HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-10-22, Page 1THS WIN(iHA VOL XXXII.---NO, 1654. TIMES. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, TIIURSDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1903. SION OF THE BIG BEAR There should be no doubt about where to go, when in need of Gents Fur- nishings. An experi- ence of years in this line of business has given us an insight into the requirements of the people of this vicinity, and our many satisfied customers 'give ample evidence that what they get here is always the newest and best to be had anywhere. Our shelves and count- ers are now replete with the most fashionable goods, and the prices are, as usual, within easy reach. You are invited to call and see what we have in ran and Winter Overcoatings and Suitings. We feel sure they will please you. Remember, we sell cheap Horvath Bros, MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria street, Wingham. Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Capital paid up, $2,980,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,330,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 31st December each year. A. E. GIBSON, Manager. 8. Vanatone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. 'Capital paid np, $2,000,000.00. Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00. Total Assets, $22,000,000. President— EON, War. GInSON. Vice -President and General Manager—J. TURNnurt. DIRECTORS OctoSreeoeJhn S. H Roach, hn GRuthford, Assistant General Manager—lt. S. ernyyx. Inspector—H. M. WATSON. savings Bank•• -}#ours 10 to 8. Saturday, 10 to 1. Da oslts of $1 and upwards received. in- terest allowed,pand computed on the 80th ITo• vember and mat May each year and added to principal. Bpeoiai Deposits also received at current' rates of interest. Rrefts on Great Britain. and the 'United •states Bought and sold. Travellers are. notified that theBankof Nam - Ilton and its Branches issue Circular Rates of National Provincial Bank of En l»nd Limited, . hick tanbe cashed without g w err .bhargo or trou ble in any palm of the world, W. cOliBoULD, Agent DI0K1NSON&11uL i 5, Solicitors, Don't run the risk of being disappointed by buying old and out of date t}rocleery when you can get the best and newest designs and patterns in Dinner Ware at less than some of the prices we see quoted by others. I have just opened a large crate of very choice Sets at extremely low prices. Come early and get your choice, as they won't last long. R As Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY Prompt Delivery. - Phone 59. Who Wants a Farm ? for sale, in 60, 76100, 1660 es ofchoice' acs s, lots in Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms. Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song, Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap. A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. Also a wagonshop. A general store with large trade, live village. Also a large amount of money to loan at 5 per cent, For further par- ticulars apply to J. A. MacKENZIE, Insurance Agent, Holyrood. To the Rea! Estate Buyer. No matter where located I urn sur© I can save you some money, unless the circumstances underwhich you buy are very exceptional. No matter what kind of a property or business you are going to buy write me or call .before Closing a deal. I can and shall make it profitable to you to buy through me. My extensive advertising keeps me constantly in touch with properny owners in every part of tho country, and I can find exactly the property you want in a very short time. C. J. MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agent. Vanstone block, Wingham. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. FwAvatilailloartMltitabt. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. Plans The plans that a the House of Refu tee which meet in aro now ready. don, prepared the 45x70 addition, t County were a ing to build the h are now making i which has been s WANTED.—A c in city. $4 per w Douglass. e Ready. e to be submitted to e Building Commit- linton on IDec. 8th, chitect McBride Lon - and they call for a ee stories high. The long time determin- me at all, but they a thorough institution long needed. It for a small family ek. Apply to R. A. Death o Mrs. Mary McK late John Buie, di Sunday morning. Mrs. Buie had no health and last we set in, which term only a few days it a resident of Blytl was highly estee Four children are of a loving and kin from the Blyth St death of the moth of St. Marys, and Mrs. Buie (lar Buie, wife of the d at her home on During the past year enjoyed very good k acute inflammation ated in death after 'ess. Mrs. Buie was for over 40 years and ed and