price .1.75 See what we have at 3.75, 4.25 and 6.00, in i•cut oak polished iron and Brass Beds, all sizes.—There never were such bargains offered in Beds such as we are show- ing, at •$4.75, 5.00, 6.5o and upwards, all with heavy brass rails and nobs, ball-bearing castors. $oliday Sale Prices„ on everything.— Bedroom Suits, from $12.00 to $7o.00. Sideboards, frotn 7.00 io 40.00. Fine assortment of Paper Rack Photo Frames. Parlor Tables, • s, Easels, 16 x 20 85c, 1.25, 1.75, 2.50 BALL BROS., UNDERTAKING The People's Furniture Store Brick residoncei 5th house west from 'Hamilton s Corner Drug Store, verthlinilleipompattetoTELEPHONE 51 • ROYAL.'.GROCER.Y ••• ••• I Toilet Sets A very nice Toilet Set, with small embossed patterns, six pieces, consisting of Basin, Ewer, Covered Chamber and Soap Dish, at - - A choice Toilet Set, printed atd heavy gold stippled, ten pieces, at - • ,•#, A beauty in enamelled ware, very delicately shaded ♦ with heavy gold tracing, ten pieces, • Fresh Fish $1.50 3.50 4.25 These Fish are fresh caught this winter, and shipped direct to us. You can, imagine how much better the flavor than fish caught in the hot weather, frozen and packed away in cold storage, AT GRIPFIN'S • ••••• • T1IE WTNGTf Ali TIMES, DECEMBER 17, 1903 a<i;EV.• Mies Rands% teacher in. $. S. No. 8, hap tendered her resignation and will teach next year near her home at Hamil- ton, Early Thursday morniug of last week 1Juncau MoNair, an old and highly re- spected resident of the 14th con,, paid Nature's debt at the age of 74 years, 7 mouths and 25 days. Air, AfeNair Watt. one of 9 ehildreu and was bora iu Argyle. shire, Sc t and, coming to this country about 1850. He took up the farm upon which he died, lot 21, Con 14 iu 1804 and lived continuously upon it, trausforwiug it from a bush to a well tilled I00 acres. In 1869 be was united iu marriage to Miss Jane Burns, of Oxford Co., Who with three sons, three daughters, sur- vive husband and father. Deceased was a trustworthy, honorable man, whose demise will be greatly regretted. He served as. Assessor for a few years and also as school trustee but was not a Seek- er after earthly honors. In churcli'rela- tionship'he was a life ling Presbyterian end in politios he was a Liberal. The Verdict of Public Opinion. Is the beat article every time. That's why Patman's Corn Extractor has been in the lead for the past half century. It cures corns painlessly lit 24 hours and never fails. Use only Putman's for corns and warts. Z - • BLYTH. Master George White had the misfor- tune to get one of his ankles knocked out of joint while playing football in the school grounds. Mr. George Smith and family have re- moved from. Blyth to Brussels. Two of the boys and two of the girls have se- cured good positions in the woollen mill in the latter village. Rev. J. Holmes and Rey. A'E. Jones, of Belgrave, exchanged pulpits last Sun- day. The services on the B©lgrave cir- cuit, were in the interest of the Wesley Bi -centenary celebration. Mr. J. J. Maguire, an old Blyth boy, and who has been Grand Trunk agent at Shakespeare for the past two years, has been promoted to the Luoan agency. We join with Jack's many friends iu Blyth in extending congratulations. Mr. Wm. Robertson has disposed of his blacksmith business to Mr. Wm. Phillips, late of Whiteohurch, who took possession on December 1st. Mr. Rob- ertson, who has been in business in Blyth fort many years will take a well-earned rest. /tacking rain In the Joints. Almost every form of rheumatism, neuralgia and•soiatica are best cured by Nerviline the quickest relief for mann- lar pain yet discovered. It's because Nerviline strikes in and penetrates right to the core of the pain that it gives such unbounded satisfaction. "I caught cold in my shoulders while driving and suf- fered great pain, writes G. E. Dempsey of Berlin. I need Nerviline freely and was soon quite well. I have found Ner- viline an excellent remedy for rheuma- tism and neuralgia as well as for cold on the chest. I recommend Nerviline high- ly and wouldn't be without it." Price 25o. MORRIS. Jas. McKenzie, drag traveller was home for a short stay during the past week. He hag a roving commission from the Atlantic to the Pacific and en- joys his work. A letter from Joseph CIegg says he is visiting with his brother in Washington territory and will probably proceed to California. Wednesday of last week'John Mooney, 5th line, delivered 5 June pigs to Wm. Jewitt, at Brussels G. T. R., that weigh- ed 1740 pounds. The marriage of Miss Sara F. Taylor, elder daughter of Mr. Wm. Taylor, lot 20, con. 9, Morris, to Mr. John R. Gar- den, of Ellisboro, Assiniboia, took place at the residence of the bride's father on the 3rd inst., Rev. J. Holmes, of Blyth, performing the ceremony. The groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Ralph H. Garden, and the bride by her sister, May. The bride, who was one of Mor- ris' most popular young ladies, wore a cream crepe de chine gown and carried a bouquet of carnations in her hand. Her travelling suit was dark brown. The happy couple left by the afternoon train from Blyth for a three months' trip to England accompanied by the good wishes of their many friends. There were no cards. On Saturday, Dec. 5th the silent boat- man beckoned the spirit of Jane Selena Crow, beloved wife of Frank McCutch- ean, 6th line, across the tide. She was in her 66th year. Mrs. McCutcheou had a light stroke of paralysis last April and when the second came she lapsed into unconscious state and soon passed away. Mr. and Mrs. McCutcheon were old and well known residents of Morris having resided here for about 50 years. They were held ih high esteem. Mrs. Mc- Cntaheon is survived by her husband, two sous and three daughters. Mr. Edwin Chown, father of Rev. E. Chown, Toronto, died at Kingston. The Presbyterian church at Fort Fran- ces was destroyed by fire. Mr. John Watson, the well-known iron founder of Ayr, died suddenly from heart failure soon after returning home from his office. ISEL*1O1515 On Tuesday, Dec. 8th, a free social iu eowtection with the English Church re• oeutly establislisd here was held iu the Tempera/see hall, and was uawerously atteuded, especially by the young •pea• pie of the neighborhood. The evening was very agretably spent in various games. A short, but attractive pro gram was rendered, consisting of a duet by the Messrs. Edwards; recitations by MasterHarry au Mtss Mary Hall;11' in• etruweutel duet by the Bremner Bros, Stec. E. Hall was the chief speaker and spoke in eulogistic terms of Rev. Gras- sutte Smith, the pastor and gave a graphic, hio andinterestingac account of his recent visit to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. During the evening a meeting was held to appotut Wilma until the vestry meet- ing next spriug, with Rev. Dr. Grassetto Smith presiding. 3, A. Bush was ap- poiuted vestry clerk and Messri. G. Bar, ,tou and M. Haskius. wardens, The siuging of the National Authem and the benediction pronounced by the pastor, concluded the proceedings. The Man Who Works Hard. Preserverance and will -power he must have, but whether he has strength and vigor is another consideration. Hard working men usually have irritable nerves and should fortify their systems with a course of Ferrozone, a tunic that rebuilds and revitalizes beyond all tell- ing. It's just wonderful the strength that Forrozouo imparts to brolteudowu men. It forme new blood, supplies the system with abuudant nourishment, and where formerly there was tiredness and lassitude Ferrozoue establishes a reserve of euergy and vim. Try F'errozone,— price 50c. per box. Canada Business College. 200 more bright young men and wo- men wautbd to train as stenographers and bookkeepers, and positions will be guaranteed to those who thoronghly qualify. The Cauada Business College of Chatham, au institution that has made a great name for itself in turning o competent office help and getting s students placed in good positions, now making au urgent appeal f6 a still greater number of bright le , ng men and women who have had ie advent• ages of a good English training, to go to Chatham and take thorough preparation along these lines. Last year the proprie- tors of this worthy school were success- ful in getting 345 students placed in good positions in the 11 months ending June 30, and they claim that nearly as many more good positions had to go unfilled. This year they expect more palls than ever. The greatest shortage has been for young men and they will undertake to guarantee a position to every young man who will graduate, at wages rang- ing from $35 00 to $80 00 per month, the prevailing figures being from $50.00 to $60 00. ISLIIEVALB. The Presbyterian Sunday school entertain- ment will be held on Wednesday evening, December 23rd. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Mr. Crombie of Prescott, n student, preach- ed the Presbyterian church on Sunday in the absence of Mr. West. Mrs. Joseph Pugh. who was a delegate from the local brand attended the Provincial Woman's Institute at Guelph last week and reports having an interesting time. She also attended the Fat Stock Exhibition and was delighted with the exhibition. Wesley Denman met with a painful gun accident last week by which he lost a part of one finger. He was shooting at a rabbitt and the gun exploded. Relit. Farrow, accountant in the Customs Department was calling on old friends last week. John Messer has Fold his farm of 80 acres to Silas Johnston at $2,800 and has since purchased Wm. Robertson's farm across the