HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-12-10, Page 1VOL hXIT. NO. 166J,. TSB LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK OP -0444- SIGN SIR F THE B10 BEAR There's Satisfaction inomu h's GIothes for Men. Not just because they've that smart and attractive appear - once, but for the reason they've all the elegance of fact all the elegance of the hebest to -measure clothes. We have to -day the largest varietn the history of this store—youof exclusivey'll admit it after an inspection, Suits that none but the very best tailors can equal, elegantly tailored garments of fine im- ported dark noised fabrics -- single breasted sack style— mastow t evern the erht i or s hand: to Prices $15, $16, $18, $20, $22 to $40. A Word About Underwear. -.-.The season is right for the changing of Underwear, and this store is rightly prepared to supply the wants of the season for men, Men's heavy Shirts and Draw- ers, of wool and of fleece lined, at prices 50c, 75c, 90c, $1.00 and $1.25 each. IN NECKWEAR we always have the newest designs and patterns. IN COLLARS our stock is always filled with all the newest shapes, sizes from 12g to DT HATS AND CAPS we always lead the style, and anyone buy- ing a Hat or Cap from us can to the minute. feel assured that it is right up }Iomuth Bros. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by Fnaxhc PAsausoN, No. 28 victoria Street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required, DOMINION BANK WINGRAM -Capital paid up, $ 2,980,009 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $3,330,000 Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT..,Interest and addedtowed. on aprinoipal liOth June and 31st December each year. A. L. GXBSON, Manager. It. Vanstone. Solicitor, BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00. Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00. Total Assets, $22,000,000. President— ttAN.Wit.GTnsoN. 'Mics -President and General Manager --T, Tinitratmt, ilSkth;C'TOUS George Roach, Tohn Prootor, -4.. B. Lee, John S. Heudric, Geo. Rutherford. .Assistant General Manager -41, S. STnvyN. znb tar-- 1>� H .M. W.� ge N. eta Inlg �olsi k pf curs I0 to 8; elithirdby, 10 threat alrowed, arid and p ted oh thea a , l e *ember and 81st May each lith l to Jrintotpai. year and added to especial tan:loclts 51.30 received Id current *awe M interest. lariats ori Great liritaint and the Veined 13leetetl & tight tend told, - travellers n. d b&anehe4 CiaRates leationaI Provincial Bank of lift rAnd, Limited, *Mole eau be cashed without eases° or trou- ble l anypart orate 11e World, COBSOltra . x#it1NSON&tHOLM S Solicitors, Who 1 a. CrockerXL avid F A 'V•.INGIrjui , ONT thIQ , TIIU1 DAy, DECEMBER 10 1903. Wear l;ireex *s Shoes and Dabbers. ager shown in Wingham & elm be seen at .,,,. MHHIChISQH'3 GROCERY AND CROCKERY ____e STORE Elegant Dinner Sets, $5.00 to $25.00 Richly decorated Tea Sets, from 2,50 to 11.00 Artistic Dessert Sets. Toilet Sets, from 1,50 to 10.00 A huge variety of useful and orna- rontal Crockery, China and Glass- ware, Sceitirr la9oto`lok n meriting he evening. The public are tufted to call and examine the stook and make their selections. Poultry,all kinds, wanted in exchange R fo'first-class Groceriess A Hfhjij GROCERIES AND CROCKURy Geode delivered promptly. Phone 59 Who Wants a Farm ? for have In 50,'(5,000 00,1 150 of choice acres lots fn Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine Huron and Ashfield Townships, Good lands with good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms. Also a good sawmill for sale almost for a song. Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap. A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. Also a wagonshop• A general store with large trade, live village. Also a large amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par- tioularp apply to Insurance Agent Ho cod. Cash for your Real Estate It is my business to find that other man for you, and any methods will do it in the shortest possible time. If you find a buyer before I do you will owe me no commission. I cannot sell a property at a ridiculously fancy price • Iwiil not try. If you have .Aran and 1, in Je kine of theeBluej a serious accident a was working on a and was iu smite ilia horse and had broken, en 1. M, rJ el i ki ft al P at Calgary some weeks. Erie be sorry to hear of dept, g Broken, , son of Mr. Thos. ale road ]net with �2'aw day ago, He anoh near Calgary neer thrown front ills ' a ar nn and leg s. isnow in the hos- will 1l ba Iaid un for is in this section will is unfortunate aces. i For ss nobby cutter, call and sea Alf. Glovers stook. C. P. R. `to Goderich A meeting of the irectors of the G. J. R. Co. was heid o Friday when the correspondence with the 0. P, au- thorities was consirle ed, and the co- clusion arrived at th upon the meei- ciaplities central route, prethe a en a would be g the n to building the Hue on that route. This line rims approximateI wood, Miiverroi3, Mon ton, Wy alton' Lin- wood, to Goda,ich. 0U8y branches are also contemplate Try some of our hot soda drinks, spiced elderberry, Tomato iinillon Choc- olate, Beef Tea_ etc. W.J.Score, L, 0. L. Officers. At the regular 1 Pring 01 Wingham L. 0, L•, No, 794, c 1 Friday evenlang last, the following ofile rs were elected for the ensuing yea -._,W, M., T- D. M., Geo. Rank' i ; chaplain, .1 MnNo- vin; recording se etary, J. J. McM'an- nus; financial seer Lary, James Stewart; treasurer. D, Bell D. of C., R. Sharp; lecturer, Dr. J. S. ,hisholm ; committee, A. Delmage, A, nun„ John Glenn, Joh Coiter, C' Thornton, H. Musgrove el Wniy; auditors, .A. The e newly elected efit ers wereinstalled by the retiring W. , R. A. Douglass. Tho largest and best stock of Iron Beds ever shown in Wingham may be seen at our store, and the prices are $3.75, $4.00, $6.0in stooiit spring to fit 8 00 anda bed. carry rs and stands to match. anyDressers WAL1En Bros. & BUTTON. East Huron onservafives. o Conservativ s of East,Hnron will their annual eeting in the Town hall, Wingham, o Friday, December 18th, at 1.30 O'choc p.nh., wheu officers will he elected a d general business transacted. Dr. S route, M. P. for Fast Grey; D. lenders h, M. P. for Halton and H. Either, M. . P. for South Heron are expected to be present and deliver addresses. A pu is meeting will be held in the Town all in the evening, when the above n wed geutleinen ill speak On the quest 118 of the day.wA candidate for the Ann/none will likely bes. elected at this heetitJg, Mr. Lock- hart, of East Wa anosh, and Mr. man, of Morris ar mentioned as prroBOW- man e- ble candidates. 4 25c, or 17 s of forood $1, chewing 3. cco for Restauranplugs SCOTT'S Grand M': ster Turner. utile it for our anything to sell, het me J T y Write or call at once for hold (emus and and full •particulars Tst. . rd to the Real Eate Buyer: Have a look at What I lave: to offer you before you buy. I have just the property you want. Ileal Estate and Busin s Transfer A Ok reel:—vanstone block, Wingham. sent. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. Monthly Horse Fairs, intends holding ,. series of Hotel horse Brunswick fairs during the winte The first fair will by (held on We.. esday, January 601, when a number •f horse buyers will be tunir ty for farm a 'IIs r�s having es to sell to meet the c , fferent buyers. Bring your horses to S iugham on January 6th. Oysters always 'fresh, 40e quart, at W. J. Soma's Restaurant. Band oncerts Tile citizens ban are arranging for a series of inimical oncerts to be given Duce a fortnight during the winter) season, in the tow hall. The band will be assisted by lo aI expected that the interesting and ent bars of the band a funds with which+ with uniforms, an to aecoruplisit the that as the dates are annonnced th that they are we encourage the b creditable fustit support of the and ed t Iltc Maitland Lodg., Independent Odd - fellows will have an official visit from the Grand Mote of the Order, Mr. 3.13. Turner, of Hamll ,n, on Friday evening, December 18th. committee isarrang- ing for a bezique on that evening and have also invite the Grand Warden, Mr. F. W. B1e • itt, of Listowel. A number of new n embers are being ad- mitted into Ma land Lodge at pres- ent. Th team is busy Prac. and this winter pro- uccessful for the local At the close of the ay last the members Scott's restaurant. talent, and it is tieia degree gatherings will be ng every wee rtaining. The mem- anises to be very I e desirous of raisin et O. F. lodge to provide themselves enjoyed nnjOyd oyeon Thur are tailing this mea oysters a nd, It is to be hoped f these entertainments NOTIOE citizens will see to it Robt. Mc patronized, and thus on notes which is certainly a tion and deserving of npeOple generally. ANTES—Men wanted to cut 01nau1 sawlogs; wood and sawlogs. also teams and App} Lean & Son. r. R. C. P. special st,f h nye, ear,nose and throat, will be in Wingham, at Camp- bell's drug store, Monday, Dee. 28th. Glasses properlytited, wood vant, y to Notied9:to Farmers. The Canada Furniture, Manufacturers are now prepared to pay the highest price ---much higher than ever before--. for all kinds of Hardwood and Basswood Fe saogia ntChairIlactorv,Wd ingihhaEn. Tho es e intending to get out logs this season will profit by calling on Trios. BRLt;, Man- ager. Hockey elicits. The Winghatu Ifoc ey Team journeys to Luekltow Thursda • night to play their first match, Luckno will be here /text Monday. Rverybo,,• wishing to see these teams play onld attend this match, The boys ha • e had two splen- did praiotices and wil have a very fast team. There is lots f material for two teams and every pra, tic° night will be used for team worand combination play,y, Rules of the gam Will be posted in the rink for the co, Vezitotic° of Elms° wishing to thoroug ly understand the game, n°, .r.l 1° rink k improved b ill be wonh side 'Wingham team a twenty-two each 1 reembers. —The gnestioa is: How can Indco loan his money so cheap and mortgages? Call and See. Ro13r. MCI\DOQ. Returning to Wingham, The many frlelli of Mr. Jas, A. Cline and family will be pleased to learn that they are returninto Wingham from' Owen Sound. M Cline has sold his, property in Owe Sound and has rented r.Wm. Butto 's house, where the family will reside for this winter, Mr. Caine has not yet eolded what line of ' business he will e gage in, but we un- derstand he has d cided to reside per- manently in Win harm. He has beim one of Wingham' most progressive citi- zen's and we are leased to wel0Ome him back to town nd hope he may en- gage in some rufacturing bunutiness that would give e loyment to a ohm- ber of workmen. Dr. Butler, specalist in the diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Byes tested and ghtsaes supplied. office op- posite St. Andrew's Church, London, Ontario. Hof elk cape s Raise Rates A Meeting of he hotel keepers of Western Ontario s held in the Techs. soh Ilouso;ILondon on I+`riclay afternoon. The priaefpnl obje of the meeting was the discussion an adjustment of the present hotel rate. in this part of the .Province. It Was esolvea that the $1 or day houses sho d raise their rates to $1.50. There was representative tentlanco Imo 'earl eel parts' of Wetern Ontario. Another meeting will take place in January, hen a fart$ of the rates Will kr1 place. a It must is expected that th hooses which are at prescltt $1,50 per , will then bo rais- ed to $2. Send The Ti es to Friends Have yon a friend esiding at a distance Who would like t, ear front the old home and outran iing neighborhood? Of course you bar) but you say you are a Poor correspond -nt, • Exactly/ Note we will help you , t. We will send the Tizas front this ate until the end of next C year free o postage new subscribers, for $1.00 to n postage. It will cost $1.00 in to send fiftye 1 tters, and of then llrh y would not cotta . as much formation as th paper. general iu- For a nobby cutter, ca Glovers amok. 17 children's OV re nd ase Alf. is and pea jackets at rock bottom p s at OrowcIer's. $1,0 0 for an Idea. Here is a cti, ce for our readers. To any person w eau suggest t •taiinins that can be sleeted and ill prove more popular nd of gre r valne than the two pieta .s, "He