HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-11-12, Page 1WINGHAM rl1
VL XXXIL--NO, 1657,
in 11omuth's
\for Men.
Not just because they've that
smart and "attractive appear-
ance, but for the reason they've
all the elegance of fashion —in
fact all the elegance of the best
to -measure clothes.
We have to -day the largest
variety of exclusive styles in
the history of this store—you'll
admit it after an inspection,
Snits that none but the very
best tailors can equal, elegantly
tailored .garments of fine im.
ported dark mixed fabrios—
sriigle breasted sank style—
they show at every turn the
master tailor's hand. Prices
$15, $16, $18, $20, $22 to $40.
A Word About Underwear.— The
season is right for the changing
of Underwear, and this store
is rightly prepared to supply
the wants of the season for men.
Men's heavy Shirts and Draw-
ers, of wool and of fleece lined,
at prices 60o, 75c, 900, $1.00
and $1.25 each.
IN NECKWEAR we always have
the newest designs and patterns.
IN -COLLARS our -stock is always
"11 with all the
sizes from 12g to 17%.
lt•iN HATS AND CAPS we always
• lead the style, and anyone buy-
ing a Hat or Cap from us can
feel assured that it is right up
to the minute.
iornuth Bros1
Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No. 25 Victoria
street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $ 2,980,000
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,330 000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts ~old on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 31st
December each year.
A. E. GIBSON, Manager.
B. Vanstone, Solicitor.
tiapital paid up, $2,000,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $1,'700,000.00.
Total Assets, $22,000,000.
' President— EoN. Wis. GI ,soN.
( Vice -President and
General Manager —J. Tuaicnutr,.
George Roach, Sohn Praetor, A. B. Lee,
John S. Hendrie, Geo. Rutherford.
1 Assistant General Manager—H. S, STEVEN.
Inspector—H, M. WATSON.
Sailinggs Hank—Roars 10• to s; Ssturting, 10
Jetta aallowed, an$1 d computed enr received.
.cher and 31st May each year and added to
Pdpoipal. .
ibeiel Depotit8 also received at ourrelit
ilk of interest.
,1afte en Great Britain and the 'United
Mabee Bonght and sold,
Tra'vellere are notified that the Mink of Ham-
ilton and its Branehea issue Mettler hates of
iJHational Pro inial Bank of England, Limited,
'which Can be °Wiled without charge oil trou-
ble In any part of the world.
i; ` t. CORi1OtXi,D, Agent
(111CS1NBON & ROi,1111H1S, Solicitors.
Wheat Crisps
Most easily digested food in the wore
One package will oo•evince you.
Good For Healthy 1 epple—Starch food
constitutes a large part of the aliment of
every one. Uno wheat Crisps is the Whole
Wheat, including the Starches, Mineral
Matter, Proteids and fats. It is, therefore,
highly nutritious and sustaining to the
strong and healthy.
Just The Thing For Sick People—When
the digestive. organs are weakened and un-
able to cope witn ordinary starch foods,
the remedy is, hot to starve the stomach,
but to supply food which does not become
a burden, Uno Wheat Crisps is ,delicate
enough for the weakest stomach and must
not be confounded with the anany crude
so-called malted foods recommended for
such condition. Under its regular use the
enfeebled organs aro stimulated to healthy
Food For the Little Ones—Even in healthy
children the digestive functions are not
fully developed, yet everyone knows that
proportion of starchy food is beneficial
children, provided, it is easily digest
Any child will thrive on Uno Wheat Oris
as it does not tax the digestive organs, b
will, in fact, stimulate their healthy deve
r Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
Sale of Far
Wm. Wray of B
farm, property, con
laud situated on th
to Robt. Maguire o
same township. Th
pril next. Th
properties in Morr•
chaser is to be con
such a valuable
Real Estate Agen
chaser, negotiate
grave has sold his
sting of 150 acres of
3rd line of Morris,
the 1st line of the
purchased 00 was
Hire gets possession
is one of the finest
Tp„ and the pun
ratulated on securing
m. C. J. Maguire,
, brother of the par -
the sale.
General servat girl wanted. Apply
to Mrs. R. H. t► owder, Frances street.
R. A. Hutchison
Prompt Delivery. - Phone 59;
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands
for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 160 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock. Bruce, Kincardine, Huron
and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a wagonshop. Aeneral store With large
trade, live village. Alsoga large amount of
money to loan at a Per cent, For further par-
ticulars apply to
insurance Agent, Holyrood.
