HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-10-29, Page 6.„„. FOR -6000 HEALTH 1 To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. Theyare easy to take, They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, 'every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard family remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est remedy, with a long and successful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism," sour stomach, bowel and liver com- plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build°up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe- tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a ,Supply for a year. THE WINGHAM TIES, OC 'OBER 29, 1903 darnels from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs trom our Exchanges -- The Walkerton Turf Chib has about 197 in the bank for next year's races. Robb. Christie of Sullivan+ had a field at► 8 7.8 aereeof fall wheat that yield 370 bushels, Iteitrs the Tha Kind You Have /bays Bought mat ria of ✓. .A. factory for the manufacture of car- 7iage woodware will be erected in Guelph `#zy Mr. 0. Kloepler, Freight charges on export and imports which_ go to foreign ships are believed to :aggregate yearly at least $85,000,000 ,against the United States. Mr. Jas, Sudden, who formerly lived in Ilowick, but who has been in Califor- niafor 20 years has been visiting with • old friends in Howick for the past few weeks, .Alfred 5, Ball, K. C., of Woodstock, bas been appointed by the Ontario Gov- ernment for the position of police magis- trate of Woodstock in succession to the late Dr. Field. There is nothing harsh about Laxa- 'Liver Pills. They cure Constipation, 'Dyspepsia, Sick Headache and Bilious Spells without griping, purging or sick- ening. Price 250. An expert announces that an excel- s -- "lent syrup can be made from sugar beets, closely resembling maple syrup. It can be manufactured on the farm by inex- pensive machinery. Wcrd has been received from Mr. A. W.Moote,former editor of the Fordwich Record, that he has been seriously ill at his old home in Dunville, but is now able to sit up. He may spend the winter there. CAST S FH For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of -.ta • Master Ike flattaubury of Clinton had a narrow escape from losing one of his eras the other day. He was untying a cow in the stall when she threw up her bead and olio of her horns strnek hiili'•in the corner of the eye. A very interesting event took place in ,2he P erna:ea R. C. church on' Tuesday morning, Oct.. 20th, when Mr. Valentine 'Wissler wtg wedded to .Miss Maggie Steiner of Ambelside. The Rev. J. J. Lehi officiated. SPItAIN3si) Arai. Mary Ovington, Jasper, Ont., writes: "My mother had a badly sprained arm. Nothing we used did her any good. Then father got Hagyard's Yel- low Oil and it cured mother's arm in a few days. Price 25c. The total amount of business done at Fordwich station during the month. of September, 1903, was 247e tons of freight and $1209.32, revenue. This is an in- crease of 68 tons freight and $240.57 re- venue over the same mouth last year, The report of the Provincial Board of Health shows one death from tubercul- osis in St. Marys and two in the town- ship of Hibbert. These were all the cases of contagious diseases reported irom Perth county in August. 4C.5 eel. all°.3;.�i. Bears the The Kind You lime Always Bought Signature , a`n� t� of 6y 1.'ereeps the great let whiskey drinker in C:iucintutti passed away re ceutly iu the person of Wm, Scheflier, a brick uzeulder, who has been working at the Weber brick yardsnear the zoologio4.1 gardens. His friends told Coroner Weaver that. &heftier was in the habit of drinking the contents of five bottles of whiskey before the noon hour. Schef- fier went to work as usual and after swallowing the contents of one bottle went to sleep and was found dead a few hours later. He was single and 27 years o ld. At a meetiug of the Lucknow Curling Club the following officers were elected: Presideut, John McGarey; Vice -Pres., J. G, Murdoch; Treasurer, T. S. Reid; Secretary, R. W. Matheson; Ships, J. Bryan, J. G. Murdoch, W. Allin, J. Hunter; Managing Committee, Geo. Lawrence, T. F. Cain, Geo. Siddal. Milburn's Sterling Headache Powders give women prompt relief from monthly pains and leave„ no bad after effects whatever. Be sure you get Milburn's. Price 10 and 25 cents, all dealers. Mrs. W. MoKenzie,of Culross, exhibit. ed at both Ottawa and Kiugston fairs aud for almost everything she was award- ed tittered ticket. Her exhibits of hand sewing at Ottawa was considered by the judges to be one of the most perfect on e xhibition. While Mrs.