HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-10-29, Page 1WINGHAJ4_TIMES.. VOL XXXIL—NO, 1655 WIE J1I M, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 190 1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE SIGN OF THE. BIG BEAR There should be no doubt about where to go,when in need of Gents Fur- nishings. An experi- ence of years in this line of business has given us an insight into the requirements of the people of this vicinity, and our many satisfied customers give ample evidence that what they get here is always the newest and best to be had anywhere. Our shelves and count- ers are now replete with the most fashionable goods, and the prices are, as usual, within easy reach. You are invited. to call and see what we have in Fall and Winter Overcoatings and Suitings. We feel sure they will please you. Remember, we sell cheap llomiith Bros. A Food Drink One of the most nourishing bever- ages is cocoa, It is very healthful. 1t is said that cocoa contains every element necessary to sustain life. In cold weather no other drink is so strengthening,so warming so invigor- ating. I have all the popular tested makes, that have become favorities by test. Ask for any kind you like. It is here at its lowest price. Fresh Oysters always on hand R. A. Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY Prompt Delivery., - Phone 69. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by FRANK PATEHSON, No. 23 Victoria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINGHAM Who Wants a Farm 1 I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands for sale, in 60, 76, 100, 160 and 200 acres, lots in Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms. Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song. Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap. A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. Also a wagonskiop, A general store with large trade, live village. Also a large amount of money to loan at 6 per cent. For further par- ticulars apply to J. A. MacKENZIE, Insurance Agent. Holyrood. Capital paid up, $ 2,980,000 Reserve Fund and • Undivided profits $ 3,330,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. A. E. GIBSON, Manager. B. Vanstone. Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. LNo the Real Estate Buyer matter where located I am sure I can save you some money, unless the circumstances under which you buy are very exceptional. No matter what kind of a property or business you aro going to buy write me or call before closing a deal. I can and shall make it profitable to you to buy through me. My extensive advertising keeps me constantly in touch with property owners in every part of the country, and I can find exactly the property you want in a very short time. C. J. MAGUIRE, Real Estatd"Agent. Vanstone block, Wingham. Capital alpaid up,$2r 0 00, 000.00. Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00. Total Assets, $22,000,000. President— BoN. Wat. GlnsoN. Vice -President and General Mannger —J. TVRxnttrr.. DIRMOTORS George Roach, John Proctor, A. B. Lee, John S. Hendrie, Goo. Rutherford. .Assistant General Manager -11. S. STEVEN. Inspector -•-H. M. WATSON. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. n Arrears. Subscribers This week the Teat s is sending out a number of accouuts o subscribers who are in arrears. T e accounts. taken singly, are very sin 1, but in the aggre- gate they amount t a large sum. We are in need of mone and will be pleased to have a remittau from every flub - scriber who is in ar ears. Tenders wanted at once to take the job of moving a barn. Apply to Geo. Fretwell, Lower Wiugham. The Pubti Meeting. All the ratepayer and property -hold- ers of Wingham sh uld attend the pub- lic meeting in the own Hall on Tues. day evening next. The question of the purchase of the el •trio light plant will be discussed. Th mayor and members of the council wil give facts and figures bearing.on the qu stion now before the ratepayers. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- eed to cure headache. Woman's Ins itute Meeting. The regula>• mee ng of the Woman's Institute will be h d in Chisholm's hall, Wingham, ou Fric ay, November 6th, at 2.30 p. In. All lac.ies are cordially in- vited to attend. MONEY TO LOAN at 4% per cent. on easy terms of repayment. Apply to A, Dulmage, Kent Block, Wingham. Savings Bank—Hours 10 to o 8; Saturday, day, 10 totDeposits of l end upwards received. In- terest allowed, and computed on the 80th No- vember and Slat May each year and added to -principal. Stamina sits also received at current re Drafts on Great 13ritain and the United n sold. end States Relight '1'ravotlereare notified that