HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-10-15, Page 2TBE WrINGItAM TIES, OCTOBER
15 LOOS,
'Woo of changes tnu. et be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left,
not later than lnouday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of each week.
1lSTA$LJ$m8D 1672.
THURSDAY, OCT. 15. '-9 3..
Governor Litnib, of the Salvation
army colony at Hadleigh, has been eem-
issioued by General Booth to proceed
o Canada and Conduct negotiations
ith the uauadian Government for the
migration of 1,000 men, women and
bildren in the spring.
The Galt Reformer says that the man
ho circulated the petition in that town
gainst the Grand Trunk Pacific cou-
rant was paid ten cents for each signa-
e. If the managers would only pay
cents to each signer they would secure
of petitions which would have to
eked up outside the Parliament
gs, with Ottaw a's lumber piles.
t, mass meeting of the Liberals of the
ew riding of South Bruce, was held at
alkertou ou October 6th, and turned
ut a success. The riding is a large one,
tit notwithstand'ug the great distance
high many of the delegates had W tra-
el, every part of the riding was well
epresented. Officers were elected as
'follows:-Presidt'ut, J. R. Campbell,
Pinkerton; Vice President, D. Cameron,
Lneknow; secretary, E. N. Bultard,
ildmay; treasurer, A. M. Halliday,
hesley. It was decided to hold the
convention at the village of Formosa on
`Thursday, October 22, for the purpose of
selecting a candidate to contest the rid -
One consideration that is making our
people impatient of hard work is the ex-
ample of riches quickly made through
the semi -gambling activities. Men,
whose fathers would have died rather
than live on bread they had not earned
find themselves willing to be taken care
of, by the Government, perhaps, or by
"the party,"or by their more fortunate
or industrious relatives. Such drones
know nothing of the satisfaction of him
who "scorns delights and lives laborous
days," who can hold his head high and
say he has earned bis right to live and
whose death is not thus a debt paid to
nature, for he4owes her nothing. -Octo-
ber Century.
Mr. A. W. Campbell, Provincial Road
Instructor, has been in the county of
race, looking over the Mud River
drainage scheme, which the Councils of
Culross and Greenock have under con-
sideration, and towards which they ask
Government assistance. The work con-
templated is that of deepening, widen-
ing, and removing obstructions from a
section of the Mud River, about twelve
miles in length, and will form an outlet
for about 25,000 acres of,land. The im-
provement would practically reclaim
t1and render fit for cultiv>}tion about 16,-
000 acres of excellent clay swamp lands.
The territory includes the Greenock
swamp, which was owned by the late Mr.
Cargill M.P. Surveys are being made
and a report will be made to the Govern-
How to Help the Town.
The following remarks from The St,
Mary's Argus have an application to
conditions in this town and are worth
thinking about.
During the past two or three weeks
outside firms have been making free use
of the mails to send circulars to the citi-
zens of this district. These attractive
circulars and booklets offer all kinds of
goods by mail order and they often
catch the vnwery, It is no uncommon
thing for people to buy by post through
these circulars goods which they could
get as advantageously at home, and have
the advantage of seeing and choosing the
goods before they buy. This method of
business does not build up one's town,
neither is it fair to the local dealers.
-Every farmer or other person who lives
in this vicinity is interested in the pros -
Was too Nervous
to Rest or Sleep
eeud*cran dhes-Drr.. Chase% beside-Had
When your nerves are all on edge, when you
cannot rest or sleep, when you are nervous,
irritable, despondent and discouraged, racked
with headache, neuralgic and sciatic pains, you
can turn to Dr. Chases Nerve Food knowing
that with each dose new blood is being formed,
the nerves re -vitalized ana health and strength
240 Munro St., Toronto.
Ont., states:• -•="I was
very much run clown in
health, and whenever 1
exerted myself more than
usual X had severe attacks
of splittii,g headache,
and wins very nervous, S0
much so that I could not
, rest well at nights. After
, Mia. Tkotnpicon using Dr. Chase's Nerve
,, Food 1 found that my nerves were steadier, 1
} eosin rest and sleep better than I have for a
brans time, and was entirely free of headaches.
