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The Wingham Times, 1903-12-10, Page 5
The Men 's Store Open every evening ti li 10 o'clock Is It price Then it's Crowder's Clothing. Is it q aI ( Again, it's Crowder's Clothing. Is it fit? NEW ARRIVALS in alt's and Youths' Suits, pas d into stock to -day for the ristmas trade I! Mens black worsted ehigle breasted Sack . tits sizes 84 to up to the initiate _ 44, made Men's Meek Cheviot single breasted S - $12.50 ing better made, and equal to anSuits, sions 34 to 4arke , Mens fancy colored Worsted uit z $22.50 suit 44, thees market, �ls.ou made really neat,special to $ 84 to latest out and 1301S SUITS a large range o vs suits two and three pieces at 10A0 1,75 to 5,00 SMOKING JACKETS we have some very neat smoking Jackets for men right up in style in green, plaid, black and white Camels BATH ROBES at $3.5o 4 00 and 5.00 hair effects, Weekend white checks sizes 36 to 42 prices, e4, 0.Q012.00 DRESSING GOWNS in nice Black and White golf olothplaid line ing, Large roll collar with cord trimming and waist cord and tassell to match, a really handsome Xmas Present 4211 'tST1ia.s NECK WEAK New X12.50 New Lombards ain all colo colors 8550, 50c New Bows New Puffs in all colors all colors 50c 75o New Englieh square all colors 50o Never before did we have such an,assortment of Men's Necktie's in all the -lastest styles and colors, the pick of the Canadian and American markets; we have spared Pio time or money to make our Gents' furnishing department a success, A Cordial invitation to one and all to come and inspect our stock even if you do not buy, you are always welcome, Assuredly, it's Crowder's Clothin The R. 11. G OWDB Alen's Outfitters. d. WINGHArL Carly Buyers Make The Best SeleGtions Those who do their holiday buying early get the cream of the holiday offerings, . Now the holiday stock is complete and at its best. Our assortment is larger and better than ever, easily discounting anything of the kind Wingham has ever offered. We aI"e showing a line of Easy Chairs and Rockers that are designed to afford the greatest comfort --both to the eye and Body. —30 Leather Seated Rockers, with high arm and back, reg, $2.00 and 2,25, reduced to (2 . doz. more of the same style expected in a few days) $1.75 —Children's Rockers at 75e, 90e, 81.00 and 1,50 —Fine assortment of Easels in oak and bamboo, , 70c to 2.50 —See the handsome exhibit of Pictures in colored photographs, framed with the newest mould- ing, at prices within the reach of all. --Don't forget that this store is called " The Pic- ture Framing Store," --.so called for the up. to -date moulding and neatness in making. Goods purchased will be stored and delivered any time before- Xmas, BALL BROS UNDERTAKING residence,west The aspic'sFurnitureStore ..fom Ia onCrn©r Dt Store, where night calls will receive prompt attention, TELEPHONE 51 •� M♦♦+• ♦♦♦•♦.♦•.•.•••.•+►•♦ +♦♦••..♦•♦♦•s♦•♦.•♦...••♦ j ROYAL:GROCERY • i ••••,....00..0.1.1.ammorromairmoon....1..................... 1 'Toilet i 2 • re2 A very nice Toilet Set, with small embossed patterns, • six pieees, consisting of Basin, Ewer, Covered •• • Chamber •and Soap Dish, at • A CoSet, Toilet Se- $1,50 : ten pieces, atet printed- - and heavy gold. stippled, T 3.50 4 • A beauty in enamelled ware, very delicately shaded • i with heavy gold tracing, ten pieces, s w 4 4 4.44 ATihAviky GRIFFIN'S 1 4 4.444.4.4444+44++++444+44.+ ,40,,444....... 4 4 4 Et urried and Worried Ali Das: e worst,of it is AST tvAwv��ros�, yon aro little Mr, rind Mrs. J s. B. home to a fe a Nichol a were at ing recently,w of their friende one even - r. GthMlinelltst '' ek.es. Qttifitl �sited Wes. it�asnbought a ueMr, Wm. H'elee erhe lute been in Guelph hospital for softie time, has re - Willed home very much improved in health. 141r Sohn Potts Fresh Fish .z/Mrt • 4,25 .