HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-12-10, Page 8THE WINGIWI TIMES, DECEMBER 10, 1903 I december 9 December 9,, „ihiliday Coods Qin DispIa TMs store open from 8 a.m. to 9.30 P.M., lila 1111. 1st, 1904. It's toed Time suy Now Stocks are at their best, and besides the usually complete and satisfactory assortment below are a few suggestions that we can supply, suitable for Xmas gifts : FOR FATHER FOR BROTHER —Shoes —Fur Coat —New Snit of Clothes —Fur Can —New Overcoat ---New Fur Coat —Ties —Hose —Silk Handkerchiefs —Kid Gloves. —Underwear FOR MOTHER —Umbrellas, —Ties —Shoes —Gloves —Mufflers —Suspenders FOR SISTER —New Silk Dress —New Silk Waist —.A. Dress Pattern —A Mantle —A Fur Coat —Fur Ruff —Table Linen —Table Napkins —Collars —Kiel Gloves, Silk Mitts —Silk Handkerchief —Linen Towels —Silk Mitts Gloves —Silk Handkerchief —Embroidered Handkerchief —For Ruff —Fur Muff —Seal Coat —Persian Lamb Coat —Dress Pattern —Fancy Collars —Fancy Belts —Fancy Hose. ,RITCHIE Sc. CAMPBELL, THE BEAVER Bcacr. - WINGHAIS. THE BEAVER BLOCK - WINGHAM. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ •r ,+F + + + + + + + + + •r,,,.0 We extend 'to one and all a cordial invitation to visit our immense display of new and beautiful Holiday Goods, especially selected with a view to meeting the every requirement of the gift -makers of Wingham and vicinity. TOY DEPARTMENT DRESSING CASES AND FANCY ARTICLES +++++++++++++++++++++•o++++ + + + + Ever 1, y Y . get ready for t fr The way the letters are pouring .+ into Santa s letter -box, and the long + lists that are in them, will keep Sant' Claus very busy filling orders, so • e + advise you to get your letter he = at once in order that Santa may ; ve it + his personal attention. .O Come along (with your r others) + children, and see what we h 'e stored + away for yon. Dolls in great riety Sleighs and Si s Toy Books Mechauical Toys, ♦ Drums, Banks, etc., etc. PRESENTATION BOOKS Daintily bound volumes of Stand- ard Authors, and padded Leather Editions of the Poets, also the latest Fiction in attractive bindings, are awaiting your selection. Also Boy's Own Annual Girl's Own Annual Chums and Young Canada British Workman, etc., etc. Beautiful Sets in French Stag and Ebony, containing Brushes, Combs aucl Mirrors; also Ebony Brushes and Mirrors separately. Splendid values. Musical Photo Albums and Cases in great variety FANCY CHINAWARE For a Christmas or Wedding Pre- sent there is no place in Wingham that gives you such a variety of Chinaware suitable for a lady as will be found here. Don't forget this department when you are selecting your pre- sents for this year. Special priced tables for your convenience. 5 decorations of Limoges China The new " Vienna " ware German and Austrian China Wedgewcod ware Japanese ware. We can take care of the Christmas buyers. We have the right thing for every person. The right place for every person. —J. Button & Co. are retiring from the boot and shoe business and announce a great clearing sale. See advt. la au• other column o4 this issue. —Mr. Geo. Lamont, of the Iiluevale road has taken a situation on the G. T. } R. and is at present working at the Whitechurch station. Srov rs—All kinds, at bargain prices, as we need Money and mut sell stoves. Call and see what we have. A. Youxo & SON, —The Dominion Bank is opening a branch office in St. Thomas, under the management of Mr J. K. Pearce, for- merly manager at Seaforth. —Dr. Macdonald, M, P. was one of the speakers at a tea -meeting, entertain- ment held in'the Presbyterian church at 'Walton on Monday evening, Srovns.