HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-11-26, Page 8I b & Campbell iffordram's Dress Goods and Trimmings House. Winter ' Autumn.and, �'� ll�cer TWEED AND CLOTH MINOR LOCALS. 4 - Oo318taut advertising can e a con - Eant demand for the goads advertised. —Try the Tuna and the Toronto Daily News, till January 1st, 1005 for $1.85, —W,. F. VanStone shipped a double- daok carload of hogs to Toronto on Monday. —The regular meeting of Court Mait- land, 0.0.]?'. will be held ou Friday evening of this week. —The non -jury sessions of the High. Court will open before Justice MaoMa- hon at Goderioh ou Monday next. —Mr. Carr, who has been confined to his homethrough t ongh illness for several weeks, is now able to be out/ again. —The Scottish concert on January 7th promises to be the best ever held in Wingham by the Sons of Scotland, —The TIMES and Toronto Daily Star for oue year $1.80. The balance of this year is given free to new subscribers now. SUITINGS 1 SILK AND WOOL Gownings And an especially fine display of Bening Gown Fabrics, Silks, & Colored,. Striped and PIain Silks for Waists, regular 75c and 85c, extra value at - 50c TRIIIIIMINUS OF ALL KINDS AND AT ALL PRICES WE LEAD in QUALITY and VARIETY of FURS in Wingham. SPECIAL 20 Fur Ruffs, regular $5.00 —Mr, E. McLaughlin, who ran a bar- ber shop in Wingham some time alto, has purchased a shop at Aurora and is moving from Clinton. —The National College has opened a branch of their school in Forest, and Mr. Jas. McKinley, a young Wingham- ite, will have charge of it. —Miss Ada Howson, daughter of Mr. Wm. Howson, of this town, has been engaged as teacher in the Wingham Junction school for next year. —The TIMES together with any of the Toronto, London or Montreal papers given at lowest rates. See clubbing list on page six. Calf early and leave your order. — Mr. D. E. McDonald, piper,and Miss Mabel McDonald, dancer, have been in- vited to take part in a Scottish entertain- ment at Sanilac Centre, Mich., on Janu- ary 25th. —The next meeting of the local Tent of K. 0. T. M. will be held on Tuesday evening next. Officers are to be elected and members are requested to attend the meeting. — The house on Alfred street, opposite the upholstering factory, belonging to Miss Mories, has been sold through Mr. Samuel Youhill's agency to Mr. Geo. Wade at $900 cash. — Mr. F. G. Sparling expects to have the Wingham salt works in running or- der on Monday next, and will then be able to supply the farmers of this section with a good brand of salt. —Messrs. Wade Bros., wbo purchased Mr. H. M. Tudhope's grocery business here and then disposed of it to Mr. John Humberstone, last week pnrchased Mr. 17. M. Nicholl's general store business at Fordwich. --Mr. Wm. Doig, C.O.F. Organizer at St. Johns, N.B., is in the hospital, suf- fering from appendicitis. Mr. Doig is a former resident of Gorrie anti well - and $6.00, for - $3.50 known to many of our readers, who will be sorry to hear of his illness. A GREAT CLEARING IN Dress Goods Goods worth from 5oc to $1.50, on sale to clear at - 50c per yard. Ritchie & Campbell THE BE.iVEE BLOCK WWGI�AM, - ONT. — We understand there is talk of a third paper being started in Kincardine. A third paper has been publis'led in better towns than Kincardine and the result has always been—it ceases publi- cation in a few months. Kincardine is not large enough to support three news- papers. Xmas Fruils1 ,,I Our new Fruits have arrived for the Xmas trade. P NEST— Selected Raisins, Currants, Peels, Shelled Nuts, Prunes, Jams, Jellies, Figs, Dates. ` We always carry a large and well `' assorted stock of Fancy Biscuits uits an Confectionery, � c dn Quality and prices guaranteed. Toronto Bread — Monday:a and Fridays. ,`'(nods delivered promptly. Phone 8 Hiimberstooe, "16 ol(A rotund WINOIIAM Popular Games FLINGI1 The new and fascinating parlor game More simple than Authors More scientific than Whist Something e g emir 1 e y new in card games, each pack consisting of 150 cards, which are absolutely neces- ary to play the game successfully. The combinations resulting, while simple, are so intricate that tho game has been pronounced by many to be more scientific than whist. Flinch is an innocent, harmless game, which may be played in any home by the whole family and enjoyed by old and young alike. Each