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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-12-10, Page 4THE W1N WIA : TINES, DECEMBER 10, 1903. WL ?RU SOU ?\GG -NTS .^„ FOR *�- 1 r tlesse's Stock Goods C. Al Campbell The Druggist WINGHAM. DECEMBER MEETING t Of Town Council Held on Metrday Evening, TO ADVERTISERS. With the exception of Colin. Bennett, who has twit iii for the past few days, the menebers t.f the Council were *11 in their places at the meeting on Menday evening, with the Mayor in the obitir. The minutes of last regular tuetiug were read and approved. The elerk react a communication from R9llt. A. Kerr, in which theft gentleman objected to paying the sidewalk tax against his property on Frances street, on the grouted that the walk is not iu a satisfactory coudilou. The clerk wil write Mr. Kerr, explaining that the contractors have yet to put the walk in better condition. A letter was received from President N. Allen, of the. Western Foundry Co., asking for the conveyance of the property purchased from the tuwu to the Com- pany., The president stated that the Company were adding to the capacity of the plant. At preseut their pay roll amounted to $2500 a mouth, and 11 or 12 complete rauges were beiug turned out daily, The council will give the matter their attention. A communication from the License Commissioners stated that in the second division of funds the amount doe the town was $382 50. Messrs. R. Barrette and M. S. L. Hotuuth interviewed the council asking for the use of the town hall for a series of concerts during the winter season. It is proposed to bold a concert about every two weeks, at which admission fee will be charged, to provide funds for the purchase of uuiforms for the mem- of the bawl. The council viewed the request favorably and on motion ot Cuuus. Bell and E:liott, it was granted. together with au order for the quarterly graut of $25. The following accounts were consider- ed by the Fivance Committee, and re- commended for payment:— Thos. Montgomery, drain Jas. Brock, labor, streets Wm. Moore, " A. Sanderson, reamiug H. B. Elliott, ptg and adv Theo. Hall printing W. H. Green, fish slide in John Wells, glazing ... Wm. Page, wood for hall Daniel Stepleton, wood for charity Wingham Electric Light Co..... Vasbinder & Co.. repairs to pumps McLean & Son, lumber J. B. Ferguson, services D. R. 0 electric light by-law,$3.00;reg by-law fee, $2.00; express on dog tags, 25c Win. Robertson, D, R. 0. by-law T. Hall, D. R. 0. and poll room J. Lorgheed, polling room. Jas. Plenty, D. R. 0 J. J. Elliott, poll room A. E. Simmons, ptg ballots Wm. Patterson, drayiug, streets Thos. R. Weir, dog tags Bell Tel. Co. account W. Robertson, salary.. V. Vannorman, salary. W. J. Mallagh, salary R. Rankin, Beattie Bros., teaming, F. Gutteridge, tile J. B. Ferguson, suudries A. Cosens, insurance F. Paterson, laying out walks for 1903 Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABLISHED 1872, TIIE WINfin AM TIMES. H. R. ELLIOTT. PuRLIRAER AND PROPRIETOR THURSDAY, DEC. 10, 1903. NOTES AND COMMENTS. Hon. Raymond Prefontaine, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, iu the course of an interview he said that the call for a a general election would almost certain- ly come within six months. When asked if it would not be found inconven- ient to carry on a winter campaign in some quarters, he replied that it might, but he was afraid it would hive to be faced jnst the same, and that those who had to take part would get used to it. The Eganville Star -Enterprise admits that a large proportion of the electors of North Renfrew are engaged in lumber- ing operations and that they will be back to their homes for a few days at Ohrist- mas. "By holding the election then," it contlnaes, "these men will then have an opportunity to cast their votes. but whether these will go for the Govern- ment's candidate remains to be seen." Whethea they do or not, it is to the Gov- ernments credit that it courts a verdict when the greatest possible number of electors are on hand to vote.