HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-12-10, Page 6: 9THE WING11A I TINES, DECEMBER 101 1903
Bovril in the mute hen
The object elf cookery should be to prepare food in the
most nutritious, palatable and easily digestible fortn.
I3OVP.II. is the ennboc:iment of all these qualities and
is therefore of paramount importance in the kitchen
where a little of it added tosoups, gravies, stews, etc.,
gives relish and real nourishment to even the most
tasteless dish.
Kernels from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
During the recent outbreak of diph-
theria in Chesloy there wore 23 death
in thirteen days, according to the report
of the Provincial Healtl, Officer. The
disease was spread principally by milk
sold front the inflected house before the
local physician had learned the nature
Of the disease,
Mrs. Christian Tegler of the 13th con-
cession of Carrick died l' riday evening,
Nov, 27th after a short illness. Mrs.
Tegler ate an apple, and was immediate.
1y siezed with inflammation of the stom-
ach, and after suffering intense agony
for three hours she passed away. De-
ceased was eighteen years of age, and
bar} been, married about a year.
Ou November 25th, at 7 o'clock, p. m.
the home of Mr. Heury Wilson uepr
Ebenezer was the seems of a very pretty
event, when his neice, Miss Minnie, was
united in marriage to Mr. Percy Saucier -
son, of Duutannon. The marriage cer-
emony was performed by Rev. Mr, Wil-
son, paster of the Nile church. The
bride looked charming in a gowu of
cream cashmere.
For selling liquor to boys under 21 An Explosion of acetylene gas at the
gears of age, W. J. Pushelburg, of Rossmore Hotel, Cornwall, frightened
21ildmay, was fined $40 and costs.
Horses owned by Graham brothers of
Claremont, Ont., and Mr. Robert Davies
9f Toronto won valuable prizes at the
Chicago live stock show.
St. Marys citizens are going to vote at
the next municipal election as to wheth-
er or not they will except a gift of $8000
from Mr. Andrew Carnegie to build a
public: library.
Lever's Y -Z(Wise ti..i' ead) Disinfectant Soap
Powder is a boon to any home. It disin-
fects and cleans at the same time. �o
Mr. A. G. Ehnes has sold his farm, lot
21. con. 6, Hay, to Mr. Robert Porter-
field, of Clifford. The price paid was
$7500 and the farm is considered one of
the finest in Hay township.
The divorced wife of a millionaire
Advises girls not to marry a man of mill-
ions, and it seems that the girls are tak-
ing her advice. None of them marry a
man worth more than a quarter of a
million and from that down to 30 cents.
,c)MI. aatt...
Bears the - The Kind You Have Always Bought
Samuel Osborne's barn on the 12th
eon., Huron, was destroyed by fire early
'Tuesday morning of last week. The
cause of the fire is unknown. The barn
'was filled with grain and hay, the entire
winter's feed. Six pigs were also con-
Newspaper subscriptions aro always
paid in advance; that is to say, though
the subscriber may not do it, the pub-
lisher is obliged to, as the paper dealers,
the compositors, the type masters, ink
makers, the pressmen, the landlord and
others will not wait for pay until the
year expires.
Hagyard's Yellow Oil takes oat pain,
reduces swelling and allays inflamma-
tion. Cures Rheumatism, Stiff Joints,
Contracted Chords, Sore Throat, Croup,
Qniusey, etc. It does not stain the
skin nor soil the clothiug. Price 25c.
In our last issue it was stated that Mr.
Thomas F.Cain, the Well known pro-
prietor of the Cain House. Lucknow, had
sold out to Mr. Fogerty of Liman. The
hotel is still conducted by Mr. Cain, as
we understand that air. Fogerty was
unable to arrange matters satisfactorily
and the deal is off.
There died at her home in
ship of Ashfield on Thursday evening,
November 26th, Mrs. McKay„ widow of
the late Kenneth McKay. Deceased
was born in the year 1811, at Applecross.
Rosshire, Scotland, and came to Nova
Scotia, when eighteen years of age, After a lingering illness Mr. Wm. Orr,
where she married and remained there of con. 8, Kinloss joined the great ma-
unti11854, when her husband and family jority on Saturday morning, Nov. 28th,
removed to Ashfield, where she remain-
ed till death.
the town -
the guests but did little damage,
During this year 91 new post offices
have been established west of Winnipeg.
This is about double the number in the
whole of 1902.
Worms affect a child's health too
seriously to neglect. Sometimes they
cause convulsions and death. If you
suspect them to he present, give Dr.
Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, which
destroys the worms without injuring
the child. Price 253.
Rev. Dr. MeRobbie, of Kemble, for-
mely pastor of Shelburne Presbyterian
cherch, has received a call from Zion
charch,Howard, North Dakota. Stipend,
$1,800 per annum.
It is said Philip Ament ofBruslels has
purchased a timber limit and sawmill
in Muskoka or in that locality and may
remove there to look after his interests.
He may still retain a branch of the
business at Brussels.
There have been issued by the Pro-
vincial Secretary's Department permits
to 182 owners of automobles in Ontario
and il0 from the United States who en-
tered the province from Detroit.
The Howe family moved to Wroxeter
from Brussels last week where Mr.
Howe runs the woollen mill.. Mr. Howe
has rented his brick house to John Hun-
ter of Morris, who will move to Brussels
Mrs. E. W. Le Gallais, St. Godfroy,
P, Q., says: "I have used Milburn's
Sterling Headache Powders for sick
headache. After taking two powders
I fele better and was able to get up
and goon with my work."
The death of a cow in Holland Tp.
Grey County, occurred in an unusual
manner. A hay knife had been left in
the stack, and the animal in feeding
from the stack came into contact with
the blade cutting her throat.
Mr. Alfred E. Ritchie who has suffer-
ed for some years past with consump-
tion, died at the home of his brother, Mr.
Chas. Ritchie, on the 13th concession of
Ashfield on Saturday, Nov. 28th. De-
ceased was in his 38th year, and leaves a
widow and four children.
In the Spring wheu Grippe was raging
I had a bad attack and the cough was so
severe that I thought I would cough
myself to death. I got a bottle of Dr,
Wood's Norway Pane Syrup and it
cured inc in a surprisingly short time.
Mrs. J, H. Myers, Isaac's Harbor, N. S.
Mrs. James Clark, Commands, Ont.,
writes: "I was greatly troubled with
Headache and Constipation. I tried
Lasa -Liver Pills and they diel me more
good than anything I ever took."
Nobbled six Years I Detective Forest returned to 'Throat
With Rheumatism
The Remarkable Case. of ler. Cullen,,
a Chronic Sufferer, Who Was
Cured in Six Weeks by
The main building of the University
of Ottawa was destroyed by fire early
Wednesday morning of last week. The
loss is estimated at $500,000, with insur-
ance of (1150,000. The students were all
got out in safety, but three priests and
several women servants had to jump 65
feet, and received serious injuries. One
of the priests has since died from injur-
ries received.
Mr. William. Bubolz has sold ills farts
of the North Road, McKillop, to Mr.
George Stewart, of Seaforth, for the sum
of $6,500. Mr. Bubolz purchased this
farm a little over a year ago from the
estate of the late George Dorrance. It is
an excellent farm, contains 100 acres, is
pleasantly and conveniently situated and
has ou it a nice new brick residence and
goad out buildings.
For OVAr Sixty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
for their children white teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarriama. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty five cents abottle. Its
value is incalculable. Besure you ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
It has been estimated that nine novels
had a total sale of 1,600,000 copies. This
means 2,000,000 pounds of paper. We
are assured by a manufacturer of paper
that the average spruce tree yields a
little less than half a cord of wood, which
is equivalent to 500 pounds of paper. In
other words, these nine novels swept
away 4000 trees. Is it any wonder that
those iuterested in forestry look with
anxiety upon the paper mill?
Mr. William Shane sr. of Montreal was
the guest of his brother-in-law, Mr. Jos.
Rattenbury, at Clinton last week. Mr.
Shane was formerly a resident of Clin-
ton, going to that town in October, 1849.
He assisted in erecting several of the
oldest buildings in town, including the
grocery store and residence occupying
the site of the new postoffice, which was
built in 1855. Mr. Shane subsequently
moved to Blyth and was long known as
the "Daddy" of that village.
r To trove to yon that Dr,
y ' i f Ch^se's Ointment is a certain
E Q4'' and absolute cure for each
and every form of itch;ng,
bleeding and protruding piles,
'he manufacturers have guaranteed it. See les.
:mania's in the daily press and ask your neigh,
•o -s whtit they think of it, Yon can use it and
t your uionev back if not cured. arc a box, at
ii dsalors or l:DMANSON,BATES & CO.,Toronto,
from Georgetown, Friday with over 400
letters,wnioh he found iu the house
where Albert H. Whitesell stayed fu that
town. The letters were from diii'erent
womenwhom he had promised to marry.