tete H ank of Ram- Ilton and its Bratiehes issue.Circular Rates of 1Tstienal Prov tial Hank of England, Limited, avbioh can behh d tvltwhorlt charge or trou- ble inany p 1V5 tIOILBOULD, Agent Altilitursozr Ii0hII1ona, Solfottorz+. Annual '1 The twentieth a oia'1 Winter Fair Dec. 7th to llth, 1 combination of, bo cattle, sheep, swi dairy 'show at whi ed in prizes. Thi hibition which uo progress can affor Send details of your property, and price to C. J. Maguire, and he will find you a buyer. Will Continu Mr. Chas. McCle treasurer of the B nearly twenty yea this week to the eft' last week's issue fr re the Belgrave fal out of business is f says the directors h go out 6f the fair iety has never yet past year's busbies and equal to forme inter Fair. nal Ontario Provin- 11 be held at Guelph, 03. This will be a h live and dressed and poultry., also a li over $7,500 is offer - is fin agricultural ex- armer who desires to to miss. Dr. Ovens of London, M. R. C. S. L. R. C. P. specialist, eye, ear, nose and throat, will be in Wingham, at Camp- bell's drug store, Monday, Nov. 2nd. Glasses properly fated. Healthy Hu on County. The report of the Provincial Board of Health shows two =oaths from tubercu- losis in Stephen tnship; one death from typhoid fever n Exeter, and a case of typhoid fever n Grey township. These were all the ases of contagious diseases reported fri .. Huron county in August. Huron co • ty is well up to the front as being o of the healthiest counties iu the prov ce. NOTICE.—The question is: How can Robt. McIndoO loan his money so cheap on notes and mortgages? Call and See. RoxT. MOINDOo. Fall Show. land, who has been grave fall fair for writes the TIMES t that the item in our m the Ripley Express show people going se. Mr. MoOlelland ve not decided to business. The Soc- tad a deficit and the as been satisf, story years. • A few good feedio a tw • ear -old steers for sale. Good weig : and good quali- ty. Apply to D. ST ART. STOVES—All kinds, at bargain prices, as we need money and must sell stoves. Call and see what we have. A. YOUNG & Sole, Woodmen of Camp National, N men of the World he n largely fula d g y atten I. 0.0. F. hall on of lastw Week. Mr. G. Grand Organizer, who ham for some days ha candidates on hand fo Ramplin has the work in good style and the were we p l well leased wi ceremony. After the evening had been cone gram of songs, reoitat mental music was retic was served before the inn's proceedings. 0 now in a healthy and tion M a result of hair, town. he World. o d � 139, of the Wood• d a very success• n` ed ��eeting in the dnesday evening C. Ramplin, the has been in in - cis W it g a number of new initiation. Mr, cf Woodoraft up new candidates the initiation business of the Udell a short ltro• ons and inetrue Bred and a inncll lOse of the even. v nip National Is egressive condi• lnplin's stay in l e F. y► i ee. _ 1 . _ : ►+ st - �rr: , eta' Purchased Gr Messrs. Wade B pu rchased Mr. H. M and crockery busin illness, disposed of t John Humberstone latter is now in Po berstone has had s ience in the grocery ness. He intends m town from Ripley house. We weleom of Wingham, and success in his busine Norton—Those o call at old stand be as I am leaving t and oblige. 4,00 ery Business. ea., who recently Tudhope's grocery ss have, owing to e business to Mr. of Ripley and the ssien. Mr. Hum- veral years exper- ud crockery busi- ing his family to t once to secure a him as a resident wish him every Hallowe'en Hallowe'en comes on week and it is to be hop tice of injuring property, ged in, will be discontinu tics belongs to a by. should neither be tolerate ed, for no one has the rig with what belongs to snot anks, aturday of this that the praG- o often indul- d. The prac- ne age and. or encourag- e to interfere er, A Clubbing 0 The Montreal Weekly model of careful condense chaff winnowed from t paper for home and farm. elevating, informing. A journal. It and the TIniE for only $1.15. Sample Herald sent on applicatio seeu at our office. The b year will be given free to ers. Read advt iu auoth full list of T1n1Es dubbin er. Herald is a ion. All the e wheat. A; Wholesome; great dollar for one year opies of The •or may be ante of the ew subscribe column for offers. trels. mons minstrel their show. absolutely new grand military cents soldiers The electric makes it one ver introduced Guy, who has is back in his s year. Don't at opera house s week. Plan at Douglass' Guy Bros. Min Year after year these f men add new features t This season bverytbing i from start to finisb. Th spectacular first, part pi camping iu South Africa effect with colored lights of the prettiest settings in minstrelsy. Mr. Wm. been bliud