HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-11-12, Page 8G D D RES S. Dress is the index to character and refinement. No part of a woman's dress so surely indicates refinement -or the lack of it -as her shoes. No fashionableness of costume will cover a neglect of footwear. But with the feet and Bands properly encased, she cannot go far wrong, What a joy it is to find a woman who follows the French definition of a lady : "Bien ohausse, bleu gante." How disappointing after approving the style of a lady's gown to spy a pair of unstylish shoes, It takes away all the charity. Fortunately it is no longer necessary to endure physical discomfort to conform to fashion's requirements in the matter of shoes. The "Dorothy Dodd" has solved the problem. A wo- man's head may be affected quite as much as her feet by the shoes she wears. This fact is well known by nerve specialists and physicians generally. That the ideas incorporated in the "Dorothy Dodd" Shoe are correct has been detuoustratod beyond question. It is the out- come of a twentieth-century woman's thought. The phenom- enal and unprecedented success it has achieved is proof that such a shoe has long been needed. SOLE AGENTS : Ritchie & Campbell. Wingham, Ontario. The Prettiest China<tzp,.., 0 1 i in town is to be found at Cooper' So say thoso who have been th rounds. Japanese China is always in popular demand, and we have placed in stock a very choice assortment of dainty Odd Dishes, as well as the more staple lines such as Cups, Saucers, Berry Sets, Sugars and Creams, Tea Sets, Plates, etc. You will find our values to be extra good. French China Imported from the celebrated town of Linoges, and decorated by the renowned Charles Field Haviland. Four distinct patterns to choose from, and a score of different shaped. dishes. The 00 Haviland " Chins is considered by experts 'to be the best that Linoges produces. .s• tar -Come in and see the assort- ment. COOPER & CO. (Successors to Alex. Ross.) MINOR LOCALS. ...w++:c.:..• .-.,4.-::;w: 'TII1 WING AM TIES, NOVEMBER, 12, 1903 -Bead Crowder's new advt. in au• other column of this issue+. '-T, P. Snaith, the optician will be at Campbell's drug store on. Thursday of next week. ---All parties getting sale bills printed at this office will get a free notice of sale in the TrlaEs, -Theregular meeting of the Camp Caledouia, Sons of Scotland will be on Monday evening next, Members aro re- quested to attend. -Those taking part in the Belsbazzer's Feast entertainment are reminded that practice will be held in Chisholm's hall this (Thursday) eveniug. -Mr, Jos. McKay and family have moved to Clinton, where they will reside for a time as their daughter is attend- ing the Collegiate in that town, -For neat job printing at moderate prices try the TIMES office. -Have you paid your subscription to he TIMES. Your label should read 1904. -Mr. John McNevin has sold his house and lot on North street to Mr. Joseph Casemore. -The regular meeting of Court Mait- land, C. O. F. will be held on Friday evening of this week. -All members of Maitland Lodge, I. O. O. F. aro requested to attend the regular meeting this (Thursday) evening. -Owen Sound milk dealers have rais- -Mr. Geo. W. Cline picked a number of ripe raspberries in Mrs, Morrow's gar- den on Thursday morning last, Rasp- berries and cream ou the 5th 'of Novem- ber is a treat. a --Mr, Peter S. Fisher came home from Toronto on Friday eveniug setfer- ing with an abscess, and has been con- fined to the house. We are pleased to learu that he is uuw recoveriug. -Mr. Cornelius Smith has sold his farm in West Wawauosh, near Fordyce, to a Mr, Phillips, of Ashfield and in- tends moviug to Wingham. He intends purchasing a house in town and was. here for that purpose on Wednesday. -New names are being added to the TISIEs subscription list this week. We want one hundred more new subsbribers by the 1st of January next. Say a good word for the TIMES to your friends who are not now subsribers to this