The Wingham Times, 1903-11-26, Page 1VOL, XXXIL—ATo, 1659. SIGN OF THE BIG BEAR There's Satisfaction llorouth's Giothes for Men. Not just because they've that smart and attractive appear- ance, but for that reason they've all the elegenco of fashion—ha fact all the elegance of the best to -measure clothes. We have to -day the largest variety of exclusive styles in the history of this store--you'11 admit it after an inspection, Snits that none but the very best tailors oan equal, elegantly tailored garments of fine im- ported dark mixed fabrics -- single breasted sack style— they show at every turn the master tailor's hand, Prices $15, $16, $18, $20, $22 to $40. A Word About Underwear.— The season is right for the changing n£ Underwear, and this store is rightly*prepared to supply the wants of the season for men, Men's heavy Shirts and Draw - ere, of wool and of fleece lined, at prices 50c, 75c, 90o, $1.00 and $1.25 each, IN NECKWEAR we always have the newest designs and patterns. IN COLLARS our stock is always filled with all the newest shapes, sizes from 123 to 17;6.. IN HATS AND CAPS we always lead the style, and anyone buy- ing a Hat or Cap from us can feel assured that it is right up to the minute. Homuth Bros. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by FRANK PATABSON, No. 28 victoria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required, DOMINION BANK WINORAM Capital paid up, $ 2,980,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $3,330,000 Farmers' Notes disconnted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed ou deposits of $1 and upwards, and added toprincipa130th. June and 81st December each year. A. I, GIBSON, Manager. It Vanstonet Solicitor, BANK or HAMILTON WINCNAM. Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00. Reserve Fund, $1,700.000 -00 - Total Assets, 1,700,000.00.TotalAssets, $22,000,000. President-- B'o;<r.Wisr. arrisoir. Vice -President and general Manager —r, Tentinton, DIRECTORS George Roach, dohs Proctor, A. B. Lee John S. Hondrio, Geo. iiutherford. ` .Assistant{%neral Menagora-f, S. STEvsn. Inspector—TI. M.WATsON. -att.ia a Batik --Hour# 10 to 8• Saturdity, ie tel. p% eeita of $1 and upward received. serest all�otved, And computed ors the 80th No- vember and Blst May each year and added to principal. eiviceiia xieposits also received at current tette .if interest. -balite ott Greet Britdizl and the united States Bought and sold. 'rrittiit r�sthnlarao3i ads Branches Circular Rtt f Wcnele1eaotehab(ashd w! eat ehargeroii. be in *AY part of the *arid. . XOK1j oN Uvz,1t110, o 'torrt,ear R. A. Hutchison' GROCERY AND CROCKERY STORE is the best place to buy all of your goods for baiting purposes, as you can rely on them being fresh,of best quality proonrable, and the price no higher than you have to pay for inferior goods, --New Raisins —New Dates —New Figs —New Mince Meat -New Crosse ;FG Rlaokswell's Peels —New Shelled Walnuts —New Shelled Almonds in fact everything you can went- ion for Xmas trade. R. A, Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY Prompt Delivery, - Phone 59. Who Wang a Farm ? for sale, in 80, 755,,e10, acres0 and 200 acres,1ots in Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine Huron andgAshfield Townships. Good lands with Also buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms. Also a good sawmill shopa(dw almost in con- nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap. A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. Also a wngonshop. A general store with large trade, live village. Also a large amount of money to loan at a per cent. For further par- ticulars apply to Insurance ACentt,, H 1yrood. C Cash for your Real Estate It is my business to find that other man for you, and my methods will do it in the shortest' possible time. If you find a buyer before 1 do you will owe me no commission, I cannot sell a property at a ridiculously fancy price ' Twill not try, I1 you have anything to sell, let me handle it for you. Write or pall at once for terms and and full particulars. yy a look at what I hto ave to offer youilbeforeyou buy. I have just the property you want. =ME MAGTJIRE, Real Estate and Business Transfer .Agent. Orrioia—Vanstono block, Wingham. