HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-10-15, Page 1THS WIN(1HAIVI TIM
VOL XXXII.--NO, 1653.
There should
he no doubt
about where to go,when
in need of Gents Fur-
nishings. An experi-
ence of years in this
line of business has.
given us an insight into
the requirements of the
people of this vicinity,
and our many satisfied
customers give ample
evidence that what they
get here is always the
newest and best to be
had anywhere.
Our shelves and count-
ers are now replete with
the most fashionable
goods, and the prices
are, as usual, within
easy reach.
You are invited to call
and see what we have
Fall and Winter
Overcoatinas and SuitinAs.
We feel sure they will
please you.
Remember, we sell cheap
Homuth Bros.
Issued by PRANK PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria
street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $ 2,980,000
&serve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,330,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold ou all points in Canada)
the United States and Europe.
iallowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 31st
December each year.
A. E. GIBSON, Manager,.
R. Vanstone, Solicitor.
Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $1,700,000.00.
Total Assets, $22,000,000.
President- HON. War. GrnsON.
Vice -President and
General Manager -J. Tuitunu u.
George Roach, john Proctor, A. 11. Leo,
John S. Hendrio, Goo. Rutherford.
.Assistant General Manager -H. S. STEVEN.
Inspector -H. M. WATsoN.
.Savings Sank -Hours 10 to 8; Saturday, 10
to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. In-
terest allowed, and computed on the 80th No-
vember and 81st May each year and added to
Special Deposits also received at current
sated of interest.
Drafts on Great Britain and the United
States Bought and sold,
Travellers are notified that theRank of Ham -
Ilion and its Branehe3• ianne Oircular Rates of
National Provincial Bank of England, Limited,
+which can be cashed withoitt tharge or trolls
ble In any part of tho world.
W. CO13BOULD, Agent
DIOItIESON&%1OLvtES, Selieitors;
Don't run
the risk
of being disappointed by buying
old and out of date ()rockery
when you can get the best and
newest designs and patterns In
at less than some of the prices
we see quoted by others,
I have just opened a large orate
of very choice Sets at extremely
low prices. Come early and get
your choice, as they won't lust
RI A. Hutchison
Prompt Delivery. - Phone 59.
Who Wants a Farm ?
I havo over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands
for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron
and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
.Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doinggood business for sale cheep.
Also a wagonsop. A general store with large
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par-
ticulars apply to
Insurance Agent, Holyrood.
To the Real Estate Buyer
No matter where located
I ant sure I can save you some money, unless
the circumstances under which you buy are
very exceptional. No matter what ]rind
of a property or business you are going to buy
write me or can before closing a deal.
I can and shall make it profitable to you to
buy through me. My extensive advertising
keeps me constantly in touch with property
owners in every part of the country, and I can
find exactly the property you want in a very
short time.
O. J. MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agent.
Vanstone block, Wingham.
See Halsey Park's advertisement.
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran•
teed to cure headache.
We understand
Bell, D. Robertson
this town have pur
of some 172 square
Fort Frances, and
on another timber
leave Wiugham i
weeks for Fort Fr
the work of Belli
In connection
lowing is taken f
in Monday's T
Preston, of Win
Carr and .I). Ro
will start a furn
Frances. Messr
have gone East
mber Limit.
hat Messrs. H. O.
nd A. H. Carr of
haled a timber limit
Iles, situated near
Iso taken an option
limit. Mr. Carr will
the course of a few
nces to proceed with
ith the above the fol -
m the Winnipeg news
ronto News: -W. A.
peg, H. O. Bell, A. H.
rtson, of Wingham,
ure factory at Fort
. Carr and Robertson
purchase machinery.
Fanny Goods and Wools at
In order to reduce atm . Buckley
will sell all stock : cep oysters, fruit,
and tobaccos at c : ice for the next
30 days.
Blyth r all Fair.
The fall fair hel in Blyth on 5aaesdav
and Wednesday of last week was a great
success. The exit' its were up to form-
er years and in soi , e classes the exhibit
was very large. he Clinton band furn-
ished music dnrin i the last day of the
fair. Mr. Geo. 0. Hanna, of Wingham
won the first prize in the gentlemen's
road race. Mr. " . J. Scott, of town
had the booth pri ilege and sold a large
quantity of fruit, to. Many Wingham-
ites attended the f ir.