At the instance of one of them be was
committed for trial ou the charge of
d' d
Mrs. Cullen of Sturgeon Bay, writes:
"For six years I bobbled about like a
cripple, unable to clove without crutches
and cause. I used qualitities of medi-
cines, and epeeml baths, but they didu't
help tate very much.
"Ou the advice of a Presbyterian
minister I used Ferrozoue, gave it a good
trial at first and when T saw it was help-
ing, I bought six boxes and took one tab-
let at the close of each 'Heal. I am per-
fectly cured, and am today as spry as a
youngster of tee. I am convinced that
my recovery is eutirely due to the mar-
vellous action of Ferrozoue,"
Mrs. Oul'e i's case is a fair example of
the kind, of cures that Ferrozoue is
effecting every day. Iu severe cases of
Neuralgia, Sciatica, ltheuu,atism, and
Lumbago, it acts with surprising alac-
rity, and no case is recorded Where it
Ferrozoue cures these diseases because
it is a solvent for uric acid in the blood.
Then it builds up and invigorates the
system, at -d makes weak, sickly people
strong and well enough to resist and
ward off disease.
The best Rheumatism retnedy is Fer-
rozone. It relieves quickly, and cures
so perfectly that the disease neves re-
turns. Atter all other remedies fail, it
cures, and that is the sort of medicine
you want, Price 50o. per box, or six
I boxes for $2.50. Sent to your address by
mail if price is furwartied to The Fer-
rozone Cotupauy, Kingston, Out.
at the age of 66 years. Mr. Orr was
highly thought of by all who knevr him
and he will be missed in the community
Mrs. Hibbert Beck, Newburn, N. S. in which he has so longresided.
writes: "I was in bed for weeks with
Rheumatism and could not move with- i The trustees of U. S. S. No 10, Hallett
out help. I began using Milburn s ! have engaged Miss Millan, of Goclerich,
Rheumatic Pills and one box relieved
the pairs and six boxes completely cured f as teacher for next year. The trustees
mo. '
While workmen were making prepara-
tions to excavate for a furnace under
• the Bank of Commerce house, at Sea -
forth occupied by Mr, Parket:, the mann,
ger, they found a petrified cat. The
skeleton of: the animal was perfect in
every detail, and the skin covered the
bones as completely and perfectly as
in life, while the Carcass was rigid as
atone. It was found lying in a bed of
lime left there by seine men when re-
pairing the house some years ago, and it
is thought that the cat Was then caught
-ander the house and been dried up and
hardened by the lisle. The curia has
been placed in the museurn of Collegiate
Institute. ,,�.y y�..yy. y.y ���,,�ii
;K the The Kind Yea Hare Always Bought
of S. S. No. 8 have engaged J. C. Robert-
son, of Auburn, as senior teacher, at a
salary of $350, and Miss Clara Houston,
of Kincardine, as junior, at $275.
We regret to announce the death of
Mr. Thos. Gibbs, of Londesboro who
died somewhat unexpectedly on Satur-
day afternoon. Deceased was in his or-
dinary health on Friday, and while en-
gaged in buying a stove in Gerry's store,
Blyth, was taken ill. Mr. Gerry seeing
that he was sick, lent him his far coat,
and sent him home oma byhis boy,but
never recovered from what seemed to be
a stroke of paralysis. Deceased calve to
this country from Linton, Cambridge -
shore, in abont the year 187ir living at
Walkerburn until about 4 years ago,
when he bought the old cheese factory
property on the bank of the river, and
moved thereto.
fraud some days ago, au le an reutau
in couueotion with a similar obarge
brough by another women, Ther are
both widows. The letters showed that
money -orders and cheques had been
sent to him in amounts ranging from
$50 to $500, The letters will be sorted
out and st•parate paoltages made of those
from each women. When the case is
called again in the Toronto Police Court
they will be put in as exhibits. White.,
sell apparently fonud that widows were
the easier to court for the unu.arried
women among his correspondents were
iu the minority,
There passed away at the residence of
Mrs. John Oriel], in Seaforth, ou Sunday,
Nov, 29th, ahother of the early -pioneers
of this county; in the person of Mr. John
Grant, father of Mrs. John Crich. Mr.