1Oen t ehighly Of this preparation for
tesrvints To .. yet against imitations the portrait
We tura of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous
book nether, are on every box. At all
et fir, Bat* mid Co., Toronto.
perity of St. Mary's. If he has proper.
ty be desires to see its. value increased.
The prosperity can be maintained slid
property value increased by patroniziug
the local merchants, No town of corres-
pouding size has better stores, more up
to -date merchants, or more obliging
clerics than St. Mary's. Auythiug that
anybody wants in this vicinity is to be
found in these stores and it there should
be anything else desired the merchant
can get it for his customer. Let every
citizen of the district ponder these things,.
then deal with the local merchauts.
Now, Mr. Merchant, a word with you.
Do you make as liberal use of printing
ink as you should? Does your advertis-
ment appear regularly in the the local
papers? With many of you it does, but
there are a few that never advertise, or
whose adverising is spasmodic. This is
bad fur you and for your customer.
Then, are you yourself not guilty of giv-
ing outside printers orders for stationery,
etc., when these could be done just as
well by The Argus. Last week the
traveller fur a Toronto printing house
came through town and boasted that he
had taken orders for commercial print -
tug from many firms. Was this fair to
the newspapers? These papers are pub-
lished in your interest; they try to serve
the district thoroughly and fairly; they
are well equipped for all kinds of com-
mercial and other printing, and all
printing that they cau do for the citizens
of the towu should be done by them,,
Think this over, Mr. Merchant. It is to
the mutual interest of merchant,oustom-
er and newspaper.
Hats off to IV11ss Canada.
(St. Paul Pioneer Press.)
Uncle Sam is a big fellow.
He trades all over the world and re-
joices in setting down great columns of
figures showing how wonderfully his
trade is expanding.
And he takes a prominent interest in
Mexico and Canada and all the rest of
the countries on this side of the Atlantic.
He likes to see the whole Western Hem-
isphere move forward unfalteringly in
the path of progress. But he wants to
be in front himself.
This is a very justifiable ambition, but
Miss Canada can twist some figures into
a very fair comparative showing. For
instance, her total exports for the year
ended June 30th last amounted to $37
for every man, woman and child in Can-
ada, while Uncle Sam's per capita was
only $18; her total trade was $81 per
capita, while Uncle Sam's was only $31.
Of course the five and three quarter
millions of our Canadiau cousins have a
wider field to cover in proportion to pop-
ulation, but the figures indicate some-
thing of the competition we may expect
when the British -American territory is
fifty years older.
Fruit Seeds and Appendicitis
Many very intelligent people are de-
terred from swallowing the seed of ber-
ries, grapes and other fruits lest the
lodgment of these small bits of indiges-
tibleness may induce that dreaded acci-
dent, appendicitis. This fear is utterly
baseless, since the healthy appendicitis
is protected by a valvular arrangement
which prevents even the smallest seeds
from entering it. It is only after in-
flammation has already destroyed its
normal protection that any foreign
substance can gain access to it. To feel
compelled to eschew all seedy berries and
fruits is to seriously curtail one's dietary
and it is entirely unnecessary. In fact,
the free and constant use of ripe berries
and fruits of all kinds is one of the best
preventives of this dangerous disease.
Fruit eating prevents or helps to over-
come constipation and constipation is
the most prolific cause of appendicitis.
The physician should thoroughly dis-
abuse his patients of this mistaken no-
tion. All the smooth seeds are harmless.
(Intended for last week.)
Mrs. Buchanan has returned home
from a two months visit with friends in
Toronto, Belleville and Trenton.
Oar popular store -keeper, Mr. Charles
McClelland left on Tuesday last on a
trip to the West. His many friends
wish him a safe and pleasant journey.
Mr. D. Sproat was in Seaforth on
Tuesday attending the funeral of the
late Mr. Broadfoot.
We are sorry to say that Mr. Ben-
gough is not enjoying good health 'these
last few days. Mrs. McKenzie is also in
poor health.