Send details of your property, and
price to C. J. Maguire, and Ise/ill find
yon a buyer,
STOVES, -Wood stoveai stoves,
ranges, and everytl 'n u may require
in the stove line, botlf new and second
hand, at prices that will surprize you.
A.4YouNo c4G Soar.
More Dwells
In Galt a committe
Trade has taken in h
meeting the demand
committee proposes
joint stock Co. to
dwellings rentable a
The manntacturers
means view the pr
and will likely inves
the movement a p
handling vacant lots
ting up anumber of
for which there is
Wingham we are fat;
lar to that in Galt.
large number of no
would rent from $G t
some move should be
caring them before t
s Needed.
of the Board of
nd the matter of
for houses. This
e formation of a
reot at least fifty
$8 to $12 a. month.
nd other men of
position favorably
As an adjunct to
'vate promoter is
"th a view to puts
'gible )residences,
ugh demand. In
i . g a problem simi-
ingham needs a
dwellings that
$8 per month and
ade toward se-
dd time next year.
Stratford A.rnl.orie
were sold for less the
Mrd. Dwight L. M
famous evangelist, di
field, Mads.
Without the land,
widow of the
at East North -
Wear Green's Shoes and Rubbers.
Transfer of
.Last week C. J.
agent, disposed of tl
by George Wraith,
Street, for $675, W
was the purchaser.
sonetuvos m
oad '
g investme
and the inteudiug
well to call on him
aguire, real estate
property owned
itnated on Scott
• T. A. Fishleigh
Mr, Maguire has
sin to
wu property,
rohaser would do
efore buying.
Imported Fancy Chiutl at Cooper's.
Wall Paper and Shades at Cooper's.
500 lbs pork (farmer's cured) for sale,
25;3 off. G, E. King,
His Honor, Judg
List Court for the
the Council Chani
week. As near as
of the day's sittin
as follows:-Libe
30; Liberals struc
added, 18; Cousei
A few minor cha
list. Mayor Van
the interests of ti
Dudley Holmes lot
of the Conservativ
ist Court,
Doyle hold Voters'
own of Wingham iu
r on Tuesday of this
e can h
ear the
may be sn►umed up
ale added to the list,
off, 14; Conservatives
vatives struck off, 24.
'es were made in the
tone was present iu
e .-Liberals, and Mr.
ed atter he interests
GIRLS WANTED -Mattress department,
upholstering factory. Apply to WALKER
The Gauthier- nddison Concert.
The concert gii u in the opera house
on Monday even g, by the Gautliier-
Anddison Comp iy, under the auspices
Of the citizens and, was fairly well
patronized, an those who attended
speak in terms o praise of the entertain-
ment provided. Miss Kathryn Chattoe-
Morton, contralt soloist, was a general
favorite with th audience. She has a
full, clear voice t great power. The
company throng out is a combination of
refined artists, a d their entertainment
of a pure, whole ome character.
WANTED, -A cook for a small family
in city. $4 per week. Apply to R, A.
Coming Again To Wingham.
J. Y. Egan, rupture specialist, of
Toronto, who will make his next regular
visit to Wingham, Queen's Hotel Satur-
day, Sunday (all dad and evening) two
days, only October 24.25. Remember
this gentleman has now the largest es-
tablishment in the Dominion exclusively
devoted to the treatment of rupture.
He has been established thirty-seven
years in Toronto and has visited our
section periodically for the past quarter
of a century. Is this not a record.? See
'Ad" in this issue.
STOVES -All kinds, at
as we need money pd i;
Call and see what
bpain prices,
dst sell stoves.
A Mitchell young
Advocate took a tri
and thinking to sac
a few purchases in t
purchases was a pal
he paid $4.98. On 1
found he could pur
from a Mitchell nn
price of $3.50, Th'
to show that in ne
to make your purcl
nan,according to the
to Detroit recently,
his expenses made
ho city. Amoug the
of shoes for which
is return home he
ase the same shoes
rchant at the regular
is another example
ly every case it pays
ases from the home
Nor= ,-The question is: How can
Robt. Mclnd.00 loan his money so cheap
on notes and mortgages? Call and See,
ROBT. McINnoo.
A Fine . nument.
