HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-11-12, Page 6FOR GOOD HEALTH
Kernels from the. Sanctum Mifl
interesting Paragraphs from our Exchange;: —
Dr. Quiulau of Stratford has located Airs. John Cllamney, one of the early
ire ]'Qt xuosa iu the place of Dr. Caine's. pioneers of Wallace township passed
The trustees of S. S. No. 7, Carrick, away en Saturday, Oct. 31st, Deceased
have engaged Miss Oldham, of Brace -
bridge as teacher for the ensuing year.
A. TE1t1t113L1. COVOIL
Idrs. 7 hos. Carter, North Port, Ont.,
tays: I ceuglit a seveie cold which set-
tled cit my throat and lungs and my
i ' friends thought it wonld send me to my
led, Dr.
'sSyrup Pine Sup chen other remedies omple t y
[cured tile,
Mr. A. Moyer has sold his 46 acre
farm in the village of Mildmay to Ezra
'Yandt. The purchaser obtains posses.
Mort of the farm in the spring.
Notice A New York physician claims to have
oft discovered a formula which will put
T> the razor out of use. All a man will
a°o 'have to do will he to rub a certain paste
tee 'On his face, and he will get "a clean
.,,,,: *shave."
�{ :eu•3the The Kind You Hc+ave „ s Collett
Yt Sig of Signature t y: aa'i° , / a
H. B.
Guelph street railway in October, the
first month of municipal ownership.
,earned x+1,522 60, an increase of 8391,75
over the corresponding mouth of last
N ,year. The expenditure was $1,355.16, a
A c et decrease of $252 61.
"Bill: The assessors' returns show the popu-
An ,kc 3ation of Berlin to be 10,.66 and the as -
Sale sessment $3,807,260. This is an increase
Comm.' in population over last year of 316.
pampb 'The -population in 1883 was 7,565 and the
tion to assessment $2,507,600.
to the Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant
The Board of License Commissioner's
fox West Huron apes at the Secretary's
office in Clinton lust week to sign the
licenses for this district for the six
months ending May 00, 1004. The appli•
cation of Mr. I3oggs, Smith's Hill for a
license, was before the Board, but he
was refused the same.
The Methodist official board met in.
the Susannah Welsey Memorial church
at Nile on Moudav afternoon of last
week. All the appointments were repre-
sented. Stewards for next year were
appointed as follows: Chas. Girvin, re.
was bora in Tecumseh, in the year 1835, cording steward; R. 1t1eIlwaiu, envelope
married to Mr. John Chamuey Feb, 8th, I steward; H. Dodd, W. Potter, for Nile;
1855, and on March 1st of same year
they came west to what was then called
the Queen's bush and settled on tete
fume on which she died.
A solitary log, twelve feet long and
three feet through, worth perhaps fifty
cents, may yet cost Martin Beech, J,P.,
and the family of Josiah Buchindalo, of
Whitchurcll township, a cool $1000, be-
fore the litigation between them has
ended. The case has been before the
courts both civil and criminal for fully
three years with no immediate prospect
of au end.
Hagyard's Yellow Oil can be applied
externally for rheumatism, stiff joluts,
chapped hands, chilblains, sprains, etc.
It can be taken internally for croup,
quinsy, bronchitis, pains in the stomach,
kidney complaint, etc. Price 250.
Nelson Graham, A. Synth, for Sheppard -
ton; Geo. Roatledge for Ebenezer. Ex-
pressions of thankfulness to God for
prosperity on the circuit were given.
Iu appreciation of the labors of the past-
or, Rev. M, J. Wilson. B.A„ his salary
was raised to $800 for the present year.
Glasgow Municipal Telephone
Two years ago Tunbridge Wells and
Glasgow were pointed to as bright ex-,
alnplos in llanicipal Ownership of tele-
phone service. A few mouths ago the
former abandoned the attempt at giving
a satisfactory telephone service and sold
their plant to the Natioual Company.