Mr: and Mrs. J. R. Munshaw are the
guests of Dr, and Mrs. McAsh, at pres-
Anniversary services on Sunday last
is the Presbyterian church were conduct-
ed by Rev. Win. Eoss of Guelph, son' of
Mr. Win. Ross, of East Wawanosh. It
is needless to say that the congregation
enjoyed a ram treat. The congregation
in Guelph of which Mr. Ross is pastor
are to be congratulated on having such
an able man as their leader, and the Bel -
grave people will look forward with
great pleasure to again having Mr. Ross
in the pulpit here at such another ()Cata-
Miss Laura McCrea is the guest of
friends in Windsor.
Mr. O. Proctor of Morris was the
guest of friends in Wingham on Sunday.
Mr. Dave Owens, who has been visits
ing friends here, left on Monday morn-
ing for his hone in Bruce Mines, Algae
liven the Dlost Stubborn Cases of this Palin•
Oil malady Van Be Cured.
Rheumatism is caused by acid in the
blood. That is au uudisputed medical
truth. Liniments, outward appl:catious
and alleged electric treatment eau never
cure what is rooted in the blood. 4
blood disease like rheumatism must be
cured through the blood. That is why
rheumatism always yields lilts maie to
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills -they actually
wake new, rioh, red blood. This new
blood conquers the painful poison,
sweeps out the aching acid, soothes the
nerves, looseus the muscles and banishes
rheumatism from the system. Proof of
this is found iu the case of Mr. Charles
Leatherdalo. a popular youug druggist's
assistant of Tilbury, Out. He says: "I
know from, personal experience that Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills cure rheumatism,
because they cured me of a severe attack
that for mouths caused me many sleep-
less nights and puiuful days. I had
tried a number of other medicines, but
they failed. Then I decided to give the
pills a trial. Before I had finished the
second box the pains began to leave me,
and by the time I had taken two more
boxes the panus were all gone, and I felt
like a uew man. That is more than six
months ago and I have not had a twinge
of rheumatism since. It is my belief
that a fair trial of Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills will drive the moet stubboru case
of rheumatism out of the system, and
as a result of my own experience I cheer-
tulty recommend them for this trouble."
The pills cure all blood and nerve
troubles such as rheumatism, sciatica,
partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance. anae-
mia, neuralgia, indigestion, headaches,
kidney troubles, and the ailments that
make the lives of so many women a
source of almost constant misery. Imi-
tations and substitutes are sometimes
offered, and the buyer should see that
the full name, "Dr. William's Piuk Pills
for Pale People," is printed on the wrap-
per around every box. If in doubt send
direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Out„ and the pills will be
mailed at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
(Intended for last week.)
What might have proved a serious
accident happened at Robt. Marshall's
last week, when Mr. Tom Corbett, of
Belgrave, got his hand badly cut and
bruised while feediug the corn cutter.
At last reports he was doing as well as
could bo expected and we hope to see
him at worst again.
Mrs. Noble, of Hallett, was the guest
of friends here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hanna, of Kinloss, were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Corley last
Mr. Alex. Leishman,who was recover-
ing from typhoid fever, took pleurisy
and is very low at present.
Mr. Frank Reirl, who has been visiting
friends here, has,returned to his home
in Toronto.
Mrs. Brydges, who has been the guest
of friends here has returned to Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cameron, of
Lacknow,spent Sunday with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. McDowell,
Misses L. and A. Henderson,of Morris,
visited friends here recently.
Mr. Alf. Cook, of Clinton, was the
guest of his parents this week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Owens, of Belgrave,
and Miss Tillie Nethery, of the eastern
boundary, Suudayed with Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Noble, of Westfield.
Miss Brydges. of Goderich,is the guest
of her sister, Miss Laura Brydges, of the
6th lino.
Anniversary' services were held in
Westfield church on Sunday last. Rev.
Dr. Daniels, of Goderich, preached
morning and afternoon. A tea meeting
was held on Monday evening at which
Mr. A, Cook, of Clinton, rendered sever-
al excellent selections. Proceeds a-
mounted to $86.
Scrawny People
People grow thin, scrawny, pale and
weak when the blood is thin and watery.