for two years old place ou the stage th miss seeing the big show on Friday evening of th of hall and tickets on sa drug store. ing re will kindly aturday noon, that afternoon, H. M. TUDHOPE. Masonic Lo Messrs. Walker Wingham uphols filling a large. order niture for the Maso stroke, B. 0. The the furniture on M ale the best in tl ever seen. The w finished oak, whi blue colored loathe have a large trade ' in Manitoba and t lodge furniture th on should be a goo ge Furniture. & Clegg, of the ring factory are or lodge room (ur- ic Lodge at Revel - was man inspected nday afternoon and at line that he has dwork is of nicely h is upholstered in . Walker & Clegg upholstered goods West. The set of are now working advt. for them. Dr. Brown L. R. C. P. London, Eng- land, Graduate of Londou, New York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Wiugham, 4th Wednes- day in each month. Hours from 2 to 0 p. m. The Talk of The decision of th Commissioners has s interest all over Can however, Canada h Yankees. By clever dein firm is the first duce new maps sho territory and the Co The Family Herald Montreal have been siou to go ahead wit the Dominion, 1 w l the n dispute: also andIps Pacific line, New, On everything up•to-dat li is we believe price they have decided to lately free to all s great family weekly subscriber will also r colored pictures, e along with the Fa whole year, for one s ur rico if they can A that is sure to com publishers adept the miums in the order i tions reach thern so t get on their ' with li$ is TI.rtitS and Family ler Star (premiums 1 ary let, 1905 for $1.7 e Dominion. Alaskan Boundary irred up an intense da. In one point, s outstripped the oresight a Cana - America to pro- ing the dispute missioners' nd Weekly anti the) WANTED—Fresh eggs 20c.— aoked eggs 10o. ; alio fowl (uu¢raw , dried apples and butter. Our oak of dress goods, silks, furs etc, 'not excelled. GEO. E. KING. Wird. tar of i g the r ma h� deci- ew p of shows the territory Trunk u w Grand ario acid in fact . The publishers' 60 copy, per but end a coAy abso. bscribers to that or 1904. 4 As each eine two beautiful h 22x28 inches, ly Herald for a oiler, it will be a n ads the u 1 business siness their way. The ule of sending pre. which subscrip- at it will pay to itd elay . Jerald andeVireek- eluded) till :anti. See J, Button & Co's Boots and Shoes Curlers All parties in Wi terested in the "ro quested to attend a the Firemen's Hall next, when the Wi will be re•organiz season, Alt last ye quested to be preset Purchased F ttention. gleam who are iu- game are re• eetiug to be held in n Monday evening ham Curling Club d for the conning rs players are re - Mr. W. F. VanSt 100 acres of land iu _from W. H. Gibson, The sale was negoti Maguire, real estat Stone some time ago acres adjoining this has 200 acres in a bl Ladies Don't Red This. After carefully thinki g the matter over we have decided th it is our duty to publish the followings lection for the benefit of our male subso 'hers, but as it should not be read by lad s we insert it wrong side up, so that•th a may be no possibility of giving affen e: •proeti eat; no parva 'mogemos a; al soh pee •--peat Spueilu e,e 2a1>;aero3 u oq saneo nab aehuna t e •Atogs ro do„ptt.11 9 sue I ''moment[ no 'pale (netts q 'menet Oa eoa gt(tuo ells ? 'aromom u sejaaom Salga&a' t , m Property, ne has purchased West Wawauosh, 1 Crenbrook, B.C. ed by Mr. 0. J. agent. Mr. Van- rchased the 100 lace, and he now ok. New Orders There is couside among the brakem Canadian Pacific: 16 count of the repor them must supply duster and pail. for the brakemen sweep and dust th of a run where th regular cleaners. trains will be com tuition to the con ing vans. 04 puri 0tas 31 motif ea s sang asatis 4 sa0B cgs 11 -noS qua memos sin p s,e101:14 31 o Brakemen. able dissatisfaction employed on the ilway system on ao- that each one of imselt with a broom, will be necessary f passenger trains to coaches at the end company have no rakemen of freight died to pay more at - tion of their sleep - Card of Thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. through the TIMES to tend thanks to the menibe s Fire Brigade and oth att wish their hearty the Wieghatn , who assisted at the fire in their pr. '..iees ou Monday morning. They also wish to thank the number of people who so kindly proffer- ed them accommodation iu their homes. Died in the West. Walter Campb 1, son of Mrs. Jas. Campbell, of St. I elens, died at Flem• ay last, aged 43 years. band does not give the illness of de- n his death was in the brain. The ngham on Tuesday . and were cop - of his mother on Mr. Campbell had west for somettime ter visiting his old •anosh and