Now reports are coming to hand of un.
sati,lfactory results 10 Glasgow. "The
Bernie," a Jourual publiethed iu Glas-
gow, in its issue of September Otil says; -
The position of the Glasgow 'Corpora, -
don Telephone Dapertment, its disclosed
by the published accounts for the past
fivaucial year, is proving a source of un-
easiness to the ratepayers with a souud
knowledge of flueuoe, Nor have their
fears beeu alleviated by the remarks of
the auditors', who, in issuing their re-
port make it perfectly plain that things
aro not as they ouellt to he,. They
point out that no deprecation has yet
been provided for, nor has any sum
standiug at the debit of parliminary and
general expenses in capital account been
written uif out of the revenue. In the
matter of the sinkiug fund adequate pro-
vision has not been made, although ac-
cording to the auditors, the requirements
of the Act of Parliament have apparent-
ly been complied with. Up till now cer-
tain inaungement expenses, amuuatiag
in the aggregate to no small sum, have
not formed a charge against revenue.
Despite all this the committee who run
the telephone department have ,the tem•
erity to present the ratepayers with a
fivaucial Statement showing a balance of
several thousand pounds ou the right
side, and claiming that if the undertak-
in; had been a joint stock enterprise the
result would have been that a dividend
of 5% 01 the capital iuvolved would
havu been paid.
Sit 3 EKED 15 YEARS,
Mrs, Win. Ireland, 170 Queen St. East,
Toronto, wife of the well known shoe-
maker suffered from indigestion and
constipation for over 15 years. Nothing
did her any good till she tried Laxe-
Liver Pills, which cured her,
Sterling Austin Climie, eldest son of
John M. Climie, of Selina, Alabama was
killed outright Friday night,Oet 30th, by
an explosion of a gas machine. The only
particulars received are that he was call -
Hercules, the big steer formerly own- ' ed out from his home at ten o'clock to
died fib a gas machine, that au explosion
ed by E. R. Hogate, of Mildmay
the other dEty at Ridgetown. The steer scoured and that fifteen minutes after -
was owned by Robt. Buller of that town, ward he was brought back dead. Deceas-
who intended to ship the animal to Eng- ed left Listowel with his father for Ala•
land for exhibition purposes. barna some twelve years ago, and they
Barrister Blair was presented with were engaged in the plumbing business.
a solid gold ring with an amethist setting, Tho post office authorities have placed
by the members of the. Brussels Bowling ` a mail car ou the train going west from
Club. Mr. Blair was president of the Seaford' a little after six o'clock in the
Club this year, so the members did not evening. This train connects with the
want to see him remove to Goderich one going north on the London, Huron
without a token of their esteem. and Bruce. Iu this way matter mailed
c' -41- '11 °OTE S .Is .at Seaforth in the afternoon or morning
Boars the The Kind You Have Always Bough reaches all the offices between Clinton
When the Frost is on the Punkin,
Weenies Whitcomb finer.)
When thefrost is on the Paukiu and the
fodder's in the shock
And you hear the kyouek end the gobble
of the strutttn' turkey cock
And the Clacking of the guiueys and the
clackin'of the .bens,
And the rooster's hnllelooyer as he tip.
toes ou the fence,
Oh, it's theu's the time a fellow is a-
feeliu' at his best,
With the ricin' sun to greet him from a
night of gracious rest,
As he leaves the house bareheaded and
goes out to feed the stock,
When. the frost is ou the punkin and
the fodder's in the shack.
There's soniepin' hind o'hoarty-like
about the atmosphere
When the mono' fall suis hetes over and
Of course we miss the flowers, and the
blossoms ou the trees,
And the mumble of the humtninhbirds,
and the buzzitt' of the bees;.