Messrs. Cochrane
ble and granite deal
iu Teeswater cemet
a monument to the
W. R. Thompson.
ite sarcophagus des
polished and the w
class in every part'
a reputation for d
and this monumeu
what has been sa'
closed by a heavy stone copeing.-Tees-
water News.
nd Johnston, mar-
rs, Wingham, were
y this week erecting
enlory of the late
t is of Swede gran-
ge. It is beautifully
rkmanship is first-
ular. This firm has
ing excellent work
certainly bears out
The lot is also en -
Presentation o Mr. John Kerr.
On Thursday e ening, October Sth., a
social was held in Holmes' School House.
Quite a number e,' people attended, and
an enjoyable tim: was spent. After a
programme, co isting of addresses,
readings, recitati urs, songs, etc•, Mr.
John Kerr, of W gham, who is super-
intendent of the pion Sunday School
held in that soho.1, was presented with
a handsome cont! and address. The
presentation was nade by Mr. James
Linklater, while ie following address
was read by Mr. '' in, King; -
DE AR MR. ITER u: -It is with feelings
of the greatest pl t, sire that we take this
opportunity of pr starting you with a
tangible token of . ur esteem, and appre-
ciation of your sera 'ces as Superintendent
of our Sunday So sol during the last
three years,
We hope that yo • will accept this pres-
eet, not so much fo ite intrinsic value,
as for the good•wi 1 n which it is given.
We sincerely trust iat you may long
be spared in the goo. Providence of God,
to work in our Staid y School, or in any
other good work..
May happiness eve be thy lot,
Wherever thous alt be;
And joy and pleas i e light the spot
That may be ho a to then.
Sind on 1
Signed behalf o the e teachers
In reply, Mr. Kerr e pressed his thanks
for the handsome pre ont..
A very important p rt of the evening's
proceedings name aft the presentation,
when the kindness an generosity' Of the
ladies were shown, by serving a sulnptti•
ons lunch, after whit all departed to
their Several homed.
Service will be held i the Presbyteri-
an and St. Paul's cher • les on Thanks-
giving Day at 11 o'clock
Rev. Mr, Purten, of 0 •ncoe, has been
chosen to succeed Rey, W, S.Howard
as rector of Trinity char. 1 at Mitchell,
A Thanksgiving servic: willbe held in
the Methodist Chnrch tea. y (Thursday)
at 11. o'clock, lasting one hour; and in
the afternoou from 3 to 4 .'clock a pray.
er and praise service will a held.
Rev. Robt. Johnston,
eight years pastor of
Presbyterian Ohurch,Lon
to his congregation hf
accept the call to the Am
terian Church, Mont reel.
action of the London pres
The Managera of the W
byterian church have issue
the members and adherents
asking for a special offerir
and 25th. The revenue fro
offering will be used in ma
improvements to the chute
D., for over
t. Andrew's
intention to
loan Presby
object to the
gham Pres.
circulars to
f the church
on Oct. 18th
the special
ing needed
The opening services i connection
with the Methodist church t the Nile
will beheld on Sunday, 18th net. There
will he a special dedicatic service at
10;30 it. m• conducted by tl e President
of the London conference, ' ev. Jasper
Wilson, Rev. Dr. Daniel, .f Goderich
will preach in the afternoo , and Rev.
Jasper Wilson in the eveni g. On Mon-
day evening a fowl supper nd entertaiu-
ment will be held. Rev. Gundy, of
Wing ham will deliver an , ddress at the
Monday evening :meeting.
The Junior Epworth ague of the
Methodist Church will hol an entertain-
ment in the chnreh this (' hanksgiving)
evening, commencing at 7 0 o'clock. A
good prcgramme has been prepared, and
refreshments will he sery • . The juniors
have been successful in ge ting up en-
tertainments, and it is con lently expect-
ed shat the event this eves ing will be no
excl?ption to the role. A: admission fee
of 15 cents for adults and Oc for child-
ren will be charged. M nbers of the
Junior League will be ad itted for 50.
Good house wanted to rent. est be
centrally located. To ren a bout $9
per mouth. Apply at Ti r • office.
WANTED.-Tnrkeys and .fowl of all
kinds. Why sell only the large turkeys
for 6 or 7c alive? Our market price will
be 10 to 12;c undrawn. Fresh tub but•
ter 1Gc, eggs 150, dried apples 5c.
GEO. E. Kase.
For immediate, sale Men's G. .calf
overcoats, prinefpally rgo sizes; also
black dog and bear ou moats. Men's,
youth's and boy's overco. s, raglans, etc.,
at A. R. SMITH'S.