boundary for $4,00D. Hartley and Will. Patterson and Fred. Was - man are doing well in Nes-York City. Hartley is in nn express office, Will is in a wookwork- 1ng shoo, and Fred. is behind the cnnnter. The Methodist Sunday school entertainment will be held on Christmas night. Sniffeling and Sneezing Colds Can be stopped in a few minutes and permanently cured in one hour by inhal- ing fragrant healing Catarrhozone. No remedy compares with Catarrhozone for cold in the head and nasal catarrh. It soothes and heals the inflamed mucous membranes, prevents sneezing and coughing, clears away the "stuffed up" feeling in the forehead. If you haven't used Catarrhezone get it to -day and try it on your next cold. You'll be sur- prised at the efficency of this delightful inhaler treatment which pleases every- one because it cures so quickly. Com- plete outfit $1.00; trial size 25c. EAST WAWANOSH. Mr. Michael Robertson, who has been down in the State of Georgia since February last, re- turned home last week. He wont south to help instal electrical ,machinery in connection with a large cement plant that is being put up by Canadians and Americans ata place about 56 miles from Atlantic. Mr. Robertson does not think very much of that State, and says it does not begin to compare with the County of Huron in any sense. While enjoying the work he was at, he was glad to get back home. Probably the most valuable 100 acres in Huron is a timber lot on the 2nd concession of this township. four miles from Auburn. The tim- ber, which is of a superior quality, has never been culled. The property was owned for ! 1 years or more by a Mr. Sprung, who lives east of Toronto. He is wealthy and refused all offers until a short tinto ago Smith McLean of Lucknaw succeeded in buying it for $5,0C). Twenty men in the district, who knew the lot, would have paid a higher price had they known it was for sale. Mr. McLean soon sold the lot and at profit of $3,000 to Mr. 'Caldwell, a Kin- loss sawmiller, who outbid Mr. Livingston of Blyth. The latter subsequently offered Mr. Caldwell $10.000, but he held out for $11,000 and is now putting up a building on tho place and will manufacture lumber, shingles and rollers. Established 1879 Whooping Cough, Croup Bronchitis, Cough, Grip, ''▪ ' Asthma, Diphtheria CREBOLENE I8 A BOON TO ASTHMATICS Csssorstts is Along established and standard remedy for the diseases indicated. It Bares because the air eendesed strongly antiseptic is carried over the diseased surfaces of the bronchial tubes with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treatment. rreliiet from Oaths ori Inflamed Conditions of the throat, "onic Deieript ve booklet tree.is tInd 'nedlatee LICIMING, MILTS a CO..1631, Notre Dame St., Montreal, Canadian Agents Cresolene Antiseptic Tablets dissolved in the mouth aro effective and safe for ooughe And irritation of the throat. Xie a box. ALL DttitIn;ISTS SOS EEDS Consumption is a human weed flourishing best in weak lungs, Like other weeds it's easily destroyed while young; when old, sometimes im- possible, Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and the weeds will disappear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion, Salt pork is cod too, but it is very hard to digest. The time to treat consume• tion is 'when you begin trying to hide it from you_self. Others see it, you won't. Don't wait until you can't deceive yourself any longer. Begin with the first thought to take Scott's Emulsion. If it isn't really consumption so much the better; you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment. If it is consump- tion you can't expect to be cured at once, but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treat- ment you will win. Scott's Emulsion, flesh air, rest all you can, eat all you can, that's the treatment and that's the best treatment. We will send you a little of the Emul- sion free. Be sure that this picture in the fort of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. 50c. and $1; all druggists. Cold cash warms things np mighty fast when a man is out iu the evening. The boss iu politiots is no such thing at home any more than any other man. About Christmas time a m'tn keeps dreaming he is the brush in a fox hent. When a girl informs her folks that she is determined to marry a certain young man that settles it. If a thing is said to be obvious it means that everybody ought to understand it— but everybody doesn't. It is very reckless for a child to pick out for its mother a womau with a broad strong hand. If women never wore any hats they world have to have just as many by which to measure their social import- ance. pm:mg.!, flyttfigtfttf 54 Photos Photos I ft FOR CHRISTMAS 6,` XTOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE ' l4 them taken. Call