• These Fish are fresh caught this winter, and $Hipped. direct to us. Yon can imagine how much better the flavor than ash caught in the hot weather, frozen and packed away in cold storage, ud th a i t e -run to catch up. d have ythiug seems like a grindstone wearing down your nerves, You are irritable and get less sleep than is absolutely neoessary. Better sop be- fore things get worse, Your best plan is -to use Ferrozone for a while and give your nerves and brain a chane to pick up. 1 cf'rozotic is the finest tonic a busy matt can take. It maker; new blood, uours ih es the body vv res, itnpraves the appeti egandureha ner- l fever.toll obtain o went to tyllaphoid work is ill with typhoid //tea the whole Bildern, Try Ferrozone, Look out for the wend concert in ;Price 50c. wendS, S. No. 13, Deo, 22nd. 'zcie, t Foe To health end happiness is flcrofuleme ;fes ue'ly se ever since time isainemoxial. It caueea bunches in the neck, fl;$. 4gurerr' the skin, inflames the maooue membrane, wastes the outface: wvenl;- erns the bones, reduces the power of reeistatee to disease and the capaeity for recovery, and develops.. into cos*. our -option. "Two of my"children bad scrofula sores which kept growing peeper and kept theta from going to acbeol or three niontbr. Ointments and I nedicinee did no good until I began giving theta Road's Sareapurilit, Ufa medicine caused the sores to heal, and the children have shown to stns of semi.' nla since," d, W. Regime Woodstock, Ont, h flood's Sarsaparilla r �l"` '11 r will rid you of it, radically end pe,F+ n anexstly, au it has rid thousands, The monthly meeting of the Bluevale branch of Women's Institute will be held ott Wedaeday, Dec. 10th at 2.30 p.m. at the house of Mrs, J. Ruby, The topic, "Economy iu the hove" will he dis- cussed, A report of attune' conveutiou r d by Mrs Pugh,,hwho iweek, a del will at convention, A cordial invitation 15 ex- tended to all the ladies to attend. !COHAN T .1l ;S, DECEMBER 10, wI!I�'x:VnnUiteff The annual 1ueeti,i{ of th Win)• ohurlug 0o wilt ba trend itt;t ► Vetesters' ir h ~U here ourTeeteley, Dee.sin' sr d1 ti emu- titencing at 2 o'clock p. tn. leer. J. G. .Kell, instructor of Oreainere wili he pres- put and address the meeting. S tare. holders acid petratts are rett'xestatl to at- tend the meeting L4,tiiee are cordially luvitetl plaFor the lurat three it i weeks evangelistic cthnrt h services two Weeks the Pastor was assisted by lieu. > Smith of I{u,elirdine. The servie, have been rich in spirt neat bLes,iing, ua'1 Mill 5, Inv/0 signified their desire to live u higher and better life, On timidity evening a Pee was bola at «which the 1,avtor weaty new Members into the which the saerasuent of the Lord mrtoltt.n of, 'I`ltis 4hgrchispro ho efllcient-�iustorute of Itov, C, r, Wilt. res' has sutlicientl cultic as to be able to return a utietr act BtatIon agin1G. H(3 is a work b.Y Mr. Gleorge Lamont. <'y who was n ettng agent left h zis hotue in f,istowel A Satlaiitetory t'iln itemedy Will cure the conditions causing piles. Try Dr, Flamiltou's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut; their frequent use pre- vents piles. No case ever known where the use of Dr. Flamiltou's Pills failed. rest Price 25c. I fou tVI;ST WA%Avos0 I her ova W3 The walking sick, what a crowd of thein there are; Persons who are thin and weak but not sick enough to go to bed. epGi0lt a over (t. Chr(}I].lc ec'1S s " le eiYetl over j� 4 that's Chilton after wvhat the doctors call 's supper wras them, spec in b� under 1Clvere which in common English rccovereti in Uit revalue beta means—long sickness. ssisted in the 4+�j slCkn�w Mr. Wrn, God - To tit week far To stop the continued loss of flesh they need Scott's Emulsion. For the feeling of weakness they need Scott's Emulsion, It makes new flesh and gives new life to the weak system. Scott's Emulsion gets thiel and weak persons out of the rut. It makes new, rich blood, strengthens the nerves and giVes appetite for 'ordinary food. Scott's Emulsion can be taken as long as sickness lasts and do good all the time,. There's new strength and flesh in every dose. We will be glad to send you a few, doses free, Re sure that this picture in f the form of a label Is on the wrap�ttter of every bottle of Emulsion you buy, III The late laaphernia l -rr beloved wife of Mr Jas. fuodfellowv