HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-10-15, Page 6Seal Jacketsl Alaska Seal Jacket made or the best of selected fur, with any sleeve desired. Twenty-four inches in length, lined with best satin, high collar and full lapels, like the above design, $200 Electric Seal Jacket of Splendid fur, well tailored and lined with satin, any sleeve desired, twenty - four inches30 long, same as above $ design, Write for particulars and new catalogue and self measuring card of latest fashions. Money refunded if not satisfactory. The W. &D. DINEEN CO.,Limited Cor. Yonge and Temperance Sts. TORONTO, Ont. Pointed Paragraphs. From the Chicago Nowa. It's a wise college student who goes to bed early and avoids the rush. It is hamau nature for one man to ask another how he feels, also not to ears. When a girl throws an old beau over he is forcibly reminded that youth will have its fling. Some Wren who believe in the division evision .of labor let their wives do all the work and they tto the rest. The man who riddles the ancestors of other people evidently considers himself the fruit of a special creation. Many a mau can see where his wife would have made a good'railway section boss but for the accident of sex. No wonder the iceman rolls in wealth vshen one considers how much ice it re- quires to make a glass of lemonade at a summer resort. Even the man who pays as he goes may go broke. It raineth eke on the silk and the cotton umbrella. Marriage ocoasionally sobers a man who is intoxicated with love. Time and tide wait for no man, but the uudertaller is more obliging, Sometimes a bank cashier saves up enough to pay his running expenses. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance -and it is always payable in advance. A few years more and there will be no log cabins left for great men to be born iu. Sometimes a man's warm love melts a girl's heart, and sometimes it is his cold cash. Soon the strenuous furnace will begin to draw about seven -eights of a man's salary. A man never knows what a woman thinks of him uutil after he has been married to her for at least six weeks. The man who growls about his wife's cooking three times a day will eat any old thing with relish when ho is camp- ing out fora week with a stag party. Farming For Profit... Every Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business lirinciples. Guess work and haphazard methods are no longer used by successful and up-to-date far- mers. By reading THE WEEKLY SUN, the Farmer's Business Paper, you will get the very latest and most accurate in- formation regarding your busi- ness. THE SuN's market reports are worth many times the sub- scription price to you. Every Farmer in Canada should realize the full value of the service THE SUN has ren- dered him in a public way. It was due to the action of THE SUN in giving voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to cattle guards, drainage across rail-, ways, and farm fires caused by railway locomotives has been amended. We will send THE WEEKLY SUN from now to 1st January, 1905, in combination with The Wingham Times, for $135 1 0 tl E ga rao vire Kernels from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Pllragraphs trent our Exchanges ThetCoroner's jury at Brantford re- turned averdict in the Irene .e m u r- alex case, fiIldillg that 8ucpil'iou pouted to Kennedy, ilw prisoner. Thos. Stevenson, sou -hi -law to Mrs. Oeo. McKay, Queen street, Brussels, oiled on Sept. 3Oth, at his home, Brooi;- Ie's, Mich., of Bright's' disease. Bears die ' tin Kind Ynu have Maays aught siv ofd Mrs. Card, a young Winnipeg woman, rebuked some boys who were smok- ing cigarettes, when one of them picked arp a small rifle and shot her as she was ,walking away. Mrs. Card's wonud is serious. There died in Clifford, on Saturday, Oct 1, EWabeth Twamley, aged 90 years. Deceased had been frail for a number of years, and with her two sons mast. moved from the farm in Hottiek to Clif- ew rill' ford, about two years ago. all, Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favor ut he cathartic, as they do not gripe or paiu sicken or weaken or cause the slightest nt inconvenience. Price 21c., all druggists. ht The big steer, a cross betweeu a Dur- -ape folk link Liao tit eon j hey. Tht,1 se1e iag,. Peal am he who that find of, 1° r'tht ort kn wh day\ say whit, nate 11. her' Inst, rw drab' Cul' side Gov,. tom ing,. sect mill for pr fi400 0 The swa Carl and i men, '.TY MaOne by one the early settlers of this coir country are being called away and in a this. very few' years those who cleared this D now prosperous county will be known out only by the memory of their deeds. On of t, Sunday morning, Oct. 4th, John Swan MY, -of the 13th con. Hibbert was called cir`e away at the good age of 79 years. Well goo and favorably known he passed away ro- cati Epected by all who knew him.. Harry Reek, of Walkerton, teacher of S. S. No. 7, Carrick, has° resigned his school, the resignation to take effect ou vertiaini; methods is essential to success November let. A. new teacher has been ' engaged. I in business. Joseph 13. Steiner, of Culross, has There died at Loudon ou Saturday, bought Jos. Eirby's hotel in Belmore Oct, 3rd, Charlotte Ruth Lester, relict and takes possesstou Nov. 3rd. Geo. of the late Andrew Pollock, sr., former- Wisler will be wine clerk. for the new ly of Turnberry and Grey By„ aged 68 proprietor. years. The deceased was one of the first The house and acre of land, known settlers of this district having come to as the Jas. Kelly property, Mill street, the boundary over 40 years ago and Brussels has been purchased by Ross where Mr. Pollock died about 30 yeate Stubbs, of Morris township, who intends ago. Mrs. Pollock was a lady of more moving to town as he has sold his farm, than ordinary education and knew her Bible by rote. Formerly a member of "'".."""