pack in fancy box. PIT For any age—for few or many play- ers. Pit is pure,harmless, exciting, funny. The jolliest game ever in- vented for an informal good time. Parise 50c. Pill ponA The most populor game for years. Sold in seta varying in price from 30e to $L50 COOPER & CO.. (Sucecssors to .Alex, Moss.) THE Wini1A i T1tES, NUV1 i it 2s, 1903 --Timms and Toronto Saturday Night only $2.30 per year. Leave your ordere. at this office. —Leat week C. J. Maguire, real estate agent, disposed of W. J. Deyell'a house and lot, situated opposite the park, to James Armour. Pilo $1,000 cash. Mr. Armour gets possession December 1st. —Mr. Will Ferguson, of the Queen's hotel has been confined tohis room for several days, suffering froni an attack of pneumonia. His mother, Mrs. Robt, Ferguson, of Walkerton is here waiting R ou him. Robt, Sturdy, who recently purchased the express and 'bus business at Mt. Forest last week re -sold it to the former ownerand made sortie money on the deal. He will now look else- where for a business. —Owing to the scarcity of timber the Canada Furniture Manufacturers are paying higher prices than ever before for all kinds of logs delivered at the Button & Fessant factory. See notice elsewhere in this issue. Balm. HOLMEs--In Wingham, on November 23rd, the wife of Dudley Holmes; a daughter. PATTEnsox—In Wingham, on November 1.1s t, the wife of MacKenzie Patterson ; a son. WEsits—In Lower Wingham, on November 23rd, the wife of Saml. G. Weeks; a daughter. RoniNSON—In East Wawanosh, on November 24th, the wife of Thos. Robinson; a son. BIssNETT.—In Howick, on Nov. 13th, the wife of Mr. Thos. Bennett; a son. LtviNasmox: -In Grey on Nov. 4,the wife of i D. K. Livingston, a daughter. AIARRIED FoGAL-0ANTLON.—At Brantford, on Nov. 11, by Rev. W..1. Smith, B. A., Mr, Herbert Fogel to Miss Nellie Cantlon, both formerly of Lt hel, now of Brantford. DIED LEGGATr.—In Wingham, on November 18th, Margaret Ann Wheelens, wife of Andrew Leggatt, aged 29 years, 8 months and 8 days. BELL—In Morris, on the 24th inst., Frederick William Bell, aged 26 years and 6 months. COLVIN.—Tn Brussels, on Nov. 18 Luck, 5th daughter of George and Eleanor J. Colvin, aged 16 years, 6 months and 24 days. Tenn.—In St. Helens, on November 18th James Todd, son of Thos. Todd, Esq., aged 21 years. O'MALLEY.—In Culross, on November 12th Thomas O'Malley aged 69 years, 10 months and 19 days. LE:num—In Harriston, on November 23rd. Elisha Lemnex, formerly of Wingham, aged 79 years, 11 months and 18 days. NArxrit—In Goderioh, on Saturday, Novem- ber 21. Francis J. T. Naftel, aged 46 years. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or resi- dence at Ritchie's property on Scott St. or third house west of school on John street. Shop opposite Macdonald block. Mttgggt tifyg tf l.' la . Photos P Is til FOR -CHRISTMAS t OW Ist1 TIME TO HAVE g �J , 1' them tai en. Call and see the latest, beat and most appreciated of Xmas Presents, at tf ctt Armstrong & Cos Studio t ptyy�jjµ, jjjj� �ll�{{ WINGHAM PRIVATE SALE OF STOCK. The undersigned offers by private sale at his premises. on park lot 40, old. Town Plot, Wing - ham, the following stock, viz.: 1 dry cow, 1 milking cow, 1 yearling steer, 1 yearling heifer, 2 calves, three and five months old, 7 good breeding ewes, 7 ewe la inbs,1 well-bred Chester White sow, six inonths old; also 100 bushels of turnips. WM. H. CAMPBELL, Wingham P. 0. MEETIN OF THE HURON COU TY COUNCIL ! THE COUNTY CO NCIL will meet in the I. Court House in he 'Town of Goderioh, on the First day of december next, at the hour of 3 o'clock in tl a afternoon. Dated at Goderich t.'s 16th day of Novem- ber, 1003. W. LANE, Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. MOTILE is hereby given, pursuant to R.S.O. 1897, Chap. 129, that a]1 persons having claims against the estate of Andrew Clarkson Henderson, who died on or about the 31st day of October 1003, are required on or before the 5th day of December, 1003, to send by post pre- paid or deliver to .7. A. Morton of the Town of Wingham, Solicitor for the Executors of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statements of their accounts and the nature OP theuritis. OC � N s if any, held by them ; and that after the said last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distrib- ute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, Dated this 13th day of November A.D. 1903. 