—Toronto Globe. • 1.tve Stock Markets. Toronto, Deo. 8. ---Receipts at the City Cattle Market today were 0-1 cars, with 1,115 head of cattle, 815 sheep and lambs, 300 hogs and 43 calves. There wasa good brisk market early in the morning, and everything decent, in the line of good export and butchers' cattle was soon picked up at good prices. For the poorer stuff there was a very poor mar- ket. and sales were slow. Fifteen carloads of stock were on the market at the Union Stock Yards, Tor- onto Junction, this morning, and most of it was bought up early, The ran in- oluded 107 catt14,1,304 sheep and 2 calves. The following are the quotations: $ 10.00 4.50 4.50 .75 48 75 10.50 dam105.20 1.00 7.92 6.56 29.78 52.70 24.26 Coming Opera House, one night only, Monday Deo. 14. Considerable interest is being manifested iu the coming engagement of Belir's Broadway Comedians in the GreatNewYork Success, the latest farce comedy hit, in three acts, The Sport From Spokan with a carefully selested Company. It is one of the successes of the season and the business done every- where by this organization is simply wonderful. All who intend to see this production should secure seats well in advance. The Sport from Spoken is overflowing with many laughable fea- tures and is said to be one of the funni- est farce comedies ever seen. From the rising of the curtain until the lights are out fun and merriment reign supreme. Magnificent costumes costing hundreds of dollars, pretty girls and lovely music and charming dances furnish a feast to delight the eye and ear of the most re- fined. While the Sport From Spoken, an American lo!er of the beautiful and hie associate, Micheal Duffy, both with a perchance for the Society of actresses that is partly restrained by their watch- ful wives basking in the smiles of the be- witching creatures they adore keeps the Anse in roars of laughter. There has been no expense spared to make this the leading farce comedy on the road to -day. The above refers to the leading farce comedy, The Sport From Spoken that will be presented at Opera house Wing- hamby Blair's Broadway Comedians. Prices during this engagement will be 15c, 25c. 35c. Seats now on sale at Douglas's Drug Store. Frederick Bush commited suicide at Niagara -on -the -Lake by opening an ar- tery in his arm. ry r For hard colds, bronchitis, asthma, and coughs of all kinds, you cannot take any- thing better than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doctor if this is not so. He uses it. He understands why it soothes and heals. «t had 1 terrible cough far weeks. Thera 1 took Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral and only one battle completely cured me." Mas. J. B. DAl rune, fit. Joseph, afich. J.0 ArERC0. n +Irnlrtsftta. , foe. �s Lowen. Mem houghs, Colds Exporters' cattle-- Per 100 lbs, $4 85 $5 00 4 25 4 50 375 425 3 00 3 50 heavy Light Bulls do,, light. Feeders light,800 pounds and up - 3 00 ,2 50 2 75 wards Stockers 900 lbs Butchers'— Choice Medium, , . , Picked. Bulls Rough Light stock bulls Milk cows... Hogs— Best Lights Sheep— Export 3 25 Bucks.... 2 50 Culls 2 25 Spriug Lambe 3 75 Calves, each . , , - . 2 00 5.25 3 00 5.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 1.50 45 8.00 1.60 15.00 42.00 16.00 5.67 etc 6.30 114.02 11.16 21.00 3 65 3 30 400 2 75 250 225 .3000 15.00 On motion of Corns. Dulmage and VanStone the report was adopted. The Mayor gave a verbal report of the proceedings in connection with the pro- posed repairs to the road south of the town by the Townships of Morris and East Wawanosh and the town of Wing - ham. The engineer's estimate called for an expenditure of about $3000. An arrangement had been made with the County Council to hold the matter over till the January session. The Mayor also reported for the Execu- tive Committee regarding the arrange- ment for running and financing the elec- tric light plant. Mr. Bradwin is to eon - thine to collect weekly from the fiat rate patrons. and make returns to the clerk; Mr. Ferguson will read the meters each month and collect monthly from patrons of the meter system. As this will entail a good deal of extra work and responsi- bility for the town clerk, and consider- ing