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. Institute eetings. The supplements Ineetings of the West Huron Farm s' Institute will be held at Londesbor un December 1st; Belgrave, Decemb r 2nd; St. Helens, December 3rd; H mesville, December 4th. The delegate will be Dr. II. G. Reed, V. S., of G rgetown, and Mr. J. H. Smith, of ngbank. See advt. in another oolumn or list of subjects to be discussed at th se meetings. STOVES.—Call and see our assortment of stoves and get our prices. We have a large stock on hand and will sell them at a very low price. A. YOUNG & SON. I. O. O. At the regular Lodge, I. O. 0, F last, the folfowin P. G., A. J. Al Elder; 'V. G., J. T. J. Elliott; Re Treas., H. B. EIl' be installed at th ary. The lodge i from the Grand the end of next m F. Officers. eating of Maitland on Thursday evening officers were elected: erson; N. G. Bohn . McEwen; Fin -Seo; -See., J. F. Groves; tt. ' The officers will first meeting in Jann.- arranging for a visit ster for some time at nth. Dr. Ovens of London, M.R. C. S. L. R. C. P. specialist, eye, ear, nose and throat, will be in Wingham, at Camp- bell's drug store, Monday, Nov, 30th. Glasses properly feted, Sudden Deh at St. Helens. The citizens of St. Helens were terr- ibly shocked on Wednesday morning, Nov. 18th, to le rti of the deatt, of Jas, Todd, a your: man of 23 years, and son of Mr.Thom: Todd, of that village and brother of s rs, D. E. MoDonald, of Wingham. T. deceased young man had only returned bout a week ago from Manitoba, where .o had spent a few months, and appered to be in the best of spirits and goo, health. He retired to bed as usual o Tuesday night, in company with a yo • ng niazx named Thos. Pennell, who is e . ldyed at Ur. Todd's, and nothing tvas k . own of his death till the boys were • ed on 'Wednesday morning. The yo. ' g man was highly esteemed in the co • znnnity and bis sad- den death is a so' -e e blow to his Wear'. ed parents and fa• fly, and to theta is extended the ea :st sympathy of the Whole section. . e funeral took peace to the Dttttganna• cemetery on Friday aftertioonz, MOAN, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26,, 1901 Wear Greer's Shaer and Rtlhhore.1SHORT SESSION OF COUNCIL Improving Si In the current n adieu Forester, T Seorotary of the many of our reado tion performed on leg I waaamputate operation was re for three weeks give more or less duties, and he is 1 a complete rester are giving him ad by. ce Operation. tuber of The Cans SS White, the nigh der, well-known to , tells of the opera - m, by which his right . He says y that the arkable in its results, ter It he was able to ttention to his official king forward to ouch time that his hopes d strength as days go A good house to rent. Hard and soft water and a good barn. Apply to F. G. Sperling, In Splendi The many friends o formerly with Mr. G ham, will be pleased. now comfortably sett Assa., where lie has store. He Iikes the pects are good. The a week, as yet, but h goes iu there in a de Wingham in a se while here very ably of the wit of the Be es to be remembered May success attend WANTEn—Carload Xmas trade, Fresh Es pies and fowl wanted. Isolation. Mr, 3, J. Sullivan, E. King, Wing - learn that he is d in Esterhazy, pened a general ace, and the pros - get only one mail says more wheat than we see in nn. Mr. Sullivan filled the position er block, and wish. o bis many friends. ou, Jacky Iarge onions, for 0o, Dried Ap- GEO. E. RING. Whotesa In the very nea wholesale grocery be conducted in W managment of Tu the past five year ently indentifie'd w nese in this city. pally has already Mossrs, George H. hope as the princip capital stock of ti $39,000.. The H. to above is a forme ham, having recen business here and The TlnEs wishes new business. le r e 0 dho rs h ith A b an al 1e r tl m h Grocery, ture an extensive tablishment is to stools under the e Bros., who for ve been prontiu- the grocery busi- joint btook com- en formed with Herbert M. Ted- hareholders. The All accounts due to firm of Elliott & Kiu by the first of Deo fettled at my foimer 3. Sudden death p The, many friends Leggett were shock sudden death on W of last week. Dece of the late Wm. H. berry, and on the d visiting with her sist in East Wawanosh. planted of feeling away without the le Leggett had been a failure for some few past few months had health. She leave to mourn her death. place on Seturday a late residence on Ca Wingham cemetery, myself or to the are to be settled mber. I can be office on Minnie Mrs. Leggett. of Mrs, Andresv d to hear of her dnesday afternoon sed was a daughter beelens, of Turn. of her death was r, Mrs. John