paper. -Official notice has been given that Tuesday, May 24th, has been fixed for the celebration of the King's birthday, but the usual salute in honor of his birthday was fixed at all miltary stations on Monday last. ed the price of milk to 0 cents per quart, and the hotel keepers in that town have raised the price of liquor to 10 cents per glass. -We are giving the TIMES and the Montreal Weekly Herald to new sub- scribers to the end of next year for $1.15. See other clubbing rates ou page six of this issue. -More fines have been imposed in West Huron for infringing the liquor law during 1903 than iu any previous year, the amount since 1st of January aggregating 8430. -The grouping in the Western Ontario Curling Tankard series has been com- pleted. Group No. 3 is made up as fol- lows:-Lucknow, Wingham, Brussels, Wroxeter and Kincardine, -On Monday, J. N. Wilkinson V. S., assisted by John Wilson, V. S., of Wing - ham, performed a successful operation on a valuable horse owned by Samuel Armstrong, South ' Line. -Ripley Ex- press. NEW G000SI Oar Business is increasing daily -also ottr stock; we aro receiving New Goods almost diaily and parties favoring us FARM FO 1 SALE, -i.ARM FOR SALE con .L Lots le and 17, Von� wlood* this a bank barn stabling, and straw sh under it. There is a H1 .o acres of good litu• errciy 20 acres of swamp then ars 16 acres of Fall wi of S acres. Terms -70 can be left as a mortF 41 per cent. Owing t cher the farm must b estate For further AucFSr. Fisoas", o F. O. -Air. Win. McMillan, 64 years old, a well-to-do farmer living two and a half miles west of Listowel, went to the field with his team Tuesday afternoon, and later was found lying dead. He leaves a widow and several children. 'loughs, colds, hoarseness. and other throws ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolenc tablets. ten cents per box. A11 druggists BORN. FELTS. -In Wingham, on November 7th, the wife of Mr. Thos. Fells; n daughter. STILT -In Wingham on November llth, the wife of Mr. Frank Seli; a son, WAnx-In Fordwich, on October 28th, the wife of Orlando Wade; a daughter. Boren.-Iu Turnberry on Monday Nov. 2nd, the wife of Mr. Howard Bolt; of a daughter. MAUUIED YOUNG-Curvsn-At the 'residence of the bride's parents Midland, on October 28th. by Rev. J..1, Elliott, B.A., Mr. Herbert Spalding Young, of Sudbury, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Young. of Blyth, to Ethel M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Culver. The groom is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Sperling, of Wingham. EADES-ANIEs.-On October 14th, 1003, at the Manse, Woodgreen Church, Toronto, b;; Rev. Mr. Gooch, John Endes, formerly of Wingham, and Miss Emily Amies, of Toronto. DIED Lrao'sa-In Howick, on Monday, Nov. 2nd, William Lieper, aged 90 years. GHTmmrcr.-In Bebnor•e, on Sunday, Nov. 1st, 1003, Ann Elizabeth Faulkner, wife of John Chittick, aged 57 years. LEES -In Lueknow, on November 2nd, Robert Lees, in his 72nd year. FLLMTRri-In Wingham, on November 4th, John Eli Fleming, aged. 10 years. -An exchange says: -There is abso- lutely no truth in the rumor that the cause of the mail train being so late is on account of stoppages to allow the train hands to finish picking the winter apples along the line. -Mr. Robt, Sturdy has purchased the 'bus business at Mt. Forest, and took possession on Thursday of last week. He will move his family to Mt. Forest. IIis many friends here will wish him success in his new business. -Colonel Varcoe, of the Huron Regia ment having been placed on the retired list, Major Young, of Colborne will take with tiler may rest assured of his place, Captain Dudley Holmes of securing everything in the Grocery and Crockery line. Our aim is to satisfy the wants of the public in our line with fresh,clean goods bought at lowest cash prices and will be sold at a close margin. We will quote a few interesting items this week. 6.1bs cooking Figs new stock for 25c 8' lbs select Raisins