For Boys
We have just passed into stock a
big shipment of the ever popular
Henty Books for boys. Buying in
the large quantities gave us a very
low price. We share this benefit
with our customers. For a limited
time we will sell these books at
35c each, postpaid.
They are bound in cloth, and in-
clude such titles as :
Jack Archer
The Golden Canon
The Boy Knight
Colonel Thorndyke's Secret
Rujub the Juggler
W.1. F. Mallagh
ERE WI comes
Cold Tablets
Will break up and euro Coughs,
Colds, LanGrippo, eto.
These are no experiment. They
heves proved their Milne in many
Walton MeKihbou
Next door to post office.
LOWN'EY'S-Fresh this week.
See J, Button & Co's Roots and Shoes
Mr. Chas. A. Be
Winnipeg some 1110
ed the Sentinel
Mound, Mau, Mr
young Wiughamit
Chas. Barber of
several years exper
business and shoul
his new nndertakir
neat. seven comm
The new publisher
for success.
•her, who went to
Ms ago, has parches-
iewspaper at Pilot
Barber is a former
and a son of Mr.
own. He has bad
ence in the printing
make a success of
g. The Sentinel is a
, eight page paver.
has our best wishes
Dr. Ovens of London, M. R. C. S. L.
R. C. P. specialist, eye, ear, nose and
throat, will be in Wingham, at Camp-
bell's drug store, Monday, Nov. 2nd.
Glasses properly filed.
At the meeting n
408, A. . 0 F. on Ti
Frank Shore was pr
locket by the inemb
the eve of his depati
fields, Bro. Dr• Chi
dress, Bro, Nash in
after which Bro. 5
reply and expressed
the Court and the
has been a member
years and has alw
stay of Court Huro
feel the loss keen
appointed District
Huron for 1904-05,
Court Huron, No,
sday evening Bro.
sented with a gold
rs of the Court ou
ire for the mission
holm read the ad -
de the presentation
re made a suitable
his regret at leaving
town. Bro. Shore
if the Order for 22
ye been the main -
and the members
r. Bro. Nash was
Chief Ranger for
Ur. Butler, specialist in the diseases
of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes
tested and glasses supplied. Office op-
posite St. Andrew's church, London,
Accident a. Bluevale.
Mr. Andrew C. i enderson, of the
Bluevale road, met ith what was al-
most a fatal actio: ib at Bluevale on
Thursday afternoon f last week. Mr.
Henderson was dra 'ng lumber from
the Bluevale saw m 11 for Mr. John
Fowler's new barn. "hen he hail the
load taken from the . ill to the road the
hack stile of the agon broke and
the load turned over. Mr. Henderson
was sitting back of the binding pole and
he was pinned under t e load. His hip
bone was broken and e was seriously
cut and bruised in in ny parts of the
body. The unfortnna e man was moved
to the residence of r. Robt. Mason,
where he has since b n lying in a very
critical condition. r many days his
life was despaired of, but we are pleased
to learn at the time of going to press
that Mr. Henderson . =s shown signs of
improvement and hi chances of recov-
ery are now more fa orable. He has a
2iost of friends wh will sympathize
with him in this uut' ortunate accident
and hope that he Ina be speedily restor-
ed to his usual heals and vigor.
W. Button, having decided to his
house, arid block, and being of of town
most of the time, will open to
receive by post, off s for a pnrehnse
of either or both sea ,elv. up till 0. t
31st. The stable a baggy house go
with the house. For inspection apply at
the house, or at J. Button's boot and shoe
store. Any offers will be confidential.
Terms, Iiberal. WM. BCTTON.
Mrs. W. F. Hain s and son wero visit-
ing with Blyth frie cis last week.
Mrs. H. O. Bell 1 s been visiting with
her parents at Olin on.
Miss B. Craig, o y Walkerton, is visit•
ing with her sister, Mrs. E. H. Kaiser.
Miss Young, of -) ungannon, has been
visiting with Mrs, ;' P. Grierson.
Mr. and Mrs, P Brown of Lakelet
were visiting with Wingham friends for
a few days this we k.
Mr. and Mrs. .1
Mich., are visiting
Thos. Cassels.
Mrs. Ie. J. Carr
after a three week
in Woodstock.
Miss M. Hasla
friends in Belgrave
Mr. and Mrs. C.
with their daught
London. -
Rev. Wm. 11 of Stratford,
was visiting wit 1 Re . Gundy a cou-
ple of days this week
Miss Bosmau has r
Winnipeg, where sh
several weeks.