Broken" and 'Haul to Cho se, ' a , the quick refer- enee colours : t of the Dominion with enlarge • rr of this province wlliolh are t is year given with the Family Her d and Weekly Star of Montreal, tb Publishers of that reat Weekly will ay one thousand dollars. This years premiums are immense v certainly ne, sed will be hard to serpa3s. H 'aver, there is $1,000 waiting for nyone who can improve on them. Nurse girt wanted.from 12 to 14 years of age. Noone u smart, tidy girl ueed apply, MRS. Ti:H Rogsy,r- H. Park, jeweller, is offering Xmas bargains t is moo di in a great - duce his stork, order to reu 4s:tlsa giving a bea- tifol wall pocket every purchase of $2.00 or over. Norther League Hockey. The followin is the schedule of hock- ey games to b played in the Northern League this sea on : A Harriston, Wingham, F b. I8; Palmerston, Ja 7; Mt, Forest, an. 21; Listowel At allnerston. ' Feb.eb. b' 4. Wingham, J n, 19; Harriston, Feb. 16; Mt. Forest Jan, 1; Listowel, Feb. 9. Wingham, 7t t. Forest. Palmerston, Ja , 29; 8; Lois osifiel,'Jan. 15. lit Wilighaniti Harriston, Ja , 11; Palmerston, an. 26; Mt. Forest, +eb. 1; Listowel, Feb. 12, t Listowel. Wingham, J n, 1; Harriston. Jan. 29 Palmerston, J n, 22; Mt. Forest, Feb.' 15. Flinch Have you heard of this new game ? It will be. more popular than Ping Fong. Hundreds are playing. i 1. W e have a large stock. Our special price, including postage, 45 - OEDIIit AT ONCE, YV J. Fs Mallagh 8dokseller and Stationer BRANTFORD, CANADA. WHY WE SELL he'Ima Because we believe it is 058 of the finest perfumes we can get. .Because everyone who tries it burs it' again. Because we are here to sell good things in the drug Iine,aua Peepie eo me expecting to find the best, whatever it may bo. So when they ask us for perfttfne we shote them as good line of choice Were —and " THF.LMA," the finest of all. May we shote you "THELMA?n Waitoo MgKIbIje nRugcist N< - t doorost aim Successful " t Home." The members of No. 11.4. R. T. of 'I', 1, tut "At Rona" in th T'ues•lay eventug. Program was render dresses by ]frank B r G-ai 1 d you n 1 07 I or an instrumental solo, M and solos by Misses Reid and Prat* Hill Miss Brock, Atte freshments were ser of -carpet hall by th brought to a olose social evening. Il Ingham Connell, Id a very sueceia- Chisholhn Hall on very intere,:tiu;; 1, eOnhisring of ad chemen, n n nonunion on Rev. Dr. Gandy; s Hazel Brandon, dish HaII, Hattie nd recitation by re- ed and the hen�a game younger hnerubers a very su'dcessfml For n good big ado vio11u try D. Bell's north end site store. easy tents of repaymeONEY TO LOAN at nt per cent. On A Dulmage, Kent Filo Apply to �' k, 'o4hughaln, Will Soon Ba Here. Opera House one Dec. 14117. The ev ways reliable. }31^iir Tans presenting the all farce oonhedies 1 The Sport Brun i 'p tent Company of a A New York Oa., for Mr. 131air's ap 01 costumes worn by t ght only --Monday popular, the al- Broarh•, • Corned• +i,t ' scinatiug of th •.e acts, entitled , with a wave. rs and actresses. engaged especially lid attraction. The s ladies of this Com - Pant' are superbly g and. At every per- torranca volt a nwrnbe • of very fine vaude- ou ant s' solid tun that will a7Jd drive away the cleanest, brightest, three act farce com- port From Spoken. c, no higher. Ile n sale at .Douglass' e acts are intro two and a half hou snake you grow fat blues, go and see t and most laughabl edy, entitled, The Prices 15c, 25c, , served seats now drug store. ewnng machines and American mal then] work. David ell. RE3tE5m11na BOY'S—Crow err to use the pruninkni limbs down are RatI loolc out for loss pri 1 the best Canadian rg/Cal1 and see sad Accide Mr. John Mc Howson, Harvey mill met with a v Tuesday &venin with 1 the other w, with the choppin on the feeding p broke and thus a run so fast that it of the iron struck i completely destroy iously injuring th workmen were not wonder some one w machine was scatte The injured Ivan medical care and a ing was taken to T routo. accompanied bst will5. be C esu , ed.. where. lM cKays. people live in Port .Igin and he