(Dr.)Thompson, of Listow- el, was sprayiug her husband's surgery and wardrobe with fomirline,a disinfect- ant, a few days ago, she was overcome by the fumes, and it was some time be- fore she was restored. She is now pro- gressiug favorably. BEWARE OF WORMS. Don't let worms gnaw at the vitals of your children. Give them Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup and they'll soon be rid of these parasites. Price 250. There died at her home in Kinloss at lot 47, con 1, on Wednesday,'Oct. 14th, Miss Catherine Graham,in the 55th year of her age. Decea3ed bad been a resi- dent of the township for over forty years and was highly esteemed. Mr. Peter Corrigan, of Lucknow, was appointed License Commissioner for South Bruce, in place of Mr. Jas. Mc- Leod, of 'Unless, who resigned the office owing to the almost complete loss of his eyesight. Pilm To paabvsOeoltuttoomtuurraa thaDr , i and mocnc h, bleeding and protruding piles, the manufacturers have guaranteed it. See Cee• timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh, bore whatthoy think o' it, 'You can use it and get your money back if not cured. Qelc a box, at all dealers or EDMANSON,BATES 8Y CO.,Toronto,. Dri Chase's Ointment The Ontario Sugar Company, Berlin, has been slicing beets and making{ sugar for over a week now, and the results have been highly satisfactory, ,.says the 'News -Record, The sugar is excellent in duality, surpassing that of the initial year. A number of Cargill youths broke in. to C. W. Iteeling's store in that village and tarried off goods to the value of x$35. Mr. Briggs, county constable, got tho boys to own up to the burglary, and their parents aro making good Mr. Keel- ing's loss. Mrs. Fred. Laine, St. George, Ont: "My little girl would cough so at night that neither she nor I could get any rest. 1 gars her Dr. Wood's Norway Pfeil Syrup and am thankful to say it cured bur Dough quickly." Mrs. Morrison, widow of the late Mr. Hector Morrison, for inany years an old s and highly respected resident of Kinloss, died in Sanilae, Mich., on the 14th fust , at the ripe old ago of SO 3 ears. The body was taken to Lucenow and interr- ed is Kinloss cemetery. Lever'ar.Z(Wise Head)Disinfectant Soap Powder is a boon to any home, It disin- fects aud cleans at the same tem. One of our subscribers, says the Clles- ley Enterprise, looked through the bible to find scripture to justify hila in using tobacco, but found only one passage. It is found in the last chapter of Revela- tions and is the second clause of the lith verse. We will het that every one at the old sinners who use tobacco will read that verse within au hour after reading this paragraph. • • Leeds has among its delicacies at pre- sent tinned frogs and tinned aud live snails. The demand for them is not however general and preserved snails at 3s 9d. per tin, "hang fire" as the shop- keepers says The demand for tiuned goods has shown a tendency to diminish in recent years in Yorkshire and this has been largely owing to the occasional deterioration in the quality. A herd of 26 cows belonging to Mr. H. G. Mills, near St. Thomas, were sold by auction at the average price of $51.25 each, and two-year-old heifers sold from X$16 to ;50. The good prices were due to the fact that dairying has paid better in that section than for 20 years. On Thanksgiving Day D. Ferguson. market clerk of Goderich was married at Varna to Mrs. Hammen, who for the past couple of years has been a resident iceremony of Godes Goderich. The was er- p formed at the residence of Mrs. Hann. well's son in the presence of a number of guests by the Rev. R. A. Minor. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signaturo �/%f � of ✓L•C�,it -44: Rev. Judson 'White, of the famous White Rros., the singing evangelists preached in the Tavistock Baptist Church a few Sundays ago. At the close of the services he was invited to accept the pastorate of the church, to which he consented. He entered upon his pastoral duties on Sunday of last week. On Monday, October 19th, David McDouald,a former well known resident of Ethel, and 12th concession of Elma, passed over to the great majority, aged 85 years and two months. Mrs. Mc- Donald diedon July 20th, 1886, For the past 8 years Mr. McDonald made his home with his son-in-law, Wm. Hab- There passed away on Wednesday, Oct. 14th, an old and respected citizen of Gorrie, in the person of .Mr. Geo. Gough, at the age of 75 years, Deceas- ed had been sick for some time. He was a limeburner and had worked for Mr. Hamilton of the 6th con., for the past 22 years. The funeral was conducted by the Orange Order of which he was a highly honored member. He leaves to mourn his loss a sorrowing widow and six grown up children. One of the items published in last week's Stratford Beacon taken from the Beacon of October llth, 1864, reads as follows: --"On Saturday and Sunday last we had our first snow storm for the season. Eyerythiug was white ou Sun- day morning and furs and overcoats were in. demand. Such weather in the early part of October is unusual in this section. The storm was so great that the new house which Mr. Scown was building was blown down and the ma- terial destroyed." Mr, W. McQuillan, the