Grant had reached the advauced age of 79
years, but until a few weeks ago he
seemed quite smart and was able to go
about town. He had been confined to his
residence about six weeks. He had been a
resident of Seaforth for about four years,
coming here from Ethel, in the town-
ship of Grey. His wife died many years
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars • Re-
ward for any case of Catarrh that can-
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure,
F. J. CHENEY & Co, Toledo, 0.
We the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all busiubss
transactions and financially able to carry
out aur obligations made by their firm,
Wnsr & TRUAX, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, 0. WALDING, KiNNAN & MAR -
VIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern•
ally, acting directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi-
monials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle.
Sold by all Druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
House of Refuge Statistics.
The following statistics taken from the
report of the Inspector of the House
of Refuge, as submitted to the County
Council, in session this week, will prove
of interest to our readers:
No. of inmates since opening.. , .260
'" " Dec. 1, 1902 ,82
" " admittedduring year 22
" " absconded 1
Births, 1; deaths this year, 8; discharged
15; in house on Deo. 1, 1903, 81, 28 fe-
males and 53 males, During the year
McKillop sent 4 inmates, Howick 1, Hay
2, Goderich Tp. 1, Tuckersmith 2, Ash-
field 2, Stanley 1, Hallett 1, Goderioh 1,
Seaforth 2,'Wingham 1., Blyth 1, Exeter
1, Clinton 2. These included 14 Cana-
dians, 4 English. 2 Germans, 1 Scotch
and 1 Irish. Expenditure on house and
farm dining year, $4809.52; total expen-
diture for year, $6094.58. There was
sold off the farts produce to the amount
of $337.02, and$147.42 was received from
paying patient9. Average expenses per
inmate per day, 13.57 cents. The fuel
and light of the siustitutiou costs $574.07,
combined salaries of Inspectors, Keeper
and Matron $700, and extra hired help
Seven out of tho twenty-seven stn•
dents at the Goderich Model School do
not intend to seek positions as teachers
at present, there are only five others who
are not engaged for the comiug term.
Following is a list of those who have
schools: Miss Ireue Woods, near Blyth;
Miss M. McDonald, near Zurich; Miss
D.Nicholson, junior department, Zurich ;
Miss Kathleen Swann, junior depart-
ment, Dungannon; Miss Flo. Buchanan,
near Belfast; MISS B. Millan, near Lou-
deshoro: Miss Olive Turner, S. S. No. 6,
Stephen; Miss F. Sturdy, near Varna,
and R. Carter;No. 11, Hay; C. Asquith,
Churchill, Gordon Wightman, principal
at Auburn; Ernest Robertson, principal
at Londesboro; Fred Sweet, Kirkton;
Will Taylor, St. Helens, and D. Mathe-
son, Lochalsh. It is pleasing to note
that with hut one exception the schools
are in Huron comity.
rena0 h MSw9S ®9B'3tLrrendt
On Monday, Nov. 30th, Tuckersmith,
township lost one of its oldest and best
known residents in the person of Simon
McKenzie in his 73rd year. He went to
that locality when but a babe, with his
parents, in 1834, where he has continued
to reside ever since, About 43 years ago
he married a Miss McQuillan, to whom
five children were born, and all reside in
the township with the exception of a son
at the Soo, and besides these to mourn
his loss he leaves a loving wife.
c�.s oVI. a431..
Bears the The Kind Yee 44e/.4>.
Signature �T-GcC e/.4/
of .,
The late Bill Nye is credited with hav-
ing written the following advertisement:
Owing to my 111 health I will sell
at my residence, lot 16, con. G, one rasp-
berry cow, aged eight years. She is a
good milker, and is not afraid of cars or
anything else. She is of undaunted
courage and gives milk frequently. To
a man who does not fear death in any
form, she would be a great boon. She is
very much attached to her present home
by means of a stay chain, but she will be
sold to any one who will agree to treat
her right. She ie. one-fourth shorthorn
and three-fourths hyena. T will also
throw in a double-barrel shot gun which
goes with her. In May she usually goes
away for a week or two and returns
with a tall red calf with wabbly legs.
Her name is Rose. 1 would rather sell
her to a non-resident.
Look on the 'Bright side
The sufferer from nervous exhaustion
is generally blue and discouraged. He
looks on the dark side of things and fears
partilysis, locomotor ataxia or insanity.
All this is chaueed by the persisteut use
of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, which grad-
ually and naturally rekindles and revit-
alizes the wasted nerve cells and instils
new vigor and energy into the whole
Diamond is a fine white color
of the first grade.
Is perfectly cut and perfectly
Set in either of the above solid
r4, K. gold settings for $2s.00.