3, A. MORTON, Solicitor for the Executors of Andrew C. Hen- derson, deceased. Massey -Harris Agency. Have you a Turnip Palper? If not, see our Concave Cylinder Pnlper before purchasing elsewhere. If yon will need anything in the line of Farm Implements or Machinery for the coming season, place your order early and get the best. Massey -Harris goods are leaders everywhere. Agent for-- T3;emp Manure Distributor Melotte Cream Separator We also handle the Wm. Gray & Sotis BUGGIES and CUTTERS— universally acknowledged to be the best and most durable to bo had. ALF. GLOVER, AGM', - "'G MI IIA WsNYWYNNWWWWYWYYSISPY rousers " This is the first bread T ever made, remarked the 0 g wife. " Well," re'joined the optimistic husband, " there's nothing like start... %. %��.� •L lug with a. solid foundation," That's how we started our busi- ness—on a solid foundation. We don't believe there is a store in Wingham that sells more Pants (some r; call them Trousers) than we do in 12 months. We certainly do try hard to please our Trouser customers. We, -' keep as many of the different lengths, —~ :,�,.►.��' widths, shapes and styles es it is possible to keep, and we make it still more possible for you to get a correct fit by any needed alteration, and doing it right, Notice some of our prices: $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $'a.- 7o and $3.00. See our splendid stock of Young Men's Long Pants, sizes 30 to 33 waist measure, at $1.50 and $1.75, all wool. See the Boys' and Youths' Knickers from 85o to 90c. Get familiar with our guarantee that goes with every transaction. A. R. SMITH Clothier 3 CHISHOLM BLOCK, AMAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAMMA and Gents Furnisher WINGHAM. VVVVWVVVVWWVVVVVWVWVV I) R. BROWN, L. R. C. P. London, England. Graduate of London, flew York and Chi- cago. Diseases of Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Will be at the Queen's Hotel, Wingham, 9th Tuesday in each month. Hours from 2 to 9p.m. INSTITUTE MEETINGS. The Snpplementar West Huron Farmer held at:— Londesboro, Hill's Belgrave, Pnblic St. Helens, Public Holmesville, Wills 3th. Delegate—Dr. H. town. Subjects— Princiral of Success "The Modern H. Horses, and how to Relation which exis feeding anti disease Dairy Cattle with a disease." Eveni Education and Tr Horse," "Farming Delegate—J. H. Subjects—"Feeds ver" "Weeds" " soil and Plant." "Choosing an Ooc al Education." Membership tiel and entitle the ho valuable literatur: meetings of the Institute will be Tall, December 1st. ll, December 2nd. all, December 3rd. u's Hall, December Reid, of George - 'The Foundation al Stock Breeding" ness l-nd Saddle .reed them" "The between Improper ' "Management of view of preventing g Subjects—"The inmg of the Young as an Occupation." Smith, Longbank. nd Feeding" "Clo. ood Seed" "From Evening subjeots— patiou" "Agricultur- ets cost only 25 cents, der, in addition to the , free admision to the fat stock show at Guelph three times daily. Tickets ea be obtained from the local directors or .'rest from the Secre- tary, F. 0. Elford, Holmesville. The New Mill HAVE YOUR CHOPPING done at the New Mill, Josephine St., North. Satisfaction guaranteed. Feed of all kinds on hand. Give us a trial. D. McCRECOR The New Mill Wingham. G i NDTRUN:K11 I�V: SYSTEM.. One way special reduced rate tickets are on sale daily until November 30th, to points in Bri- tish Columbia, California Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, etc. Live Stock Exposition, Chicago, 613.50 for round trip from Wingham. Good going Nov. 29th, 30th, Dec 1st, valid returning on or before Dec. 7th, 1003. Ontario Provincial Winter Fair, Guelph, DEC. int TO DEC. 11Tn 1903. 