Currie She had not cone- roa-ell and passed st warning. Mrs. ufferer from heart years, but for the been enjoying good rs and two brothers The funeral took ternoon from her erine street to the Men's wool fleece la' s and drawers all sizes, 00c a Suit t Orowder's, Motinv TO LOAN* at tete per cent. On easy terms of repayment. Apply to A. Dunnage, Kent Blook, WIngham, Old Reside s of Huron Without any gee ion the oIdeat resi- dents of Clinton are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dinsley. n Sunday next Mr. Dinsley will reach s 88th birthday, and his partner wfll be on the lst of Jae - nary. They came t what is now Clin- ton, on Oct 20, 1850, end have therefore resided in this local ty for 63 years. At that dale there Ave not a house here to live in, arid they to k up their residence at what used to b Cook's after- wards- sectuitg 10 acres Of land, from vehisth Dinah*, Te ace is now a part. For three Years he ept a hotel et Bridge- water, now Rohn subsequeutly movieg to town, here they have re. sided ever gime. hey have lived to - other for 63 yeers ted had good old. fashioned family f 18 ehildren. Mt. :Myth and Londesb ro, starting the lat. ter village. Roth shoWing the effects of advanced age, y their friends hope they may be apare. tet years to come. Oise dinightet, Mitt arthreremains With thent, the Other rue bers of the family, eXoept Mrs. N. tob on, or town, all be. States. The above ew Era 1,efers to lamas of Clinton, to many of o0 Dintiley the n Dinsley of 4'0 tole in the Western highly eetettnied re who are well kno parents of the late a Waterworks milted at dermar lowers of DQwi of Town To Be Sub• SleetiQn—F'ot- Refesed use all. The Town Council s et in the clerk's office enMondeymei g, as per edjouru• meat of rt week previa s. A11 the mem- bers were present, wit Mayor Venstoue in the chair. The question of sub itting a by -lawn for the construction of ' aterworks and sewerage systems in th town was dis- cussed, 'The clerk rea a revised estim- ate from Engineer Da v of Berlin of the cost of the systems as p oposecI Award- ing to the estimates, a total amount required for the systeis $35.000. A by-law to authorize the sauoof deben- tures to the above amo ntfor the pur- poses of improving a extending the waterworks system, an for the putting in of a trunk sewer an - sewage disposal works, was read a first nd second time, and on motion of Cott s, Dunnage and Bennett was ordered to be submitted to the ratepayers for courotation on the 4th of January next. The Executive .Co.•mittee reported that an arraugeanent ba i been made with Mr, W. H. Green to superintend the electric light ,plant fo. the balance of this year. By a unanimous v te, the council decided that they wo d not rent the town hall for any meet ng to bo held by Mr. Dowie or any of h : agents, The Westmins The regular meeting ster Guild will be hel ing of this week in the the Presbyterian (Mauro rie will deliver an addr work. All the young church are requested on Friday even - lecture room of a on missionary people of the attend these Notme to Farmers, The Canada Furniture Mattafacturers are now prepared to pay the, higheet price—inucla higher than ever before— for all kinds of Hardweodlind Basswood Sawlogs, to be eliv,eeird at the Button & Peasant Chair F etts'iy,Wingluttn. Those intending to g teteut logs this season will profit by calling ou Trois. BELL, Man - Flinch. Have you heard of this new game ? It will be more popular. than Ping Pong. Hundreds have a large stook. Our special price, including ORDER AT oNO.E. WO JO Fs Mallagh Bookseller and Stafioner WHY WE SELL Thelma Because we believe It 18 one of the finest perfumes we can get. 13ecouse everyone who tries it buss it again. teeause we are here to sell good thiegs in the drug line,and people come expeeting to find the best, 'telnitever it may be. So when they ask US for perfUnle ShOW them a good line of cholee Melt of telL May We show you THELMA?" Wen McKibben DRUGGIST $1 A. YEAR IN ADVANCE The Sno Storm. The snow storm which visited this section or: aunday night and Monday and Tuesday was a elcome one. Snow that had fallen a le days previous had been well settled nd made a good foundation, and. th last fall was Ref- Il'en Qt t to make good sleighing, Co.rt sequently a large amount of traffic is be. ing done an runnorii; and busin(ss has been quite brisk in lawn. Special prices on a urniture for 60 days at WAI,I(ER 13 •s, BU:i`I'o 's HELLO, BOYS! St ting sday even- ing, Crowder's titter w e open every evening till 10 o'eI , up to Jan. 1st, Handsome an Stru Mr: Alex. Orr. th that leading house, has just completed cf the most up.to-d of Toronto, The at built of cement sto in the most rnoder The accommodatio Iic at this exteusive could be desired a liberal patronage Mr. Orr is trnly an dustry and ambitio Commodious ture. genial proprietor of e Hotel Brunswick, e erection of one e hotel barns north eture is 40x50 feet, blocks and finished style throughout. for the farn►ingpub. lostelry is all that well merits the e bespeak for it. 