But the stir's so appatizin' and the laud-
soape through the haze
Of a crisp and enuny morning of the
early autumn days
Is a picture that no painter has the
coloriu' to Mock,
When the frost is on the punkin and the
fodder's iu the shock.
of )' and Winghanl the same evening, and
Peterboro Tames: A local sehoolteach• the offices on the Wellington, Grey and
Aide u1 Soap Powder is better than other powder i, I er received the following note from the
` 11144 rt as it is both soap and disinfectant. 3 mother of ono of her pupils. It has been
product' John Marquis has rented H. Elford's � sent to The Timesforpublication: "Dear
Mis, You writ, me about whiping Sam-
my. I hereby give you permission to
beet him up eny time it is necessary to
learn him his lessens. He is juste like
his father -you have to learn him with a
clubb. Pound nolege into him. I wants
him to git it, and don't pay no attention
to what pis father says, I'll handle
Someone entered the stable of Rev. J.
custom farm of 160 acres at Ilomesville for a
Ooni aij term of seven years, at $300 a year, Mr.
recent t Effort' to have the privilege of selling at•
hat set any time, should he so desire.
pts v At Stratford instructions have been
"I a given to the City Solicitor to notify the
rohit Gas and Electric Light Company that if
vides ti. a Letter service is not given steps will be
accoYdi taken to cancel their frauchise.
and 'ft-_._--
Reil'. 0 A DTL GGIST'S OPINIO V. Kennedy, Methodist minister at Londes-
GanadE born, and also that of Rev. J. A. Hamil-
be had'M
Mr. W. J. Stinson, Austin, an.,
"Our custe„ei s speakcak s highly
r at thee same
foil B;i of A9ilburu's Sterling Headache Puwd• place, one night last week, and mutilated
iEfatl, els that it 1:, a pleasure to recommend the horses by docking the animals' tails
fierier F, `'''Slee disappoint to others. They never disappoint
but always cure." Price lOc and 250. and almost stripping them of hair. No
____.�___ reason is known for the dastardly deed,
Angie McKenzie diad in Chicago last
week and his remains were taken to
"Thi Kincardine for interment. He was a
ferent sou of Murdock S. McKenzie of Calumet
copula who used to live on the 5th of Kincar-
was 5,t dine, and was married to a daughter of
papula Mr. Todd of the Saugeen Road.
it apps
proaitx4 A quiet, but pretty, wedding tools
r• place at the residence of the bride's
increai mother, Mrs. M. McFarlane, Kincardine
AS we ,F when her daughter, Mrs, E. McKenzie,
w:n are
was united in holy bonds of matrimony
e pt
to Alexander D. McKinnon. formerly of
496 w Bruce -Mines. value is incalculable. Besure you ass:
except it be because the ministers named
have been active in circulating a petition I ing formerly Captain of Dungannon
asking to have local option adopted. in Compauy, and has held the distinguished
the township. position of Lieut -Colonel for six years.
....—,e—. This is the official time -limit, and while
For 0oar Sixty Fears. bis being placed on the reserve list is
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs simply in harmony with military regu-
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used latlons, it will bo regretted by all the
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers men and officers of the 33rd. Col. Var-
for their children while teething, with toe's retirement leaves Quartermaster success. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures Beck the solo survivor of the olcl condo -
wind colic, and is the best remedy for gent of officers connected with this Bat-
diarrheea. It is pleasant to the taste. tallion. His successor will be Major
Sold by druggists in every part of the Young, of Carlow.
Bruce branch early the following morn-
ing. It also gives a better and earlier
service for Goderich.
A Very Good Mule
It is well known that the majority of
human ills arise from constipation of
the bowels and on this account many
people make it a rule to see that the'
bowels move once every day. If you are
subject to constipation you eau be cured
by the use of Dr. Chases Kidney -Liver
Pills. These Pills not ouly make the
bowels active, but by their action on the
liver ensure a regular flow of bile,
nature's own cathartic and so remove the
cause of serious disease.
In the Militia Orders issued on Wed-
nesday, the followiug
Thirty-third Huron i bgiment.- Lieut:
period of tenure of cominan on completion
is transferredl
to the reserve of officers,
Lt. -Col. Varcoe has been connected
with the 33rd for a good many years, be -
In this c )nnectlon let it be pointed out
that the directors of a concern formed
un.ler the Conlpauies Acts put forward
a sheet, such as the one under review,
an i declareed a dividend, they would
have laid themselves open to much the
smile, charges as are itt present confront-
ing Mr. Whittaker Wright, of London
and Globe Finance Company fame, in
which undertaking the trusting share-
holders lost all they had risked.