respected. ft to mourn the loss mother. The above Bard refers to the of Mrs. S. Gracey, rmerly of Wingham. Dr. Ovens of London, M, R. C. S. L' R. C. P. specialist, eye, ear, nose and throat, will be in Wingham, at Camp- bell's drug store, Monday, Nov. 2nd. Glasses properly fated. The Holed Thanksgiving i ally observed. T during the entire apparently enjoy number of visit large. The differ people to town t with relate. -es a the sportsmen • s woods. A numb in the speeding e Geo. C. Hanna the 2.40 trotting won second in ti na also won 2nd ing class. Thre bowlers spent th won from B rues 1 rinks were con Bennett, L. W. Chas. Knechtel, A. H. Carr, W. . norman, skip, Campbell, A. E Skip. a fn Wingham. Wingham was gener- stores were closed ay, and the citizens d themselves. The rs was exceedingly t trains brought many spend the holidays d friends. Many of lent the day in the r of Winghamites took dents at Brussals. Mr, Won first money in ace and Beattie Eros, same race. Mr. Ilan- rize in the special drive rinks of the Wingham day inBruasela. They s bysix h The sots, iosed as follows: --S. Hanson, W. Holmes, kin. A. H. Musgrove, t.' omnth, V. Van. G. Va>•istone, W. A. Gibson, H. Jeffrey; $1 A YEAR IN ADVANC Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. Inspecting the Road. Engineer Davis, • Berlin, in oompany with Reeve Isbister s nd Councillor Code of Morris, and R• •ve McCallum and Councillor Wilson, i f East Wawanosh, spent Tuesday of tis week inspecting the gravel road sou of the town. En- gineer Davis will . ake an estimate as to the probable costo putting this road iu proper shape so the it will not be flood- ed with water at tl • time of the spring floods. 500 lbs pork (farmer's cured) for sale, 25% off. G. E. King, GIRLS WANTED Mattress department upholstering facto y. Apply to WAII(ER & CLEGG. . Vegetables i New Ontario. The Wabigoon ' ar of October 8th gives an account o a harvest festival service recently he ' in the Methodist church at Dryden. The Star says that some of the exhibit : in the church were turnips 41 and 42 ehes in circumfer- ence, carrots 13 inc es round by 16 inches long, cabbages 4.f t around, onions 12 in circumference a el sunflowers 47 inch- es, celery 21 inch long and potatoes weighing 23 non ls. One would judge frdm this that Ne v Ontario is a good place for growin • roots and vegetables. Send details of your property, and price to C. J. Maguire, and he will find you a buyer. WANTED.—Turkeys and fowl of all kinds, Why sell only the large turkeys for 6 or 7c alive?' Our market price will be 10 to 123c undrawn. Fresh tub but- ter 16,c, eggs 15c, dried apples 5e. GEO. E. KING. Westminster The Westmiust teriau Church hel evening for the el ensuing year; Mr dent, in the chair. a short address oi of Young Peo church. The f elected:—Hon. p rie; president, A president, Miss pres. and Fin. S 3rd vice-presidei vice-president, Ritchie; organis recording secrets next meeting wil room of the churc Oct. 30th. (Guild Officers. : Guild of the Presby - a meeting last Friday tiou of officers for the R. Maxwell, presi- Rev. Mr. Perrie gave the secret of success es' Societies in the flowing officers were esident, Rev. D. Por - x. Ritchie; lst vice - McTavish; 2nd vice- c'y; H. H. Wightman; , Miss K. Ross; 4511 Maxwell; treasurer J. Miss S. Farquharson; y, Scott Gordon. The be held in the lecture 1, on Friday evening, STOVES,—Woocf stoves, coal stoves, ranges, and everything you may require in the stove line, both new and second hand, at prices that will surprize you. A. YOUNG & SoN. g decided to sell his nd being out of town e, will be open to rs for the purchase parately, up till Oct 31st. The stable . ncl buggy house go with the house. or inspection apply at W. Button, hay house, and block, most of the tin receive by post, o of either or both the house, or at J. store. Any offer: Terms, liberal. utton's boot and shoe will be confidential. Wee. BUTTON. Hunter The Grand T First Class Fare Canada, Brockvi Susp. Bridge, Ni falo, N. Y., to th tarso, "which inch District, Lake of Argyle to Coboco Bay, Lindsay to Canada Atlantic to Parry Sound. Oct. 24th to Nov. 0. P. R., Mattaw den River inclusi Temiskaming. 