'sample of what In. can accomplish, Fon SALE --Good frame house and stable. five acres of land, a largo quanti- ty of fruit and shade trees, nice location. To be sold at once. Apply to, 0 J. MAGnlan, Real Estate Agt. DRESSMAKING. Mrs. R. J. MRoMath has opened a dr .emaking shop in the store next to the h mess shop, where she will do all kinds of dress and mantle making; also all . ends of plain sewing. A call solicited Trains Lat on Saturday The L., H, 84 B train from London, due at 11,10 a. ., did not arrive iu wingham on Sa day last until nearly 8 p. ne The ea se of the delay was a run-off of a froi ht engine at the Hyde Park junotion. A freight train was backing off the in line onto the L., II. 4 13. branch, s hen the engine left the rails at the swi b, the latter having been misplaced 0 nductor Quirk's train did not reach L don until after 12 o'clock, and the ondon freight trails due in Winghturt n Saturday evening did not reach her until Stunlay after - none On Frulay a ternOon the "mixed" going to Kincardin met vsith a mishap n switch. The service was not seri- y affected by this trouble, as the moon train rit as far as Ripley to Palraerston, and for London loft here ce on the Palmerston ern to improve. The n continues to arrive hour and a -half late e same condition of he evening train, It e on the Pahnerston at R ope at te and then returne the afternoon trai as usual. The serv branch does not s afternoon mail tr from an hour to a every day, and t affairs applies to is now surely t vide a better Beryl branch, !lain this month. Bell's music store, tuner from Heintz - o shall be in Wing- eaye orders a D. The largest and best stock Iron Beds ever shown in l'S'inghalia rally be seen at our store, fuel the rice etre $3.75, $4.00, in stock springs t any bed. Dressers and stands to match, Waxen Bros. & BUTTON. Mr. of the has re uated Higlal the tri doted huntin now, a found i He w and ha excelle hunter brit aev number The have re years, o tions th tourist, distemie delecteti nom of expende aelt that omenally Grand T other fee llieeca a. W. Swan, o photographer Grand Trunk ailway System, turned to Mon real from a tea sojourn in the nting regions Jet - on the Comps 's lines in "Th ands of Ontario Mr. Swan mad p with ts view f securing an add collection of negatives of dee g pictures to dd to the ahead eries which the Company hay ncl which are being utilized to ex he great at raCtiOUS 'which ar Ontario the sportsman. nt vieWs, not ray depicting the in the act of s curing his quarry, oral times an views of largts it of deer at t several statioes arena Trunk Railway system Ade a specialt i the last few at Canada hot s forth for the angler and spo tsmen, especially ming the inf matitm for the on of the in reasing brother- tteeellers oin the United Thousands dollars have been d in this diree MI, With the re. the traffic ha increased phen. . Rafe to say that the rut* artt more than any ter to adverti Canada as the r Bowl* visitor op *orb!. Bee, /luttnn & CO'S louts and shoes Death of For Mr. Elisha Lenam known resident of home is Ustrristou ceased had been ail and it was not thou Mr. Lemnlex, when ham lived ou Minrti time of his death o that street. He w esteem and an bon Methodist Church. interred in the Era day afternoon, M Henderson of the J funeral. er Etesident, , a former well. inghatn,ded at his Monday last, De- g for several weeps, ht he cored recover. a resident of Wing - e street and at the ned two houses on a wan held in high fed member of the The remains were 3els cemetery yeater. and Mrs, W. J. notion attended the EVERY BOX Oi'' Douglass' Oyspepsia Tablets Men's red made sh' sand drawers, alI sizes, $1,50.a suit Crowder's. 4 25 c, plugsr s ogood Chewi >* acco for plugs for $1, a J. SCOTT'S Restaurant. Auction sale of h •reholdfurniture on the market square ,, Saturday, Novem- ber 28th, at 1 o'cl•' k. ',Keep the Si . ewalks Clean At the regular ,,eeting of the Town Council in Februar; last a by-law was passed, which was o compel ratepayers to have sidewalks leased of snow within four hours after storm, If this was not done inside f twenty-four hours the Chief of Po 'ce was to have the walks cleared and proeeoute the melt - gent parties. Ma v citizens have asked this week :" Has . e snow by.law been enforced ?" Fro the appearance of wauy of the walks we would be inclined to answer No." 13y -laws of this kind should not be passed if they are not enforced. We ha a snow storm on Wednesday last an another on Sunday evening and many f the walks were not cleaned. The w. ks in front of the Town Hall were covered with snow. If it is the duty of •he Chief of Police to see that this by -la; is enforced he should do so. Many of , r townspeople have always kept their , asks clean, by-law or no by-law,but the'e isnot much satisfac- tion in one or tw parties on a street keeping their w, ks cleaned, when a dozen others alto the snow to remain on them. Oysters always res , 40c quart, at The best stork of Picture oulding ever shown in Wiughain tu be seen at our store, 13ring a oug our pictures and have them fra e with the best Ho key. The annual meet g of the Aortheru League was held at Palmerston on Fri- day , Nor. 9.0th, Mr. Peart being the representative from be local club. The following clubs coi posed the League: riston and Mt. Po st. The schedule has not been receive from the Secretary of the League, but IR appear in next week's issue. 'T tovrnspeopie are heartily supporting e Iocal club, and the following is the ubscription list as handed to us :--$5.0 each by Dr. Mac- Wightman, W. Campbell, R. II. Hockeyite, Dr. Chi olm, Dr. Holloway, W. 3. Greer, Fair edlev, II, McLean, Walker Bros, F. e I. Johnston. 50e. ancilliettb,y 3, H. Kerr, Herb Welsh, ' Y McGillivray, F. atterson, A, Small, H.. Bradley. Ther are others that have signified their i tentiOrt to Stlbscribe and a further list w appear next week, Try some of tier hot soda drinks, spiced elderberey., Tomato .Buillon, Choc- NOT/CE . —The questioa is: How caul Itobt. Mande() loan his money so cheap ' on notes and mortgages? Call and See. ROM. IttaNDOO. There Witt( ft positive, ahS011.1te SAW - thin sale in Toronto last week of part of the well-known Shorey & Co. ready- to-wear clothing of eancelled orders, alI new for this season's trade.,' Clothing sold eheap, at what what prices they wee suits, BOrs',ZrOictter petite; oleo meals Raglantmereoatt, men's OV(3r- anitS, MOO'S frieze paws. A. 11. Smith, the Itsoky man of winehow, attended the above sale, He has now these goods in Chisholm block, and will sell those first elas8 goods ea cheap as the cheap. eat fOr tett 430 dare NO topece Or then te get% quotations thia week. Oall and see for youreetrem at A. R. SIMMS, are guarantee -d to give sat- isfaction in all . forms of stomach troubles,—or money refunded. Wiml000mmodarwORNINV- DOUG LASS The Druggist. I have room for two students la the Telegraph Office. Oat the BestFI---Jt pays. CENTAL ST'RATFORA, ONT. BEST PLACE IN WAR training. Our graduates are always successful aPtt2iltr p.sitione. WITS SCHOOL INVARIABLY GIVES ITS STUDENTS MORE THAN THEY EXPECT, Write for catalogue. Enter this mouth if possible. W. J. ELLIOTT Deserved Success. The Family Herta and Weekly Star of Montreal is rnee ng with an enema. ous increase of eras criptions this( ye The success is well °served, fee eY are giving the bigg t doll r's th ever pictures this year e bea ttful and their Dominiou map sh Id be in every home. The generosity of The Family Flerald publishers this sea on is winning them thousands of ue readers. In almost every home one ears of The Familsr Herald premintn his seaeon. STOvES—All kinds, at bargain prices, as we need money and must sell stoves. Call and see what we have. WET OR If you prefer them wet— why just go without Rubbers these days. If yoo prefer them dry, bring your feet here and our Rubbers wilt give them protections For nen Low cut and Storm Rubbers, Self Acting Rubbers, 50o, 750 and 90e. For Women Low cut and Storni Rubbers, Croqnet Rubbers and Footholds, 25e, 40e and 50e, For Children &hoot Rebbers in high and low cut, 25e, 30e and a50. handie no trash in Rubbers. We guarantee ourkind of Rubber W J. Greer The Shoe Man. Ors We do repairing told t right. 13ring along your Shoes.