the astonishingly low salary which that official hag been getting. the Execu- tive recommended an increase of $250 a year. On motion of Couns. Dulmage and Vanstone the report of the Executive in regard to the running the lighting sys- tem was adopted. It was also arranged that the town account and the electric light account be kept separately, to be kept in the two banks year and year about. By -Laws Nos. 402 to 503, for local im- provement purposes, were passed These by-laws provide for the raising of funds for the new walks laid last spring. By -Law No. 504, 1903, was passed, leaving the operatsou of the electric lighting system in the hands of the Ex- ecutive Committee, and providing that matters involving an expenditure of $200 or over be submitted to council for ap- proval. By -Law No. 505, 1903, was passed, pro- viding for the keeping of the town money in the two bauks, alternating the accounts each year. A by-law was also passed providing for the holding of the municipal elections in January. Nominations take .place Dec. 28. Tho council adjourned to meet again, nursuant to statute, on Tuesday ieext, Dec. 15th. 4 75 4 50 Ytru vtr hasten recovery by tak- Irlg ere Of Ayer'. P1111 at bedttnio, MYTH. Mr. John Sherritt left last week fo London, where he will spend sometin} visiting with firends. Miss Bertha Newcombe, who spent the past three months in Killarney Manitoba, has returned hotae. Mr. M. D. McMillan, who hasbeet seriously i11 for several weeks past, i now much improved in health and ther Id every hope of his ultimate recovery. Mr, R. G. Crawford, who spent the past two weeks visiting at the home o his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Crawford, left last week for Branderc where he has secured a good situation ii a barber shop. Di, w Mr. and Mrd Ho and Alexander an Miss Marjory have arrived here fro Winnipeg and are at present visiting a the home of Mr. and Mrs, James Bentley The Young People's Society of Trinft church have elected t'ie following officer for the ensuing sb. months: --President Miss >. M. Metcalf; vice-president, Mis Altf� Emigh; secretary, Mise Edna Car der; treasurer, Miss Annus Hamilton organist, Miss Edna Hamilton. 75 3 12i 3 50 4 00 3 50 4 50 8 00 2 60 2 50 4500 3 40 3 75 3 00 4 35 1000 es- Wingham's heading Real Estate Office, The following is a few of the many farm, properties f have for sale at the present time. Kindly look over this list and if you see, anything you think would suit you, call and get full particulars. You car, also have a look at a much larger list which I have besides the following ; 100 Acres -15 miles from Wingh'im, 6 miles from Blyth, and 3 from Auburn. 00 acres cleared, balance good hardwood ; good frame house, big barn with stono stabling; a great bargain for someone, 100 Acres -15 miles from Wingham, and 6 from Blyth; first-cluss buildings and first-class farm, 85 acres cleared, 5 acres hardwood, balance black ash swamp, This is a fine farm, and the intending purchaser would do well to look at it before buying elsewhere 100 Acres—.4 miles from Wiughnm, 50 acres cleared, balance black ash swamp ; good buildings, and a snap at the price. 100 Acres -8 miles from Wingham and 3 from Whitechurch; 70 acres cleared, balance black ash swamp: good buildings, spring creek always running, cheap farm, and. must be sold. 100 acres -3 miles from Wingham, buildings good. running water, a good stook farm, to be sold at once. 0 WINOTIA111 MARKET REPORTS Wingham, December 10th, 190$ Jorrected every Wednesday afternoon ly Howson, Harvey & Brochlebank. ?lour per 100 lbs.... 1 75 to 2 40 Tall Wheat 0 77 to 0 77 Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 00 Jots, . 0 26 to 0 27 Barley 0 85 to 0 40 Peas 0 55 to 0 60 turkeys, drawn 0 12 to 0 13 Geese, " 0 07 to 0 08 Ducks, per pair ,... 0 60 to 0 75 Dhickens 0 30 to 0 60 Butter ...... .... 0 17 to 0 17 Eggs per doz 0 20 to 0 20 Wood per cord 200 to 2 75 Elay , per ton7 00 to 8 00 Potatoes, per bushel . 0 35 to 0 40 Tallow per lb 0 05 to 0 06 Lard ., 0 13 to 0 13 Dried Apples per lb 0 04 to 0 05 Wool 0 16 to 0 18 Live Hogs, per cwt. 4 50 to 4 60 m . loo 16I 1o( la 1a 10 10 i0 1( , 1' 11 , 1 i t ! t , C. J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing done. OFFICE—In Vanstone Block. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock. WANTED—FAITHFUL PERSON TO CALL on retail trade and agents for manufacturing house having well established business: local territory; straight salary 320 paid weekly. and expense money advanced.; previous experience unnecessary; position permanent; business successful. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Superintendent Travellers, 005 Monon Bldg., Chicago. GRAND TRUNK WNW CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR HOLIDAY RATES Territory Between all stations in Canada, Port Arthur, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Sarnia, Windsor and East, also to Detroit and Pt. Huron e and falo, Black Rock, Susp.Mich., Bridge Niagara Falls, N.Y. Rate and SINGLE FIRST - CLASS FARE limit for the round trip Good going Dec. 24th and 25th, va- lid returning until Dec. 28th; also good going Dec. 31st and Jan. 1st, valid returning until Jan. 4th, 1904. Rats and SINGLE FIRST - CLASS FARE liintt AND ONE-THIRD for round trip. Good going Dec. 23rd 24th and 25th, also on Dec. 30th, 31st and Jan. 1st, valid. returning until Jan. 5th, 1004. For tickets, and alt information apply to Agents. L. HAROLD, Agent,Wingham. ANADIAN CITI• FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S VACATION Will issue Return Tickets. GENERAL PUBLIC At SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE, good go- ing Dee. 24, 25, valid for return until December 28, 1903. Good. going December 81, 1903, and January 1, 1904, valid for return until January 4, 1904. At FIRST-CLASS FARE AND ONE-THIRD, going December 23, 24 and 25. and Deceniber 10, Ell, 1903, and Tannary 1, 1904, good returning until January 5, 1904. Between all stations in Canada, Port Arthur, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., Detroit, Mich., and East, and TO but NOT FROM Buffalo, N.Y. Through transcontinental train leaves Toron- to at 1.45, p.m , daily for Winnipeg, Moose Jaw, .Calgary, Banff, Revelstoke and v$pcouver. First-class Sleepers 'Toronto to Winnipeg and the Coast, Ilnexcolled dining oar service. A. 11. NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 King St. East, Toronto AUCTION Dry i f lSATURDAY, i I DEC l d t , Large s s the • ; A. .'. SALE —OF— Goods, Clothing etc., for 3 days only. as In the Kent Block, Wingham, on THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND f T. 10, 11 and n 12 ..o mtnencing each day at 2.80 and 7.30 p. m. assortment of Dry Goods, Cloth- ing. Ladies' Coats, Dress Goods, Felt Hats, Ties, Collars, etc. Great bargains may be expected, goods will be sold, TEmad CiA.SI . DULMAGE, C. HAMILTON, FornnTfaer,e . .A n etlAresoe acres -2 miles from Wingham and 2 from Bluevale, 90acres cleared, balance ash and cedar swamp, 2 acres orchard, fine barn with stone stabling, good frame house,- plenty ouse,plenty ot water, fences in repair. No bet- ter situation in Huron County. acres -6 miles from Wingham and 8 from Brussels, highly improved farm 3 acres of hardwood, splendid barn and stables, frame house, good orchard, spring creek at rear of farm, soil, clay loam. This is good buy ing for some one. acres -9 miles from Wingliam e.. fi from Brussels. first-class buildings d fences, plenty of water, No. 1 soil, a .esirablc pro- perty; win be sold cheap. acres -8 miles fro "Ingham, 2 from Bel - grave; larce ba barn, frame house. 3 acres of orchard, good fences, all cleared spring creek, on a main road. acres -5 miles from Wingham and 2 from Bluevale: good frame buildings, 80 acres cleared, bnlneee cedar, ash and hardwood bush, fences in repair. Sells cheap. • acres -10 miles from Wingham, near For- dyce, 97 acres cleared, balance ash swamp ; frame house'in good repair, good barn and stables 3 wells, soil, clay loam in high state of cultivation, good fences. A snap for some one. ej acres -10 miles from Wingham. near Mar- noch, 90 acres cleared, balance No. 1 sugar - bush, good barn, frame house, good fences, spring creek. acres—near Westfield, Wingham 14 miles 92 nares cleared, balance hardwood, stone wall under barn, frame house, 2 acres of orchard, good fences, spring creek, this farm will be sold very cheap. acres -2 miles from Wingham good build- ings, first-class farm, beautiful location, and for sale very cheap. . • •••N•••••w•••••••••••••••• rN#NM•NSNN•i••••••••••OR••••HOiON••O••s••••• • THE 'PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE JOHN & JAS. H. KERR. •.