We guarantee the value of this
ring, and will refund the money
if it is not entirety satisfactory.
Mailed prepaid to any address
on p
receipt of price.
John S. Barnard,
WANTED -A trustworthy gentleman or lady
in each county to manage business for an old
established house of solid financial stinting. . A
straight, bona lido weeklysalary of $18.00 paid
by check each onday with all expenses direct
from headquarters. Money advanced for ex-
peiises. ton a dyes e envelope. Manager,
Oldest, Larges, Most Widely
Circulated and Only National
Agricultural Home Paper in
After January 1st, 1904,
New subscribers get balance of this year free
including magnificent Christmas number. Send
in your subscription at once, Don't miss a
single issue. Agents wanted everywhere;
liberal terms given. Sample copy free.
The Wm. Weld Co., Limited,
London, Ont,
TIMES and Farmers' Advocate for $2.25, ba-
lance of 1903.free to new subscribers.
For Profit...
Every Farmer should keep
these three words constantly
in mind and conduct his farm
on strict business principles.
Guess work and haphazard
methods are no longer used by
successful and up-to-date far-
By reading Tian WEEKLY
SUN, the Farmer's Business
Paper, you will get the very
latest and most „accurate in-
formation regarding your busi-
THE SUN'S market reports
are worth many times the sub-
scription price to you.
Every Farmer in Canada
should realize the full value of
the service THE SUN has ren-
dered him in a public way. It
was due to the action of THs
SUN in giving voice to the
opinions of the farmers that
the law relating to cattle
guards, drainage across fires caused by
ways, and farm
railway locomotives has been
We will send Tam WEEKLY
SUN from now to 1st January,
1005, in combination with
To preserve or restore it, there is no.better
prescription far men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take, They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
.and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are.
widely used by all sorts of people.—but to the
plain, every .day folks they are a veritable friend
in need, Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard family remedy, They are a dependable, hon-
est remedy, with a long and successful record, to
cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com-
plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe-
tite and sound,, natural sleep. Everybody derives
constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans
Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five -
cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year,
.t' e..GArits xcte,t,sloW4+04nio6r:43,41,
• K"F'C `!K.ZZ f'C
WAXILY Doctors are all right as general practitioners;
but they are not specialists. The sexual organs com-
prise the moat intricate and important systetu in the
housan body and require the most skillful treatment.
You miglit as well expect a. blacksmith to repai- your
watch, as a family ph siciau to cure Sexual complaints.
We have made a specialty of these diseases for over 30
years, have invested tens of thousands of dollars and have
every facility known to medical science to cure them.
Every case is taken with a positive guarantee of
No Curo—No Pay.
BLOOD PO18OIS-whether inherited or acquired,
is positively cured forever. The virus is eliminated from
the system so no danger of return. Hundreds of cases
cured by us 25 years ago and no return; best evidence of a
DISRVOUS D1SBILITY-and other complications,
such as omissions, draius in the urine, varicocele. sexual
weakness, etc.?are cured by our Ptew Method Treat-
ment under a positive guarantee -NO CURE --NO PAY.
Consultation Free. Books Fres. Write for question bian,r for
private Home Treatment. Everything confidential.
Clubbing Offers - 1903-04
3.1• i 1- 4-aes g 4-I-So'a+ t'. g..•e..i'.1"1-++ 11"1'
THE TIMES announces the following
Clubbing Offers for 1903-04 :—
low -rate - •
Times till Jan. 1st, 1905 $1 00
Times and Weekly Globe with 8 page illustrated
supplement 1 60
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with
premium Maps of the Dominion of Canada and
the Province of Ontario 1 75
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire. 1 75
Times and Weekly Witness 1 60
Times and Western Advertiser.. 1 50
Times and Weekly -Sun.. 1 75
Times and Daily Globe 4 35
Times and Farmers' Advocate 2 25
Times and Toronto Daily Star. 1 80
Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1 15
Times and Toronto Daily News 1 85
Times and Toronto Saturday Night ... 2 30
We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can
give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine -
published. The above are our FIXED RATES, marked down
so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use
asking for cheaper rates.
In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new
subscribers for the BALANCE OF 1903 FREE. The rates quoted
are for either. new or renewal snbscriptions. All subscribers
will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers.
Give the Times a trial subscription.
From now to Jan. 1st, 1904, for 10c.
Call at the office, or address—
The Wingham Times, for $I,15 Ans1 P1 TNN 1 T.