What is needed to round off the angles
and fill out the form, is` not fat but
healthy muscular tissue, By enriching
the blood and increasing its nourishing
qualities Dr. Chase's Nerve Food adds
new flesh and tissue to the body as well
as new vigor and energy. Yon can prove
this by noting yo rease in weight
while using this :, p . d cure.
Good Business Maxims,
(Malun's Magazine]
The president of the Logdon Cham-
ber of Commerce gives these twelve
maxims, which he has tested through
years of business experience, and which
he recommends as tending to insure
1. Have a definite aim.
2. Go straight for it.
3. Master all details.
4. Always know more than you are
expected to know.
5. Remember that difficulties are
only made to be overcome.
6. Treat failures as stepping stones
to further effort.
7. Never put your hand out further
than you can draw it back,
8. At all times be bold; always be
9. The minority often beats the ma-
jority in the end.
10. Make good nee of other men's
11. Listen well; answer catltionsly,
decide promptly.
12. Preserve, by all means in your
power, "a sound mind in a sound body.
Monet' to LOAN at 4g per oent. on
easy tents of eepayment. Apply to A,
Dulmage, Kent Bleak, Wingham,
Dried Apples.
A few valuable suggestions to the
As soon as the apple is pared it should
be cut into quarters,trinxuled and thrown
into an ordinary sized pail whioh bas
been about half filled with water in
whicb a haniful of common salt has
been stirred. As soon as enough apples
have been prepared drain off the water,
which can be used again, and dry in the
usual manner, The effeot of the salt is
to whiten the apples very mach and pre-
vents them from turning dark; try this
way and you will be pleased with results
and proud of yqur work, with really no
more trouble.
Always cut the apples into quarters,
this is very importaut. Sliced apples
are not wanted.
Do not dry on strings.
Do not offer burnt apples for sale.
Do not expect the merchant with
whom you deal to give you good goods
for poor apples,
Canada has taken the lead in many
other products and we are all interested
to have this apply to dried apples as
well. A little extra effort ou the part of
each dryer will accomplish much.
Dried apples are saleable from 1st of
October to 1st of April, but experience
has proved that itis the wisest plan to
market the goods early while the de-
mand is good.
People of this niece
There are people in every town and
village of this country who have been
cured of itching, bleeding and protruding
piles by the use of Dr. Chase's Ointment.
Ask your friends about this great prepar-
ation, they can toll you of its great sooth-
ing, ;healing and antiseptic powers.
More reputable people have endorsed
Dr. Ohase'e Ointment than auy prepar-
ation yon can mention.
An Italian has inventen a cloth which
is quite imperviqus to any weapon.
Shot from a revolver which bored holes
in a steel plate could not affect it.
Eucalyptus gum is the agent in a new
quick tauniug process, said to be a great
success in Viptoria, Australia. It in-
creases the rapidity of the work by 40 per
" Ryrie " Cut Glass is the
purest of Crystal.
Our handsormely illustrated new
Catalogue shows a very large assort-
ment of choice pieces.
No. cis
This 8 -inch finest Cut Glass
Berry Bowl we send to any
address for $8.00.
We pay express charges
and guarantee safe delivery.
Write for our Catalogue.
Ready for delivery Nov. reth.
1118, I20, I22 and I24
Yon*c St., Toronto
Pain in the
• Morbus,
Cholera Info t easickness,
and all kinds of Summer Com-
plaint are quickly cured by
Dr. Fowler's
Extract of
Wild Strawberry.
It has been used by thousands for
nearly sixty years -and we have yet
to hear a complaint about its action.
A few doses have often cured when
all other remedies have 'failed. Itis
action is Pleasant, Rapid, Reliable
and Effectual.
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry is the original Rowel
Complaint Curb,
Refuse Sabstttate3. Tiey+ra Dangeraas.
B.rTIST Cannon -Sabbath services at
11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at
2:110 p in. General per meeting
on Wednesday evexiings..'Rev. J. N. Mc-
Lean, B.A., pastor, Abner Coaens, S.S.
METHODIST OiwRog--Sabbath services
at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at
2:80 p m. Epworth League every Mon -
daevening, General prayer meeting
Wednesday evenings, Rev. J. R.
