HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-12-17, Page 2TILE WINGITA 'HIES, DECEMBER 17 1903, ICKTABLISHEP :s7s. TIIE Wit'iiuAN TIMES. R. Pi. l •,L>;OTT, Po -amanita Altai PROPRIETOR THURSDAY, DEC. 17, 1903,. NOTES AND COMMENTS. The MOutreel Star is rapidly shedding its coat of independence preparatory to the general elections. During that period it will. its usual, be the most un- ecrupulous of Tory orgaus. It made a beginning the other day in inventing an interview with Hou. J. R. Stratton in room 42 in the Windsor hotel. Mr. Stratton was not in room 42 and never had a moment's conversation with ;reporter while visitiug Montreal. When the calendar year closes it is likely,: that Canada will have gained over •" -130,000 arrivals, or about 50,000 more than the year previous. Of this number more than one-fourth were tarnishers, The Deputy Minister of the luterior, Mr. James A. Stuart, will probably visit the Western Statesbefore starting for Europe. Efforts to obtain settlers are to be redoubled in the adjoining republic as well as ou the other side of the Atlan- tic. All previous records were broken by the sales of timber limits held in the Legislative chamber at the Toronto Par- liament buildings on Dec. 9th, The 826 square miles of limits sold at $3,677,337.- 50, the average price per mile being $4,450. The largest amount realized at aprevions sale was $2,315,000 on Oct. 13, 1892, when 633 miles were sold at au average price of $3,657.18. The record for highest price per mile was made yes- terday, when T. Mackie, M.P., secured berth No. 5, Hammell township, in the Nipissiug district, three and one-quarter miles, at the rate of $31,500 per mile, The highest previous price per mile was $17,500 bid at the 1892 sale. The total receipts from the sale will not represent the total return to the Province, for the increase in dues and ground rents will be a source of additioual revenue. bridges erected in the couuty duriug 1903, viz , the Stanley bridge over the Bay- field river, 110. feet cleam span; a bridge over the north branch of the Maitland river between upper and lower Wingham. 138 feet span, and the Bentniller bridge,, 378 feet long. A cedar bridge lied been erected on piles north of Belgrave, on the boundary of Morris and Wawanosh, and eousiderable repairs made. Some of the bridges that should be rebuilt dur• ing 1904 were: A bridge over a branch of the Maitland between Howlett and Grey; one over Fish creek at the village of Kirkton (the county of Perth to pay one half) ; the Westfield bridge, also a bridge ou the prairie south of Wingham. The total amount of orders issued since Jan. 1st was $17,3.53.62. The reports of the inspector, physi- cian and keeper of the house of refuge were sent to the house of refuge commit- tee. Jailer Grifliu reported three inmates Robt.I Wallace, Tuckersmith; Joshua Craven, Montreal; John McAuley, Dun- gannon, all vagrants. It would be nec- essary to purchase six suits of under- clothing and six outside shirts for prison use and, under the revised jail rules, two suits of uniform for the jailer and turn- key. Mr. Griffin urged the putting iu a hot water system of heating at the jail, a good part of the work of which could be done by prisonlabor if the matter was decided at this session. The report of the house of refuge was adopted both in committee and council. The committee reported they had visited the house December 1st, and were satisfied with the management. They were pleased to know that the building committee appointed last June were ready to report ou the proposed ad- ditions. They found eighty-two in- mates at present in the house and accor- ding to the report of .the physician the general health of the inmates had been as good as could be expected. They ad- vised the selling of a fat . cow and the purchase of a good milch cow, as more milk was required. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. December Session. The regular December session of Huron Co. Council convened in the Court House, Goderich on Tuesday, Dec. lst, at 3 o'clock;. all the members were present. Miuutes of the last day's sdt- aiou in June read and approved. The Wardedaddressed the Council in refer - pica to matters pretaining to the County since last session. Reports were read from 15 Counties relative to duties and salary of High Constables and also in relation to mode of equalization. H. N. Anderson, of Exeter tendered his resig- nation as Co. Examiner in connection with Model School Examinations. An application from Wm. Moffatt, of Sea - forth, for the same position, was sent to Education Committee. Csmmunications were read from Park Hill and Harristou High Schools uotifying Huron Co., as to fees to outside pupils. R. G. Reynolds, Sheriff, reported the appointment of Juo. Knox as tnrukey at the jail. Tenders for coal were sent to the Executive Com- mittee. A letter was read from Secre- tary of Poultry Asso., asking for a grant of $50 for the annual show. A motion was presented Baking that Assessment Act be not amended taking sale of lauds for taxes out of the hands of .the Co. Treasurer and selling them by the Sher- iff. Sent to Special Committee. Coun- cil adjonrncd to meet at 10 a. m. The House of Refuge Committee met Tues- day evening at 7 o'clock and passed House accounts and went over the plans and specifications of the proposed en- largement of the building so as to have the report ready for presentation to Conn- ell. WEDNESDAY. Dorniu, ]?erguson, Hicks, Lamont, Mill- er, McNaughton and Spackman, 7. Nays -Bowman, Cantelon, Connolly, Gunn, Lockhart, Patterson, McLean, and Young, 8. The report of the build- ing committee passed. FRIDAY Three inmates were found at the county jail and everything in good order, also the rooms at the conrt house in good order. The clerk instructed the tele - Phone company to remove the telephone from the residence of Mrs. Henderson to the registry office; at action was taken with reference to changing the system of heating the jail. The road and bridge committee mom. mended that the engineer's report be accepted; that the bridge between Grey and Howiek be rebuilt and tenders t e called. for to be in for the January ses- sion; that tenders he asked and accepted for the Kirktou bridge, provided the The committee reported they had met at the house of refugeuon December llth and decided that an atldition, if built, should be erected at the rear of the pres- ent building not less than about 40x60 feet, basement -full size, the building to be same height as present one. A lasge deputation waited on the council in reference to the improvement made on the Holmesville bridge. La grippe, pneumonia and influ enza often leave a tasty cough when they're gone. It is a dangerous thing to neglect. Cure it with S hiloh's Consumption Cure The Lung Tonic county of Perth pay its due proport ion; the Westfield bridge should be rebuilt; also a tender should be called for and reported at the January session for a bridge on the prairie south of Wingham. The committee suggested that all these bridges be built of steel with concrete abutments; in connection with the Holmesville hill grant made by this county the committee advised that MO be paid over to the Reeve of Goderieh township. Adopted. The clerk was instructed to write the Educational Department for au option regardiug the amendments to the Public School Act of 1903, increasing the travel- ling allowance of public school inspect. ors. The council then adjourned. PILLS AND PILES. A prolific cause of Piles is the use of cathartics and pills of a drastic, violent nature. Followed by a reaction on account of the resinous, drying properties they con- tain. There are other causes,but uo matter what the cause or what the kiud of Piles, Dr. Leouhardt's Hem=Road caD be relied upon to cure --to stay cured. It's an internal remedy that removes the causes of ltchiug, Blind, Bleeding or Suppurating Piles. A guarantee goes with each package containing a month's treatment. • It can be obtained for $1.00 at druggist. Sold in Wingham by Walton McKibbou. THURSDAY The executive committee's report was read and passed. They recommended- that the usual grant of $25 to the Huron Poultry and Pet Stock Association be given. They recommended that the tender of F. B. Holmes for coal be accepted. With reference to the motion of Councillors Miller and Gunn relating to the pro. posed change of the Assessment Act whereby the sale of lands for taxes would be placed in the hands of the sheriffs instead of the treasurers the committee, was strongly in favor of the motion. The question of the disposal of un- claimed bodies at the house of refuge being brought up the following resolu- tion was passed: Moved by Messrs Miller and Lockhart hat this council memorialize the Provnccial Legislature of Ontario to amend the clause of the Ontario Anatony Act, where in it is dir- ected that after the death of bodies of all inmates of the houses of refuge in this Province and unclaimed by friends after a certain time be ltandedaover to the school of anatomy, as this has every depressing