popular reeve of West Wawanosh. was quite success- ful in securing a number of prizes at Dungannon show—for general purpose team, 1st; general brood mares, let and 3rd; aud general purpose foals, 1st and 2ad, and for best foal in heavy classes. Mr. John McDermnaid received the di- ploma given by Manager Williams, of the Bank of Commerce, Goderich. Mr. McQuillan's foal was pronounced to be almost equal and Judge McMillan had a difficulty in deciding. However he highly recommended Mr. Mc ui11Au s. His Workship the Mayor and Mrs. Hamilton have returned from a visit to Rockford, Ill., where they were the guests of the Mayor's brother-in-law, Mr. John Anderson. They had a most enjoyable time, While in Rockford Mayor Hamilton had the pleasure of shaking hands with the oldest mason in the world, Mr. Olezo Eddy. He is 90 years of age and has been for 78 years a member of the Masonic order. Mr. Eddy is remarkably active for his age. His Worship also met Mr. Frank Sully, the heaviest policeman in the world. He was weighed in the presence of the Mayor and tipped the scales at 512 pounds.—Guelph Mercury. Muddy Complexions Pale, sallow, yellow skin tells of a tor- pid, sluggish liver and impurities in the blood which will be entirely removed when Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are used. This great medicine awakens the action of the liver, invigorates the kidneys and regulates the bowels. As a kirk, Teeswater. result digestion is improved,bodily pains disappear and the health is benefited in For O.pr Sixty years. every way. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mr Winslow's SoothingSyrap has been -used Pointed Paragraphs. for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers • From the Chicago News. for their children while teething, with Perfect success. It soothes the child, t Most people are good nurses when it softens the gams, allays all pain, cures E comes to nursing animosity. Wind colic, and is the best remedy for ' The charming young widow looks out diarrhea. It is pleasant to the taste. 1 Sold by druggists in every part of the for Ivo. 1 by looking out for No. 2. valueis incalculable. esure you as world. Twentyffve cents a, bottle. Its! When it comes to stepping into a for - for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and tune no man objects to putting his foot take no other kind. ! in it, • When you hear a man speak of a Farmers will be glad to know that baby as "it" you can safely bet that he's lump jaw on cattle can be easily cured, i a bachelor. A dram of iodide of potash is given twice 1 Some men work overtime in trying to a day for two weeks to 20 days. Fox lay tip something for the rainy days of cattle weighing 1200 pounds or more the their grandchildren. dose is somewhat increased but lessened The female who is homely enough to for calves. If pus be present in the stop a clock isn't a success when it comes lump it should be let out by incision. to stopping a street car, About 80 per cent of recoveries may be Love may laugh at locksmiths, but it It is impossible for a women to pre. erve a secret so it will peep. The lazy amu would rather sit down aud dope than go after a certainty. It is better to have loved and lost thau to be the victim of a breach of promise suit. A man usually gets the last word in au argument with his wife because she gives it to him. The good Samaritan didu't wait to be introduced to the emu who had fallen among; thieves. It is easy to acquire the knack of kiss- ing if the party of the other part knows his or her business. If the kitcheu fire could be lighted by spontaneous combustion then might bo fewer domestic goarrels. The winter girl cuts a figure ice, but the snmmer girl must figure of her own to cat auy ice beach. A women seldom gets into the spin - star class because of the objectionable clause in the marriage service relating to obedience Lots of men, like bad mucilage, stick to nothing. No point of order is iu order when a woman has the floor. Even if a man doesn't manage to come out ou top his hair will. A man can drink himself tighter than a womau can lace herself. Only a fool girl would elope with a baseball player who isn't a good catch. Tho peek-a-boo waist will soon give way to the low-aud-behold opera gown. wo- man's is almost as risky to praise a o- man's husband to her face as it is to criticize him. Brevity instead of being the soul of wit is at times an indication of the pov- erty thereof. on the have a on the expected. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases pat together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed locaireme- dies, and by constantly failing to cure With local treatment, pronounced it in- curable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J, Cheney & Co, Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the mar- ket. Itis taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts direct- ly on the bleed and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to euro, Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. 0nxtsEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists 15e, Hall's Family Pills are the best. never even gives the poor installment collector a pleasant look. In contemplating what he has done for others, the average man is apt to overlook what others have done for him, While the proper study of mankind is man, there is more fun in studying wo- man, yet the longer man studies her the less he knows. Nothing is calculated to jar a woman like the masculine attention bestowed upon another women with an inferior wardrobe. "will you be mine" is a catch question for girls. It's a case of love's labor lost miles it gets into the union. An Old Story in Verse. Ho was a guileless college youth. That mirrored modesty and truth; And sometimes at his musty room His sister called, to chase the gloom, One afternoon, when she was there, Arranging things with kindly care, As often she had done before, There came a knock upon the door. Our student, sensitive to fears Of thoughtless comrades' laughing jeers, Had only time to make deposit Of his dear sister in a closet; '1'heu haste the door to open wide: His guest unbidden stept inside. He was a cheery -faced old man, And with apologies began For calling, and then let him know That more then fifty years ago When he was in his youthful bloom, He'd occupied that very room; So thought he'd take the chance, he said To see the changes time had made. "The same'old window, same old view— Ha, ha! the same old pictures, tool" And then he tapped them with his cane, Aud laughed his merry laugh again,, "Tile same old sofa I declare I Dear me! It must be worse for wear, The same old shelves !"And then he came And spied the closet door. "The same— Oh, my!" A woman's dress peeped through. Quick as he could he closed it to. He shook his head. "Ah l ah! the same Old game, young man, the same old game!" "Would yon my reputation slur?" The youth gasped ;"that's my sister, sir !" "All l" said the old man, with a sigh, "The same old lie—the same old lie ! " —"Judge." I'm Growing Old. (John Godfrey Saxe.) My clays pass pleasantly away; My nights aro blessed with sweet- est sleep: I feel no symptoms of decay; I have no cause to mourn or weep. My fees are impotent and shy; My friends are neither false nor cold, And yet, of late I often sigh— I'm growing .old! My growing talk of olden times. My growing thirst for early news, My growing apathy for rhymes, My growing love for easy shoes, My growing hate of crowds and noise, My growing fear of taking cold, All whisper. iu the plainest voice, I'm growing old! A Punctuation Mark Tragedy. (Philadelphia Telegraph.) $i$$ he was after,. Lorged for Faehion's swim, Bat she said with laughter She Cared 0 for him, ?? he propounded.. Caused uo exultation, Then became dunmbfouudec1 At her 1 'Twas like heaping ; Wire burning hot, For he'd staked his soul on Marriage with a , Sadie he made a for Neur«'st exit gate, Fouad he had no cash for Dinners that he 8. Quickly she relented," Wrote that she'd be his, Told him the repented. I11 ( ) Now they're living doable, Happy, strong and well; It seems the cause of trouble .Was a deadly ! ! Reflections of a Bachelor. ' From the Now York Press. A girl gets pretty near as much good out of singing lessons as a boy uses out of a college education. Some men are so good-natured they wouldn't find fault with their wives if they insisted ou makiug their ,living for them. A woman is as proud to meet the author of a novel as a man is to meet somebody who came very near being a candidate for Senator. What a woman likes about giving a card party with prizes is that if a wo- man she doesn't like wins the first she can change them around. A man who can pretend that he is having a good time ou a visit in some- body else's house is the same chap who can make his wife believe the only re- gret he has in life is that he did not marry her five years sooner. Nearly 3,000,000 hundred -weight of sugar is used yearly by brewers in Eng- land. The average ilecome derived from house property in England is 5 1-2 per cent. I'm growing fonder of my staff; I'nm growing dimmer in the eyes; I'm growing fainter in my laugh; I'm growing deeper in my sighs; I'nm growing careless of my dress; I'm growing frugal of any gold; I'm growing wise; Pm growing—yes, I'm growing old! I see it in my changing taste; I see it in may changing -hair; I see it in my growing waist; I see it in my growing hair, A thousand signs proclaim the truth, As plain as truth was ever told, That even in my vaunted youth, I'm growing old! Ah me ! My very laurels breathe The tale in my reluctant ears, And every boon the hours bequeath But snakes me debtor to the years. E'en Flattery's honeyed words declare The secret she would vain withhold, And tells me in "How young you are I" I'm growing oldl