It is greatly to be feared that instead
of getting out of the tangle the telephone
department will land itself deeper into
the mire, although this is a contingency
apparently viewed with equanimity by
those in control who, of course, have no-
thing to lose. It has been said that fig-
ures can be made to prove anything,
and if there is one thing the balance
sheet of the Corporation Telephone
shows, it is that the ratepayers of Glas-
gow have been n s
elephant as matters stand at present.
Were the enterprise a success apart from
its financial aspect, there might be some
hope, but unfortunately the service is
falling far short of what it ought to be,
having regard to its formation at a per-
iod when the telephone business has been
pretty well reduced to a fine art.
The husky, rusty rustle of the tassels c
the corn,
And the•raspin' of the tangled leaves, as
golden as the morn;
The stubble on the furries-kind o' lone
some -kind, but still
A-preachin' sermons to us of the barns
they grooved to fill. -
The straw -stack in the medder, and the
reaper in the shed,
The horses in their stalls below, the
clover ov erhead-
Oh, it sets my 'heart a-oliohiu' like the
tickin' of a clock,
When the frost is ou the punkin and the
fodder's in the shock.
tech t world. Twenty-five cents a,bottle. Its
303 vet for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
C �' OR I take no other kind.
is. revel
618,59n Work on the Goderich extension of the
ed to,
were 'I The Kid You Rade Always Bought
ba, sere,
jail. C Bears the
In 1901 Signature of
the yei Fourteen years ago two men in hiiss-
inder Dori went; to law about a thirty dollar
Sf Of,I calf and the case is still in litigation.
factori 'The costs now ainount to over ono llun-
enlploi dred times the value of the calf,
tory a Six tramps stole a locomotive from a
power gravel pit on the Chicago & North wes-
that t, tern Railway in 'Wisconsin and all traffic
and it hurriedly sidetracked by official or -
For Infants and Children, C. P. R., is progressing rapidly. The
distance covered by both surveying part-
ies is nearly fifty miles and an early
completion is looked for. Chief Eugin-
eer Peterson is expected in the Guelph in
the course of a few days. Mayor Lewis,
of Goderich, and Col. A. H. McDonald
of this city, were in Montreal this week
interviewing the C. P. R. authorities as
to their intended project in connection
with the extension.
If a child eats ravenously, grinds the
teeth at night and picks its nose, you
may almost be certain it has worms and
should administer without delay Dr.
eras Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup. This re-
ders while they ran with wide-open i reedy contains its own cathartic,
In England the mortality rate from
cancer has risen from 3.8 per 1,000 in
1804 to 84.
Japan has no laws for the protection
of labor or restristing the employment
of w omen and children.
It is with feelings of extreme sorrow
that we chronicle the death of Robert
Code, sou of Thos. Code, Trowbridge,who
died ou Thursday morning, Nov. 5th
from injuries received while taking a
beef cow to Listowel on Monday of this
week. The animal was secured in a
wagon and Mr. Code was standing beside
it. Ia some manner he was thrownout
and the animal becoming fractious it up-
set the wagon and the 1300 Ib cow fell
upon the prostrate man pinning him to
the ground. Nearly all his ribs on the
right side were torn from the back bone
and terribly crushed. His shoulder
blade'was broken and he received other
internal injuries. Deceased was in his
31st year.
throttle along the main line. The tramp The Harriston Review says: ''The
is ever discovering fresh fields of activi-
To prove, to you that Dr.