effect with the inmates of such institutions. Sheriff Reynolds asked the council to consider certain improvements in the judges room. Sent to county coi init- tee. The education committee reported that both Mr. Field and Mr. Moffat, who had applied to be appointed county examiners, were qualified for the posi- tion. They also directed the attention, of the council to the increase of the trav- elling allowance to public school inspec- tors -the sum of $1.60 for each addition- al school over fifty and up to one hund- red and fifty. The report was adopted. The house of refuge committee re. commended the acceptance of the resig- nation of Mr. Coats, inspector sed filth House, to take effect the ,let (Vilna 1'9O4. SndeeliffOr to be Mr. John Tor'rlxtice, of the township of Tuckersmith, at the same salary as his presdecessor, also that Mr. Torrance's ditties begin on the first day of January, 1904." Adopted. An expression of regret from the coun- cil was forwarded to Mrs. Robt, Hender- An application from J. M. Field, B. A., to be appointed on the board of county examiners was sent to the education committee. A large number of accounts were sent t the finance committee. The report cf John Ainsley, county commissioner, was presented and sent to the road and bridge committee. s Mr. Ainsley reported three steel Sick Headache and indigestion 1 Nervosa System .at .f order -Stealth restored ibj D7r. Chase's Nerve F'.od. he,estion snd dyspepsia, nervous, sick and sleeplessness are among the marked symptoms of nervous exhaustion, and On this account ate thoroughly and permanentl+ eon, wife of deceased taroksy. J. M. eared by a course of treatment with Dr. Chases The cure that is guaranteed by your druggist. Prices 26c., 50c. and $1.00 S. C. WELLS & CO. Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y. 9 World's Improvement. .(Chicago Record -Herald.) The world is getting better • Who can doubt it for a minute? Every day and every hour We can find some comforts in it. Our fathers used to shiver Through the blinding drifts of snow: Now we ride along iu sit *seers Catching microbes as we go. Your hapless old grandfather Shivered while lie built the fire! Now you keep the furuaoe going And kick quilts off and perspire. When the howling, angry blizzard Comes a•ripping from the west Mamma telephones the grocer And he kindly does the rest. We need not carry water From the distant well at preseut But we turn the faucet, getting Squads of germs and lookiug pleasant. Little Willie doesn't huddle By a red hot stove in school Getting toasted upon one cheek While he lets the other cool. Ob, the world improves no matter What the sad eyed croakers claim. But I'd like to spend the winter Where it's warmer, just the same. Veterans' Lands. There is a possibility that some of the. veterans of 1866' who have applied for locations in the Townships of Har- dy and Patterson. *and whose griev- ance was ventilated Tuesday at Tor - auto, may be able to secure their lots by spring. The Commissioner of Crown Lands is having an examine, tion made, and th4e locations on which the timber has been cut, and which are ready for settlement, will be handed aver to the applicants. The Government cannot 'force the lumber licensees on the other locations to cut the timber, "because under the terms of the sale in 1881, the pine was pur- chased outright, with no restrictions as to ;the paries! in; which it could be cut, and. the dues have been, kept up from year to year. It will be a mat- ter of luck. The few fortunate en- ough' to have secured locations Will get their land. The others will have to make selections elsewhere. Reserve Force The healthy body has a certain amount of strength reserved in case of emergen- cy. attack by disease or unusual physical exhaustion, without this power of resis- tance a person is an easy prey to every ill that comes along. By enriching the blood and creating new nerve cells, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food keeps the health at high.water mark and fills the body with the vigor and vitality that overcomes and defies disease. Nerve Food, Field, 1. A., was appointed county exam - Mits. P. BttowN, tq i ter to fill the vaoanoy canted by the tteen St., St. Thomas, dot., and whose husband ist a shoemaker, states :-- "I suffered it lot With nervous, sick headache, nip digestion was not good, and my nervous system generally watt quite out of order. Iasi pleased tossy thatlfound Dr. Chute's Nerve Food the most setisfatteny Dro't t Irene took and health sesstisrer thatyI beta ever tried. 