Grundy, D.D., pastor. Dr, Towler, S. S.
PRESBYTERIAN C11IUR08-Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a m .and 7 p m. Sunday
Solxool at 2:80 p m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev.
D. Perris, pastor and S S. Superinten-
dent, P. S. Liuklater and L. Harold,
assistant S. S. Superintendents.
bath services at 11,a m and 7 p m. Sun-
day School at 2:30p m, General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev.
Wm. Lowe, Rector. F. Shore and Ed.
assistant S. S. Superintendents.
SALVATION ARMY -Service at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'clock at the barracks.
POST OFFIon-In Macdonald Block,
Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p m,
Peter Fisher, postmaster.
PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:30 o'clook, and every evening from 7
to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Minis Robertson,
Town Conxou,-R. Vanstone, Mayor;
A. Dulmage, Thos., Bell, Robt. Mc-
Indoo, J J, ElliottS W. F. VanStone,
S. Bennett, Ooangillors; J. 13, Fer-
guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William
Clegg, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col-
lector. Board meets first Monday even-
ing in each month at 8 o'clock.
SCHOOL BOARD. -J. J. Homuth, (chair-
man), Thos. Abraham,R. A.Douglas, H.
Kerr, Wm. Moore, A. E. Lloyd Wm.
Button, 0. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm.
Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday evening in each
Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brockp
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson
Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings.
BOARD of HnALTH-Mayor Vanstone,
(chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg-
ory, Dr. Agnew, J. In Ferguson, Sec-
retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical
Health Officer,
A. T. C. M.
Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music
Method, Simplex and Kindergarten.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina-
Teacher of Piano and Theory.
Teacher of Violin and Guitar.
Rooms in Stone Block, Wingham.
The Gnat English Remedy,
is au old, well estab.
lishod and reliable
preparation. Has been
prescribed and used
over 40 years. All drug-
gists in the Dominion
of Canada sell and
recommend es beipg
the only medicine of
its kind that cures and
gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and
permanently cures all forms of Nervous Weak
Hess, Emissions, Spermatorrhoea, Impotency,
and all effects of abuse or:excesses ; the excessive
use of Tobacco, Opium or StimulantsMental
and Brain Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity.
Insanity Consumption and an Early Grave.
Price X11 per package or six for $5. One will
please, sixwild cure. Mailed prompty on re-
ceipt of price. Send for free pamphlet. Address
The Wood Company,
Windsor, Ont', Canada,
Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Wing -
ham by A. L. Hamilton, A. L.Douglass,
W. MoKibbon and Cohn A. Campbell,
Before and After.
and anyone having live stock or other
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
tise the same for sale in the TIMES. Our large
circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if
you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee
that you will sell because you may ask more
for the article or stock than it ie worth. Send
your advertisement to the TIMES and try this
plan of disposing of your stook and other
including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill
Heads, Circulars, &o., &c., executed in the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on
short notice.
BooxnlNIETIO. We are pleased to announce
that any Books or Magazines left with us for
Binding, will have our prompt attention
Prices for Binding in any style will be given on
application to
London 6.50 a.m.... 8.10p.m.
Toronto & East ..9 a.m6.58 a.m.... 8.05p.m.
Kincardine -11.10 a.m1.40 pen.... 8.88p.m.
Kincardine ....6.50 a.m9.00 a m ... 8.05 p.m.
London.., 11.10 a m ...755 p.m.
Palmerston 11.10 a.m.
Toronto & East 1.40 p.m.. ,. 8.. i p.m.
• L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham.
Toronto and East.... 6.57 ant 8.43 p.m.
Teeswater 1.17 p.te....10.48 p.m.
Teeewater6.57 a ni 48
Termite andBt .E 1.17 p.ln....1048 p.
Agent, Winghapmm,m..
The Times Office, Beaver Block
terms or SuusoRtrribx-$1 au per annum in
advance $1.50 if not so paid. No paper discon-
tinned till all arrears are paid, except at the
option of the publisher.