- the Methodist church, in her search for INSTANT itrI.1LF. something better she joined in with the THE WING HAI must OC I'QIIER 15, 1903 The MacLean newspapers of Montreal I "Sweet Afton" Revisited. and Toronto -The Hardware and Metal (Lames rancho Merchant, The Canadian Greets,. The Bookseller and Stationer and The Dry Goods Review --have introduced a de- p,trtlneut of advertising suggestion and criticism, edited by W. Arthur Lydiatt, late of Printer's Ink, New York, and businessmen who desire modern and valuable suggestions regardiug advertis- ing cannot do better than read this de. partmentin one of these papers. The time has come when a kuowleclge of ad. Mr. Robe, Jennings, Mansfield, Ont., .Plymouth Brethern, and in her early writes' "I have used one bottle of Dr - was a d creat worker for the cause of ache, and received instant relief. Be- Christ. She spent the last few years of sides this, it acted as a splendid tempor her life in au infirmary at London where ary filling. Price 10c. she died as above stated. The remains ---+- were iutered in the family plot in Earest- Josephn Heiser, r•r iron worker of villi cemetery, Grey township. New York,fell from the eighth floor of a There is more Catarrh in this section building in course of erection in that of the is than all other diseases city, a distance of SO feet, and escaped pmt together, and until the last few years with a slight laceration of two fingers. was supposed to be incurable. For n It is our sad duty this week to record a to a disease and p etorsi pronounced net 1 „ Law's Toothache Gum for severe tooth- a" ham and a Texas cow, weighing 4.030 the death os Mrs-. Eiliott,mother of Mrs. hounds, has been sold by the owner, Fu' F. 1 T. And^ow, of Goe, which took place Restorieh, Watford, to the Zeoloaisal at the letter's homeonTuesday morn - Gardens, London, Eng., and will be shipped there. We regret to hear that on Saturday, Sept, 2Gth, Maybell Gertrude, the young- est daughter of George A. and Nellie E. Halliday, formerly of Rrussels died at the parental home, Brandon, Manitoba, aged 1 year and 4 month, after au illness of 10 days. CGAa'X'©R3 - Bearsthe The Kind Yau Have Always Bought Oct. Gtlr, when Miss Sate Breehler was Signature wedded to Mr. John Wagner of Deemer - of r ton. The nuptial knot was securely tied ing. Oct. Gth, after a lingering illness, at the age of 75 years. -Mr. Martie Cade has returned from Chatham and is at present visiting with relatives and friends in Blyth and vicin- ity. He has sold his farm, lot 17, con. 13, Hullet, to his sou, Samuel, for $5000. A happy event took place in the Sacred Heart Church„ Mildmay, ou Tuesday, -Gl.LC6c!/ i: Throughout France 1,000,000 addition- al children have been eurolled in the public schools in consequence of the famous congregations law. The school administration calculates that this influx of children will cost it an additional 80,000,000 francs ($15,440,000.) On Tuesday forenoon one hundred and twenty-five miles an hour -the fastest railway speed in history -was achieved ten the experimental electric track be- tween Berlin and Zossen. iv' either the diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. huge car nor the track was damaged in Sold by druggists in every part of the any way. By transformation the cur- wwty va bottle. It valueorldis iTncalcenulabfib . vet s rent which was betweeu 13,000 and for Mrs, Winslow'slSoothing Bure Syon ask yrup, and 14,000 volts, was reduced to about 450 take no other kind. volts. Tho car used had four motors, — — having altogether 1,100 horsepower. A few friends gathered at the home of Stupefying headaches are cured, theAlex. Stirling, Goderich, on Friday even - Mead cleared, and the brain brightened ' ing, October 2nd, to witness the marriage by Rev. R. 0. Lehmann, Miss Brochler was oue of Mildmay's most estimable young ladies. For Oapr Sixty Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mr Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for by Milbtirn's Sterling Headache Pow- ders. They do not weaken the heart. Price.10c and 25c. A pretty out -door. wedding took place nt 5.30 Wednesday evening, Sept. 30th, at the home Roderick McDonald, Sylvan Lodge, Culross where his daughter, Lis - Bette, was mai.aied to Mr. Robt. J. Ire- land. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. Jas. Malcolm, and the bride was given away by her father. She was att4nded by her sister, Miss Maria Mc- Donald, and the groom by Mr. Thos. B. Aitken. thin thee get the goo, bust nom' 'Ewa+ itt An the lung healing properties of the pine are bottled up in Dr. Wood's Nor. way Pine Syrup. It is the moat satisfac- tory remedy for coughs and colds of all kinds. Price 250. 