Thanks for the years whose rapid flight My somber muse too sadly sings; Thanks for the gleam of golden light That tint the darkness of their wings -- The light that beams from out the sky, Those heavenly mansions to uphold, Where all are blest and none may sigh, "I'm growing old l" WANTED—A trustworthy gentleman or lady in each county to mnanaee business for an 001 established house of solid financial standing: A straight, bona lido weeklyselary of $18.00 pnaairs by check each Monday Wit h all expenses dorcet from headquarters. Money advanced for ex. pulses, Enclose addressed enttelope. Manager,. JO0 Caatoit Bldg., Chicago. S CANADA, the best Fur producing country in the world — Toronto, its industrial centre—we are the biggest Fur- riers in Canada. These Furs are guar- anteed as advertised, w ell made, and of good material. If )purchase is not satis- factory your money will be refunded. Alaska .UUI Sable •e made of superior Fur with full collars and t r i m m ed with six or eight tails gs inches long. Sold anywhere in America for Stip, our special price this season $7.50, Gentlemen's Fur-li ned Overcoats Beaver outside with O t t e r collars and lapels lined with splendid Muskrat. The big- gest bargain on the catalogue $50. Write for catalogue. THE W. & D. DINEEN CO., LIMITED COR. YONCE & TEMPERANCE STS., TORONTO Farming For Profit... Every Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business yrrinciples. Guess work and haphazard methods are no longer used by successful and up-to-date far- mer:;. 13y Leading Tun, WEEK ,'It Suri, the Farmer's Business Paper; you will get the very latest and most accurate in- formation regarding your busi- ness. Taro Sail's market reports are worth many times the sub- scription price to you. Every Farmer in Canada should realize the full value of the service Tam Still has ren- dered him in a public way. It was duo to the action of THE Sus in giving voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to cattle guards, drainage across rain ways, and farm fires caused by railway locomotives has been amended. We will send Tint WEEKLY Sax from now to lst January, 19O , in combination with (TJ . .Mt aKr,.Pa ti n.'� -.. THE 0=f13 -F4 GY C TO 8t. K` FAMILY Doctors are all right as general practitioners, but they are not spec,aliste. The sexual organs com- prise the most intricate and important system in the n. human human body and require the most skillful treatment. Yon might as well expect a blacksmith to repalr your watch, as a family physician to cure Sexual complaints. We have made a specialty of these diseases for over 30 years, have invested tens of thousands of dollars and have every facility known to medical science to cure them. Every case is taken with a positive guarantee of No Cure—No Pay. BLOOD PFOIF',ON—Whether inherited or acquired, is positively cured forever. The virus is eliminated from the system so no danger of return. hundreds of cases cured by us 25 years ago and no return; best evidence of a cure, NERVOUS DEBILITY -and other complications, such as emissions, drains in the urine, varicocele, sexual *weakness, etc., are cured by our New Method Treat. went under a positive guarantee—NO CUPoE-•NO PAY. WE CURE ALL DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMEN. Consultation Free. Books From Write for question blan,r for private Home Treatment. Everything confidential. DRS.N KE' NEDY & KERG,AN, 148 ®HML• BY STREET. DETROIT, MICH. .K•&:K 'Pk ix, K' K cry K8r k K-. ,K Clubbing Offers 1903-04 .t•q•{ .g.❖i••p•.j i• :.;..;.:,..o f..;..1. `i••1••b•1• : •F••i••A THE TIMES announces the following low -rater Clubbing Offers for 1903-04 Times till Jan, 1st, 1905 $1 00 Times and Weekly Globe with 8•page illustrated supplement 1 60 Times and Family Herald' and Weekly Star, with premium Maps of the Dominion of Canada and the Province of Ontario 1 75 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire. 1 75 Times and Weekly Witness .. 1 60 Times and Western Advertiser.. 1 50 Times and Weekly Sun.. 1 75 Times and Daily Globe 4 35 Times and Farmers' Advocate 1 75 Times and Toronto Daily Star. 2 20 t'` "'- Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1 15 t, . Times and Toronto Daily News 3 00 We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can give you dubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine published. The above are our FIXED RATES, marked down so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use asking for cheaper rates. In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new subscribers for the BALANCE 1)F 1903 FREE. The rates quoted are for either new or renewal snbscriptions. All subscribers• will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers. 1 Give the Timesa trial subscription. From now to Jan. lst, 1904, for 100. Call at the office, or address— THE TIMES OFFICE .. DI;AVEII i3L001C T 1s Wingham Times, fel $115 ,TOP PIT111✓ s ltEL'r. WTNGHAM..