HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-10-01, Page 51
21 pairs Boys' Moleskin Pants, sizes 24 to 83, regular price 500
and 60o, bargain day price ,
19 pairs Boys' Tweed Pants, sizes 24 to 83, reg. 75o & 00, bargain .50
24 pairs Men's Tweed Pants, sizes 32 to 42, regular.price $L75,
L85 and 2.00, bargain day price
15 only Men's Tweed Suits, sizes 36 to 44, regular price 46 and $7,
bargain day price
18 only new and up•teedate Men's Raglanette Overcoats,•5,00
new in stock, wort.. $8 and. 8.50, bargain day price just
4,9e UNDERWEAR TABLE_ -Por Bargain Day: 84 pieces, Men's
Shirts and Drawers also a few Too Shirts, regular prices 60c,
61$c and 75c, bargain, day price
SHOEuSur p HOES I Boys' School Shoes, sizes 11, 12 and 13,
$L00, bargain day
Youths' School Stfoes. heavy soles, sizes 1, 2, 3; 4, 5, regular
price 1.25, bargain day price
Men's good stout Boston Calf Shoe'., sizes 6, 7, 8,9, 10. 11, reg
price 1.35, bargaiu day price
- 1.00
If you want any article a man wears, you will save time and
money by corning first ,to
The R.H.G
.Men's Outfitters,
Our Prices
Make us as
During the past week we have been placing into stock
.new designs in Bedroom Suits at $11, $r3.5o, $
and $25, which will delight you if requiring �anything inth at line.
Sideboards at $12 andx 6,
Boards will gladden the heart of any housewife.medium-priced
Ball Bros.' Couches are preferable to medicine for
removing pains and aches. See what we have at6. p
:$S.00 and upwurds ; for style and comfort cannot be bbeatn.
12 Children's Writing Desks with raised lid and
.comfortable chair to match ; clearing them out at $t.75. To
see these unique outfits means to buy.
Try us for Mattresses and Wire Springs.
Now would be a good time to have your Lounges and
Chairs re -upholstered. We carry a good line of coverings, and
being practical upholsterers, can do your work promptly.
ZI See our $ r.75 Fancy Arm Rocker, with leather seat.
1JNDEci Sth ou ���
1 Brick residence, 6th house ,rest People's Furniture Store
`w,/( from Ramiltou's Corner Drug "flute Store
Store, where night calls will
receive prompt attention.I ,-
z: ,+•• soon be here. You will be thinking of putting•
eyour flowers •in pots for the winter. We have i
I Flower Pots and Hanging Baskets
3 -inch FIower Pots at xc per dozen 4:;4 -inch 25c ,,
5 -inch 35c
What, Wideawalce Tunes, Oarreeponden.ts Colq►muntQ&,ta --• Gther
Ztoms Clipped From Our Exchanges.
An interesting zuarriage which created The new Me �hodisot chu church at Tifliu's
uch more than a ripple of excitement appointment will be opened ou Sunday
n the socias circle here, was solemnized next, when Rev, D. lingers, of Ford,
Wednesday evening, Sept. 23rd, when wioh, Chairman of the District will
212iris Annie Arletta Hazlewoad, Second preach at 10.30 a,ni,, anri 7 p.nr. Rev,
aughter °M. C, and Mrs, Hazlewood, G. M. Dunn, of Whitechurch will
was united in the bonds of wedlock with preach at 3 p Special music will be
haries Francis Edwards of this pace, furnished by singers from Lucknow,
he large drewiug nom was beautifally Special collections in aid of the build,
ecorated for the ocoasion and the core- ing fund will ba taken. On Monday
ony was performed by. the Rev, ,T, H, evening a hot supper will bo served in
azlewcod, of Hamilton, uncle or the the basement from 6 o'clock after which
ride, iu the presence of a namber an entertainment will be held. Address -
relatives and immediate friends, es will b:s delivered by Revds. Jas.
iss Date Hazelwood played the woad- Walker, Saletn; G. J. Herr, Teeswater;
g maroh. The bride, who was given D. Rogers, 1{'ordwich, and G. M, Dunn,
way by her Rather and was unassisted, Whitechurch. The music on Monday
re a lovely bridal gown of white silk, evening will be furnished by the Tees -
4 carried a beautiful boquet of Bowers. water Methodist church choir.
wedding dejeuner was served at the
elusion of the Ceremony after which��"'
young couple Ieft on the ten o'clock Hunting Seaeon.