aChind ea Orate cur for each
and absolute cure for each
and every form of itching,
blecdingand protruding piiee,
the manufacturers have, guaranteed it. See res-
• imonial-sin the daily press and ask your neigh. ,with amazement this peculiar product
11 boys what they think of it. You can use it and
get Sour money back if not cured. enc a box, at ` of an otherwise highly civilized com-
t1e atndealeraorEnatA:vaON,BA•ri?s& CO.,Toronto, munity. It is time the "kid" element
sun Ac use's Ointment I was taken in hand before we have some
211.1 The marriage of Miss Eva Gardner to 1 more candidates for Penetang.
Mr. Robt. F. Finlay, both of Ashfield Reward, Meard, cion,
took place on Wednesday evening of
The readeril of this paper will be pleas -
last week at the comfortable home of
the bride's father, eon. 0, Ashfield. ed to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
Nearly 150 invited guests assembled to able to cure in all its stages and that is
witness the ceremony which was per- Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
formed by the resident pastor, Rev. W. only positive cure now known to the
tmedical fraternity. Catarrh being a
, A. Smith. constitutional disease, requires a eonsti-
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is taken internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the founda-
tion of the disease, and giving the pat-
ient strength by building up the consti-
tution and assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so muck
faith in its enrative power, that they
Offer one Hundred Dollars for any case
that it tails to cure. Send for list of
Address, F.J.CIIEllET & Co,Toledo,O.
Sold by Druggists, 75o.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Hariston small boy has become a hot
proposition, an infernal nuisance and a
disgrace of the town, He acts like an
ape on the street and at public enter-
tainments his conduct would make an
uncouth savage blush. Strangers view
On Monday, Nov. and, Mr. Ross
Johnston, sen of Mr, James Johnston,
of Teeswater, died in Hamiota, Man.
Deceased had been clerking in a store in
Itamiota for some time. The remains
were brought to Teeswater, and the
funeral was eonducted by the Canadian
Foresters on Friday last.
Bout the The Kind You 118,1e AI Bought
Only fifteen dollars of eaeli fifty
dollar founders' share in the New River
company was originally paid up. These
shares now return a yearly dividend
of over $2650 on each,
The largest single order ever given for
watches was received by an American
m anufacturer from a Lor don firm the
former agreeing to send to his customer
2,000,000 timepieces within twelve
Not Afraid to Endorse It
People have learned to have such
confidence in Dr. Chase's Ointment as a
cure for every form of skin disease that
they do not hesitate to endorse it at every
opportunity. As a result Dr. Chase's
Oiutmeut is probably recommended by
more persons than any preparation on
the market to -day. There is no guess-
work about_ its effects -relief is prollT it
and euro certain.
This annoucetnent is made without any
qualifications. Hem-Roid is the one
preparation in the world that guarantees
Hem-Roid will cure any case of Piles.
It is in the form of a tablet.
It is the only Pile remedy used inter-
It is impossible to cure au established
case of Piles with ointments, supposito-
ries, injections or outward appliances.
A guarantee is issued -with every pack-
age of Hem-Itoid, which contains a
month's treatment.
Go and talk to your druggist about it.
The death of Mr. Robert Lees, which
took place at the family residence on
Canning street, Lueknow on Monday,
Nov. 2nd,removes one of the oldest Citi-
ens and business men of the place. De-
ceased was in his 72nd year, and for over
thirty years he was in partnership with
the late Mr, Geo. Douglas, in the Luck-
now Wollen Mills, and the firm of Lees
& Douglas,we.s widely known throughout
the counties
of Huron
and Bruce. For
nearly five years, Mr. Lees had been
in declining health,and had retired from
active business life. He was of a quiet
retiring disposition but was greatly
esteemed and highly respected by all
who knew him. He was a member of
the Independent Ordes of Oddfellows,
Anoiont Order of United Workmen and
Canadian Order of Foresters.
We fully guarantee the genu-
ine quality of our rings and have
a special value
The diamond is pure white in
color and perfectly cut and pro-
Is set in either the above solid
14 K. gold rings:
Money returned if ring is not
1lfailed prepaid to any address
on receipt of price.
John S. Barnard,
Persian Lamb
Lamb Jackets
made of best
selected fur,
lined with
satin, Bishop
or Boneparte
24 inches in
Write for our new Catalogue
—you save money buying here
because we are manufacturers
TheW. &D•DINEEN CO,,Lilnited
Cor. Yonge and Temperance Sts.
