HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-11-26, Page 22 THE WINGIIAl TIMES, NOYK BER 26, 903. TO ADVERTISERS. 2frOttOttof oliel gea meet be left at this otflae not inter than Saturday noon, The copy for ohanges must be left wet later than Monday evening. Oan>atil advertisements accepted up to nootl. Wednesday of each, week.. ESTABLISHED fele. TUE.�I ES. � WNI. H. B. ELLIOTT, Punta Sete AND PROPRIETOR THURSDAY, NOV. 2G, 1903, NOTES AND COMMENTS, Sir Wilfrid Laurier said recently, When asked if the general election Would be postponed till after another session: "There, is ouly one man iu Cale aria who knows that and he will not tell." AN ACHING BACK. 'rile Trouble Usually Due teImpure Blued and Clogged kidneys. That weary draggi.ug backake ismore daugercue.than you thick, It poiuts straight to deadly kidney trouble. Your kidneys ache because your blood is bad, and filtering through has clogged them with filthy iuflaiutnatory emieous. Coiu- mon purging backache pills can never euro you. They ouly excite the kidneys; they cau't possibly touch the cause of the trouble in the blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the only positive cure for aching kidneys. They make new, red, rich blood. They comeler the ulflam- 'nation and drive out the poison. They cleanse the kidneys and, stimulate theta to health action, Then your backaches. vanish. Here is positive proof given by Mr. Geo. Johnston, of Ohio, N. S. who says: -"My son, now eighteen years old, suffered with kidney trouble, front severe pains in the back, and passed sleepless nights. We tried severalwedi- eines. Iu fact he was growing weaker; his appetite failed, and he could hardly do the usual work that falls to the lot of every boy on a farm. Filially a friend recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and this was the first medicine that reached the cause of the trouble. He continued to use the pills for a couple of morths and I am uow happy to say that every symptou of the trouble has disappeared and he is now as strong and healthy as anybody of his age. There eau be no doubt that Dr. Wil- liams' Piuk Pills will cure kidney trou- ble, even in its most severe forms." These pills cure not ouly kidney trou- ble but all blood and nerve troubles,suoh as rhuetnatism, sciatica, Partial paraly- sis, St. Vitus dance, indigestiou,auaetnia, heart trouble and the many ailments that makes women's life miserable. Yon can get these pills from any dealer in medieiue, or they will be sent by snail at 50 cents a box or shit boxes for $2.50 by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co , Brockville, Out. Stant_ood suffrage, apart from intelli- gence .and character, is a menace to political liberty. Having choseu to give the franchise to all sorta and conditions 9f men, the duty of educating the elec- tor,,etin the iutelligent exercise of the "'' franchise cannot be neglected except at the peril of electoral blundering and cor- ruption. The duty has beer, neglected. - Toronto Globe. North. Grey, Conservative, and North Ontario, Liberal, Dominion election cases have been "sawed off," the cases haying been dismissed by cousent. This leads the Toronto News to remark that the action of the Tories is "au eloquent admission by the Conservative party that its electoral methods were no bet- ter than those at which it casts unspar- ing deuuuciatiou " The following very sensible advice is taken from an exchauge:-"If a man. bas a fifty dollar bull -pup he will look after it carefully and not let it run down town at night. But if he has a boy it is different; the boy is turned loose at a tender age to go to the bad -and yet pee. pie wonder where the number of the army of loafers, cigarette fiends and gamblers come from. They are germin- ated from the pure seed gathered at home and sown broadcast on the streets and • alleys. The boy ought to be given au. equal chauce with the bull • pup surely. mental Union Meeting an6, the Previa- ,pluekee weight, and ane of the farm- oi.tl Winter fair, The exeursiolt rails ere wrote the Department that ho was start ca Saturday, December Gth. Far well pleased with the price he ebtain- fullp artienlars iu refereuo3 to the pro- ed, This year the farmer'erected '4 gramme ail excursion rates, write to 0,poultry house costing, .e200 and, ie en- A.i, Ze. vitt Secretary. Agricultural .Cole gaging in the business extensively. He lege, Gnelph, Ontario. speaks very favorably of the fattening. week. Ire has chickens in the fettepe - -� ing crates and is shipping regularly to eikintreal, It Le learned that the second farmer end. three others are also forwarding Orielcens to Moptreel. One of them .realized for his shipment 75 cents per