HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-10-22, Page 10TILE I'INGIIAM. TIMES, OCTOBER22, 1903 1 1 Ritchie & Campbell DRESS GOODS, SILKS AND TRIMMINGS HOUSE, Ritchie & Campbell. Women's Standard Kid Gloves In all the leading shades ; quality and wear guaranteed. Prices, from 75c to $L75 Women's and Misses' FAI•l, AND WINTER MANTLES Prices to Suit everyone. ,piii•UMII -..••••••••••.M.- Headquarters for the most up - to - date DRESS TRIMMINGS WOmEN's STA-Lisit = SHOES " Dorothy Dodd." Have you heard of the rise in Wool ? It has increased the value of our stock of Woollen Goods Io per cent. since we bought. But as our p •oes remain the same the added value is yours. The rise in wool th erefo just interests you to that extent. \-------v-WOOL BLANKETS. 68 x 72 Woollen Blankets for 6o x 68 Woollen Blankets for 6o x 66 Woollen Blankets for % $3.95 3.50 2.75 Special for Saturday io 5 dozen Ladies' Assorted Collars, 25c to •75c, for .25 10 Fur Ruffs, regular $5.00 and $6.00, for - 3.5o 5 pieces Flannelette, 36 inches wide, loc. Saturday .o8/ 4 pieces Towelling, regular toe and 12 C, for .o81 fo o8 - 10 Women's Mantles at HALF PRICE. Ritc:ie*& C - WINGHAITS DRESS GOODS AND ell TRII`IMINGS HOUSE. .r+rg.t ,ua ma,wxra.y. � ,illi w •r• �t11a, r. YOUR NEEDS ST 110 ERY Can be supplied at this store to your entire satisfaction. Try us and see. New shapes and colorings in SOCIETY STATIONERY Large variety of OFFICE STATIONERY SCHOOL STATIONERY AND SUPPLIES in abundance. Have you tried our leader in Lead Pencils, called " Cooper's Book Store 3 for 5c ?" If not, come in and we will (SIVE you a sample. They ars the best in Canada. Orders taken for Christmas Globe. COOPER & CO e (Successor:, to Ales. Rose.) Afew bargains FOR THIS WEEK A SNAP IN TEA. -A rattling good Indian, worth anyway 30c a lb., this week only, per lb„ - .21 NAIL BRUSHES -Reg. 5c, 3 for .10 CLOTHES PINS. -Price advanced recently, but yours this week, 4 dozen for - - - I3LUE--Laundry Blue. 4 sqnares in a package, 3 packages for - .10 'PEARL TAPIOCA -That is gener- ally sold at 31bs for 25c; Saturday only, 7 lbs for - - .25 FORCE -2 packages for - .23 OOFFBE-The best in town, done up in souvenir cannisters contain- ing 1 lb, ground while you wait, this week, - - .35 .05 1 GOLD DUST -Regular 25c size for .19 • We don't olefin to have everything in CROCKERY better than the other fel- low, bat we have the best there is, .at pieta a great deal lower than any others -wad. for NEW GOODS at that, Come is; we'll be pleased to show them, at Wade Bros., Grockery Men and Grocers. ti T adhope'a old stand, Winghain. MINOR LOCALS. - Listowel hockey club has been re- organized for the coming season. - The assessment of Toronto is $143,- 458,393, population 219,000. - The population of Montreal is now said to be 277,829. -Mr. D. E. McDonald shipped a car load of lambs to Buffalo on Monday. -W. F. VanStone shipped a double deck car load of hogs to Toronto on Monday. - TIM TIMES is sorry to learn that Mr. Jas. Carr has been seriously i11 for the past few days. -The late Dr. Landerkin is the six- teenth Senator who died during the present parliament. -The Toronto Exhibition Association will show a profit of about $50,000 on this year's exhibition. -The work of laying the cement blocks for the new stable for the Hotel Brunswick is about completed. -James McNamara of Seaforth has been appointed bailiff of the second Div- ision Court of Huron county. -The Young Ladies' Fortnightly Club will meet on Monday evening, Oct. 26th at the home of Miss Gregory, -Recently a Toronto man was badly bitten by a mule. This goes to show that a mule is dangerous at either end. -The Ripley Express says that the Directors of the Belgrave fall fair have decided to go out of the show business. -Mrs. Williams, mother of Mrs. (Rev.) A. G. Harris, formerly of Lucknow, died suddenly at her home in Toronto on Monday. -A meeting of the Wingham curlers will be held in a wliek or so to organize for the coming season. The date will be announced later. - The regular monthly meeting of Wingham Council, Canadian Order of Chosen Friends will be held on Monday evening next. Members are requested