—Gall and see our aseortrent of stoves and get our prices. We love a large stock op hand and will sell them at a very low price. A. YOUNG e SON. —Mr. C. J, Maguire, Wingham's real estate agent. has a number of bargains in farm. and town property. See his list in another column of this issue. —The Sunday school at Zetland will hold their annual Christmas • entertain- ment on the evening of December 29th. A good program is being prepared. Rev. Dr. Gandy was in Toronto for a few days this week attending an impor- tant meeting of the Missionary Society Execvtive of the Methodist church. —The K. O. T. M, concert on Friday evening last was not largely attended. Miss Beckett was prononuced a good singer by those Who heard her. She was assisted by local talent. —The junior branch of the Women's Auxiliary intend holding a sale of work in the school room of St. Paul's Church an Saturday, December twelfth, com- mencing at three o'clock. The best stock of Picture Moulding ever shown in Wingham may be seen at our store. Bring along your pictures and have thecal framed with the best moulding. WALKER BROS. &BUTTON. —Mr. Jim Fax is the best comic sing- er and the most popular, is evident by the fact that he has six weeks' engage- ments booked. Hear him at the Scot- tish concert on Thursday evening, Janu- ary 7th. —Our advertisers will avoid posssible i disappointment by having copy handed fin by Monday noon at the latest, We do our best with changes handed in after that time, but cannot promise to give them attention, especially at this busy season. —We notice by our exchanges that people are pondering over the perplex- ing problem: When live hogs are so low in price, why does dressed pork of all kinds maintain the same old figures? Same way here boys; it is a harder question to figure out than,' How old is 1 Ann?—Harriston Review. +'oughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Cresoleno tablet.;. ten cents per box. All druggists —Mr. J. Buckeley has sold the Star restaurant business to Mr. L. G. Kruse, lace of Brussels and the new proprietor took possession on Saturday last. Mr. Kruse is a man of many years experi- I ence in the restaurant business and the TlaMES has much pleasure in welcoming him to town and wishing him success in his business. —A team of horses driven by Mr. T. J. McLean made things lively on Jos- ephine street for a few minutes at the noon hour on Saturday last. The horses rau with full speed down the street and collided with a telephone pole I south of the Broadway House. The pole was smashed very badly, but driver and cutter were not injured. PERSONAL. • Rev. D. Perrie spent part of this week in Toronto, Mrs. and Miss Movies left Wingham en Monday last for Zion City, I11. Miss Maggie Hiscocks is spending a few weeks with her aunt in Toronto. Mrs. Lorne Campbell, of Roseland, +B. C. is visiting with Mrs. J. D. Burns. + I Mayor Vanstone was in Goderich for -s a few days this week on legal business. • • Mr. Hugh Taylor has moved his fami- ly and household effects to Toronto + Mr. McMillian, of High River, Man. • was calling on Wingham friends for a + few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Williams, of + I Morris left on Friday last on a business + + trip to Wales, England. They expect. + I to be away until about the end of Feb- ruary. + + + + + T Cooper it Cost (Successors to Alex. Ross.) + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Everybody is Talkie . About Humberstone's CHINA, JAPANESE WARE, DINNER SETS, TEA SETS, TOILET SETS. Seldom, yes never, have the people of 'D'inghanl smiled their approval on such beautiful goods as we are displaying for the Xmas trade, To see them is to buy. Santa Claus is coming with ORANGES, LEI4IONS, NUTS, CANDIES, And artterythlrig suitable for the holiday prl. Humberstone, MINOR LOCALS. —Hear Harold Jarvis at the Se ottish concert on January 7th. —School meetings in rural sections will be held the last Wednesday of De- c ember. r. Jo n Hewer has purchased Mr. F. Seli's barber shop and is now in charge. The regular meeting of Court Mait- land, 0. 0. P. will be held on Friday evening of this week. --Hugh A. McLean, of Underwood has been appointed Clerk of the Sixth Division Court of Bruce county. ----The railways are offering the usual reduced rates for the holidaya. 'See advts. in another column for particulars. —All town, village and township councils will hold their regular statutory. meeting on Tnesday next, Deeember I5th. The finest display of guitars, mando- olins, and mouth organs. Call and see them at D. Bell's music store. ----When. you need anything in the printing or advertising lines, ring up. 