had only been a rssitlent of 'inghsin for a few months and rade s. has start. and the firet Overcoats, so t at Flour Mill. + ay, bead miller at Brocklebank's dour ry serious accident on Mr. McKay along rkulen were at work machiues. The belt rt of the machinery owing theanaclhine to ursted and one piece r.Mcltayin the,face; g one eye and ser - other. The other 'lured, but it is a s not killed as the ed in all dire•'tioes. as given the best of Wednesday morn- ,. gret to hear of h' •aser ous ernistortun e. It is to be hopec ` the one eye may be saved. Fon SALE—Good frame house and stable, five acres of laud, a large quanti- ty of fruit and shade trees, nice location. To be sold at once. Apply to, 0. J. MAGUtoo, Real Estate Agt. Bible Soci ty Meeting, The aunual meet .g of the Winglham branch of the Uppe Canada Bible Soci• ety was held in S Paul's church on Thursday evening o last week. The re- ports presented all wed that the local. society had a very successful year and already over $100 bad been collected. The following ofti,.rs were elected for the ensuing ye :—President, J.13 0. i Kerr; Vice Press eat, Robt. Carrie; Secretary, A. E. LI )yd; Treasurer, Rev. N. S. Bnrwash. e Directors of last year were re-elects with the exception 1 that stir. W. Cor ►uld was elected in I ' place of Mr. F. Ski , e. For 99 years the Iritsh and Foreign Bible Society ha; been giving God's + Word to the world • t cost, to those who can afford t0 bay, nd as a gift to those 1 unable to purchase. It has issued more in Ithan 180 million c, pies whole or in t part, in 370 dififere t languages and dia- lects,, and aa .a cos of $65,000,000. The Society supports 8 0 Oolparteurs and 6501 Native Bible Wo en iu different partsof the 1 their ]homes, world, ead o thele the wh 'cleft the people and teach them ,. read where this is necessary. They also sell and distribute the Scripture, ,e Bible Society is the 1 great ally of all anches of the Church 1M Foreign 'Mimi .n work. It constantly i employs its trans ting and revising the 1 different Linguae -8 and dialects a large number of the Inst eminent, scholars iu the d every request to print the In new tongue has been ha any application for a rcpt res ever been denied. spe t in the year 1902 for evil ng, printing and bind - do oreigns'age ocies,o&o., sit . of $1,200,000. The 51 :tonal, Sooietjes &c, he.gy. that in order th B . I. B. Society has Toney, and they now err •us doficft. ar ted ho ono hnmill-8%61T:n. le .irth of the Society, wi' be made to provide ud also raise a surplus et t e very urgent appeals in = r01n all parts of the pile Canada Auxiliary is all atI helpful supporter �C3. h • y, having since its sstn: a ., nearly al y «,tai 111 ri t ures in 110 different i. less ton one •B & F. Il. Society on t $ ,4135 60, besides done - $3 000 to t11e Quebec So- J world an Word of God grouted, nor grant of Sc The Society translating, r ing ,Scriptures tage, home an the imnlence claims of aII have been so meet then] the bad to borrow have to fete as will be celebrat of 11 when for thend effort sufficient to ale that are coining world. The tl the strongest a of the parent So i copies of the Se haveusegnt to this purchase acrcoun tions to the ott tion to sending , etety, 4 See J, Button & Co's Boots and Shoes $CH001.. c.OARD. Itoguler meeting held an Tuesday ev beta present. C Chains h In ing. The tninntes read and approved. The Principal's re was read and on mo report was as follow Dept. Boys G AaB 31 2 19 9 2 4 14 3 5 25 •1 26 B 23 7 33 a 27 4 f Sehate Board was ling With all I116nt- en Hn mu t hP stre 'd• previous nicerfn,g 01 t for November tom adopted, The Is Total Aver. 70 63 38 36 47 45 46 4$ 52 4S 61 43 70 60 are guarantei-'cl to give sat- isfaction ill ail forms Of stomach troubles—or money refunded, 198 2 . 