of* Culross, was a daughter of John Kerr, rind was born iu Kslsu„ Wroxboroughshiro, Scotland. She came to this country at the age of 6 years with her parents and settled in the township of North Dumfries, Waterjao county, where she retuained until her marriage to as. Goodfellow on the 18th ofMay,'l8tii, She and her partner ata life moved to the township of Waterloo Where they cook up Iaad and retrained une farmil a d moved into Gait e year 1878 when to they retired but finding retired liftoo quiet after beiug used to the busy farm they decided to go fartniug regain and Caere to Tees - water where they purchased the Little farm mid on witiuh they hive ever since re 'ded. Besides a liusbaud she leaves r daughters and two bona to nteuri1 bass;—Airs. it. G. Chapman of Hou. r, Mrs. 't', B, BricIer of (Joule, Mrs. W. Carter of Clifford, Mrs. Jolio Armstrong of Cuirass. and John of Eur - wood and Thomas at home. Mr. John McRae is this week attend- ing the fat stock show in Guelph. Miss Charlotte McKay is visiting friends at Gleuaunatf. The new stud spacious residence of Mr, Thos. McIntyre is fast nearing com- pletion and when completed will prove a very comfortable abode for the in- mates, Mr. D. McCormick is visiting with his daughter at Guelph. Mr. A. Lobel has completed the re• modelling of his stable and has a very commodious stable having cement floors and mangers. S. S. No. e bad , but it is now chickenpox control un- der the doctor's care latelyMr. Neil who t for asl em r- heae of nose is convalescent. S. S. No. is going to L:tngside on Fri• da�yttolplay football. Somebody is go - Oa Saturday. evening, Nov-. 28, Mr, Chas. Wilson died very suddenly at his home, con. 4, West Wawanosh. He wvas in the act of shovelling snots' front, the front door of his residence, and it is sup. posed he was'seized with heart failure and fell dead on the snow, He was a poiueer of West Wawanosh and had lived for many years on the farm ou which he departed this life so suddenly, He was about 82 funeral was largely attended agears of o the Dun. gannon cemetery. it's What it Leede, to That makes Catarrh such a dreaded disease, If you have Catarrh taint, dropping in the throat, if you hawk stud spit aua have a stuffed up feeling iu your nostrils you should use fragraut healing Catarrhozone at ouce and get cured. TConousands - sumption on and have amp etely saved cured by Ca- tarrhozone, so there is no reason why you shouldn't stamp out your Catarrh also. Catarrhozone will really cure you and prevent the disease from returning. It's very pleasaat, just balsamic medi- cated vapor, --no nauseous drugs. Ab- solute cure f Ca- tarrhozoue; it can't fail,ed o try it. users oCom- pieto outfit $1.00; sample size 25c. uELGRAvls Overe. 100Monda0 turkes ys were rkey delve ed to in the Mr. D. Sproat, who shipped them to the Old Oouutry, Oa Friday last a highly respected resident of the village passed away in the person of Maggie D. Millar, wife of Robt, Gallagher, aged 41 years. Mrs. Gle ofaweeks. her The d be bereen aved husbaud afor a nd family will have the sympathy of the community in their affliction. The fun- eral. took place to the Brandon cemetry on Sunday • The Greatest 1''aln r�y- Remedy, And well known in omes is Nerviline a perfect Canadi- anan panacea for all internal°and external pain. Mrs. M. E. couldn't hink Cartwright, ing without orris sNervilI sue. When I get toothache Nerviline stops it. If I get a sick headache, have a trouble with my stomach or bowels 1 can rely on Nerviline to cure me prompt- ly, To break up a cold or rub on for rheumatism or neuralgia Nerviline has N'ervgil equal, iIt's k ng avers all pain anfamily. rocos s 1 25c. %LU tt tLI V. Statutory meeting of Township Couu- eil on Tuesday next. Rev. J. E. Hunter, of Toronto, is here en a short trip. He will be here till after Christmas. It a hand said dthe cattlebusiness f after mtake ay has completed his term as teacher in the Miller school. K h and Mrs. ne who ar recently mad their 0e acre farmnzie, 4th s to Jas. Sherrie, may locate in Guelph where they have relatives. The brick veneered house on the farm of Wm. Theutl, 7th line, has been bought by David MCCutchecn, of the same line 1 , ou the Mr. McCutclieon basalt the brick reuicv- creased inte ed and will move it over to his own farm in Canada shortly. Ile will have a comfortable monthly jou house when settled in it. Bulletin, jus Lawrence Wheeler 4th line ada Bible So the fine 100 acro farm owned by ,john B. MoLauchlin, 2' mites north of Brussels on the gravel road, and will get posses.' sion on January 1. Priem paid was $7,500. The farm is in good shape and Will make a most desirable home. On Friday Dec b4thfilnn5. 