in for London. The Grand Trunk Railway have issued
a handsome and illustrated pamphlet,
'---- ----- entitled "Haunts of Fish and Game,"
sick Stnmitolt Quickly giving information regarciiug season for
shooting Deer, Moose, Reindeer Caribou,
y be often quickly relievers and its etc. iu the "Highlands of Ontario," and
averted by tak- at other points along the line of the
thirty drops of erviliue in a little Grand Trunk. Copies of same will be
etened water, It ins.autly relieves ft rnishedon application at Grand Truuk
nausea, aed by its soothing and slim= Ticket offices or to J.
ting properties calms the stomach District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
enables it to go on and complete the
ells of digestion. The actipn of Ner.
e is simply charming, pleasant, Mottitt4,
and powerful. Druggists Miss Ruby Clegg, of Sunshine, spent
it. a couple of weeks at Maitland Cliff.
Mrs, Jas. McGee has gone to Chicago
EAST �vAvvArrpsl;, to visit her°daughter, Mrs. M. Smith.
eecouneii met in the council room, Mrs. Frank McCracken and Mrs. M.
21st, pursuant to adj0urnineut, innelliugton are paying a visit to friends
bers all present. Minutes of last Detroit.
ng read and passed. Mrs. Maguire and daughter, who have
mmunioatiou from John H. Mo- been visiting at C. Maguire's, returned
on re his appointment to the office home to Toronto last week,
lector of taxes made at last meet- Voters' Inst court for Morris township
calved, notifying the council that vvill be held on Monday, Oct. 12th, at 11
rsidered the $60 offered was too o'clock a. m. at Blyth.
or this responsible work; $70 he Mr. Lon Gordon, who has been Iying
ered was small enough, when the seriously ill at Charles CampbelI's is, we
ncrease of wages all over was tak- are pleased to any, able to be around
r discussing: this matter over, it
esolved, that in event of Mr, Me-
n refusing to collect this year for
at the council will take steps and
t auother in his place, and that
rk notify him at once to that
Reeve and Treasurer were author -
negotiate and borrow from the
on Bank, Wingham, a further
t to exceed $200, for the purpose
ving current expenditure.
reasurer reporter. cash on hand
tures were issued for payment
Hewing accounts ;--Robt. Shielf,
arils gravel, road div. 57, $5.60;
d b7 eNei1, 60 yards gravel, div.
John Deer, 85 yds gravel and
iu 1902-03, div. 2, $7.05; Jas.
50 yds gravel, div. 20, $3.50;
D,we11, 48 yards gravel, div,27,
o. Daley, I55yds gravel, div.47,
ex. Morton, 52 yds gravel, div.
David Cook, 35 yds gravel,dir,
Geo. W. Proctor, Morris, 4 yds
v. 37, 23o; Hugh McBurney, 22
. and damages, div. 72, and
ob, etc., $4.54; John L,Geddes,
sharpening grader bit in June,
hu Tervitt, repairing culvert
and 40, con. 11, $5; John
Sar for culvert,sideliue 30 and
34; Robt. Scott, jr., building,
cline 36 and 37, con 9, $4, re.
verts lots 37 and 40, con, 11,
g out ditch, lot 42, cons.8 and
[mean J. McCallum, putting
yds grayer at 75c per yd on
, cons. 8 and 9, $45.87; ,Tas,
rods gravelling,filling culvert,
, c0us, 10 and 11,$42,44,clean•
h atlot 40, ton. 6, $14.56;
ole, gravelling ou eastern
t Belgrave, $12.60; Henry
()ening ont ditch and filling
, sideline 36 and 37, con. 6,
of col
ing re
he con
little f
en into
was, r
$60, th
the Ole
ized to
sun; no
of defra
The T
at date
of the fo
sr., 80 y
52, $4.20
John Mc
$3.36; Ge
$1.05; Al
35, $3,64;
31, $2.45;
gravel, di
yds gravel
contract j
1903, $1; Jo
sideline 31)
Condit, ce
40, con 11,
pairing tui
and cleauin
9, $9.20; D
down 62e
hill, lots 42
Young, 37
etc., lots 36
ing out dito
Wm. J. C
boundary a
Edwards, el
in wash out
Several of
tauce relatin
brought nip
council adjo
Thursday, 5t
6 -inch
50c 'f
7 -inch '4 75c
20C each.