and are the latest, best and most appreciated of Xmas Presents, at Armstrong & Co's Studio WINGHAM �l CHIVALRY OF SAVAGES. Many Barbarous Tribes. Are Exceed iugly Deferential to Women. Untraveled people commonly sup pose that savages always treat their women badly, making mere slaves and beasts of burden of them. This is true in some cases, but many bar barlans are exceedingly chivalrous to ward woolen. The Maoris of New Zealand alway treat women with the greatest defer- ence and respect, so much so that the Earl of ilanfurly once called them "the truest gentlemen on earth." They will not permit a woman to do any hart work if they can do it for her, and their boys are taught from earliest youth that rudeness and unkindness toward women are crimes only secoOOA to lying and cowardice. A young E'ngllsh lady named Ger- trude Bell traveled alone among the Druses of Syria. She was every't hers received by them with the greatest courtesy and hospitality. Special tents were assigned to her use, and the sheiks vied with each other in being her humble servants. "No well bred English gentleman could have been more chivalrous," she said, "and they were just as courteous to their own women as they were to me." The Fijians go to extremes. They are so deferential and polite to their womenfolk that they let the latter "rule the roost" entirely. A woman'e word is apt to be law in the Fiji its lands. As a rule, women occupy st sub• ordinate place in the east, but Kati - listen is an exception. 'rhe Iiafrs art of Aryan origin and to all appearances are a white race. They claim Alexan- der the Great as their ancestor and have a lofty code of chivalry. Their women, lovely creatures with fair complexions, bice eyes and flaxen hair, are treated far better than most wean - en in cipilizet soetety, .. Variety and Valga Chrislrnas Presents - We are ready for Christmas Trade with a greatvariety of Novelties for Presents. There are many things a visit here will Bug - gest, Come and see. We'll be pleased to show you the goods. We can't quote everything, but here are a few items of interest to all buyers: LADIES' WEAR HANDKERCHIEFS.—In great variety; Fancy. Embroidered, Hem- stitched, Initialed. Prices from 5e to $2.10 eash. See our special line at 20e. Ties and Collars Ladies Fancy Silk Ties and Collars iu all the latest styles, nicely embroidered and trim- med with applique.—Prices are - 25c, 35c, 50e, 75c, $1.00. Ladles' Waists Hare you heard of our pretty waists.—We have them in Bilk, cashmere, Lustre, and flannel, any one of these will, make a nice Xmas Present. All prices, Our leader - $2.50 FURS—We have a large stock of the right kind suitable for gifts Easy prices for Canerines, Ruffs, Muffs, Gauntlets, Caps, Boas Coats, Capes etc. Special Sable Ruffs, at $7.00, LADIES' BELTS—We have the right kind. New styles. Prices from 25c to $1,50 each. FOR CHILDREN—We have a nice range of knitted wool goods—Fancy mete, Bootees, Mitts, Caps, Hoods, Collar and Muff Setts, etc. MEN'S WEAR MEN'S WEAR—Almost anything you want in Men's Furuishings at a price you want to pay. MEN'S TIES—Never before have wo shown such a large assortment cf Neckwear. New patterns in Knots, fear -in -heads, String.,, Puffs, Bows, flowing ends, etc. XMAS BRACES --Fine Braces for presents. nicely done np, one pair in a box, fancy silk web—prices are 500, Ole, lis and $1 00. FANCY SHIRTS—Just received. new patterns in print shirts, forChrist- mas trade, Special value at 75c and U.N. NEW MUFFLERS—New Silk and Way's Mufflers, makes a very use. fel present. All prices. MEN'S GLOVES—A large range of ]tea's Lined Kid Gloves—at 75c, $1.00, $1.25, 51.50. OUR CHRISTMAS SALE Replete is—"big Dry Goods -worth for not much money." We thank our numerous eusteners for their patronage durintz' the year and take pleasure in wishing all A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. 11. E. I SA RD Sc. Co. Opposite Bank of Hamilton Highest price paid for Produce p sevvvwvwvvvwvrVvvwvvvw vvvvwvvvvvvvvvvwvwvvvvei* ' 'SHOEr, USINESSI %,,,,'p.'Idbi4,,4,,16,t,,luypy,,,,,„„0„„,,,„„th't„`4N,.,„4.,„..'„'W'W.„„,,,Wn1,9'h,.,„,„„ p+k.„0„,'H,'„„„,,,,,,„„„„,,,s 3 C � We are going out of the shoe business and wish to close out every pair of our new and up-to-date stock of Boots and Shoes. GIVI!' G UP By Jan- isi 1904 c With this end in view EVERY PAIR s ®F SHOES MUST Co AT SOME PRICE. even if it is below cost. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS What more valuable present could you get than a fine pair of shoes, or a lovely pair of slippers for father, mother, sister or brother? .1101111. This is a good opportunity to buy good new shoes at wholesale prices. Come, see the shoes and see the prices, but come soon as they are going fast J. Button & Co. BUTTON BLOCK, WINGHAM