to attend. -Clinton people are paying six cents for a two pound loaf of bread. The Clin- ton New Era asks why they should pay that price, The price of bread has not been raised in Wingham. -A special meeting of Court Maitland, C. 0. F., will be held on Friday evening of this week, when a number of candi- dates are to be initiated. Members are requested to attend. -The final junior C. L. A. champion- ship lacrosse match played. in Seaforth on Thanksgiving Day between Wallace - burg and Elora, resulted in favor of Elora by a score of 9 to 1. -From all sections come reports of a repetition of the potato rot of last year. The tubers on clay soil are rotting bady it and is estimated that fully one-third of the yield on sandy soil is affected. -Miss Isabella Brown, died at the home of her sister, Mrs.John rowler,sr., of the Bluevale road on Sunday last. Deceased had been living with her sister for many years and was in her 81st year. -G. W. Walker of Gorrie is oat work, ing in the interests of the 0. 0. P. This is the fourth member of Court Gerrie, No, 57 to engage in this work, and no doubt he will prove as successful as the ethers in time. - Mr. W. F. VanStone shipped a car- load of winter apples on Wednesday, via C. P. R., to Deloraine, Man. - The practice of the small boy ringing door -bells has been causing household- ers some annoyance recently. - The issue of a new denomin, ition of postal notes for the sum of $10 each has been autherized under the postal note regulations now in force. -Walker Bros. & Button have receiv- ed a large stock of furniture for the fan and winter trade. They will have a new announcement in our next issue. - Mr. W. H.Green has this week built the fishway in the dam belonging to the Wingham Electric Light Co. The fish - way in the town dam will be put in next week. -Mr. Alf. Glover, the bustling and energetic local agent of the Massey -Har- ris Company, has an advertisement in another column which those in need of farm implements would do well to look ep. -Mr. Andrew 0.. Henderson who met with the serious accident at Bluevale recently is still lying at the home of Mr. Robt. Mason in that village. The doctors hold out but slight hopes for his recovery. -Mr. Jas. C. Ramplin, Grand Organ- izer for the Woodmen of the World has been in town for some days working in the interest of the local Tent. He has succeeded in adding a number of new members to the roll, -Dr. W. M. Brown will be at the Queen's hotel, Wingham,on Wednesday, Oct. 28th, from 2 to 9 o'clock p. m., for consultation in eye, ear, nose and throat cases. See notice elsewhere in this paper. -The first rehearsal for the Belshaz- zar's Feast entertainment will be held in Chisholm's hall this (Thursday) even- ing at 8 o'clock. All parties taking part in the entertainment should be in their places to -night. -The old favorites, Guy Brothers, will occupy the boards of the opera house on Friday evening, October 30th. Lar- ger and better than ever, it is claimed is the aggregation of fun makers which they bring with them. • -Mr. Jas. Walker, of the firm of Walker Bros. & Button, furniture deal- ers and undertakers,is now nicely settled in his new home in the Ritchie property on Scott street. Mr Walker now has a more convenient home. -Mr. R. Leatherdale, furniture deal- er, of Brussels, has been seriously ill for the past few weeks. He has been suffer- ing from rheumatism. Mr. Leatherdale has many friends in this section who will wish him a speedy recovery. -Mr. Robt. Maguire, of the lst line of Morris. held a very successful sale of farm stock and implements on Monday afternoon. The sale was *ell attended and the stock brought good prices. John Purvis was the auctioneer. -The many friends ,of Mr. Robert Cunningham, insurance agent of Guelph, will be grieved to learn thathe met with a painful aceident on Thursday. Ile was ascending a ladder to his barn loft, when it slipped and he, was thrown to the ground. Being a heavy man the fall gave him a bad shaking up. -The offer of The Tans and The Montreal Weekly Herald for $1.15 is exciting much comment. ,The ordinary emery is, "How can itbo (lone?" The fact is, it is being done, and