11 Can filly preparatiOIt, Isttowing it to be fat Vetelit weitht while canthat lidded the reeignation of Mr. Anderson and the application of Mr. Moffatt be accepted, also, the regneSt of the Iteeve of Goder• ich township regarding the grants to the township was referred to the road and bridge committee. The report of the building coin. was taken up in committee. ; the tom. re- ported that the report be amended by adding to the last clause that the tom. as for tenders and Have same ready to be pleatt& before January cession. Xt was moved by Mr. Spaekmatl, .Iteoonded by Mr. McLean, that no action be taken ereotion TOWN DIRECTOIIY,. BAPTIST Cutlitos--Sabbath services a i 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:80 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev', J, N. Mc- Lean, B.A.,, pastor. Abner Cosens, S,S, Superintendent. METHODIST CIHURCH--Sabbath services at 11 a tri and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2.:30 p m. Epworth League every Men - day evening, General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings.. Rev. J. R. Gandy, D.D., pastor. Dr, Towler, S. S. Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN Onyltaa-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a m and 7 p m.. Sunday School at 2:30 p m. 'General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perrie, pastor and 5 5, Superinten- dent, P. S. Lihklater and L. Harold, assistant S. S. Superintendents. $T. PAUL'S CHURCH, EPISOOPAL-Sab- bath services at 11 a In and 7 p m. Sun- day School at 2:30p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening.. Rev. Wm. Lowe, Rector. F. Shore and Ed. assistant S. S. Superintendents. SALVATION ARMY -Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and 8 p m. on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks. POST OFFICE -In Macdonald Block. Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. PuBLI° Linn aim -Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from "r to 9:30 o'clock. Mise Millie Robertson, librarian. It is said that a profitable hen eats six- teen times her weight in a year. Her eggs are worth six times her own weight and aro worth six times the cost of her food. Extra Value By the accompanying illus- tration we can but suggest the exceptional values offered by us in Brooches. No. 018 -Price, 521.00 In this beautiful Sunburst Brooch there are 65 Pearls, mounted in x i.k. Solid Gold. Order by mail. If you are not per- fectly satisfied with it your money will be promptly refunded. Write for our handsomely illustrated new Catalogue. Ready for delivery Nov. l sth. b2 gY EIE BROS. JEWELERS 118, 120, 122 and I24 'Venter Sr., Toronto ESTABLISHED 1872. THE WINfHA , TIMES.. I8 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING -AT- The Times Office, Beaver Block WINGGHe at, ONARIO, Timms or BvascxlrzzoN-$130 per annnm in advance, 51.50 if not so paid. No paper discon- tinued till all arrears ars paid, except at the option of the publisher. ADVERTISING -RATES. - Legal and other casual advertisements 8e per Nonpariel line, for first insertion, 8q per line for each subsequent insertion, Advertiseme5tts in local columns are charged 10 ets. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Farms for Bale or to Rent, and similar, $1.00 for flrt,t mouth and 60 cents for each subsequent month, (IONTRA01 RATES -The following table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods:- SPAc1C. 1 YR. 6 me. 8 iio. lira One Column ;60.00 ¢85.00 $16.00 50.00 Half Column 85.00 18.00 10.00 4.u0 Quarter Column 18.00 10.00 6.00 2.00 Advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. Tam Jos DEPARTMENT is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the county for turning out first class work. Large type and appropriate cuts for all styles of Post- ers, Hand Bills, etc., and the latest styles of ^hoice fanny type for the finer classes of print - Mg. H. B. ELLIOTT, and Publisher TowN CoVNOIL-R. Vanstone, Mayor; A. Dulmage, Thos. Bell, Robt. Mc- Iudoo, J J. Elliott, W. F. VanStone S. Bennett, Councillors; J. B. Fer• guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets first Monday even• ing in each month at 8 o'clock. Samoa BOARD. -J. J. Homuth, (chair man), Thos. •Abraham,R. A.Douglas, H Kerr, Wm. Moore, A. E. Lloyd Win. Button, 0. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm. Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson, Meetings second Tnesday evening in each month. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Mise Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss -Cummings. BOARD OF HEALTH -Mayor Validate, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Agnew, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer. Dog ate from Table. A writ has been, issued in the, High Court of Justice in London against the proprietors of the .Grigg Souse by T. E. Jackson and G. G. Pritchard, two well known young men of that city, for a thousand dollars' damages. Sunday evening, Nov. 22nd, the two went to the hotel to get their supper, and ane of thein bed with him a small fax terrier dog. The proprietors of the hotel allege that just before they ,had finished their supper, when the dinitlg-root t wins tilled "wjtths guests, the men lifted the dog and allowed it to eat from the dishes. , Before the dog had finished a cher- g u is left v es e nurse O n lett , scnal alE the then, room and informed, the proprie- tor. Ills immediately ' informed the young Men in language that was very forcible that they would have to leave 1 he 'house at oniee. Inv their. claim the young ineat state that they were assaulted and slandered and that their ejection was :wrotgiai. 'They ntate that they lifted the dog to a. chair and that' it jumped. an the table and helped itself to 'the good things. Other guests who were in the room say thn,t the young n en's action.% showed they. did the trick deliberate- ly, and that many of the, guests left the xoom disgusted with the petform- addition to- the , Aids rotas Lame Back for Four Months. Was Unable to Turn in Bed Without Help. avec. ' Tho aotiont will ba tried, Inness It. aettleAnent, which is i1ui rabablye, is ef- fected. The hotel owner hr.a 61 convie, tion that be did right, and he was Srotecting the inters,, his Plasters and Liniments • No Good. This was the experience of Mr. Beniamin Stewart, Zionvllle, N.B. .:. q «w.s TW'o.thrs lis OF A BOX or K• �dneY Pilis CURED HIM. A. Scotch firm is authority for the statement that rubber tires for vehicles of all kinds will soon be displaced by pig- skin. The firm has a process for tanning the skins that renders them so hard that when used as tires they will wear longer than the rubber and give equal satisfac- tion in other respects. -Spurt advertising. like a short- winded race horse, never wins the race. Just as well move your store every three months as do spurt advertising. People may not need what you sell just now, but they will sooner or later, and if, when they do wantit, they dont and your adv. whore they first saw it, they will naturallya,conclude`that you have quit business. What a salesman is to your business just such is your adv. Each sells your goods, and you cannot prosper without both. MISS SARA L. MOORE Teacher of Piano and Theory. MISS CARRIE MOORE Teacher of Violin and Guitar. Rooms in Stone Block, Wingham. Ha tells of his experience hi the follow. leg words: "For four months 1wastroubled with a lame back and ail this time was un. able to turn in bed without help. I tried plasters and liniments of all kinds but with no effect. At last I was induced to try Doan's Kidney Pills, and by the time I had used two-thirds of a box my back was as well and as strong as ever and has kept so ever sines." Baokaehe, Frequent Thirst, Scanty; Cloudy,Thtek or Highly Colored Urine, Puffing under the Eyes, Swelling of the Beet and Ankles, are all symptoms of kidney trouble that Doan's' Kidney Pills will cur's. r "Dolt or 3 for s, all Pries 5o cts. per Vas, dealers, or Tuft DOAN 'KCII NEY P1144 CO, tottOrIT'O;, Otic , ....., T P KENNEDY M. D.. M. C. P. S. O t . Member of the British Medical Associa- tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child ecu. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m. ; 7 to 9 p. m. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Ladies* Favorite, Tel the only safe, reliable regulator on which woman can depend. "in the 3iour, and time of need." Prepared in two degrees of Strength. No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1. -For ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known. No. 2 -For special cases -10 degrees stronger --three dollars per box. Ladies -ask your druggist for Cooler tCotton Root Oomponnd. Take no other as all pills, mixtures and imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold, and recommended by all drugsiste in the Do- minion of Canada. Mailed to any address on receipt ofyrice and four 22cent postage stamps. The Coot- Company. , 'Windsor, Ont. , No. 1 and No 2 are soli in Wingham by Colin A. Campbell, W. Loii:ibbon, A. L. Hamilton, and R. A. Douglass, Druggists. DR. MAODONALD, Centre Street Wingham, Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Block, over J, E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. GR011tD IS MARE! T. CHISHOLM, 3. S. CHISHOLM Y.B., n[.D., O.M., M.O.P.S.O. MB, MD,OM., M 0 P50. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHiSHOLM PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, ETo. OtsrOE-Chisholm Block, Josephine street. RESIDENOE-In rear of block, on Patrick St., where night calls will be answered. London Standard's Criticism of Hon. Mr. Sifton's Speech. WHAT THE COLONIES RESENT DR. BROWN, L. R. C. P., London, England. Graduate of London, New York and Chi- cago. Diseases of Eye Ear, Nose and Throat. Will be at the Queen's Hotel, Wingham, 4th Tuesday in each month. Hours from 2 to 9 p.m. RAILWAY TIME TABLES„ 1lsy Deliberate purpose to ltestries .ksar Competition That will Thwart Their Purpose to Develop )ranafaoturiag ' [� VANSTONE. • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No commission cyyharged Mort - old Office Beved r Block. Wingham. and JA. MORTON, • BARRISTER, &c. Wingham, Ont. IMerest' at Their Owls -Careful Statesmanship Heeded to Sorge Closer the hoods of Smplre.. London, Dec. 9. -The Standard says: "Prom Canada Gomes an lulniinating pronouncement in the speech of Hon. Clifford Sifton, who is not the least influential member of the Laurier Cabinet. His attitude toward commercial union is shrewd. cool and business -like, So many ob- scure hints and nebulous threats are being thrown out regarding Can- ada's position if her demand is re- jected, that we are glad to have the ground cleared in this thorough fash- ion. The sturdy independence of the colonists is not flattered by talk of Canada's joining hands with the Americans if she is nut given mater- ial advantages. 'There is a note of patriotic self -assertiveness, no doubt. due to passing irritation over the Alaska award. We hope in his re- marks regarding the British navy, he was only playing to the gallery. It is natural for tho colonists to think that their primary allegiance should be given to their own colony. It is the colonists deliberate purpose to restrict any competition that is like- ly to thwart their purpose to develop the great manufacturing industries of their own. There is no need to abandon tho attempts to bring the Empire closer, but it is well that we understand the brusque warning the Dominion Minister has thought pro- per to enunciate. Closer bonds of Empire aro sentiments shared by all, patriotic Englishmen, but from Mr. Sifton's speech we perceive it will need a great deal of careful states- manship to affect it," Ancient Slander Revived. London, Dec. 9.-(0. A. P.) -Lord Onslow, at the annual banquet of the Associated Chambers of Com- merce in Piccadilly yesterday, refer- ring to cattle breeding, said he had been pressed to bring in a bill to permit the admission of Canadian store cattle into this country. Cries of "No/' To open British ports would be to discourage home breeders, and intro- duce disease. (Applause.) Imperial federation bore the hall' mark of the colonists beyond the seas and should not be lightly cast. aside. E. L. DIOxnesox DUDLEY HOLMES DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN. OirFlom: Meyer Block, Wingham. ARTHUR .1. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Dental College Dental Surgery T,., icentiatee of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. UT T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. • DENTIST. Beaver Block, Wingham. ID. D. S. -Toronto University. L. D. S. -Royal College of Dental Surgeons. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. TRAINS LeAVe eons London 8.50 a.m . 8.10p.m. Toronto & East..9 Bane6.58 a.m . 8.O5p.m. Kincardine..11.10 a.m1.40 pm.... 8.88p.m. ARRIVE FROM Kincardine -. .6,50 a.m9n0 aan.... 1.08 p.m, London 11.10 aan.... 7.65 p.m. Palmerston 11.10 m Toronto & East 1.40 p.m...- 8.88 p.m. L. HAROLD,Agent, Wingham. OANTADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TRAINS LEAVE non Toronto and East C57 s m . 8.48 p.m. Teeewatcr 1.17 p.m..,.10.48 p.m. ARBrya roost Teeswater.. . 6.57 a.m. 48 p. m. Toronto and )Cast ...... 117 p.m....10.48 p. m. J. H. BI ZMEi3, Agent, Windham' J 8. JEROME, L. D. S. Ty Has a new method for painless extraction. No cocaine. Special attention to the care of children's teeth. Moderate prices, and all work guaranteed• Os'i'iOE.