'We are sor,•y to report the death of the wife of Isaac Lawrence, of Lonesboro which occurred on Wednesday night October 7th. She was reateied a little over a year ago to Mr. Lawrence, her maiden name being Susie Lyon, and was the third daughter of Joseph Lyon. She was always known e.5 a great church and League worker, and will be very much missed in these circles, as well as by a lard timber of friends and ac- gueiatances. Many will tear :r with regret of the sudden death of Mr. Jas. Mitchell, near Varna which sad event occurred on Monday morning, Oct. 5th. Mr. Mitch- ell was apparently well and was helping laic brother, who was threshing, when he complained of not feeling well. He left the barn and went into the house, everyth'ng possible was done for him, but to no avail, and he died in a few minutes. He was 63 years old and was unmarried, making his home with his bother Alex. on the homestead. Always of Samuel Stevenson, eldest son of the late Robert Stevenson, Edinburgh, Scot- land, to Catherine M. Ross, third daugh- ter of the late John Ross, of Ballgreen, Wigtown, Wigtownshire, Scotland. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The annual meeting of the Blyth branch of the Upper Canada Bible soci- ety was held recently, when the follow- ing officers were elected: -President, Mr. John Wilford; secretary, Mr. Alex. Elder; treasurer, Mr. Hugh McQuarrie; depositor, Mr. Frank Metcalf. The offi- cers and directors will meet on Monday evening next to appoint collectors and transact other business. A young man of Montana went to church with his best girl. Both were quite honest and modest. When the collection was being taken up the young man explored his pockets and whisper- ed to the young lady: "I haven't a cent I changed my pants." In the mean- time the lady had been searching in her gockets, finding nothing, blushed a rosy red as she stammered: "I'm in the same predicament." a Eall To prove to you tlxth Dr. Chase'A Ointment is a certain les and absolute Coro for each — and every form of itching, bleedingand protruding piles, the manufacturers have guaranteed it. Seo tee, timoniale in the daily press and ask your neigh. bows what they think of it. Yen can use it and Itbt Yottr money back if not curet, Enc a box, at an Or 'Chlase'sers or BOintrnexit CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of dies, and by constantly failing to care with local treatment, pronounced it in - 1 curable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease sad therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co, Toledo, Ohio, is' the only constitutional cure on the mar- ket. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts direct- ly ou the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. T. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A Gentleman. Never allows himself to be led into a personal dispute with a woman. Is particular as how he talks during the dining hour. Shows consideration for a woman where she misconstrues a question. Has no time for gossiping about a woman's family affairs. Speaks o Phis sister as though she had all the graces of womankind. Always keeps to the right when cn a crowded thoroughfare. Gives way to a woman gracefully in a discussion on home topics. Never shows ill temper because others choose to differ with him. Talks of other people's misfortunes without exultation. Is careful not to use forcible expres- sions when talking to a woman. Ex. Juvenile crime in France has decreased by 30 per cent. among boys and 42 per cent. among girls since 1881. A mysterious disease worse than yel- low fever or bubonic plague has appeared i22 Cuba. The victim's temperature be- comes high, blood runs from the mouth and nostrils before death. American doctors are to investigate it. The Colonial Treasurer of the Trans- vaal has sent to England for £10,000 worth of pennies with the view of aiding in the reduction of the cost of living in the Rand. Owing to the dearth of pence matches are at present used as a portion of the currency of the Rand. Which Are You? There are two kinds of people onearth to -day, Just two kinds of people, no more I say Not the sinner and saiut, for 'tis well understood The good are half bad and the bad are half good. Not the rich and poor, for to count a man's wealth You must first know the state of his conscience and health. Daring the fiscal year, Germany sold to Canada about $12,000,000 worth of goods, and bought from Canada about $2,000,000 worth. This is a very small item in the trade of either country, but the exchange of international courtesies in their respective Cnstom houses prom- ises to be somewhat more expensive for Germany than for Canada. But it is a fair guess that our cousins across the line would have done the same thing had the conditions beenreversed.