A pleasiug event occurred at Auburn,
six miles from Blyth on Wednesday
night, Sept. 23rd being the presentation
of a gold•headed cane by the people of
the village to Mr, Samuel Caldwell, mer-
chant, who has resided there for thirty-
eight years, and who is now about to
retire and take up his residence in Lon-
don. It was a most interesting occasion,
and a great many friends assembled to
do honor to the old gentleman,
The hone of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Mitchell was the scene of a pretty wed-
ding on Wednesday afternoon of Mat
week, when their daughter, Miss Sarah
Mitchell was married to Mr. David
Breen, also 01 this township, The cere-
mony was conducted by dtev. W. J.
Wort, M. A., of Blue vale in thepreaem°
of a number of invited guests. Tho
bride was attired in white silk organdie.
The bride was the reeeipient of matey
handson.e and useful presents. May
they have many years of a happy wedded
life will be the Wish of their . many
Mayor l
y t Mall of Brandon thresh-
ed 3I bushels per store from 95 gores of.
wheat the other day, and his farm Was
in the stoat district.
Anniversary services will be held in
Knox church on Sunday, October 4th.
Rev. R. Wm. Ross, M. A., of Guelph
Will pret;ch morning and evening. Sait-
able music will be furnished by the
01inroh choir. Special co/lee tion to-
ward the general fund. The financial'
condition of this oongregregation is
so satisfactory that nothing in the
way of a tea meeting or entertain -
motet is noeded for the Monday even-
ing, Rev. Mr. Ross Was at one time a
resident of this neighborhood.
Mrs. Burt, wife of J. 0. Burt, was
killed in a runaway accident Saturday
afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hurt and
family had spent the day in the country
and when returning within half a mile
of their home the horses became unman-
ageable and in 3utnping from the dart'.
age Mrs. Btirt received injuries from
which she died bonen hour later. The
two,sons and daughters escaped without
injury, but Mr. Burt was thrown out of
the rig against a telegraph pole but was
not seriously injured. .MrS. Burt was tt
daughter of the late W. G. Hay and
sister of Wellington Hay, Mayor of Lis-
her matters of minor impor•
g to township affairs was
and diseeSsed, when the
urned to meet again on
h Nov. next,
P. PouTalirIEI,D, Clerk.
Itching Skin
Distress by day and night --
That's the complaint of those who
are so unfortunate es to be afflicted
with Eczema or Salt Rheum --and out-
ward applications do not cure.
They can't,
The source of the trouble is in th¢
blood -make that pure and this scal-
ing, burning, itching skin disease will
was taken With an Itching on nit
amus which ptoved ibry disagreeable, X
concluded it was Salt rheum And bought *
bottle or Rood's Sarane/0111s. xn two dart
eftewhat me began
before Itared, It zfelt was better and it
never had any arta disease MSS.
IDR E. W11eb, COve Point, lid,
Hand's 4.rarsaparilla
rids the blood of all impturitietr a>Y
Caroti 411 eruptions.
The annual fall fair of t
wanosh Al;rioultural Boole
in Belgrave ou Wednesday
The weather was badand t
not es largo as usua. We
to W. H. Kerr, ,of the Bras
the 2ollowiiig Iist of prize
I orse4-„Heavy D4augh
with 'foal at side, Jus. Speir
klnson, Juo. Webster; hors
Webster, R, 11Tiohol;mare fo
A. Robertson; two year o
Sea/Ida-At; two year old,
Robertsou, Jno, Webster; y
A. Robertson; Year old geld
hol; team horses in harness,
J10. Taylor, A, Robertson.
GeueraI purpose,-Brocd
foal at side, Geo. Robertson,
Hetes; mare foal. W. Helps;
Geo. Robertsou, R. Scott; t
111IY, A. Robertson, 3.. I3. T
year• pfd Gelding, It. Scott; ye
A. Robertson; year old ge
Helps, T. H. Taylor; team ho
Hess, Jno, E. Fells, Jno, Mc
Road and Carriage -...J 00cl
al at side, '.rhos. Blaok'i & 2;
Black; horse foal, IL
Black; two year olct filly,
o year old gelding, Jas. She
cKinnou; year old $Ily, A.
tick; single driver 15}, fin
d over. Geo, Walker, Juo
gle driver under lar ham
alker, Geo. Robertson; to
rs, R. McMurray; two year
y class, Jas. Sheddou.