0 Nov. 5th. All tic on or before Dec. 1 some illustrated "Haunts of Fish sent on application District Passenger Toronto. For tic tion apply to Agen Excursions. ink announce Single from all stations in o and West, also from gara Falls, and Buf- "Highlands of On- cle the Muskoka Lakes ays, Lake Nipissing, k, Severn to North Haliburton, on lane ailway, Rainy Lake Tickets good going th, and to points on to Nipigon and Gar- , also Kipawa and od going Oct. 9th, to ets valid returning h, 1903. A hand - pamphlet, entitled d Game," will be o J. D. MoDonad, Agent, G. T. Ry., ts and all informa s. Death fro The home of Mr. Minnie street, is fill cause of the sudden daughter, Florence cured on Tuesday girl was not feeling evening last, and w rived he found her s tonitis. The child worse and Dr. Gnn called in on Sunday, that it would be of an operation. The 1 of a blight sore t it was found to of diphtheria, bu caused by peritonitis bright and winsome years, and was dearl neighborhood. Her stricken by grief thr and to th ourrot i p otu offered. The funeral Wingham cemetery morning. Peritonitis. nd Mrs. L. Harold, d with sadness, be- eath of their only atherine which 00- orning. The little well on Thursday en a physician ar- ffering from peri- ontinued to grow , of Clinton was but it was decided avail to perform tle girl complained oat on Friday and a slight attack her death was The child was a irl of nearly six loved by all in the rents are severely ugh her demise, st. ympathy will bo ok place to the en Wednesday PUBLIC ME TING. A pnblic meeting of t o rate -payers of Wingham will be hel in the Opera House on Tuesday eve ing, November 3rd, for the purpose of discussing the question of the propose purchase of the electric light plant by he town. The mayor, members of t council, and others, will be prepare to present the matter before thecitize , and it is hoped that a large number 11 evince their interest in this report t question by attending the meeting, The date of the voting on the by-law is November 10th. In order to reduce stock J. Buckley will dell all stock except oysters, fruit, and tobaccos at cost price for the next 30 clays. Good 1iouse wanted to rent. Must be centrally located. To rent at about $9 per month. Apply at TI.MES office. • Hockey Club rganized. At a well attended meeting iu the Council Chamber on esday evening, a hockey club was org nized. The fol- lowing officers were ole ted:—President, W. Cerbould; Vice resident, Thos. Bell; Secretary, W, Te ord; Treasurer, H. H, Wightman; Ma ger, W. T. A. b'ishleigh; Assistant M nagers, W. J. Scott and H. Kent. Th club has ar- ranged for the use of th rink at stated times during the season. An effort will be made to form a leag e independent of the 0. H. A., co posed of the clubs in Locknow, Ki sardine, Clin• ton and other neighbors towns. Hoc- key promises to be popul r in Wingham during the coming seas . STo'v's.—Call and see our assortment of stoves and get our prices. We have a large stock on hand aid will sell them a t a very low price. A. YOUNG & SON. Coming Again T Wingham. J. Y. Egan, ruptu e specialist, of Toronto. Who will nia - his next regular visit to Wingham, Qu n's Hotel Satur- day, Sunday (all clad d evening) two days, only October -25. Remember this gentleman has no the largest es- tablishment in the Doi inion exclusively devoted to the treat ent of rupture, He has been establis ed thirty-seven years in Toronto and s visited our section periodically for t e past quarter of a century. Is this no record? See "Ad" in this iss ue. October and Novmr irides are now ordering their wedding stationery from us. We are spe- cial in this line, and you may de- pend on getting the correct thing. We sell both the printed and en- graved forms. Ask for samples and prices. W. 1. F. Malagh Wedding Stationery Specialist BRANTFORD, CANADA. GET RID OF THAT COLD ERE WINTER COMVMES McKI BBON'S Laxative Coed Tablets Will break up and mire Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, etc. These are no experiment. They have proved their value in many eases. FOR SALE ONLY BY Walton MckWbon DRUGGIST Next door to post office. LOWNEY'S—Fresh this week, See J. Button & Co's Boots and Shoes Purchased a Bu Mr. Jas, MCKelvi Tuesday and while the billiard, pool at from Mr. John Carr proprietor pf the H We understand th again engage in th ness in Sarnia. was in Sarnia on ere he purchased tobacco business who was formerly el Brunswick here, Mr. Carr intends to hotel business. Enjoying From the Winn notice that our you G. Gordon, receutl Canadian Order of that city, and after the brethern in an are pleased to lea friend is enjoying going West. cod Health. peg Free Press we g townsman, Mr. R. visited one of the Foresters Courts in the business assisted entertainment. We ru that our young 'lendid health since STOVES—All kinds, at bargain prices, as we need money and must sell stoves. Call and see what we have A, YOUNG & SoN. Card of With this week we in the furniture and ness in Wingham, an our hearty thanks to ham and surrounding liberal patronage duri Wingham. Our bush creased and the past y cord -breaker for us. much better position t to the wants of the pu ent lines. We now h best lot of furniture fc that has ever been sh• Wingham. We agai customers for their li the past and hope to 1 parties who are in ne•. You WALKER hanks. omplete five years ndertaking bust - wish to tender le people of Wing• ountry for th:'r g our resides:: in se hislar ' y in- ar h+sb•.na re - "e • r ow in a an ; ver to attend ilio iu our differ - in stock the the fall trade vu in the town of thank our many ral patronage ie ve a call from all of furniture. truly, nos. & BUTTON. NOTICE.