1:2.45 for the round trip from Wingham. Good going Dec. 5th to lith; valid for return on or efore Dec. 14th. Mt. Clemens Mineral Baths. Situated near Detroit. Quickly and com- fortably reached by the Grand Trunk. The "St. Catharines Well." The waters offam hi, t s ons a are well great r. eat specific for nervous disorders. Situated on the direct line of the Grand Trunk, eleven miles from Niagara Falls. For tickets, and all information apply to Agents, write to .T. D. McDonald. District Pass• 'ginger Agent, Toronto, for descriptive litera- ture regarding the above resorts. L. HAROLD, Agent,Wingham. WINTER FAIR GUELPH DECEMBER 7-11, 1903 Single First- class Fare for ]found Trip GENERAL PUBLIC Tickets good going December 5 to 11 inclu- sive; good returning up to and including De- cember 14, 1003. From all stations in Ontario, Sharbot Lake, and West (but not West of North Bay). Jt73iGES AND E`tHIBITORS On 'surrender of proper eertlfleate, tickets good going December 4 to 10,kood returning until Deeenbar15, 1003. From a1l stations in Canada, Port Arthur, S.S. Marie, Ont., and East CLOSING NAVIGATION Last steamship, tpner Lake Steamship Line leaves Owen Sound Saturday Nov. 28, and Fort William, Tuesday, December 1, 1908. For full pax oculars apply to nearest O.7P11. Agent, or to . A. H. MOTMAM, Assistant General Passenger .Agent 1 King fit. East, Toronto NEW IDEA RANGES CROWN HURON RANGES HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES IDEAL FAVORITE RANGES BASE BURNERS --All sizes COLE'S HOT BLAST COAL HEATER AIR TIGHT WOOD STOVES --All sizes Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Prices to suit. Call and examine them before you buy elsewhere, at FISHLEIGH'S HARDWARE STORE The Meat You Order from us will be delivered promptly and you will always find it of the best quality. Boasts of Beef, Veal, Lamb and Pork. Steaks, Chops, Soup Bones, Roiling Pieces. Highest prices, paid for Hide and Skins, We are also prepared to pay the highest prices for all kinds of Poultry. . We thank our customers for their liberal patronage in the past, and will give satisfaction to all who favor us with their orders. FELLS & MITCHELL. Opposite Skating Rink. . From centre to crust The Market Bakery Bread is perfection itself. White, light, sweet centre; rich, brown, short crust, Mixed, molded, baked and delivered in just the way to Win your approval, ALL KINDS OF PASTRY WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY We have all the latest machin- ery, and there is no need of sending to the city for your bread or pastry. D, LOUG HEEL ,Opposite Presbyterian Church. :••••••••••••••••••••••••• •���•••�•••••••••* 4' • :Dx. •• • Lades w • • • TWEEDS, HOMESPUN'S, ZIBELINES • • • and FLAKE EFFECTS • • No trouble to display the goods and trimmings, and give •• you the very latest ideas. CORDO You are sure at all times to find'in this store the correct up•to date materials and trimmings for costumes In • • • A shipment of 1+INE FURS to hand today. Early for • repeat orders. Well, quality and our prices tell the story. •• • Gentlemen Have a look through our Corset, Hose and Taltderwear departments. Wa know that it will ill ay you. • •s • • • • • • . ... • • ®. M. Gordon •...., • •, •• Highest prices paid for Farm Produce. DIRECT IMPORTER. " •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••04*••••••••••••••..4,• We invite you to visit our READY - TAILORED CLOTHES Department. Your needs can be easily and quickly supplied, and we will not punish your pocket very severely. Good brand New Overcoats for $5.00 and up. Stocks in every department new and fully assorted. iii A good Organ for sale cheap. .l, ANYONE CAN SEE the advantage to . - gained by purchasing a Stove or ' ge made at home. No vexatious delays waiting for repairs, etc. " I-IUROIV" H y+ ++ 4. .1. 4,. Stoves and 'Ran�g+-�es V �. The Western Foundry Go. • Limited. WINGHHAM, Ont. 4. 4- ALEX. YOUNG & SON WINCHAMd, J. BUN& SON s: are guaranteed to be absolutely the best made ; and to bake, boil, roast or broil, better than any other. SELLING AGENTS : ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +.,.:++g+++.y ,,++++++++g1,++'i'++ + VVVIVVVVVYVVVVVVVVYYYYYvVV ••► • •► •• •C • C ••• E ► WALKER BROSI & BUTTON Furniture and Undertaking. The rurniiture Store opposite the Post Mee. Yi .4. £A &AAA♦LAAAAAAAA♦AAAAAA AAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh�w#A�.a 4 VVVYYVvvvvvyVVVVVVyyyyVYYV T'' !'a 41 IRON and BRASS BEDS These goods are ever becoming more popular, and to keep pace with their.;rowing popularity and the consequent increasing demand for them, we have placed in stock a few lines from which we are sure everyone can make a pleasing choice. PRICES, $3.75, $4.00, $6.00, $6.50 A good line of Dressers and Stands to match. A fine line+of SIDEBOARDS, BEDROOM SUITS PARLOR SUITS COUCHES, etc., All up-to.date goods at the lowest prices.