••s••••••s•••••••0•••••••••••••••••••••••s• •••••as••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 acres -5 miles from Wingham, near Glen- annan, 80 acres cleared. 15 acres hardwood, 10 acres ash swamp, balance slash, excellent barn and stnbles, brick house. 1 acre or- 5chard, plenty of water, a bargain if sold at once. 5 acres —3iniles from Wingham, 1 from Blue- vale, 150 acres cleared, and in good state of cultivation, spring creek, first-class build- ings; a chance for sonic one. • s • • • acres -4 miles from Wingham, and 3 from Belgrale, 20 notes of first-class hardwood bush, good buildings, not a foot of waste land on it, a never -failing spring, a bar- gain if sold inside of two months from this notice. • ••M acres -7 miles from Walkerton, near Rivers - dale, timbered farm consisting of ash,cedar and elm. This is a good chance for some one to get a fine lot of timber at a very low figure. • • • •. • • • • • • • • • • 00 acres -7 miles from Wingham and 3 from Belmore, 70 acres cleared, 15 acres swamp, balance second growth hardwood, fine barn, frame house, good orchard, a fine stock farm; will be sold cheap. 50 acres --3 miles from Wingham, 120 acres cleared, 4 Beres hardwood, balance ash and cedar sump excellent barn, frame house, well situated. This is for sale very cheap. acres -5 miles from Wingham, near Glen - farrow, a highly improved farm, excellent buildings, 3 acres hardwood, river runs across the back corner, No. 1 fences. • • • •• • • • • • 0 acres -3 mites from Wingham, Turnberry Tp., c e good f orchard barn, ces Of ashswam new frame house, 1 p, good fences; a chance of a life time. 0 acres -7 miles from Wingham, good build- ings, excellent stock farm, will be sold very cheap. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 acres -4 miles from Wingham, about 7 acres of timber, balance No 1 grass land, frame hpuse and barn, a bargain for some one if sold at once. acres -2 miles from Wingham, first-class buildings, arida first-class farm throughout. This is an exceptional fineproperty azid can be bought reasonable. • • • • • • • • • • •,osossss•0SS•s•a•••••Oso••ta••••••o••.••••..••s•o•••a••••••••••••s•••••••••••••• 1 • • • CHRISTMAS CRQCERIES New Raisins, selected, the best on the market. 3 lbs for 25e, New Raisins, California Mus cated, Seeded, 13e pkg. New Currants,reeleaned,ehoice fruit, 3 lbs. for _ 2 5c. New Peels—Choiee drained Eng- lish Peels, Lemon, Orange and Citron, mixed, 20e a Ib. New Figs, choice, clean, cook- ing Figs, per lb. 5e. White Icing Sugar, 10c lb.— the kind that does not get hard and lumpy. Icing Powder in packages. Chocolate, Vanilla, Lemon, Strawberry, etc.,' per pkg. 10e. Jelly Powder 10e, Lemon, Orange. Vanilla, Cherry, Calf - foot, Pineapple, etc. Mince Meat, 10e. COCOA --Walter Raker & Co's, Bensdnrp's, Enp's, Webb's, Van- houten's and Imperial. CHOCOLATE—Cowan's and Mott's, sweetened and nnsweet ened, 5c tolOc a package. Fry's Milk Chocolate, 15e, SHELLED NUTS New Shelled Almonds, New Shelled Walnuts. Also New Nuts in shell, Wel- nuts, Almonds, Filberts, Peanuts, mixed, per ib. 15c. DECEMBER BARGAIN LIST We are planning for the big- gest business that was ever done by one store in one month in Wingham. We are making prices interesting for you. Plan to do your shopping as early in the month as you can. Re- member every day is bargain day at this store. So please don't wait until Christmas week to buy your Faney Goods, etc. it may mean dissappointment to you. FARMERS We pay the highest market price for POULTRY if young and dry plucked. Don't scald your poulrry. We want un- drawn and dry plucked young fat poultry and will give big prices. We want Good Butter in rolls, and