Mrs. Bosman and c ildren, of Winni-
peg are visiting at . r. Edward Bos
Mr. J. B. Elliott re
Wis., on Monday of
visit at his home in
Master Robbie M
spent Sunday with
Mr. E. L, Dickins.., of Goderich, was
calling ou Wingham, friends for a few
days daring the past; week.
Mr, and Mrs. W. I . Dulmage, late of
Gorrie, and the for er at one time a
resident of Wingh i, have taken up
their residence in W lkerton,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Kaiser and Misses
Ora and. Della Kadsot and Mr. and Mrs.
H. B. Elliott were vi iting with Walker-
ton friends over San: ay.
Mrs, John Bugg a Miss Bug(.' Were
visiting with relativ:s and friends in
Walkerton for a few days during the
past week.
Mrs. A. Waite and - on, Campbell, re•
turned to their hoie in Toronto, on
Thursday, after a sev.ral weeks' visit at
Mrs. Waite's parents homein town.
Mrs, (Dr.) Macao mid was visiting
with her mother, Mr..
Ross at Bruce-
ru -
field for a few days during the week.
Mrs. Ross has been riously ill for some
Mrs. Campbell, to alas been visiting
with her daughter Mrs. J. D. Burns,
for seine *Weeks, ret , rued to her home in
Perth on Wodne: ay. She was at.
eonipanied by Mr . Burns, who will
giett for a fow.days at Porth.
Local interest is
ed in the question
the town of the p
the Wingham Ela
and bringing the o
ing system Undt•r t
Vitt.r of the Compri
n a
poration its plant e
recognized es a goo
the town is conte
give a s lmmary of
Company's plant as
w becoming absorb -
f the purchase by
tit, power, etc., of
rig Light Company.
eratioe of the light•
nnicipal control. The
n tohardly fail to be
bargain, so far as
ed. Herewith we
le original cost of
t stands:
boilers $2000,7.1
Engines 3107.52
Water wheels ...... ........ 3369.12
Condenser 280 85
Electric Damper .. .....
Oil Filter•,,,
Buildings, eto , . ,
Excavating, etc..•.
We are informed 111
not include some . et
now on baud, and wl
the property of the to
be approved of by t
will be seen that, at tl
00 the town will get ti
over 50 per cent. of
The additional 82000
ed to expend in rep
monts will put the p
time. The payment
be spread over a peri
and debentures are t
amount required to
430 23
2080 40
t these figures do
pplies which are
ich will become
n should the deal
e ratepayers. It
o price of $28,000.-
e plaut at a trifle
is original cost,
-loch it is propos
rs and improve•
nt in first-class
haFe to meet the resit irements for some
f the $30.000 is to
1 of thirty years,
be issued. The
raised annually
to provide for the pat' neut of principal
0. The earnings
ar 1902 are given
estimate of the
system per year,
al, is about $4000,
ould be a substan•
in the town's ex -
provision for the
•ailed on debenture
present arrange -
pays out about
ht -the aro lights
d those in the
lant were under
the street lighting
tended to the • resi-
wn, an improve -
en felt for some
and interest is $1734
of the plant for the y
as over $9000, and a
cost of operating the
under municipal e,i0
showing that there sl
tial surplus of reven
chequer after makin
annual amount to be
debt- Under the
ineut the town
e450 a year for 1i
on the street at
town hall; and if the
municipal ownership
would no doubt be e.
deutial parts of the t
ment which it has b
time is much neede
During the past fe
of Ontario towns has
pal ownership of ale
terns, and so far as c
is not one of these ix
has not worked sate
IS no reason to belie
cited control would
Wingham. The rat
to give this 'ratter
erasion, between no
Nov. 10th, and we f
will come to the con
be to their interest t
tory action taken by
matter, and cast
years a number
adopted munici•
trio lighting sys-
u be learned, there
which the scheme
actorily; and there
e that proper muni-
ot be successful iu
payers will do well
ieir serious eonsid-
r and polliug day,
el sure that they
lesion that it will
sanction the initis
the council in this
eir ballots accord -
Trinity Chu ch, Belgrave.