edge- w. J. Dickson, Walt
att]e-Thore' bred -Cow, R
2, T. H. Taylor; two year o
Corley 1 & 2; year old heifer
n, J. Vancamp; heifer calf,
R. Harrison; bull calf, R.
Cook; bull 2 years or over, A.
under 2 years, Wafter Scott
, Wm. Scott,
rade-Cow, R. Harrison, 0,
on,R. Harrison; two year of
Shielis r & 2; year old heft
orison; R. Harrison; heifer c
s, W. Scott; two year old ste
Is 1 & 2; year old steer,
, R. Harrison; steer calf, R
W, Scott.
dge-D. Clow, Whiteehurr.'h
ep-Leicesters and Grades
T. IL Taylor; shearing rani, J
rnbulI; ram Iamb, O. Turn
pair aged ewes having raised
, J. Barr, O. Turnbull ; pair
es, J, Barr, 0. Turnbull; p
, J. Barr, 0, Turnbull.
tions and Grades -Aged ram,
in, pair aged elves having
iu 1903, pair shearliug ewes
we lambs, R. Harrison.
ge-Juo. Coultes, Belgrave.
-Large Breed --Aged boa
, W. H. McCutcheou; brood
littered in 1903, Jas. Alton,
t; boar littered in 1903, age
, Jas. Alton, Jiro. Haggitt;
iu 1903, age considered, Ja
. H. McOutcheon,
1 Breed -Aged boar, brood
littered in 1903, boar littere
o considered, and sow litter
e considered, P. Gibbous 1
Ogs, Jas. Alton,
-300. Armstrong, Bolgrave
try ---Pair geese, T. H, Taylor
pair turkeys, H. Edwards, T
on; pair ducks, J. Haggitt;
h rocks, T. M. Henderson,
s; pair leghorus, T. H. Tay
euderson; pair spanish, T
on; pair bralrunas, T. M. Hen
guinea fowl J. McKinnon,
-A. Ferguson and Chas.
lie East Wit -
by was held
of last week.
he attendance
are indebted
&els Post for
t --Brood Mare
W E. w -
e foal, Juo.
al, Jas. Spelt'.
14 filly, T.
gelding, Geo.
ear old filly,
ing, R, NiO.
Jas. roster,
mare with
R, Scott, W.
hoist) feel,
wo year old
aylor; two
ar old filly,
Ming, W.
rses iu liar -
/Kilauea, P.
mare with
marc foal,
W. Scott;
Speir, T,
ads high
Taylor ;
ds, Geo.
am road -
old colt
- Corley
Id heifer,
, R. Illar-
R. Cor -
T. Cole;
B. Wil-
d heifer,
er, C.B.
alf, W.
er, Juo.
. Barr,
bull, J,
air ewe
, and
r, R.
con -
s. Al -
d in
ed in
& 2;
wgam. °am,
The 50 acre farm of John B�idd, S e Barr;e
lot 18, con 3, has been purchased by J. in 1903
H. and Wm. Sellars, of the same line, at ing ew
$2,300, lambs
Mrs. Wm. McKay of Cleveland, Ohio, Do
after a two mouths visit with her mother, ing ra
Mrs. Hugh Fraser, of Elyth and brother lambs
Daniel, of Belgrave, started for her pair e
home on Wednesday accompanied by Jud
her two nieces, the Misses Fraser. After Pigs
visiting their relatives and friends they Nichol
intend to make Cleveland their home for having
"a while. Miss 73essie intends going to Haggit
school and Cassie has secured a good sit- sidered
nation. They will be missed iu this vi- littered
chitty by their many friends, ton, W
.Ou Thursday, Sept, 17th, Corlean, the Sinai
third daughter of Peter and Mrs. Mc- having
Arthnr, 9th line, was called away from 1903, ag
her earthly home to the Father's Home 1003, ag
of many mansions. She had beeu oper- baoou h
ated on for appendicits a few days prior Judge
and a condition of affairs found which 'Poul
resulted in her demise. Corlean was Haggitt
just passed her 15th birthday and was a Hendere
bright lovable young girl who was high- plynlout
ly esteemed. Mr, and Mrs. McArthur Edward
are deeply sympathized with as this is T. 11I. II
the third daughter they have followed Headers
to the grave. Maggie died in April, sou; pair
1892, and Mary, in February of this
year. Judge
Orae, B
If Ca,tarrh Is Your Troll ble, You Taylor,
will find instant relief and absolute cure
in Catarrhozone, which kills the genus R. G' Mc
that cause the disease, cures the cough, 6 rowed b
prevents droppings in the throat ,relieves McAlurra
cong,estiou and quickly heals the inflict/a- I -louden°
ed membranes. Catarthozone mires per -
feeder the most ohrouic cases of Catarrh, Seed, R. G
lung and throat troubles, and is delight- thY
indorsed by doctors and druegists, and l'ruitS a
fat, simple, and safe to use. Catarrh- Judge -
ozone is a soientifie treatment highly
sells everywhere for oue dollar,suiall size apples'
25cts. By mail from N. 0. Pelson & Co., Baldwiue,
Kingston, Ont.