—The question is: How can Robt. Meludoo loan his mouey so cheap on notes and mortgages? Call and See. RouT. NICIiDOo, Horse Thief at Work. A horse thief vis ted the farm of Me. Robt S. Stein, ou + le gravel road, south of Wingham on F idly eight last and took away a hors. buggy, harness and robe. Mr. Stein i id not miss the horse until early Satu clay morning and ho Came to town an reported his loss to Chief Vannorm r. Searching parties were soon ou the oacl and towards even- ing the thief had een traced to Blyth. Near Myth Mr. teiu's horse was. let loose in a field ant another horse taken in its plate. Mr.. teiu's horse was a heavy one and the hief evidently thought a lighter one wo d m ike better time ou the road and so ' ade the ch sage. The n outfit was seen go - ton early Saturday heading towards Lan - as described as a men age, and 1(i5 pounds, plexion with brown ood looking. Ile wore light gray overcoat. and Mr. Stein were in y on Monday in search ho horse was attached , piano box "Luck - on the underside of Steiu" marked with incl axle, also the ed on the harness in a nail. roan with the sto ing through Cl night, and he we don. There he ' about 40 years of of medium • co moustache, and a peak cap and Chief Vannorulai London and vicin of the criminal. to a varnished gee now" was marked the shaft and "R. lead peueil on the latter name scratc several places wit Dr. Brown L. R. C. P., London, Eng- land, Graduate of London, New York and Chicago, Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Wingham, 4th Wednes- day in each month. Hours from 2 to 9 p. m. Dilatory If the railways sibio to live up to they should draw they can carry promptness. A aunoying but not is to hang round two waiting for its appearance. depot on schedule ole a train might and of course it c minute for any of so often worn o weary hours of w cessions. If a tr. two o'clock, can till three o'clock decency and an three o'clock, f. and let us knot': above 1rotn the the case in Wi afternoon and e' T. R. from Pal are from half one late nearly noontrain vaso leaving Winghai n n connection to Zvi say that the We had a petition cir ness men of the t authorities to 11 from Pameraton Untie. The mov. bop) it may hav s] 1 d II P o' ram Service. 'cad that it is impos- heir present schedule, ip a slower one that out with reasonable •w running train ts alf so annoying as it pots for an hour or elated train to make ople have to go to the me for by some mira- ppen to bo on time Id not wait half a he people who have their patience for iting on previous oc- in that is billed for say ot, habitually, get here why in the name of utraged puplic, not say r o'clock or five o'clock where we are at. The stowel Banner will fit am in regard to the ring trains on the G. rsten, These two trains hour to one hour cry day and the after r two hours o rs late in on Thanksgiving Day. the above we might ern Foundry Co. have elated an Ong the buss- wn asking the railway o the afternoon train rrivo here on schedule s a good one and we he desired effect. e e n v e 11 t SCHOOL BARD, The Wingham Sello• Board met in tie. council chamber ou Monday even- ing, there being meson Messrs. Homuth (chairman), Abraham, 'ouglass, Kerr, Lloyd and Moore. The priucipal business as the engag, ing of teachers for the, coing year. On motion of Messrs Mt ore and Doug- lass, Principal Musgrove v.as re-engaged at a salary of $900—an in rease of $50 over last year. On motion of Messrs. : braham and Lloyd, Misses Reynolds, R:id, Matheson, Farquharson, Cummings and Cornyn were re-engaged. On motion of Messrs. I err and Moore, Miss McLean was re -e gaged at the statutory increase, of $4 Ou motion of Messrs Douglass and Lloyd, Miss Brook was re-engaged at a salary of $290, with 20 c WS a day for entrance work, and an extra bonus of $37.50, The secretary stated t'+at the had re- ceived the Governmeut grant of $200, and the County grant of $400, on accouut of continuation class w �+ Ir. An account from Co per & Co., of $9.15 for supplies, was o dered to he paid, on motion of Messrs. Ll 'yd and Moore. On motion the action f the chairman and secretary in payiu • the teachers' salaries was ratified. The jauitor Mr, W. I, ylor was re-en- gaged at a salary