Cash for your Real Estate
It is my business to find that other man for
you, and my methods will do it in the shortest
possible Mane. If you find a buyer before I do
you will owe me no commission. I Cannot sell
a property at a ridiculously fancy price: I will
not try. If ycu have anything to sell, let ane
handle it for you. Write or call at pude for
terms and and full particulars• • . .
• ,Tust`a wordto the lle-SV.^,, '.ti (oliltiVer.;.,,1i"-- [ive
a look at what -I have to off el: yeti'teforo you
buy. I have just the property yea want.
Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent.
OvrroE—Vanstone block, Wingham.
Campbell's Headache Wafers guar
teed to cure headache. ,.
Mr. Wm. !tied, 1
doing some good w
recently he threshe
for Messrs. Gilmor
in nice hours and
ie's farm on the
threshed three hun
at the rate of thre
Mr. Reid is in the
ers in this section.
he thresher has been
rk lately. One day
1600 bushels of grain
Bros., of Turnberry
t Mr. Andrew Hard -
same concession ho
red bushels of barley
bushels per minute.
ront rank of thresh-
STOVES—All kinds, at bargain prices,
as we need money and must sell stoves.
Call and see what we have.
To Our Cc
Our district now
abundant lately a
it, and we would li
to gather up the n
only a few items,
We ask this as a s
as the cool weathe
rush is about over
few personal or so
have no stationery
will forward it to y
has not been as
we would like to see
e our correspondents
ws each week, if it is
and send them in.
eclat request. Now
is with us, and the
here is sure to be a
ial events. If you
end us word and we
Fon SALE—Good frame house and
stable, five acres of land, a large quanti-
ty of fruit and shade trees, nice location.
To be sold at once. Apply to,
0. J. MAGUIRE, Real Eetate Agt.
A boon to the afflicted: he is coming
again, T. P. Smith, Eye Specialist, will
be in Wingham at Colin A Campbell's
drug store on Thursday, November 19th,
"one day only." If you have any de-
fect in your eyesight it will pay you
to call and see him. Examination free.
Call early and avoid the rush.
The Scot
‘i`he concert givei
oh Friday evening{
Concert Co., of
under the auspices
Guild was fairly
concert was prong
attended as one
Wingham this seas
are high class artis
nett sang the Sco
pleasing manner a
was clear and disi
singing that is very
number of artists.
is a pleasing singe
accompanist. Miss
violin polos were Ver
the audience. The
views of Scotish sot
We have ever seen sh
h Concert.
i in the opera house
last by the Scotch
berdeen, Scotland,
of the Westminster
well attended, The
need by 1 many who
f the best held in
pn. The three ladies
. Miss Mary Bur-
h songs hi a very
td her enunciation
net, a feature in
inch neglected by a
iss Nellie Malcolm
and a splendid
Jennie Thornaon's
much enjoyed by
oving pictures and
ry were the best
wn in Winghatit.
The -w Salt Well.
The people of '. Ingham and vicinity
will be pleased •o learn that Mr. F. G.
Sperling has b=en successful in striking
brine in t ell he has been
drilling. h first signs of salt were
se: on ride last when the drillers
had reached depth of 936 feet. Work
has been cont need since that time. so
hat the well 'lay bo deep euough to en-
sure a Contin ius flow of brine. The
salt works wil be put in operation as
soon as the ne essary repairs have been
Council .rs and Trustees.
The time wil soon be at hand when
Wingham rate • ayers will be called up to
select a Mayor, Councillors and School
Trustees for th year 1904. We have
not yet heard a y names mentioned iii
connection wit these positions. The
ratepayers shou d make it a point to see
that the best in n available are selected
for these positi, , s. The retiring School
Trustees this ye'.r will be Messrs. Thos.
Abraham, Wm. Moore, H. Kerr and C.
N. Griffin. 0 • ng to the removal of
Mr. Wm. Butt• to Toronto, it will be
necessary to ale • t two School Trustees
in ward four.
Snap at Crow Eer,'s .T'wenty-five pairs
cents, worth 75
Boys Tweed Pa t
Dents, "_
FOR SALE—An up-to-date new two-
storey brick house in a fine location.