many readers are already taking advantage of the alluring offer. To now Subscribers the papers will be sent for balance of the year free, -The town of Luoknow isiu darkness. Notice to Credito The council refused to sign a five year contract with Walter Stewart, owner of the electric lights, and Mr. Stewart promptly turned off the lights. Wing - hang ratepayers should vote for the by- law on November 10th and they will then never be in the fix that the Luck - now people now find themselves. MIR Z.1. w ln;r,x.EI(-In Tw uberrY, on October 10th, the bile of Arthur N) heeler ; a daughter. COWAN-In East Wawanosh, on October 10th the wife of Air. John Cowan ; a daughter, MCOur,t,Outtx-In Fordwlelt, on Oct 14th, the wile of hugh McCullough; a son. W('nc''ACatherine Harold, only daughter of fFlMor- and Mrs. L. Harold., aged 5 years, 0 months and 5 days. B 1 oe on eMKe11r B, wife att. e John Huie,, ag82 )tars. IONG-In Cranbrook, on Oct. 13th, Edwin Aifr d, son of Jacob and MY1ra. Long, aged 5 years, 3 months and 19 days. STEIN -In East Wawanosh,on Oct. iOtlt,Robt. Stem, aged 82 years and 5 months. BitowN. --In Morris, 00 O:tober 18, Isabella Brown, aunt of John Fowler, of the Btuevale road, aged 80 year., 13 months and 13 days. TwrmAla:.-In Seaforth, October 10th, nt "Ingleside," Dorothy Isabella, beloved wile of E. W. Twedalo, L. D. S., in her 34th year. MrTenera.-Oct. loth, 1103, at the family re- sidence, Spriii (, ,t t nerd' London, Ann, be- loved, wife of John Mitchell, waterworks gar. deter, aged 71 years, formerly a resident of Brussels. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. Night calls at Dutton Block, or resi- dence at Ritchie's property on Scott St. or third house west of school on John street. Shop opposite Macdonald block. FARM FOR SA TeARM FOR SALE containing acres, being 1' Lots 10 and 17, iron. 10, T nsliip of Grey. On this farm is a stone hoes with kitchen and woodshed, a bank bar 112 56 feet with stone stabling, and straw s c tl ith stone pig pen under it. There is a dmill on the barn, 20 acres of good hardwo bush on the place and 20 ilexes of swamp, the rest is cleared. There aro 15 acres of Fall wheat in. A good orchard of 3 acres. Terms -70 per cent. of the money can be left as a mortgage on the place at 4 and 4} per cent. Owing to the decease of Mr. Fis- cher the ftn'nm must be sold at once to close up estate. For further particulars apply to Mus. AuousT FISCHEa, on the farm, or Cranbrook P. O. a• J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing done. " OFFICE -In Vanstone Block. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is 11e001)3- given pursuant to R. 8. O., 1807, Chap. 120, See. 38, that all persons having claims against the estate of Jas. Hawthorn, late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the third day of Sept. A. D. 1903, are required to send by post prepaid to R.Van- stone, solicitor for the Executor at Wingham Post Orrice on or before the sixteenth day of November, A, D. 1903, their names, addresses and descriptions, and a full statement of par- ticulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified. and that after the said day the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated this 14th dny of October, A. D., 1903, R. VANSTONE. Wingham P. 0., Solicitor for Executor. STRAY ATTLE. OAME onto the prem sex of the undersigned, vv lots 51 and 52, Co cession 1, Turnberry, on or aboutthc 20th of June, one red heifer and one roan steer, bot rising two years old. Owner can have thein 1 y proving property and paying charges. oBT. j110k`MA'1T, Jamestown P. 0. FARM F t R SALE. ri'HE undersigned o 1choice ]00 -acre fat Wingham. 8.