chicken, another 65 cents per chicken. Three years ago these farmers'. chickens, unfattoned, could not have been sold for more. then 50 cents per pair. It was tlin diffi- cult to buy fi.rstalass chickens. A great number 'or '.Leghorn. and scrub chickens were railed by the farmers. This year altnost )every farmer owns a first-class flock of Barred Plymouth Rooks. Since the chiclen fatttening busi- ness is established, at Rgnfrew: and promises'eo develop into an import ant industry, oil Department of Ag - not to operate the ear. The work will sehwere. The Ren - DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ILLUSTRATION POULTRY STA- TIONS. Insurance Companies. Theis Location in Canada --Different Kinds of Stations. ' The Dominion Department of Agri- culture has in' *operation( in Canada, three poultry breeding stations,'three chicken ,rearing statidns, .and ten chicken fattening stations -sixteen in all. The poultry breeding stations are located at 13olmesville and Bowman- vi11e, Ont„ and` 'Blondville, Que. At each of these stations a enodern poul- try house is erected and about 125 utilityetype Barred Plymouth' ' Rock pullets are kept. At lielmesvillc and Bowmanville doulble /poultry houses are built. These houses are 80 feet long and 16 feet wide, and contain ten breeding pens of Burred, Plymouth Rocks. The roosting quarters are sep- arated from the exercising pens and are planned to withstand) the cold; the fowls are kept warm at night. The single poultry house is erected at Bondville, Qua., 'and. is 100 feet long and 12 feet wide. blaring cold nights the roosting quarters are closed by a cheap 'burlap -covered frame. The fowls are kept warm at night. On account of the col. winter weather throughout Canada"a warm, roosting The auuual report of the Inspector of pen 'Xliould ban built. in every. ;single Insurance for this Province for the year poultry house. ending December, 1902, has been receiv- It is •tbe intentioiri of the Depart- ed. The following statistics concerning meet of Agriculture. to develop the the companies of this county will be of utility -typo strain of Barred) Ply - interest to our readers: mouth Rocks and to distribute them HowicE.—Total assets, $246,066; re- to the farmers' at a nominal price. ceipts, $10,941; disbursements, $13,869; Last year about 800 Barred. Plymouth assessments, $10,110; working expenses, Rocks were sold to the farmers. The $1,471; paid for losses, $11,584; policies demand for Plymouth! Rocks has. in force, 3,470; uew and renewed, 1,085; greatly increased this year. cancelled, 944; amount at risk, $5,220,- The poultry breeding stations are 435 equipped with incubators, brooders WEST WAWANOSH.-Total assets, and movable houses: One incubator $162,819; treceipts, $6,733; disburse- will generally ketch as many chickens ments, $7,545; assessments, $5,992; es 20 sitting hens. ,Thetis - working expenses, $1,112; paid for losses, fee tory method of .rearing. 200 or $6,377; policies in force, 3,187; new and more chickens a; year is with these renewed, 1,092; cancelled 1,097; amount movable houses and indoor brooders: at risk, $4,252,373. The house and brooder are cheap in MCSILLOP.—Toteil assets, $104,106; construction and can. ',be built at blame. receipts, $6,726; disbursements, $7,538; It is profitable tor every, farmer near assessments, $G,100; working expenses, a large city Vo raise and fatten from $932; paid losses, $5,482; policies in force, 200 to 500 chickens aiyear. 2,244; new and renewed, 551; cancelled, The chicken rearing 'stations are op - 476; amount at risk, $3,255,765. erated at Chicoutimi, gee., Andover, HAY. -Total assets, $126,706; receipts, N.B., and Vernon Bridge, P.E.I. They $790; disbursements, $6,386;' assess- carry on the same work es the poul- ments, '$631; working expenses, $618; try breeding stations, except that take paid for losses, $5,295; policies in force, eggs 'for hatching are, bought from 1,809; new and renewed, 656; cancelled, farmers who possess' good flocks of 559; amount at risk, $3,276.470. Barred; Ply mouth' Rocks. There are USBOBNE AND HIBBERT.