Geo. Foal
-2 bus. white fall wheat, Jno.
W. Scott; 2 bus. red fall wheat,
Gowan, R. McMurray; 2 bus
a, R. McMurray; half bus flax
Jas. Altoe, Jas. Speir.
W. Ft Stewart, Brussels.
lid Flowers -Golden Russet
A. Proctor, 3, Cole; Ontarios,
ergill, Miss McClelland; R, I.
Geo. Fothergill, C, I3.
rtheru spies, J. Speir, A. Proc-
avis, A. Proctor, Juo. Cole;
ds, .R. beletcGowan, J. Speir;
mpltine, Jas, Speir, A. Prop-
arieties of Whiter apples, Jno.
A. Proctor ; Fall pears, T,
so. rother4ill ; Winter pears
4Valter Scott; grapes, Jae. E
Ienderbon; crab apples, T. II
NEWS NOTES kinsou; No
-The Trees for 15 cents to the end of tor; Ben D
Canada Re
Mr. Andrew Carnegie has offered Riug of To
$5,000 to St. Mary's for pnblic library tor; three v
purposes on the tteual conditione. Cole, A, Pr
MONEY TO LOAN' at 4e.e. per 0Olit. 01J eras* 813(3it'
easy terms of repayment. Apply to Scandrett, tit
baltnage, Itent Block, Wingham. Jas, Speir,
Call and leave your order fox, billheads, a,'
statements, envelopes, etc„ at the Tams Taylor, Jas,
son; peaches
collection of
Proctor ; tab
Morton; lulu
Geo. Sowlar;
office. A tasty job and reasonable
NOTTOt. -The qtestioa is: How can
Robt. McIndoo loan his 1210tley' so cheap
On notes and mortgages? Call and See,
Barrie ratepayers carried a by-law to
loan $20,000 to the carriage company and
grant them a free site, free water and
light for twenty years. A by,law to in-
stall an electric lire alarm in the town
Was also passed,
Pall Pairs.
Teeswater 7„,43
thingarined 8--9
mars 1The Leading Store
We're ready for Fall Business with a largo' stock ,r3
better values than ever before of Ladies' Fall jackets
Our Skirts will be found perfect fitting, sple
made, and extra wide and full, a point worth reale
ing when buying ready-to-wear garments Colors are'
black, navy,grey,some are tnade plain,others nicely trimm-
ed with strapping. buttons, etc. Prices are $2.00, 2.50
See our special skirt at $4.00
La'illes' Jackets
We want you to see our new Fall Jackets -our styles
are exclusive,servicelble,stylish,and not expensive. There is
no more favorable time to buy your coat than now while
the stock is complete in all sizes. Prices as follows: $3.50
leader at $6.00 in grey or black, nicely made and trimmed.
A" psi
You will find our stock of furs larp-,er Haan heretofore4-
and embraces all the latest styles and best makes in La.dies'
Coats,Caperines,Gauntiets, Muffs. Ruffs, Collarettes, Boa%
fur -lined Capes. etc.
Ruffs in different lengths from $ t.5o to $2o oo.
Inspection invited. No trouble to show you the
Opposite Bank of Hamilton Highest price paid far Produce
tor; swede turnips, A. Proctor, R. Harri-
son; field carrots, Jno. Taylor, 0. Mc-
Clelland; Early Horn carrots, II. Ed-
wards, G. Sowlar; parsuips,T.Settnea•ett,
T. ivi. Henderson ; onions from seed, A.
Morton, Geo. Sowlar; ouions, any other
kind, John. Taylor, A. Marton; field
corn, G. Sowlar, T. a Taylor; water
Jas, Alton, A. Morton; musk
melon, T. M. Henderson; pninpkin, jas.