WANTED -A trustworthy gentleman or lady
in cilch Bounty to meetsae business for an old
established house of 1116lid AnenciSl standing. A
straight, Mona fide weeklysalary of $18.00 Laid
by check each Monday wit h alt expenses direct
from Headquarters. Monty advanced for tut.
pfnves. Enclose addressed envelope. Manager,
MO Caxton Bldg., Chicago.
For Profit...
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children thana
Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician, Ripans Tabules are
widely by
used all sorts of people ---but .o the
plain, every ,day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard family emedy. They are a dependable, hon
est remedy, with a long and successful record, to
cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
al itation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com-
plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe-
tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans
Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five -
cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottle, 60 cents, contains a supply
for a year.
•K•8&•I K &'YG ` K''&
K,& K
On account of ite terrible effects, blood disease is called the king of all diseases.
It may bo either hereditary or contracted; eo while it may not be a crime to have
the disease, it ie a crime to permit it to remain in the system. It may manifest
itself in the form of Scrofula, Eczema, rheumatic pains, stiff or swollen joints,
itchiness of the skin, eruptions or blotches, ulcers in the mouth or on tho tongue,
sore throat, falling out of hair, A isordered stomach, and a general depression of
the system. If you have any of these symptoms dont neglect yourself, You have
no time to lose. Beware of "old fogy" treatment -beware of mineral poisons -
beware of Quacks and Fakirs. OUR mow METHOD TREATMENT
is guaranteed to cure this disease, never to return. Bank Bonds will protect you.
Our treatment is not injurious in any way, but reaches the very root of tho disease
and eliminates all poison from the system. The symptoms of disease gradually
disappear. The blood becomes pure and enriched the whole system is cleansed
and purified. and the patient feels prepared anew for the duties and the pleasures
of life. CURBS GUARANTEED OR -FSO PAY: 25 'Fears is
Detroit. 250,000 Cured.
Coustiltation Free. Question Blank for Home Treatment and Books Free.
E 4ti'; ,,. syr &KERG
Cor. liiIichigari Ave. and Shelby St., Detroit, Mich.
Clubbing Offers - 1903-04
3•-t•8• S• ::•�`•'••!••: °r I•�: o�•i•o`• t••1•^'r•1• i• ,••1••1• F••t•
THE TIMES announces the following low -rate'
Clubbing Offers for 19o3.04
Every Farmer should keep •
these three words constantly
in mind and conduct his farm
on strict business principles.
Guess work and haphazard
methods are no longer used by
successful and up-to-date far-
By reading THB WEEKLY
SUN, the Farmer's Business
Paper, you will get the very
latest and most accurate in-
formation regarding your busi-
THE SUN'S market reports
are worth many times the sub-
scription price to you.
Every Farmer in Canada
should realize the full value of
the service THE SUN has ren-
dered him in a public way. It
was due to the action of Tun
SUN in giving voice to the
opinions of the farmers that
the law relating to cattle
drainage e
across rail-
ways, and farm fires caused by
railway locomotives has been
We will send THE WEEKLY -
SUN from now to lst January,
1905, in combination with
Times till Jan. 1st, 1905 $1 00
Times and Weekly Globe with 8 page illustrated
supplement 1 G0 -
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with
premium Maps of the Dominion of Canada and
the Province of Ontario.. .. 1 75•
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire. 1 75.
Times and Weekly Witness 1 60
Times and Western Advertiser.. 1 50
Times and. Weekly Sun.. 1 75
Times and Daily Globe " • 4 35
Times and Farmers' Advocate 2 25
Times and Toronto Daily Star. 2 20
Times and Montreal Weekly herald 115
Times and Toronto Daily News . 1 85
We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can,
give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine
published. The above are our FIXED RATES, marked down
so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no
asking for cheaper rates.
In each case .the weekly papers will be sent to new
subscribers for the BALANCE w' 1903 FREE. The rates quoted
are for either new or rdnewal snbscriptions. All subscribers,
will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers.
Give the Times a trial subscription.
From now to Jan. lst, 1904, for 10c.
The Windham Times, tot $1.15
Call at the office, or address—
VV 1J.°+l GEAM-