Apply at once to,
C. J. MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agt.
Rot seems to
all products of ti
season, and the „ to
immense. 'fipplG• e,
btttttle'p Tile the el
crops will consequ
prices high. The 1
ongst potatoes ha
largest. Farmers
pose of large quan
hense their tubers
cellars. Turnips
ed, and one of the
mers is authority
fully half his turn
gun to decay. 0
excepting this ye
collect a time whe
frig in the field in t
lack Rot.
lave attacked .mostly
field and tree this
es entailec b it,are
nears, turnips and
of sufferers, and the
tly be short and the
ss caused by rot im-
probably been the
are unable to dis•
ties at a time, and
are rotting in their
ave also been attack-
ost successful far -
r the statFment that
s have already be -
pioneers say that,
r, they cannot re -
turnips began decay -
e fall of the year.
Removed o
Mr. John Hum
wife and family to
day morning. By
will lose one of the
of this village, and
will lose very cons
members. For tw
and Mrs. Humbers
dents of Ripley, a
they have assisted
cially in promotin
our citizens. Mr.
employer of labor
through his effort
Ripley Flax Co. w
built some beautif
lage, which remelt
enterprise. The adies' Aid of the
Methodist church p osented Mrs. Hum-
berstone with ahem tiful silver cake dish
erstone moved his
Wingham on Tues -
his change Ripley
ioueers and pillars
the Methodist church
stent and energetic
my -seven years Mr.
one have been resi-
during this period
socially and finan-
the best intrests of
has been a large
and it was largely
and capital that the
s organized. He has
1 houses in the vrl-
as monuments of his
as a slight recogni
rendered the church
five years. The
the Ripley circuit,
appointments, prese
stone with a beautif
as a recognition of t
rendered in starting
years ago and servi
fully for nineteen y
Mr. Humberstone ro
prise on Monday eve
berg of Ripley Lodg
sented him with a
collar; inany kind w
pressed es to Bro. H
fulness as anOddfell
as a Citizen. Genera
pressed at his rein
wishes for himself
go out from the me
Lodge and all citizen
surrounding country
on of the services
for over twenty-
narterly Board of
behalf of all the
ted Mr. Humber -
1 gold -headed Cane,
ie faithful services
the church many
the Board so faith -
re as Rec.Steward.
lived another sur-
ing when the mem-
1. O. 0. II., pre -
beautiful P. G's.
•ds Were also ex-
beratone's faith -
and his integrity
regret was alsoex-
al, and the best
d estimable lady
ers Of L 0, 0. P.
of the village and
Ripley Express,
Sure Hu band. is Safe.
The following i m appeared in both
London, papers of quday last: ---"Mrs,
Leonidas /lubber , jun., writes from,
Wingham that s does not credit the
report that her h eband has been lost in
Labrador. She s ys that a letter from,
hint is pot due un it November 15 or Dek'
camber 1, and th his failure to arrive!'
at Newfoundland )quid not be taken as
eyidence ho is los because be did not
intend to return that route unless circ
oumstances com lied hire. Mr. Hub-
bard is the assist nt editor of Opting,"
WANTED—Fresh eggs 20o.—Packed
eggs 10c.; also. fowl (nudrawn), dried
apples and butter. Our stock of dress
goods, silks, fuis etc, is not eltcelled,
The Family He
Montreal, now of
ams than ever to
Pal oolored pictn
and "Hard to Chc
map of the Domir
inches, and also,
special map of th
resides, or one of
lives there. We
tioned paper wit
the Thins to any
one year, bale
Subscribe now.
ald and Weekly Star,
rs even finer premi-
ibscribers, the beauti-
s, "Heart Broken"
se," a large colored
on of Canada, 22x28
each subscriber, a
Province in which he
Che United States if he
11 send the above men -
pictures and maps,and
ddress for $1.75 for
e of this', year free.
Dr. Butler of London will be at
Queen's Hotel, Wingham on Thursday
and Friday, November 26.27th, for
treatment of diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose
and Throat. Eyes tested and glasses
Home Missions unc
Rev. C. J. Cameron'
will give an address on
next Friday evening
Church, begining at
address will be illustrate
tiful lime -light views
colored) representing
Ontario, in the Otta
around college halls.
represented showing som
tiet preachers of America
tai r r "' vie%
li< is
bribing the chnroh in the
remarkable revivals. C
fray expenses.
r Lime -Light.
B. A., B. Th.,
Some Missions,
in the Baptist
o'clock. The
with 140 beau -
any of them
enes in New
Valley and
!tures will be
3 notable Bap -
and Great Bri-
a esc.0 sde
forest and some
llection to de-
Have you heard of
this new game ? It will
be more popular than
Ping Fong. Hundreds
are playing i t. W e
have -a large stock. Our
special price, incluliug
45c -
W.1. F. Mallagh
Bookseller and Stationer
Because we believe it is ono of the
finest perfumes we can get.