The re -opening s
Sunday Oct. 11th.
perfect; and th
large, -in fact in t
impossible to acco
The sermons wer
Scripture truth.
man -a great pre
people crowd to li
the morning was,
builders refused 1
Cassels, of Flint, th
with Mr. and Mrs. s
has returned home sh
visit with her parents w
was visiting with fo
or a few days this ti
alias are visiting A
T. Hamlyn at
e corner" -An
abject was, "Go
egation will not
all be mine, sai
hen I make up
Trinity Church
r three months
me it has been
lurch; and th
ment, of Brus
work well. It is
and it won much
The chancel and
side add so mnch
Monday evening,
egation gave a
rs Hall which w
ter which a Th
held in the chore
Thomas of Luc
of Brussels,
ingham, and tl
onds all took p
resses. Thus e
arch re-openiu
Sunday carne to a
of the social tea w
and Wardens, and
gregation are to b
success of their
worked most learn
May God's bless
It must be mentiot
der the leadership
and her brother di
and hymns were in
The Bishop was th
Mrs. John Seandret
turned home from gr
was visiting for sr
armed to Superior, W
r a two weeks'
ir of Glenannau ch
Mr. and Mrs. R.
rvices were hell en
The weather was
congregations very
o afternoon it was
modate all the people.
grand expositioas of
he Bishop is a great
her -no wonder the
ar him. The text in
'The stone which the
ecome the head of
in the afternoon the
's Jewels." The con-
oon forget that "They
the Lord in that day
y jewels."
Belgrave, was closed
his summer. In that
ade practically a now
contractors, Messrs
Is, have done their
w a beautiful church,
raise from the Bishop
he vestries on either
o its appearance. On
ke ladies of the con-
ocial tea in the Forest-
s liberally patron,zed
nksgiving service was
• The Rev. W. A.
Rev. I. M. Webb
ev. Wm. Lowe of
Rector, Rev. I. Ed -
t and gave happy ad -
ed a most enjoyable
▪ Tho offerings on
ut $80. The proceeds
re extra. The Rector
'ndeed the whole cou-
congratnlated on the
efforts. They have
piously together,
g still attend them.
,d that the choir en -
f Miss Laura McCrea
well. The chants
piring and beautiful.
guest of Mr. and
during his stay in
The public nowadays are quick ap•
preoiate a good thing. Two w ' '.s ago
we announced that The Fans ' Herald
and Weekly Star of Montreal were giving
as premiums this season two beautiful
pictures and a lar o coloured map of
the Dominion wit aa etilargecl neap of
province. 1;6 i
d the hitter that
caught the publie fancy. The want of
it was evidently felt in most homes, and
We are informed the doniand from this
section has been a sarpriso to the publish-
ers. The Family Herald and Weekly
Star with the two beautiful pietures and
neaps, all for one dollar, is sufficient to
create a deitiand any tithe, It is the
biggest dollar's worth before the public.
are guaranteed to give
isfaction in all forret
stomach t mach troubles, -or trloSi.'
The Druggist,
I have room for two students in
the Telegraph Office.
Get the Best ---It pays.
for securing a thorough business
education or a superioe shorthand
training. Our graduates are alwaYa
successful in gs nine positions. THIS
Write for catalcasue•
Enter this month if possible.
Sale of Stock and Implements
East Wawauosh, ill have a clearing
auction sale of fa in stock and imple-
ments on Wedne ay, October 21st. See
bills for list of a ioles. No reserve, as
Mr. &dell has so d his farm and is mov-
indfrom this se tion of Ontario. John
Poirvis, auction er,
MONEY TO LOAN at 4aa per cent. on
easy terms of repayment. Apply to s
Dulmage, Kent Block, Wiaghtan.
For immediate le. -Men's trousers,
worsteds, tweed, cl. etoffe; overalls,
smocke, dozens of 11 wool scotch knitt-
ed. and fleece lined underwear; gloves, t
mitts, hats, caps, ti s, collars, and braces, /
Come and get acqt inted a ith us.
A. R. Smir Chisholm Block,
This ran weather sends every-
body hurrying after Overshoes.
We have the beet makes on the
R libbers for Women, 25e tO 50e
Rubbers for Men, - 50e to 90e
Rubbers for Child -
Rubbers for everybody, Too
Rubbers, Sandal Si, FoothOldS,
Storni Rubbers, Self -sitting Rub,
bers. This is the time of the year
for Rubbers, and this is the store
that sells only the best Rubbers.
Or We do repairing and do it
right. 13ring along your Shoes.
The Shoe Man,