-Total assets, no specially selected Plymouth Rocks pullets at these stations. The chicken fattening stations are located at Sandwich', Ont., Stanford, Que., Rogersville, hills:, Iiust Amherst and North East Mlargaree, N.S., Al- berton, Glenfinnan, Montague Bridge, Mount Stewart and Eldon, P. E. I. These illustration stations purchase o?iickens ffrom the farmers for fat- tening. The stations have an equip- ment of fattening crates, shaping boards, el;c. The chickens are fatted fore 24 days in; the crates, and at the completion of tfipt tithe are starved 36 hours, killed »y dislocations of the neck, pressed into,; a square shape, and packed: into bo*es. This yeast it is the intention of the Dominion Department of Agriculture to sell fatted farmers' chickens on all the Principal Canadian =elects and to show, the consumers the improved quality of crate -fed chicken. Ups to the Present time no chickens have been exported by the Department; to Great Britain. The price received per pound is from 10 to 13 cents, plucked weight. This zourse will be pursued so that farmers in any( part of Canadall.fat- telling thieir chickens can sell them to dealers who' recognize the value of fatted chickens, and pay an increased price per pound for them. It would be to the advantage of the farmers living near the fattening eta - Hens to visit the stations and. learn the modern methods of killing, pluCk- inf3 and shaping -chickens. The men in charge of the stations will give in- formation regarding the disposal of the fatted chickens. • riculture decide station another be transferred frew poultry buseness received a great impetus on account of the operation of the illustration) fattening station, the farmers are, pleased with the in- creased returns,c.receive;d from their fatted chickens, and are in a good way to realize a substantial poultry rev- ,.enur. What habeen accomplished in Renfrew can bli repeated in other parts of Canada TOWN DIRECTOIIY, BAPTIST 0IIURea--Sabbath services at 11 a m and- 7 p in, Sunday School at. 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. N. Mc- Lean, B.A., pastor. Abner Ocaeus, Superintendent. METHODIST CJHunou--Sabbath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:30 p m.Epworth League every Mon- day evening. General prayer meeting' on Wednesday evenings. Rev, J. R. (:inndy, D.D., pastor. Dr, Towler, S. S. Superintendent, PRESBYTERIAN QHUROii-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting; on Wednesday evenings, Rev. D. Perris, pastor and S 5. Superinten- dent, P. S, Lkkklater and L. Harold, assistant S, S. Superintendeuts. ST. PAUL'S (i mnoni EPISOOPAIr-Sao- There are nearly a hund,ed seats in the Ontario Legislature,. and under a strict election law it is .^,omparatively easy to unseat a member for breach of the Act, but, nevertheless, only six seats were declared vacant for im- proper practices, and in all of these the judges reported that corrupt prac- tices did not generally prevail. In the face of these facts it must be candidly admitted that the general elections in Ontario have been remarkably free from corruption or other wrong -doing. -;Ottawa Events. `The Toronto World in answer to a correspondent gives �•► list of fatalities during the deer hun$ing season just clo- sed. It comprises six persons killed and one injured. The correspondent sug- gests that a man who handles a rifle should first get a certificate from the government. There certainly ought to be some means adopted, if one can be found, to stop needless loss of life during the deer hunting season. The casualties enumerated by the World average one for every two days of the season, in fact more excluding Sundaes, too great a sacrifice of human life through care- lessness, to which most of them must be 'attributed. $96,963; receipts, $6,516; disbursements' $6,835; assessments, $6,090; working ex- penses, $825; paid for losses, $4,461; pol- icies in force, 2,012; new and renewed, 703; cancelled, 781; amount at risk, $3,- 611,259. None of the companies have any lia- bilities. There are ina1112,522 members, who have paid during the year $28,923 in assessments. There were paid in los- ses $33,189, while the working expenses were $3,959. The total receipts amount- ed to 531,706, and the disbursements to $32,173. The total assets of all the companies amounted to $737,- 560, and the amount at risk foots up to $19,616,302. From these figures it will be seen that the companies are both care- fully and economically managed, the working expenses and the fire losses be- ing exceedingly low in comparison with the amount at risk. In fact through these companies farmers get their insur- ance at a very low rate. The Globe is experiencing the penalty of political candor in misrepresentation. When a Liberal journal calls attention to the smaller evils in its own party its utterances are magnified into confessions of guilt of everything charged against the party by the Tory press and poli- ticians. The latter never make con- fessions of wrong -doing In their party, but instead pride themselves ou their assumed virtue. Even in the days of the exposure of the most collossal steals at Ottawa they were either mum or apologetic. The Beacon has had its ex- perience as the candid political friend and knows its opponents. There is nothing gained by being candid with aa uncandel