for - - 25c $ lbs Tates for - - - - 23o 2 pkgs tTno the new breakfast food for 250. We invite every lady in the town of Wingham and surrounding country to can and have a look at onr stock of Crockery and Glassware; a shipment Just arrived consisting of a large assort- ment of Toilet Bets, China, Glassware, etc. We keep the Toronto Breaill, for sialic, received daily. ALKER BROS. & BUTTON Lining 200acres, being 0, Township of (Grey. ouso with kitchen and 111 x feet with stone 1 with stone pig pen ndnull on the barn, 20 bush on the place and rest is cleared. There 'at in. A good orchard er cent, of the money tge on the place at 4 and the decease of Mr. Fie - sold at once to close up articulare apply to Nits. the farm, or Oraubrook UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or resi- dence at Ritchie's property on Scott or third. hquse west of school en street. Shop opposite Macdonald bloo.. Wingham and Captain H. B. Combe, of Clinton will be Senior and Junior Majors, respectively. -The annual Scottish concert under the auspices of Camp Caledonia, Sons of Scotland will be held on Thursday even- ing, January 7th. Harold Jarvis, Pearl O'Neil, as Fox and other high•olass ta- lent has been engaged. Watch for fu- ture announcements. -An action has been entered. by David Cantelon, of Clinton, against Janies Adams, San & Co., commission mer- chant, of Liverpool, England, to re- cover the value of apples delivered to the defendants for sale on the plaintiff's account. The plaintiff claims $5,126.56. Notice of Dissolution. COMING! COMING! T. P. SMITH, SCIENTIFIC EYE SPECIALIST C eluate New York, Philadelphia, and Toronto Optical Colleges. • Call early and avail yourself of hit valuable services, as this is a rare opportunity to have your eyes proper- ly tested, free of charge. No guess work but a scientific certainty, Diffi- cult cases accurately fitted. A1.I, WORK GUARANTEED. -I mover cull at private houses. He has also added a large assortment of arti- ficial eyes to his stock:. Will be at Notice is hereby given that the partner- ship heretofore suhisting between us es carri- age manufacturers in the Town of Wingham has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the partnership are to be paid to John E. Swarts at Wingham, aforesaid, and all claims against the said partnership are to be presented to the said John E- Swarts, by whom the saine will be settled. �> Dated. this 16th day of October, 1003. JOHN E. CWARTS. WM. G. DORE. Two shipments here this week, of nice --The Heron ITonse, (*oderich which elealn celery*. has been so long and successfully con - Highest price for produce. ducted by Mr. E. R. Swats, was sold utterandE s, Cash for I3 Eggs, this week to Ellis Faros., of Berlin. and Quick delivery phone Fg Toronto, who will take possession when �j i� (� �j �j the transfer and other detailss are coin - J o H u m N e rV tY 11 a resident of this town and 19 a brother of Tmdhatie's old iftatid WXXGRAM Mr. d. E. Swarts, of Wingham. Colin A. Campbell'S Drug Store, WINGHAM, ONE DAY ONLY Thursday, Nov. 19th. TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES, 1904. INSTITUTE MEETINGS. C. J. MAGIJil t& ACCOUNTANT, REAL, ESTATE, INSURANCE AND WAN AGENT. Accounts, Bents and Notes Collected. Con- vejancing done. OFFICE -In Vanstone Block.. Open Saturday nights from: 7 to 9 o'clock. The Supplementary meetings of the West Huron Farmers Institute will be held at:- Londesboro, Hill's hall, December 1st. Belgrave, Public Hall, December 2nd, St. Helens, Public Hall, December 3rd. Holmesvillo, Willson's Hall, December Bili. Delegate -Dr. H. G. Reid, of George- town. Subjects- "The Foundation Principal of Successful Stock Breeding" "The Modern Harness and Saddle Horses, and how to breed them" "The Relation which exists between Improper feeding and disease" "Management of Dairy Cattle with a view of preventing disease." Evening Subjects -"The Education and Training of the Young Horse," "Farming es an Occupation." Delegate -J. H. Smith, Longbauk. Subjects -"Feeds and Feeding" "Clo- ver" "Weeds" "Good Seed" "From soil and Plant." Evening subjects - "Choosing an Occupation" "Agricultur- al Education." Membership tickets cost ou]y,25 cents, and entitle the holder, in addition to the valuable literature, free admisiou to the fat stock show at Guelph three times °daily. Tickets can be obtained from the local directors or direct from the Secre- tary, F. C. Elford, Holtnesville. The New Mill CHOPPING done at the New Mill, Josephine St., North. Satisfaction guaranteed. Feed of all kinds on hand. Give us a trial. D. MCGRECOR The New Mill Wingham. Massey -Harris Agency, Have you a Turnip Pulper? If not, see our Concave Cylinder Pulper before purchasing elsewhere. If you will need anything in the Iine of Farm Implements or Machinery for the coming season, place your order early and get the best. Massey -Harris goods are leaders everywhere. Agent for- Kemp Manure Distributor Melotte Cream Separator We also handle the Wm. Gray & Sons BUGGIES and CUTTERS- universally acknowledged to be the best and most durable to be had. ALF. GLOVER AGENT, - WINGHAM. The undersigned will receive tenders up to noon on Monday, 23rd inst., for supplies of but- chers' meat, creamery butter, flour, , atmeal, potatoes cordwood etc., etc., for a follow- ing institutions during the year I 4, viz.: - At iz.:-At' the Asylums for the Insa in Toronto, London, Kingston, Hamilton, imico, Brook-. e Central Prison Toronto' the Re - vibe, Cobour and Orillia; and Mercer Reformatory formatory for Boys, Pone rignishene, the Insti- tution for Deaf all., b, Belleville, and the Blind at Brantford e not re(aired far the simply of meat to the asylums in Toronto, Lon- don, Kingston Hamilton and Brockville, nor for the Central Prison and Mercer Reforma- tory, Toronto. A marked cheque for five per cent. of the es- timated amount of the contract, payable to the order of the Honorable the Provincial Secre- tary, must be furnished by each tenderer as a guarantee of his bona fides. Two snflieient sureties will be required for the duo fulfilment of eaeli contract, and should any tender be withdrawn before the contract is awarded, or should the tenderer fail to furnish such scour ity, the amount of the deposit Will be forfeited. Specifications and forms of tender nmy be had on appplication to the Department of the Provinla1 Secretary, Toronto, or the Bursars of the respective institutions. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Newspapers inserting this advertisement without authority' from the department will not he paid for it. One way special reduced rate tickets are on sale daily until November 30th, to points in Bri- tish Columbia, California Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, etc. Live Stock Exposition, Chicago, III■ NOY. 28TH TO DEC. Sru. Single fare for round trip, Plus$2.C), good going Nov. 2911i, 80tH, Dec 1st, valid returning on or before Dee. itis, 11'73. J. it. STRATTON', Provincial Secretary.� Parliametit Buildings, 'Toronto, November 9,1908. Mt. Clemens Mineral Baths. Situated. near Detroit. Quickly and com- fortably reached by the Grand Trunk. The "St. Catharines Well." The waters of this famous well are a great specific for nervous disorders. Situated on the direct line of the Grand Trunk, eleven miles from Niagara Falls, For' ticl:ets, and alt information apply to Agents, write' to J. D. McDonald, District Pass- enger Agent, Toronto, for descriptive litera- ture regarding the above resorts. L. HAROLD, Agent,Wingliam. Hunters" - Excursions •I044••••••00•4••••••••••••. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••- You are sure at all times to find in this store the correct • up.to date materials and trimmings for costumes In • • • • • Z•A • • • • e •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • NEW IDEA RANGES CROWN HURON RANGES HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES IDEAL FAVORITE RANGES BASE BURNERS --All sizes COLE'S HOT BLAST COAL HEATER AIR TIGHT WOOD STOVES --All sizes Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Prices to suit. Call and examine them before you buy elsewhere, at FISHLEIGH'S HARDWARE STORE The Meat Yu Order FROM ALL STATIONS Sherbet Take, Windsor, wingham, Teestvater, Owen Sound and intermediate stations; also Hamilton to stations Mattnwa le Nepigon and Garden River, inclusive, Kipawa and Teinis- kaming, on October Oth to N ovember 5th, inclu- sive, and to Havelock to Sherbet Lake, inclu- sive, on October 24th to November 5th inclu. sive. Sintle fare for Round Trip. Tickets valid for return until december 12th 1008. Ask or write your nearest Canadian Paei$c agent for copy of "Fishing end. Sheeting" find "Sportsman s Map, A. H. NOTMAN, Avastant General Passenger Agent 1 King St. Beat, Termite from us will be delivered promptly and you will always find it of the best quality. Ladies Z• TWEEDS, HOMESPUNS, ZIBELINES 2 and FLAKE EFFECTS No trouble to display the goods and trimmings, and give you the very latest ideas. •• Have a look through our Corset, Hose and Underwear departments. We know that it will pay you, A shipment of FINE FURS to hand to -day, Early for repeat orders. Well, quality and our prices tell the story. Gentlemen ; We invite you to visit our READY TAILORED CLOTHES Department. Your needs can be easily and quickly supplied, and we will not punish your pocket very severely. Good brand New Overcoats for $5,00 and up. Stocks in every department new and fully assorted. tib' A good Organ for sale cheap. i • e• • • • • r •' • • •• a D. M• . Gordon ••• Highest prices paid for Fenn Produce, DIRECT IMPORTER.• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••a ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ fir Roasts of Beef; Veal, Lamb and Pork. Steaks, Chops, Soup Bones, Boiling Pieces. Highest prices paid for Hide and Skins. We are also prepared to pay the highest prices for all kinds of Poultry. We thank our customers for their liberal patronage in the past, and will give satisfaction to all who favor us with their orders. FELLS & MITCHELL. Opposite Skating Rink. From centre to crust The Market Bakery Bread is perfection itself. White, light, sweet centre; rich, brown, short orust. Mixed, molded, baked and delivered in just the way to win your approval. ALL KINDS OF PASTRY WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY We have all the latest ma chin- cry, and there is no need of sending to the city for your bread or pastry'. D LOUGHEED Opposite Presbyterian Church. Good House I(eepers Will • • preciate the any excellent features of HURON" 111111,, ;Stoves and Ranes4. d 4. t• that are not found in other makes of Stoves. + 4.Special attention has been paid to cleanliness,i. 4. durability and economy, with a view of + + meeting the requirements of the housewife who •i• . * is particular about the comfort and economy of 4. + .1' * ' the home. They will do more worlti with less fuel, and last twice as long as any other Stove. t •i.4. .s. 'I' 4.°1- '1- 4-. I THE BEST RESULTS GUARANTEED4. •1•4. 4.RECOMMENDED AND SOLD EXCLUSIVELY 4 + BY 4- • * SON 4. ALEX. YOUNG & WINCHAM. I J. BUCC & SON o + •c +++++++++++++++++++++++++44 .; ++ •++@ i'b+•: +++4'+++++4'++*.1 s. yvvvvvvrrvvvvyvYvvvYYYYYYV vvvvvv„VYVYvrvvvvVYYVYvva. IRON and BRA��BEDSij . .., . .4 These goods are ever becoming more popular, i' and to keep pace with their growing popularity and .t the consequent increasing demand for them, we i have placed in stock a few lines from which we A are sure everyone can make a pleasing choice. ? PRICES, $3.75, $4.00, $6.00, $6.50 4 A good line of Dressers and Stands to match. .4 A fine line of SIDEBOARDS, PARLOR SUITS All up-to-date goods at BEDROOM SUITS COUCHES, etc., the lowest prices. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON E'nrn><ture and t"ndertak><ng. 1; P. The garniture Store opposite the Post Office. . AAAAlug AAAIAAAAAAAAAWAAAAA, AAAA AAAAAAAAAAikAllA1114AAAAAA•.