ADVERTISING RATES. - Legal and other
casual advertisements 8e per Nonppariel lino for
Srst insertion, 8o per line for each, subsequent
Advertisements per line for first insertion and charged c
per line for each subsequent insertion,
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed,
Firms for Sale or to Rent, and similar, $1.00 for
first mouth and 50 cents for each subsequent
CONTBAOI RATIts-The following table shows
our rates for the insertion of advertisements
for specified periods: -
SPACE. 1 YR. 6 mo. 8 MO. 1 MO
One Column $00.00 $85.00 $15.00 $6 ,r
Half Column 85.00 18.00 10,00 4.W
Quarter Column 18.00 p10.00 6.00 2.00
will inserited till forbid and chargdirections
ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid
for in advance,
Tax JOB DEPARTMENT is stocked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites for print-
tyfordturning facilitiesgout rst class work Lain rge
type and appropriate cuts for all styles of Poet-
ers, Eland Bills, eto., and the latest styles of
choice fancy type for the finer classes of print•
H. B. ELLIOTT, and Publisher
• Member of the British Medical Associa-
tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child
ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.; 7 to 9 p. m
Centre Street
Physician, Snrgeon, etc.
Drug Store. Night callsaanswered at the office.
M.B., M.D., O.M., M.O.1..9.0. MB, MD,OM., M O Y 8 0.
OFFICE-Ohisholm Block, Josephine street.
RESIDENCE -In rear of block, on Patrick St.,
where night calls will be answered..
ratePeof interest Company comssi funds charged 1 Mort.
gages, town and farm property bought and
sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham.
Wingham, Ont.
OwrrCE: Meyer Block, Wingham.
Marriage Licenses issued. No witnesses ro•
Money 4 per cent. large amounts ; smaller in
proportion. Easiest terms.
Office -Next to Holmes Block now building.
ARTHUR J. IRWIN, p, D. S., L. D. S.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Rbyal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post Office, Wingham.
Beav,r Block, Wingham.
D. D. S. -Toronto University.
L. D. S. -Royal College of; Dental Surgeons.
Has a new method for painless
extraction. No cocaine.
Special attention to the care of cnildren's
Moderate prices, and all work guaranteed.
OSTIOE-In Gregory block, opposite Queen's
Wingham, Ont.
ALEX. KELLY, Wingham, Ont.
For the County of Huron. Sales of all kinds
conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at
the TIMES office will receive prompt attention.
JAB. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont.
For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales
of Farm Stock and Implements a specialty,
All orders left at the TIRES office promptly
attended to.
Terms reasonable,
S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont.
Is prepared to condudt sales in this section.
Special attention given to sales of farm stock
and implements.
Dates and orders can always be arranged at
the TIMES office, Wingham.
Anyone bending a sketch and deaetlpticn may
gglokls ascertain ear opinion free whether aT
Inrentllon to probably patentable. Communfo4
done strictly conedential. Handbook on Parmasent free. Oldest agency for securing tent,.
Patents taken through Munn & Co, receive
titmice notice, without `harge, in the
Scientific ,1merikau.
A handsomely illnntrat t weakly. Largest els.
culation of any setentf a l.mrnal. Terme, 11 a
year I four months, $1.' Sold byall newedealers.
UNN & Co,3618ro1aly, New York
branch office. s15 F tit.. Washington. D,
'Tache Station, Ont., Sept. 26.--
though little or nothing is hear&
from this part of the mining district
of New Ontario, It is a well known
fact that almost within a stone's
throw; o;f the main line of the C:I'.RI.
are situated rich claims, awaiting the
long-1expected, tide of capital and Lien
velopmont. ' That smell properties
should be suffered, 'to remain dor-,
matt so lotug is a nxatter of surpirscs
to many, considering their very pro-
minent aorface, 'indications and their
p,raxinx.ity to the station of 'Tache,
Perhaps, if ;these olai;me ,were fit-
unted in some inaccessible place, pay
fifty mules away from the track, the
chances are, that they would, none
be, in it vorry advanced state of de.
velopmant. ,, Somehow or other, lea-
rner) nature, even to this day, is prones
to follow these laws, which invariab-
ly govern the inclinations of the
gold thirsty explorers of far away
fields, and, take it cis a matter of
course than nothing rich can be,
found anywhere excepts in places re-
mote. from the haunts of civilized man.