returned oh last. The bereaved e the symathy of it affliction. ing, Assa., on Fri The information td particulars as to ceased, further tl caused from a tum remains arrived in evening per C. P. veved, to the hom Wednesday mornin been residing in th and spent last wi home in West Wa to the West in Ma relatives will h many friends in tl The Ne ' Mr. D. McGregor chopping plant at hi St, North, will be r Nov. 7th, The pla when completed w mills in this part of to a sttike in the the machinery is months delay has quently the choppi ran this wiuter nn machinery tau be the mill. Watch f issue. New Sto With our issue will commence th story, "A Lost W ett Oameron. Th interesting story a readers will appr critic writes of the most beautiful and will linger in the m has been read. Th with many bits of h pathetic in themselv time to subscribe for the opening chapters New subscribers get year free. 12 yon w in connection with th clubbing offers in ano see prices. y in Times. f November 5th we publication of a new fe," by Mrs. H. Lov- is said to be a very d we feel sure our ciate it. A capable story thus:—"It is a touching story, and mory long after it pathos is blended mor that aro even s." Now is a good the TIMES and get of the new story. he balance of this t another paper TIMES read our er column, and MM. puounces that the uew mill, Josephine ening on and after it is all new, and 1 be one of the finest the Country. Owing aohine shops where being [Wade several been caused, conse- ig plant only will be it the balance of the roenred to complete r advt. in our next STOVES. --Wood stoves, coal stoves, ranges, and everything you may require in the stove line, both uew and second hand, at prices that will snrprize you. A. YOUNG & Sore Accident on What might have deut happened race Lind. While orossi in Lower Wingbam home she heard the behind her and kept as to allow the wagg pass. Suddeuly,how by the projecting en thrown violently to tunately she fell to on waggou wheels and t getting off with t shoulder. The team belouging to Mr. A. advertently frighten ron Bridge leen a serious acci- ly to Miss Maggie ig the iron bridge �n the way to her umble of a waggon ell to one side so n ample room to ver.she was struck of the rack and the ground. For - side escaping the e horses' feet, and slightly bruised vas a young one urrie and was in. $ by a small boy. Owing to the advance in pr of all kinds of stock, the undors• ued black- smiths of Wiugh In a raised the price of horse -she The new prices will take effect fr the first of Novem- ber. A. S. MURRAY, W. HOLMES, A. NICoL. T. L. JOBB, Monday On the first da weather the Win few hours of hat o'clock on Mond on Josephine str Thos. Watt and mage was found started from eit chimney and wa of the building quickly on the s P till throe streams fire was a hard ot� flames were confi building, but the the firemen did Mr. Marling° toM. w the building will n other repairs. Mi greater part of t1 furniture and furni trebly i rube dams i g ed n ber of boarders in t of their effects. It time for a fire and boarders will have rg e in soon ing temp Watt's loss bn the covered by insurand Ur. Drainage earrie talding. .04 aos ,t Dr. Butler of London will bo at Queen's Hotel, Wingham on Thursday and Friday, November 26 -27th, for ' treatment of diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. orningi Fire. of genuine winter ham firemen had a work. About 9.80 morning the house et, occupied by Mr. wned by Mr. A. Dul- o be on fire. The fire er the stove pipes or first seen in the attic The firemen were t and it was not long were at work. The e to master as the ed to the attics of the eneral opinion is that ood work. The loss 1be nearly arl $1,000 as e d a new roof and . Watt saved the contents, but the hings were consid. oving• Thenum. o house saved most fs a very unfortunate Mr. Watt and the onsidorable trouble any quarters. Mr. contents is partly , but we understand no insurance on the Defaced Coins. The Hamilton problem of how to ed coins placed ou t one which has for a trustees and other ch s. The ch urch � to take a lot of de The amount of un l on tele coIcti n . e o 1 very often mini Frequently coins and defaced that t cannot get rid of t church or treasur loser. To overco respect the treasu byterien churches in an appeal to th Ottawa to redeem latiou all mutilate collection plates. the other churche pectator says: The et rid of the mutilat- e collection plates is long time puzzled the fficials Of local char- s, it is claimed, have ed and bad money. assable money placed ales every Sunday g into the dollars. e so badly battered e church treasurers epi, and either the ✓ is consequently a e the difficulty in this ers of the local Pres- rave decided to unite proper authorities at nd take out of circa - money found on the f they are successful will follow suit. EVERY BOX OF 44«4»4. Douglass' Drspapsia Tablets are guaranteed to give sat- isfaction in all fortes of stomach troubles—or money refunded. DOUG LASS Thee Druggist, I have room for two , tudents ifi' the Telegraph Office. STOVES.