of We The report of the Pri'icipal showed the following attendance f r the mouth of September :— Dept. Boys Girl 89 18 16 1 II(a b) 322 IIf 32 1V 24 V 28 VI 21 VII 30 VIII 28 2 2 3 217 22 The Principal stat at the request of Dr, he had had forwardec large maps of Caned metric system, for us There being no o Board adjourned, Total Average 71 66 40 36 48 42 4.2 35 54 45 46 3:1 64 63 76 5:7 441 375 in his report that aedonald, M. P., from Ottawa five and one set of the in the school. ler business the Tenders wanted at once job of moving a barn. ifretwell, Lower Wingha to e the to Geo. Municipal ''wnership. The ratepayers of Wingham will n doubt be interested in seeing a fe figures from other t.'vns showing som experience with inn cipal ownership o electric lighting pia ts. The town o Collingwood has own d its plant for number of years. M yor Smallfield o Renfrew recently visited Oollingwood and we give herewitha part of his re- port to the Renfrewtown council:— "This plant started with an expendi- ture of $15,000, has b extension called for over $20,000 snore.! The number o lights the plant could ow furnish are are lights for streets, 6i—(twenty-five cf 1,600 candlepower; the alance of 2,00 c. p. and 3,000 incan escents. Ther are about 3,500 lights w red; and there have been as many as 2,-40 in use at one time. It takes 160 hors` power to furn- ish current to a 2,000 , ight machine carrying a full load. Th town started, with a 600 light urachi • After five years this was supplem nted with a 1,000 -light dynamo. Six ears later, the 600 -light dynamo was e 'changed,- and so well had it been cared or that nearly its original full value w.s allowed for it in the exchange for two 2,000 -light ma- chines—one of which is kept as a reserve in case of mishap to the; dynamo which is sn constant use. Th.' price of a 2,000 light dynamo in 1902 ' as $2,300." Wingham should •'- able to make money out of the el.ctric light plant when many other tow s are doing so. The revenue from th'. plant should pay all running expenses ' s well as the inter- est and debentur<s. Collingwood is making money oat • its plant as will be seen from the state •t ent below, which refers to the year I9 i1: EARNINGS —ErECTRIc LIGHT. Cash revenue for y ar $5,674.80 35 arc lights at $60 2,100.00 Public buildings lig iting 450.00 EVERY (BOX OF Douglass' DYptijJ8ia Tablefs are guaranteed to give S"t; isfaction in all forms of stomach troubles --or money refunded. DOUGLASS The Druggist. I have room for two students in the Telegraph Office. Get the Best ---It pays. /�CEN�TRALL jLC{,iG����Cl/Y! STRATFORD. ONT. BEST PLACE iN CANADA for securing a thorough business education or a superior shorthand training. Our graduates are always successful sn O'ttitie positions. THIS SCHOOL INVARIABLY GIVES ITS STUDENTS MORE THAN THEY EXPECT. Write for catalogue. Enter this month if possible. W. LI. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL. Granc'.mo+ er at 29. With a three -mo ter as the guest of Davis, of Waverly, 30th birthday re o youngest granclm w haps in the Unite e f mother, Mrs. S. I Mrs. Davis herse she was but 14. f health and is we a she is convinced 5 are best for all c The movelnen followers from New York requi sleepers. It sur eight separate t f env hues, at a c fares. $8,224.86 EXPENDITURE— :LECTRIC LIGHT. Expense, including' wages ..., $2,596.00 fuel acco nt 2,308.7 Debeuture,principa and interest 2,123.52 $7,027.85 Showing a net profit from electric lighting of $1,197. t 1, MONEY TO LOAN at 41 per cent. On easy terms of repayment. Apply to A, Dulmage, Kent aleck, Wingham. Dr, Butler, specialist in the diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office op- posite St. Andrew's church, London, Ontario. is -old granridaugh. onor, Mrs. Flora M. Iowa, celebrated her ntly. She is the her le Iowa„and per - States. The child's ' Palmer, is only 15. was married when rs. Davis has good 1 to-do, and she says hat early marriages cerncd. of Mr. Dowse a•kd his on City at Chicago to ed 41 coaches azicl 20 lved the running of jus over ata many differ - t of $40,000 in railroad yamettlaiti Well Gfessed £ Feet Onr new Fall Styles in Women's Footwear v<iil every feruiuine heart. Onr variety 18 la'g+ ea ruglt and our assnrttneut cf with lis anti sizes is broad enough to please every taste and fit every foot. Such good leathers as Vici and Ideal Kids, and Patent Calf are here in abundance, made right up to the moment in style. Our Special linos are our $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes and if there are better Shops on earth for the money we don't know it. L We do repairing au d p 1, d Olt right. Bring along your Shoes. W. J. Greer The Shoe Mart.