(Mhos geological position'of this /Are
of the mining world may, perhaps,,•
account' for ins being left 'severely
aloine."abt,goon and the Manton
regions constitute the chief mining;
centres, and., as Tache is - twenty-.
three miles east of these points, it
may thereeore be presumed that this
mad avowed locality, front which only
I ague rumors are heard occasionally,
has not Yet mads its "debut" in they
rather fastidious mining circles of
Canada. (I'hei writes, knows of peoples
prominent in raining who, upon being
told of what Tache had to offer, with
its splendid natural advantages, abso-
lutely refused to believe that such
was the case. ;The point was this : the
claims were akar home, and they
couldn't be of any account. The fact
that they arc so easily gotten at took:
away, the spice 'of adventure( and
(sh'oran, and everything that suggests
the widely romantic with which ether
fields abound. t
Years ago a few enthusiastic indi-
viduals tried to make mines of ,t
couple of these claims, 'but, as these.
parties lacked sufficient backbone, bil-
ly, a few ,test pits filled with water
remain! as memorials to those whose
intentions were 'fax beyond their
means to *carry out their schemes to
a, successful issue. .It goes without
saying that it would have been far
better for Tache's reputation if these
miners had never struck a drill. The
best known claims Ilene lie within.
half' a -Mlle of Tache station, and core
known as -follows ! • - fir
Zrhe Lady • Marian group, !rails
which very good ore has been taken,
the values per ton averaging $18,
nvJxile picked. samples assayed 585 in:
gold. r t , 1
Palms I3'. W., 611, lying north of
and adjoining the Lady Mhrian, has
also made a records for itself in rich
sur'fracei circ as high as $812 p'r ton.
and an average assay giving $22.50.
Claim: H( jw. 042, a short distance
east, of claim) 611, made 'the best re-
cord iu these parts a few years ago,
;here it was discovered by David L.
Guthrie, the well kniaava Tache ex-
plorer. • Very beautiful visible spec-
imens of native gold were taken.
from this property, one assay from
rock showing no visible gold giving
$996 in. gold per ton and an overage
sample gove, 426 in gold and silver.
JE. B. Young, late of Winnipeg„ a:
mettallurgist and mining engineer of
long a ,prrience in different parts of
the. world, declared a few days ago
that there was no part of the Rainy
River. shining district in which he
would sooner invest 'his money than,
in, and around Tache, as it' certainly
gave very strong evidence of having
immense ,quantities of paying ore
int its claims, a fact which', combined:
with other sui(rrior advantages, was
bound to 'be brought to the known
ledge of practical men sooner or lat-
er ; grid so far as his knowledge went
the outlook for some of these claims
now in 'their initial stage to become
dividend payers was very bright.
provided practical mining mean, back-
ed; by systematic management, tonic
hold of (thein, as he (Mr. Young) be-
lievied in the future, to such a stage
as, would rank them: with the pro-
ducer's of 'the world. , 1
Prowling Around the Country
(,1 gang oJf! 12urglars seems to be
prowling`a'bout the country just now.
TWO days ago a serious case of house-
breaking accu.rred. at Mbunt Brydges
when a'large 'tura of money and a
watch were carried off. Another cases
of blouse irobbery took place in the vil-
lage of Ailsa Craig Thursday, when.
the thieves secured; a considerable
Maul. ! The booty comprises two
brooches seat with pearls, a Win-
nipeg Souvenir stick -pier, a chain ivitt,
car 45 gold piece tttaehed, tnvo, rings;
oras being o,f plain gold and one nett
with' thrice stones ; 04 black -sealskins
Vane an'd a pair of pocket scissor.
Anti cif the( au cote is h'aid 1d be
aonut( ,5 ,feet 8 inches in height, re&
haired, fair lcomil;tcxion, projecting
tippet+ lip, walks lame; witlil a stick;.
thirty or thirty-five years of age, an&
wearing a 'dark grey suit and bl t ik
soft ,felt hurt. I t 1 1 ..