—Call and see our assortment of stoves and get our prices. We have a large stock on hand and will sell them at a very low price. A. YOUNG & SON. A boon to the afflicted: he is ling again T. P. Smith, Eye Spe ist, will be iu Wingham at olio Campbell's drug store on Thur dad; ovember 19th, "one day only." 'you have any de - feet in your eyesight it will pay you to call and sae him. Examination free. Call early and avoid the rush. New Ontario Enterprise. The following fr Press 'News Bullet reference to the which Messrs. H. C and A.H.Oarr of th' --Mr. Wm. Presto two of the leadin furniture and woo established at For particulars were a pounced in the Free Press to -day are in the city on business connected with the enterprise. They confirm the information published and state that no time will be lost in getting winter operation under way. A large quantity of logs vill be cut and deliver- ed at the saw rniq to be erected on Rainy Lake and which Will be ready for oper- ation by the time'navigation opens and logs can be towed"; The company will m for tow- er goodsized Stas also build a ing aud freighti ht carrying purposes and a smaller one to ply; on the river. Mr. Bell states that there is an immense quantity of good umber in the Rainy Lake country, suitable for the ch eapper classesoffurnitue such as ash,bass- wood, wood, birch, etc.p These materials are now scarce in the east and freights being high he is satisfied that a furniture fact ory such as they "intend to establish at Rainy Lake for purposeof supplying the northwest tr de can be made a great sutrass financial' When all the mills and tactortee are i:, Operation a large faro of men w 1 be employed. The mills and fa will vile be built east of of the town of him Frances on Rainy Lake in order to void the rapids on Rainy river which would be an obstaelo to nagation, m the Winnipeg Free a of October 12th has new enterprise in Bell, D, Robertson town are interested : i and Mr. H. O. Bell, promoters of the ware factories to be Frances, of which Get the Rest ---It pays, CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. BEST RACE IN CANADA-- for ANADA"4'for securing a thorough business education or a superior shorthand' training, Our graduates are always successful iri gettine. positions. THIS SCHOOL INVARIABLY GIVES ITS STUDENTS MORE THAN THEY EXPECT. Write for catalogue. Enter this month if possible. W. J. ELLIOTT PRINOIPA L. High Infa Mortality. Toronto, Oat., 0 t. 27.—The provin- cial health departm ut has entered upon an investigation wi h a view to ascertain' if possible, a mean of preventing the re- markably liigh mo ality among voting children in Ontario Last year out of a 27,863 deaths recor ed there were 6,003 • infants. Since 18 7 the deaths of in- fants have reache 38,213, out of a total of 109,576. The ortality is thought to be due largely to either parental ignor- ance or parental eglect. Last year Ot-'‘ taws had the hig est death rate among infants. This wa accounted for by the presence iu the ca ital of so many charit- able institutions, f m one of which the House of Bethle em, returned 106 deaths. Well Dressed Feet Our new Fall Stvles in Women's Footwear win every fe=minine heart. Our variety is large enough and ' our assorttneut of t •�Idtb.V and sizes is broad enough to please every taste and fit every foot. iri and Such good leathers as � ' IdealKids, '1 � a I s and Patent Gi f ? here in abundance, made right up to the moment in style. Our Special 1 lines are our $2.00, $2.80, $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes, and if there aro better Shoes on earth for the money we don't know it. Wedors u n c iri - and do P g right. Bring along your Shoes. W Gr The Shoe October and :November Brides are now ordering their wedding stationery from us. We are spe- cial in this line, and you may de- pend on getting the correct thing. We sell both the priuted bend en- graved forms. Ask for samples and prices. WI J... E Mallagh• Wedding Stationery Specialist BRANTFORD, - CANADA. ey e � io t 1 segom4 "Name wgEys Chocolate We always steak of these 5e, 10e, 23c, 83c then' and be convinced Sole Walton Next dont to -;.--.?-e- . �• i Yi v `1` � S�s4 t 1 . 