436 390 Accounts were •ad as follows;.. I3. Fryfogle, work . nd supplies, $10; A. Young & Son, su ,plies, $2.15: C. N. Griffin. supplies, $4.13; W. Taylor re- pairs, 70c; Hugh Mc : urney, wood, $6 87; R. R. Mooney, sup; lies, $4.35; S. Ben- nett, supplies, $3.60. On motion of Me: srs. Abraham and Moore, the accounts s read were ordered to he pairs. The matter reased tfonatth scbooln as discussed. The members favored ,wilding a. wing on the east side os the aiiding that would protide two more nems. Moved by 0, N, Griffin seconded by Lloyd be Moore, olvlmi tee to Kerr and plan and specifications or enlarging present school building at report a next meet- inat—Carried. NThe t ar hers aD n' officers salaries for mber were o to be pad cal mot of Messrs. Grifiia n ln and Kerr, lad s had of tThoe embers teach t greet theinssted some two extri days at Xmas .lideys. The Board took no action i the matter. SPeCIALFIJRCI eeseof traveller.. . ntples 12 Men's long Raglan Overc, s. Sizes 36 to46, full length, .oats iade right Icp-t-the. minute,uo t ' alike; worth "9,$10, $II each. mple sale price Saturday $7.r0 at Crowder's. Charming De ember Wedding. At the artin o Wednesday residence i week was hsoletnnn ed the inarriage o his daughter, Grace to Mr. Charles c, field VanStone, only son of Mr. W. a VanStone. The bride, who was iren away by her father, was exquis telt' gowned in white silk with triinhnin sof Duchess lace and carried a sheaf o bride's roses. The bride's maid, Miss Lanza Martin, wore pile blue crepe de aris with touches of white, white Miss redo, '4 anStone and Miss Nora Smith ads two pretty little flower girls in the white silk dresses, holding the ribbons witch formed the bridal aisle. Mh s Norma DinsleyI charmingly rendere i%fenrlelsshon's west- ding march. Mr. rb. Wightman sup- ported the groom. I'he ceremony performed by Rev. m. Lowe, recorvas of St. Paul's. Mr. and Mrs. VanStone left on the their retntrain5 rnMr. and short Irs.VanStone will spend the winter a the residence of I bride's father, wh e Mrs. VanStone will be at home to he friends on January 5113 and Gth. Si A YEAR IN A .A Q EVERY BOX OF 1• te4)k Douglass' Dyspepsia Tablets DOUGLASS The Druggist. 1 have room for two students in the Telegraph Office. A FAMOUS SCHOOL +TRATFORI .. ONT. A large, wide - awake. working, hustling. result - prontwine' eehnol—. THE BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE IN CANADA. T0.DAY. Graduates Fs) ways get positions. This College places many of Its graduates in other busiress colleges as teachers, Winter Tenn opens Jan. 4th Handsome Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL. Pianos an05 terms to s tgfl . cs haser re s.bCall and look through . • ;tack and be convinced. David Bell. WANTED --5,000 'i'nrlreys; ISO, fur choice stock. If your LIVE BUYER won't take them at the price, we will. We want all kinds of Fowl. Dried Apples, Beans, Large Onions and Raw Furs. GEO, E. KING. A Li le Late, There is a story oing the rounds to the effects that in a c tain northern town the G. T. R. trai was, to the surprise of Slaughter Sale of Dress Goads. --.This citizens were og ath&ed and astonished everis the ( Passengers and ;;reate t cash sale of solely Dress that they got up a ubscription and made Goods ever offered in the county, and ' a present to each f the train employees. includes all this Fa11's importations, 50c,, , Not til} the deed as dpilo did they find 60c. and 65o, lines fore: 750. and $1.00 1 out it was the t in that should have Rees for 50c., etc. 3«3GEO. E. KISS a».11 c the day be ore. WHAT 15 XMAS WITHOUT SLIPPERS? XMAS time is wondering tilt Xmas you wonder " wl . beforo on earth " to get for your friends,,, and after Xmas you wonder why peopdidn't have more sense when th y set ted your presents. i--lere's cvondc:Il':g n wand to save yourself that your friends that wondering afterward. The way is SLIPPERS," Nine out of ten want Slippers ; you may please them with something else, but you can't miss them with Slippers. We are showing the prettiest raicge of Ladies', Gents', Misses' and Childre- n's Slippers ever- shown in town, at the follow- ing ,prices : �•�cars. x.tap, r.45 ' 35c, 5oc, (roc, 75e, suow ' $ r •5o• See them before any kind of presents, buying If you don't happen to get the right , le �w•p � S1zE, or sty exehangs them. W. J. GREER The Shoe Man.