Because everyone who tries it buys
it again,
Because we are here to sell good
things in the drug line,aud people
come expecting to find the best,
whatever it may be. So when
they ask ne for perfume we show
them a good line of choice odors
—and " THELMA," the finest
of all.
May we show yen "THELMA?"
Walton McKibbon
Next door to post office.
See J, Button &
Co's Boots and Shoes
A Well-Sati
Fletcher & Streu
seated ghat ever pp
chant of Venice,"
ieuce in the Wingh
Monday evening, w
ham in the leading
Lowering as "Po
lfrotighout= was 'vwe
eat members taken
creditably. Mr. Bi
his prosession, and
sentation of "Sliylo
him to a place in th
adieu actors, He i
Wingham audience
safe in saying that I
will always be atten
ted Audience.
Ch's Company pre -
alar play, "The Mer -
a large-sized aud-
m Opera mouse on
th Mr. Elmer Buff -
pie, and Miss,. Anna
tie."'" The play
'oft on, the differ.
their parts very
hang is an artist in
is admirable regre-
t" certainly entilles
front rank of Can -
no stranger to a
and one would feel
s appearance here
ed with satisfactory
MONEY TO LOAN lit 432 per cent. on
easy terms of repayment. Apply to A
Dnlmage, Kent Block, Wingham.
STOVES.—Wood stoves, coal stoves,
ranges, and everything you may require
in the stove liue, both new and second
hand, at prices that will surprize you.
A. You NG & SON.
Wingham Cu lers Organize,
The Wingham 0 • ling Clab bas been
re -organized for th season of 1903.04,
with the following fiicers:—
Hon. President—
Secretary—A. J.
Treasurer—F. P
Committee of
Holmes, V. Vanno
ford, H. Jeffrey an
Rink Committee
Messrs. Knechtel a
r. Macdonald M. P.
. Vanstone.
an, A M. Craw -
L. W. Hanson.
The President and
d Vannorman.
At the meeting o, Tuesday evening,
it was decided that t e club join the Ont-
ario Carling Associa on. The member-
ship fee for the c ming season was
placed at $2.00. By arrangement, the
curlers are to have t e use of the rink
on Monday, \Vedn•sday and Friday
evenings of each we r, with the exeep
tion of the second ' ednesday in each
mouth. An effort 11 be made to have;
Wingham made the onvening point f
thio district in the "astern Association.
Messrs. F. Paterson nd Tames Cochran
'tv4c'eteebri a:1 nil:e :. of,tele,..."reariir'
gatne," who have al ays taken au ac-
tive interest iu the c ab, were made hon-
orary members for the season. Ships
were elected as foil ; ws; —C. N. Griffin,
A. J. Alderson, V. annorman, F. Pat-
erson, D. Holmes i'nd T. Bell. Pros.
peas are bright for successful season
for the local club in this popular Scotch
at once, for cash, a
100 acres, not more
from town; with g
and well watered.
195, Winghana.
Dr. Bethune has r
store, Josephine stre
tison's grocery, oposite the Chinese
laundry, where he vs
to attend patients, fi
country, at all hours
vvered at the Nation
anted to purchase.
rst-class farm of
d• buildings, etc.,
pply to P. 0. Box
oved to the brick
t, next door to Pat-
11 be found ready
m either town or ,
Night calls ans.
Hotel, after eleven
Death of Eli Fleming.
ing, Patrick street ha been made sad by
the death on Wednes y evening of last
week of their eldest s n, John Eli Flem-
ing, aged 19 years. he young man had
been in poor health f r some months, and
gradually grew we ker until the end
came. Mr. and Mr . Fleming will have
the sympathy of the r many friends in
their time of berme ment. The funeral
took place on Pride afternoon to the
Lucknow cemetery. The young mau
was a raember of th Independent Fares.
ters and members of he Order attended
the funeral in a bode , and also a number
of the St. Andrew's rotherhood of the
Church of England. The procession was
headed by the Wing m band—of which
deceased had been member—to the
outskirts of the town nd music appro-
priate to the occasi n was rendered.
The pallbearers we Messrs. Fred.
Stricker, Jas. IL Ker and Ed. Nash,
members of St. Andr w's Brotherhood
of the Church of Engl nd, and Messrs.