3 f n . on Every Mem” Bon -Bons. have..h and assorted h fresh high -grads Choco nates and OOc packages. in Try of their superiority. agent for Wingham : cKib .bon DRUGGIST post off&ce. att wish their hearty the Wieghatn , who assisted at the fire in their pr. '..iees ou Monday morning. They also wish to thank the number of people who so kindly proffer- ed them accommodation iu their homes. Died in the West. Walter Campb 1, son of Mrs. Jas. Campbell, of St. I elens, died at Flem• ay last, aged 43 years. band does not give the illness of de- n his death was in the brain. The ngham on Tuesday . and were cop - of his mother on Mr. Campbell had west for somettime ter visiting his old •anosh and returned oh last. The bereaved e the symathy of it affliction. ing, Assa., on Fri The information td particulars as to ceased, further tl caused from a tum remains arrived in evening per C. P. veved, to the hom Wednesday mornin been residing in th and spent last wi home in West Wa to the West in Ma relatives will h many friends in tl The Ne ' Mr. D. McGregor chopping plant at hi St, North, will be r Nov. 7th, The pla when completed w mills in this part of to a sttike in the the machinery is months delay has quently the choppi ran this wiuter nn machinery tau be the mill. Watch f issue. New Sto With our issue will commence th story, "A Lost W ett Oameron. Th interesting story a readers will appr critic writes of the most beautiful and will linger in the m has been read. Th with many bits of h pathetic in themselv time to subscribe for the opening chapters New subscribers get year free. 12 yon w in connection with th clubbing offers in ano see prices. y in Times. f November 5th we publication of a new fe," by Mrs. H. Lov- is said to be a very d we feel sure our ciate it. A capable story thus:—"It is a touching story, and mory long after it pathos is blended mor that aro even s." Now is a good the TIMES and get of the new story. he balance of this t another paper TIMES read our er column, and MM. puounces that the uew mill, Josephine ening on and after it is all new, and 1 be one of the finest the Country. Owing aohine shops where being [Wade several been caused, conse- ig plant only will be it the balance of the roenred to complete r advt. in our next STOVES. --Wood stoves, coal stoves, ranges, and everything you may require in the stove line, both uew and second hand, at prices that will snrprize you. A. YOUNG & Sore Accident on What might have deut happened race Lind. While orossi in Lower Wingbam home she heard the behind her and kept as to allow the wagg pass. Suddeuly,how by the projecting en thrown violently to tunately she fell to on waggou wheels and t getting off with t shoulder. The team belouging to Mr. A. advertently frighten ron Bridge leen a serious acci- ly to Miss Maggie ig the iron bridge �n the way to her umble of a waggon ell to one side so n ample room to ver.she was struck of the rack and the ground. For - side escaping the e horses' feet, and slightly bruised vas a young one urrie and was in. $ by a small boy. Owing to the advance in pr of all kinds of stock, the undors• ued black- smiths of Wiugh In a raised the price of horse -she The new prices will take effect fr the first of Novem- ber. A. S. MURRAY, W. HOLMES, A. NICoL. T. L. JOBB, Monday On the first da weather the Win few hours of hat o'clock on Mond on Josephine str Thos. Watt and mage was found started from eit chimney and wa of the building quickly on the s P till throe streams fire was a hard ot� flames were confi building, but the the firemen did Mr. Marling° toM. w the building will n other repairs. Mi greater part of t1 furniture and furni trebly i rube dams i g ed n ber of boarders in t of their effects. It time for a fire and boarders will have rg e in soon ing temp Watt's loss bn the covered by insurand Ur. Drainage earrie talding. .04 aos ,t Dr. Butler of London will bo at Queen's Hotel, Wingham on Thursday and Friday, November 26 -27th, for ' treatment of diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. orningi Fire. of genuine winter ham firemen had a work. About 9.80 morning the house et, occupied by Mr. wned by Mr. A. Dul- o be on fire. The fire er the stove pipes or first seen in the attic The firemen were t and it was not long were at work. The e to master as the ed to the attics of the eneral opinion is that ood work. The loss 1be nearly arl $1,000 as e d a new roof and . Watt saved the contents, but the hings were consid. oving• Thenum. o house saved most fs a very unfortunate Mr. Watt and the onsidorable trouble any quarters. Mr. contents is partly , but we understand no insurance on the Defaced Coins. The Hamilton problem of how to ed coins placed ou t one which has for a trustees and other ch s. The ch urch � to take a lot