Fresh Eggs, White Beans, Dried Apples, Dry Hard Wood, etc., and will pay highest mar- ket prices. Oats taken in ex- change for Oatmeal. Rubbers, etc., Remenber our Sale of Heavy Rubbers for Men and Boy s. • Boys Heavy Rubbers Snag Proof regular $1.15 for $1,00 Men's Snag Proof Rubbers regular $2.10 for $175. Men's Overshoes 2 buckle reg- ular $2.25 for $2.00 Men's Snowe itcluders regular $1.80 for $1.60. FANCY CHINA FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Without doubt the prettiest place in Wingham is Kerr's China Room. We are busy making this place attractive with the newest and best pro- ductions of England, Germany, France,' Austria, etc., in China Ware. If you're a lover of pret- ty china ware it will delight you to take a look at our stock. Come in even if you do not want to bny. Dinner Sets, fancy China and decorated stone china Painted - Gold Stippled and Gold Traced $9,00 to $14,00. Tea Sets in fancy china Painted, Gold Stippled and Gold Traced, $6.00. - Tea sets, Printed, $3,00. Toilet Sets, New Shapes, New Decorations, Very handsome, Printed and painted, Gold Stip• pled and Gold Traced, Ten piece Sets, $4.00, $5.00 $5.50. Toilet Sets, printed 10 pieces $2.00 to $2.25. Opal Goods in Light Blue, Brown and Sunset Decorations, Puff boxes, Handkerchief Boxes, Trays, Olive DIshes, Pickle Dishes, Vases, Celery Trays, Pin Trays, Candle Sticks, Jewel Boxes, etc, 1 • • • r • • • 1 • • 1 • • • • 0 • • • • • •' • • • 0 • • • • • • • 0 • 0 • • • • 0 • • 0 • • JOHN & JAS. H. KERR •• 1 MACDONALD BLOCK, - - - WINCHAM • • • •••00000•••••005•••••••0•• ••0.00••••0••0ON•00•s•••• •••00•••0••••0.00••0••0•• • Poultry Wanted. I am now in the market to buy all kinds of Poultry. Will pay the highest cash price for good Chickens, either dead or alive. 5e4o per pound for good fat Chickens, and 4c per pound for fat Hens, live weight. Don't deliver Dressed Poultry until after Oct. 1st. Parties having Fowl to dispose of will do well to see me before selling. WM. ARMOUR. Space will not permit me to give any more farms in detail, bat I might just say that if you want a farm near Bras- sels, Blyth, Clinton, Goderich, Lucknow, Kincardine, Teeswater, Belmore, Gerrie, Harriston, Palmerston. Listowel or Sea- forth, call and got a list. I have town and village properties ranging in price from. $400 up to $7000 and the intending purchaser will find it to his advantage to look over this list before making choice of a house, Iot or business stand. Especially in the Town of Wingham, I have some excellent investments in business properties,besidesretail busi- nesses, i- nesses, such as grocry, dry goods, boots and shoes, eto., etc, Manitoba and N. W. T. lands for sale. CLYME MAGUIRE Real Estate • Business Transfer Office—Up-Stairs .— Vanstone Blodk, Wingham. WINOHAM. DON'T INSURE � s YOUR LIFE OR PROPERTY until you have seen COSENS about it. IT WELL PAY You. Farm Loans at Lowest Rates ! Abner Cosens LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Out. 'THERE THERE 1S • MERIT IN OUR CLOTHING - 4 Must be Cleared Out in. Sixty Days ! t 1 And our work costs as E little as any in the country. : A • M I L L R. -MAXWELL..1 i Hum Axix TexLos. VrUAIAAA/►AA,►AA1AVA/►AA/►�►,iAAA1,AVAAAA,►1�AlAAAb:.�AAA1,. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ♦vvvvvVYTYVYvvvvvvvvvnvvv ► ► ► s ► ► ► ► oot & Shoej Sale Air 4 IT. A. MILLS has decided to clear out 4 4 all his stock of - 1 Shoes . Boots and Rubbers ► . ► . E inside of 30 days. 4. Every pair is marked down to a clearing price. 4 IP - 10. COST IS NO OBJECT s s THEY MUST CO!!1 11..► 1 E4 4 C Call and look through the stock, and I am E sure you will buy your fall and winter supply at prices never heard of before in Wingham. Fur Goods 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 Merit that brings a second order on the strength of the first. What we do and the way we do it is our We are try- ingstrongest argument,r9' ing to increase onibnsiness by giv- ing all we oan and taking as little as possible. And we'll succeed, bf coarse. We have a fall supply of everything that pertains to the making of snits. A full line to select from.