5. No. 3, Culross there conduced oold-fashionedl1pnUplan as the one Ralph Connor describes in '•talent ari•S School Dtiys." Besides the teacher of the school there were present, Messrs. Lavery and Buchanan of Kinloss anti Misses Stewart, Mc- Naughton, McDonald and McKenzie or Cal- ros5 and Miss Troy of St. Augustine. The iii in itself 'su Ticientr such a lindicatiottarge btltat thr of e teach, ing exercises of the day were pleasant instruc- tive and profitable. A, bounteous lnn,thron i was served at noon by the ladies of the section. Afte.l noon the teaching Wily continued until lined up forwan when the called imatch." 1'tr Toyeph Welwood was then called to the recitatioak,emusic introduced s, spicy �by the pupils of the school and the risitors. This was thoroughly enjoyed by the large audience pre. scent. The number of visitors was over 12.) and itis doubtful if any other school in the town- ship could secure such a liberal patronage at an affair of thiskind. 'Cotes of thanks aitd the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" brought an en- ing, DO enib tor wsr ,'thigh-classconce t will even- ing, in this school in aid of the school library. It will be the best program of the season, in- cluding Will. McLeod of 5eaforth, comic voea. list and entertainer; Norman Murcit, (minter), $uron comity's best baritone; Miss Myrtle Rill anc1S rometin' instrumental duet . Messrs, M. Staples, by the children,e 1 worth. thetpri ,Two . 01 admission. Ttemember the date, Dec. '23rd. CHURCH NOTES. Tho Presbytery of Maitland will meet in the Wingham Presbyterian Church on Tuesday next. The usual quarterly Sacramental ser- vices were held in the Wingliani Pres- byterian chnrch ou Sunday last, Rev, Dr. Gundy will preach anniver- sary sermons in the Methodist church at J. Kerr, of Teooswvatertill take Dr. G l, next. Rev.u- dy's work in the Methodist chnrcli here, On Sunday, Dec. 20th, the anniversary services of the Wingham Methodist Church will be held. Rev, J. H. Oliver, of Listowel, will preach morning and evening. On the Mouclay evening fol- lowing, tealadies tithe ecturecrootn,gafter which a programme will be given. Rev. Mr. Oliver will deliver an address. The Centenary of the British and Foreign thefounding Society will be celebrated by a "Universal Bible Sun. day" 1 6th Mar ch next, The in - rest in Bible Society work has found expression in a real, called the Bible Tract t issued by the Upper Can. clety, Torontol, at 10 cents is anpaper, and containsilau num be off ate and done figures othe r y the Parent Society intrauslat freeing and publishing the Bible in the last hundred years. Samples copies are sent , ,8staiitished z.l'p. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis, Coughs, Orip, Asthma, Diphtheria, Creselein, Is a boon to Asthmatics. Caltoshed and MI: tedor11 cures ecausenic is IL long stheliair rc dereclndard tronglyra ntsentio le carries ever tho diseased surfaces of the bronchial tribe, with et ars breath, carried prolonged rand 008815nt treattnorrt, 'MOW of it, consumptive tendency, Or sufferers rets from u et iron la bronchitis, find nIrnsiicdt;ttp r • . flamed conditions of the throat, Descriptive booklettfree,troni coughs or t:t- Catoottmjt AtlTlSEpl-10 TABLETS dissolved lei the mouth, ere effective anti elate for atughs' and irritation of the throat, mm'e, a boar. .&1.L rjitw.d.f:ty,:S. trt:mav :, ifs(*L115 40%, 101 NOtrts lineae gt,,Unhirent C'cinarliati Agents SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto, Ontario.