and unscrupulous Opposition. -Stratford Beacon. To Protect You Against Imitations The Portrait and signature of Dr. A. W, Chase, the famaaa receipt ibook anther. , are on every box of his remedies. The great prescriptions of Dr. Chase have attained such enormous sates that the temp• ration to imitate them is continually growing stronger. In order that you may a certain that you are getting his genuine remedies, the doctofspottraitand signature are on of tris bobox a edies. This is the strongest guarantee that any medicines eanbare, The skill, experience and intep rity of Dr. Chase art at the back of each el these preparations, and yeti cannot afford to accept cheap inn- '� sue stations and so tisk „ life and health. Dr Chitsgre Fltdn♦�/., Iver )•ills, Me cents a rex, five limas for $1.00, pm a dolor ' cams a her.. 'w. t;h�itaeV s Nerve Food,ib M. hems'$ Ointment, eo cents a bolt. N ' I tar t C u re,fid :ant. abo e. s1ftll tlt ,LIwfe d and ssvet tre coat a beak. roarrd 60 r a honk, A,t at tied 1* 1ax, , of Esimansoe, Veil sod Oho Totoneta 21.10 Annual Meeting of the Ontario Agri- cultural and Experimental Union. The twenty-fifth annual meeting of the Ontario Agricultural and Experi- mental Union will be held at the Ontario Agricultural College on Monday and Tuesday, December 7th and 8th, starting at 1.30 p.m. on the 7th. Experiments in agriculture and horti- culture have this year been conducted on nearly 4,000 farms thronghout On- tario. The results of the carefully con- ducted work will be summarized and. presented at the annual meeting, to which all interested in agriculture are invited. The programe shows that addresses mill be delivered by Prof. 0. 0. James, Toronto; W. J. Spillman, Washington, D. C., V. S. A.; Dr. James Mills, Agri- cultural College, Guelph; Miss Martha Van Rensselaer, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. ; Prof. G. E. Day, Agricul. turas College, Guelph; Dr, W. H. Mn1- drew, Dean, Macdonald Institute, Guelph; G. li. Clark, Department of Agriculture, Ottaway and. others. Ladies' session~, under the auspices of the Women's Institutes, will be held in the Macdonald Institute on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Monday evening, a ptrblio meeting of interest to all1 will be held in the College C onvooation Ball. Arrangements have been )made for single rates to Guelph for the IJx'peiiri- Whether for immed- iate or future consider- erationi our prices for Copper Plate Engrav- ing are worthy of note. For instance, we en- - grave a plate like this for $I.00. ./r�� ?FBG�Cr/J7?� f%i!'ns Bn2D g From the` plate we print zoo choicest q.tality cards for $z.00. The -plate" will last a lifetime. Write for a copy of our new handsomely illustra- ted catalogue, ready Nov. z5th. On request we will send it to any address free of cost. Y AGj BIZOS. JEWELERS 118, 120. I22 and I24 Yonge St., Toronto ESTABLItflHED 1$72 THE WINulAwl DUES. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MQRNINQ —AT— The Times Office, Beaver }Melt WINGHAM, ONTARIO. bath services at 11 a in and 7 p m. Sun- day School at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. Wm. Lowe, Rector. F. Shore and Ed. assistant 5, S. Superintendents, SALVATION ARMY -Service at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and B p m on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks. POST OFarioe-In Macdonald Block.. Office hours from 8 tit in to 6:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. PUBLIo Lieu/am-Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:30 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'elook. Miss Millie Robertson, librarian. Teems or sussane rrI0N-$1 ad per annum in advance $1.501f not so paid. No paper discon- tinued till all arrears ars paid, except at the option of the publisher. ADVERTISING RATES. — Legal and other casual advertisements 89 per Nltnpariel line for first insertion, 8o per line for each subsequent insertion, Advertisements in local columns are charged 19 ets. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent insertion, Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Farms for Sale or to Rent, and similar, $1.00 for first mouth and 50 cents for each subsequent month. Commun. Limits—The following table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods;— sPA0E. 1 TR. 6 11o. 8 Mo. 1Mri One Column $60.00 $85.00 $15.00 i6fMe Half Column 85.00 18.00 10.00 4.00 Quarter Column ...,18.00 10.00 6.00 2.00 Advertisements without specific directions will bo inserted till forbid and charged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for to advance. TBE Jon DEPARTMENT is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities, ,not equalled in .the county for turning out first class work. Large type and appropriate cuts for all styles of Post- ers, Hand Bills, etc., and the latest styles of choice fancy type for the finer classes of print- ing. H. B. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher TowN CouNo1L-R. Vanatone, Mayor; A. Dulmage, Thos. Bell, Robt. Mc- Indoo, J J. Elliott, W. F. VenStone, S. Bennett, Councillors; J. B. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor, Win. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets first Monday even- ing in each month at 8 o'clock. SCHOOL BOARD. -J. J. Homuth, (chair- man), Thos. Abraham,R. A.Douglas, H. Kerr, Win. Moore, A. E. Lloyd Wm. Button, 0. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm. Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEAOHERS.-A. H. Musgrove. Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings. BOARD OF HEALTH -Mayor Vanatone, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Agnew, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary ; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer. MiSS SARA L. MOORE Teacher of Piano and Theory. T P KENNEDY M. D.. M. C. P. S. 0 t • Member of the British Medical Associa- tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 9 p. m DR. MACDONALD, MISS CARRIE MOORE Teacher of Violin and Guitar. Venice has a German school, which, however, has more Italian than German children. Italian !statistics show that the emi- gration to America has reached the fig- ures of 160,000. About half of these re- turn eventually to Italy, the rest re- maining in the United States. In Spain a man who works on a farm receives 25 cents a day. In the vine- yard wages range from 14 cents a day for women and boys to 21 cents a day for unskilled men and to 42 or 56 for those upon whose skill the responsibility of the raisin crop rests. Heart Palpitated. FAINT AND DIZZY SPELLS. Rooms in Stone Block, Wiugham. • Wingham, Wood'd Phosphodine, The Brent English Remedy, is an old, well estab- lished and reliable preparation. Has been prescribed and used over 40 years. All drug- gists in the Dominion of Canada sell and recommend as being Before and After.. the only medicine of its kind that cures and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cares all forms of Nervous Weak- ness. Emissions, Spermatorrhoea, Impotency. and all eifectsof abuse or t et rrexceeStimulants> ,xcessive use of Tobacco, Op' Mental and Brain Worry, allot which lead to Infirmity. Insanity. Consumption and an Early Grave. Price $1 per package or six for $5. One will please, six will cure. Mailed prompty on re- ceipt of price. Send for free pamphlet. Address The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada, Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Wing - ham by A. L. Hamilton, A. L.Douglass, W. McKibben and Colin A. Campbell, Druggists. Centre Street -110S9fi1 AND CI11UNA, ,A New Tara to ik.. *Meatus is 0.114 ' Last, Moscow, Nov. 17. -The Rut flee Military re -occupation of Mukdett. Manchuria, has cuuaed such tension and has aroused suck an aggressive attitude on the part of China that the continued despatch of troops to the Far East 18 now said to be di- rected against China, in spite of the pacific turn of the Russo-Japanese dispute. Tho 250,000 troops ordered to the tar East when hostilities ap- peered imminent are being centinue - ly added to. A NEW ZEALAND PREFERENCE.. Suroharg• ar 2e t` o A0 3'.r C•ut. •* 1ror.lgq Goods. Wellington, N. Z., Nov. 17. --Prem ler "eddon introeuced yesterday ,ifs , Parliament his in'oposals for prefer- ential trade between New Zealand and Great. Britain, They provide, af- ter tter March, 1004, for a surcharge oC 20 to 50 per cent. on the existing duties on specific articles not of British manufacture. Tile proposals include reciprocal agreements with. foreign countries. Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Block, over T. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. T. CHISHOLM, J. S. CHISHOLM 0,M., M.C.P.9.O. MB, MD,OM., MOPS o. 6RS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS. ETC. Orrion-Chisholm Block, Josephine street. REstIENOE—In rear of block, on Patrick St., where night calls will be answered. R• VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No commission charged mort- gages, town and farm property bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham. J A. MORTON, • BARRISTER, Bee. Wingham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON FELT WEAK AND NERVOUS. COULD SCARCELY EAT. TWO BOXES Olt MILBURN'S HEART and NERVE PILLS t ILLUSTRATION' CHICICEt FAT- TENING. Table Value of the Work Conducted At Renfrew. tent., "by bohniniou De- partment off' Agriculture. The