- In McKenzie building, opposite National hotel. JOB I N RIND` G *Aiding Books, Pamphlets, Fosters, till Heads, Circulars, &a., &o., executed in the best stylb of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. BOoxiITlfbrlt'e.-W. aro pleased to announce that any Books or Msgazinee left with for Bi ndin , Will ha reour prompt oaten eat Priroi torsln nfet� le will e on a splieatloa to T11[lob O iOlt JOAN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. ALES. KELLY, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Huron. Sales of all kinds conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at the TIMES office will receive prompt attention. JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, tint. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales of Farm Stock and Implements a specialty. All orders left at the TIxEs office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. F• S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER Is prepared to conduct sales In this section. Special attention given to sales of farm stook andimplements. •Dates and orders can always be arranged at the Tures office, Wingham. FARMERS and anyone havinglive stook or other o dispose t ose of,should adver- tise the mate for tale in the Times. Onr large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee that you will sell because you may ask snore for the article or stook than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Timms and try this plan of disposing of your stook and other articles. 6v YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS Ds suGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description ms7 ggiokly iseertsln oar opiinion free wnother Invention is probably eonRunten da ltsrHneeeantfee. Oldeest agady for warms patents. Patents rates tame& Munn & Co. recount *vent mince without emerge intheN� yy lie J■ 01011 + 1a A isti dsos� an n� nt iii »yly T•sti'mi, �pfi++ eu a any' tttt tta0 ,Vs It osi' l Sir lwontYe, Siete Co set8t0adwa•7, 12e.-iit T -IL Wsabi Oasts )ar. It. L. Joynt. • North Augusta, Dec. 9. -At the meeting of the Liberal -Conservative) Association for the County of Gren- ville, held in the Town Hall, Spen- cerville, yesterday, for the selection of candidates for the Dominion and local houses, by a vote of the dele- gates, Dr. J. B. Reid was chosen for the Dominion Ilouse, and Mr. G. H. Ferguson, barrister, of Kemptville, for the Local House, in place of Mr. R. L. Joynt, the present member. Up to the time of the vote being taken Mr. Joynt announced that he would not stand by this convention, but would run as an independent. Deal Involves S850,000. Ottawa, Dec. 9.-A syndicate, composed of J. .1. McFadden of Sault Ste. Marie, Lorne Hale and F. J, Bell of Pembroke, John Fer- guson of Renfrew, W. H. Lewis of Toronto, William Anderson, book- keeper for J. R. Booth, Ottawa. has bought the mills and limits of the Edmund Hall estate. The mills are at Sarnia and the limits are in Algoma, covering 180 square miles. Tho price paid was $850,000. The deal is one of the most important which has taken place in Ontario in recent years. Child Dles Front Burns. Hamilton, Dec. 9; -Little Emma. Carroll, the 6 -year-old daughter of Edward Carroll, contractor, died yes- terday. She had been left for a few minutes alone -in the kitchen and started to amuse herself with a pile of paper and matches. Her clothing; caught fire, and she was frightfully burned. She lingered in great pain till last evening. Mrs. Grey, who ran to her rescue, was also severely burned. The mother of the dead child is very 111 at St. Joseph's Hos- pital. To Organize To -Day. Ottawa, Dec. 9. -Robert Reford of Montreal arrived last night to at- tend an organization meeting of the Transportation Commission to -day. The other members are John Bert- ram, Toronto, and Mr: Fry, Quebec. Private Bank Suspends. St, John, N. 33., Dee. 9.--Biair & Co., private bankers, of many, years standing in this city, announced yeti- terday afternoon; that they were forc- ed to suspend payment. No state- ment of the finances has been made. . lour Hirers ak.t, Trinidad, Col., Dec, 9. --Four 8trilee ing coal miners, /toilets and Skil- • inns, were shot in the fight Monday, night at the Segundo coke ovens with the Colorado Fuel and ?rota Company's guard. Mira. baafrtutr a Plafatil>4 Victoria, 111.0., Dec. 9. -In the Hopper-Dulsinuir case yesterday, Mrs. Joan Dunemuir, mother of James Dunemuir, was made a plains. tis as a party to the Case. C.ionlsf is safe. Oswego, lt.V„ Dec. 9.- Stea olonial about the safety.fwhi s acute anxiety had been telt, arrive& here at midnight M6ndey fright trout Tort Dalhousie.