- 50c. ntario.SOc. and $1; all druggists, (Wil (a keel NEW IDEA RANGES CROWN HURON RANGES HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES IDEAL FAVORITE' RANGES BASE BURNERS --All sizes COLE'S HOT BLAST COAL HEATERI AIR TIGHT WOOD STOVES. -AIL sir Guaranteed to give satisfacti Prices to suit, Cali and exami thein before you buy elsewhere, FIS 'SH�y RE STORE The Meat You Order IWO'S The Lea�ing Store uiek Sales - S MARDI That's the sort of business we like ; Brisk quick returns, and constant activity. Thews' an enthusiasm about it. Buyers tell their friend, and they telt others, and so the news of 4 ds- ness and cheapness gets generally known, 3 FLOORS well stocked with just the kind of goods you wane, at .oz ey-say. ug prices. BASEMENT for all kinds of Men's and Boys' 'Clothing, Fur Coats, etc. Special value i Men's and ' BQ�ra Overcoats— See our Men's Grey Iia . Ian Coat $10,00, at s, worth A line of Boys' Suits to clear at Men's heavy working Pants, strong, well made, a bargain at _ EXTRA SPECIAL,--,- Men's all -wool dark Tweed Suits, worth 7,5o, our price 6.oa Men's Fur Coats, the best kind. well lined, $15.00, $2o.00, $25 oo and $3o.00 FIRST FLOOR DEPART'MENT'S Dress Goods Smallwares, Hosiery Gloves Underwear Staples Corsets Flannelette Underwear Wrappers rover Boots and Shoes, Groceries Gents Furnishings, Hats, Caps Special offerings in every department. We have many lines of goods bought below value WHOLESALE, which will be sold to our customers at about reg. wholesale price SECOND FLOOR DEPARTMENTS Ladies' Fur Coats, Ladies' Jackets Tailor-made top Skirts, Underskirts. Waterproofs, Carpets, Curtains, Oilcloths, Blankets, Quilts, See our leader in Top Skirts, worth 3, 75, at $3,00 Ladies Jackets in black, nicely made, latest style, to clear at _ ` 5,00 .i2o, s25, $27,5o, $30, $35, $37.,50 and 40.00 11. f. ISARD & Co. Opposite Bank of Hamilton Highest price paid file Produce _ 4 cE VYWWV9MVVVvvv'tseiuv....,..,.. _ . .....�" ^---++•,�..' vvvvyvvvvvyvvvywyvvvvvy $8 oo $4,1'0 150 Ladies' Fur Coats, good values 1 w'0,'q,'hPli+e1,'Ih'11AI4ehi'h 4ii1h''h'IL4h9� es Havingdecided to close out our stock of Boots and tie } Shes, therefore we want to have EVERY at3 PAIR SOLD BY JAN. I, I904 GI '1111, 4,g0,'Id'h'ih'4,eloU4'h' jets Neo"ilbetr,'rp'h'V,'UAIPh,'h,',p'I 1110heth'tl s from ns will be delivered promptly 1 j and you will always find it of the > best quality. Roasts o4' teef, VealLamband Pori:. Steaks, Chops, Soap .Bones, Yiei1iii Pieces. Highest prices paid for Hide and Skins. We are also prepared to pay the highest prices 'for all kinds • of Poultry. Wo thank our customers for their liberal patronage in the past, and will gyre satisfaction to alt who 1 favor us with their orders. FELLS 45z MITCHELL. S Opposite Skating Rink. SA. T ivA,WAl � ,s1t _ E A special Meeting of Council called by the Reeve WAS held ou Dec. 7th, for Z the purpose of receiving' a petition of "' 57 ratepayers front the South and of the township presented bye James Hicking.. C bottoitlt and w in. J. Parks, asking < ithe Council to sitbttit a By -Law to the ' i Of�$3,000, payablein10yearsoin aaI iiduof # she proposed extension of the Guelph junction Railway from Guelph to God- ratepayers via Auburn, etc, After a dile de eliberation over this matter, it was re= i ole t a tree tame. The sleeve was au- thorized to look after this business t w i th ,and have b ev forth - With, er tl ' iu i y connected g Oteti an - with the same soils up in a Carred and. legal manner. The by-law, No. 11, 1003,was then rclje a first time. The Coned! then • BUTTON BLOCK, I� , ��t l el C, I l A ill n& Ourued. P. PORTtattF I:Gf, Clerk, Wye 1 s v d that the By -Law naw presented be r read. f We are now holding a Great Clearing Sale ! ! EVERY PAIR EVERY R Ei titD9i OF SHOES O AT SOME PRICE. This is the rrreat est Shoe Opportunity ever 'offered. to the. citizens of Wingham and surrounding country to buy Ladies', Gents', Misses' a and Children's Footwear for little money ; and besides, EjKSTOcIIS1NEWII FIRST CHOICE IS ALWAYS BEST, SO COME J. Rutton & Co