'phone No. 4; will that get the Teas office. -Dr. McKenzie, son of Mr. Geo, IIe- Kenzie, of this town, has been elected honorary president of the Monkton hockey club. ---Mr. Jos. Casemore is moving to town this week from Morris and will occupy the house reeent•Iy purchased from Mr. GVIl�(1II A y3ohn Mc1V erin, )SOIiN. LIu�[—In Howick, at Farrell's Corner, on Dec. 2nd the wife of Mr. Henry Timm ; a daugh- ter. BARTON—In Mildmay, on Dec, let the wife of R. J. Barton; a daughter. SMITH—In West Wawanosh, on December 2nd, the wife of John G. Smith; a daughter. Gram:MS—In Hallett, on November 29th, the wife of Mr. J. Gihbings ; of a son. Boss—On December 7th. at 839 Bathurst st. Toronto to Mr. and Mrs. dolor R. Bone, for- merly of East Wawanosh; a daughter. DIED GAT.I.AORER—In Belgrave, on December 4th, Maggie D. Millar, wife of Robt. Gallagher, aged 41 years. Onn--1n Kinloss, on November 28th, William Orr, agecl GG years. Wrlsox —In West Wawanosh. on November 28th, Charles Wilson, in his 82nd year. MCKAv—In Ashfield, on November 20th, Mrs. Kenneth McKay, aged 82 ears. SwA:c—In Belfast, on Nov. 28th, Win. Jos Swan, aged 11 yrs. 1 month, and 14 clays, RITeniE—In Ashfield, on Nov. 28th, Alfred E. Ritchie, aged 37 years and 20 days. mtTAnsoN—In re on Dec. 3,Elizabeth Cardiff, wife of Jas. B. Williamso, aged 08 years and 2 days. Dor. ex—In Blyth, on November 24th, Gideon Doupe aged 88 years and 0 days. Glans—In Lonesboro, on November 27th, Thomas Gibbs, aged 58 years, 7 months and 25 days. The New Mill CHOPPING done at the .New Mill, Josephine St., North. Satisfactioncar g anteed. Feed of all kinds on hand. Give us a trial, D. MCCRECOR The New Mill Wingham. VVVVWWWWWVWWWWWV AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A. R. srarErs big purchase of G1othin3? Ovorniale of season, manufactured for high-class trade by U. Shorey & Co„ Montreal. Sale to continue for 15 days Men's Raglan Overcoats, wide sweep, good cloth, splendid lining, reg. price SO to $11, our price for 2 weeks, $7 50. Youths' Raglan Overcoats, correct shape,sido pookets,sizes 80 to 34, $4.50 Men's Suits, heavy weight, A 1 lining, good all year round suits, $4,90, $5.75, $7.00, $5.80, $10.00. Youths' Double Breast and Single -Breast Suits, at $3.75, $4.50, $5.O0, $5.70, 80.00. To see is to buy. A few dozen Boys' and Women's heavy black all -wool Hose, 35c a pair. Dozens Men's Silk Handkerchiefs at 25o, regular 50o. Men's Fancy Vests, beauties, and below regular prices. A few pairs Ladies' Curl Gauntlets, light Dolor, 500; reg 75e and $1.00. Men's and Youths' Underwear, Mitts,,Gloves, Smocks, Overalls, Odd Coats, Odd Vests, Odd Pants. P.S.—Doors open at 8 a.m. Close at 8 pen. A. R. SMITH CHISHOLM BLOCK, WINGHAM. AAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YVVVVYYVVVWW+VVVVVVVVVVVN 1 1 GREAT' ristmas Sale. Watches; Jewelry, Rings, Silverware, Japanese China, Brush and Comb cases, Novelties, etc., etc. 1 Our stock is much too large; and in order to clear it out we will give extraordinary bargains all this month. Don't miss this great opportunity for buying fine Xmas Presents very cheap. A beautiful Wall Pocket given with every purchase of $2 or over. Halsey Park, Mvcdonald Block WINGHAM. • WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS. WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, 'or resi- I dence at Ritchie's property on Scott St. or third house west of school on John street. Shop opposite Macdonald block STRAY SOW. CAXE onto the pr th sos of the undersigned, Lot:37, Conces. 