Dominion Department of Agri, culture carried on. illustration chick - m! fattening work for threes years' itt Itenerew, Ont. :When the work com- mined, M,'r, Johin Freed, the operator of 'tihh ,stirtion, wail req'ticsted• to inter- est the fa,raners abonli Bed row in chicken fattening' and to inform them of (the highs pricen,paid for' fratted thickens in Mantre,al. Mr. Frolod I t iiir ° the fattening loaned two � 1 .ore orates end showed "thefs hojw to feed their chickens. These chickens were sold In M.bertreat at 11 cents per lb., RAILWAY TIME TABLES. DUDLEY HoratEs DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONEY TQ LOAN. OFFICE: Moyer Block, Wingham. Lights Guard Sultan. Constantinople, Nov. 17. -Remark- able measures are .being taken for the Sultan's safety. The night guards have been doubled, as it is believed that any attack on his life which may be contemplated will be attempt- ed at night. At Yildiz Kiosk and the surrounding giu•den houses sleeping apartments are prepared for the Sul- tan ink eight 'different buildings, but no onospo, not even his eunuchs, knows in which of these he will spend the, s: the t. night until Ilia Majesty arrives or Another measure which the Chief of the Palace Police has adopted be the submarine illumination of th. Bosphorus in the neighborhood of the palace. An elaborate system of sub-, marine lamps of .great power have been ranged all along the landing;. stage in front of the palace and, both the surface and the bed of the Dosphorus are a blaze of light. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. "IxT T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST. Beaver Block, Wingham. IgD. D.S.—Toronto University. L. D. S, -Royal College of Dental Surgeons. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. TRAINa LEAVE FOR London 8.50 a.m.... 8.10p.m. Toronto & East ..9 a.m6.58 a.m.... 8.05p.m. Kincardine..11.10 a.m1.40 p -in.... 8.88p.m. ARRIVE FROM Kincardine ....6.50 a.m9.00 a.m.... '8.05 p.m. London 11.10 a.m.... 7.55 p.m. Palmerston 11.10 a.m. Toronto & East 1.40 p.m.... 8.; : p.m. L. HAROLD,Agent, Wingham. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TRAINS LEAVE.I^olt Toronto and East 6.57 a.m.... 8.43 p.m. Teeswater 1.17 pan.. ..10.48 p.m. Akaive mom Teeswater... 6.67 a tn.....8.48 p. m. Toronto and EH. BERMES, Agent, Winch n,m Cored Ira. Edmond Brews, teemed, Oat., when she had *Iffiest given up hope of ever getting well aisle. She writes t "I was so run down that I was not able to do my work, was short of breath, had a sour stomach every night and could scarcely eat. My heart palpi- tated, I had faint and dizzy spells and felt weak and nervous all. the time. My husband got me a box of Milbura's Heart and Nerve Pills but I told hien it was no use, that I had given up hope of even being cured. He however persuaded inc to take them and before I bad use4 hall the box I began to feet better. Two boxes trade a new woman of me and I have beet well and have been able to do my west ever since." IYIlburn's Heart and .Nerve Pills art e ler. er for t. 1 alien x o r , et*. bo $ 5 Xd! , S TTL T. M%LBUNM CO., Lim it.d1 'ii ellIf,, Oat'. ...... ... ALEX. KELLY, Wingham, Ont. c LICENSED AUOTIONEER For the County of Huron. Sales of all kinds conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at the TIMES office will receive prompt attention. Courting By Wholesale. A young fellow was sitting on the steps with his best girl' when her fath- er came along. The young man arose to let the old gentleman in and the latter stopped long enough to say: "This getting past you folks reminds me of the summer Squire Hopkins' three daughter's was bein' courted all at the same time. Russel Jaspie was a•courting Samantha, the oldest girl; Frank Atwood was a-courtin' Mabel. and Susie, the youngest was a-bein' courted by Jim Handy. One night pretty late, the squire come home from town meetin' and started to go in by the front door, but found Russel and Samantha a -spooning on the steps; he wont round to the sidle door and there was Jim sittin" close to little Susie. He backed off again to get in. through the kitchen door without dis• tnrbiu' no one, and if he didn't tumble onto )'rank a.hnggitlg his other girl. Then the hire heand says, Bays 'theup sq he: prank you let ine itt tonight and in the mornin' I'll., have another door dot through." Wishes q'ttrien Hadn't. Limerick, Ireland, Nov. 17.—Ada dressing a Nationalist demonstration. here Sunday, John Redmond said that had ho known of the intention of William O'Brien to resign fromi participation in the work of the; 'party he would have beseeched hini l not to put his intention into effect. The, majority of the Irish party sup- ported Mr. O'Brien's policy of con- ciliation in the administration of tho British Government's Irish Land Act, but the irreconcilia.ble section of the landlords were meanly trying to counteract that policy. JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, tint. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales of Farm Stook and Implements a specialty. All orders left at the TIMES office promptly attenied to. Terms reasonable. . F• S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER Is prepared to conduct sales in this section. Special attention given to sales of farm stock and implements. Dates and orders can always be arranged at the TIMES office. Wingham. FARM ERS Didn't Like Canada. Ottawa, Nov. 17.-J. S. Larke, writing from Sydney, says: "Soma Australians who left to settle in Ca- nada have returned, and others ars writing to friends, condemning Cana- da, and advising Australians not ted move. Their chief ground is the colil- ness of the winter, but, as in every instance the verdict was pronounced after a couple of weeks' residence in. May, the opinion was formed upon stories they had heard, and not upon experience." • and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the Tiaras. Our large circulation tells and it will he strange indeed if you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee that you will sell because you may ask more for the article or stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the TIMES and try this plan of disposing of your stock and other articles. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &0. Anyone sending a sketch and description may Q4tekly ascertain our opinion free whether al invention is probably patentabI0. Communics, sons strictly cone dentist. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for accnring,patents. Patents taken through Munn do Co. rocotve slum! notice, aanrR�Q�icane _Scientific A handsomely iilnrtrated weekly Largest cir. culatton of any scientiee i.1urnni. Terms, $3 e iuoar 1 four months, EL Sold by all newadealers. & co 38IBroadwey, New yor Branch mike. 645 V Ct.: Washington. D. U Is Out of Office. Kingston, Nov. 17. -Yesterday CoI.. Montizambert's leave of absence ex- pired and his tenure of office as D. O. C. of military districts Nos. 3 and 4 came to an end. The gallant colonel. has had thirty-five years' service 'in: the Canadian militia, and few officers have had a more successful career, or whose departure from office creat- ed such profound regret. Col. Montiz- ambert leaves office simply because by has reached the age limit. Russia, the Liberator. Sofia, Nov. 17. -Prince Ferdinand: Sunday opened the new Sobranje and received a great ovation. In they Speech from 'the Throne the Prince said the Government would do its utmost to maintain and to develop the good relations existing with the great liberator, Russia, and with other great powers. JOB PRINTING Canada and Trinidad. Ottawa, Nov. 17. -Reporting frons Trinidad, W. h, Mr, Tripp, commer- cial agent for Canada, states that during the last quarter Canadian boot and sloe imports have been gaining fast. Imports of breadstufl'g are slowly but steadily advancing, whilst butter and cheese have again taken a jump. including ]Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, Bre., Se., executed in the beat style et the art, et moderate prices, and on short notice.. BooxnrenritG.--We are pleased to annonnoe that any Books or Magnetites lett with as for a Binding, will have our prempt ttontion Pilots for Binding in any style will be given en appUcatiolito THE TIMES oFt'ICE. Winabam. Experimenting at Table Head. Halifax, N. S., Nov. 17.—Import— ant 7.—Important changes are being made in Mr. Marconi's towers at Table Head, C. B., this week. Poles fifteen feet in length have been placed on top of the towers and additional wires have been strung. It is apparent that ex- perimental work of some nature is, going on, Ontario Cable Broken. Ottawa, Nov. 17. -The cable be- tween Pelee Island and the mainland is broken, and Mr. Parr of the Gov-' ernment cable and telegraph staff' has gone up to try and repair it be -t fore the ice makes. The break is, supposed to have occurred through a: vessel fouling the cable with its, anchor. • $5,000,000 by the 240. Ottawa, Nov. 17. -It is learned.; from a reliable source that all de- tails have been arranged for the' Grand Trunk Pacific to hand over' their deposit of $5,000,000 to the, Dominion Government on the 24th oil this month, Al.z. tensely naafi. Owen Sound, Nov. .1' '.--Alex. Sea+ reedy, aged 65, a member of the Wm., ICennod ' Sons. Ltd., dropped dela from heart failure yesterd morning, while superintending ' the erection of en elevator at the fruit pacdn