Speir, T. M. Henderson; squash, H. Ed-
wards, T. AL Henderson; citroa, Jas.
Alton ; tomatoes, A. Morton, T. M. Hate -
W. 13. Willtiuson; crock of butter, T.
Scandrett, W. B. Wilkinson; basket of
blitter, 5 lbs, Walter Scott ; basket of bat -
home made bread, juo. AlcKinuon, R.
Scott; maple sugar, R. Se ott.
judge -T. A. Mills, Wiugham.
Fine Arts. -011 paiating, Miss Mc-
Clelland; coliection oil paintings, Miss
Ladies' Departnaent.-Crachet work,
bead work, fancy knitting and braiding
Miss McClelland; woollen stockings, no
1st. Miss McClelland; socks, A. Marton* .!)
Miss McClelland; log cabin. quilt, H.
Scott, Miss McClelland.; knitted quilt, 4).
Sowlar; patched quilt, Miss AfcCIOlind,
R. Proctor: rag mat, Geo. Fotherg011,
Scanclrett; Berlin wool work, flat, Miss
McClelland ; sofa pillow, Miss McClel-
land, R. Proctor; silk quilt, Miss Mc-
Clelland; embroidery on silk, no 1st,
Miss McClelland; einbroidery on linen.
Miss McClelland; laee work, no ist, Miss
McOlellaul; twine lace, no 1st, Miss Moe. ,
Clellaud; collection of ladies' werk
Miss MeOlelland.
Jadges-Mrs. W. Geddes and Miss Ikt.
mire, Yet Half Dead, •
Feeling miserable. This IS the condi.
tiou of thousands of growing' girls Ant
women. Cali't eat enough to oe truly
alive. Digest so little of what they do
eat, as to scarcely know what life really
means. Miserable? Of course. Eat
more, digest more, then feel streaming
throngh life's renewed current, the buoy -
youth. Simple- done if you'll '
zone, the wonderful blood mak.
druggist knows all fthont it. Call ar
ask him about it.
The TiAtES and Weekly Globe sent to ,
25 cents.
any address until January ist, 1004 for;
Timbers of oak keep the old , ,,eem
homestead standing through ;ge
ent soou will do the wise sot if they
,,the years. . It pays ta,use the 'It'"
right stUff.
. • rugged health, men whose
Alton; plains, T. let. Ilender•
, Geo. Sowlar, Walter Scott;
fruit, G„ McGowan, A.
le botuntet, Jae, Shiells, A,
bouquet, T. Scannnitt,
flower in pot, P. Scott, it.
judge -F. Metcalf, Blyth.
IVIanufattnrers-Flannei, Jas. Alton;
ninon flannel, no ist, T, M. Henderson;
blankets, Jas. Alton, T. M. Henderson;
home made witte, P. Gibbons, It. G. Mo -
judge -T. A, Mills, Wingliam,
Roots and Vegetables -Potatoes, In°.
MoKinnon, 0. MeOlelland; white cab-
bage, 3. G, AraiStrong; ed
pickling cabbage, I. Haggitt, T. M. Hen-
derson; eauliflower, T. M. Henderson;
rod beets, 3, Haggit, T. M. Henderson;
tataip beets, Z. Haggitt, G. Armstrong;
Ibodies are made of the sound- A t
est materials. dome
1 Childhood is the time to lay hushe
the foundation for a sturcl con. mi‘
stitution that will last for years.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
Scott's Emulsion stimulates
the growing powers of children,
helps them build a firm
foundation for a sturdy consti.
-s end for frob suitotitte,
sdo. and $;.06; all druggists.
it now, as cement will likely ad -
e in price before long. We are else
ts for Hanover cement.
on of coke of suitable quality for
sac purposes: rune about 48 to 59
Is to the ton, as against 30 to 29
Is of hard oal.
ler the present regelations of the
war department the chief of staff is
powerful, exercising ail the anthoritr
hitherto belongiug to the cominanding
general and the adjutant general.
Twelve golden. weddings bave been
ceIebeated at rlobeeq, Of 4,000
inhebitante in Belgium, on the Sable
ted and patented by a Woman. It is Ite .
sort of divided skirt and is neat tend
Den't go to bed Without brushing yew,
teeth, for it is et night when the t
repose that the nett' Of the
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