John McNevin, Fra Cody aud M.
Pearen. When Luck ow was reached
metabers of the Luekn w Foresters join-
ed in the procession. e . Wm. Lowe
conducted the service at the house and
Mr. and Mrs. Flemi
their thanks to the in
esters and St. Andrew
the many kindnesse
their beretivement au
of kindness to the tie
wish to thank the citi
for many aets of kind
bers of the band for ill
ig wish to tender
bers of the For -
Brotherhood for
shown them in
so the many acts
med. 'I'hey also
ens of Wingham
ess and the mein -
kindly furnishing
By -Law carried on.
The property 0
ham on Tuesday by t
ered the Town Couu
plant, machinery, etc
Eleciric Light Co.
good one, nearly the
beiug polled, which s
payers are heartily in
ownership of public
be pleasiug to the To
that the by-law ha
approved by the prop
vote in the different
Ward 1
Ward '2
Ward 3
Ward 4
uesday by largee
nere of Wiog-
eir votes empow-
1 to ;purchase the
rota the Wiughani
e vote was a very
tal available vote
owl that the rate -
livor of municipal
anchises. It will
Commit to find
been so heartily
rty-owners. The
vard was as foll-
'or Against
, ,4 8
6 8
4 15
9 25
33 56
ill meet on Mon -
ally pass the by -
hat the plant will
own. Now that
rried by the people
the town to run
that will give en-
Majority for by-laN
The Town Connell
day evening next to
law and shortly after
be transferred to the
the by-law has been c
it will be in order fo
the plant in a manne
tire satisfaction, and
there should be an
this. Many proper
for the by-law ar
street lighting serv
council will do tnis
at as early a date
R. C. P. specialist, eye, ear, nose and
throat, will be iu Wingham, at Camp-
bell's drug store, Monday, Nov. 30th.
Glasses properly filed.
STOVES.—Call and see our ardeortment
of stoves and get our priees. We have
a large stock on hand and will sell them
at a very low price.
„Wingham Lady oing to Japan.
Miss A. Caroline
Wingham, was app
tary of the Young
Association, mad w
acdonald, B A., of
nted Foreign Seem -
omen's Christian
go to Japan. This
yonntaacier is the - ;handed daughter of
Dr. P. Macdonald, and she pre-
fers the work she is ngaged in to that
of any other. She i au expert in math-
ematics, haying NVO the Blake schola.-
ship at Toronto Un'versity, and some
time ago she was ered a position in
the Finance Depar ment,at Ottawa at
$800 a year,unkno% n to her father and
without his influen e,bnt she declined it,
preferring to folio her work in connec-
tion with the Y. W. C. A.—Clinton
New Era:
Forty pairs f neen's Tweed Pants,
$1.15, worth 'at Crowder's.
land, Graduate of London, New York
and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat, will be at the
Queen's Hotel, Wingham, 4th Wednes-
day in each month. Hours from 2 to
are guaranteed to give sat-
isfaction in all forms of
stomach troubles—or money
The Druggist.
have room for two students in
Get the hst---It Rays,
for securing a thorough business
education or a superior shorthand
training. Our graduates are always
sueeessful. in getting. pesitions. THIS
Write fpr catalogue.
Enter this month if possible.
A good house to rent. Bird and soft
water and a good berm Apply to F. G.
Richard McKee
Glory Whalen of
son of a onedegge
as a vagrant.
aria now being is.
Herald and Wee
the only map in
new Alaskan bo
a most complete
every home in Ca
three valuable pr
great paper this
f Comher believes he
e murderer of little
llingwood in the per -
colored mutt arrested
e Da mini on of Can -
tied by The Family
y St r of Montreal is
ist to show the
idary. It is said to be
ap. and should be in
ada. It is only one of
buns given with that
Your Fall Sh es
We hope we shall have the pleasure of selling them to
you. The best Shoes we know anything about are here.
The Shoes we sell are Shoes with an
established reputation
That's what you may expect to get if you come here for
your Fall Shoes. The leathers in our Shoes hove been
tested, and our styles are such as fashion says tnust be
Long wearing --Good looking—Stylish Shoes
at prices a little lower than most stores ask, is what we aim
to give, and do give our patrons. We have lines of Shoes
Shoe is worth its price.
Nonon . —The question is ; Hew ean The Shoe Man,
Robt. McItidoo loan his money so cheap
ta- We do repairing end do it right. Bring along your Shoes.
Oil 110$613 and mortgages? Call and See.