of de The amount of un l on tele coIcti n . e o 1 very often mini Frequently coins and defaced that t cannot get rid of t church or treasur loser. To overco respect the treasu byterien churches in an appeal to th Ottawa to redeem latiou all mutilate collection plates. the other churche pectator says: The et rid of the mutilat- e collection plates is long time puzzled the fficials Of local char- s, it is claimed, have ed and bad money. assable money placed ales every Sunday g into the dollars. e so badly battered e church treasurers epi, and either the ✓ is consequently a e the difficulty in this ers of the local Pres- rave decided to unite proper authorities at nd take out of circa - money found on the f they are successful will follow suit. EVERY BOX OF 44«4»4. Douglass' Drspapsia Tablets are guaranteed to give sat- isfaction in all fortes of stomach troubles—or money refunded. DOUG LASS Thee Druggist, I have room for two , tudents ifi' the Telegraph Office. STOVES.—Call and see our assortment of stoves and get our prices. We have a large stock on hand and will sell them at a very low price. A. YOUNG & SON. A boon to the afflicted: he is ling again T. P. Smith, Eye Spe ist, will be iu Wingham at olio Campbell's drug store on Thur dad; ovember 19th, "one day only." 'you have any de - feet in your eyesight it will pay you to call and sae him. Examination free. Call early and avoid the rush. New Ontario Enterprise. The following fr Press 'News Bullet reference to the which Messrs. H. C and A.H.Oarr of th' --Mr. Wm. Presto two of the leadin furniture and woo established at For particulars were a pounced in the Free Press to -day are in the city on business connected with the enterprise. They confirm the information published and state that no time will be lost in getting winter operation under way. A large quantity of logs vill be cut and deliver- ed at the saw rniq to be erected on Rainy Lake and which Will be ready for oper- ation by the time'navigation opens and logs can be towed"; The company will m for tow- er goodsized Stas also build a ing aud freighti ht carrying purposes and a smaller one to ply; on the river. Mr. Bell states that there is an immense quantity of good umber in the Rainy Lake country, suitable for the ch eapper classesoffurnitue such as ash,bass- wood, wood, birch, etc.p These materials are now scarce in the east and freights being high he is satisfied that a furniture fact ory such as they "intend to establish at Rainy Lake for purposeof supplying the northwest tr de can be made a great sutrass financial' When all the mills and tactortee are i:, Operation a large faro of men w 1 be employed. The mills and fa will vile be built east of of the town of him Frances on Rainy Lake in order to void the rapids on Rainy river which would be an obstaelo to nagation, m the Winnipeg Free a of October 12th has new enterprise in Bell, D, Robertson town are interested : i and Mr. H. O. Bell, promoters of the ware factories to be Frances, of which Get the Rest ---It pays, CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. BEST RACE IN CANADA-- for ANADA"4'for securing a thorough business education or a superior shorthand' training, Our graduates are always successful iri gettine. positions. THIS SCHOOL INVARIABLY GIVES ITS STUDENTS MORE THAN THEY EXPECT. Write for catalogue. Enter this month if possible. W. J. ELLIOTT PRINOIPA L. High Infa Mortality. Toronto, Oat., 0 t. 27.—The provin- cial health departm ut has entered upon an investigation wi h a view to ascertain' if possible, a mean of preventing the re- markably liigh mo ality among voting children in Ontario Last year out of a 27,863 deaths recor ed there were 6,003 • infants. Since 18 7 the deaths of in- fants have reache 38,213, out of a total of 109,576. The ortality is thought to be due largely to either parental ignor- ance or parental eglect. Last year Ot-'‘ taws had the hig est death rate among infants. This wa accounted for by the presence iu the ca ital of so many charit- able institutions, f m one of which the House of Bethle em, returned 106 deaths. Well Dressed Feet Our new Fall Stvles in Women's Footwear win every fe=minine heart. Our variety is large enough and ' our assorttneut of t •�Idtb.V and sizes is broad enough to please every taste and fit every foot. iri and Such good leathers as � ' IdealKids, '1 � a I s and Patent Gi f ? here in abundance, made right up to the moment in style. Our Special 1 lines are our $2.00, $2.80, $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes, and if there aro better Shoes on earth for the money we don't know it. Wedors u n c iri - and do P g right. Bring along your Shoes. W Gr The Shoe