--New York Sun. WANTED -Several industrious persons in each state to travel for house established eleven years and with a Largo capital, to call upon merchants and agents for sueeessful and profit- able line. Permanent engagement. Weekly cash salary of 518 and all traveling expenses and hotel bills advanced in cash each week. Experience not essential. Mention refer.nee and ane10se 'olf•addressed envelope. THE NATTONAL,118-1 Dearborn St., Chicago. We hear that F. E. Jones has been coutwissioned to build a sanitarium in Afton Glee, Ayrshire. /NM gently, sweet Afton, among thy green braes, I'll sing thee a medical song in thy praise ; My Mary's inhaling the breezes so pure, View gently, sweet Afton, disturb not her cure. Not the humble and proud, for in life's little span, Who puts on vain airs is not counted a man. Not the happy and sad, for the swift fly- ing years. Bring each man his laughter and each man his tears. Thou stock -dove whose echo resounds thro' the glen. Ye wild whistling blackbirds in yon thorny den, Thou green -crested laptyiug, a trace to thy squeals, Sly Mary roast rest for au hour after meals. How loftypillsweet Afton, thy neighboring • hills! To climb there is better for Mary than s. There daily I wander as noon rises high To see her take Exercise under my et e. How pleasant thy banks where my Mary may bask, Or wander at will with her Dettwc«iler flask, There three times a day for exactitude's sake, The temperature of my Mary I take, Thy crystal stream Afton, how lovely it glines By the snug sanitarium where she re- sides; Nor think that thy dampness can reach to her bones Thio' the walls that are builded by Architect Jones. Flow geutly sweet Aftou among thy green braes, Flow gently, sweet river, and leugthen her days. My Mary's iuhalh g thy breezes SO pure, Flow gently, sweet Alton, disturb not her cure. DOES CIIILIIRE:N GOOD. "I have used Dr. Low's Worm Syrup in uiy family, and it has always been effectual and has doue the children good. I can highly recommend it." Mrs. Joseph Langtry, Brockville, Ont. Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disinfects, 38 The Austrian Emperor Francis Joseph has presented a golden neckchaiu, with a diamond -set cross, to an old peasant woman, Therese Weinberger, living in a town iu Upper Austria, whose 12 sons have been soldiers and now have formed a musical baud among themselves. No: the two kinds of people on earth that I mean Are the people who lift and the people who lean. Wherever you go you will find the world's masses Are always divided in just these two classes. And oddly enough, you'll find, too, I ween. There is only one lifter to twenty who lean. In which class are yon? Are you easing the load Of overtaxed lifters who toil down the road? Or are you a leaner, who lets others bear Your portion of labor and worry and care? —Ella Wheeler Wilcot, a6ge tiro GOLD £1JST Wits do :mar .workor" Don't plod along like your grandmother olid before you, scouring and scrubbing; betiding and rubbing. D makes housework easy. It cleans everything and injures nothing. More economical than coap. Mado only by '11-1E N. K. FAIR13ANKK COMPANY, Chiang°, 27ew Yotk, Boston. St, Louis. Montreal. e. fil. A FOR -G000 HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for ]nen, women and children than Ripens Tabules. They are easy to take, They are made of a combination of medicines Tabuless approved are and used by every physician..Ripans widely used by all sorts of people --but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard family remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est remedy, with a long and successful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe- tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five - cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply for a year. 11'ANS 1 THE WEEKLY GLOBE. ° Canada's Great Illustrated Weekly. A leading feature of The WEEKLY GLOBE to be added this fall will be an Eight=Page Illustrated Supplement - ON SUPERCALENDERED PAPER. Por the production of this great paper an immense new electrotyping, t, photo -engraving and printing plant has been added to The Globe's mechanical equipment. This will make The WEEICIN GLOBI; unques- tionably the most desirable home paper in Canada. Arrangements have been made whereby our readers can secure this superb Weekly and their own local favorite paper at the specially favorable rate of $1.60 a year for the Times and Weekly Globe ,. Clubbing Offors - 1903-04- THE TIMES announces the following Clubbing Offers for 1903-04:— low-rate Times till Jan, 1st, 1905 $1 00 Times and Weekly Globe with 8•page illustrated supplement 1 60 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with premium Maps of the Dominion of Canada and the Province of Ontario 1 75 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire. 1 75 Times and Weekly Witness 1 60 Times and Western Advertiser.. 1 50 Times and Weekly Sun,. 1 75• Times and Daily Globe • 4 35 Times and Farmers' Advocate 1 75 Times and Toronto Daily Star. 2 20 Times and Montreal Weekly Herald 1 15 - Times and Toronto Daily News 3 00 We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We tan give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine published. The above are our FIXED RATES, marked down so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use asking for cheaper rates. In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new subscribers for the BALANCE of 1903 FREE. The rates quoted • are for either new or renewal snbscriptions. All subscribers -, will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers. Give the Times a trial subscription. From now to Jan. lst, 1904, for 10c. Call at the office, or address --- TRE TIPdES OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK JOSEP)3I11E STRBBT. 1 Ii\ Vi HAM.