-5 acres cle wood bush. Bank hart foundation all aroun house 18 x 26; house. attached. Apply to L rs for sale or rent a n, within 11, miles of red ; 15 acres of hard - 60 feet square, stone • also an implement 8 x 20, small kitchen WRENCE FYFE, Wingham P. O. CR,D3RRUN RAILWAV iivort M` Hunters' Excursions. stations in Canada, Brockviillle And TRIP from Suspension Bridge, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Y.X., to "TETE HIGHLANr)S OF ONTARIO," Musltolta Lakes District. Lake of Bays, Mag- netewan River, Lake Nipissing, Severn to North Bay inclusive, Lindsay to Haliburton, points on Canada Atlantic Ry., Rainy Lake to Rose Point, on C. P. R. Havelock to Sharbot Lake Jet. inclusive, Good going October 24th to Nov. 5th, inclusive. Tickets on sale October 9th to Nov. 5th to Cadun vP. nwa vsarenReiinclusive, also Kipa and Temiscanling. All tickets valid returning on or before Dee. 12th (or earlier from Lake points if navigation closes •before Dec. 12th. 1903.) g Write for handsome illustrated book entitled " Haunts of Fish and Game," giving n11 infor- mation pertaining to game hays, the regions to go to, maps and all particulars. Copy sent on application to J. D. McDonald, District Pas- senger Agent, Toronto. For tickets and allinformation apply to agents. L. HAROLD, Agent,Winglam, Hunters' Excursions FROM ALL STATION'S Sharbot take, Windsor, Wingham, Teeattater, Owen Sound and intermediate stations; also Hamilton to stations Mattawa to Nepigen and (4arden River, inclusive, Kipawa and Terris. homing, on Ontober Otlite November full, inchi- sive, and to Havelcffic to Sharbot Lake, Inclu- sive, on October 24th to November 5th inclu- sive. SinAIe Fare for Round Trip. Ticltrts vale for return until December 12t11 1905. Ask or write your nearest Canadian Pacillo agent for copy of "Fishing and Shooting" and "Sportsman s Map." A. th NO'I'1NAN, Assistnnt General Passenger Agent 1 King St. Nast, Toronto pursuant to the Rev tario, 1897 chapte. is hereby given that all Persons having claims a Rogers, late of the To county of Huron, widot or about the twenty-fo D., 1803, are required t( or deliver to E. W. H 5t. Marys in the Couu Joseph Beavers and Executors of the last the said deceased. on October, A. D. 1003, th and descriptions, and claims and the nater held by theni. And notice is her said last mentioned d will distribute the As. amongst the parties e regard only to those Atoll have beeniven a. the said Executors wi the Assets or any par to anyperson of whos have been received at tion, Dated this 18th day o and Others. ed Statutes of On - 129, section 138, notice creditors and other roust Catherine Smart n of Wingham in the deeensed, who died on rth day of ,August, A. send by post )repaid, din tate To's's of of Pof Perth. Solicitor for larence Freeman, the III and Testament of r before the 24th day of it full names, addresses 111 particulars of their of the security (it any) ty given that after the te, the said Executors As of the said deceased MINI thereto, having aims of which notice bore required, and that not be responsible for thereof so distributed slain. notice shall not e time of such (listribu- Sentember A.D. 1903, • W. HARDIN%, Soli tor for Executors, St. Marys P. O., Ont. (y":/t75‘) t 1 All departments of the The Canada Business College CHATHA.MI, O.NT., now In full swing. Our opening day was nearly 25 per cent - ahead of our best previous record. Our super. 100 courses produce the results that count. 340 students placed in 11 months. All our grad- uates of Last term placed. Our call -register still shows a large number of positions offered us at 840 to 850 a month that we cannot fill, If You are interested, write for handsome cata- logue to, D. MoLACHLAN & CO., Chatham, Ont. Hassey -Harris Agency. Have you a Turnip Pulper? If not, see our Concave Cylinder taper before purchasing : sewhere. If you will ne:, ything in the line of Farm Imple s or Machinery for the coming season, place your order early and get the best. Massey -Harris goods are leaders everywhere. Agent for - Kemp Manure Distributor Melotte Cream Separator We also handle the Wm. Gray & Sons BUGGIES and CUTTERS- universally acknowledged to be the best and most durable to be had. ALF, GLOVER AGENT, - WINGHAM. ...........,.+....•.... IDm Mag GO. kD • Desires to call particular attention to the following • • • ...••.••••••••••••474'.•.•••. N I s • • • • • r • • • • • • • • • 4, • • ••• • • O Z money - saving announcements of facts, viz ; •. 44. I 41* • • • • • • I• '. 