10, East Wawanosh on or about the 22nd o ovomber, one Yorkshire Sow. Owner can have sante by proving prop- erty and paying expenses. J. A. MENZIES, Wingham P.O. •7.'HE ANNUAL Cheese & in the Foresters' the 17th day of D and the transaction r the may come before N I M Butte Hal B open tion f of t the ICE. TING of the Bluevale Factory Co. will be held luevale, on Thursday, er, 1903, et 1,00 o'clock a Board of Directors iv other business that eetin[t. By order. URGBSS, Secretary, Photos Photosf. :7 FOR CHRISTMAS fly` ''ow Is TIM TIME TO HATE them taken. (`,all and see latest, bt 9t and most ;')/01atedthe of gXmas Presents, at Armstrong & Co's Studio WINGHAM �S1$•J • J S. JEROME, L. D. S. Has a new method for painless extraction. No cocaine. Special attention to the care of children's teeth. Moderate prices, and all work guaranteed. OFFICE.-- In McKenzie Wilding, opposite National hotel. DR, BROWN, L. R. C. P. London England. Graduate of London, few Yorit and Chi - ca. Diseases of Eye Ear, Noso and Throat. Will be at the Queen's Hotel, Wingham, 4th Tuesday in each month. Hours from to 9p.m. Massey -Harris Agency. HAVE YOU A CUTTER ? If not, call and examine our stook before purchasing elsewhere. If you will need anything in the line of Farm Implements or Machinery for the coming season, place your order early and get the best. Massey -Harris goods are leaders everywhere. Agent for— Kemp Manure Distributor Melotte Cream Separator We also handle the Wm. Gray & Sons BUGGIES acrd CUTTERS—universally acknowledged to be the best and most durable to be had. ALF". GLOVER r ISM W'INCHAIl�, MA GORDONt I BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! 1 I BARGAINS ! 1 1 • In every lino of our very attractive display of the latest, best and • most stylish articles in Fine Furs, such as every lady is delighted to ♦ wear. Also in Bien's and Youths' Fur Coats, Fur Caps, etc„ • together with the most seasonable Ready-to-wear Tailored clothing, • particularly Overcoats. Onr stocks in the above.mentioned lines are unusually large this • season. We have therefore determined that the bust and quickest way to •clear them out is to put the pruning knife into every vestige of profits, so that not a piece of our immense collection of beautiful Furs or a single • garment of our handsome, comfortable and perfect -fitting Overcoats • shall remain within these walls on Christmas eve. • A careful, intelligent look through the above departments will • •convince every intending buyer that when we 'offer bargains we mean • every word that we write. • • • Christmas •• Our stook of Xmas Specialties was never more complete or attractive • and values were:never better. Get your Xnas supplies here and you may • be sure of a Merry Christmas, which we sincerely wish you each and all, • EN— Highest prices for trade. A good Organ, almost new, for sale • cheap; will exchange for either dry or green wood. •• • •• D.• M. Gordon • ' y Highest prices paid for FarmProduce. D I RE CT I M P O RTE R. j 40. • • •♦• ••♦ • •♦ a • • ♦• • • w • •♦ •• ♦ ♦000000400♦+0+0+00+00+0+00 ++O0+0AO4)0000♦0000,00♦00m0t. 4.1•444444444444444444444444 •1- 4• 4• + 4. 4• 4• , 4` .3. 4• 'l- 4 + 4• 4• 4• 'l. 4• •'r 4• + + + 4• 4• •1• 4• 4•,r4.44444.4.44441* 3• J,. w J • 4. •F - Satisfactory a�' M + .. in every way4-*`..+ °-1-, WINGHAM ONT., MARCH 2ND, 1903. 4- Tne Western Foundry Go., Ltd. Windham4. , Ont.i. DEAR SIRS: I have much pleasure in stating that 4• we have found the "Crown Huron" Range satisfac- 4 tory, in every way. 4- + ' Yours truly, F H. H. CHISHOLM. 4. + NOTE—This range has Reservoir attached and is 4. also fitted with water front. + SELLING AGENTS : + 4. 4.ALEX. YOUNG & SON . WINDHAM. +: J. BUCG & SON4. 304.4.4.4.+4.4.++4•+++4.+++4.++4.43.+41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 VVYYVVVVVVVVVYVIVVYYVYVYV YYYYYYVVYVVVVVVVVVyyyyYYVV IRON and BRASS BEDS ! These goods are ever becoming more popular, and to keep dace with their growing popularity and the consequent increasing demand for them, we have placed in stock a few lines from which we are sure everyone can make a pleasing choice. PRICES, $3.75, $4.00, $6.00, $6.50 .4 411 A good line of Dressers and Stands to match. 41411• z E A fine line of s. SIDEBOARDS, BEDROOM SUITS E PARLOR. SUITS COUCHES, etc., C All up,to-date goods at the lowest prices, WALKER BROS. & BUTTON Furniture and Undertaking. ElShe Pnrnitttre Store opposite the Post Office. AAAAAAAAAAAAiAAAhAAAAAAAA4! AA,AAAAA* AtAIAAAAAMhAA A„