4• • •; I •' O• FURS Another shipment of Furs has arrivgd this week, and we are now in a position to satisfy the demands of our customers for Ruffs, Muffs, Caper- fees, Gauntlets, and, last but not'least, Coats -the best display of which, we aro safe in saying, has ever been placed before the people of Wingham, COATS In this line we certainly take the lead. Nothing in the town can The With our styles and prices, lady who wishes to look stylishly dressed should not be satisfied without one of our Coats. We have them in different styles in gray, black and black and white. But while devoting space to the Ladies' Coats we must not forget about the "smart" Coats we have for children. We have Short Coats in all sizes and different colors, and also the snug, neat -fitting Ulster. To be the possessor of such fills the heart of the child with pride. Come early and purchase one; you will gain by s0 doing. Among very , specials !s " we must mention our Ladies'as, Suit- ings, t ings, in all shades, with the very popular flake effect, and ranging in prices from - - 50c to :3.00 a yard. Ladies' and Children's Underwear.: Our stock of Underwear is complete. We have it in all the leading makes. Values better than ever. Boots and Shoes. -In this department you will find our stock nm.*. • date. Those who desire a stylish, easy -fitting and durable Shoe should • purchase here. •• 40 -_ • • • D 'Gordon® • PHighest pribes paid for Farm Produce. •••••40•04144•••••••••••004 •;- •' •1 • • I • • • 4 • DIRECT IMPORTER. ••••••.•••••••'Q•••••.4444.•;' •i 4 4 + e- -1.4.40+ +++++++4.4.4. b+++-:. 4.4'+4.++++++++4+4.+4.4.4.....4..p.44 a,. ARE] YOU Coated Over FOR THE WINTER ? 4• 4- 4• 21- 4. + 4' 4• 4• 4. 4. 4- '1- 'l- 4' 4• 4' 4? ++++++++++++++++++++444-1-4-4, 4.-4-444,4,444•4444+4.4•444,4441-44+ 4- -1 •41- - 1• •1- 4.: •4 - Is your last year's Overcoat •'1t. going to see you through, or will you need a new one ? '1 - • The style of Overcoats this season is something like ladies' hats -what suits the fancy. A. R. SMITH has several slyles in Men's, Youths' and Boys' Overcoats, and they are " all it," so to speak. He can coat or suit you swell, from $5.00 up for men ; Youths and Boys lower prices. And his guarantee is as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar. Try him for your outfit. AN Rs CHISHOLM BLOCK, ith, WINGHAM. 4' YYVYYYYYYYYYYYYYYVYVVVYYY! YVVYYYYVYVVYYYYYYYVYYVVYYY a .4 4▪ 1 -4 f r -4e 4 4 4 4 .4'.. 4 i .4 .4 -4 d. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. NEW IDEA RANGES CROWN HURON RANGES HAPPY THOUGHT • RANGES ID'?,AL FAVORITE RANGES BASE BURNERS --All sizes COLE'S HOT BLAST COAL HEATER AIR TIGHT WOOD STOVES --All sizes Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Prices to suit. Call and examine them before you buy elsewhere, at FISHLEIGH'S HARDWARE STORE The beat You Order from us will be delivered promptly and you will always find it of the best quality. Roasts of Beef, -Veal, Lamb and Pork. Steaks, Chops, - Soup Bones, .Boiling Pieces. Highest prices paid for Hide and Skins. We are also prepared to pay the highest prices for all kinds of Poultry. 'We thank our customers for their liberal patronage in the past, and Will give satisfaction to all who favor es with their orders. FELLS Ss M1IITCt1ELL. Opposite Skating Rink. 10. 110. ► ► ► P sThe Furniture Store opposite the Post Office. ATCH this space next Week for announce- ment of arrival of New Furniture for the fall trade. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON Furniture and Undertaking. 3 percent81o24 per cent Why leave money in the bank at 3 per cent. when you can get from 8 per cent. to 24 per cent, upon it ? We have a number of exceptionally safe investments that will pay the above amounts. At the same time your investment is guar- anteed against loss. A postal will bring full par- ticulars. F. RICHARD PERKINS, 654 Palmerston ,/tre,, TO111011TO. From centre to crust The Market Bakery Bread is perfection itself. White, light, sweet centre; rich, brown, short crust. Mixed, molded, baked and delivered in just the way to win your approval. ALL KINDS OF PASTRY WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY We have all the latest machin- ery', and there is no need of sending to the city for your bread or pastry. D, LOUD HEED Opposite Presbyterian Church,